Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1912)
Greet the New Year at the W ig" l i e , etui« r ill-i. 11112. If you are looking (or «omething good In the mining line don’t fail weing (!. H. Wego KIII' m New Year1» dance—Dec- Iledfleld, who ha» four patented eluiniM voilier Slat, HH2. I In till« county far «ale at a »uerflee, on Thoiiia» McKay in a ile » visit t<> Med • aecoiilit of agi mid health of owner ford Monday Ilve, .«»I f e e t ol d e v e lo p m e n t w o r k ||' ■ A E. Kellogg wa« a biwloeaa vlaltor al good l««ly of ore gi«,il grade; timl«'r on Medford Motuluy. the claim« worth lie price a»ki d. Mr. and MF» Charles II. Htlnebrlng Among the marriage lli eii«, » i««ited by were Medford vlaitnrw Monday. County t ìerk W It Oilcm au the past Ctiarlee Penning and Ed lloli tranaact- weekupp n « timi of John E. Hu imien, of Medfonl. Io Ml«» < lu ita Clevelulid, of ed I iiim I hoim al Medford Monday. Found, a ilagucrreolype In ca«e, owner Willow Spring» Mi Switideu 1« well known in Gold Ili I, having n »i«l« d «(nee can have «aine by calling at thl« ollh-e. lmyh'«>d In thl« vicinity. F o r «omi Why wind out-of town for your holiday m onth- p.i-l lie has l«»n empinyt»! ii|«>n gift«? Walt for the apleiidld tn-w display till collât ruction of the Hear c u t k bridge a t the drug «tore. at Medfonl. M K. Tal«ir, agent (" rth e Itoyal ty |« - Mauuger Misire, of Merritt A t 'oiupany* w r it e r , w ia in thia eily Thurday intro received the tirai of the week a tell barrel ducing Ida machine * ■hipilleni of line, fat AluakuHuhuon, ' T h e Just reeelveil a big »tack of 5 atal In fish wen' taken at Cook'« Inlet by C. W pound lard pail« Al D II. Miller’« llogiie, formerly of thia city, who make« hardware. regitlur ahiplneiit of Ida choice catch to Mr». L. H Avery, who ha« been wr- Gold Hill. Merritt A Company will »«'11 loualy ill for the puat fortnight, I» now the»«' flail at Ilk' | « ' r | « , U l l d , W hii li la «cv- eral lent« leaa than the lurgir market» rv|«irh«l to I» ' e o u v a le w K 'iil. Tie Woodmen annual hall, which «a» oiler an Inferior «piality at. + ¡ to have been given on t'hrlnllnu« eve, •E -E + + + + + + + + + + + + + | lia» Iteen Indellnllely postpone«!. I «lenin Hei ord Sale Two indl»|« n»al>le magazine*—the Hul- Edison 2 min. wax record . 21c. + urday Evening I’owl and th e Ladies Home Ealiaou I min. wax record . 31c. + Journal Now on »ale al the drug Store. min. + E i II noii New indeatriictihle With every cash purchaae of "tie dol re fo ld ......... ............... . ,50c + ' lar the drug »tote will give one chalice + M AKTIN D Bowel««, Druggist, ........ a l«-KUliful doll, allouât life «I»', + ’ am i drvaaed in the luteal P urhlan mode. Gold Hill, Oregon. •I* ' M a s te r J o e perry, jr , lia» liecn w rloii»- •!• + + + + + ly i l l at lie - h o m e ol hi« p a n n t» h i t h i i P t lp il* n i d u * < í u l l* i* m * k * lio n l w il l oily, hut I» now ie | « ir t e d to I«- c o tiv u l i\ * <’l i r i - t n i o • p r » ra il» :«♦ (III* < » .til* ew ■ ul. ■ <k m h.H»i li riin - o n «M o ik la y <*v i n in g , Jay Huvidaoti and Ered Witt«' were in I >. . ciii I ni Mi** M ia II. Eaton, I Jacksonville on Tuewlay, where the latter vs h- li t c h a i . -1 11»-' -» 11 *»I, h a * - p ’ l il w a » »luumoiietl a» a willitM» lu the trial of m uch d m in d u t ul» ful i>n*parnti<»n of Bert Seymour. In i j i p i l * a m i tin * p r o g r a m P» !