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About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1912)
®J)e VOL 15 Will Sfrta? GOLD H IL L JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 0,1912 Woodrow Wilson Wins Democratic Nomination NO. 9 "ays,” and tba appointment of May S u c c» »» fal in E x a m in a tio n » or Kelaey was confirmed. Council man L>. R. Cardwell entered a lonely By Floret» Folsom The following Jackson county protest to the election of Dr. Kalaey, teachers were aucceesful In the re 1 am a arulptor, I work in the dark. ailde from which the shift In execu cent state examinations far teachers' t iv e s passed unchallenged and un If my hand slip, certificates: I tuar for a lifetime, perhapa: dull tlm contented. An enormous crowd of celebrants beta Peelor, Butte Falls. At the close of the session the oath BALTIMORE, Mil., July II.----- Hpark, from all parts of the county were Enid Peelor, Butte Falls. 'of office was administered to the new Wixslrow WQ km of Now Jens-y iwonlvod Or seal the lip. As a result of a motorcycle accident present on July 4th to wltnese Gold | Mabel Myers. Medford. Uw ileuuwrWir uoiuliiatloii lor pruxhlont 'mayor by Mrs. Hattla H. Beeman, no on tin- Ashland boulevard Thursday morn Amy Stannard, Ashland. here thin aftornoon. Ilia final triumph My Inola are an fine Miat they may not tary public, and Mayor R. C. Kel Hill make good— and the manner of ing, Lloyd Chapman, of Ashland, aged 1«, he seen— the making is unanimously voted to Helen Chappell, Ashland. caiiu* as Uw clhnax of a culmination of sey, assumed the ehatr In time to ad is dead, and W. Tyler Smith of M.-dford; Yet mould and shape have left nothing to be desired In the Nina O. Morris, Ashland. day» of anxiety and wrangling. journ the meeting. lies IwdJy inlured at an Ashland hospital Fie uh, bone, nerve and brain to form way of entertainment and appropri Mrs. Blanche Canode, Medford. Smith will recover. At first it was believ- In addition to other routine busi Tim final vote which dctoruiltuxl the noble or mean— ate observance of the great day. Vernon Blue, Ashland. ed dial he would lose the sight of oae eye ness the council passed upon and contest, amid somies. that for dramatlr Angel, or Apa. Horse races, foot races, ball gamee, Katherine Foley, Central Point. but physicians say today that fie will re lulenaity, have never hw>n exceeded in approved the following bills, which callthumplan parade and other events Bessie Newton. Gold Hill, cover in all particulars. any convention ever held In the United Oh, steady my hand, Thon Miat gaviwt were ordered paid: of tha program kept the big crowd i Mabel Marsh, Sams Valley. Mm Clay I The accident occurred about 11 o’clock HtaUw in tlw memory of any man now well pleased with Itself and Gold Hill C. «F. Carter, repairing ’ Make clear my Might) Myrtle I. Dunten. Central Point. here today Thursday morning. Smith, who is known wrenches, etc...........................> «.00 throughout the long, sunny day. and Agnes M. Salter. Medford. here as a (earlew motorcycle rider, was H'Uaon, after he had weakened slightly With all of me, laird, I entreat and I at evening the spacious bowery dance J. Hicks, supplies and labor. Pray Luclle Rader. Medford. trying out his machine on the boulevard In laat night* a figures hecans* a {«'tent That I chisel right. water system ........................ >0.10 floor trembled to the maxes of waits Eula Houston, Trail. I previous to the races to he la.ld there, in factor the first ballot Ur lay. --The Nautili». J. B. Hammersly, recorder's and quadrille, schott lac he and two- common with a nnmher of rs tiers. L W Grace Smith, Medford. But it was not until rienator Bankhead Keyes in a Chalmers “30” was near him salary for June ................... «.00 step, until the band boys from Rogue Quasi« Updegraff, Ashland. of Alalwma withdrew Underwood’* name ! driving up the road when Lloyd Chap W. R. Walker, delivering steel 2.50 , River were glad enough to sound the Mrs. Jennie Hogue, Ashland. lhat the storm broke. Both Mw gallerica man mounted a wheel and turned directly strains of the last dance In the amall R. O. Smith, salary city attor Sylvia O. Brown. Ashland. and the floor wen> nervous and excited ■ in front ot Smith, who was running about ney. 3 m onths....................... 25.00 hours of morning. Mrs. O. M. Goss, Butte Falls. when Bankhead took the Mage. The j 50 miles an hour, L. C. Applegate, expense to Both ball games, which were play Mrs. Laura Grow, Ashland. Clark men had Inahted that they would | Cliapman was hurled from his bicycle Grants Pare, consulting city ed hetween the home team and the Guy Webb, Tolo. hold one-third of Mm delegates and block ■ against a cement light pole, striking on attorney .................................. 