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About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1912)
For county asseeor: J. C. Barnard threatening a panic If they were re of Ashland. Martin McDonough of fuseti, he. l a Folletto, would have call Medford. Vote for one. ed tlielr "bluff.“ lie alao made It a For county commissioner: W. Daley point Io denounce the "Jitekpotter»" In Hiluni* That Is his way lie uaually of I.ake Creek. George I<vuian of Gold According to advance announce j Hill. Vote for two. prefers to denounce an abuse In Its Stronghold or a man Io Ills face. ments sent out by Secretary of State For Sheriff: W. A. Jones of Ross Senator I a F u lletle I» a farm er who Olcott voters of Jackson county will I |a[)p farm* with hl* ow n hand* One of have to tunke selections from the fo l-1 p ,,, county cierk: W. H. Miller of A Short Man, but Every His Ciitcf Aim to Drive the chief Inauee with people generali.» lowing candidate#: Oo|d H,n I* as to the pronunciation or hla name Inch of Him Is a the Special Interests Now 1« the lime to buy property In Republican py,r county recorder: Robert L Tay- Many aiaa'itl It on the “lette" I For president Robert M. LaFolIette |or oy Medford, even heard one man call It l a Follai* Hold l l l l l i don’t wait till yon have le Fighter. Out of Politics. of Madison. Wisconsin; Theodore _____________ ty It I* a 1 1 rw syllable name and la hate It t liny now gnd make the In. ie*tor's profit, a word to the wise It Roosevelt of Oyster Bay. New York accented on the "Fol " Houser Tells Gold Hill ONE OF A SERIES OF ARTICLES ON THE PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN Senator lui Follette I* not a tall man: ■efflrlenti If you hate not the ruabi William Howard Taft of dneinnatti (Continued from first page) tmt, nt previously remarked. every talk Io Kellogg be w ill get It for yoel Ohio. By J A M t l A. I lo . it I U.N he ha* some reel bargain* Ju*t now For presidential elector, M. J. Mac- ed hi* connectioa with my candidacy, ami dan.! i I -ue or elilell.i by aelfiah ‘ueh o f him •» * fighter ambit , ui .N -. tills I n not an Intel it was so understood when he left head HE Auier.cnn |M*ojile I oven ;! In (>old lllll properties. Mahon of Multnomah La Follette Addresses Voters er. and Senator Robert Marion ligible explanation of tile man aud his For delegates to the national con quarters after the conference there on lUtNMN) to loan on laropt« property, La Follette la about the gatu Career. (Continued from first peg«) vention; Charles W. Ackerson of Mult that day. He also knows that five days In hla earnestness Senator I a Fol these problems, constructively. In the for two years nt H per r»nl. later, alien I had to yield to a few days eat fighter that has ap|<eared nomah. O. C. Applegate of Klamath, lette frequently lets fall the phrase “1 fillMIO.lM) to loan oB Improved property, Daniel Boyd of Wallowa, Fred S By of rest and recuperation that lie *eiaed to politics to our day. When defeated mean IL" Have we not here the key public Interest. from I to years at H pec r« *L In this spirit 1 ask yon to con- non of Marlon. Homer C. Campbell of that time as his opportunity to make time after time he haa goue on tight to hla character? He umuum what he **00.00 to loan on Improved projteyty, public Ok' support he had long givey to wider my candidacy. Ing. When so sick be was in a doc says, menus it luteuaeiy. menus It uot Multnomah« Charles H. Carey of Mult for two yofira at 10 per rin L I shall not undertake, within the nomah. Henry WaMo Co« of Mnitno- Roosevelt’* candidacy. The*' gentleiik'n tor's hands ha has gone on fighting only in words, but iu deeds. Emeraou **4NMM to I o n s on Improved property, man. Charles H. Fry of Washington know Ivforv Pinehot left headquarters When legislatures have been bullied said. "Beware wheu the great God lets compass of this letter, to discuss the from S to 8 years at 10 per re n t D. D. Hall of Wasco. Dr. T. W. Harris after he had finally made his intentions or bought away from him he has goue loose a thinker ou thia planet." Ue Issues, or Indeed to more then sug ou fighting. When h aled In the Lulled ■night also have bid ua beware of