* • pn 4* I Local News Notes I Q 1 u a lit y is o u r fir s t c o n s i d e r a t i o n O ur c u sto m e r s are particu lar p eop le :: But, w ith all th is, w e hold o u r g o o d s at popular prices — th a t’s busi n ess — fo r quality and price to g e th e r are hard to b ea t.... L *j. M e r r i t t &. C o m p a n y .j. 4. 4. 4- 4- 4- G en eral M e r c h a n d is e J 4* 4« 4.4« -P «P 4« + + + + + + + + + + + + By using drainage tile you in c rea se yo u r la n d y ie ld s enou gh to p a y for it th e fir s t y e a r . The n e x t th re e y e a r s w ill b u ild a nice brick house. B u y them from us a n d sa v e m oney. + + + + + + + + + One of the tlneat line« of holiday g«»»!» **nt«*d will ftirnMi an evening <»i capital I * ami noveltl«'» ever diapluyed in thia city entertainm ent. An adnii*ei«»n oí u n i * + will I«' offered to the public at the drug t i l i t * will I m - eliarp ’d, tiu- pr«* v«‘d* to I m - + + •tort-. Watch for the opening uuuouuec d e v o t« * ! t o th e pnrchuM c o í p ic t u r e * fo r + the e h i* * r o o lit. U n lit. , + + J a c k so n v ille , O regon Frank ('a id Meli I* < ut a fte rfreni» laurel* ! + A l l a h E. K e llo g g Was » ll l ll l li o ll e d to + Jacksonville on Tuoaday, when' he up for hi* ,*»n,y, “ . l u l* rt” , that w pevdy little pcuretl a» a wittie»» iu the Ih'ilaakalou» l * u - l h u v itu ? eiillul almut ail th at waa !■•»■ + + ! + + + •»•+ + + + + * * + + • * * * + + ♦ 4- î uiiirii, r «« aw , fur which llcrt Seymour wa» w « . ilh p ic k in g in v ,|«l H i l l and vicinity tin Christmas Uty at Bogue Kiver, "J u - then mi trial. E r o m Inf« rm atiou furnished by sch«»>l ANNOUNCEMENT At a nxX'lll aa'aaioli the «Tty «'«ami'll lei 1» i t ' ' will tin«t the prill«- of the Blrdaey s ii|» r v ls « ir f). ('. Henry the schisila stable», in a-iiovi l si««st conlaHt. W ith i , . , , , . , , , a novel s|««sl content, tin - ««iniracl lor filling twn guilt « in tin having iiiade the l«'»t «tandanliKation re tt walking »tart of twenty f«et the | l»,IU«'M You will find everything for Christmas ! l k ' k m n « o l i li l lo l i, un«l c o n ir a c lo r W. I.. i-ord iu »u|« rvi«oiy «Ibtrlet No. 2 are Van Houicn i» now bu»lly engage«! in will run a hundred yard ra«e for a pur«e ItiM 'k P o in t a tn l Wimer, l» it h lacking but pruenta at G reat Reduction Prices at the 1 of *.'««i ««* Buck<*rw «»( the local Inirse, work u|a«n tlw caat «me. lig h t point« <>f " A ” atauilardizatlon. ¡Gold Hill Furniture Store. Toy furni utid then' an ' aplenty of them , are very ture and china-wan- for tla* children, and Mays Creek Is a do»«' accolid, with Table Ur. It. C. Kclacy hua in«talli'«l an «anguine of "Ju la rt'» ” ability to <ait- everything in house furnishings for every- , Bis k an interesting third. Each of tbPM eleciric bulb in the tin h l Hill himpltal. ntarl atnl «an im i l lie p r id e of Bogue Blvi-r, body else. si hools, un«l u num ber of others, u n Thi- cabinet i« c«pup|ad with light« ami Beuit-uda'r this is a Bargain Sale in j and an enllitlaiaatie «aeort of l«« al liorse- making special reconla fur attendance, t n i r m r a , U a, c ia n h in a llo n of which pro Cut Prices—am ong them some pretty I men will acouipany him to that city. Ian in this respect B««ck Point take» tlie duct»« over ;kk) cainllepowcr. home-made Mission Rockers. Paria ls |«'st stumps for the new ileliv- At U II. Miller'« hanlw an- atore you cry