Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1898)
GOLD HILT, NEWS. “ A NEWSPAPER Voi. 1.—No. 52. NOT AN ORGAN.’’ GOLD HILL, OREGON. JA M ARY 21. Willi. Siilisriiptoiii SI L. L. JE W E L L , Pres. A. M. JE W E L L . Secy. The Jewell Hardware Company. s . . . . * a t © «> o © D E P O T s For all Mining Supplies, H ardw are, Etc., Etc. Low est Prices on H y draulic Pipe and Giants. Our Prices Speak for 'Themselves, GOLD DUST CASHED. GRANTS PASS, ORE. < Rt (IF FIKE ALMOST (U S E S A TRAGEDY. Blaze Xrit Door to a Theater in Butte Causes ’ a Stampede. Buys the Oregonian U » ) and the News 1 year. L eave Y o u r O rder a t th e N ew s office, Gold H ill. HORRIBLE TRALX «KECK XEAR (OI.EAX. Seteral Killed, Oi!i,rs Mounded. Body of 4 Fireman Still I nder Ihr Debris. B utte (M ont.) January 16.—A C olfax , Ja n . 18.-W est-hound IXDIAXS (IX THE WARPATH. lire supposed to be of incendiary THF DOCTOR S IIM E S THE 1)01 (ill. passenger No. 2 was wrecked about origin broke out in the Boston Dry „ , „ . . . , Q. • , (m* #r the Marauders Mas Instantly killed Finds the Bolden Treasure and Leaves tin 14:50 p. m. today at a point one (,oods Store in Odd Fellows’ b u ll,I- A|10„h,r h ta |,v Wou||(lfj mile east of Colfax. The train had Emply Hole for the Criih-Stakers. ing on Broadway, adjoining the; ------ ---1 just slowed up and passed the Long Maguire Opera-house, about 9 XV alla W alla , Jan. 18. — At j D allas , Tex., Jan . 1 8 .--F our Ravine bridge trestle, and com o’clock to-night. Before the tire about 4:80 this afternoon a hand of Dallas men who have been digging menced clim bing the grade to Col was extinguished the stock was drunken Indians went to the farm f°r $45,000 buried gold in Oaklawn fax. 1 he killed and injured are: practically a total loss. It was in of W. F. De Long, about six miles a suburb of North Dallas, for the Firem an Lightner, dead under en sured for $25,000. north of XX ullula Junction, anil or- l;lst four weeks, are looking for Dr. gine; Engineer Don Z. H ackett, The dense smoke penetrated to dered him to vacate the premises, K. XX illm arth, who, they say, has scalded to death: Engineer C. the upper part of the building, saying th at he was on theirground. Heil with th at am ount of treasure, Brown, badly injured about the where Thomas Steef, a paralytic ’ De Long refused and one Indian i They helped Dr. W illm arth buy head; Firem an C. F. Brown, H ack and his fam ily live. They were seized an axe and broke in the the lot for $ 1 0 0 0 . at tire-corner of ett's fireman, badly scalded ami rescued with dilhculty. Smoke al- door of the house and attem pted to Hood and Gillespie streets, when mashed; an invalid lady, riding in so penetrated the opera-house where kill De Long. The latter seized a he showed them evidence th a t the the baggage car, injured in te rn a lly ; "U nder the Dome” was being given. W inchester rifle and shot the fore- gold had been buried there more Mail Clerk A. II. Stephens, hack As Manager Hagan started for the most savage, who proved to he the than 20 years ago by an old Span- h urt and injured internally. stage to advise the audience to son of “ Jim ,” the chief of the hand. ‘¡>«d, who recently died in San Sal- -----------o—-------- withdraw quietly some one rushed The Indian was killed instantly, vador, Central America. TheSpan- Now is the time to lay in a su p into the gallery and gave an alarm . The other savages continued to iard gave a m ap and other diree- ply of coal oil a t 20c per gallon. Ihere was a rush for the doors and advance and De Long tired again, tions, locating the treasure, to Dr. Next week oil vai II he 25c, commen several women fainted and were wounding another, it is supposed W illm arth, to reward him for at- cing Monday m orning .Geo. E. Nichols the Racket man. slightly injured. m ortally. I tending him in his last illness. The Indians then Hed, swearing , XVillmarth arranged with his asso- The force of habit is hard to over The Lucky Brand Party. vengeance and threatening to re- unites in the gold digging to divide come. It is told of a police judge equally what should he found. The who had been promoted from the S an F rancisco , Jan . 