Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1915)
Che G o l d H i l l N e w s MJBLISHKD ¿____ EVERY SATURDAY AT GOLD HILL. JACKSON COUNTY, . ----- OREGON. RY --^ = = = = u vcrardiis l II'«'« 11« .I I TM HUI Test B en H. L am pm an s \ p t I an age of ages ere the first ape —dreami-rs a n d sag»-.-» all rose to your Entered at the tin k i Hill p»wt«>ffl»v for iruiisntierinn through (he maila ax* shape. Squattering out ot the dust form x v o n d d a s s m atter less yon crept—lifting above your lust calmly 1 slept! 1 was the hill, drst born, in the red cosmic m orn, alien the lean SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1915 au her-tooth sought yon as prey; 1 was t i e Si \ $1.50 PER ANNUM IN . \ P \ A \ t i hour ot earth, finislwd and fraught w >rth—holding my secret I waited your day 1 THE MARTIN CASE AFTERMATH Oreamers and venturers all! Mine is your will; rob in»1— hut hear my call—1 CRIMINAL CASE on trial in the courts may awaken,' am the hill! Give me your lads for the lend me your w eak; proving their the searching interest that attended the Loris Martin in -, trial, w.-rth awhile *> let them s»>elc. 1 am the vesication without creating bitter partisans. To one or the hill, conceived when t h e tir*t vapor other faction the eventual verdict is pungently distasteful. C rit w reathed; mine i» the rid lie. the game and the quest; hiding your will I hold icism flows fluently—with more rancor than reason. It is not the lure and lode of gold—keeping my surprising that the freeing of Martin the mountaineer, sell- secret I wait«xl your test! acknowledged slayer of game warden Hubbard, is provocative of Slept I an age of ages ere the first t»>st seeker* and sages all—thrust at my breast. strong and influential disapproval. Shirering, I feel th e Steel te a ra t m ynx-k, The jury which gave ear to the evidence at the Martin trial riven the gorjes reel red to the sh<x-k! 1 was of his peers. They don an ill-deeming conceit who assume am the hill, new sprung since the first th at the verdict of “not guilty” was decided by the prompt- ham m er sw ung; an for the driven drill was I first east, shaptsl in a titan mold in ;s of any save honorable motives and a desire to serve justice rock wall ami ledge of old—yielding my in the strictest sense. They are plain citizens, of unquestioned s. cret they leap to tlx- blast! integrity. Moreover, on a general average of crust-filling they Dreamers and venturers all! Ere the first man, hearing the vision call, fash are probably on p a r - a t le a st-w ith their many critics. ioned a plan, th u ndering I heard the It is the duty of good citizenship to accept without violent stream s, savage with rains, gouge where de ur, regardless of personal opinion, the ruling of a competent your valley gleams, level your plains! I the hill, np-hnrled, cresting the p ri court and the decision of competent jurors. By competency is was mal world, eons before yonr sons turned e pressed a wakeful honesty ot purpose in the deliberations of to the quest, bruising uiv ancient Hanks ‘ . . . Man folk, I give yon thanks— ' trial. Loris Martin was so freed. wresting my secret yon answer the test! ) ihlO ' 1 While there wer ? many who suffered the keenest regret at the death of officer Hubbard in the discharge of his instructions, Mrs. Esther Lance Called there were, among these, those who felt that Martin believed in t i e expediency of his fatal a c t These last, sympathizers of IX'iitli »-M»e w ithout warning to Mm. b ith slayer and slain, reluctantly admitted that justice should E sther Lance. known and loved to all an ‘•G randm a” Lance, at her home in thia I take toll" of the mountaineer’s freedom. They accepted the ac city early W ednesday morning, shortly quittal of Martin without enthusiasm, but also without bitterness. before m idnight Mrs. Lanee, who had been in the beat of health, suf In different tenor is the published statement of state game previously fered an attack of the heart. Medical at- j warden William L. Finley, who terms the Martin verdict an “out tendance was sum moned, but the aid was j