Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1902)
t THE GOLD HILL NEWS. T he only paper publiahcd in the fim o iu Gold Hill M in ing District. A newspaper devoted to the I m ining end agricultural inter- I eztx of Southern Oregon. J Non-partisan in politics. J « NO. EL EVENTS OF THE DAY BIO GAIN IN GOLD NEWS OF OREGON O F F IC IA L D IR B C T O R Ÿ L iv e r y , Feed, T ra n s fe r STABLES S T A T E OF OREGON ( saibh , A. P. ESTA BROOK C a p ita l) flovernurf..................................T. T. (leer Hscrvtary ol S ta te ,.............. F. I.. Dunbar State Trseenrer.. . . . . .......... 0 . S. Moore Hupt. Public Instruction J. H. Ackerman Atty (len erel............ D. R. N. Blackburn Statu P rin ter......................... W. II. I .usds JA C K SO N 278. GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE OREGON’S MINERAL OUTPUT SHOWS rTFMS OF INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS TWO HEMISPHERES. INCREASE FOR YEAR. OP THE STATE. T he L ead in g D ru g g ist of Gold Hill. H u the Largest, Cleanest, Cheapest and Beat C O U N TY Line of Drugs, Druggists’ Sundries, Stationery, (jaseau««>, Uuaaiy Heat) Compreh«n»lve Review ol the Import Baker County Still Holds First Place In Commercial and Financial Happening» of the Past Week—Brief Review of the ant Happenings ol the Past Week. Production Alaskan Output was One Growth and Development of Vnrions Presented In Condensed Form, Most Million Less Than In 1900 — Industry Industries Throughout Our Conwnon- Likely to Prove Interesting to Our In Washington Is Peking lip Placer wealth L sU st Market Report. Many Readers. Oronnd Still Holds Out. Andrew W hite, charged with the k ill W ashington, Aug. 27.— The gold pro M."Combe, the French premier, is to resign. duction ol Oregon in 1001, according to ing oi 1 eter Beauchene at Portland, has been arrested at Vancouver. a Kossland, B. C., has been visited by tbe director of tbe m int, just made UOt.l) HILL. OK. Imported and Domestic Cigars, High-Grade Several heavy shipm ents of sheep a »76,(MM) Sre public, was greater than in any pre are being sent from the vicinity of KELLOGG DARLING, Proprietor! W ines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes, Third d istiict California Republican« vious year, being of the value of »1,- Baker City t ' California for the winter. have renominated Coombs lor congrea«. 834,821. The preceding year it waa ever kept in the city. A tract of land comprising 60,000 King Edward lias gone on a cruise to valued at »1,727,802. This substan acres in Benton and Lincoln counties Scotland. The tim e oi his return is in tial increase occurred notwithstanding O rd e r* for burgles, carria g e baa been purchased by an Eastern syn aurreya, bac a* and rldlnj definite. the fact that many ol the best devel dicate. The price paid is not known. baraea prom ptly filled Par<-el« post arrangements have been oped and usually producing mines were The supreme court has derided that concluded between th is country and TO W N OF GOLD H IL L closed down a great portion or all the the State of Oregon has no right to the England. Tree, ol Council................... A. C. Htanley year, for various reasons. The silver water it is using at the penitentiary, florae* fed by the month, week or day John C. B ullitt, a prominent Phila IC .F . Young, W. II.C aine, a t reiaaouable price* The beet of care product ol Oregon was »211,8 0 in so that different arrangements will be taken to prevent accidenta, am i « 111 not delphia attorney, closely identified Councilman tC . C. McClendon, necessary. O o l d H ill, O r e g o n . k be reaponalble for any th at m ay occur 1901, as against »170,721 the year (A . E. Kellogg; with public affairs, is dead. State Senator John L. Rand, of Ra before. Recorder....................Geo. K. Hammersly K A A . A Ä A A A A. A .A .A A Great veins of rich iron ore are re ker City, w ill make an effort to have a Marabat ..................................J. W. Ilaya Baker county still holds first rank ported to have been discovered at B 0 3 3 3 3 3 ^ 3 3 3 3 8 3 ; bill passed at the next session of the