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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1956)
14-(Sec. II) Statesman. Salem, Ore., Thurs., June 21, '56 Sime Fate Holds U.S. Olympic Key NEW YORK M record-bretklnf tprlnter Dave Simt'i Injury doctat respond to rest and treatment and be faili to make the I S. Olympic team, tt would be i ttunning blow. . But far the 100 and lot meter iprinU in the coming Melbourne . n i itamea I'ncle Sam it loaded u Senators Bop ie.8-1 Easterbrook Blasts Pair of Home Runs (Ceatlaaed freea eeeeeftaf. Hie) fourth, SaUlith begu pumping bard. Tb next 17 Spoket were retired in order, and the last one to get on bate wii Huffman who again tingled in the ninth, with two out. . Dma Wtt in Fair r The teteran Chase, who Baa been bothered by an ailing rm this tettoa and looked the part but night, wu Ufged for two runi In tbo aorond when Siekula. who ia on a hitting ipree, dumped I bloop double into center, Koepf walked and Jack Dunn popped a weak but run producing tingle into right. - A walk to Xrause, a passed ball and Siekuli'l M tingle to center netted another la the third. With Esaegian on first and two out, Easterbrook lathed Chase's first cast far over the Marilyn Shoes ad in distant right-center, almost hitting the protruding shoe above the ad, for two more quickies in the fifth, and a 1-1 lead. ' Gene Laursen't bloop double to left, another walk to Krause and a bad 3-2 pitch lo, Easterbrook coat Chat the final three in the teventhi' . " ' f -Bob Hit Is Toattlo Tola last one had mirth at tached to ft, even though the Spoket don't agree. Just before lofting the ball over the JSurrell Automotive ad, Easterbrook had fouled a pitch downward and it conked him on one of hit tootsies. He took plenty of timt limping about, which brought the usual liughi, tmilet and remark! from tha atandt. Then robust Robert, who now owns eight .homers and 43 runt batted in, had the last laugh. - : . ,' ' Salem had taven hits off Chtto, but hia.six free ticket hurt him almost at much at the blnelet. Thr-e walk turnetl into runs; NoU SaUllchNi . no-wtlkt nnnnn ttm vane nmu Luoy a net tuner, a tbtt's tbo automatic prise he hat for any pitcher ea hit club who pert trait to ttlngllv tad feet got, Bute ' an tha same deal hot Buday agaiatt Weaatchee . . . Both Satalkh and Cbas . were big winners fee tbo Ea geae clob hot teaton , . , la toalgbt't finale, at eight 'clock, ton King tries It, agaiatt yeaag Mai Week!, a laraMhrewlaf New Yark .Yaa htw chattel . , . St. Pant Kedeo Qneea Jaalce aad two f her prlaeetset were la at teadaaco last night, tad were IntrodBrod to tbo tathering be fore and daring the ganst . . . Tbo gatM wu tJpoed off ia 1:41, which It one of a aamber of oJrkiet reeled off here Ittely. So they'll go, when the harlera get the bill over tha ' tltte and deal take time far a shave between pitches . . . Alto, the clash wat plaved wltheat anything resembling ..... i , . Tough Combo: SaakaJM (1) (i) t,rm . . B tt O A IKOA R Jas-an.l till Dunn.m 4 1 4 t Mrnhjn 4 t 1 t Lauran.l 4 110 Hufmn.f till Kraua 1 I t S 4 tiapilU 4 t I 1 CtKin.1 I t t 1 anspanj a I ItlrBrK.l 4 I I O BmirbuJ I I I I Bikula.r 4 110 rtnM m a . su.u.. . & . . . Jan.t t tit KonXe S 0 7 .Mm,9 i j i oalallc.p 4 S 1 0 Totals ti I M It Totals Mint Ipekano Ml em ano lie alaan . Ml MO lit Ip ab h r er ao bb Cnaao I 30 1 I 1 atalich I It I 1 1 I o WP SoUllch. PB-Ctrlon. LB tpakarn 1 Salem 4. Err Nona. HP. taatarbrook 1. 