Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1926)
Advcrtlxlng 1« (he yen»! of Buxine*«. Il ruise* I he dough. "Its Our Resource!*— What more could you ask. VOLUMK No. 1». WM|L G()l l) " " J '« KSON COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 21, 1926 NUMBER II Arnold Bennett Beaver Portland Co. Signs Hall is Now the Parent Teacher Contract With City Council Pres. U. o f O. Reception Proves A Spendici Affaii Al a meeting of the ,-ity council held nt Ihc city hull, Tuesday even ing, Vice President Muirheml of the Beaver Portlund Cement Co. was present and presented u contract to Unit body widt h when duly signed w ill complete the lease of the city’s propery east of the city to that com pany. t M V H U n OF OREGON. Eugene ONE HUNDRED TONS , , 'C’ « ‘•'■«wd of more OF HORSERADISH l.ust week Alva Walker, manager ttia ti 4000 persons on Hayward field SAYS ADVERTISING PAYS of the Gold H ill Supply Co. placed Itossi A Orselli of Reaverton have some wet weather garments on his a horseradish farm of 23 acres that shelveswhich he advertised in the is attracting considerable state at lust issue of the News. As a result tention. I he farm is beaver dam, lie- S lock \s .is n o t lo c I on III' ll si', I tiled, and from it they have sold one ves for, as if to help things along, hundred tons; 5« tons of grade No.l old Jupiter I ’luvius spilled a few 1 und nearly the sume of grades N'o. 2 drops ut moisture and the trick was and No. 3. The owners say they done. Rain coats and Imts soon dis cannot supply the orders received appeared. Now if we hud u little and that there are ready markrts on more of the go we might claim we the Pacific coast for far more of the were in coalition with the elements. roots than they can produce. today Arnold Bennett Hall was in ducted into office as the fifth pres ident of the University of Oregon. A gentle October sun colored the Friday night Ihe high school au< eld, while the academic regalia Horium was Ihe scene of a ver with brilliant trimmings of red pleiising social affair in the sha[ blue and white, of the faculty and lids action is the result of an of an entertainment given in hoi distinguished visitors formed a state election held in July at which time or of the instructors of the cit ly and impressive picture. the voters of the city ratified the schools. There were about tw |iro|H»sition offered by the Reaver Hundreds of prominent citizens hundred people present and the fa< Portland people for the lease of the from all parts of the slate attended ulty members were introduced b City s Hydro-Electric holding at the The Christmas seal institute, held the ceremony, as well as member members of the reception commit pumping plant. of the board of regents, students, in Medford Saturday, October 16, tee. Following the introduction o ---------o - faculty, presidents of 22 different proved to be not only a school for the teachers C. J. Shorb took charg At a meeting of the city council universities, representatives of 17o n week before a petition containing of the meeting and after an instru colleges and learned societiesin var southern Oregon public health boost mental duet by Asil M alker an< t>2 names was presented to the coun ers, but also a big inspiration with a cil asking that step« be taken to an ious parts of the country. A roman prtfgrain including "worldwide Royce Kellogg accompanied on thi tic ouch was lent by the presence nul the contract between the city tieallh n e w . In ,,f ,he hcavy piano by Lyle Childers, delivered I and the cement plant. The petition of the two surviving members of the short address of welcome to tlx first class, Judge Robert S. Bean of rains there was a splendid crowd teachers. was layed on the table tor a period Prof. Bluett responded present from all parts of the county. Portland, and Condon McCormack of ten days ami w fll be taken up for the teachers and in the course Mrs. Sadie Orr-Dunbar, executive of Eugene. Descendants of the first again ut a meeting Friday night. of bis talk took occasion to outline Friday evening there w ill be u board of regents were given a special secretary of the Oregon Tuberculo the progress of our modern educa- At a meeting Tuesday evening C. The National Republic, of Wash sis association. presided over this W. Martin, local superintendent of meeting at the Beaver Theatre in ington, 1). C., announces a student section ut the inauguration. all-day session with more than her tion from the time of theBabylonian this city at which time the County 1 he ouly bridge over the gap be - Un- Reaver Portland Cement com-, essay contest on the subject "The practical enthusiasm, for she had civilization down through the dark pany presented a petition with 132 ' | Seat removal committee of Medford American Constitution,” open to all , en ,he struggling little pioneer ¡luring the past week conducted seal ages and to the present day. Mod signatures supimrting the actions of I wfll brief their case for the voters of students in high school aud graded university of 1876 and the great sale institutes in Portland and in ern education, or mind training, i* Ila- e d y council ami remonstrating* (•old H ill and vicinity. being developed as a science, ac schools, with grand prises aggre institution of 1 9 2 6 -D r. John Strab, Pendleton. emeritus dean of men and profess cording to Supt. Bluett and the against the former |>etition. Before J.ast evening the committee held u gating one thousand dollars. 