Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1912)
? T a iK W i t h Kellogg' NOTICI FOR PUBLICATION THE STORE THAT SELLS AT llomirtaieat of the Interior I ult.«,| Status Lund Office Roseburg. Oregon. May 23, 1913 Notice 1« hereby given that Steiihen Tobin, of Eagle Point, Jackson Coun ty,’Oregon, aaaignee of Henry Kegler. ou will find everything for your home here at prices. has on April 10. 1913, filed In thia office bla application to enter, under _ LOWER _ _ _ _ _ THAN _ _ _ _ _ ANY _ _ _ _ OTHER _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE _ _ _ _ _ IN _ _ Southern _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oregon ____ provisions of Sec. 330«. Revised either Mel ford or Grants Pass. I also do upholstering,! ^sECam/th* nkhsw WU g»ch*!|8 T LESS THAN PORTLAND PRICES Non is the time to buy property la field lllllt don’t wait till yon have to. tune It? buy now and make the In- Tester's profit, a word to the wise Is ___ „„ _ and all persona 35.S.R.I.W.W.M. Any saffielentt If yon have not the eash? and call make J’OU as nice a piece of MISSION FURNITURE as you claiming adversely tha"*landa dMc'rlb" talk to Kellogg he will get It for y o u :----------- — ------------------------------ ’----------------- — ------ ------- or desiring to obJ(H1, b).caU.e of he has seme real bargains Jast now j can Wish for, and at a very lo w COSt It doesil t qpst anything ,ha mineral character of the land or in Gold Hill properties. _ # 11 i to r < ny o t^* r «"»’•■o». »0 the disposal I Î to investigate. Give me a call and find out prices. Ivllgs 01 all to applicant, should filo tholr afftdav- We guarantee 7 per rent and have . . . . _ _ , _ „ _ i Ila or protest In thia office, on or bo- «ever paid less than 11 per cent on saving areoants paid by the month, kinds, Linoleum, Matting, Portiers, Couch Covers, Go-Carts,1 for* tho i 2th day of July 1913 UENJAMIN F. JONBS. Roglstor. both large and small.. The Paelfie I Building A Loan Assoelatlon. Talk 1 Talking and Sewing Machines, Silverware, Crockery and Gran- Notice of Ta« Sale witk A. E. Kellogg, local agent. PUBLIC NOTICE 18 HEREBY giv iteware. FuH line of fine Wallpapers. ..O w n yonr own homes; stop paying en. that, pursuant to the real eatate ; tax Judgment and decree of the Re- re n t The Pacific Building A Loan Tent Wagon Covers, folding Cot and Stool for Campers. Assoelatlon will famish yon the mon i corder’s Court, In the CITY OF GOLD ! HILL, COUNTY OF JACKSON STATE ey? pay by the month; jast like pay-i E V E R Y T H IN G F O R YTM’R f t O t ’S E . I OF OREGON, an order of sale duly lug rent? It costs no more; talk with ’ issued out of the said COURT, entered Kellogg, he does their business la Cold HIIL j on the 29th day of May. 1913, In the G O L D H IL L , proceedings In foreclosure of tax Hen I h a n d l e o u r ic e a n d w i l l A ll upon real estate, as per provisions of ’ ï j s s v x s s s law, I shall on tlx- 19tii day ««f August, y o u r o r d e r s p r o m p tly acres unaer cultivation, water right, 1 F R A N K » V R .N E T . , P r o p r i e » j Wig, at - o'chx'k 1*. M., at the front and irrigating system with place,; | door of the Court House or City Hall, plenty of tim ber on place. 300 f r u it' jin the City of GOLD HILL, COUNTY I trees 3 years old, 1 acre In berries. • I OF JACKSON, STATE OF OREGON, j good house, barn and out buildings. I ; in a manner provided by law. sell the picket and wire fence, 54 mile from i NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION j following described L ot:—or so much 1 .fr ; J school. Team, stock and implements i ß A a Department of the Interior ■ thereof as shall be sufficient to s o t- 1 go with place. Price 14000, part C. S. Ijiiul Office at Kiwburg, Oregon Isfy the full amount of Hen. Interest April 12, 1912 down, balance on favorable te rm s.' Notice i* hereby given that Richard M. and costs adjudged to be due thereon Jeiifiin-M, whose postolfice addreaa is :»s follows; to-wit: FOR SALE—3 miles from Gold Hill. Eugene, Oregon, did, on the I7iii «lay of Lot Seven '(7) Block twenty-seven ¡0 acres placer m ining ground good Novemta'r, 1010, tile in this office Sworn title, all tillable land, 500 tiers of Stuiciuulit and AppliiaUun, No. VG7S1, (27) City of Gold Hill. In witness whereof, Io porch«-.