Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1926)
K f /> e Ad vert iniiiM I» Hip yeast of Kulillesi. Il ru llic i Iho dough. VOI.UMB No. 2». M ili "Its Our Resource»”—What more could you ask. GOLD H IL L , JACKSON COUNTY, ORBGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2«, 1826 NUMBER 3« OLD TIMER VISITS IN Sherwood Ser vice Station is Prey of Bandits ped CITY FOR A FEW HOCKS General Election to be Held Tuesday Saturday. Gold H ill was the host to nn old time bull player who stop off to see If he could see any of his old friends. This gentleman wiis E. K. I.orlmer, now of Boise, Idaho who stated (hat back in 1903 hr played base ball for Gold Hill. Tuesday w ill be election day. i pon that day the voters of Ore He stated that in those duys the town was a nourishing mining town gon w ill be culled upon to vote up on many different issues. The in and that he enjoyed about three itiative priviledge has fairly littered months of the most enjoyable part our ballot with sundry measures which the voter w ill have to dis of his life in our city. pose of. Accompanying Mr. I.orimer were Many of these measures have George I.. Flehnrty und G. W. Mer been discussed either in our adver rill two prominent Boise, Idaho men. tising or New* columns und we Mr. I .orlmer lias for many years hope that Hie electors w ill study past been manager of Hie I.orlmer the ballot well before they murk it. •Some of the measures mean a great City Dye Works at Boise, Idaho, deal Io the state's advancement or and until recently had severul bran detriment. So numerous are the ch plants in the important rities in measures that we could not licgin the southern end of the state. The to give u complete expose of them men were on their way to Southern California. C ITY FATHERS CONDEMN ROGUE SWINGING BRIDGE At a meeting of the city council last Friday evening, called for the purpose of acting on the two peti tions that had been presented io the city council both for and against the action of the city council in the Cement Plant lease affair, it was in these columns at this time. Be decided to place them on file with sides these issue there are several no action on either.. ¥ ii It w was the a s __ stute and county officials to elect. sense of the city council that in so Upon Hie people's choice w ill depend far as the Beaver Portland people the conduct of the government dur ing the next administration and ev had entered into a contract with ery qualified voter should east his the city and that they had paid all ballot. He owes that duty to him moneys which the city had asked self and to the commonwealth. Our democratic form of government is so far that they were in good stand so patterned that we might all have ing. a voice in the government and if The matter of condemning the we do not exercise the rigid of swinging bridge across the Rogue franchise we have no reason to south of the city was complain if all is not well in the river conduct of our national and state discussed and from the information affairs. furnished the city council it ap pears that the bridge is in a very state of repair. The bodv de cided to place signs at either end of the bridge to caution the people against its use. Bond Issue for City Must Not Be Overlooked At n Inti* hour lu ll evening, Janie» I.. Sherwood, owner of the Sher I uesday there w ill be found upon wood Service Station, two miles all the city ballots a place for vot Weil of here oil the Pacific Highway ing for or against a bond issue which wiis held up. Three men wiilkeil the city is compelled to float to take inio the »tore, apparently to make up the discrepancies in the adminis * u small purchase unit drew i, gun on trations of the city in years gone him. Although .Mr. Sherwood hud a by. Budgeting committees have revolver in the till he was unable been under estimating the needs of to get ut it mid so started to buck the city drawing up their yearly up to Hie rear door with the three budgets and this fact just recently bandits following. Sherwood jump came to a head and it w ill be nec ed thru the rear door mid us he did essary to take some steps to alleviate, so one of the robbers fired ut him. them. As a result of a mass meet missing but shattering u rear w in ing at the Beaver theatre some few dow. I weeks ago those in attendance were The men promptly left after the unanimous in their expressions that ---------o--------- shooting, but us they left the driv a bond issue would be the best er of Hie late evening stage Marshfield Building permits for means of taking up the outstanding stopped in time to see the car and nine months reach <210,783. warant indebtedness. get Hie lieens nuininT. The three There is in the neighborhood of men and u woman were traveling ten thousand dollar worth of out in a Star ear which hud been hired All the grade rooms are now dec . Washington, D. C. Oct. 22— Mar standing warrants which must out of Portland. orating and preparing for hallow- inese have started out under orders be paid either by the flotation Tlie bandits were captured a litlle e'en. to shoot to kill to protect tlie mail of bonds or by the rais later by Sheriff Jennings und his