1 he real value of this sale to the action could la- taken he staled that meeting at Rogue River. The Med method of teaching today is differ Any student is eligible to enter, or of Greek— Matched Dr. Hall as lie would like the petition Io stund ford committee is out for blood this and no subscription to the inagn- he took office. Dean Straub came tubercular and other patients in ent from that of only a few year* Jackson county may be learned di ago. open as lie would be uble to get year and are offering some very rinc or other consideration is nec- Io the University two years after ninny more signen. it opened, and served during the rect from these unfortunates or good inducements to the people of essary. Mr. Bluett outlined the course < from members of the Jackson Coun lie was assured that the addition the county in order to procure the procedure which he expected to fo Five hundred dollars w ill be administration of four other pres- ty Public Health association. x al signatures would not make the removal of the county seat. Upon awarded to the high school stu idents. low in the conduct of the Gold H i America s debt to Europe was de Biahop Walter T. Sumner, of Port mutter any more forceful as it ,1. other pages of this paper w ill be dent submitting the beat essay schools and asked that the parent scribed by Arthur J. Strawson, su ready contained nearly twice as found various arguments on ail Five hundred dollars w ill |>e award land. delivered the invocation, and interest themselves in the work. H perintendent of field service, Na , Judge James W. Hamilton introduced sides of the question inclodlng paid many signers as the former petition expects to inaugurate a sort of nor ed to the students in the grades up This petition w ill no doubt be dis- advertising by both the Medford and to and including the eighth grade, Dr. Clarence Cook Little, president tional Tuberculosis association, in mal class in the local education* his talk on world- wide health pro posed of the same night as the for Jacksonville commiltei s. It w ill be age taken into consideration. Prize* of the University of Michigan, Mho institution and at these classes thi grams. He told of our borrowing problems of the school w ill be airec delivered the installing address on mer one is acted upon. A letter was well worth the time of our readers w ill be awarded to the teachers the Christmas seal idea from Den read from the Reaver Portland Ce to study them all and then formu whose students arc winners. En Opportunity and the Individual" and steps taken to clarify any mark where they were used to raise ment company stating that they had late an opinion of their own. which might graved medals and large American 1 he benediction was given by Dr. funds for tuberculosis patients for! misunderstandings received the statement presented to arise and topics of interest w ill be There is good argument on both flags w ill be awarded the winners in Levi T. Pennington, president of years before Jaob R ii* in 1907 de «bscussed. The parents w ll be wel Pacific College. H by the city recorder and that they sides and it w ill no doubt be a hot each state. scribed in the Outlook thisplan of were enclosing a check In payment ly contested issue in. the forthcom Io enter the contest it is only his mother country. Holland gave come at these meetings he stated. for same. The payment amounted ing election. The News lias taken a necessary for the student to send BUSINESS SHOWS REMARKABLE A very fine musical program was INCREASE IN SHORT PERIOD the use of the lens; France, through rendered as follows: Io something over »700 and defrayed stand, editorially, against Ihc re his name, home address, age, and Pasteur gave the science of bacter- «11 the expenses of the transaction moval but we are giving space to name and class of school he attends, The following item it quoted from iology; Germany gave the discovery Instrumental Duet .....Norma March up Io (late and also the cost of the both sides of the argument that the when particulars w ill be furnished of the germ of tuberculosis in 1882; Asil Malker, Boyce Kellogg pumping of the city wiitcr. people might be informed and their by the National Republic, 425 Tenth the Caldwell Idaho Tribune and is England and Germany inaugurated clipped not so much for the news Address of Welcome .... C. J. Shorb St. N. W. Washington, D. C. The contract presented by the Ce minds not unduly biased. which is offers as to show the effect the sanatorium treatment of tubercu R««Ponse ..............Prof. C, G. Bluett ment company was signed by Mayor of the poultry and dairy business lar patients; other European nations Cook and Recorder Hamiiiersly and J. O. RIGG OF ASHLAND t.horus.........