Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1902)
E — horse, buggy, and G oli > H ill N ews . Il F )R sue*«. SA C L ‘t«»o Enquire at this P IB U B M K D KVKKY «A T I MDAY BY TUB NEWS PRINTING COMPANY. ’ ‘ U - i GEO. R. HAMMERSLY & SONS I*l!BI.!SIIKKH J ohn B. H ahmemsly ........... E ditoii I l n lured a t the Post OlNce a t (¡o ld H ill, ARMOR CLAD STOCKINGS |ir IO l£ (RAVEN & J^BRAND) f r o s it W < >r«»< »11, a i ao j >;i l» c U « a m a i l 11» i t t »r. *.z . . .u b tr r l.llu ii OVTW.AR L.AlK.n Ita te .. • n o year, in a dvance.................... . | l .00 Hix m o n th *, in a d v a n c e ........................ 50 Three m o n th *, in advance.....................25 One year, on tim e ............................ 1.36 A d v c rlla ln g rate* iniöT» know n , . . , . . cation in person o r by le tte r. TOUGH GOODS FOR ROUGH V.LAR, Triple Knee, Toe fam o us RAVEN BRAND STO CK IN G S. FOR SALE BY Wooix'OI-l’KIts WANTED—by L. F . Jo rd a n , foreman of the Bowden and Yellow Ja c k e t mine*. W illiam Smith and wife of Placer are the guest« of Mr. and Mrs. Caine thia week. Blue Print Maps Of any township in Roseburg, Oregon, Land District, showing all vacant lands, for II at tin office of The Gold Hill News. NOT DOOMED FOR I.1FK. “ I was treated for three years by good doctors,’’ writes W. A. Greer, MeConnellsville, O., “ for Piles and Fistula, hut, when all failed, Buchlen’a Arnica Salve cured, me in two weeks.” Cures Burn* Bruls-s, Cuts, Corns, Sores, E rrup- tions, Salt Ithcuni,Piles, or no pay. 25c at A. P. Estahrook's drug store. Mr. Bitter was up from Foots reek Tuesday. Heel UMSI -R R IIX IS M . ALL S a tu rd a y , S e p te m b e r 13 1902 ANO AS SHOWN HERE. A it e . m , J iif S ai i q F air to iie Frank Jordan Supt. op the H u n at S ai km Suet emiier Yellow Jacket mine ieft Monday 15—20th, 1902. i for Sail Francisco* to purchase Take a few days after haying machinery for the mine aud harvesting, and go away for a I Miss Edna Williams of Sams change of scene and air. Too few farmers aud furmer’s wives tnk< \ alley, left on Monday's stage for any vacation during the year. her Imme after »pending several There is nothing so good as a days in Gold Hill. change of living aud a few day* Mrs. ati in ts Taylor of Galls - creek restto brace one up I .................... Both g - physically .-T V . . and m entally. Mont of the large returned from visiting her parents city business houses give their at Ashland Sunday, employes one or two weeks vacat ion during the year, and they find i Jam es Baker the G rants Paa* it pays well in the Is-ttcr health of l.aum lrvm an was a passenger on their men aud greater interest Monday s train en route to Med- taken by them in their duties. A fortj , weeks rest attending the state fair is Imtii educational and recreative Bins W anted - T o cut 200 cords The ex.sisition building will Is- of W<MK1, or any part thereof in the I'd led witii the finest exhibits of the , ;faruj, field and orchard. The ,iv(. n e ,t ten days- •stock show will surp&MH F. Jordon, surpass anything »5ui»t Mine, ••f the kind ever given on the roan , and no progressive t-».»«*-, ran Gold H ill, Oregon. affo rd to miss seeing the possi Flag«, Bunting and Lanterns, for bilities of breed and breeding. decorating purposes at Reeds. G ih h I racing ev ery a ftern o o n ls-- Merrill A Co. t Ween th e fleetest fisited racers on tilt coast. Good music and high . class entertainm ent in the evening. A I’ARSoN’s moble a « t . : ........ rates will 1st made by the “ I want all the world to know ' " r" , ’-l< die for the occasion. w ritesC. J. Rudlong, of Ashawav. i k •V0Urag*'', t \ \;s17 ^ \ ,l; ' i,,,,• R. I , ‘what a thoroughly good an',I j General Pa.