rage upon Jackson county.” In capital letters he declines to ap unavailing. Near the h o ar ot oneo’clix-k | point a successor to the slain deputy, declaring that he regards she pa-sed to death anil the dreamless ’ sleep. The sincerest sym pathy of rnanv ! “ the value of human life more highly than the enforcement of friends is extended to the bereaved sons | and daughters. game laws.” services will be conducted at Mr. Finley’s warmth is pardonable, illustrating strikingly tlie Funeral home thia, Saturday, afternoon at the hot-hearted loyalty of the man, and the solicitude he feels 1:30 by H arry E. Tucker, of the Medford for his field force. But upon this hypothesis—to be thoroughly Christian church, and the casket consig consistent—he must dismiss the entire corps of deputy wardens ned to earth at the Rix-k Point cemetery. Father Robb Lance, beloved wife of tlie and abolish the service. late George W ashington Lane»1, was born Jackson county needs a deputy warden to assume the duties in the city of Wailbams, Essex county, Y ork, on September 27th, 1843. vacated by the tragic death of Hubbard. There are scores of New At th e age of IS years, in company splendid fellows, any one of whom would take the job and carry with her two sisters, Sarah and Margaret it through fearlessly and efficiently. The Hubbard case is la Robb, she came to San Francisco, Calif , mentable history. It should not be permitted to harmfully effect via the Isthm us a t Panam a route. On October 4th, 1870, six- was wedded the cause of game protection. We have the right to demand to George W ashington Lance at Sacra mento, California. Shortly after m ar th at it shall not. S IN ALL private business affairs, municipalities must fig A ure where the money is coming from to run the city busi ness. It is well at this time for our city’s business managers, and the taxpayers generally, to pause and consider the question. Money to run the city must come from licenses or direct taxa tion. The city charter provides that no levy in excess of five mills, for city purposes, shall be made. The present levy is for the maximum amount, or the full five mills. On January 1st, 1916, the $l,200;derived from saloon licenses will cease to be. Provision will necessarily have to be made for funds to replace it, as the license money has been the main factor in keeping the tax levy within the maximum provided by the charter. The city must either reduce its expenses by that amount or provide for a change in the charter, as the loss of license revenue will more than equal a five mill levy—making it necessary to provide funds amounting to better than a ten mill levy. M A C H IN ER Y COMPLETE NEW STOCK E have on display at the Myers build ing a full line of Farm Implements, W Vehicles, and Machinery, particularly suited to the needs of this district The urgent need of a general machinery business in Gold Hill led us to this decisive step. You are to feel that we are at your service at all times, and that no item, of repairs, etc., is too small to receive our instant and careful at tention. On our behalf we ask merely the opportunity to show you the goods and to quote prices, feeling certain that both will prove satisfactory. Call and command us. O R E G O N M O L I N E C O M P A N Y ’S L I N E GOLD HILL IMPLEMENT CO. M. S. JO H N SO N . M a n a g er Í L ook! f l O o U u R r ! FL W h ite L o a f G u a r a n t e e d $1.85 Carload just, arrived G E T O N E O F O U R M O N T H L Y P R IC E C A R D S I f y o u a r e n o t o n o u r m a i li n g lis t s e n d in y o u r n a m e t o d a y O u r W a s h in g to n P o ta to e s are t»he best that can be gotten and going fast. Got» your supply? A LSO A L IM IT E D A M O U N T A M E R IC A N W O N D E R S E E D P O T A T O E S Men’s Furnishings Full line o f Men’s uptodate Shirts, Hats, and Summer Underwear just unpacked. L ook these over before laying in your Summer supply G E T A B O X O F T H E F A M O U S G E T M O R S O X <1» 1 f Y f ' ) FOB. M EN. G P A IR 5 G U A R A N T E E D 6 M O N T H S t p i . W V » LANCE & COMPANY - Y O U R M O N E Y B A C K IF D R . H