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About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1898)
I GOLD HILL NEWS “A NEW SPAPER—NOT AN ORGAN.” Subscriptoin $1 GOLD HILL, OREGON, JANUARY I t, 1898. Voi. 1.—No. 51. A. M. JE W E L L , Secy. L. L. JE W E L L , Pres. The Jewell Hardware Company. T H U G R E A T D U I ’G T For all Mining Supplies, H ardw are, Etc., Etc. Lowest Prices on H y draulic Pipe and Giants. Our Prices Speak for Themselves. GRANTS PASS, ORE. GOLD DUST CASHED. HARK HAMA TO SUCCEED HIMSELF. BY RAIL TO KLOMHLE. The Senator Will Be Returned to His Chair (est of Construction Will Be Ten Million The Dollars. Today. C olumbus , 0., Jan. 11.—In a vote of both houses of the genaral as sembly today Hanna received enough assurances to indicate that he will succeed himself in the sen ate. He needs 73 votes. That number was cast for him at noon today. In all human probability the men who voted for Hanna in both brancher will do the same at noon tomorrow in the joint assem blage. If they do, Hanna will rep resent the state in the senate for the next seven years, counting both long and short terms. r» « I TO BE REDLCED TO ASHES. Body of Theodor« Durrant Creamated. WAATOA MURDERER II BETTE, MONTANA. to Be i Four Other Murderers Liable to be Strung up Because of Riley's Awful Deed. T acoma , Jan. 11.—It was definite S an F rancisco ’ Jan. 10.—Dur- ly announced by A. C. Bratnober, rant’s body will be cremated. After whose brother is the Rothschilds’ repeated efforts, in which they al Western representative, that the most begged the local cemetery as London Exploration Company, sociations to permit the burial of backed by Rothschilds, will build a their son, the Durrant’s were railroad across the Dalton trail. obliged to make a second appeal to Engineers are now at work on the Los Angeles. The officers of the right of way, and construction work ¡crematory in that city have con- will he commenced early in the ! sented to receive the body, and it spring. The railroad will be about will be sent south tomorrow morn 400 miles long, and will cost with ing. The parents of the dead mur- derer had been negotiating for a its equipment, about $10,000,000. lot in the Holy Cross Catholic The Standard Oil Co. is making 1 cemetery in San Mateo, when they arrangements to operate extensive ! received word of the Los Angeles ly on this coast. They will open association’s favorable decision on up, their oil mines in Alaska and i their application. the output will be brought to the ! THE DEVIL TOASTS HIS SOUL, WHILE coast cities to be disposed of B utte , Mont., Jan. 11.—P. A. Largey, president of the State Sav ings Bank, and one of the most prominent citizens of Butte, was shot and killed in his bank build ing this afternoon by Thomas J. Riley. The latter entered the bank a few minutes before the shooting, and, calling Mr. Largey to the cashier’s window, began a conver sation, which he interrupted sud denly by drawing a revolver and shooting the hanker through the arm. Mr. Largey dropped under the counter, and as he attempted to rise his assailant fired again, the bullet striking him in the forehead, and he fell to the floor dead. Riley’s explanation of the shoot ing, when overtaken by the officers in his flight, was: “He fooled me too long and I killed him. He kept promising me work, but did not give me any, and and I could not stand it any long er. Now, if you want to hang me for it, all right.” There is strong talk of lynching Riley and four other murderers confined in the county jail. The La Grand beet sugar factory is to be aided by the Portland Chamber of Commerce. That body has decided to raise the balance | HIS PARENTS BURN THE REMAINS. ($4,000) of the $60.000, subscribed Q uick W obk .—Last Wednesday for that factory. The chamber is Los A ngeles , Jan. 12.—The body noon a gentleman from Central also actively promoting the flax of Durrant arrived here this after Point stepped into the N ews office culture enterprises. noon. A mob of several hundred and ordered 500 Bill Heads to be people filled with morbid curiosity The gold output of the world in done immediately so he could take surged around the Arcade depot. 1897 was 20 per cent greater than them home with him. The job was J Mr. and Mrs. Durrant, who accom- in 1896, with a natural increase in taken at 12:30 and at 2 o’clock was | panied the remains from San Fran prosperity. The output in Colora complete tableted with nice blotter cisco, avoided the crowd by leaving do is estimated at $22,500,000; an covers, ready for delivery. How’s that for quick work. i the train at River Station. About increase of $6,000,000 over that of 8 o’clock tomorrow morning the 1896. Thè output in Oregon is $4,- The Robbers (aught. body will he taker, to the crematory 000,000 against $1,500,000 in 1892. He'll Hear Ac Mure kicks. at Pasadena, where the oven is be B aker C ity , Jan. 9.—Mulligan, B utte , Mont., Jan. 9.—Chance The great Portland house of Murphy, Rider and Kelly, who ing heated to consume the remains. L. Harris, one of the oldest news Wolff & Zwicker are nearly ready held up and robbed Bob and Lew As a result of a conference recent paper men in the West, and a vet to launch the Torpedo boats 12 and Estes, of Sumpter, after the latter ly held by the officers of the two eran of the War of the Rebellion, 13. They will be turned out early had won $400 from Mulligan, Ma companies at San Francisco, the died at an early hour this morning, in this present month. This firm | honey and Rider’s crap game, rate war which has been in progress as the result of a fall on an ioy is one of the greatest institutions of thereby breaking it, were caught by the kind in the west. It is con the sheriff yesterday and landed in between the 8. P. and O. R. <C N. sidewalk, from which he sustained stantly improving its extensive the Baker county jail. The Estes Cos. will ceaqp and a general ad internal injuries. He was 66 years plant and is always up to date or boy shot in the affray, is not se vance of passenger rates between of age. Portland and San Francisco will ahead of the times. It is a credit riously wounded. There will be two great “rushei,’ take place. The 8. P. first-class to Portland. R heumatism is due to lactic acid in the rate of $10 including sleeping berth in ’98, that of individual advent T here is no need of little children be blood. H ood's S arsaparilla neutralizes will he raised to $17 and the second urers to the Klondike and of Euro th e acid and com pletely cures th e aches ing tortured by scald head, eczema and j and pains of rh eu m atism . Be sure to class from $5 to $11. On the O. It. pean nations to partition Chin» & N steamers the first class rate i Both will be of industrial benefit skin erbptions. D eW itt’s W itch Hazel get H ood’s. H ood ’ s P ills are easy to take, easy to Salve gives in stan t relief and cures per operate. Cure indigestion, billiousness. will he $12 instead of $5 and the to this coast. 25 cen ts 240 second class $8 instead of $2.50. Whatntopa Neuralgia? Dr. Mllea* Palo PllJa. m a n en tly .—Allison A Co.