Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1912)
Professional Cards Î »M ® 4 * ? Y Y Y Y A. E. KELLOGG ❖ Y A. G OLD H IL L . OREGON Embalmer and Funeral Director Complet« line of boriai robe», caskets, «te. t Buy the Man's Gift where he would buy it--THE TOGGERY °a COURSE Time to Think of Christmas Gifts H ere’s the S to r e w ith a “ th ou san d and o n e t h i n g s ” he will like. B y far t h e la rg est, m o st varied S to ck s. “ If y o u ca n t find it h ere it’s n o t in t o w n . ” FUNERAL CAR You Want That Gift to Please Office Phone: Home, li—M; Residence T Piume, Home 2—K : Pacìtìc 46-Main. ♦♦♦ Y ❖ CLEMENT H. SMITH. M. D. GENERAL PRACTIT10N ER Y Office in Wells Building Hours 10-12—2-4 JOHN H. CARK1N GLENN O, TAYLOR CARE IN & TAYLOR Y LAWYERS OOMS 17-19 OVKR JACKSON COX’XT Y BAN» MEDFORD, OREGON CLARK E. SAUNDERS, M. D. Practice Limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Eyes scientifically examined and glasses furnished when netxletl. 3- .ett-Corev P-'L .-ng. M -sifii.i, Ore DR. R. C. KELSEY OPrtCK IN GOLD t t W e sell g o o d s th a t appeal to m en —n o useless trin k ets o r nick-nacks, but such a g ift as h e’s seen in ou r sto r e w in d o w and w is h e d t o o w n . If it has T h e T o g g e r y nam e o n it he k n o w s it is g o o d and a p p ro v es the s e le c tio n . H IL L H O S P IT A L a c sts . GOLD H IL L , OREGON v O k . t h i r d DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE DENTIST GAS ADMINISTERED RIALTO BUILD IN G , MEDFORD A. E. KELLOGG- NOTARY PUBLIC P h o n e 35 Main GOLD H IL L , OR EGO! Y Y Y ❖ Y t Y t Y Y Y ♦ ♦ T> ❖ Y Y Y Y Y î f ♦♦♦ ASSAYER AND CHEM IST. EA R L V INGLES, B Sc.—General as ❖ say and analytical work. Cement and asp h alt testing. Best equip ped assay office and tc.-ting labor atory in Oregon. All work guar anteed. C alveit-Paddock block. P h o n e 870-J. G ran ts P ass. Oregon. S. P. Time Card M E R C H A N D ISE BONDS Solve the gift problem with a Merchandise or Glove Bond anti let the recipient make their own election. Issued in any amount. They are sure to please. A FEW SUGGESTIONS Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits Bath and Lounging Robes.......... ........................ »5 to *15 Famous IVudleton Bath Robes, e ach ...................................*20 House Coats and Smoking Jackets . . *5.50 h> 10 H andkerchief Cases............................................................91 to 2 Collar Bags...................................................................... ..»1 to 3 Tie Rings...............................................................................»1 to S Jewel Cases........................................................................... f l u, 2 Neckwear..................................................................... 25c to 12.50 L argest and F in est C lothing S tore B e tw e e n Portland and San Francisco R> l e n t ................................................ ... »1.2.5 to 3 Mufflers ............................................... ,5«k- to «3 Fourties and Perrin* Dress Glove* ............. -i „itn2..">0 H and P. Fur Limsl Gloves ...................... *i Shirts, plain and dress ....................... *1 to I Pennants ......................................................... 5Qpto91 Hosiery, silk and cotton . . ............... . 2.'>cto»l Sw. a t.r Coats, with new collar .. .. ..........Dp to 93.50 Umbrellas ..................... ....... , ....... »I to 10 »•nil I. i n k - . . . . . . . ............... M b tl, »I ,-s) Handbags ami Suitcase* »2 to 22.50 silk Su*|*-ndcrs ............................................................ 75c to 5-> Fancy Vests ........ ......................................... » 1 .5 0 to 7 .5 0 P ru n k s..........................................................................»7.50 to «2.5 P ajam as.. . . . ................................................... N ightrobea............. ....................................... Scarf P in a .......................................................................... 50c Io Ladle* and Men's Traveling Slippers. THE TOGGERY $ o r COURSE ❖ ❖ ❖ *1.50 Io 5 73c to »3.50 9* Wc Issue Merchandise Orders for Any Amount Ï N o rth b o u n d No. No. No. No. 20 24 (m otor) 32 ( m otor ) 16 8:07 11:04 5:37 6:29 a. a. p. p. Drives off a Terror The chief executioner of death in the w inter and spring mouths is pneumonia. Its advance agents an- colds ami grip, in S o u th b o u n d any attack by one ..{ these maladies no No. 23 ( m otor ) In tile Circuit Court of the State • 8:07 a. time should Is- lost in taking the best No. 31 (m otor) 1 :42 p. Oregon f«»r Jackson County. N • . 