Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1932)
THE GOLD HILL NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 19. » 0 .V ——— ■ g rr.!,1 ■ ■ Colorful Celebration to Mark Dedication of the Rogue River Bridge County School Joint Graduation la May 27 Political Announcements VOTE FOB E. C. GADDIS G old Beach, Or« non. May 12. One o f llie most c o lo rfu l celebrations ev e r held in the N0rthwe.1t w ill lake | FOR COUNTY SH ER IFF G raduation exercises of the coun ty grade schools fo r Hie y ia r w ill I h * held In Hie Junior high school at Ashland, Friday May 27. Close Io 35(1 students. Hie largest num ber in Ihe h isto ry o f Hie county, w ill re- crive diplom as. S uperintcndciil of Schools Susnnne Homes C urler iil- trlbuteg the increase to Hie n u tiiru l g ro w th o f population and tin feel that 11 lai-k o f w o rk resulted in many youths going Io school. Professor W a lle r Bedford, re ce n tly named pesldenl of Ih«' South ern Oregon N orm al id Ashland, w ill I h * tin* speaker o f Hie day. More eoniplcle details o f Hie exercises mul program w ill be published when arrunged. Most o f Hie schools o f Hie county w ill close Hie « ... ig week. T w o schools, S te rlin g anil Ml. I' it clos 'd Iasi F riday. Tin* fo llo w in g w ill end (h e ir terms next F rid a y : Hueh Phoenix C enlral P oint, Eagle Point, Lone Pine, Aptelopt*. Wi si Side, Agate, latke Creek, Sums V alley, la le n l, Derby*. Hogue R iver, U nion, Applt gale, Pankey. H ow ard, Forest ( ’ reck. Table Hock Wmzo r Creek, ('ra te r Lake, Evans V aliev, L u iire lh u rs l. I. illlo A| 'plegati*. T o lo ami W illo w Springs. Schools scheduled fo « Ins* May 27 ! hereby announce my candidacy Resident of Jackson County fo r S h e rrlf on Hie Republican lie ke l fo r 30 years. al Hie May 211 primaries. Form er Mayor o f Medford I fu lly realize Hie c o n d itio n ! of place in tio ld lleach, Saturday, May Ca|>ahle mid experienced in public o u r county and co u n try. Never was 38, w hen the great re in fo rce d con iiffu irs . there such d riu a n d fu r competent, crete bridge spanning the Hogue I.ogieul Man fo r Hepubltean e ffic ie n t, con stru ctive men to f ill w ill be fo rm a lly dedicated and the Nomination o u r p u b lic trust. scenic Oregon Goast highw ay w ill COUNTY JUDGE I f nom inated and eleeled, I w ill be opened Io tr a ffic throughout its W ill w o rk fo r yo u r best Intereala ■410 m iles fro m A ;dona to the Ore at a ll limes. F o r ’'s iric i economy ill conduct Hie duties o f Hie o lfie e as Hu* holiest voters and taxpayers g o n -C a lifo rn ia state line. taxa tio n und county business." There w ill be many bauds o f m u Number 52 on O ffic ia l B u lin i May 20 have u perfect rig h t to expect anil w ill f«el p roud of. sic, u n iform ed m a rch in g orgnnhut tions and numerous special features. C. J. HAAS. FOR COUNTY CLERK The caravan com ing fro m Astoria III asking the support o f the peo and proceeding south 011 the O re FOR COUNTY JUDGE ple o f llo s com m unity in my ca n d i gon Coast H ighw ay, w ill he accom dacy fo r n o m iiiu lio u Io Hie office I he« eby announce my candidacy panied by the famous Seaside H igh o f C ounty (J e rk on Hie republican fu r County Judge mi Hie Hepuhliean School g irls hand. W ith the Marsh ticke t, 1 pledge, if eleeled, lim i I Bek« 1. I stand lo r retrenchm ent und fie ld delegation w ill be the nation- w ill conduct Hu* a ffa irs o f the o f s tric t iillc n t iiiii In business and ill guurd coast a rtille ry hand. Co fice on 11 basis of economy, und q u ille is sending- a hand o f 35 piee w ill show «lue courtesy Io a ll w ith pledge m yself Io serve Hie best in lerest o f ¡ill Hie people. es and Ikm d o ii Concert hand o f 31) whom I may eoinr in contact in the C. it. I.A M K IN . pieces amt a big chorus w ill ac a d m in is tru llo n o f ils duties. com pany the Bandon delegation. G. It. CARTER. F rom the Heilwood E m pire dis Hepuhliean Candidate fo r Co. C