E S S ST O C K TO N IC Does Not Make Stock Healthy and Expel Worms One of the most liberal guarantees ever made for any product has just been received from Dr. Gilbert Hess, one of the foremost veterinarians in the country. Let every farmer and poultry raiser read this remarkable offer: “So sure am I that Dr. Hess Stock Tonic will make stock healthy and expel t h e - » worms, that I authorize you to sell it to your customers on the strict under standing that if it does not do as I claim—if it does not pay them and pay them well—they should bring back the empty packages to you and you will refund their money. We promise to reimburse in every case. Tell every customer, also, that Dr. Hess Poultry Pan-a-ce-a must keep their poultry healthy.and help their hens lay, and that Dr. Hess Instant Louse Killer must kill lice on poultry and farm stock, or they can have their money refunded.” Surely, this is unbounded fnith in the merits of a product. m em ber of » reputable and old-established firm. M. D. BOWERS riage they came to southern Oregon, set tling on Foots Creek, six miles west of Gold Hill. She is survived by two sons and two daughters, George W ., o f Gold H ill; M arion, of Medford; Mrs. H ull, of G rants Pass; Mrs. Helms, of Medford; and one si-ter, Mrs Margaret Balch, of Pacific Grove, Calif. Beside these, six- leaves 09082 many near relatives and a host of warm D EPA R TM EN T OF T H E IN T E R IO R . friends. B EFO R E TH E U N IT E D STATES She confessed her Savior four years LAND O FFIC E. ago, and at the time of her deatli held a R O SE B U R G , OREGON. membership in the Christian church, of Medford. L egal Notices Pioneer Passes Beyond Entering the house to kindle the fire for his grandpareuts on W ednesday m orn ing, little Thomas Chisholm sought his grandfather’s room to bid him goodm om - ing. The silent visitor th a t succors old age had preceded him , and he discovered the body of the venerable gentleman stretclied upon the floor and cold in death. Investigation proved th at the demise had occurred some hours earlier. George Reiny Hammersley was a pio- neer of Oregon and had resided in Jack son county since 1888. In his prime he was a prom inent citizen, active in the affairs of*the state and county, and few will be more sincerely regretted and con stantly remembered th an lie. He had rounded his seventy-sixth year, and d u r ing tlie past several seasons hail failed rapidly in health. The last two years he had been cared for by his daughter, Mrs. W. P. Chisholm, of this city. Funeral services were conducted at tlie residence yesterday afternoon, all local business houses being closed as an ex pression of esteem. His sons, J . L. Haromersly and T. E Hammersley, of Portland, and R. L. H ammersley, of Willow Flat, were summoned and attend ed the funeral. Owing to his absence in the Idaho woods, Jo h n IL, former Gold Hill postmaster, was unable to lie pres ent. Many friends came from various parts of the county. In the n ex t issue The News will pre sent a complete obituary of Mr. Ham mersley, touching upon his long career of service and identification with the his tory of Oregon and Jackson county. The Home Store • • • • We stand roa<iy 1« back up this gnaranus- Issmsl by a We curry a g<xxl »apply of the sh o re goo«U In »Ux-k. Pharmacy • • • • GOLD HILL Order Io Show Cause Against Sole 27th , 1896, tlie no ticeo f which location is of record a t page 4-3 iu Vol. 8 of In Ihe County C n n rl o f the Slat»- of .Miniug and w ater rig h trec o rd s oi Jack- <>r gun, for Jackson C ounty. son C ounty, O regon, In the m utter of the E stste o, W illia m Any and all person* claiming adver Sm ith, Deceased. sely tlie mining ground, or piemises or It appearing to tl)i* C ourt, by th e any portion thereof so described and petition tiii» <lav presented and filed by applied for, a re hereby notified lliat ’ A. E. Kellogg, the A d m in istrato r ol th e their adverse claims are duty fll E st'tle of W illiam S m ith , deaeased, ed according to luw and the regulations th a t it is neces-ary to s« 11 toe whole or thereunder, within the time