Treaaurer................................J. L. Harvey Vadso, in the province of Tromsoe, among the m ineial producers of the Oregon legislature giving Baker county Attorney......................J. L. Ilamniereley Norway. state, and bids fair to increase its a separate ju d ic a l district. Council meeta lat Monday in each lead very m aterially from the fact Experiment« in wireless telephoning r v » W V W W W W V W V V W V W 1 A contract baa been let at Baker City Btoutli. have been snci-essfully carried on be that the ores appear to be increasing lor 1,000,000 feet of lumber by the Or A .Share of th e P atron age of th e P u b lic i» R e sp ec tfu lly B olicited tween Sassnitx and Kolberg, Germany, in value as ihey attain greater depth. egon Electric Power company. The lumber is to be nsed in constructing a a dist-Dce of 106 m iles. O ne D oor E ast o f S P E C IA L N O T IC E S Fifty years has not exhausted the The funeral of General Franx Sigel placers ol Oregon, and there is ground flume and power plant on Eagle creek. H a y s ’ B la c k s m ith S h o p was held in New York Sunday. For Charles 8. W ilkinson, who was ar ••The Ulti® ■jH’cla» n o lle * and the reg u lar ad It o llr d are vaine, three hours the body lay in state, and enough that will pay to work for fifty rested at Ashland two weeks ago for The» H- cheap, and p ialo to look a t, bui thay fully 10,000 people filed past and years more, while the quartz ledges are stealing horses in Minnesota, hat been g el there jtia l the »»me '* Ila ri« *)’ practically untouched. ” A great fu taken back to that state by Deputy viewed the remains. ture awaits this grand state in point of Sheriff C. F. Hurst, of Polk county, r p itF 'd l’ ASH notice* printed and on^hand for The Ohio leigslature has convened in N iili.... ■ala at the pub lication <>Aca of The New « Doue with neatneu and dinpatch. special session to enact laws to pro mineral wealth,” is - the concluding Minn. ■ < »C A TIO N blanks conforming to the require* vide lor the government of m unicipal paragraph of the report regarding Ore The Iowa Lumber company, which F e e d ... 1 i mont« of I ho new m ining law of Oregon foi ities and to restore loet jurisdiction to gon. has purchased 1,600 acres of pine tim aal« at Ih« o B re of Thu Newa I CARRY IN CONNECTION A M C E In Washington. the supreme court, these matters hav ber land near Medford, is making prep LINE OF F lu e F a m ily F l o u r Mining in Washington is slowly re arations to put in a large m ill and box ing been rendered chaotic by the action / « > T O K c | )ttg A P arting for n il kinds of "• arkatnl thing, thing. ho rao ahoelng. _ __ wagon and hl a<*k‘-i:tt of that court during the early summer. covering from the depressing effect of factory at that place. The first carload J . J . H O I C K , m a n a g e r .............. « o ld H i l l , Oregon carria g e work M w l ciana workmen employed tlie temporary diversion of capital to of machinery has already arrived. at <1 n il work guaranteed a t reasonable prie« An edict has been issue-1 in China Alaska. There has been a slight in huopa on D street. ordering that tbe murder of ar. English creese in tlie output, and tlie industry Negotiations are pending between the And BICYCLE EXTR AS. missionary named Lewis and an Aus V K f H a ir e u tf Your w atch cleaned or J may be considered as improving, and Portland City Railway company and S H A j-.iur bicycle re p a ire d ’ 1 K Deboy does . tralian missionary name-1 Bruce, be the close of the prerent year is expected the City and Suburban Railway com n il Piene thluga and doc» them w all and cheaply. , I. E. PEBOY, punished. The government expresses to show a betterment in development pany with a view ol the purchase of great regret at the o-curren-es and J the latter by the former, and the con l . ' I S I I I N d T A C K L K of the beat q u a lity la and production. Gold H ill. Or Call and see me. I great variety See 1 K Dehoy about It. promises to make reparation. During the past year the Seattle as solidation of both Bystems under one Practically e coronation visitors say office has receive-1 the following head. Manufacturer and Ih-sier In quantities of gold and silver from neigh have left London. Near Huntington, Malheur county, a R EA L ESTATE ledge of gold-bearing ore has been dis Insurgents are reported to be still boring fields: I 3,476,75® covered that assays as high aa »2,000 .Masks I? I NF. F A I t M of I lk aerea » Ile a from G old i making progressjn Colombia. 