Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1912)
Neighboring News Debenger Gap (By Norman Oaga of Baagla.) Mr. anil Mra. Carl IMana-n of tha Biv aralde ranch maife a am'lal ami bnaiiiMa j call at Madlord laat Haturilay. Bird Johnaabm ol thn Hclmiwr ( lap ranch waa a huMlncaa callar at Central Point laat Bunday anil Monday. Johnny Ariimtronit ami ann Gi'nr«v of Hain« Valley comOMOaad lor Thoinaa Joni« of Beagle lant Thtinalay. I)r. E. UrchfManor and wile of th n ' Rlvcraldc ranch mail» a buainciw trip to Medford laat Saturday in thnlr little Hruah automobile. Car, IM onm , foreman of tha Blvnr- aidc ranch, haa juat atart<*d fourteen team« In plowing the nrehanl, which ha expect« I to have plowed by April 20. (laiwucK Wilhite of Beagle made a bin ilicaa trip to Central Point laat Wednea- day, and Theo, anil Jeaan Gia«» made a huainna« trip to the game city Friday. Shannon Oliver of Trail «topped at tlie Dcla'iiger Oap ranch Saturday night while on hi« way to Dorria, Cal., where he intend» t o v t a ranch for (arming. Miaa Alberta Stacy of Beagle, wtio haa been U-ai'hlng the Long Branch echool, i dlatriet No. 04, came home to apend Sat unlay anil Sunday with her relative« and friend». iaiat Tuenday Waller Chapman of Bea gle waa cin idating a (a-tilioii among the voter« and reaidenl« of Beagle and Table I Ruck vicinity. T I h > pctllioii called foi a le w road la-ginning at the Table Bock at-liool liouae and t-xlrutliug atraight to tin- Conner*» ranch at the Imtumi of llie | lower Table Bia’k. f t ’rowilia, Out I oat Wia-kl 1*. II. liray of Beagle made a buaini-aa trip to Wnmlville laat wiaik. Herbert Johnaon of Proapeet la mak ing a vialt with friend« at WUhifeville. Miaa A llie Wataon eomineneeil teach ing laat Monday at the Aala-atoa aehiail dlatriet No. 46. F. 11. McDonald of Medfonl waa a via- itor at tlu> Dcla-ngcr Oap ranch laat Tuea- day and Wcdni-aday. L. J. Marek» of lo n g Branch ia mov ing hla houaeholil furniture to C. P. Dennia’ ranch on Trail. Miami I-a Bi-ina and Dora laiwreutx of Medford wen- visitor« at tin- Dehenge» Oap raneli laat Friilay and Saturday. Quite a number of viaitorM galliecd at O thers, B e s id e s Y ou , are on the lookout for a REALLY GOOD, SAFE INVESTMENT that will bring large and quick profit«. And you, perhaps, like many otheis, have been disappointed because you neglected or failed to grasp or accept a good opportunity as it arose. Like you, too, a great many w ill be glad to get a real, live tip on a GOOD BUY. I claim to HAVE that BUY, at the mouth of the Columbia, and in a y size from a couple of hundred dollars up to as high p s you like. I have the handling of over half a million dollars’ worth, and 1 am in touch with as much more. And it’s GOING to be USED in the NEAR FUTURE. If you haven’t discovered before There are city iots, acreage and frontage to be had at reasonable prices, but you better get busy! There’ll be something doing soon. 1 am here to tell you about it if you want to know. A . J. L U PT O N , N a sh H o b el, Kanes Creek his that the PANAMA CANA., means a GREAT TERMINAL CITY on the level land west of Astoria, and that the WHOLE COUNTRY will soon realize it and be benefittn. by it, it’s time you begin to study a little for your PERSONAL BENE FIT. the Deia-nger (lap ranch laat Satuni. o apend the evening. Thoae prewent w ■»: Carl Peterwn, foreman of the River In ranch, and wife, Mr. and Mr», lauae Smith ami family, Miaa Lola Quinn, Mita Anna Skein, Burdette Dodge, Jr., 1 y Stacy, Can-nee and George Orey ai d Norman McMillan, all from the Ri r- ride ranch; Mr. and Mre. J. B. Haoi.a and family, Miaa Mia Hanna and M ia Alma Gould, of Twin Oaka ranch; J ba Thornbrue of Beagle, F. Mayfield if Meadow« and C. P. Dennia of Trail. David C. Henry of Gold Hill aupi. ■ i- ' «or for achool auperviaory diatrict N 2, started laat Monday on a round tri o viait tlie following schools: laturel Hill district No. «0, whew 'lire Maude M r ia teaching; Central district No. 80, wb re John Neaion ia teaching; Trail di- t No. 45, where Miaa Alice R. Na- 'a teaching; Upper Trail diatrict No. i, where K. H. Powell ia teaching; - k Grove diatrict No. 8«, where Miaa J- e Webb ia teaching; Hatchery diatrict i. 84, where Miaa Mabie Ihomaa ia t» l- ing; Elk diatrict No. 74, where J ' s Mamie Wright ia teaching; Long Bri* h district No. 64, where Miaa Alberta Si y ia teaching; Asherton diatrict No. 1, where Miaa Allie Wat-on b teaching 1 Mountain diatrict No. 11, where > a Grace Colby ia teaching. M e d fo r d , O re. Manion Lewis and Hi. i- botham were doing bie-ineaaat thecou. y «eat the forepart of the week for the D -- ilamila school district. Me-sra. J. David-on is making some aubat .- tial improvement in the- line of fenci g on hia land which he but recently pur chased at “Garden Rowe.’’ A special school meeting ia called for March :50th for the purpose of electing a clerk to fill tlie vacancy of Mr. Blowers, who has resigned his position. Mr. and Mrs. McChonchie and Mr. and Mrs. Crank of Medford spent Sun day very pleasantly as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Householder of upper Kane« . Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Blowers, who have been visiting at Harrisburg, Ore., for the past six weeks, returned Sunday. On Mon- I day Mr. Blowers resigned his position as I, school clerk of tlie Dardanelle school. Kanes Creek business visitors in Gold Hill this week were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Maidon, James Taylor, Mr" 11 Byrb y. Elmer H iginbotham , Blue and McO'ahen, A1 Rhoten, Mrs. Boggis, Mr. Hulbirtson, Dave Avery and “ Uncle” Foster. ►♦♦♦♦*w*w*w*a«*e*****e**e4j4ojeojae*o GOLD HILL, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON T h e M in in g M e tr o p o lis o f S o u th e r n s SEWERS CEMENT WALKS OLD HILL has a natural site for a city, built as it is on the banks of Hogue river, at the gateway to the won derful valley of the same name- The setting for a city is here—picturesque and inspiring—and if the law of natural development works ¡is it should, the setting will some day, and that not far distant, he filled by a city such as southern Oregon may not boast at present. The town takes its name from Gold Hill mountain, so called because nearly half a million dollars was taken from a ledge at a point near its summit in the early fifties. No town in southern Oregon has a greater list of actual, get-at-ahle natural resources awaiting development immediately contiguous to its corporateriimits. G Tlie rushing current of Rogue river—teeming with gamy salmon, trout and steelhead—offers at a compara tively slight cost per developed horsepower aa abundance of power for any and all industrial development. And speaking of hunting—the neighboring hills are the happy hunting grounds of southern Oregon. No hunter returns without plenty of venison, and generally he brings in the legal limit. Cougar, bear, panther and coyotes may be had by those who care to hunt them, and several trappers in the vicinity make good money each winter on the finer furs. • •• FILTERED WATER HE following 1« a Bat of mining proper- tie« in the region contiguous to Gold Hill, classified as to their ri-s,iecUve districts: Kanes Greek: Revenue, Alice, Mendenhall, Roaring Gimlet, Braden, .Millionaire, Centen nial placer, and many other«; also the Hughes anil Householder lime quarries. Galls Creek: Hill Nye, recently purchased by a powerful French syndicate, operating mine« in all parts of the world; five stamp« will soon be in operation. Gold Standard, Red Oak, Rattlesnake, Kubli, Tin Pan, Burns & Duffield, H. I>. Jones, Last Chance, and Rig Foot. Foots Creek: Champlin Dredging CoM Black Channel placer, I juice Bros, placer, Dixie Queen, Bertha, Horseshoe, Swaker, Hummingbird, and many others. Sardine Creek: Little Giant, Black Hawk, Grey Eagle, Isicky Bart group, Corporal G, Garrison, Haff group, Hinckle, Smith placer, Dusenbury placer, and many others; thia creek placers Its entire length. Bogue River Hills: Fairview, Blizsard, White Horae, Sylvanite, Trustbnster, Pact®. Haa, Garfield (iron), Fleming-Ward (Iron). Gold Hill Mountain: Gold Hill ledge. Cop per Queen, Whitney, Fisher, Dlkemaa and many others. Back well Hills: Maybetle, Nellie Wright, Bowden, Yellow Jacket, Lone Pine, Frank Shaffer aad many others. Willow Springs: Murray, Nick Jerry, Herschberger, Houston and many others. T ELECTRIC LIGHTS ('O L D HILL is the center of a rich mineral district. ” Gold, copper, iron, cement rock, brick and potter’s clay, shale, lime—the purest on the continent, according to government geological reports—all are here, and all undeveloped. The rich surface gold deposits, both placer and quartz, have been worked for fifty years, and have paid and are still paying handsomely. * There is no deep mining. This will come later, and when it does it is freely predicted that Gold Hill will become one of the greatest camps the west has ever seen- A mountain of high-grade cement rock lies just south of the town, and a mountain of high-grade hematite iron just north—both undeveloped. A bituminous coal belt many square miles in extent lies seven miles north of the town undeveloped. This is in the Sams Valley and Meadows districts, comprising »m e of the finest land for fruit and general farming in southern Oregon. An eleven-foot vein of black lignite has been uncovered in the Meadows, and samples of coal taken from wells in Sams Valley have been proven by analysis and forge tests to be of high quality. Capital is invited to investigate the Gold Hill district, either before or after investigating other districts, whether the object of the investigation is mines, timber, cement, lime, brick and tile clay, timber, coal, power, or a location for a sanitarium or tourists’ hotel—Gold H ill has them all. The choicest fruit land in southern Oregon surrounds Gold Hill, the numerous creek valleys, with their deep, fertile, mineral-mixed soil and absolute immunity from Add to all its other advantages as to location and frost providing almost ideal conditions for the horticul- resources an all-the-vear climate that can’t be beaten on For further information address turnlist. the Pacific coast, and an idea is gained of the justice of REX H. LAMPMAN the claim that Gold Hill has the best prospects for future Several extensive timber belts can be most easily Secretary Business Men’s Assn. development of any town in the world-famous Rogue Rivef put into the market with mills located at Gold Hill. Gold Hill, Oregon *aiiey of southern Oregon.