1-BH-SiAula. B Jackooa, Lauratn. RBI Dunn 1 Chaaa, (ttkula, laatarbraek I. IB Xrouao. DP Don Jackaon to Rlpplll U Jmy Jackson. T 1:41. U Lopat at WaeVa. Att-IH. Spokar (Ceatlaaed (rem preceding page) " trf tehtltttle difflenltlet, ewe the guy tn tpology. The hook heoUng tsketeer get hit dipltmt this spring after knocking at SJ7 grtdt point tvertge the past term. That means ke got nil A't tnd eae B in hit studies. Incidentally, Vlastellca viU ke Married neit month In Grants Past, to ene Karen Kus- tell Whe alst graduted from OSC recently . . . There hart been a few chirnt possibility of splitting the Northwest League season, as was done last year, tnd on of Tem it from Generalissimo Luby of the village nine. A peek tt tht standings will expltln til thift necessary. Since Spokane tnd Wenatchet are in the same fix as our dandies on I" ,2n' d 04 th 'Codings they undoubtedly want t split tl " ne other four clubt ire bouncing along in good shape, which could mtkt thlngt rough if t vott were cast in the 7 team letgue. sT?, Mulif tom ouf my eveB ' hi 'f 'he first place club the Yakima Bears tt thit particular point figured it would be better off to grtb half I pennant and cease worrying about the other half until time for the post season playoffs. The tplit was tatde Jest before the 4th ef Jute last year, and tal,J "t,m" lP the time procedure will be feUnwttt tnltlriy. ' Rofi Hat Bef WUk Ymk Outfit AUo aifter btuzlnf with our old friend Jot Rossi here this week, we've learned that tht town Senators tren't the only ones in the league with a ytn to teramblt Hub Kittlt't Ulk.tiv, Yakima Bears. The Ytkt havt pulled tome of their bushy Hunts on Rossi's Tribe also bo ttyt, tnd Joteph It etlmly wilting for the precise time for proper retaliation . . . Rossi tried to get Jerry Exley, the fine ex Oregon State Beaver outfielder who recently tigned with Portland but missed. Tbo Beret inttetd optioned him to Eugene ... : la checking throngh oar record btokt oa bill club attend ance bora, we find taal the carrent crew, weak aa It hat keen la tha wia eeluma tnd plagued at it bit been with poor turn out, it inly 4,737 custeatert short of lit 15S mark it thit ' pvtlcaltr time. The first 24 gimet played here Ua teasnn r lured 14,441. Tha first two doaea of (hit semester pulled 11,292. Ia view of thit eompirison things tren't to bid, if w tin just tart winning tw at) dxiwlni tnough to pick tip tht tlack. usual with a flock of other mer cury-footed sprinters. Heading the list are Bobby Morrow of Abilene Christian and Rod Richard, the Pan-American 100 and KM meter champion. What has happened to Sime has happened before and other eager American athletes have gone on to wtn the gold medals. Matt First Quality Under the rules for picking our track and field teams, a collegian must first qualify in either the NCAA or AAU trials to get Into the Olympic tryouts. This serves to test would-be. Olympians In the fierce competition he would expect to meet In the garnet: No second chances are permitted in fairness to other athlete who qualify.: Sime. the 19-year-old red-haired flyer from Duke University and Fair Lawn, N. J . qualified for the 100 meters Olympic tryouts in Los Angeles June 29-30, but lost his chance to compete in the Z50 tryouts when he pulled an abductor muscle in the left groin. Hainan Recast Because of his slow starts, the 13, 183-pound human rocket was rated a better bet for the 200. He bat broken or tied nine listed world, marks,, including record shattering times of 20 seconds flat for 220 yards, and 22.2 for 220 yards low- hurdles, and a record equallliflg I.J for JOO yards. Pine Breaks 5,000 Mark BEBGE.V, Norway un- BrH ian's Gordon Pirie flashed over a rein-sodden track Tuesday to bet ter the' world's 5,000 meter record at Krohns Mlndet Stadium, feating Russia's Vladimir Kuts, who alto was under the old mark Pirle's time was IS mlnutetj let 1 idor 36.1 seconds, compared with listed record of 13 minutes. teconds established -by- Stridor lharos of Hungary, Kuts, who let) until the final sop meters, finished about 25 meters behind the Eng. iighman, in 1J minutes, . tec- ends, 1st