the gest my position upon the vitally Im *NO0.00 to loon on Income property, plain, that 1 said to him that I had no of Lane, 3. B. Huston of Multnomah States senate he has goue ou fighting. man who is In dead earnest There la portant ones. for two years at 10 per renL D. C. Jones of Wasco. Thos. McCusk- power to prevent him from quitting, but I d fact, that Is the story of his whole no other way to explain La Follette, that he had obligated himself to support I believe In: er. of Multnomah. Phil Metechan of We guii rati tee « per rent nud have h over m e; that I would ¡not release him from career—"he haa gone on fighting ” The h!s perse' > rs" ■ M., f The initiative, referendum and re never paid leas than I I per rent on Multnomah. J. W. Minto of Multno opposition of the bosses or of the i that obligation and if lie left that he tercets, adverse votes In the uatioual than ou the theory that he u treiueu call and direct uointualloua and elec mah, Frank Patton of Clatsop. Dr. J. would have to reconcile his course with convention of his party, lack of tuouey doualy iu earueet. ilia fueu, his hear tions. uot only as applied to statea. saving arrounta paid by the month, N. Smith of Marion, A. V. Swift of both Inrge and smalL. The Pacific his conscience as best he could. or of health, vitriolic abuse-none of ing, hla »voids and hi* di. ; all bear but alao In the extension of these Baker. Vote for one. llnlldlng A Loan Assoetatloa. T alk theaa haa deterred him. The late Ad TarewcM, Hiram out this InUti'ptMutieu. Lu. u u man principles to the nation as a whole. For United States senator: Jona with A. F. Kellogg, local agent miral Evant la not the only one en will go far. « The equalisation of the burdens of “ With Gifford Pinehot went his brother than Bourne of Multnomah, Stephen titled to the name of “Fighting Bob.” taxation, upon a property basts, ..O w n your own hnmest stop paying Strong With the People, A. bowel! of Umatilla, J. W. Morton Amos and also Medill McCormick and With equal fitness that term could be through the adoption of graduated Gilson Ganlner. Those gentlemen quit re n t The Parlfle llnlldlng A Loan of Marion, Ben Selling of Multnomah. now many vote will t.- have la the applied, as It Is being applied, to Sen thi n and there. As for Governor Hiram ator Bob La Follette of Wisconsin. Convention ? Thai u yet putciy u mat Income and Inheritance taxes. Assoelnllon will furnish yon the mon Vote for one. The parcels post. ey l pay by the monthi Just like pay For representative In congress: W. Johnson of California, lie did not quit me Progressive Republican candidate for ter of speculation Various newg|iapcr Government ownership of express ing re n t| It costs no morel talk with until Sunday, February 11. He was president of the United States. corres(>ondeuta have written forecasts C. Hawley of Marion. Senator I a Follette may not be nom giving him anywhere from 100 to 200. companies and government operation Kellogg, he does their business In For secretary of state: Frank 8. manly about it. He eauie an,I told me but all thia is guesswork. The Wla of expreas business at actual coat to Gold H ill. Fields of Multnomah. Ben W. Olcott that he would not attempt to sneak out inated In the Republican convention, urnler pretense that anything given out a fact which be doubtless realties, but cousin senator luis behind him a na the public. of Marion. Vote for one. If be is not be will go on fighting. Ue lion »vide organization and a tremen Iteaaonnble Valuation For Justice of the supreme court: at my headquarters warranted such a was turned down once or twice In dous sentiment among the cominou The reasonable valuation of the FOR SALK—Well Improved farm of course, for nothing was issued from my Robert Eakin of Union. people. His friend* are making an ac 42 acres S miles from Gold Hill, 20 physical property of railroads, Justly headquarters which, in his opinion, was Wisconsin before he reached the gov For Oregon dairy and fruit commis tive campaign in his behalf. My own acres under cultivation, water right, subject to such construction. He had ernorship. and even when he attained belief la that he will make a stronger Inventoried and determined, aa the sioner: W. I. Cottel of Multnomah. quit me to go to Roosevelt because he the goal the legislature refused to en and Irrigating system with place, basis for fixing rates, and the exten Arthur T. Edwards of Multnomah. A. night mvcampaign had ‘ttattened out,’ act his reforms. Not till he bad gone showing in the convention than the sion of the powers and the adminis plenty of timber on place, 200 fruit average man now believes possible. A In the third time did he succeed iu H. Lea of Multnomah, John D. Mickle and I ‘couldn’t win and Roosevelt could.’ treoo 3 years old, 1 acre In borrloo, poll taken by the Farm and Home trative control of the Interstate Com getting his whole program, hut he “ I suggested that as California’s pri of Washington. Vote for one. good house, barn and out buildings, maries were not to be la id until May 14, made the battle so warm that the law Mngaxiue in nil sections of the country merce commission. For railroad commissioner: Thom bis situation was not urgent, and that lie makers had to come to him in the end. showed the following results: picket and wire fence, mile from I would have the nation know how could wait until the result of the North as K. Campbell of Lane. I a A Ruote- school. Team, stock and Impleine-nta To- murh of the $ 1 M.OOO.OOO.OOU capitali Writes His Own Life. Dakota primaries and see whether my For prosecuting attorney: H. K. Poliert«. Vt It. Taft. tai go with place. Price *4000. part candidacy was as Hat as he thought. He Gl 112 32» zation was contributed by those who Many good people thought that his New England. . ir.3 Hanna of Jackson, J. N. Johnston of decline,! to wait.” Middle state«.. down, balance on favorable terms. .. 469 67 ao 7at own the railroads, and how much by proposals would play havoc with busi Josephine. Vote for one. Central west.. 99 2S9 1,293 the people themselves. ness If they were enacted into law. but . 2>‘«5 10 FOR BAIJC- 3 miles from Gold lllll. For joint state representative: C. Medford is going to have an inter these fears proved grouudlexs, and even Northwest ...... 1 believe in the creation of a com- <3 PC 700 20 acres placer mining ground, good E Whisler of Jackson. 8outh ............. <31 S 3 L i? 711 national boxing contest. Manager the coriHiratloas now admit that "La mission, with power to Investigate title, all tillable land, 800 tiers of For representative: J. A. Wester- Frankie Edwards of the Medford Ath Follettelsm" la not so bud us painted. and ascertain the Illegal acts of all U, 8.. total....... . 1.090 3 g 3 1,00 4.116 fire wood standing on the claim. No lund and John Carkin of Medford. letic club has secured the best at They are reaping the benefits of the In this straw voto La Follett. re- trusts and combinations, and with Improvement on the land. This Is Vote for two. traction ever before the local public new system along with the people at celves (55 per cent. Taft 2.' l>er cent power to ascertain the reasonable large. Instead of Its hurting the sale a snap for some one (hat wants u For county Judge: George Dunn of in the line of boxing. valuation not the monopoly valua of their bonds theee have a better mar and Roosevelt 10 per cent. Polls m.ule small ranch and a pay roll right at Ashland, F. E. Merrick of Medford. Arthur Kelly, the cleverest boxer ket than before. So well have Senator through other agencies show results al tion— of the physical properties of their door. Price, cosh *400.00. Vote for one. turned out of Australia since the days Bob’s policies worked that when he most ns significant. The voters are go the great monopolies, beginning For county surveyor: T. W. Osgood of Young Griffo. has been matched for wna n candidate for re-election in 1910 ing to have something to say about with such as the natural resources FOR SALE - A small home of 15 acres of Medford, Frank Grisez of Ashland, a ten-round bout with "Bud" Ander he bad lOO.OttO majority, although most this nomination In flvo stales there such as coal, oil, and Iron; in the 2H miles from Gold Hill, new up- M. McCown, H. C. Stockman, R. P. son of Vancouver. of the country went Democratic. This are presidential primaries and means creation of a