of fourth cla«s m atter have l««'ii r< - li'inl with an enrollm ent of thirtts ii, at- Don’t fall to see them , as they will t< i n h i ii i x ' PI1.3K percent, with only four can tin«! u very fine line of «lt'<'orut« «1 e i'iv u d by l ‘o s t n ia - le r I lauitnersly at tin- make a nice Christm as present. china ami ipicvnaware, anil u tin«- a«a«,r«- local otliee Th«* parei'l» |»,»t measure tardy m arks for the w-huol term up to —F rank B crnett , The Mission Man, Dei'cmbcr l'tli. U ic lil of the Wu»hingt<>u lirautl of ailvcr- Gold Hill. Oregon g,«'« i u l n effect January' 1st, and should Spurrisl on by the of W. 1.. wur«-. Alan alum inum wan-. My price, prove ii laioti io the country atoce-kee,» r Childers, who has been placer mining on rca»* «Ila hie. and hi« rural patious, a» wellaathe general the lag river liar just west of thia city, Foils a Foul Plot Gimm Elding», «onof Nort E«liliug» <>f public \ maximum weight of e le v e n Wlien a shuineful plot exists between thia city, pa»-etl through town Wednes pound« may tie mailt d in one package, Elli'h Snyiler, Merrill Belts, and Cly«le W alker, hat« formed a copartner hip in liver anil bowels to cause distn-ss by re day u< tin man u an extra freight. he l o t n l i -i I iran-p'«nation with a fifty the engrossing ««‘eupation of “ getting the fusing to act, take Dr. King’s New Life G l c i i l l h .i b e . i w it h th e E -|a*i* r o u d fo r y u ile zone i.clhg X’> c< ilia. Th«' «1« iioiii I ii - dust ” Th«- methisl employi'il by t«>th Pills, and end such abuse of our system. th p .i- i t w o y e a r s h i« r e g u la r r u n being i t i i ’i i- of »tamp« n ie h e d ly tin haul oi Mr. Chillier» and the l«>ys is th at eontri- They gently compel right action of stom from I t o d in g i n J u n c t io u C it y . l ie r rung«' from one «ent to twenty-five vaiiie known to plaivr mining a« “ the ach, liver and bowels, and restore your M in i A. Flatter, (»uullarly known In and uoitray upon then face» the dificr- lotii’ , and although the result« are not in health anil gi««l feelings. 25 cents at all l l i i - t l i w i i l i l y a« Prophet' Fiwter, niade « nt department« fo the poatal tervlce. the Imiianza class they have little tilftienl- druggists. final proof of Ina claim to eighty aerra in Three hand» une prizes to I«' awarded ty In m aking wages. Any bar ou the r e c lio u X I b fore J in k ;« ' Canon at Metl- by th> Wego theutre In its most |s>puhir river in this locality will «how “ a color” , Horse for Sale ford Sittorday ia-i Tla' land la altuatnl lady «'"Hlvst, me on «llaplay nt the drug and the day i» not far distant when the Good saddle or driving horse, gentle ju a t la y o iu l the llradi n mint-. tore—the admired of all beholden«. If iHissihilities of working them on a large and thoroughly reliable. Nine year ol I, If you are undecided what t»> give for you haven’t «ten them , lose no time in st ale will I«' taken advantage of. weight K50. For information apply at Cnriatuuia preat'iit«, ju.«t remember that doing so, and l«‘gin to plan the cam The News office. 32-35 Wego Bill also announces u there in nothing 1« Her than an cli ctriiTil paign. He laughed 'Till He Died appliitine. John Kt-laey handle« the Ihu grand ball to !»