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About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1915)
tsnlo Gold Hill Graulaal N atu ral K r to u r c ii a ! Soulharn dra g o n I t On baau titu l Mugua Minor V O L 17 Jackson Co, O na C o m m u n ity o i O p p o r tu n ity -- H ogu a M ivrr V allay, uihara th a a p p la g o in t d turn a OPED H ILL JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 6,1915 NO. 44 ATTEND THE GRANGE ORGANIZATION MEETING 2:00 TODAY! GERMANY CLOSED TO ALL TRAFFIC JOHN 0. ROCKEFELLER GASOLINE OUTPUT MAY BE TREBLED j BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAUNTEFIST Ohio day w as celebrated a t A shland M arch 2 by form er O hioans O regon ra n k s 26th am ong tb e sta te s Events Occurring Throughout England's Premier Announces Announcement Made by Secre* of tbe Union In the num ber of auto mobile reg istratio n s. the State During the Past That Combined Fleets Will tary Lane of Two Import* T he s ta te railroad com m ission has Week. Stop All Ships. ant Discoveries. decided to release four of Its em ployes — ------- In o rd er to c u t expensee. I London.— If th s combined fleet» of V.a ihlugton. Two discoveries, both T h *« »««h m ark s the gath erin g of P rom oters of U. S. C ashier Indicted. of vast Im portance to A m erican Indus- repeeeentatlves a t P ortland of all the O rent B ritain and France can pruvunt P o rtlan d .—C harging gross fraud and i t no oom mod It lu» of any kind except tries and one regarded also a s a price- ch a p te rs of the D aughters of the ¿he use of th e U nited S ta te s m ails to less m ilitary asset, w ere announced by  \nertcan R evolution in Oregon. th o se now on tha seas shall hanoa- prom ote IL several form er officers forth. until tha ooBolusloa of tha war, S ecretary Lane, of the Interior depart- P ro p erty of an estim ated value of end stock salesm en of the defunct ranch or lanes tha shores of Germ any. un nt They a re chem ical processes 51600 changed hands S atu rd ay nt Al- U nited S ta te s C ashier com pany of thia dev,-loped a fte r years of research by bnny's first public sales day, attended Thia Is E ngland’» answ er to Oer- city w ere indicted by the federal grand Dr. W alter !•'. K Ittinan, chem ical en- by 2000 persons from all p a rts of the m any's su b m arin e blockade and it Is Jury. Bail in each case w as fixed a t ........ .. of th e bureau of mit es. surrounding country. to ba s ffa a tlre forthw ith. 82500. ) i P rem ier A squith m ade th is a n < e Is expected to c-nnhK-oll rsfln- B arring unforeseen delays, w ork on [ T hose indicted a re F ran k Menefee, nouncem ent In tha house of commons. ers to Inert u se th eir o u tp u t of gasoline the construction of the new wing to p resid en t and general m anager, of S tudiously avoiding th a term s "block I.y 200 per < cu t; the o th er m akes pes- the e a stern O regon sta te hospital will , P ortland, F. M. LeMonn, sales m ana a d e " and "contrab an d "—tor these sible th e production from crude pe- be sta rte d In 50 days, according to 3u- ger, now In C alifornia; T hom as BI1- <worda occur now b a rs In th a prepared troleum of toluol aad benzol, bases for p erln ten d en t W, D. McNary. Miss Lucy Burleson, daughter of the yeu, of H illsboro, d irecto r and invent John O. Rockfeller, “■napped" while dyes and high explosives, for which étalem en t—th e prem ier explained th a t Mrs. C. M. Phillips, aged 84. one of o r of the five m achines w hich the com th a allies considered them selves Justi testifying before th e Federal In d u stri In the pant the U nited S ta te s and the th e m em bers of th e W hitm an p arty peetm eeter general, who Is reported pany w as organized to m anufacture; engaged to a prominent official. fied In attem pting, and would