tariff commission of to-date bungalow, 26x40 feet, V4 of making the public will felt In other Cowgill all of Medford. Vote for one. experts clothed with real power to Kelly arrived In America a month unparalleled triumph came to him states. mile from school, spring and run. For coroner: A. E. Kellogg of Gold ago and immediately came west to when fiat on his back from illness determine the valuation of all the nlng water on place. Four acres Hill. H. C. Stock of Ashland. Vote visit relatives in Portland before go All of which proves once more that Against Special Interest». elements of production, costs and under cultivation, balance good till you can’t keep a good man dow n- for one. The chief aud nil Inclusive demand profits, and in the reduction of tar ing to San Francisco, where he has able land. Owner has a business he la a fighter For county assessor: W. T. Grieve been promised several good bouts with provided « o u . . _ . . , \ Senator "Bob” and the Progressive iff rates to the ascertained differ proposition he wishes to take up. \ 8tnn,1l alOne- ,s that the «l»win* interest* be of Central Point ence between the labor In this coun leading lightweights. On reaching and will sacrifice this property for „ U(J For county treasurer: James Crone- Portland Kelly was urged not to be or. rather, be has bud to start alone to 4r,ven ont of try and abroad. Instead of each of recruit bis army. It was practically so tllPre „ monpy tr,,q, whJ(.b *1300 caati or trade for Medford res miller of Jacksonville. having a talk in regard to his future In W isconsin and was absolutely so in IWOgenltor of tbe trusts in the these government commissions inves idence property. For superintendent of schools: J. with Manager Edwards, the latter the United States Semite. \\ hen he beginning our government was pure, tigating the same ructs Independently Percy Wells of Jacksonville. showed Kelly where it would be to his began to speak In that body the older, but tlw ,n„,reMls bavo corrupted ,t I believe it would be practical for a FOR SALE—Farm, 30 acres, 6 miles For commissioner: W. C. Leever of advantage to have several bouts in senators left the chamber almost to a x ow WB njUst bring it bnck to the peo- single board of expert accountants, from Gold HUI, rich river bottom Central Point, J. C. Smith of Wood Medford before Invading San Francis man. On one such occnsion 8cuutor pie. Thia la all good doctrine, and no statisticians, economists, and engi land, 7 acres In alfalfa, good Im “Bob” uttered the famous prophecy ville. Vote for one. provements and fences, all under co, so Kelly's first tryout on American that the people would soon vacate per body can be found who will seriously neers to be empowered to get the attempt to controvert it Yet the sen tacts, not for the confidential use of For sheriff: August D. Singler of soil will be in Medford against "Bud cultivation excepting 4 acres. Price manently the acets then vacated tem Medford, Emmett Beeson of Talent Anderson of Vancouver, who is recog porarily. which la exactly what the ator is not always so general in his the president or the departments, but *6000; *2000 cash, balance on one statements. He enn tie quite specific, Vote for one. and two years time. nized to be undisputed champion of people did as fast as these senators' and his remedies for these evils and for congress and the public. For county clerk: G. A. Gardner of the northwest at his weight. Opiwmen Ship HulMldiee terms expired. the brood of leaner abuses that have FOR SALE—40 acres unimproved land Talent, W. F. Quisenberry of Medford, When he entered the senate In 1906 grown out of them are worked out in I am opposed to ship subsidies, Anderson is to arrive from Van In Sams Valley, price *20 per care; N. L. Narregan of Eagle Point. Vote couver, Wash., today and both men La Follette had not a man to stand detail by experts. Nor are bis laws which, once entrenched, will become also an 80 acre tract at same price with him. Today be has more than a ever successfully attacked In the another corrupting Influence in our for one. will be seen in training next Sunday dosen. and during the special session per acre. Both tracts nicely lo