-ienger' Ag-cnt reliable medicine I found in E lec ( M artH , of Tolo n, . I y .CUre, , '“ e, ° f “ '¡ - t o t in Gold Hi I I Saturday jaundioc and liver troubles that I • • following had cuused me great suffering for 1 relua,," nR lllltl 1 m any years. F o ra genuine all- eVen,n« d ^ ' i,round cure they excel anything I ! ^**a -'B rlle Blackburn, a very ever saw.” Electric Bitiers are the P”P*uar young lady of our town is surprise of all for their wonderful ’ ‘»ployed as clerk in Merritt Jit Co. work in Liver, Kidney and Stom- "tore- , ach troubles, Don’t fail to try L L' ,d,ei Dufl,eId ba* purchased them, tInly 50c. Satisfaction is , " “r V . ,1‘1e *,ore guaranteed by A. P. Estahrook. , *»•! 1 1 » , . » /* . » I he lumber for the new Beeman « Carter. Leslie u a young man building arrived Sunday who is too well known to citizens of evening's freight. Jackson and Josephine county to asej J K. Moore and daughter Ja n ie ,leed 3»y praise as to his socia. I were pleasant caller* at the News sU ,u,'tig in this community. We iffico Wednesday. predict for the firm of Carter A Dr. Ray came down from the " lh”"! fair method* of dan, Wednesday. The Doctor me, ^ " ‘ t i n T ” i“ " T ' " " Janies Brisco, formerly of the Bybee place on Evans creek has i , „ , Heagl*' Riley Hammersly and wife of " P P ^ « v .n a creek came down " ' ed' “*d*y- H. D. Reed the Grocer has been indisposed during the p a n week. Mrs. Joseph tbe Go,d Perry was down "line Wedues- ‘ Ed Shippley was down from his Sams Valley fruit farm Wednesday, E. D. Weston came up from the Pass Monday and is busy with a crew of local carpenters fitting up I*" "»> open for business Monday. jiiimiav Sheriff Rader passed down on '•‘’‘‘‘■»esday’a train with an un- fortunate from Applegate who had .. _ ,*vn a,1judg<*l insane, Thomas Hagan was down Wed- nesday from his Tolo mine, Court Hall and family will go Sam Hodges who has been e m to Medford to reside after the 20th. w ith ,, painful accident Tuesday fut, . \ ’ tl,e ployed by Dr. Ray for the last two We are sorry to lose these people. while crossing some tressling which *'«•»* their ad ,n this issue. z years is taking a much needed rest. Thomas Dungey of t lulls ereek gave way under him and he fell to d ie d NOTICE. who has been suffering with heart the rocks below, badly scratching A, Montague, ( al., Sept. 8, 1902 To a l l persons who are interested troiddes, ha» so far recovered as to and bruising him, while net serious Mrs. George T ruitt of Bew ick, in the Public Cemetery at Rock ho able to come to Gold Hill yet painful. after a severe illness with tvnhoid i>,;. . \- 3 fe v e r - 1 111 . I o m t. Y o u a re re q u e s te d to a p p e a r Wednesday. at said Cemetery on the morning O. Durham, the faithful employ* of Sept. 22, 1902 at 8 o’clock, for of Kellog Jfc D a r l i n g is en the sick purpose of assisting in removing list. I the brush and beautify the place I in general. Please turn out and W ill. Pienning catne down from CONSISTING O F ........... i help a good cause. Ashland Tuesday to re-enter as Ben Haymond, employe ol Dr. Kay. Trustee. Luteal wtylpw n Drew« a n il 8lr<-< Henry Newell and family, rel- Grand OPENING and MILLINERY DISPLAY' SEPT. 17 and 18, at Ollie Miller’s Millinery Parlor. ntivesof G. R. H am m ersly, came in front Drews Valley for a visit and will remaiij until after the Reunion. Mrs. Alex Armstrong came down from Ashland to visit her father, Wm. Perdue. Lots of strangers in town, when one leaves another takes his place. No busier place in Southern Oregon than Gold H ill, H ats. II i d ' l l 1 . i 111 in atlfii<lnii<-p « ill l><* g it n i a p ou p on , w liip li w illc n - * title (In* h o ld er to a pliaiipp o f re r e iv in g » I I I I t 1 11: D o lla r Had IVre. BORN To Mr. and Mrs. H. C. G albraith a daughter. At Picard, Cal., S;p. 1. 1902, to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Preston, a d aughter. married DON’T FORGET THE DATE, Sept 17,18. j In G rants Pase, Sept, 4. lit« ’, W. A. Wade and Mies Ne!! -- Floyd, by Rev. McDougall.