Christian InSoftballWin Softbafl action was of tht non league variety last night, ar DiU tips rield, with First ChrUtian downing Western Piper Co., 1-0, and Keiter Electrie and the paper outfit battling to 4-4 tie in the nightcap. The latter was called in the eighth inning by agreement DetweeB me two managers, , fn the first game, Eldon Ftrlow, Christian pitcher, hurled two-hit ball while his mates collected sev en binglet off Bob Werner, West ern twirler. The Christians scored four runs in tht first inning, three in tht second end one In the fourth. Don Kuebler, Keiter tinier, and Werner hooked up in t twirling duel la the second gtme with Kuebler giving up teven hltt tnd Werner five. Tonight, tht Salem girls Softball team will meet Trosper's Trotters of Independence at 7 at Phillips Field. Meier and Frank's will meet Cascade Meats in the 1 p.m. Capital League nightcap. Western Panee Ano On 0 1 J 1 First Chrlatian 430 Ix - S 4 1 Werner .and Brown; Farlow and tW.?M'r. Kelrer Elertrle loo 110 00 4 S J Western Paper ton DM 00 4 7 3 Kuebler and Penra; Werner and Brown, RIVERS KAYOES VARONA US VEGAS. Nev. - Ncal Hirers, 4oa-, l,m flngeies, IWICtihaeli Roh U'.to .nH nh 1-lr.rl decked Chico Varona. 15m. Cuba, and then put him down for keeps in tht eighth round Wednes day night in a scheduled 10 round er at Cashman Field. Time of the knockout was 1:08. alone the, line ennrernina- the DIGESTS BLACK PORK RIND i I LACK PORK RINO STRIPS, 9 tONO ANO NARROWER THAN UV UAL WHITISH STRIPS, ARE TUB LATEST "HOT LURES FOR MOST FRESH-WATER 6AMB PISH, AND THEY'LL TAKE SOME SALT-WATER SPECKS, ALStt THE STRIP WEIGHS ABOUT ft OUNCE SO ITS IDEAL FOR SPIN-CASTING. ADO 1 OR 2 SPLIT SHOT SINKERS IF NEEDED FOR CASTING OR FOR PEEP WATER FISHINQ. -JO'- eiv? tTRiP SHOT LEASER-' TRlP Fish it verv slowly, on or near bottom. tf fish dont hook themselves on strike, ivi them time to swallow or run a kt wtth the lure before setting the hook. ex PECT Btt BASS, TROUT, ETC I Mrs.Gereii Wins Tourney Mrs. John Geren won the Oak Knoll ladies spring handicap tourney yesterday at the course with a final 18 hole net 81, giv ing her a 169 total for the 36-hole links tourney which began last week. Second was Mrs. J. D. Camp bell, who shot a net 85 yesterday and wound up with a 170 total. Meanwhile, Mrs. Geren also topped the championship flight yesterday in the ladies regular day's play. Mrs. Al Clevelsnd led yesterday in the ladies regular Class A with a net 40; and Mrs. H. B. Rohrbough Class B with a net 40. Nexl Wednesday, Oak Knoll will host a group from the Riv do-4erwo4 course in McMinnville Tee-off time will be st 9; 15 a.m. BroughoAlthea 0 7 In Same Flight LONDON UP Ixniise BrOUgh Of Beverly Hills, Calif., four times winner of the Wimbledon tennis championship tnd defending title holder, end AHhea Gibson of New York were put in the same halt of the draw Wednesday for the tour nament which opens nest Monday. Mist Brough, seeded No. 1, lost to Miss Gibson, No, 4, for the first championships. The 28-year-old Miss Gibson has won 10 straight tournaments in Europe. Blond Lew Hnad of Australia seeded No. 1 in the men's singles wis placed in the same half of the draw as Jaroslav Drobny of London, 1954 winner. Budge Patty of Los Angeles and Paris, and Ham Richardson. Oxford student from Westfield, N. J. Cycle Races Due Sunday Motorcycle races will return to the Salem area Sunday at the track off Macleay Road near Four Corners. Scheduled to appear are some 40 riders from Corvallis, Leb anon, Portland and Salem. Fea ture rare will be 15 laps and there will be a full slate of heat races, according to sponsors. Events will get underway at noon and signs will be posted from Four Corners to the Mac leay Road cutoff, directing fans to the races. Among Salem riders will he Tavlor, George