courts. La Follette Is a lawyer, and he politics. For county recorder: Fred L. Colvig afternoon at the Medford Athletic club, cated. of Medford, Chauncey Florey of Eagle too eager to enter Into any important be controlled the balance of power and is not In the habit of enacting reforms I am opposed to further extrava- virtually ruled the body. With the only to have a coach and four driven P oint Vote for one. ring contests until he had been fully Wisconsin man standing alone has be through them by the first court before persons only, in building battleships Democratic gance, on the advice of Interested acclimated. Friends advised him to come a habit When the average poll which they are brought For president: Champ Clark of come to Medford, where the sublime ticlau becomes a presidential candl On the tariff the Wisconsin senator and political navy yards, and favor Bowling Green, Missouri; Judson Har climate would favor him greatly. date there are plenty of men eager to demands a permanent commission re an unprejudiced commission to In mon of Columbus, Ohio; Woodrow write his biography, but when La Fol porting to congress and a downward vestlgate and report what Is required lette starts a foot race for the White revision schedule by schedule to the In the way of national defense. Wilson of Trenton, New Jersey. Vote Endorsed by Josephine County Bor House be writes bis own life. Been point that shall equalize cost of produc for one. I am opposed to the dollar diplo We have known J. N. Johnston as a For presidential electors: Hugh Mc practicing attorney liere for the past Hix reading It? I have, and, say, I am glad tion at home and abroad, nor la be macy which has reduced our state especially anxious about assuring a Lain of Coos; Will M. Peterson of U- years, and know him to lie well qualified he wrote it himself. That is a real story, one to make a man want to go "reasonable profit to American manu department from Its high place as a matilla, John M. Wall of Washington, for the practice of criminal law and that out and hit somebody and give three facturers.” Ue believes that manu kindly intermediary of defenseless D. M. Watson of Multnomah, F. C. he has been active in it« enforcement cheers for the flag. facturers should look after their own nations Into a trading outpost for Whitten of Multnomah. Vote for one. while deputy prosecuting attorney. profits. Moreover, be Is in favor of Well Street Interests, aiming to ex Mr. Johnston has made criminal law They Call Him '‘Bob.’’ making the revision speedily and giv ploit those who should be our For delegates to the national con a special study and has shown his adapt In Wisconsin there are two classes ing the people relief. vention: A. S. Bennett of Wasco, ability for this branch of tfie law and law friends. Thomas Carrick Burke of Baker, Bart enforcement, and is well qualified to fill of people. One side refers to the sen I am opposed to the Aldrtch cur Amended Hailroad Law. ator as "that man La Follette," and the lett Cole of Multnomah, Leon R. Ed- the office of prosecuting attorney ably other side calls him "Bob.” It la slg- rency scheme, which, under the guise On the railroad question be believes and acceptably. munson of Lane, James E. Godfrey of of providing elasticity to our cur nlflcent that the "Bob” class has been In physical valuation us a basis of (Signed) W. C. HALE, Marlon, John D. Goss of Coos, Fred vastly Increased of late years and the ratemaking. It was Senator La Fol- rency system and relieving monetary GEORGE H. DURHAM, Rspublicfin candidate for rick V. Holman of Multnomah, Will “that man” bunch baa dwindled corre letto who was instrumental in chang conditions. Is In reality a means of GEORGE W. COLVIG, spondingly. ing the administration draft of the R. King of Multnomah, Mark Holmes concentration of the currency and C. IL CLEMENTS, county recorder, ia receiv ft la alao charged that Senator La present rate law. After he and his the credits of the United States un A. C. HOUGH, of Polk, Stephen Jewell of Josephine, O. S. BLANCHARD, ing great encouragement Follette haa a boundless selfish ambi fellow Insurgents were through with der a fifty-year franchise Into those