attem p t, al Commission. re s t of the world has depended alm ost which crossed the plains In 1842, died O scar C am pbell, a d irecto r and a to "detain and tak e Into port ships exclusively on O erm sny. nt C lackam as, n ear O regon City, fob "" 1 1' w ealthy retire d business m an of Eu Tbe R ussian successes In the region carry in g goods of presum ed enem y Dr. R ittm an has applied for p aten ts lowing an Illness of a few days. IDAHO DRY BILL IS SIGNED gene, and five sto ck salesm en, B. F. of Brsasnysx, north Poland, and K d o destination, ow nership or origin." ou his processes to p rev en t th e possi S enator C ham berlain Is advised by ------------- . Bonnewell, H. M. Todd, Joseph H unt T he prem ier em phasised, how ever, mes. east Galicia, and th e successful bility of any monopoly in th eir use and the se c retary of ag ricu ltu re th a t the •o v e rn o r A lexander K eeps W ord Des er, O. L. H opson and P. E. M uraine. pite T h re a t and Signs M easure. th a t vessels and cargoes so selxed progress of the o p eratio n s of th e al will d ed icate them to th e A m erican d e p artm en t will d etail a d rainage en lied fleet in the D ardanelles w ere the Boise, Idaho.—A lthough th reaten ed w ere not necessarily liable to confis people. gineer to Oregon on April 1, to assist H usband and W ife on M urder C harge. w ith death by som e fanatic w ho d e cation and begged th e patience of neu m ost Im portant ev en ts of the w ar d u r “T hese processes," said S ecretary th e O regon d rain ag e comm ission. M arshfield.—On a charge of m urder, ing th e p ast week. tr a l countries In th e face of a step la n e , "are frau g h t w ith th e u tm o st T he lodge of the K nights of P ythias clared in an anonym ous letter, he 1 T he R ussian offensive operatio n s ap Im portance. The S tan d ard OU com nt Tbe Dalles h as appointed a com would kill him If he signed tbe s ta te Mr. and Mrs. C larence R ussell w ere through wbloh they w ere likely to su f fer. lie added th a t In m aklug such a p ear to extend along the whole front, pany h as had a big advantage over the m ittee to a rra n g e for the erection of wide prohibition bill, G overnor Alex a rre ste d by D eputy S heriff L aird a t ste p the allies bad done so in self de aii Indication th a t th e R ussians have indep en d en ts In production of gaso a four-story, reinforced concrete lodge an d er attach ed his sig n atu re to the th e ir hom e five m iles south of M yrtle m e a e u ra ^ n d n'll doubt"ab7u~t‘ Idaho b i i Po‘n t' , !t i8 alleKed they a re gullty of been able to bring stro n g rein fo rce line, having a p atented process ob and a p artm en t building In th a t city. fense. poisoning A rth u r Russell, b ro th er of m ents Into the field. They have suc The trem endous cost of m odern w ar T hom as Dawson. 75 years old. an In- co® ing a dry te rrito ry Jan u ary 1, 1916, taining th ree tim es the am ount of gas C larence, w hose death occurred th ree fare, which the prem ier estim ated now cessfully checked llie G erm an advance oline from a given quantity of p etro l m ate of the s ta te Insane asylum , stab- wae rem oved. T he cerem ony w as w itnessed by y ears ago, w ithout any suspicion a t n t 17,500,000 dally to th e allies alone, In n orth Poland, w here th e G erm ans eum th an the Independents now ob bed and probably fatally wounded the tim e. an d likely to grow to *8.500,000 or a re reported to be in re tre a t, an d the tain. T hom as B. \ \ uO, an o th er Inm ate of m any prohibitionists who have led In S heriff Johnson h as ordered th e a r morn dally by April, wa« the theiuo recap tu re of P rzasynsz a fte r sev ere th e f ig h t T he several pens used by th e institution. W aldo is 71 years old. re s t of W illiam P en tlan d a t C oeur fighting has given them un excellent of th a t p a rt of the p rem ier's ad d ress Republican Publicity Planned. T he S tate of O regon expended 830,- th e governor In d atin g and signing d ’Alene, Idaho, form erly a farm hand pivotal front from which to c a rry on not dealing with the blockade. W ashington.