“The Song of the Lark" in one locality where neither has in 1908 met in the United States and Vice President Muirhead. The cop Ladies Chorus IS A VISITOR IN CITY started the movement that formed been conducted on a scientific basis ies were then sent to Portland state and local anti-tuberculosis or Piano S o lo .................... Elsie Marden for « o re than six or seven years. where it w fll he signed by the sec Very recently this Son« ........................ “The Blackbird- J- O' Rigg, democratic candidate Ih e company mentioned in the ar ganizations. retary and the corporate seal of the country borrowed some findings of for the state senate was a visitor in ticle is the last of several such ven Group of Girls company attached. Calmette in France, where 10,000 in tures in this one community. Piano Duet. . “Frolic of the Demons" Mr. Muirhead assured the city the city Monday ¡hid Medncsday of If the volume cf business contin fants of tubercular mothers were Miss Munuicr and Mrs. Zimmerman council that his company intended this Week. Mr. Rigg is a business given a treatment in their milk to man of Aahlan<| and seems to be ues to increase as it has in the first Io go ahead with the construction reduce the strength of the tubercle A iolin Solo ............. ..... — “Miserere" well versed on imlitical condition* few months of operation. Swift and work just as soon ns they possibly Melvin Sargent bacillus. Instead of 25 infants out Company* poultry plant w ill have could. There is n condemnation suit that confront the state. He sets Reading ------------------_.Mr*. Moulton Admiral Togo, famous Japanese of every 100 dying of tuberculosis forth his platform on another page to prepare for increased capacity pending in the courts nt present and naval man, is thought to be dying. within a year. This announcement only one dies that is no doubt affect S °n8 .........How M'onderful You Are of this issue. ns soon ns this is cleared up, work Trio of Girls He is a Pierce supporter and Admiral logo is now nearly eighty was made this week by L. A. Mc ed before birth, so Calmette’s treat w ill be put under way. Surveys years of age and he is notes! at Bride, manager of the plant, who in ment is rendered nil thereby. Vocal Duet ’Dreaming of My Old would no doubt acquit himself cred have already been made and esti --------- ---------- . itably in the office which he seeks. a leading personality in the Russia- forms The Tribune that the poultry Home Sweet home mates furnished u|mn the possible The third Annual Christmas Seal He has been a resident of Oregon Jap war. part is now running full capacity Mrs. Floyd Lance and Mrs. Ross cost of the plant. for lit years. Only the scarcity of pickers prevent institute of Southern Oregon Dis I iano Solo ............. . . “Love Dreams" Publication of the contract ns The Liberty Bank at Cresent City. the daily output of dressed poultry trict was held in Medford, Oct. 16th signed w ill appear in an early issue Miss Munuier Calif., was robbed, Friday of some from running between 1500 and 2(HH) 1926 at the First M. E. Church be SOME CARROTS of the News in accordance with ac $25,000 in money and securities. birds. ginning at 10: Oclock A. M. The There was some very good talen tion of the city council. I hey clipped the telephone limy, Sixty five people are now employ meeting was called to order and pre displayed by those taking part ii Jimmy Burns an old tinier in and thereby cut off communication ed in the plant with a weekly payroll sided over by Mrs. Sadie O rr Dun the program and their rendition: these parts brought in a few speci CEMENT PLANT DRIVEWAY with the outside world. of approximately »15(H). Ten thou bar State Executive Secy. Oregon were very commendable. mens of carrots which he raised at IS NEARING COMPLETION Association, other I he assembly room was beauti sand birds are now being fed. The Tuberculosis his home in this city which were Mrs. M’oodrow Wilson, wife of rate of picking and preparation for speakers of the day were Mr. Arthur fully decorated with fall leaves surely dandies. The vegetables Several weks ago, wen the w riter the late president celebrated her shipment to market is 1000 birds a J. Strawson Supervisor of Field Ser Laurel branches with their beauti. took occasion Io describe a trip ranged in length from 9 to 16 inch birthday while aboard the