- the E5«E)t , S«vti«i|i l>. fire wood standing on the claim. No Tow nship 36 South, Range 3 West', Wil- L S. NOE. City Marshall. improvement on the land. This Is A. E. KELLOGG lainettc Meridian, and the tinila-r there a snap for some one that wants a on, under the provisions of tla' Act of Fated a t Gold Hill this 29th day of GOLD HILL. OREGON May ISA*». small ranch and a pay roll right at Juno 3, 1878, amt nets amendatory, known as the ’’Tiniliur ami Stone |j»w, Embalmer and Funeral their door. Price, cash 3400.00. at such value as might lx* fixed by ap- Director praiaraient. ami that, pursuant t<> sucli FOR SALE—A small home of 15 acres application, the land and limber thereon Complete line ot burial rubes, Brief News of the Week 2 54 miles from Gold Hill, new up- have been appraise«! 3783, tlx- timls r ex- j caskets, etu. to-date bungalow. 26x40 feet, 54 tiniabxl 1 .nso.tiyu board feet at 90 cents Life insurance organizations of the per M, and tlx- land $KO; that said a? mile from school, hpring and run. ■■>-,-«,- « S3« FUNERAL CAR United States and Canada dlatrlbuted plii-ant w ill ««tier final proof in support • > i ning water on place. Four acres Office Plione: Home, 9—M; Ruxictuur«* his application and sworn statement on 3592.640,000 in 1911. under cultivation, balance good till — tlx- 29th day of June, 1912, la-fore W. W. Phone, Home 2—K ; Pacific 49-Mqin. American medical officers in Porto able land. Owner has a business Calkins, United Statue eomuiissionur, at Rico confirm the reporta that bubonic Eugene, Oregon. proposition he wishes to take up, Any person is at liberty to protest this plague la prevalent In the Inland. and will sacrifice this property for CLEMENT H. SMITH. M. D. purehase before entry, or initiate a con T w entyc:-e were killed and 30 hi 3130v cash or trade for Medford res GENERAL PRACTITIONER test at any time before patent ixxue thw l ure<1- “ number fatally, as a result of filing a corroborated affidavit in idence property. Office in Wells Building " e ." office, alleging facts w h id i would defeat | a wreck on the Ligouier vulley rull- ' road at Wllpen, Pa. tlie entry. FOR SALE—40 acres unimproved land Hours 10-12—2-4 3. BENJAMIN F. JONES, In Sams Valley, price 320 per care; The supreme court of the District Register. i of Columbia holds that a retailer may f t also an 80 acre tract at same price IOHN H . CARKIN GLENN Q. TAYLOR i Bell a safety razor at any price he per acre. Beth tracts nicely lo ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. CARKIN & TAYLOR cated. chooses, notw ithstanding any stlpula- Notice is hereby given to whom it may tlons to the contrary by the manufac LAWYERS Is one of the most useful among the electric family, and FOR SALE—Farm. 30 acres, 6 miles OOMS 17-19 OVKM JACKSON COUNTY BANS »concur*: That I, George l*atrlrk, have turer. r ironing day has no more terrors since the advent of this ( been duly appointed administrator of tlx; fro m ' Gold Hill, rich river bottom MEDFORD, OREGON Twenty deaths In the two days of useful member. «■state of Daniel Leslie, <le«-eased, hy an land, 7 acres In alfalfa, good Im torrldity (folcago experienced was the Hot in a jiffy, clean and economical to operate, and a order of the county court, for the county record when the statistics were footed provements and fences, all under DR. R. C. KELSEY of Jackson, an«l state of Oregon, made a more-practical or convenient article, would be hard to cultlvation^excepting 4 acres. Price orncK in up. In addition there were