—O rganization of th e 218.48 during 1914 In a ssistin g the v a r th e bill w ere presented to N orth and a t the R ussell place, who gave tb s th eir fu rth e r operations. R epublican Publicity association to ious orphanages, foundling asylum s South Idaho W om en's C hristian T em The allies do n o t believe th a t th eir conduct an educational cam paign in and sim ilar In stitu tio n s w hich draw perance associations and to th e Anti- sto ry of th e m urder to th e officials. ALLIES' ACTION MOMENTOUS success In th e D ardanelles u n d ertak th e in te re st of the republican p arty financial aid from the state. T his is Saloon league. John Minto Dies a t Age of 92 Y ears. ing will be Im m ediate, for th ey are w as announced here. Its officers a re : show n by th e annual rep o rt of those G overnor A lexander w as not the England and F ran cs Send N otes F or Salem . — Jo h n Minto, resid en t of ngw facing the h a rd e st p a rt of the P resid en t, Jo n ath an Bourne, J r .; vice in stitu tio n s. le a st w orried over th e th re a t on his bidding Shipm ents to Germ any. O regon since 1844, and m em ber of one problem, having th e stro n g e st fo rts p resident, S eu ato r G alltnger. of New .T h e sta te highw ay com m ission has life. T he unsigned le tte r referred to W ashington.—All ooinm erclal inter- ahead of them , although the guns of H am pshire; tre a su re r. R ep resen tativ e advertised for bids for co n stru ctin g the killing of G overnor Steunenherg. of th e early sessions of the s ta te legis course by sea betw een G erm any and these fo rts have not the ran g e of the M adden, of Illinois; secretary , Anson the M itchell's P oint section of the Co It a rriv ed in th e m orning m ail, but latu re, died h ere a fte r an illness of th e outside world was declared pro one week. H e w as 92 y ears old. T he guns of the larg er »hips, p articu larly W. P rescott. lum bia highw ay. T he stre tc h of road ow ing to th e fact th e envelope becam e hibited by G reat B ritain aud France. passing of Mr. M into rem oves one of the 15-lnch guna of th e Queen E liza mixed w ith o th ers a fte r the opening A sta te m e n t announcing the asso is about a mile long aud because of Identical notes presented by the the best-know n of contem porary pio beth. ciatio n 's purpose declares It will not th e topography of th e land will co st In it could not be ascertain ed w here it F rench and B ritish am b assad o rs h ere neers. He w as for m any years an in W hile eig h t B ritish ships have been p articip ate in any cam paign for th e the neighborhood of 860,000. w as m ailed. Informed the U nited S ta te s govern tim ate friend oi the late F. X. Mat- destroyed In th e first week th a t the nom ination o r election of auy Indivi U nless th ere is unprecedented m ent of this d rastic step by th e allies thieu, and w as a w itness of the re blockade has beon In force. It Is point dual to office. spring rainfall, S ilver L ake will be Noose Favored in W ashington Senate. in reply to G erm any's w ar to n e p ro m arkable developm ent of the sta te ed ou t th a t they a re for th e most p art Olym pia, W ash.