Herbert Rosencran's mother has from bandits. ing of taxes high enough that they “The marines can afford to take sou in front of the Jacob** ranch been very ill but is reported to be no chances after the treatment met- w ill eventually be taken up. I f the just north of there. This is the se improving rapidly. ed out to postal employes in the bonds are passed then the city w ar cond time in the year noil a hull Raymond Cleveland from north most recent holdup at Elizabeth, N. rants w ill again be placed in good J., acting Postmaster General Glov that Mr. Shervffiod Inis been here ern Oregon is a new pupil of the er said. standing but if they are not they that he has been held up, but Hie Friday night a group of speakers Gold H ill school. He is in Hie 4th w ill be not be paid until the money He warned the public not to loit robbers have got away with nothing and the American Legion Fife and grade. er around muil cars. is raised to meet them. The city San Francisco was rocked by an both times, owing to Mr. Sherwood's Drum corps of the city of Medford “Quick action may sometimes be earthquake last week end. Four warrants draw 7% interest and the The pupils of the Tourth grade more important than answering presence of mind. distinct shocks were felt. The same held a county' seat removal rally at have received small globes for ge questions, he added significantly. day there was a disasterous quake bonds w ill draw six. The bonds the Reaver Theatre in this city. ography study. w ill extend over a period of ten, •n Armenia in which hundreds were F IS II P LE N TIF U L AT There were nhout seventy five of In accordance with the above or lulled and many more made desti years, thereby making the payments The hygiene class of the fifth and SAVAGE RAPIDS DAM our townsmen out to hear the s|>enk- der, there are now found op mail tute. a trifle lighter each year. Be sure sixth grades arc making health |>os- ers who placed the Medford side of ters and are hanging them around trains 11, 12, 13, and 54, armed mar to vote to float the bonds when you ines. The marines made their first President Coolidge made a last The w riter wus down to see the the question in u very concrete and in a border. ‘MffH/'WPec in trains running thru minute decision to assist some G. cast your ballot. Tere are always Savage Rapids dum last Sunday und forceful manner before the audi Gold H ill Saturday of last week. 1 he 7th and 8th grades enjoyed ITiey are dressed in the regulation O. P. candidates to win in the com those who w ill vote against such w'.is certainly surprised to see the ence. ing election. measures, whether to their advant the films witli the high school ut Marine uniform and carry side arms enormous amount of fish which are Among those present were Raw the Beaver theater last Monday, Oct. as well as shot guns. As a result of accusations made age or not so in order to carry the he'd hark there by not being able les Moore. Mr. Geddis, A. L. Hill, The necessity for this rigid pro by George W. Putnam editor of the issue it w ill be necessary that every 25. to get over the dum. There are and C. E. Gates. Mr. Gates ami Mr. tection has become apparent due to Salem, Ore. Capital Journal, that one who favors this method be sure Amclir Tepovac has been absent thousands of fish trying Io get over. Moon* were the chief speakers of the criminal tendency over the na lie Oregonian received <35,000 to and vote for it. issist in the defeat of Senator Stan The river just liclow the dum wns the evening und gave nn outline of since Friday the result of an op tion. eration to have her toft si Is and ad- The local division extends from field there w ill be an investigation. lined with fishermen and they all their campaign for the removal of Senator King of Utah and McNary LEG ISLATIVE CAN DIDA TE 1 ortiand to Ashland and return. appeared to be having the best of the county sent to the Metropolis. noids removed. of Oregon w ll conduct the investi --------- 0--------- VISITS CITY, TUESDAY A committee composed of Alice gation. luck, ns we were treated Io the I he stand of the News was attack Smith, Chairman, Vernice Radtke DROPS FffiLD BOOK IN RIVER spectnrle of seeing several dandies ed by the speakers one of whom The Missouri state penitentiary J. R. Bowen, of Rogue River and and Ruth Cameron was appointed landed. Engineer Dresser had the misfor was the scene of a mutiny, in which candidate for the state legislature dwelled considerably upon the ed by the temporary president of the 10 persons were wounded. Three itorial appearing in this paper un girls club, to draw up a Constitu tune Io drop his field book into the of the wounded were guards. was in the city, Tuesday. He was Rogue river at the |x>int where the PREDICTS A REPUBLICAN der date of Oct. 14, and which wns tion for the organization. sizing up the political situation at new bridge is under construction H arry Greb, one of the most pop VICTORY AT ELECTION copied in other papers of the county. this point. He has done little cam Election of officers for the com and as a result had to procure the '1 he county seat removal ques ing year w ill be the purpose of the services of a deep diver to regain ular boxers in this country died at paigning he says due to the pres the same. He was fortunate enough Atlantic city Friday. His death fol Portlnnd, Ore.