• given on New Year's Taylorshnrg, Ohio,—Al»' Skinner, the For Sale P oint line an«l will make a|«'clal price« if eve, at which the I ¡rants Pass on lieatra Eighty acres of land, 2J, miles from you take «evcriil article«, (teller ai«- him. will provid« the inusie. The service« of village pessimist laughe«! himself to death from reading B irr! the G reat American town, good house and barn on place, A parly owing a «mail hut modem this splendid organization wen1 so appre Magazine of Fun which is m aking gn ut- about thre«' acres ready to pull stumps home in Seattle, worth $3,00(1; wlala'a to ciated at the Wego Thanksgiving dam e, er strides than any other magazine Ix'fore off. balance tim lar. Good spring on that their riN'llgagement by the astute exchange It for a «mail ranch in thi« vi the Amcni-aii public (««lay. It is a m ag place. Call or address, cinity. Will rnnxidcr anythin:.' zimm I up Bill seem» to practically assure a jolly azine that will k iap th«' whole family in crowd and the ' b 'st of g<««l tim e».'' —D. C. Avery. to a value of $0,0*10. For information Tolo, Ore. Every dance ticket entitle» its holder to a g<a»l humor. Th«' staff of B irr con call upon or write C S. Kedfield. east li«i voted in the popularity eoute-t. tains the g n atest artists, caricaturist», Card« n telv ed by friend« in th ia city critics anfl editors on the continent. It Harry E Fiwter, the Mcdfordcnginta r, Fetters Uncalled for. from Bert W halen, a former Gold llill is highly Illiistiiiti il and printed in many I was in Gold llill the lir « t o f th e w ic k . le tte rs rem aining uncalled for In th. boy, arc mailed in Hong Kong, China, colors It will keep th" whole family and dated ju»t one m onth ago. The | -urveylng for the »lie of the munielpal cheerful the year 'round. You «'an afford Gold Hill Postollhv December 1, 1912. Ohm, Henry—4 young man wa« a former employee of The water supply. In order to do away with to s |« 'in l 7>«X' a year to do this. Send this Owen, Boliert—2 New« office. At pn-tenj lie la employed the ueeesslty of a filter the count'll pro « lipping and «"Hie today to Th«' Bill I'uh- pose to derive the supply from a well sunk Stanley. A. C ., M. D. U|»m the South China Dally Boat li'hitig Co. Dayton, Ohio, tor one year's on the North hank of the river b'low the Busk, John W. latden with red mud from the high hill« suhseript ion. bridge. No action will b etak e n , how Giard, Mrs. Chh«' the water« of the Kogne river tna«le their ever, until the right of the present council Dalrymple, C. 11. Ural noticeable rlaeof the winter tile pre«- to continue iu ofiiee has lai n passtal up Fallon, E Igar A— I Famous Stage Beauties enl week, an Incri'a««' of nt leaat four fi-et. on by the court, The ease Is ex|»vted to look with horror mi .'»kin Eruption«, Smith, A. J . — 2. Per Ini pa it waa at «ill'll a time that the come up for trial at the preaent term of Blotches, Son s or Pimple«. They don 't McCelly, Sam adventuroua Ereiiehuien tirat beheld Ila Weaver. L. W — 3 court and Attorney Porter J. Net)', of have them . Eur all such troubles use (hard and ehrialened It, ” 1«' Bongo.” DcYorc, ti. S .— Medford, represents the council In the Biiekleii's Ariucii Salve. It glorifies th e Note the following I'h iin g e a at the Weg, action. faee. Exi'i'lleiil for Eczema or Salt Parti « calling for the above will pie: theatre: Tueaday evening« «lancing lc«- I’oslniasler Ilam m er-ly has liecn re Bhcntu. It cures »or«' lips, ehap|«'d hands, say advertised. aiiia will I»' given from 7:31) Io tend quested by residents of the Galls creek eliilhlains; heals burns, cuts and hntise«. J ohn B. H ammkrslv . o’cloi'k, at fifty cent..