Hersch- iey. nun uavinson, porutnd, win ner of the recent Gypsy Tour at Long Beach, Wash., is also sched uled to take part. Taylor came in second in the latter event. Today's I'ilchers NATIONAL l.CAGL'I St. Lnula at Brooklyn (Ni Weh meier (2-i va Newcombe i9-5i. Chiraeo at New York Davii 1 -1 va Kidnk 1 3-1 1. Milwaukee at Plttaburah Buhl (8-31 vs Klina tl-Ji. Only fames acheduled. AMKRICAN Washlnitnn at Kansas Cltv ( hak ales (4-4i or Stone i2-2 vi Ditmar '-Si or Santiago il)-2i. Boston at Cleveland Brewer is-li vs Wynn i-4. P.altimnre at Chuao Johnaori i2-3i vs Harahman i3-4i. Only fames irheduled. National league Cincinnati ono 100 100 ltd Philadelphia Dot 011 OOx- J t 0 fowler. Black Hi and Bailay; 81m moni and Lopata. UFowler. St. I .null 000 001 001- 1 I 1 Brooklyn 0113 000 lOx - 4 7 0 Mirell. Jackson iSi. Kinder t7i and Smith; Craig. Lahlna i.i and .t'a-mp-anella. Chieagn Ota) MO I Oil- I I 0 New York OOO 030 lOx 4 I Kalaer, Valtlnelll i7i. Hughes iSi and Landnlh; Worthingtnn and Sar nl. Milwaukee 000 030 020 7 0 Pittsburgh 10 001 0(11 10 0 (Jonley and Crandall: ljw. King III and Shepard. L Law. l'CL Line Scores San Francisco Ml 020 100 4 10 I Los Angelea . ooo ono two 0 5 1 Kemmrer and Sullivan, plaratti, Anderson (tl and Hannah. San Diego 000 001 IM I 12 4 teattle loo 210 Jill 7 18 4- Hoskina, C.ettel ill, Herrera 17. and St Claire. Astroth ill; Judsnn, Ken nedy ill and Orlen Hollywood 221 010 OdO 9 12 3 Vancouver ... JOO rmnM.lx I II I Trimble, Dnnnea til, O Donnell t Hi and Hall: Bamberger. Curtis (2i. tsana (41. Baveresmkl (T and Hern oa III aa4 Meel, . E Mrs. Hamilton Tops Golfers SGC Ladies Finihh Miniature Tourney Six lsdies won championships is the Salem Golf Course's ladies group completed its miniature tourney yesterday at the course. Winners were, in the cham pionship flight Mr. Ralph Ham ilton; first flight Mrs. ( handler Brown: second flight Mrs. Eu gene Kokko: third flight Mrs. Seth P. Smith: fourth flight Mrs. E. H. Cowan: fifth flight Mrs. Glenn Stevens. In regular day's play, with prizes given for lowest net score, winners were, in championship competition. Mrs. Merritt Truax and Mrs. Bruce Williams, each with s net 79: Class A-Mrs. Chester Loe with a net 80: Clasa B Mrs. Roscoe Wilson and Mrs. Paul Silke. net 7B: Class C Mrs. Charles Gray and Mrs. Har old Busick, net 87s; Class I Mrs. Coburn Grabenhorst, net 78. Lowest Net Score Johnson Store prire for lowest net score of the day over 18 holes went to Mrs. Silke. The ladies at their business luncheon yesterday decided to hold a husband and wife 'Solf tourney on July 1. Anyone inter ested should register for the event at the Salem fiolf (. ourse or call Mrs. Glenn Stevenson by next Wednesday. Awards Due Prize winners in the miniature tourney will receive their awards July 11 at the group's next busi ness meeting. Also, it was an nounced that day's play next week will be match against par. Meanwhile, here are the com plete results of yesterday's tour ney play, including the Nine Holer Club's activity. This group played its first round in the miniature tourney yesterday: Oiamp. fliirit. third round-Mr. Ralph Hamilton over Mn. Tom Hill; Mri, R. I. Mcl-auihlln over Mn Charles MVDevitt: flnt fluhl: Mn Chandler Bro over Mrs Glenn i Stevenson; Mrs Sid Hoffman over Mrs, Pere Woodcock: second flight: Mri. Woodion Bennett over Mri. Kel ley Peteri; Mri. Eugene Kokko over Mri. Jamei Van Keulen. Third fliaht: Mrt. H. A. Simmoni over Mr. Vat Slooer. default: Mrs. Beth P. Smith over Mn. Clifford El lii; fourth flight: Mn. E. H. Cowan over Mr. Richard Chase; Mri. Horn er Goulet over Mrs. James McAlvin: fifth flttcht - Mn Robert Herrall over Mn. frank Nichols, default: Mr Olfhn Steveni over Mrs. William Dyer. final round results: champ flight Mrs. Hamilton over MrI.aue.riHn; first