lerk FOR COUNTY JUDGE trie ! ill C a lifo rn ia , the Crescent City I hereby announce m y candidacy delegation w ill b rin g a band and I CR COUNTY SCHOOL fo r C ounty Jmlge 011 Ihe Dem ocratic Grants Pass, the n o rth e rn term inus Ih kel al Hu* P rim a ry E lection May S U PE R IN TE N D E N T o f the Heilwood E m pire w i ll I»«- rep 20, 1032. I f nominal« d and eleeled resented by its famous organization A Progressive, Econom ical, E«fl- I w ill work fo r Jaekson county to o f Cave Men. eieni mid Business A d m in is tra tio n iln* best o f m y a b ility . Indications point to a tremendous fo r the schools o f Jackson county. JOHN II. IT I.I.E H . th ro n g at the celebration. C om m un I have been connected w ith the itie s along the Oregon Coast H ig h M edford public schools continuously w ay are o rganizing fo r p a rtieipa FOR COUNTY SH ER IFF lo r Hie past lw« n ly years and mu tio n . A storia, where the caravan I lake Ibis method o f asking for fa m ilia r w ith every phase of p u b lic fro m Hie n o rth w ill fo rm w ill I h * Hie support o f Hie good people ol school w o rk. I feel Ibid this k n o w l represent« d by one o f thv largest Ibis co m m u n ity in my eamliduey edge o f school n lfu lrs coupled w ith delegations ever sent out by that fo r the o ffice o f C ounty S h e riff. y experience w ould he very h elpful c ity fo r a like event. As th is cara My record us a citizen and a man in d eterm ining Hie county school van procetds south over the Ore o f h o nor and in te g rity is w e ll oollciea. gon Coast H ighw ay, it w ill be aug know n and I pledge that I w ill, If Y our support is solicited. mented by a d d itio n a l delegations elected to th is o ffice give to the A. J. IIA N B Y , fro n t com m unities along the h ig h people o f th is county the very best, Republican Candidate for County w a y and fro m the in te rio r o f the honest anil e ffic ie n t sr rvlee pos Sibi ol Superintendent. Leading Republican state. sible in that office. The Redwood E m pire association P H ILIP II. I.OWD, Candidate FOR D ISTR IC T w ith headquarters in San F ra n cis Candidate o r S h e riff on Hepubll ATTORNEY cun T icke t. co, is organizing fo r p a rtic ip a tio n . "Janies W. M oll is on«* o f Ore- Reports i*e.*eive«l from m any com 1 hereby announce my candidacy 1 guns h rill'u iH legislators, lie lias 4 4 4 4 4 * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ tn u n ilie s in the Redwood E m pire fo r D is tric t A tto rn e y on Hie Kcpuh I an unusuul record o f accomplish d is tr ir t indicate that a vast throng lican ticket. I f elected I pledge Hint Gold H ill Lodge No. 120 ment. He lias been Hie a u th o r of fro m the south w il l be lu re. Eureka I w ill devote mys« If Io mi energetic I. O. O. F. some '.,i Oregon's most p opular leg- is sending a large num ber ami conduci o f Hie o lfie e w ith equal Isla iio n . lb* is a speaker o f unus Crescent C ity w ill tu rn out strong. service to all. M tela every Tuesday evening ual g ifts. He tins in v a ria b ly been As fa r souih as San Francisco, d e l W.M. M. BRIGGS. V itlln rs A iw a yr Welcome found fa vo rin g sound legislaliou and egations art* being organized Io opiMising Ihe unsound, und has been come Io Gold I t ia r li fo r I he celebra FOR COUNTY S H ER IFF * 4 4 4 * 4 an outstanding member o f Hie House tio n . since 1923. The Oregon Coast H ig h w a y and “ I hereby announce my ca n d i AMETHYST REBEKAH LODGE 97. the Heilwood H ighw ay w ill he in dacy fu r Hie D em ocratic n o n iin u tio n Me« Is every Wednesday N ight at Ihe — Oregon Daily Journal (P o rtla n d ) th e ir sp rin g g arli fo r the celebra fo r S h e riff o f Juekson C ounty P rl I. O. O. F. H a ll, Gobi H ill, Oregon tio n . Miles upon miles o f rh o d o Diaries, May 20, 1032. I f nom inated Kale Ross, Noble Grand. dendrons, azaleas and o ilie r flo w «if o ffic e make mi extra e ffo rt to Dont waste yo u r vo le ; a vote fo r Pauline T hom