A. A. Kadderley of Multnomah, James OLIVER S. BROWN, tion. The same charge has been inude It President Taft scarcely knew hla hands which have already secured W. Maloney of Umatilla, Victor P. in his canvass for that Of Josephine County Bar against almost every man thnt amounts own child. It bad teeth. Moses of Benton, Frank H. Reynolds to anything In the world's history. If The Initiative, referendum and re control of the banking and Insurance office. of Multnomah. Daniel W. Sheahan of the Wisconsin progressive has an un call are among the strong cards play resources of the country. I favor a policy of government Wallowa, Charles W. Sherman of due amount of thia quality he baa tak ed by the senator, although these are Mr. Florey was born and en a peculiar way to gratify IL For stats rather than national questions ownership and operation of Alaskan Klamath, John H. Stevenson of Mult raised at Eagle Point and principle he haa faced hardship, con He makes It plain that he wants the railroads and coal mines, and of an nomah, Alex Sweek of Multnomah, If you want an incubator or brooder, tumely and almost certain defeat when recall to ^pply to judges He la like Alaskan steamship line by way of Ludwig Wilhelm of Multnomah, Her is capable of handling the man Wise of Clatsop. Vote for one. one that will hatch every hatchable egg, presumably he could have found a wise an- ardent advocate of popular Pacific ports through Panama to New much easier and more Inviting road to election of senators There would be job. For United 8tates senator: O. P. write M c C lanahan , “ t h e incuba place and power. The interests were more of bis kind of senators In the up York. I was opposed to the Canadian Coshpw of Douglas, Henry Lane of tor MAN,” EUGENE, ORE. Get his rewarding their own and giving them per chamber If the people elected them. He promises if nomin new catalogue; it will tell you all about Multnomah, Walter M. Pierce of Un During hla recent tour through Ohio, reciprocity agreement when Presi his incubators and brooders. He is nuk the best In the land. La Follette had ated and elected to give ion. Vote for one. already been a member of the power Illinois and adjacent states. Senator dent Taft submitted It to congress, ing a special price for the next thirty ful ways and means committee of the I a Follette said that the government January 2(5, 1911; I was opposed to For secretary of state: John B. the people service for their days. He has all kinds of eggs lor hatch national honse of representatives. could now be brought back to the peo It when It was before the senate, ar Ityan of Multnomah. ing; among others, the Crystal White With his eloquence, youth, reputation ple by the ballot, but boldig Intimated gued against It, voted against It, and money—8 hours a day, 6 For prosecuting attorney: E. E. Orpingtons, which he makes a specialty and extensive political friendahips be that if left much longer it might re I AM AGAINST IT NOW. Kelley of Jackson. days in a week and 52 of. He hutches all kinds of day-old could probably have reached almost quire a revolution. In Illinois he Respeotfully submitted, For representative:: J. E. Barkdull chicks in his hatchery. Don’t put it off, any heights had be followed tne party charged that the panic of 1907 was weeks in a year. ROBERT M. LA FOLLETTE. and H. L. DeArmond of Medford. Vote but write him today. Address leaders. Tet be turned hla beck on alt manufactured by the money power and for two. this to defy the bosses, fight the cor laid that if he had been Roosevelt c. J. M c C lanahan For county Judge: J. R. Nell of poratlons and uphold the rights of the when Frick and Gary went to the Arsenate of Ix'ad for the codling moth “THE INCUBATOR MAN” public. Was this the course that White House asking to be permitted to and other iiests. Sold by Jarvis, the Jacksonville and F. L. TouVelle of would have been followed by a tnan absorb Tennessee Coal and Iron and druggist. 380 F ER R Y STREET, Eugene, Ore. Medford R. F. D. No. 2. Vote for one. Com plete L ist o f C andidates Senator La Follette, Progressives’ Candidate For President T a lk W ith Kellogg' T T alK W ith Kellogg' Chauncey Florey Incubators and Brooders