fheht: Brown our HiiMmnn; se.iiiir! flight: Kokko over Bennett: tilled flight: Smith over Simmons: fourth. flight: Cowan over Goulet; fifth tlifhr Stevena over llrrral In the rune-holer (roup, irsl round Burimnham over Mrt. Glenn Hamii - ion: Mri Sid Levene over Mr Owen Wlllirr; ,-virs. sin ot nn imsii ovn in 3 O. Maalield' Mri Cenrie Sc ales over Mn. Harry Wealer: Mri fienrae Roth over Mrs Dirk Ross, default: Mrs cSS: MraV Ad.m. over m" Frank NUholaonr Mrs. Kenneth Pow- trs, bye Next week palrln(j- BnrllnKton V Ijvene: Schectman va. Sralea; Both vs. Krue(er: Adama vs. Powers. namnion va miner, naxiirin s . W..I.V Bnlh va. Cntik- Nettleton bye. MEADOWS ENTRIES Portland Meadowt, Thursday. Post TimeSpm.. first Race. Qrtr. Horse. Furae 400, 1. Lady Homer a Cat. S MtDowell 12S 2. Robin Dale. W. Phillips .1 Chubby 'a Burk. E. Gilford 4. Tanry Lahekln. H. Herr 5. Leon. P.. lonnattl 125 125 in 125 125 7; b,u, Muai.-. l knowiei 125 113 8 Nellie Dofiio, G. Dixon Second Race. Qrtr. Hnrse e-. """ . .. V Ti:.KOm i. Pudilinf toot. L. Knowies in smiu 1 1 ans-.iisissippi guu i nam- netinesuav tie win oecoine a " t Si'"': h,?,',' " McDnweVi 111 PionshiP ,h Oklahoma City professor and director of the MSC Rnorttm S Jne l.aliekin H Herr' lis (''f nd Country Club Course. i replacement service. I Terminal V-Sth Race. 7. Scarman. J. Boag Third Race. Maiden. Purie StfiO. 2 Y O. 4'j Kurs 1. Kenl. E. Gilford 2. Manners Sun. P. Hidalgo 3. Shake Rail. A Duncan 4 lpti, 1.. Knt.wles 5. Pllhl. C; Disifli 6 War Hnrse. J Boa( 7. Jerreata. F. Chojnarkl 5 Stniny Mac, A. Sherman !) Phar Niclii. J Prnutv 10 Rail's ljdy. W. Phillips Fiinrth Race. Claim. Purse J Y O At l'o. ilSOOl Five Furs 1. H.l)i 's l.a5s, J Brecknns 2 Sink Pigeon. W. I'hilllpa :i. Uurmru. K. lannotti 4. Twinhrmik. F.. Gilford S Bob reller. F. Miller ... My Put. H Herr 1. Tixo S MrDowell I. World Affair, P Hidalfo 9 Miss Box S . D Hrnshaw 10. Glo.-L. Dalea 6O0. Fifth Race. Maiden, Purse t"0, 3 Y O, Six Fori 1. High Summit. P Hidalgo 2. Fast Feet. E. Gilford .'I Terminal V . I. Ualrs 4 Pcie rl D'imn, W. Pmllipa 5 Nasty Ann S MrDnwell S. G.vpdy Norland H Herr 7. Shawnee, ti. Dixnn S. Stage Skrip. A Sherman 9. K.rrant Prime 1. Knnwles 10. Nevada Cial. J Hna(. Sixth Hai-. Allow, Pun Y O, Six Furs STOO, 1 l.e Finale, C,, Dixnn 2 Pharsnng. C Simonis 3. Pharene Angel, J. Pong 4. Sun Chiel, I, Knnwlea 3. Tina 11.. t. Gilford ( Shareholder. S McDowell 7. Misa Krata, A. Sheroian Seventh Race, riaini Purse ll'Ol I'p, tSOOi S'.F.irs 1 Pear PMckei, I. himvlrs 2 Rin k n I'rnte. (i IliM n . :i ( ,iilain Hivky, 1. Dal(s 4 Colrien Clm ia, .1 lirn knns 3. Mam .l. K Miller I Heady To do. I) llrnihaw 7. Brotherhood. II C.iri 8. .eewar. A Duncan . . 9. Tippy 'I in. P. HidalRo in. Harney Star, R. Holly 114 in m :n 114 IM m 115 in Flfhth Bace Claim, Puree SIO0, 3 V O l'i. il.!3lli One Mile: ' MOI.1.A1.I.A BUCKABOO" 1. Iird Abbey, ;, Breckona 122 2 Maraea, t. Simonis 117 3. Tenlnc. fi. Dixon 122 4 Miv'i lst, D. Henshaw I Beit Wav. I. Knnwlea 117 Annie Jr . W. Phillips . 112 7 All Brlc k, P Hidalgo 122 I. Aratal. r. Chnjancki ... 122 Ninth Bace. Claim, Puree SHOO. 3 Y O At Up. IISOOl One Mile: I. Nn Folks, t Miller in 3. Petsrmute, A. Duncan , 120 3. Georgia (linny, G Simnnii III 4. f ee-A-tree. O. Henshaw ... 'HU . Quality Sam. L Knnwlea lift . Little Cad. P. Hidalgo lis 7. rnet Gunnynagi. G Dismn 11J I. My Man John, I, Cifford 111 Summerlin Knocked Through 3 tHlCAGO-Johany Sommerlia ef Detralt wears surprised: expression Bob Satterfleld of Chicago ia the third rouad of their heavyweight Rlne.;dee halda uo kand la lead round bout. (AP Wlrephoto) Loy Tosses In C Loop nen not r i-uy, li jnmiu Parnsh Junior High lad, lottea . no hitter last night as his Steinke't mates downed the 20-30 Club, 9-4. in C League baseball action. In fact, Loy was so good that his own cttcher, Bill Farris, had trouble hanging onto the ball and, coupled with Steinke errors, the City Golfers Fall, Advance tCtntlnaed from preceding page) Koseburg, defeated Bingham Pow ell Salem. I and 4. g . tbrd night-Jim Rich ; Albany, defeated Roger Mundorff, Portland. 