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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1956)
raves rasp Lead; Rfeuniife Senators Again Spill Spokes, 8 to 1 Ms 2 Ad's Pitching, Easterbrook's Hitting Pays Series Finale Ready For Tonight at Eight ' By Al. MGHTNKR " Slatrman Sport Editor Two booming homr runs by Bob Kasterbronk and effective sharpshootins by Ad Satalich from the mound were the major items at Waters Field last night as the town Senators won their third in a row over the Spokane Indians in Northwest League baseball play, this time 81. Satalich came in -with a 5 hitter for his fourth win, walked nobody, whiffed six and at one stretch in the fast mix retired 17 straight Tribe swingers. Sfkula's Footsteps F.aslcrbrook must've been using Trunk Szekula's pet bah for the big first sacker blasted two of Frank Chase's serves far out of the arena, one in the fifth with Chuck Essegian aboard, and the other in the seventh with both dene Laursen and Mel Krause on the sacks. Szekula had hit two homers in the first game of Tues day night's douhleheader. Such cannonading as that can't help but win ball games, and particularly so when the accomp anying pitching is a good as it has been in the three trips to the post with Joe Rossi's hapless crew. Tribe Scores in Third Satalich missed his shutout in the third when Spokane plucked three of its five bingles. Ad hadn't been throwing hard, and purl for it when catcher Ron (arlon singled to start the third, moved up on an infield out and scored on Chase's long single to center. Ron Jackson followed this out burst with a double off the left center wall, hut a fast relay from F.ssegian to Ray Webster to lfarv Kbepfcut down Chase in a close one at the plate as he tried to aenre from first base. After yielding another single to George Huffman to start the (Cent, ra page 14, col. 1) They're Getting Repdy for Pee Wee Baseball Action j J fch' JS f J. , ft psR, vn- SuDervisor John Dilke. lower left. (Ives his assorted Pee Wees and! Bowes, Don Braurht, Larry Arnold, Mike Nesbit, Dennis Eppinf, Midgets a few pointer! during current -spring training'' ai Bar- Rob Mier, Doug Corey, David Smart, Frank Collctte. (Third) Terry rick Field, prior to the opening of league play later in the month. Susa, Ron Morgon, Dick Collette, Gregg Earnest, Jeff Lanlow, Steve Small fry from nine areas in the city will play supervised league baseball after practice prriod is over June 29. Listening to Dalke, a grad of local junior baseball ranki himself, are (front) Jim Virk, Phil Sealy, Greg Quisnell, Leonard Martin. (Second) Billy Brunns, John Wood, Francis Nash. (Back) Jerry Bone, Dug Epping, Bob Boaz, Paul Fontanini, Darrel I.a Blanc, Bob Collette, Miles Seeley, Gary Whisser, Gerald Doerfler. (See practice schedule on neit page of Sports Section). Ems Victors, Salem Climbs Croun Tie Cinched . . . r i i i ..Hi i - i Salem Legion Clips Mill City '9 8 to Schmidt Raps 35?feliUCLA Claim mm AMIRK'AN I.EAGIK El'GENE John Patula limited Wenalchee tn one hit before he was forced to retire in the sixth inning with a sore arm as Eugene scored a S t victory in the seen-inning first game of a Northwest. League douhleheader Wednesday night. It ias the fir! decision of the vear for Patula. The only hit olf him fnllnu-prl a unlit and an infield fJoiKin,.in. B out. Bob Duretto got the single. '"''' ... . , , . r, , Home Runs ano n scorea ihtiii aiiih'imhi. nun Foisy got the only other Wenatchee hit. a double in the seventh. The loss pushed Salem into fifth place in the NWI.. Eugene also von the second game, 7-4. MILL CITY 'Special' Salem's Junior legion baseball learn clinched at least a tie for the area Legion crown here Wednesday night j Olympic Trials 3t Los Angeles by blasting Mill City, 8 1, behind the three-hit hurling of Al Geddes and:wmcn wji produce the athletes' eight hit attack by his mates. who will represent the USA in 1 Salem's record is now 4-1 in Australia. Dean