half a find. GL ARAN 1 EED TWO YEARS, and the price is only ■ and ent«-re«l of record on tlx- -1th day of hundred serious prostrations and 18 96000; 33QOO cash, balance on one G O LD H IL L H O S P IT A L June, 1912. All persons having claims persons were bitten by rabid dogs. COB. TBIKD A C STS. and tw o 'Jea rs time. against the said estate will present them to GOLD H ILL, OREGON The Cuban revolution Is practically FOP. SALlt-j-160 acres of timber land tlx- »unlersigix d, at his place of residence at an end. Its principal leaders have ;• mites |ffom Gold Hill, about 2 54 in Gold Hill, Oregon, within six months , . . . ... 1 «ither been killed or captured. Ad- million f£et fine fir and pine timber DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE from the dau- .if this noth». Dated this, mIrnl hag (he nayy -,-vrly an; tillable land, plenty A tlie 2rtth «lay of June, 1912. DENTIST part men t that no rebels have been p"mg water on the tract and nicely GEORGE PATRICK, OAS ADMIMIBTKBRD Administrator of tlx- estate of Daniel I aeen for several days and the Ameri ' icated for farming and atock rais RIALTO BCILDING, MEDFORD L s k y , duccas«-«!. X-l I | can naval vessels have been ordered ing Price 320 per acre, or will en home. , I tertain a proposition with mill men ADMINISTRATRIX 8 NOTICE for the timber at 31.60 per M. A. E. KELLOGG People in the News + Notice i- h- reby given th at Amelia " I + NOTARY PUBLIC ; Messner, -he ailm inirtrntrix «if the FOR SALE—160 acres situated 3 + Esiat" <>i W y . M etrner, «iecea-ed, has Champion Jack Johnson stated that Phone 35 Main miles south of Kelseyville, Lake + + , rendered anil presented for set I -nie-it, he would probably retire after he GOLD HILL.OREGCK County, Calif., About 40 acres clear + and tiled in the Countv Court of the meets Al Palzer on Labor day. + to work, balance pasture. Creek j State of Oregon, for the County of Jack- + + Miss Lucy Goode White, a newspa son. h»-r final acrom t of hersdm inistra- ) + running through Ute place. Price DR. E. KIRCHGESSNER + tion of the said E .la ts ; and th at S a t n r , per woman, has been nominated by 31600. + + Practice limited to chronic diseases. <lav th e 3rd «lay of Angnst, 1912, at 11»; the socialist party of San Francisco, + + for superior judge. FOR SALE—Two lots 25x100 each HOTEL HOLLAND, Medford, Oregon o’. I«x-k A. M , at the Court room of -ei C««urt,at Jacksonville, in thusaid CiMint i + + Wednesdays Hours 10 to 3 George Wingfield has declined the B y G e ttin g W illamette Addition to E ast P ort an 'i s l e , has been duly appointed h« , + Office Hotel Holland. Both Phones. ti e J nlge of said Court, lor the s tile- 1 appointment as United States senator land, Oregon. These lots are situ m m said seconnt, at which »in « ! from Nevada, and Governor Oddie haa + + Your Residence phone. Farm er 16xx5 ated in a rapidly growing suburban an«l place any person interested in eai appointed Judge W. A. Massey, who + district of Portland and have in E -latc may appear and file exceptions + + creased at the rate of 40 per cent in » ritin g to »he «aid account, ar,«l has accepted. Í + For the first time since August, each year. An excellent buy and CLARK E. SAUNDERS, M. D. content the same. Practice Limited to Ihited at Geld Hill, Oregon, 28th day 1909, the German and Russian em per + + and one w hich' Is bound to make of Ja n e 1912. + Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat + ors met and held a consultation at money. Price 3600. AMELIA ME8SNER + + Eyes scientifically examined and glasses A dm inistratrix of the E state of W. Q Baltic Port, a seaport of Russia near + a t th e FOR SALE—11 acres near Santa Rosa, furnished when ntx*ded. Messner, deceased. g-11 the entrance of the Gulf of Finland. + + CaL, highly Improved farm, all In i - iett-Corev P .i. . ng, M-xlforti, Ore + Sarah P latt Decker, noted Colorado + + fruit trees 