—Claims of a sweep tion w ill be decided nt the polls on sure of business at* his farm on meeting of the LassiesO'Life which ing republican victory for the re November 2nd. Both sides of the w ill be held Wednesday, Oct. 27, to reclaim the book. It had sunk lowed an operation to remove a Evans Creek and at his packing almost straight below where he broken bone from his nose which publican ticket in the coming elec contest are working hard to win. 1926, at 3:06 p. m. dropped it and was buried beneath house at Rogue River. Mr. Bowen he received in an auto accident. tion were made here today by Phil Both have good arguments on their There was a monthly meeting of 40 feet of water. was a forraef newspaper man in Metsclian, chairman of the repuhlic- side. Medford has built up their the school board last night. It was Heavy earthquake tremors were Idaho and at one time conducted a 1 root dale-—Best celery crop on and central committee. He urged case by several shrewd political decided by the board Hiut the films felt over the California const near newspaper at American Falls where republicans of the state to consoli moves mid some appealing cam from the Universities of California record is grown here, with 300 cars San Francisco, last week end. the huge irrigation darn- is being in prospect. date their forces und support the paign promises. They may win and and Oregon are not to be paid for Buildings were rocked and glass constructed across the Snake river Klamath Falla— Pelican Bay Lum administration. A vole for the party perhaps they w o n 't By the time by the students. The Board has al broken. at the present time. He is a farmer ber Company buys 200,000,000 fret nominers, he said, was a vote cast our next issue goes to the press we lowed the school ten dollars a at the present time in the Evans in supiMirt of the state's primary w ill know. There were 650 fatalties and 65 creek district and quite an active If Medford wins w*e month w itli which to rent the films. Day and Hovey pine, worth <1,200, 000. law. cities razed as a result of the hurri-» member of the Grange. w ill have n new county seal, if they It was also decided nt this meet Raker—<131,000 addition to the canes which sw-ept Cuba last week lose we w ill be given an opportun ing to have the playground below --------- • --------- South Baker power plant under way. end. RAILROAD FARKH REDUCED ity to find out if the county court tlie Tennis court leveled. CRATER LAKE IS S TILL Medford — <50,000 Presbyterian FOR LIVESTOCK EXPOSITION meant it when they said they w*cre The Juniors and Freshmen won Eugene V. Debs, five times the Q U IT E POPULAR PLACE Church, and <15,000 apartment house going to build a court house or the class baseball championship nominee for the presidency upon Reduced round trip excursion whether they were mere “spoofing" last Thursday by defeating the Sen are new building projects. the socialist ticket died at Chicago Notwithstanding the fact that fares from all points oil its lines to 'heir clientiel. i ior and Sophomore team by a score last Thuhsday. the Crater park is closed and the Portland w ill be put into effect by showed the mining of the iron ore, if 6 to 1. ---------o--------- the Southern Pacific for the Inter The Juniors nnd Freshmen start the manufacture of iron and then Portland street cleaners are wear Lodge is all sealed up for the w in how iron is re-heated and made in ter ns is everything else on the park national Livestock Exposition to be REHEKAH LODGE ENTERTAIN 'd the scoring in the first inning to steel. ing safety lights on their belts to AT A HALLOWE'EN PARTY grounds there are many who are held there Oct. 30 to November 6. when 4 runs were brought across The second reel pictured the Gal protect them from motorists. still making this popular scenic trip In announcing this yesterday F. S. ata Bridge, a large toll bridge con ---------o--------- the plate, the Seniors and Soph Wednesday evening the Odd Fel- daily. Sunday there were quite a McGinnis, passenger traffic manager ows hall wns the scene of a de omores made their one score in the necting the districts Galata and MILK TH IE V E S BUSY All goodly number of tourists at the for the railroad stated that livestock lightful Hallowe'en parly when the first frame, also. After the first in Stanboul of Constantinople. people except allies have to pay toll park but due to the heavy fog they men and breeders from all parts of Rebekah lodge members entertain ning the game was close and few er to cross it. Several people living along the Regular lodge rors marred it. Two homers were were not able to see into the cra highway in the west end of town the West are expected to participate ed their families. The third reel showed the Check meet,ng was followed bv dancing In the show* which is recognized us and other forms of entertainment knocked in the fourth inning when ing of Imports showing the import have complained recently of the ter. The mist seemed to only pre the livestock classic of