—S enate bill 220, re dry before th e end of the sum m er of clam ation. from fro n tie r conditions to Its present sm all vessels, and th a t th e m ajo rity 1915. T his is the prediction of old se t estab lish in g capital punishm ent for if th is policy Is enforced It will no of them . Instead of having food for j DYNAMITE PLOT DISCOVERED tle rs who cu ltiv ated ran ch es in the firs t degree m urder, a fte r W ashing Btate of civilization. longer be possible to ship cotton, m an this country, wore c ith er In b allast or ufactured a rticles and com m odities Bomb Fuse W hich S p u ttered N ear th e late '70s on the 11,000 a c res of land ton's tw o y ears' experience w ith life carry in g coal o r o th e r freig h t for nen- j im prisonm ent as th e sev erest penalty, BILLS SIGHED NUMBER 349 over which w ater now stands. h ith erto of a nou-contrahand c h aracter A lter Stam ped Out. tral countries. Mrs. F ran k K asper w as in stan tly passed the sen ate by a vote of 28 to from the U nited S tates to G erm any New York.—W ith th e fru stra tio n of In th e house of com m ons S ir Ed- killed and h er husband and tw o chil 14. Its passage In th e house is p re T hree M easures, Two of Them C reat directly o r Indirectly, and from the ward Grey, secretary for foreign af- ; a plot to blow up St. P a tric k 's cath e dren w ere seriously Injured w hen In dicted. ing New Judgeships, Vetoed. la tte r country the supply of dyestuffs dral, one of th e finest churches in the fairs, m ade th e Im p o rtan t announce Salem .—G overnor W ithycom be sign bound p assenger tra in No. 1 ou the and o th er m erchandise for consum p m ent, which was received w ith cheers. ' United S tates, the police d eclare they O.-W. R. & N. line crash ed into a w a A llies’ Victory S ends W heat Down. ed 349 bills, passed by tb e la s t legisla tion In tills country will be cu t off. th at G reat B ritain sym pathized w i t h 1 a re ou th e trail of a gang of Italian gon in w hich the fam ily w as driving »C hicago. — E xcitem ent over w ar ture. H ouse Bill No. 496, Introduced It was regarded as p ractically c e r R ussia's asp iratio n s to gain aceuss to , d y n am iters who planned not only to a t E ast S ixtieth, n ear G lisan s tre e t in changes a t C onstantinople th a t seem by the com m ittee on w ays a:, i m eans, tain th a t the U nited S tates would re d estroy th e cath ed ral but to d ynam ite the open ss a through T urkey. ed to im ply the a lterin g of the en tire and m aking an ap propriation for the P ortland. ply prom ptly w ith an inquiry as to The Belgian arm y, reorganized and i th e hom es of several m illionaires, in D iscovering th ree b u rg lars robbing world supply and dem and situ atio n as c are of w ayw ard girls, w as the la st how the step was to be carried Into cluding John D. R ockefeller and An re-equipped, again h as been taking th e general m erchandise sto re of J o s to w h eat sm ashed prices for th a t ce bill signed by th e governor, and it practice, together with a p rotest p art In the fight for th e recovery of drew C arnegie. eph Gooding a t SL Paul, Daniel Girdle, real to a level 14 m ade a to ta l of 349 bills signed by a g ain st th e announcem ent th a t com Tbe a tte m p t to dynam ite th e c a th e its country, ami, according to the a citizen, opened lire with a rifle and him. T h ere w ere 220 bills passed by m erce betw een Germ any anil n eutral dral was discovered and fru stra te d F rench * rep o rt, has advanced across the house, and 132 by the senate, and Murdock H eads Moose. co u n tries h ereafter would be Inter the V-i-r and taken a farm from the j ,,n b' a fte r a bomb had been placed killed an unidentified m em ber of the trio. Deputy S heriff N eedham la te r New Y ork.—R ep resen tativ e V ictor th e governor vetoed three. rupted by the allies. and lighted w ithin 20 feet of th e m ain G erm ans, while Its a rtille ry h as de a rre ste d Jam es G rady and F ran k Un- M urdock, of K ansas, h as been chosen H e vetoed S. B. 288, by Kiddle, cre a ltar. D etectives stam ped o u t the derm eyer. 250,000 French Dead, Say Germ ans. molished tw o G erm an w orks. ch airm an of the national com m ittee atin g an additional circu it judge for j sp u tterin g fuse and a rre ste d tw o Itali O therw ise the b attles In th e west Berlin, by w ireless to Sayville.