7 years old. New 4-room + Mineral Application Number 07718 suffragist, was stricken with Intestinal + bouse, large new barn, fence, fine trouble while attending the biennia! + 4' + 4- + + + + + + 4* + + + + 4- United States Land Office + chicken wire. Team, Implements, + + GOLD H ILL OPERA HOUSE + Roseburg, Oregon, May 24, 1912. convention of the General Federation and 400 chickens go with the farm. + + Seating Capacity 600. + Notice »Is hereby given th at J. J. of Women’s Clubs at San Francisco + Price 33000; 32000 cash, balance can and although an operation was per + Stage 50x22. + R itter, whose Postoffice address is + T r u a x & C o ., P r o p r i e t o r s remain on mortgage at 7 per c e n t formed. she died Sunday. <• + + Gold Hill, Jackson County, Oregon, + + It is the object of the + has made application for a United - FOR SALE—120 acres Improved + + Political News Bits m anagem ent to book only + States P atent for the Prefount In ’ farm 6 54 miles from Gold Hill, rich first class attractio n s and + Group of Placer Mining claims, situ- ! creek bottom land; 80 acres under That the tariff issuo will over-ini’, about two perform ances a + ate in the Foots Creek Mining District. cultivation. An old perfected water ow all others In the coming cr-:rr-, month. The stage has been + County of Jackson State of Oregon, right, plenty of water; producing 75 ASSAYKR AND CHEMIST. enlarged and new dressing + em bracing the South-west one quarter was the positive declaration made 1 . to 100 tons alfalfa, can double that Governor Wilson. EARL V, INGLES, It Be.—Gunural as rooms added to the building + (54) of the South-east one-quarter am ount with more acreage; very rich say and. analytical work. Cement Governor Hadley of Misjour». r with new scenery and the + (54) and Lot eight (8) In Section anil ssphnlt testing. Rust equip. placer channel running through farm. the republican party In his si.-: • I«ed assay «iflleu ami turting labor present stage, we can stage + Twenty-five (25) In Township Thirty- Price 39,000.00; term s reasonable. already sufficiently progr« «e 1 ; atory in Oiegnn. All work guai- N o r th b o u n d any kind of a production. + six (36) South of Range Four (4) th at a third party Is not n« led anteud. Calve» t-Padrfock block. No. 29 8:13 a. in. The House In the fu tu re ♦ Weet, of W illamette Meridian, Jack- Phone 370-J. G rants Pass, Oregon. No. 24 (motor) Senntor Cummins, of Iowa, r fiv 11 3)2 a. m. will be booked through the + son Cou.ity, State of Oregon, contain No. 32 ( motor) to Join the third party movemen' 1 5:27 p. m, N orthw estern T heatrical as 4 ing exclusive of conflict, of any min he believes problems caa be solve 1 No. I»l 9:44 |>. m. sociation having signed a con + eral survey, or lode claim, slxty-nine more quickly through the republh au S o u th b o u n d trac t to this effect, and thpy and ninety-five one hundredths acres party. No. (motor) I f you want your 8* 13 «i. in. have assured us th a t t* jy + (69.95.) No. The republican state convention of (motor) 1:42 j., in. tools put in good will use th eir best endeavors + No, There are no known adjoining min South Dakota adopted a platform 2:55 I«. in. No. to only book good companies. + eral claim ants. shape be sure to see 10:49 p. in. which makes no mention of Taft or W. H. 8TICKEL, + Notice posted on the ground Ja n u national Issues, and elected five presi M anager ary 25, 1912. dentlal electors bearing the Roose + + + + + + + + + + -I-+;. + + + velt label. BENJ. F. JONES, Register. C le a n e s t a n d B est M ad e Storage R oom for E v ery th in g J ¡ variety & furniture Professional Cards & H odges store Legal Publications MEDFORD ICE & STO RAG E C O M PAN Y The Electric Iron $4.50 R o g u e R i v e r E le c t r ic C o . ■ACeep M e a ls <0. Happy L unches Gold H ill Cafe S. P. Time Card T a iK W it h Kellogg' M IN E R S CHARLES KELL Gold Mill the 4th