3 and 1 I i,.-.i j ..j i Boys' fifth flight-Dick Wagner, Portland, defeated Joe Moore. Ai - l... o ar.H i . i Boys' sixth flight-Larry Evans. Salem defeated Jim Thurnian. Portland, 4 and 3. Boys' ninth llight- -John Snvder, Albany, defeated Ron Wamplcr, )n , , rOHlana 6 and 5. Junior first flight Bill McDon ald, Portland, defeated Jim Heltzel. Salem. 3 and 2 Junior fifth flight-Bill Sissel. Albany, defe:cd Gary Fuqua. Portland, 3 and 2. Junior sixth flight Dave Ron- eerude. The Dalles, defeated Steve Jackson. Salem. 3 and I I Seventh flight Bill Van Valin. Rohr- I Corvallis, defeated Jack , . ... , . . Linksnien Advance OKLAHOMA CITY 'f - D- fending champion Jim Jackson of St Louis and three-time chamni- Pnrseion Charlie Cue of Oklahoma City' isiuck io par koii neanesaav in fir round matches in" the Thell Do It Every Time : IITS THEM410R ii: U S4VSHEW4NTS 177 I TO VOU Rainier SICKS' SUTTU BREWING I MALTING in I TO4W4R0VOU4 V' W-A MED4L FOR VDUR IM in WOW OM THE Tl 114 1 1 rirr-TU nnmr II I I DOyfXJW4MT I V TO T4LK TD-? A 1: A U ii4i WZW. i TTt(3-!?K? r 1 r I l VIA ttMn .ft ' . laL.'V JSi VVrlEN Tr)E Tl0'lN(5S lvM ilTTaL 4k?EGL4D,6i60OME a 1PW VI sjohnnv-om- , aaaaasiaaaaaaal """ " '- - all the falling baser. Satterfie d No-Hitter Ball Action uu icam v uoy struct out iu men m .nr five inning game and ittued hut our walks.. He used a. blistering fas ball to dazzle the 20-30 s. i uny extra-oase mi ... w.r .am. was by Steinke s Allan wrignt, I whose double brought in two I runs. Dickson's, Legion Win In other C League action, Dick- .' ni,w,,l l,. k.r, iIin . ..-j i rl. im Fields. 10-1 CT Don Bevens. son of Bill Bevens, Salem Junior Legion coach, was the winning pitcher for Post 136 He gave up only utmrlc out 11 three hits arid Dennis Gregg knocked in three runs for the Legion nine with two singles. John Stiffler of the Le - Dinnc lift hrniiff hi in two rune with another single i ... a x.ii. c.. I Dickson s clinched its game in ithe last inning when an error hroiiL'hl in the winning tallv Sieve 1 SeRine and Bob Morrow Of Dick- son's crashed doubles and win - ning twirler warren Harvey threw six hit ball. Tonight. B Leaguers return to action with Truax Oil playing La- bish t enter at Barrirk t leld one; Four Corners tangling with Si - lem Rotarv Club at Barrick Field two: and J s It Kmerey s meeting Salem I. ions at West Games will start at 6 p m Salem. Steinke a KM 1.1-9 4 4 001 12 - 4 0 3 Whi'meyer i5i: 1 2"'M uiiv ana r arris. Tisk and Ijhman. Jackson s 012 205 4 Dickson's . 0U 03-S ! S Coinptnn r.nef i5i and Crarv: Harvev and SeRine. I.rnon 0O7 0.1-10 field s OOO 10 1 Burns and Stlfller, Gettla Baitruff, W right i 3 1 . t 4 3 I and BREEDFN RESIGNS BOZF.MAN. Mont T John Brick Breeden, athletic director' anu neau oi pnysicai euucauon m Montana Slate College, resigned wuy, OP COURSE IT'S HOR4T10 W4NT TO T4LK 4LG4E"BEMEM8Er?? MlM.' WMV DO 1H4T NICE WOLD UP MY COUSIN OP yoJR W1PE-VOU SORT OF PROMISED MlM 4 JOB THIS SUMMER- C4LLS?HELL0,8rVTUSj OL" BOY-UA-UA-UA-FOQ&VE THE DELatV I GOT A W4TCW D06 INSTE4D OF A ' SEC!?ET4(?V-yEM- DO you W4srr TO TALK M4-M4-M4-yES-OP COURSE- OM crry mu. steps? CERT4irJLV Sot UNTlDy TIOIMSS WE CHICKENS TO SOME80Dy ELSE You haveritt tasted life until youVe tried Rainier Beer CO., tlnU. WISH US e SICKS SPOKANE BIEWEtY. SPOKANE, WASH. USA. I Ropes in Bout as he It knecked through ropes by boxing bout here Wednesday alght. wot by unanimous deelsloa la the It- Braves Barge To Lead in NL tionuuuea irom preceoing