2.80 Grants Pass boys, resulted In victory I Mrs. Bertha McCain, Medford. the Wilton nomination. Their boast was his chin His jaw was broken in three Gold Hill Canal Co., lights for far the visitors; the forenoon game j Theone Carkln, Medford. Idle, however, and Mm Missourians showed places, his skull fractured at tfs base, their chagrin by demanding to know | June ................* ....................... 10.00 by a score of 1« to 2, and the after Grace Pearce, Medford. Interest In the regular eeaslon of and his right leg liroken in three places. why Vii<lerwood,had not faaan withdrawn noon game by a score of 16 to 9. L. B. Noe, salary and extra Olive Davie, Ashland. the city council of Monday evening He was rushed to the hospital but did not when Clark had Mie majority of the dele In the match horse race Frank labor ........................... ............. 28.50 Lillian Pierce. Medford. ¡centered upon the resignation of regain consciousness, dying at 3 o'clock gates. I .Mayor L, C. Applegate, who entered O. 8. Snyder, work on sewer. .. 2.00 Caldwell's horse defeated John R alls’, ! The above list does not include Friday morning. while In the free-for-all. Roe Smith, the names of those writing far life WiMi Alalauna’a action, the Wilson Stickle Bros., supplies and la- Smith struck on the side of his face, upon his one year’s term of office victory waa won, Fowl of Massachusetts bor 20.10 riding the Relgel mare cleaned up the certificates or exemptions. The re iiadly cutting his head above one eye.* April 1st, Mayor Applegate In Ills wae limn withdrawn amidst dux-ring and Cramer Bros., pipe far sewer 29.70 field. port on applicants far life certificates He regained conscfoosncss afsiot two written resignation ss tendered to wild <kauon«tratioi» in the galleries. The callthumplan parade, featur is not complete at this time. hours after he reached the hospital and 1 the council, stated that the press of Freight on supplies .................. 6.43 Missouri «tuck to Ila avowed intention Calvert & Wolke, piping .......... 24.00 ing the famous steam roller, accom is said to be out of danger although in 'private duties compelled his relin of remaining with Clark to Mie very end. Marshall S. Noe reported the col panied by snch personages as Taft, July 12th will be known ae “ Child ternal injuries may develop. Their action in holding firm to Mio very quishment of the office, and the same lection of >15.00 in license fees from Teddy, Jeff 'n Mutt, Emma Gold- T. O. Kangviwnche of Ashland was Welfare Day” at the ChautaiKpia to be was accepted by unanimous vote of end waa applaurksl liy every delegation in the Wego theater and the Stickle mad. etc., was well calculated to af held in Ashland this summer. The t struck by the flying bicycle bnt was only Mm hall and by Mm pro-Wtlson crowd in ' the members. ford the roars of merriment which Its morning scarfon will be given to a pro slightly braised and wrstohed. opera house. Upon the acceptance of the reslg- Mm galleries In nnler Miat the roll call progress brought forth, and was a gram furnished by the parent-teacher Bystanders were horrified and it was might I mi a record one and at Mat same : nation it was moved by Councilman feature which only lack of time and circles of Jackson county. Thia will he almost, a minute before they rushed to A P ra yr. Mum tlm nomination iinauimoiw (Chair , Landis. seconded by Councilman space forbids a more detailed appre followed by a basket picnic in the grove. the aid of the injured men. A machine man Jamea permited Senator Stone to I Palmer that Dr. R. C. Kelsey be ap Oh, make me strong like some great tree, ciation. The afternoon performance is to be given was summoned and the men rushed to by the (unions dog "Bronte” and his move after the vote waa annouiwed bj pointed by the board to the office of Root-grappled through the wsl— The band boys from Rogue River master. In the evening will occur “ Lari the hospital, where promjs medical at Mm chair lint before it waa recorded by mayor to fill the unexplred term. My strength in that humility tention was given them. discoursed music throughout the day, more's Circus.” the accratary Miat tlm nomination he Councllmen fatndls. Walker. Wll- Tliis will be a day that children wili Which clasps the feet of God. and are to be congratulated upon the made by acclamation not soon forget. Don’t fail to he pres marth, Deltrfch and Palmer voted —From Mie Independent. efficiency of their organisation. ent. Gold Hill makes good. Th» M o th » r Gold H ill Makes Good at Great Celebration Motorcycle H urls Ashland Youth to Death M ayor Applegate Resigns; Kelsey Appointed GOLD HILL, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON T h e M in in g M etrop olis o f S o u th e r n O regon SEWERS • •• CEMENT W ALKS Z2OLD HILL