will not onlv league play and if it wasn't for an . have to beat the hurdlers who early-season loss to Woodburn. i heat him at Berkeley, but also Coach Bill Bevcns' boys would be, those who will head for Los sitting atop the heap It the league Angeles after the AAU and does wind up in a first-half tie. a Armed Forces meets of this playoff may be arranged, Bevens weekend. .More mistily tine nura U.urf lers will qualify in those meets. A a- w Salem was paced at the plate and things will be tough in both 48 154 .17 .V7.:i70 Hednesdav night bv Bob .lanlze, ln' qualifying round and finals sum .in fi'i 33B ...lh . ,r,nll. nH Kn, i.mmr of the Trials . . , Buddy (Dana's ?: ?-t if, ..,ii, hi,'. ,.,-,.. ,r,. Mi'ii Bootery) Dean Benson is now but two steps from a berth on Uncle Sam's Olympics team, after passing the NCAA exams at Berkeley. But they re apt to be mighty big steps for the hurdler. The Bend Denemotn nas quaimed lor the Major League Leaders Mantle. N V Vaxwtll I)it. Kilcnn. Dfl Vpi non. Hsn Bona. N V I dlai. c: Skc.i, N V :r; 6 :u . i : ifi .in si nn .mi 210 :a kh :im Mant'f New Yni k 27. Bum. Nf Voi k I i. Juvri. VVash mRt(,n 17; Wertz. L'levtland 16, Bauf i . Nnv Vol k 14. Yaks Dump Trl-t ity VAKIM X f Yakima took an early lead and held on to squeak through with a 3-2 m mer Tn City Wednesday night in a low hitting Northwest League baseball g.inie The Bears opened the scoring in the second innini; Dick Itermer gut aboard on a fielder s choice and Herm Reich walked. Singles by pitcher Arnold Downs and Bob by Wilson brought in Renner and lieich Tri-City rut the lead in half in the sixth when Dan II o I d e n walked. moed up on a sacrilice. stole third and came home on an error. H Pel 71, :ua -,H .141 4 67 NATIONAL l.F.AGl f. C, AR R I on J f Rh Will Hnvcr St T 5 2"1 44 ("IcmnitP I' Kh 4H 156 I'.'l Moon. SI 1 . 5C : 7 Si-'i -nlM. N V. 4 I If. m,imI. st i. m:: snittei . h k n 5J Vl As'-:,:.- ti ! ' . ! 1 57 2. '. veil 57:' 1 7 Anion. M vi kef 51 lt'4 ,; p" lion- l.nng i'.ii S'uiln Miocklvn 15 Bin i" SI I .oh 15 Bank. Cnu izn 1. J'o.-l. I. tiu o iwli II. Smith is getting it from all sides these davs as his I r lh pa's !)ut tnc r'') ,0 n'm '"r ms 0 v prominent part in producing a nio anil a racclin' koir at ta out nine and u.,,. ,rt ii.i, .h n,.,.' walked none in his fue-inning stint darins 'hln to now come up with ' ne jicmcu an meni me ,uiu i uy a b()Xln(! kangaroo. Incidentally, idcui s iciiy uairison Kdo Vanni donated his pig to 12 men. lie went the I'ncle lluah Lubv who had it bingles losers Ceddes in two attempts struck 'Mii ' .-( :. i i SAM BAKER Heads for Canuck loop. InJooirDeirs Phillies Topple Redlegs; Dodgers Again in Second; Giants Nick Cubs, 4 to 1 Br THK ASSOCIATED PRRSS Milwaukee's suddenly bustling Braves barged back Into the Na tinnnl l.aoi, trad with a 7-1 virtnrv over the Pittsburfh PirauM Tues day night after the last-place Philadelphia Phillies toppietr Cincinnati out of the top spot, 12. It was the fifth straight victory for the Braves since Fred Haney replaced Charlie Grimm as manager Saturday night. And it lifted them back into first place tor the mm m m H I' ' a 1 Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thun-, June 21, '58 (Sec. II)-13 first time since June 4 when they started a plunge that saw them lose 12 of 17 games and wind up in fifth place. Brooklyn's Dodgers moved into second. i3 percentage points back, by ending a three-game losing streak with a 4 2 decision over the St. Louis Cardinals. Cincinnati1 fell to third, 2 points back of the Brooks and 2 points ahead of the Cards. Pittsburgh tumbled to fifth. 