pson, Vi«*«* Grand. e rin g shrubs and plaids w i ll he put give Hie people o f Jackson C ounty any other candidate ia a vote fo r E velyn Thom pson, Secretary tin g on a sp rn ig show. T h is great the service llie y are e n title d Io. H awley. Lucy .Mee, Treasurer. flo ra l display w ill make Hie tr ip and do my best Io enforce all GOLD R i l l . CHAPTER W. R. C. e ith e r fro m the n o rth o r Hie south laws. W IN W IT H MOTT Meets T w ice a m onth on the 2nd a real treat Io the m otorist. R ALPH G. JENNINGS. Gold B iuch is organ zing to en mul (III Wednesdays nt th e ir C lub Paid Adv. Molt fo r Congress ('.out. te rta in ils visito rs. Although small rooms in Ihe C ity H a ll. FOR COUNTY SCHOOL Wni. P. Ellis.Chuirmnn E’lilh Bryan. President. in population. Gold Bench in h n b l-, SU PE R IN TE N D E N T W inona Steelman, Secretary. tants are noted fo r th ' ir hospital- ' Madge D nruinn, Treasur«*r. ily , and they 'are going to do th e ir ' I lake this means o f asking the utm ost on th is occasion t<* singe . support o f the people o f th is com- a real o ld-tim e celebration w ith I ' n iu n ity in my candidacy fo r Hie m any e a rly day features. o ffice o f C ounty Superintendent o f Schools. My record « f e ffic ie n t mid In 11121 a total o f 1.100 people v is t im p n rlia l service in c a rry in g on lb ited !li! Oregon Caves in Hie S is k i duties o f my o ffice is Hie p la tfo rm you national forest in Oregon, mid *in w h ic h I seek re-elect'on. I pledge in 1931 the num ber was 28,912, the , if re-elected that 1 w ill w o rk on a forest service reports. | basis o f economy, to gain equal o p p o rtu n ity fo r all ch ild re n o f the county. SUSANNK HOMES CARTER. Republican Candidate fo r S uperin tendent o f Schools. For Congress are Prospect, Meudows, Long Moun ta in , Missouri Plata, Jaeksoiivllle. Gold H ill and Ashland. N o rth T ru ll sebmd w ill close June I and Hie Medford schools on June HI. Many o f Hie ru ra l school* w ill hold picnics ami programs. 4 -------- SM ITH 'S Featuring courtesy and c o m fo rt... A q u ie t loca tio n y e t close t o p rin c ip a l th e a kitchen range? dealer today. c e n tr e s ......... Fritjidaire and modern appointments throughout. your electrical IS THE CHEAPEST THING YOU BUY A N G U S M AC LEA N M anager > VANCOUVER «= CANADA VAR IE TY Products 4 ♦ ! 11 STORE G. Street D EVELO PIN G AND PR IN TIN G We have served Ihe public's phot ogrnphlc needs fo r 25 y ears. Mail I'» Y our F ilm s Grant« Pa«« AND PHOTO HOUSE Grants Pa«», Oregon M U S IC D KP R N DARLE M ER CH AN DISE nl llie lowest prices consistent w ith q u a lity. H EATH'S MEN'S WEAR Grants Pans - . - - - Oregon RI Y— S ELL— EX( ' l l A NG E We do good business fo r m any; O. S. BLAN C HARD LAW YEH Practice in A ll Courts S e c u re o u r a s s is ta n c e t e r y o u ra e lf* T H E H AM ILTO N -SPR IN G ER CO. Bonded and Licensed Heul Es tate Brokers ’ 517 " I t ” SI. — Grunts Pnss, Ore. Grunts Past, I T u ffs Bldg Telephone 430. ▼ We Appreciate Y o u r Business We bave llie largest and in o tl comulete stock o f LSED PARTS n o rth o f San Francisco and SI.OV E lt'S N A T IO N A L DRUG STORE J. A. Slover. Prop. Grants Pnss, Oregon 4« .......... If ............ DR. B L A IN E B. P R U IT T Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon soiilh of Porlland. * 4 4 C IT Y AUTO W RECK ING CO. N o rth of T ow n llw y . Phone 151 -♦ B. 8. D ER R IC K P lum bing and Sheet Metal O ffice Hui. 4 L u n d b u rg Bldg. Phones: Of»., 35«, Res.. KI4-Y Grant» Paa«, Oregon 4 . . .... . < 4 sf .... . . . . . 