pager KbbetsM ' Stturdtv night. Fj ,d A R er , Crgi hjj sjxlh fc npfdpd u . h , jn ninlh.'iOl.. II. .11 ,. to ni, lnt0 got Stan Musial to hit into; f . j(h ,h ba ,oaded to end it. Martin Winner Morrie Martin, one of five White imc.irrs, iie winner i : Chicago as the Sox overcame a iJl Antwtt in -hall -tartar Ril l, , ,..v , .,.., ,...... i.oes ana wrappea n up wtin our runs in the sixth. The victory left the White Snx '' Hiimes behind the ,Ni'w York 1 aiikccs as the American l.eailue Uadfrs made it seven in a row "n Mllk,'V Mnh' P!'"g his : 2h and 27th home runs in a 4 1 decision over the Detroit Tigers. i rtiiuy y vivy ouillt ltu iui nit' unit I to Yank runs off loser Billv ninth with relief help from Whitcy "oru. Indian. VM. ! Cleveland's Indians snapped a third place tie with Boston on Al : Rosen's 10th inning single that beat the Red Sox. 5-4. Gene Wood ling homered in the eighth oil lk 1 b Porterfield to tie it. j Washington came from behind with two runs in the eighth and Thp foowin)! pnutice schedule orie in the ninth to beat Kansas'.. ... . ., ( ,h civ i;, h.,u City. 5-4. and drop the A s into the AL cellar. I Meadowt Selections: Thur sday, post lune S p m 1 t.,dv Humer'e Cat, Lambert's Teddv Mi'Cwe. I.enn 1 rent. Ba'nkTii K'm,'h' P!MW"" 3 Kor,!, Si. my Mac. Shake Rail 4 Twinbronk. World Affair, Miss Box S 5 H;(h Summit. Frrant Prince. Neada Gai t Shareholder. Mis Krats. S'in Chief 7. Pear Paikcr, Rmk n Pmle. Har ney Star . , -j t. J Wo' "r Vet.te. Mv m. By Jimmy Hatlo NO.'OH.GOSrt, NO.' TELL HIM I'M - LOOKIWG IM CONFERENCE" N0,W4fT4 MlMUTE TELL MlM I'M IN S4UCH 4R4BI4-TEa MlM THERE'S NOTVIlN' DOING HEREWEl?E TO-? UytNS OFF HELP- BUT DO IT IN 4 NICE SORT OF W4y-TELL GOltTOUT BUSINESS ah tub vlltsS Huskies Get Second Tangle With Cornell NEW YORK The Jtuskies of Washington will get another crack June 2t at the Cornell crew which squelched them last week in tht Intercollegiate Rowing Assn. regatta. Navv and Stanford will round out the field for the first heat in tht . rti : , . 50-Lap Mainer To Cap Races Stock Hardtop Set At H-Bowl Saturday Saturday night's mid-season championship racing card at Hpl- lywood Bowl will be climaxed by 50-lap main event, 15 laps longer than the usual auto racing ma inert at the big saucer. The Capital Auto Racing Asso ciation, which produced last Sat urdays destruction deroy nere, will have the stock hard tops in action Saturday. According to Harvey (Red) weitman, presi dent of the association, right I A .... K nn Ihji arouna ou caie win uc n ioc tract lor xne aaiuroay riruu.: There may be m(re if drivers from Prineville and ( arieton de:i mil ifj x CU1I1 cide to entfr. And they usually do for the CAR A events neie. Weitman will release the re- vised association driving roster tomorrow The Saturday enrd opens with lime trials at 7 45 P.m. Iwo tro- phv dashes, one for Class A en-," lourndineni ioReiner as a tries the other ior "B" machines, team. will follow the trials. Then will , Hogan and Snead will represent come heat races, a 25 lap Class B!the I'niled States Sunday through mainer and the 50 lap Class A fi ; Tuesday in the Canada Cup nale for the mid-season cham- matches at Wenlworth on tht pionship trophy. southwest London outskirts. Ray Hielert of Dallas won the Twenty nine nations have entered first stock hard tops mainer here two-man learns in the 72 hole this season, a J-viapper, ano win vf imnno the favorites in 'he VTUI llllll llllll Ties in Shoot RENO. New - Walter E F ihur 31 varn handiranner rom HM,.r rw.. un the rich lnlIiai aay nanuicap in me annual ..... . 