prescribed s o iiio portion of tlie real property of tne bv law, with the regls'er of the United A P P L IC A T IO N FOR PA TEN T. said decedent in o rd er t > pav his debts States Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, and th e expenses and charges of adniin- they will be barred by the provision of ist ration, the law in such cases uiuile and pro Mineral Application No. 09932 I t is oidered th a t all pe> sons intereat- February 9, 1915. vided. ed in said estate appear before thia Notice posted on the ground January Io Matter of Application of C. T. Dav C ourt on S aturday, the 27lh day of idson for Patent 8W l-4of NW1-4 of 15, 1915. M arch, 1915. at th e hour of 10 o ’clock Sec. 30, Twp. 37 8., Range 4 West. a. m. of th a t day, in th e C o u rt r~»m, a t M. U pton , 2 13 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR R egister. the C ourt House In the City of Ja c k UNITED STATES PATENT sonville, C ounty of J a kson, S tate of Oregon, to show cau-e why an order NOTIOE IS HERBY GIVEN, that should not be granted to the said a d C. T. Davidson whose residence is Jack- 04491 m inistrator to Sell so m uch of th e real son County,Oregon, and whose post of N O TIC E FOR PU BLICA TION property aa shah he n e c e s s » / , and It is fu rth er ordered th a t a ropy of thia fice address is Murphy, R. F. D. N o .l, D epx R tmkn T or thk I ntkwok Oregon, has filed his application in this U. 8. Land Office a t Roseburg, Oregon, o rd er h e published four ronserutive weeks n e s t preceeding said day in th e F ebruary 11, 1916. "Gold Hill N ew s" a new spaper printed office for a paten', to the placer Mining N oticb is hereby given that George atid published In said C ounty. Claim designated as “The Mocking —F, L. Top V e li . i , Bird Placer Claim", situate on Miners F. Fry, of Trail, Oregon, who, on April Gulch In the Missouri plat Mining Dis 20, 1908, made Additional Homestead Ju d g e of said C ourt. trict, in Jackson County, Oregon, snd Entry, Serial No. 04491, lor the 81-2 of Dated Feb. 23, 1919. embraced within and covering every NW1-4 and NEl-4 ol NW 1-4 of Section part of the HWJ^ of the NW •( Sec 82, Township 34 8, Range 1 W, Willam tion 30, Township 37 South, of Range 4 ette Meridian, has filed notice of inten The senate appropriations commit West of tbe Willamette Meridian, and tion to make Final Five-year Proof, to the same embracing the two certain establish claim to the land above de tee, In reporting the sundry civil bill placer mining claims, described as fol scribed, before W. H. Canon, U. 8. refused to accept the amendment, rec- Commissioner, at his office, at Medford, emmeiuied by Secretary of the Inter lows; viz : The certain placer mining claim cov Oregon, on the 29th day of March, 1916. ior Lane, making an appropriation of >460,000 for the co-operative Dea- Claimant names as witnesses: ering »very part of East of South ebutes Irrigation project, conditioned west i of Northwest of Section 30, Alex. B. Itaimey, ol Trail, Oregon, on a Bke appropriation by the state of Township 37, South, of Range 4 West I Ed. Foster, of ’’ as located hr I-G. Davidson, July 19th, i Perry Foster, of 1896, ihe notice of which location is of i Emil Klrchgessner, of Medford, Or, —J, M. U pton , record at page >80 in Voi. 8, mining and 2-20-16 Register. water right record of Jackson County, Oregon ; also That certain p la c e r mining claim Patronize home industry—smoke Mt. known as ‘‘The Mocking Bird" cover P itt and Gov. Johnixin cigars. ing every part of the West % of South I saw cord wood to stove lengths with west 1-4 of Northwest 1-4 of Section 30, Township 37, South, of Range 4, West, power saw, prom ptly on order. Phone as located by J. S. Davidson, November Jo h n J . R itter, 3F2L Oregon With record sessions the religious •ducattunal Institute, which had been In session for the past three days, ad journed at Albany. The institute waa conducted aa an Inter denominational gathering by the educational directors of Sunday school work for the Pacific north w* <t, In the Presbyterian, Con- gri-gatioi al, •'‘hrtatksn and Baptist« 1«