Leviathan day. W ith this total leaving the vice National Tuberculosis and Mr. ful red berries, house plants and es and from 9 'i ,0 111, inches in through the local plant of the Reav on her way home from a trip a- feeding rooms every day the supply Lloyd Wilcox, Publicity Director, cut flowers. The effect was highly circumference. er Portland Cement plant we men broad. Tuberculosis Association pleasing and received many favor amounts to an increasing total of a Oregon tioned that the company was build Luncheon was served at the Med able comments. thousand or more. WOULD PUT ON MINSTREL ing a roadway from he plant to the About 22%of the exports of radio I wo mixed carloads of butter and ford Hotel. In attendance from Gold Following the program the Indies from the I nited States go to Japan. Rate of the grounds. The driveway A man by the name of Lawrence British South Africa and Austrail- poultry leave the Swift and Company H ill were Miss Nellie Jacobs, the of the entertainment committee is now nearing completion and is a was in the city Monday, interview ia also receive a considerable por poultry (hick here each week. There Mcsdames A. E. Kellogg, J M served a dainty lap lunch which very handsome piece of work and is is a steady demand on the Los An Lively, W. H. Wing. ing the local school authorities with tion. furnished a very pleasing finale to built upon the Oregon plan of high geles market for the poultry and but a view to presenting a minstrel a lovely evening. The committee ways. First R was graded, then show in the city under their auspic I Senators Borah and Johnson de ter further indicating the need of in The bandits who robbed the Del that had charge surely deserves mu faced mid w ill now receive n es. lie asked pretty heavy guaran clare themselves in favor of the p ri creased capacity to meet this great Norte County bank a, Crescent City, thanks for the creditable entertain ’•oat of oil ,o complete the job. demand on the coast. California are believed to be hiding ment which was greatly enjoyed by When finished it w*ill he an im tee« and the local men decided that mary. Vice President Dawes went The Caldwell Swift and Company near Eureka. all present. a minstrel show under the eondi on record as being opposed to the provement to he proud of. poultry plant opened for business on lion« offered would not be neces --------- o- primary system recently. --------- ft January 7, 1926 and has been in oper 300 TEACHERS ATTENDED airy and therefore serif Mr, Law mint acreage increasing ation less than a year. In these ten rence on his way other fields. INSTITUTE AT ASHLANI Howard Savage of Chicago has CHRISTMAS CARDS HERE months the production has mounted been elected the National Command Reports are that a 3000-aere mint to capacity. EUGENE V. DEBS IS Teachers from every school ir Me have a beautiful assort- I er of the American Legion nt the crop is being harvested in the M'ill Officials of the company did not the county met at Ashland to attend REPORTED VERY LOW Philadelphia convention of that or lunette Valley this fall, an increase ment of Christmas cards for | anticipate at such an increase taking a two days’ esssion of institute ganization. of about 2000 acres over last year. our customers to choose from | place but find that so rapid has the Eugene V. Delis, aged Socialist this year and they are quite re- I work. The programs were carried Mint has been found n profitable --------- o--------- - development been that already they leader and many times candidate sonable too. Come in or ar- | on at the high school building where HURRICANE VISITS CUBA crop in the valley when grown on for president of the United States are planning on increasing the capa the general assembly room seated Another hurricane hit the const range for an appointment. suitable soils. R is reported that on city of the plant. M ilite Wyandot- on the Socialist ticket was reported the 300 who were in attendance. <> Cuba and the West Indies yester Printed Christmas cards are | irrigated llelds »175 pei i ere can tes. Plymouth Rocks, and Rhode Is Io be near death’s door. Debs has Much of the work of the institute day. There were many homes de be produced, while the cost per Raining in popularity all over I land Reds are among the chief breeds hern a national figure for many was carried on along departmental molished and muny people made acre is about »75. , country and this year’s samp- I years. poultry farmers in this section are lines, giving opportunity for tjie destitute. 1 les are quite exquisite. developing as “all purpose” breed. * --------------------- ----------------------ft teachers to specialize in their *p « aT wtork. County Seat Re One Thousand moval Adherents Dollars Given as To hold Meeting Prize for Essay News o f the Nation in a Brief Form Christmas Seal Institute Met at Medford Sat.