Inis a natural site for a city, built as it is on AJ the banks of Rogue river, at the gateway to the won derful valley of the same name The setting for a city is here—picturesque and inspiring—and if the law of natural development works as it should, the setting will some day, and that not far distant, be filled by a city such as southern Oregon may not boast at present. The town takes its name from Gold Hill mountain, so called because nearly half a milKon dollars was taken from a ledge at a point near its summit in the early fifties. No town in southern Oregon has a greater list of actual, get-at-able natural resources awaiting development immediately contiguous to its corporate limits. The rushing current of Rogue river—teeming with gamy salmon, trout and steelhead—offers at a compara tively sjight cost per developed horsepower an abundance of power for any and all industrial development. And speaking of hunting—the neighboring hills are the happy hunting grounds of southern Oregon. No hunter returns without plenty of venison, and generally he brings in the legal limit. Cougar, bear, panther anil coyotes ma. be had by those who care to hunt them, and several trappers in the vicinity make good money each winter on the finer furs. ••• FILTERED W ATER HE fallo w in g la a list of m ining proper ties In th e region contiguous to Gold Hill, claaaified as to their respective districts: Karnes Creek: Revenue, A lice, M endenhall, R oaring G im let, Braden. M illionaire, C enten nial placer, and m any others; also th e H ughes and H ouseholder lim e quarries. G alls Creek: Rill Nye, recently purchased by a pow erful French syndicate, operating m ines In all i>arts of the world; five stam ps w ill soon be In operation. Gold Standard, Red Oak, R attlesnake, Kubli, Tin Pan, B arns * D uffield, H. D. Jones, Last Chance, and Big Foot. F oots C reek: Champlin Dredging OoM Black Channel placer, Lance Bros, placer, Dixie Queen, Bertha, H orseshoe, Swaker, Hum mingbird, and many others. Sardine Creek: L ittle Giant, Black Hawk, Grey Eagle, Lucky Burt group. Corporal G, Garrison, H aff group, Hlnckle, Sm ith placer, Dusenhury placer, anti many others; th is creek placers its entire* length. R ogue R iver H ills; F airview , Blizzard, W hite H orse, Sylvnnite, T rustbuster, P scto- llan, Garfield (Iron ), Flcm lng-W ard (Iron ). Gold H ill M ountain; Gold H ill ledge. Cop- |ier Queen, W hitney. Fisher, Dlkeninn and many others. Ilack n ell H ills; Mnyhelle, N ellie W right, Itowden, Y ellow Jacket, I,one Pine. Frank S h affer and many others. W illow Springs: Mnrrny, Nick Jerry, H erschberger, Houston and many others. T ••• ELECTRIC LIGHTS /■¡I OLD HILL is the center of a rich mineral district, Geld, copper, iron, cement rock, brick and potter’s clay, shale, liine—the purest on the continent, according to government geological reports—all are here and all undeveloped. The rich surface gold deposits, both placer and quartz, have been worked for fifty years, and have paid and are still paying handsomely. There is no deep mining. This will come later, and when it does it is freely predicted that Gold Hill will become one of the greatest camps the west has ever seen- A mountain of high-grade cement rock lies just south ot the town, and a mountain of high-grade hematite iron just north—both undeveloped. A bituminous coal belt many square miles in extent lies seven miles north of the town—undeveloped. This is in the Sams Valley and Meadows districts, comprising some of the finest land for fruit and general farming in southern Oregon. An eleven-foot vein of black lignite has been uncovered in the Meadows, and samples of coal taken from wells in Sams \ alley have been proven by analysis and forge tests to be of high quality. Capital is invited to investigate the Gold H i ll district, either before or after investigating other districts, whether the object of the investigation is mines, timber, cement, lime, brick and tile clay, timber, coal, power, or a location for a sanitarium or tourists’ hotel—Gold Hill has them all. The choicest fruit land in southern Oregon surrounds Gold Hill, the numerous creek valleys, with their deep, fertile, mineral-mixed soil and absolute immunity from Add to ali its other advantages as to location and frost providing almost ideal conditions for the horticul- For further information address resources an all-the-year climate that can’t be beaten on turalist. the Pacific coast, and an idea is gained of the justice of R E X H . LA M PM A N the claim that Gold Hill has the best prospects for future Several extensive timber belts can be most easily Secretary Business Men’s Assn. development of any town in the world-famous Rogue Rivet put into the market with mills located at Gold Hill. Gold Hill, Oregon vaiiey of southern Oregon.