4 4 LU KE 'S SECOND H AND STORE Phone 217- -Re«. Phone 238R 5t« F. 81. G rania Pa»», Ore. I FOR MOTHER'S DAY Give her a P erm anent! Pay Cash and Save the D ifference $3.75 — Guaranteed Phone 202H Over Jim 's Toggery MBS. ALDERM AN * .ia n ts Pa«», Oregon— Ph. 228J J « Tell Them: ‘I SAW IT IN T H E GOLD H IL L N EW S” - - + ♦--------------------------------- BYRD SHOE SERVICE General Maintenance DeSnlii and P lym outh Sales In te ru n lin n u l T rucks Men’s Soles $1— Ladies' Soles 75e O llie r Low Prices w ith Q u a lity W ork Next to Redwoods H otel PHOTO F IN IS H IN G New Low Price» D eveloping Die per ro ll. P rin ts, I'.ill size and sm aller 4e P rin ts, I Hi size and sm aller 5c Mail orders finished same day. A RTU RAFT PHOTO SERVICE Box ß— Grant« Pa»R, Oregon DR. H. C. DIXON D entist IOH' ii South S ixth Street Grants Puss, Oregon COUCH’S PHARMACY H a rry E. Couch, Prop. I ; ♦ I I A U TO M O TIV E S E R V IC E CO. Drugs. S tationery, Perfumes Patent Medicines, ele. We .Specialize in P rescriptions Phone 5— Grants Puss, Oregon 1 Phone 32 511 J St HEASONER M AC H IN ER Y CO. Mine. M ill and C ontractors M achinery, Réntala, Salea, Service It. F. Heasoner, Prop. We have a m in in g c o u n try to go w ith o u r clim ate. Grants Pnss, Oregon ♦ HOtHT*: R IVER H AR DW AR E i CO. S herw in W illia m s Paints M e ta in u ick-D e e rin g Fnrm Im plem ents Housewares General H ardw are Grani« Pa««, Oregon EXPERT SHOE R EP A IR IN G D yeing A ll Colors Mail Us Y our Shoes We Pay R eturn Postage GOODYEAR SHOE SER VIC E C. Golsehall 107 S. Olli St. Grants Pass REDWOODS BEAUTY SHOP I f I t ’s W o rth W elding I t ’s W o rth W elding W ell 201 South Sixth Si.— Phone 38 -♦ Redwoods Hotel Lobby— Grants Pass flu CAL/F017NM o n tx ìO N OMPANY POW BECK’S BAKERY Toys — Notion« — H ardw are Phone 12(1 Electricity PATES BY THE DAY, WEEK OP MONTH ARE MOST MODERATE 1 0 4 0 G E O R G IA STREET WEST See of V A I LEV CLEANERS f i l i 1-2 Ea«i II St. Grani« Pi«»». (Ire . Opponite I ’. <1. Pilone 2fi<) Suils elem ird and prcssi<<l $1.111) Hals cleaned and u lockeil $1.00 Pbilu dn-sses cleaned and presa ed. $1.00 CENT... APARTMENT HOTEL Foundation I ln* Ini .¡ncss anti professional people of Grant!» Pass, listed in this directory are glad to serve the people of this te rrito ry in any way possible. They firm ly believe th a t w henever possible your home tow n m erchant should he patronized hut they offer their services in addition to these yon van receive at home, and invite ycu to consult them when in G ran ts Pass. VOTE E d it W. E. (S h o rty ) MORRIS Candidate fo r Republican N om ination fo r COUNTY COMMISSIONER Subject Io P rim aries May 20, 1932 W alk out o f your kitchen early, return 15 m inutes before dinner time and serve a perfectly cooked, delicious meal right on time. T h a t’s the magic o f an electric range. It prepares perfect meals whether you are there or not; econom ical, convenient, clean. W h y be tied to it the Grants Pass Business Directory Mr. ami Mrs. T y re ll II. Carner G rants Pa««, Oregon w ill free you from the cook-stove. . . Experience I here are fo re s try com m itters in 25 ebunibars o f commerce in Oregon anil W ashington. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER PER M E A L, PER PERSON Years of A lv in Toll« (son, cashier o f Hie C entral P oint Slate Hunk, w ho con fessed Io tin* s h e riff lie perpetrated a hold up lose o f Hie hunk lust Tuesday to cover up adm itted il legal w ith d ra w a ls o f money lost in gam bling w ill probably appear be fore C irc u it Judge II. 11. N orton, Hie ta lle r part o f this week. Il is urderslood Hml T ollefson w ill w aive g ru lid ju ry u idleltnenL lie is at llh e rly on $25(M1 bonds fu rn ish e d by Fhner It. H u ll o f C entral P oint, and Ids father, Dr. I. H. Gove 235 East Main Phone 872-J MEDFORD, OREGON « i SUBSCRIBE FDR T H E NEW S Tollefsoii Heating la Expected Thia Week JAMES W. MOTT | DEPENDABLE D EN TISTR Y . . . . . . . i,, UPH O LSTER IN G & R EPAIR IN G A ll mattresses delivered al our simp d u rin g A p ril w ill he re b u ilt fo r $3.5(1 each. New covers f u r nish« d, GOLDEN R U LE MATTRESS SHOP 108 S. filli St. "R ear” G rants Paas E LE C TR IC W E L D IN G WORKS Phone 308 « II K St. Grant« Pass, Oregon M E R R ITT SIGN SHOP "Signs o f M e rit” E xp e rt W o rk on A ll Signs (102 S. filli St. Phone 354 Grants Pass, Oregon i