—The C arlos L. Byron, a tim ber operato r of th e progressive party, the com m it the te n th judicial d is tric t; H . B. 308, ans In th e church before the w orship of S eattle, and F ra n k E. Alley, an a t tee announced in a s ta te m e n t Ilam b u rg ar N acbrlchten has published a re still conf'tied to th e C ham pagne creatin g th e fifteenth, sixteenth and ers a t th e 7 o'clock m ass knew of th eir w hat purp o rts to be an au th en tic list and the V osg-q w here both sides torney of R oseburg, were indicted a t sev en teen th judicial d istric ts from the danger. of F rench losses In th e first six d a im to have been successful. P ortland by the federal grand Jury, second, and providing for two addi P ortland. F ran k A barno, a lithographer, and m onths of the war. charged w ith h aving presented to the W heat—Club, 51-35; bluestem 5L38; tional judges, and H. B. 357, am ending F ran k Baldo, a laborer, w ere arre ste d 864 G erm an N ew spapers Suspend It gives the num ber of dead as 260,- R oseburg land office false affidavits red R ussian. 81.30; forty-fold, 81-34; the law relatin g to the organization A m sterdam , via London. - F igures a t th e church, and C harles Carbone, a and claim s relatin g to tim b er and ted fife, 8132. 000, and the wounded 700,000, of whom of co-operative associations. m achinist, w as tak en a t his home 400,000 a re described as slightly hurt. compiled by the postal au th o rities A fter »igning S enate bill 312. w hich sto n e lands, w ith in te n t to defraud the H ay—E a stern O regon tim othy, 816; sh o rtly afterw ard. In addition 200,000 men have been re th a t since the beginning of tbe governm ent. em pow ers th e governor and several g rain hay. 812; alfalfa, 813; valley tim T he police had received in advance w ar 864 G erm an new spapers have su s ported m issing. R ep resen tativ e S lnnott announces othy, 512-50. sta te boards to recall appointive of a “ tip" th a t th e a tte m p t would be pended publication. appointm ents for U. S. naval academ y ficers, G overnor W ithycom be gave out B u tter—C ream ery, 35c. m ade and several detectiv es w ere In as follow s: R obert Boiler, K lam ath b sta te m e n t declaring the m easure a Eggs—Candle^, 20c; ranch, 19c, Hope E xpressed Jap an ese Will be th e cath ed ral when it opened for th e Will Exchange W ounded. F alls; C laude B. Hill, K lam ath Falls, n ecessity if th e w ishes of th a people i. H ops—1914 crop, 14c; 1913 crop 13c. Moved to Modify Demands. Berlin, by w ireless to Sayville, L. I. m orning service. first a lte rn a te ; Chris, W etle, The for an conom lcal ad m in istratio n are Wool— E astern Oregon, 26c. San Francisco.—R ep resen tativ es of —It was announced here th at Franco Dalles, second a lte rn a te ; G errlll M.i to be fulfilled. S eam en's Bill Passed by Congress. th e Six Com panies, th e pow erful Chi and G erm any had reach ed uu ag ree Dowell, The Dalles, th ird altern ate. The executive defends the em ergen New Birds a t U niversity. W ashington. T he sen ate accepted nose organization w hich Instituted n m ent whorohy seriously wounded p ris T he civil service exam ination w ill be cy clause featu re of th e m easure, de Eugene.