5,«7t) Idaho I l l t l l , on G a ll creek, M» acres In cu ltiv a tio n ; The ledge averages about F u r n itu r e m id 2 n d g J W Goode. 4,9U4 per ton. Oreaoii.... em ail liearlng orchard, house, barn nod out* i The American Can company will 6H.6&4 eight feet in width, and croppings have \Y a * h in c to n ............ building», «oil very rteh; a ll under feaee; good j H a rn ess an d F u r n itu r e R ep airin g. fi’2 7,678 B ritish C o lu m b ia erect a great plant in Portland. out range adjoining, th l* place at n bargain If , \ 11,(187,118 been traced on both sides of the moun Y u ko n T e rrito ry ... A F u ll S u p p ly of U n d e r ta k in g G oode. F u n e r a l Car to th ose w ho aoitl MMin Inquire of t> Horn on the premlaaa or , tain on which the find is located. n t the onto« of The New s Professor Jenks, the special commis- J. 11. M c C lkmuom ' Prop. Alaska Falling Off. W a n t I t. S o u th S id e , G o ld H ill, O regon. atoner, aaya our trade standing in the G o ld H il l , - O hku <" i The W illam ette Valley. Land Co. Thu gold output of Alaska in 1901 „ n o u n s •»«» unn • -w. -*■ w- Wk Orient Is excellent. was »l,tX)0,000 less than the year pre has shipped a large box o l grasses, r re Hurt a*. township » I S m ile» from Ham \ » II.-y I >•'*! ..(*•<•«• 4 m ile from echonl. living T he B est of The rumor that Archbishop Ireland ceding, dne largely to the decrease in grains and fruits to be exhibited at the w a te r. giMHl w ell, good barn, em ail beartngor- will be made a cardinal in the near fu the output from the Nome field. Not Nebraska state fair. ch a rd and t h ir t y aerea w e ll Im p ro v e d In q u ire Wines, Liquors and Ciqars of arri* W ebber on Good Pasture place or Geo only was the Nome season exceptionally ture has been revived. A decision of «onsiderable interest G H. Ila m m - rely A Hon. Gold H i l l, Ora. short, but apprehensive uncertainty has l«en received at the United States G o o d F *ool T ia U lo . L a t e s t Five gubernatorial candidates are was universally felt on account of tbe land office at Oregon City in the case and tw en ty acre« on Foot creek striving for favor of tbe Republican P a p ers an d P e r io d ic a l« O N In F hundred AT T H I immense amount of litigation that of George L. Derrick against Arthur T. the h ea rt of the placer m ining d letrlo t, state convention o t California. an aerea n line c u ltiv a tio n , rood building» followed the ao’vent of the judiciary in Merwin, involving a tract in section 3, Burnt l>e told; here la a bargain T a lk to Gao It. C all a n d see m e The sultan has issued an imperial the summer of 1900. Many rich claim s lia im u c rd y township 9 south, range 8 west. The order commanding that the demands were not worked at a ll, and others bnt decision knocks out both parties on the # made by the United States be conceded. slightly. Rulings of Judge Wicker- ' »D farm on G a ll creek; tient In th at aeotton; ground that the entry conflicts with C IO 1 cheap. Gao, It H am m eraly w ill sell It. In the naval maneuvers off the Mas sham, who arrived in September, to the Corvallis A Yaquina Bay KTgon the effect that original holders of min sachusetts coast the attacking squadron road grant. wc hava (3) aerea Io the Ruburba of Gold H U I was “ destroyed” by the defending ing ground would be permitted to F R A T E R N A L The Rev. J. J. Walter, formerly work their claim s, and that "jumpers” at « aargaio** fleet. would deceive no consideration, restored Methodist biBhop of Alaska and re Charles L. Fay lias l>een arrested at confidence and gave back to tbe rightful cently in the service of the leading T ow n P ro p e r ty S old or Portland and taken to Wisconsin, owners possession of many good prop Methodist church at Spokane, has RD ER OF PENDO. R A N D A R M Y O F T H E R E P U B L IC . 