the Pacific winding up with a lovely Baht the head of the batting list for the ance of examining the people and presence of a milk thief in the vail at the top of the crater and searching their baggage before thev neighborhood. Several of the peo lunch. The lodges from Rogue Riv Junior-Freshman came up, O rr sent enter the Unitd States, the testing ple in that vicinity have had their the sun shone most of the day at Coast. er Central Point Medford and Ash the ball sailing over the left field of foods nnd valuing articles that milk bottle removed within the past the base. land were represented and Rogue few days. It appeared as though the lake too GOVERNOR PIERCE VISITS CITY Inver brought with them an or bleachers this was followed by an arc imported. The last reel was about rice fields --------- o------ -- had been tucked away under a chestra which played for the danc other knocked in the same place by and rice fed wrestlers, showing Marshfield— Coos nnd Curry Tele blanket for the winter. Scott. Saturday, Gold Hill was the host ing. how rice is irrigated nnd harvested. As the affair was a masquerade of the states chief executive. He Class basket-ball practice w ill The Bice Fed Wrestlers showed the phone Company secure and w ill there were many quaint and com- consolidate four independent phone CRATER LAKE HIGHWAY IS was accompanied to the city from ic costumes. The hall’ was docornt- practice w ill start Wednesday, the way that the Japanese wrestle. At -:10 tlie students came back to systems, nt Beaverton, Forest Grove. Weimer by Mr. Brown of Medford cd in appropriate colors for the oc classes taking turns practicing in RECEIVING A COAT OF SHALE the school where they continued McMinnville and Hillsboro. and while here he called upon most casion. This is the first of the Aut the gym. The first game w ill most with their regular classes. Sutherlin—Local cannery ships of our citizens and distributed liter umn parties and it w ill no doubt be likely he played Friday November Mrs. Janies Lively substituted for The upper end of the Crater Lake l»v many more durng the 5. It is believed the games w ill be Mrs. C. G. Bluett the Domestic sci prunes in ear lots to Germany and ature. Governor Pierce has always followed highway is receiving a very substan fall nnd winter months. close and interesting ns both teams ence instructor, while she went to Holland. had a goodly utimber of friends in tial coat of shale. There are nearly n--------- Eugene, Oregon, Friday afternoon, have good inateral. this community. He is quite proud October 22. The laboratory work ♦ --------------------------------------------- ♦ a score of trucks busy hauling the St. Helens— Seven ships loads 'Hie Juniors and Freshmen won for that day was cake making of his achievements and takes par- CHRISTMAS CARDS HERE crushed rock onto the road and Inore thnn 5,000,000 feet of lumber tin* baseball championship nnd the which wns very successful. tlcu'nr pride in tile showing that lie in one week. spreading it on the road bed. The There are four boys registered in Senior-Sophomores are out to win lias made in the work nt the state We have a beautiful assort- | wet weather w ill be quite an asset Klamath Falls— Construction be this class now*. Woodrow Shaver, with “blood in their eyes.” penitentiary. He says that he w ill ment of Christmas cards for | to the road builders as long as it Lyle Childers, Warren Kelsor and gun on <30000 Link River bridge. One o’clock hist Monday after Loren Fleming. lu able to pul it on a self support our customers to choose from | don’t snow, for the moisture packs There are four Salem—Seventy tons machinery noon the High school nnd seventh girls and four boys in the class. ing basis in n short time. this year and they are quite re- | the shale into a good solid base. arrive for <800,000 new unit of pnp- The freshmen have finished their and eighth grades met nt the Reav --------- o--------- sonable too. Come in or ar- | Quite a crew is busy on the road as er mill. Plant w ill soon make 120 first classic, “The Lady of the Lake" er theatre, where an assembly was Lumber cargoes on Col)iinl'ia range for an appointment. truck drivers. W ork w ill continue the other classes have not yet start Ions a day, with payroll of <00,000 held, nnd motion pictures shown on ed the literature study. River are 13.5% ahead of Iasi year's a month. Printed Christmas cards are | as long as weather w ill permit. Iron and Steel, The Galata Bridge, The Sophomores arc wriing par record. gaining in popularity all over | --------- o Bandon — Successful operation agraphs ahd w ill be for about two Cheeking Imports, Rice fields nnd country and this year’s samp- | Raker— Portland capital w ill, as reported from black-sand gold ex Corvallis— Plans under way, for more weeks. Rice fed» wrestleos. les are quite exquisite. I new <100,000 Lotql and hupiness sist in building <300,000 hotel here. traction plants. I he Junior nnd Senior classes are The first reel of the pictures studying journalism. ' i block. News o f interest Marines to Guard From our Schools V. S. Mail Cars County Seat Removal Boosters Hold Meeting f News of the Nation in a Brief Form