1 •’» • • • 2:55 p medicine obtainable to drive it off, Suit In I.illie Stm mpf, Plaintiff,) No. 19 1 1 o. I Countless thousands have found this to Capitalists in U. S. Said to -vs- ) Equity. Is- Dr. King s New Discovery. "M y iius- Summons Joe Strompf, Defendant,) Have Deliberately Fomented F -F -F -F -F -F -F -F -F -F -F -F -F -i han.l believes ii kept him from having ♦ GOLD H IL L O PE R A H OUSE To Joe Stmmpf, the above named i pneumonia lliree or four tim es," writes Discontent and Strife. ♦ S eatin g C apacity 600. d efendant: Mrs. George 55, Place, Rawsouville, 5’t., + S tag e 50x22. In tlio name of the state of Oregon, "an d for coughs, colds ami croup we + W ashington.—G n a t American fi you are hereby commanded to appear have never found it-e q u a l." G uaranteed + nancial in te re sts will he held respon I t is th e o b ject of th e and answ er the complaint of the plaintiff' for all bronchial affections. Price oOc-ts. a. m an ag e m en t to book only sible for the revolutions In Mexico against you now on fib- in the above en and »1.00 Trial k ittle at all druggists. Cuba liy the su b co m m ittee of firs t class a ttra c tio n s and titled Court and cans.- on or la-fore the the sen ate foreign relations commit- , ab o u t tw o p erfo rm an ces a last .lay prescribed in the publication A Reminder n-e which has been Investigating con m onth. T he sta g e has been herein, to-wit on or before six weeks Obstetrical work is cash, No ,-xecpt- ditions In those countries. The sub en larg ed an d new d ressin g from the first day of publication of this T- ions to this rule can I«- made com m ittee under the direction of Sen room s added to th e build in g summons. And you are hereby notified a to r W illiam A llen. Sm ith, of Michi w ith new scen ery an d th e that if you tail to appear and answer the Clement II. Smith, M. I). T he governm ent failed, the court gan, expects to conclude Its inquiry Could Shout lor Joy p resen t stag e, we can stag e said complaint, for w ant thereof plaintiff shortly and to subm it Its report to li.-l.l, to show "a general com bination" I " "ii l o t h uik j mi n- m it,, bottom | an y k in d of a pro d u ctio n . will apply to t i n - ( n i r t fortls- relief pray Ï 0 REFORM COURT RULES congress im m ediately a fte r the t lirlst- to apportion the am ount of roads. The of my la u r i,” wrote C. 11. Rader, of T he H ouse in th e fu tu re ed for in her complaint, to-wit, for a mas holidays. T his report prom ises governm ent’s o th er ch arg es aa to a Ix-wishurg, 55. 5 a ,, " fo rila - wonderful will be b o oked th ro u g h th e decree - tting aside and annulling the Joint R epresentative Sm ith of Klam to he a scathing arraignm ent of Am er com bination were characterized as "In donili«! benefit I got from Electric Bitters, N o rth w estern T h e a tric a l as m arriage relations now existing between a th Falls P reparing BiU. ican business Interests for the part definite." in curing me of both a revere case of -F sociation h av in g signed a con plaintiff and defendant herein. The railroads concerned In the case stoinacli tronlde and of rla-uuiatism, from 4. tr a c t to th is effect, an d th ey K lam ath F alls.—Believing th a t the they play.-d in aiding the overthrow This summons is published in The w ere the Philadelphia A Heading, the Gold Hill New- by order of Hon. F. .31. w idespread criticism of the courts Is of the Diaz governm ent In Mexico L ehigh Valley, the D elaw are, L acka which I Inal Ix-on an almost la-lpless snf- have assu red us th a t they and in the a ttem p ts they m ade to c re fnn-r for ten years. It m iusl my ease as Calkins, judge of the above entitled due d irectly to p reventlble methods w ill use th e ir best en d eav o rs a te disturbances in Cuba. Some of w anna * W estern, the C entral Hail- though miale Just for m e.” For dysiicii- V Court, which -aid order was made and ' now in vogue, 5V. O. Sm ith, jo in t re to only book good com panies 1 the in terests. It is asserted , w ere an x road of New Jersey , the E rie and the siu, indigi-stion, jandiee, and to rid tla- + entered of record on the 21st day of Oct p resen tativ e of K lam ath, Lake and W . H . HTICKEL, ious to have the United S tates In ter New York, Susquehanna ti W estern. syst«-m of kidney poisons that cause ria-u Crook counties has in preparation a + ober, 1912, and w hichsaid order requires M anager Liquor O pponents In W ashington. mutism, I.lcctrii' ilitters.have no su|M-rior. vene both in .Mexico and Cuba with a + F F + + + + + + + + + F + -F -F you to appear and answer the said com bill to facilitate co u rt work. view to annexing those countries to D elegates appointed by the gover I ry them. Every Is.itle is guaranteed to In circu it co u rt work, the attorney plaint on or 1-efon- the last day prescribed the A m erican republic. nors of nenrly all of the sta te s a re in satisfy. Only .3»»-is. at all druggists. in said order for publication of