0 G R en ted . F a r m in g L an d s, charged with obtaining money under erties. But relief came too late to been appointe«! colonization agent of CONFECTIONERY .lam e* L u ttre ll I ’oat No 71, G A K . of M in es or oth er p rop erty false pretenses. have any appreciable effect upon the the Great Central railroad, .projected O ald H i l l, O re fo a , meeta the flret S a tu rd a y Oro F ln o Council N o 857, O rder of Pondo, la each month E wobb , commander; S T O R E . ..s tt illlllllllL between Coos Bay and Salt Lake City. S old o n C o m m issio n . C o l m eet* at the t O. O. F. H a ll every other Chicago messenger boys are on a output for the season. J J Stacey, vice eorn’dr; J w Punk In ju n frhureday w a ite r Dungey, Councilor; A l- le c tio n s m ad e. P ro m p t In this connection it is interesting to He will at once enter upon bis duties, ior vice com’dr; Henry M c N e il, a m , A. J. strike. i ired L ew is , Secretary. C IG A R S Sm ith, adju tau t state that during 1901 United States which are to arrange th e settlem ent of R e m itta n c e s. R e a so n a b le A thousand more Boer prisoners have mines, assay offices, refineries and colonies along the projected line. C IG A R E T T E S a C h a r g e s................................... just sailed from St. Helena to South Af smelters received »17,752,463 in Klon C A N D IE S an d i A »25,000 hotel and bathhouses are rica. dike gold, besides much silver. W O M E N 'S R E L I E F CO RPS. NUTS. to be erected at once at Hot Lake. I> F .G R E E O F H O N O R . E. H. Harriman, president of the I Jam e* L u ttre ll women * R e lief Corp* of : F resh F ruits In S eason : Fire at Pendleton, which started in Oold I l i l l , Or , m eet* in the Scho< . t a ll on MILES OOES TO PHILIPPINES. Southern Pacific road, is to be elected P aradise Txxlge No. 71. Degree of Honor, ft firai and ik ird F rid a y in each nu»al... N e llie All kinds of Soft Drinks m eet* every Tuesday In School H a ll. V is W illiam H ickey’s paint shop, did dam president of the^W ells Fargo Express ------------ \ D a rling, p re«. M r*, bv.nkln; itanlor tle e - itin g m em ber* cordially invited to attend. a n d Port-J¡ nr«* ; M rs C a in e , ju u io r vice pre« ; M r*. » A g en t lo r » . F The Oeneral Refuses. However, to State age to the amount of »3,000. company. Mrs T ild a H am m eraly, C. of H .; M a rtin C urry, necrelary. Mrs. .Myra M c N e ill, trea*. McDonough recorder. What He Will Do There. A ¿ la n d H a lly I ’ n p rra. Officers made a raid on an opium Rer,ortfl from Sim la, British India, J1 SALEM New York, Ang. 27.— General Nelson joint at Salem and captnred two men 2 state that the plague mortality in that M agazines, country is increasing at the rate of A. Miles will sail for the Philippines and the proprietor. All were fined. L’ I R H D E P A R T M E N T . P erio d icals. within a few weeks, says a Herald A N C M IE E N N T O R D E R — O F U N IT E D W O R K 1,000 Weekly. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fred R eets, an 18 year old boy, has (live me a call dispatch from Boston. He is reticent been arrested at Salem. He is charged Nugget gget Lodge No No. HO ho , . A a O. U w . meets The Staakburger Zeitung says Gen as to the object of his trip and refused S a m u e l M orris, every r M onday night tu Schoolhouse H a ll. Gold H i l l Hook and Ladder Company No. ith stealing some clothing in Uma eral Von Gossler, Prussian m inister of V la ltih g brother* co rd ially in vited to a t AGENCY 1 m eet* on the tlm t Tuesday evening In each to discuss the matter further than to tilla county. Gold Hill, Oregon tend J A H a rv ey, m aster workm an, w. month. O rr l* Craw ford, president; w. A. war, has resigned his post. He was ap H. H a rv e y , recorder say that he was not going as a tourist, C a rter, secretary, C a rl Phelps, foreman. Thoroughly Up to Date in All pointed in 1890. nor for his health. Things essential to the prompt PORTLAND MARKETS. Nine men were killed at W ilmington, execution of First-Cla*» Work at By Permission of the President. D el., by a pulp m ill explosion. ratea not to l>e lowered by any Boston, Aug. 27.