17.- -The turn with their entire hand. De Long sent to W allula for help m tn say th at Dr. W illm arth stood bar (he had been a saloon-keeper) richest party of lvlondikers who and a a P“ p arty was at at ° once organized guard on last F riday Next to the bench. I l l s first case was have just arrived at Seattle on the iU’U rtv Wa8 " ce or& - night - Corona was th a t headed by Joe a1“ 1 i‘tarted for tlle Indian camp m orning a large flat stone was found of a young woman, who was j in the diggings and a big em pty i barged with having been drunk Brand, one of the luckiest old-timers fully armed. Telegrams were sent to this city, hole was near it. The men have She protested her innocence stre n at Dawson. Everyone of them had and Sheaiff Eliingsw orth aud Dep-1 »'it been able to find W illm arth uously, and ended by saying, ‘Yez thousands of dollars in gold and I uty U nited States M arshal Wilson and made their grievance public drafts, and two of the party at least honor knows it, I don’t d rink. ’ at once left for the scene. this evening. Investigation shows “ Well, have a cigar,” he said ab brought out $100,(KM) each. They A general uprising of the Cayuse H>“t Dr. W illm arth enlisted in tht sent-m indedly. But down in Che admit having 250,000 in the party, Indians is feared. United States arm y a t the Dallas halis county, W ashington, the other hut those who came out with them ---------- 1---------— recruiting station one week ago to- day, it really happened that Judge and know of the rich claims they I here will he three vacancies in day. This was probably done as a sold before leaving Dawson, say Lgin, who was swept from the the hoard of regents of the Oregon ruse to conceal some purpose. Dr. $850.000 is nearer the proper bench b y the populist wave in that am ount. All of the party, includ Agricultural College on the 18th of W illm arth firstcam e to Dallas four state, appeared in a case before the ing Lou Keller, the only woman in next month. The retiring members or five years ago from Rome, N. Y. court. The opposing counsel made .1 . . . . , ar® XX allis Nash, Lincoln c o u n ty ;; -------------x-_______ the party, went in carriages to the u - v . ,1 y r, some motion to which the ex judge's , XX . E. A ates. Corvallis, and T. XV C atakrh in rim H kad , that trouble- partner objected. Irwin rose to a r Kainter hotel, where a large crowd n avennnrt «¡ivprt„ n -pme and disgusting disease, may watched the transfer of gold to the ' ’ ' j tirely cured G a thorough course of gue the motion, hut forgot himself h o ld safe. O ne of I h e u c k a was There is no need ol little children be- " " « „ 1 h l..... 1 g and said, in his old judicial m an all the clerk could lift The Bran,I by „1,1 ..... .... ...........£ ^ ¡ £ « £ ^ « ¡ ¡ £ ¿ 2 ' " w ner: “ The objection is sustained.’’ party left Dawson on December 12, skin erbptinns. When the court and spectators re . D eW itt’s W itch Hazel ,lriW>»ts 25c. and were 27 days m aking th e tr ip Salve gives instant relief and cures per covered, the judge on the bench a n T o C a r e C o n s ti p a l l o n F o r r r r r . out. nounced th a t Judge Irw in ’s ruling T ak e C asca r e ts Cnntl v C a th a n ie i d c e r t h e , m anently.—Allison & Co. l i C. C. C. fail to cu re, druggisiK r< fumi m oney was sustained.