— Five specim ens of the pine boycott against Ja p a n e s e ' ou the P a oners. Incapable of retu rn in g to the the conference rep o rt on the seam en's held A pril £0. clarin g th a t it Is n ecessary to obtain grosbeak, one of the ra re st of Oregon bill, already adopted by the house, end cific eon»i because of the demand» flout, wqrc to he exchanged. In vitations and menu card s printed prom ptly th e b est possible efficiency birds, has ju s t been brought to th e ing a two y ears' fight In congress. The made on China by Japanese, »aid that on U nion county pine boards saw ed by In the various d ep artm en ts for the law U niversity of O regon zoological d e m easure raises tiie stan d ard of labor the propaganda work would he c a r C hurches Unite in Peace L etter. th e G eorge P alm er lum ber com pany to becom e effective a t once. ried on th is week thro u g h o u t tile west New York—The C hurch Peace U n for seam en, and provides te r in creas will play an im p o rtan t p a rt in adding p artm en t by A. C. Shelton, field w ork e r and curator. Mr. Shelton spent and parts of Cunuda und Mexico, and ion, founded a y ear ago by Andrew ed safety equipm ent on lake and ocean novelty to the d in n er w hich the La A ustralian S tudies Semi-Dry Farm ing seven w eeks d u ring Jan u ary and F eb ' » th a t It would ho continued in the ex ’arnegle, through Its secretary , the steam ships. G rande con.qiercial club will give Its B aker.—C harles Sparling, rep resen t ru ary In the h e a rt of tho C ascades In pectation th a t ultim atoly the Jnpnnost Rev. Frederick, made public m em bers M arch 5. On th a t occasion ing th e ag ricu ltu ral com m ission of th e e a ste rn L ane county, and retu rn ed affected would bring p ressure to boa- here a m oasage which the union has Anti-Alien Clause U nconstitutional. nothing but mnde-ln-Union county a r ti A u stralian governm ent, Is In th is city w ith ab o u t 100 specim ens. Albany, N. Y.—The provision In the on th eir home governm ent to modify addressed to “tho ch u rch es and cler- cles a re to a p p ear on the table. for som e tim e, to m ake h is h eadquar the term s o( the Jap an ese dem ands. ■y of A m erica," cautio n in g m in isters labor law prohibiting the em ploym ent One of the la rg e st projects for de te rs here, w hile he Investigates the of aliens on public w orks was declared Fern Hobbs to Q uit Comm ission. uni church people a g ain st partisan- velopm ent of the dry d istric t of e a s t agricu ltu ral conditions in the semi- Von Pohl D irects German F le e t Salem".—Miss F ern Hobbs, who w as hip In discussing tho European -var, u n co n -titu tlo u al by the court of ap ern O regon w as announced as ready arid portions of ea ste rn Oregon. H is Berlin, via Loudon,—-Admiral v. mil p ro testin g ag ain st th e p resen t a g i peals. for construction w ork som e time th is appointed by ex-Governnr W est ns a m ission tn the U nited S tates is to m em ber of 'h e sta te aeeldrnt In d u stri Pohl, chief of the adm iralty sta ll. lio , tatio n for Increased arm am en ts. T his spring by Ass B. T hom pson, president g a th e r d a ta on the developm ent and S eattle. been selected as suecesiior to Adin ¡.a Is »aid to he the first tim e In church of th e Oregon Irrig atio n congress. The al com m ission, will re tire from office cultivation of lands In the sem i-arid W heat—B luestein $1.37; club 81.32; nn Mhy 21. h er rcslgnsrtloa being ac- I von Ingonohl, whose rem oval fro history th a t C atholics and P ro te sta n ts p ro ject calls for the reclam ation of d istric ts of the country, which m eans com m and of the G erm an b attle fle d have joined in signing a common let- red R ussian, 81.21; forty-fold, 81-37; 19,000 acres of land n ear Echo, U m a cento,1 by G overnor W ithycom be, who , th a t his work will be confined largely fife, 81-25. w as m ade known. ior addressed to th e churches. tilla county, on w hat is know n as the anhouneed he would appoint C arle to the Pacific coast states. B arley—827.50 p er ton. A bram s to succeed Miss Hobbs. Teel project.