— W ith reference to Wheat— W alla Walla, 60@61c; blue- P N O F' K S S IO N A L other osta bleth men t far or near The anthracite coal mine operators tbe statement that General Miles is stem, 62@83c; valley, 63@64c. declare they w ill not [give in or make Agency at the office of the Gold going to the Philipnines, Secretary £ l|||||llllllllllllllllllllllllllliil'llllllllllllllllllllllll£ ìjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ^ any concessions. I Barley— Feed, »19.00 per ton. Hill News, Gold H ill, Or. Cortelyou said: “ General Miles is | DR. CHAS. E. MORRILL | Floor— Best grade«, » 3 .0 6 9 3 .8 0 pet Five non-union workmen were shot going to the Philippines with the per W. A. CARTER from ambush at Scranton, Pa. No m ission of the president, to inspect barrel; graham, »2.95@ 3.20. Millstnffs — Bran, »16® ]7 per ton; army conditions.” | Physician & Surgeon 1 one was fatally hurt. Attorney at Law m iddlings, »21.60; shorts, »18; Will practice in all tlie court« of = Secretary of the Treasury Shaw, in Office nt Residence, chop, »17. BOTHA SUCCEEDS KRUOER. = the «tate. Office at Resilience, = a speech at M orrisville, V t., alleged Oats— N o.l white, »1.00@ 1.05;gray, I gold HILI................... OREGON | S 3OLD H IL L ..................OREGON = that he was not opjmsetl to tariff revis Designated as the Future Leader ot the 95c.@ »1.00. Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii’iiiiiiiiiimiii||n! Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiyiiiiiiiiiiiim^ ion in moderation. J. W . H A Y S Boers - Kruger to Resign. Hay — Tim othy, »11® 12; clover, New Fall and Winter Patterns Judge Jackson of Parkersburg, W. London, Aug. 27.— Cabling from $7.50(810; Oregon wild hay, »5@<S per in Dom esticam i Imported Goods. V a., has released John I. Gehr of ■ iiiiiiiiiiin iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiin iiiiitiiiiiu AjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit± Brussels the correspondent of the ton. Well Made, Perfectly Fitting, Styl ffagnn Work a Specialiv the last of the miners serving daily Telegraph save he hears that as a ish Garments at Kcasonabl« Prices E. B. D U F U R | Colorado, Potatoes — Beet Burbanks, 60 ® 70c I GEO. R. HAMMERSLY | | sentences forjeontempt of court. GOLD HILL. • • OIEMR result of the conference between ex- percental; ordinary, 60® 76c per cen Attorney at Law = Japan will not claim the Midway President Kruger and tbe Boer gener tal, growers prices; sweets, »2.00 Notary Public 5 Will practice in all tlie corn ts o l g islands, but will turn them over to the als, Mr Kruger is to resign the lead per cen tal; new potatoes, 50®60c for = Oregon and in U. 8. courts g United States. 4he disclaim s any in ership of the Boers. General Botha, Oregon; $1.00 for California. Office : Gold Hill News the «-respondent adds, was unani- for district ol Oregon Butter—Creamery, 22)6@ 25c; dairy terest further than the protection of mou .y choseii the future leader of the 16(918Xo; store, 121$® 16c. = GOLD H IL L ..................OREGON g | OOLD HILL................. OREGON = Japanese inhabitants. Boers. RiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiK? viiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir; Eggs— 19® 20c for Oregon. Vancouver, B. C ., is having a sugar First Pears ol the Season at Salem. C heese— Full cream, tw ins, 12X war, the beet sugar people of Germany tlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllffillllH djiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinith having put sugar on the market in Salem, Or., Attg. 27 — The first load ®13c;YoungAmerica, 13H @ 14)^c; fac i Bartlett pears of the season has tory prices, 1® 1 l i t less. 1 W. P. CHISHOLM, M. I). 