this sum who files a su it o r action will be re The report of the Sm ith sub-commit W ashington to atten d the conference mons. Date of the first publication the quired to secure th e issuance of sum tee will disclose th at the United on federal regulation of the liquor m ons w ithin one day th ereafter, and il 9th day of Xovemls-r. 1912 * the d efendant can be found w ithin the S tates has served as a base for Mexi traffic, which assem bled Monday. The D e AKMOND & D e AKMOND, county w here th e com plaint has been can and Cuban revolutionists. T hat enactm ent of n federal sta tu te to pro 7-33 Attorneys for Plaintiff. filed, service m ust be m ade w ithin 1« large sum s of money have been ob tect prohibition te rrito ry from In ter s days, or outside th e county w ithin 2U tained from A m erican financiers for sta te shipm ents of intoxicating liquors use In fom enting discontent and aid Is the chief end sought by the sup Administratrix’s Notice of A; pointment days. and to Present Claims. Then, a fte r th e filing of a com plaint ing in revolutions; th a t m unitions of p o rters of the movem ent. w ar have been purchased In this coun Aa a result of th e conference held In the County Court, of the State of Ore and service of sum m ons, th e case <"-menta. and rnntainn 300 o tb ir m ust be tried w ithin 10 days, unless try nnd shipped In violation of n eu tral here last y ear a bill for the federal gon, for the County of Jackson, Estate >• Ii.rentor». Addrttl, regulation of the liquor traffic was the court is actu ally engaged in the ity law s to the neighboring states. f John B. Mattis, deceased. agreed upon nnd presented to con Relief In Coal Price Predicted. trial of cases previously filed. Notice is hereby given th a t tin- Hon. J 6 ■ Y .‘:"aor.E!dg. WISH INGTON, 0.C. T he m easu re to be Introduced by T he federal suprem e court canceled gress, hut th a t body adjourned before I. R. Neil, County Judge of Jackson County, State of O ngon, lias appointed Mr. Sm ith will tak e aw ay the power as violative of the Sherm an law the the bill cam e up for passage. Extra A Dinner For 25 Cents Mary .Mattis, adm inistratrix of tin- .-state of th e co u rts to extend the tim e fot c o n tracts by which railroad-owned ordinary efforts will be made to have answ ering or for trial, even on stipule coal com panies In the Pennsylvania the m easure again brought up and The best to be had for that price in if Jo h n 15. Mattis, deceased. Any per tton of opposing atto rn ey s, except for an th ra c ite fields had purchased the acted upon a t the present session of T he fourth annual show of the O re Rogue River valley at the American res son having aelaim against the said estate, unusual reasons, and then the moving output for nil tim e of “independent” congress. gon P oultry and Pet Stock association taurant (formerly Good Eats cafe) in must present same duly verified, to th e “ Money T ru st" Inquiry Resumed opened in P ortland Monday. T he G rants Pass. Ottr vegetables, eggs, etc., undersigned at the office of A. E. Kellogg, p arty m ust pay to his opponent all of mines. A ttorney-G eneral W lckershnm ex T he main Inquiry of the “money show will end S aturday evening, De are bought direct from farmers and are aitom ey for tin- adm inistratrix, in Gold th e expenses, Including a tto rn e y ’s fee, to date. In no case will m ore than pressed the belief that the "decision tr u s t” investigation, th a t In to .th e a l cem ber 14th. strictly first class as are the groceries Hill, Oregon, within six months from one postponem ent be granted. will so com pletely destroy the com leged concentration o fjn o n ey and cred The R oseburg postoffice received wo use. Our kitchen is as clean as the the date of the first publication of this The bill will also require every bination th a t now controls the price its in the hands of a few financiers and dispatched more mall during th e kitchens of the best homes and tin- cook notice. Dam of first publication Novem question to be decided w ithin 10 days of a n th ra c ite th a t It m ust resu lt In a of New York, was begun Monday when m onth of N ovember, 1912, than any ing is done witli the utmost care to have ber 2, 1912. from the tim e it goes to the court for d istin ct m easure of relief to the pub the Pujo com m ittee of the house re o th er second class postoffice In the the food appetizing. You will enjoy our Mary Mattis, th a t purpose. it« " sum ed its hearings. United Stntes. coffee and tea, for it is rightly made. Administratrix L egal Notices iO S FROM OUR NATIONAL CAPITAL CORN Extra L a rg e and G ood Q u a lity H. V a n H o v en b erg , Jr. S isk iy o u R a n ch Sam s V a lle y 1912 DECEMBER 1912 M I 2 £ it a. WILLSON & CO. Wkx J r 6 8 9 1213 14 15 1611718 1920 21 22 24 ® 26 27 28 2930 3 l H *