« | ht l<-«.«iin. Friday district to ,tel it ion the di'parlnieitt for an I nstirpnss' d for piles. 2'ie at all dru g Postmaster. evening« the uatliil program, moving plc- extension ot the i'oots ereek rural service gists. tltre« anil um aleiir »peelaltlea. Saturday into their neighborhood. The udilillon night, «oelal daiii'e from s :3(l to 12:1X1, al ol the Gulls creek service would add b il l Notice the tuiial price, fifty cent«. Everyl»«ly four tulles to the route, and would ter cordially Invite«! m inate at tla sc I kmi I house of that dis Two old cronle« of »ta.r< ceaeh tin i« '« trict. More than thirty families who are T o whom It may concern, al! the h o o k We will pay 50 cents per g o t tiigi'tlii r on Wedni la . w h e n 1 Hi now eoiiq« lied to m a k e trip« to the cent neennnts of J. Q. Järvi», Bankrupt, B c g g » . o f B a l., r < 'it . i in u p i, " i n I ¡rant ■ ■■ ral postolliee for their mail would I«' la have been assigned to th«‘ undersigni-d, Load for Manure I ’ ll« » w in I " lit* w a - t ' l l i l l g , | n » | « 'lid a tew ne fitted by this addition to the service. and those knowing themselves linlehted hour» w it h h i« "lit fr ie n d , N o ll, E d d in . A it was largely through the public «pi rit to above accounts will kindly t all ami Away buck in th e '7 0« Ellis I'. cjc d r o v i c l action «1 Mr. Hamuiersly that the arrange for w tllem ent nt once. They stage from Bock Point w est to Ix'Veli's, I’oots creek «i rvlee wa secured, it I- not must I«' settled with cash or not«' in 30 w hile Nort Edillltg- had the east route Intprohahle that his presentation of the days. IT > ar>m R O C K P O IN T across the Siskiyou» to Cole'«. M r . claiuis of Galls creek re«ldi m will b A E. Kellogg, I 5 tS r iT x (T c le o h o n e Assignee. Beggs 1« now a prominent stockman of given etlii'ial recognilio'n and the four mile spur added. Baker county. Gobi Hill, Orc.. Oct. II. 1012. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY EXCURSION To LOS ANGELES and Return Via the Jacksonville Brick and Tile Co. M A N U RE S leep y H o llo w December 30, 1912 Return Limit F ( 0 / s u n s e t \^ »^ . SUNSET , |060CN»SHASTA) ROUTES 9 0 days Round Trip Tares G rants Pa«« and Bogue River Gol.l Hill - - - T o l o ........................................................ Medrord, Phoenix. Talent and Ashland $30.00 35.90 35.50 35.00 Specia! Train Schedule Leave Grant« Pass “ Rogue River “ Gold Hill “ C entral Point Arrive San Francisco 2:21 2:3« 2:55 3:21 1:10 p in . p m. p.m . p.m. p.m. next 3:35 Metlford Phoenix 3.36 3:53 Talent 4:30 Ashlattd «lay in time for p.m. p.m . p.m . p.m. SAN FRANCISCO’S NEW YEAR CELEBRATION StopH south of San Fransisco can be made at Ix l Mont«1, Santa Cruz, Paso Robles Hot Springs and Santa Barliara. From Los Angeles trips to Long Beach, Pasadena, Santa Monica, Ostrich Farm , Mt. Lowe, the Orange Groves, C atalina Island, etc. For full particulars, reservations and beautifully illustrathd California lit erature, call on any 8. P. agent. John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. IE YOU MUST Send to Saw Bucks for your Xmas Goods USE OUR BANK MONEY ORDERS THE GOLD HILL BANK *11 Gold Hill Livery Darling & Hodges Proprietors Rigs for all occasions Good horses and drivers that know ’ 1 We make no specialty t i’ ■ . cl t A ll G et t h e B est ja fe