1 p.lf.l(i(. inlernatinna Trapshooting Grand Pacific Tourney at liar- old s Trapshooting Country Club Wednesday" as the fue day '.lHI target tournev opened Fisher scored W X luo followed h rni,W l!ii'L'i.,.r Sraltle 26 yards, 98 and (ionfon Miller. Drain. Ore . y" from 27 yards. In Class B there was a (our way tie amnni! R It. Jones. Crescent City 0rp Calif ; K Grubbe. Mollala. Gordon Hull, Salem, Ore : and H C. Fletcher. Ore , all at 49 X 50. Hood River. Practice Schedule Announced f or Pee Wee, and Recrealion Department for mmnr h.-isehall nlav for bovs in the Pee Wees '7 8 9 years' and Mid - vts '10-11 vearsi divisions. Rrgular league play will start after Iho practice period is over on June 29, according to Yern Gil l The Pee Wees report fur praf mitre rliri'rfnr flf recreation Nine lice from 1 to 2 30 p m. at all ; playgrounds wiU have teams in the two leagues. The balance of the practice schedule, withv supervisor in paren thesis: Thursday. June 21: Hoover School Dalke1, Richmond School i ...i u:i,i.j c,.k ' , Fr,riay June 22 Bar' :rick Kii'ld 'Dalke Leslie Field 1 1 Warren i, Olinjer Kirld 'Presley' ' Monday. June 2.V Washinijton ISthool 'Dalke1. Candalana School tWarren'. West Salem School ' Yes, you may be missing your best auto insurance value! Compare and you'll find Allntate'i rates are usually (Wer than those of most other leading companies. Yet you can rely on the company founded by Seers for sound proteo, tion, prompt, friendly agent wrvice and fast, fair claim aettlemenU. You can't buy better, why pay more? See how much you can save with your Allatate Agent! 198 S. Commercial Phone 4-6861 550 N. Capitol St. YeVra as STOCK COM timmiid by SMrv Ai,t mo ib' it d tt tnd tpvi rratnfl "o Hcrma'tic $km- UI.Fireiinivj'i'KHviiUblt'r lev ttttfKleirii.itnflirrcfr'triU oriy in huilfj-iflj "r uiyinpic irjuuis on unanaaga' Last at Syracuse. The other heat will have Vale pitted against Wiscon sin and the Detroit Boat Club. The crews will go the Olympic distance of 2.000 nietecs a sprint by comparison to the three milet of the IRA. The metric route it about a mile and a quarter. Losers in the heats will get a second chance. The tirst two boats in each heat will qualify for the semi-finals June 29. The threa losing boats wilt race and two of these also will qualify for the ,!ens There will be two heats also in the semi-finals to pare tht field to four crews for the Satur day finals. Navy is stri ing to be come the first boat cer to rep resent the United Slates in two successive Olympic Games. ;ilHogan,Snead - , Unri k 'I ,, ,, ur - nen nogan ana eaa. rtmenca s two lean- mg goners oi me last decade, ar- rlveri Wednesday from New Urk """" i"'""1"1" ul"r Ix-tiin tournament Snead told newsmen he was off his came "and unless 1 get back on it Ben " quick I'll be leaning on American League New York 000 002 110 - 4 10 0 De iron oofl oflo oio - 1 t 0 Ku.ks, Ford Hi and Berra: Hneft, Gromek t9i and Houae W-Kucki. L-Hi.rit. Boston ton ooo 2oo o 4 s 2Kl 001 inl 1-511 0 Cleveland I'urterdeld. Hurd ' mil White: Siore Nr;esktcT Mi I.nhj . Mn iHli anrt Heean, Narairiin iR W m 1.- Kurd Rdlln 3 nil VV 14 I .1 :i4 Ook !i Ii a .3 .. P.ilua 5i, 1 Zuvern.k Bii" ii i 5 . r.irnielrs v .Ii, C , Martin i6' I)iin,!i iSi. f'rtare-e 41. and Smith 1'r.llet Sta. esiiesra i4i. Howell (Si, and lllr. WashinC" K:nia- ( WiesleT. l (VW 020 021-5 I rv oiu oio ool 4 11 1 Ciob iTi, Bverly (H' and Heiheret r(i. Herrla'j, . I.asnrda 'ti and Tnmp D!lm,r ,, ion W ;rnh 1. - llerriaae Midget Players 'Presley Harnek Wednesday, June 27: Dahlc. Leslie 'Warren', Olinger Presley. 1 hursday. June 2: Washington 'Dalke. Candal- 'ana 'Warren .ley". Friday West Saleml ' Prcs June 29: 'Hoover Dalke Richmond Warren), Highland 'Presley . places, with the Midgets slated trofn 2 30 to 4 30 o'clock Supervisors Dalke, Warren and Presley will be in charge o( the games when league play starts FREE ESTIMATES On Floor Covering NORRIS-WALKER PAINT COMPANY 1710 Front Phone 4 2219 Phone 3-9191 fo4 kextek seHa... A 94 Y OTCCTIOH