1 | JOSEPH L. HAMMERSLY! competition with the local refinery, and of been received at the Salem cannery for Poultry—Chickens, m ixed, »3.00® cut the price nearly half a cent. shipm ent to Portland for canning 4.60; hens, »4.00® 5.60 per dozen, Counsellor & Attorney | J Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria purposes. The yield in this vicinity is 1 1 ® 1 1 S c per pound; springs, 11® A R C H IT E C T ,s. I Physician & Surgeon = ; § Will practice in all the courts ol 5 has just celebrated his 72d birthday. estimated at from one-half to two- 11 X c per pound, »2.60® 4.00 per do«, the state. Office Postoffice building g T h is preparation contains all o f th e ABSTRA CTER Patrick Slisrp, a striking miner, was thirds of a crop. The cannery is flay en; ducks, »2.50® 3.00 pe.- dozen; tur GOLD H IL L ..................OREGON = 11 = GOLD H IL L ................. OREGON | d ig estu n ts and d ig e sts all kin ds of ing »20 a ton for the best quality ol keys, live, 13®14c, dressed, 15® 18c per shot and killed at Nesquehoning, Pa. food. I t g iv es In stan t relief and never pears. The yield in th is section will pound; geese, »4.00® 6.00 per dozen. fa lls t o euro. I t allow s you to e a t ull .. ..................................................................mÜ ^ llllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllH IIIIIR |£ R. Remington, a prominent society not be great enough to justify th e food you w an t. T h e in o s ts c n s ltlv e Mutton— Gross, 2 ^ ® 3 c per pound; man, suicided at Newport, taking the the Salem cannery, so the fruit will be stom achs can take It. By Its use m any dressed, 6c per pound. A b atrao t of t it le to deeded lead. Papera pistol route. shipped to Portland to be canqpd. thousands o f dyspeptics havo been I prepared for fl 11 ng on rovernm an t land. Hog»—Grose, 6 X c ; dressed, 7®7M c cured after everyth in g else failed. la Hlua p rin t* of township rnapa ahowlng Cholera continues to spread in Man- GOLD IIILL DRUG CO. per pound. A. E. K E L L O G G Bank-Wrecker Dlx Sentenced. a ll vacant landa for II each. P la n * unequalled for th e stom ach. C hild , churia, China, and isolated cases have and « «tím a te* for a ll k in d * of b u ild FULL LINK OF ren w ith w eak stom achs th rive on It. Veal— 7® 8c per pound. Whatcom. Aug. 27.— Judge Neterer in g * S a n d a l design* for offlea Al Notary Public been reported in Siberia. F ir st dose relieves. A d ie t unnecessary. tura*. N e ta r y P u b lie ta o S e*. has overrule«! a motion to grant a new Beel—Grose, cows, 3®3H<*; steers. Drugs, Patent Medicines Real Estate, Insurance, Collec tions, Etc. Office on D 8t. P A IN T S , O IL S , « L A S S PH o KR 411 Hops— 16®17c; new crop 17®18c. C u re * all «tomaoh troubles ing in Mexico, and the majority will fenced him to 10 years in the peniten ren arrd o n ly b y E. O. I »«W it t ftO o .. Chicago PRESCRUTIONS—SPECIALTY Wool— V alley,12H ® 15;E «atern Ore- GOLD H IL L ..................OREGON probably find their way into this coun tiary, the lim it under the laws of this J ' ia û iiiih ltlIU , Biubirg, Orqoi l'ha |1. b o ttle c o n ta in * 1 4 t l n»u* tb e 60c. state for bank-wrecking. gon, 8® 1 4 H c: m ohali, 26®26c pound. try. A . P. EHTABKOOK.—G old H ill Osa. Sheriff....................................... Joe. Bailer ........ d ia r ie s Prim .Imine . . . . . . . . . . ..............John Drtli ( le r k .................. ..V eter Applegate Recorder.............. ........ ...Dave Miller Treasurer............ ........Willjer Junes r . . . . . . . . ...............Carl Jones Purveyor ............ ............ P. H. Dally Hupt........ . ..I ’ettereon, Kiley Commissionerà.. City Drij and Trmiltr. Opp. Depot School Books, School Supplies, Perfumes, Pipes, 4 A. P. ESTA BR O O K Deboy’s SHAVING.... S PARLORS f r o g u e H a ir C u ttin g & S h a v in g K IV E K M IL L S Sd JEWELRY, FISHING TACKLE, } PR O SPEC T SALOON W IL L IA M C A R E Y f { Harness, Saddlery, Leather, Whips, Robes, Blankets, Etc. -W - -W QUARTZ, and PLACER MIRE LOCATION REAL ESTATE 1 ft 2 2 2 Geo. R. Hammersly & Co. ¡STEAM LAUNDRY A .J .M E S S N E R MERCHANT TAILOR Geo. R. Hammersly & Sons B L A C K S M IT H 1 Sooth S ld \ Gold Hill, Oregon ’f ld L A N K E. A L L E Y » 4 r;- Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Blanks 35c Per Dozen REVS OFFICE Gold