7 points behind St. Louis, with its fifth straight defeat. Giants Take ith Place The New York Giants reclaimed sixth place from Chicago, beating the Cubs, 4-1. It was the firsj time the Giants have won two straight in a month. Only one day game was played in the American League. The Chi cago White Sox beat the Baltimore Orioles, 12-8. with the two clubs using total of 12 pitchers. ' Danny O'Connell and Bobby Thomson each drove in two runs as the Braves scored five in the fifth against Vernon Law. Gene Conley won his third with his first complete game of the year, add ing a two-run single in the eighth. Lopata Homers Stan Lopata's 12th home run provided the margin for the Phils as Curt Simmons checked the free-swinging Redlegs on seven singles. The Dodgers punched over three runs In the third two on Carl Furillo's double to beat the Cards and Vinegar Bend Mizell. the first southpaw to start against (Coat. n page 14, rol. 7) LOS ANGELES I - Commis sioner Victor 0. Schmidt of the Pacific Coast Conference Wednes day took direct issue with Chan cellor Raymond B. Allen of UCLA and his statement that the school's coaching and athletic staffs were not involved in the school's ath letic scandal. Trie commissioner's office re leased a "press memorandum" whirh quoted from a conference statement at Victoria, B. C, May 19. Has Not Denied Farts It read, in part: ". . . That UCLA has not de nied. . . any of the significant allegations of facts or circum stances presented by the com- Two Homers fe' : Paslrano, Holnian Sign for Bout CHICAGO til - A 10-round between Willie Pastrami el New Orleans and Johnny Holman of Chicago at the Chicago Stadium July it was announced Wednes day by the International Boxing Club. The winner may emerge a po tential contender for the heavy weight title vacated by retired Rocky Marclano, especially with a hand injury Jeopardixing Floyd Patterson's proposed meeting with light heavy king Archie Moore. . Pastrano, SO, it considered to bo on of the best boxers to coma along la the heavyweight divisioa in years. He it working on an ex tended win streak and in hU outinf defeated ex-Olympics star Chuck Spieser. Holman. a big, bruising heavy weight with a powerful punch, waa defeated in hit last start by Bob Baker. Ha holds wins over Bod Satterfield and Exxard Charles. Mickey Mantle, New York Yan kee centerflelder, socked two more home runs yesterday as the Yankees dumped the De troit Tigers, 4-1. The pair brings Mantle's total for the season to 27. hits. The struck out route. farmed out at Smith's place in the Four Corners area. Luby had(DV the conlerence athletic code Mill City's one run. in the sixth visions of fattening the porker so that it would one day adorn and have cooperated with the j inning, was unearned To errors the dining table. But lo. the critter has crossed everyone up. Or Booster Club members or officers led to the tiilly. Meanwhile. Kcv- didn't you notice that "lost and found column" ad the other day? 1 actually administering the same ens announces that the S.ilern It read: "Lost, one small white pig. If found please notify Hugh ! by referring athletes to them for lc:im ill hold ,i practice at 6 Luby " . . . Smart move by the City Recreational Dept . that of ; aid. . ." i p m Friday at Waters I'ark in Sa- providing the new plastic helmets lor the junior baseball playing !pr A)f, Comments Satterfield In Upset Victory (Picture next page) CHICAGO UP - Chicago's un predictable Bob Satterfield; thun dering a third-round knockdown, ended young Johnny Summerlin's 12-bout winning streak with a uanimous 10-round decision in their televised heavyweight bout Wednesday night. A 31 underdog, the S2 year-old Satterfield disregarded an 11 pound deficit to spoil the title am-j bitions of his 24-year-old Detroit rival. Summerlin was gunning for a bout with Bob Baker in the chase after retired Rocky Marciano'i vacated crown. Only Fifth Defeat Satterfield weighed 183 against 194 for Summerlin, who suffered only hi fifth defeat in 27 pro bouts. The Chicago Stadium battle was decided in the. third round when Satterfield blasted Summerlin with a series of rights that dumped Summerlin on the apron of the ring seconds befort the round ended. Bell Sounds The bell sounded at the count of seven and it was questionable j whether Summerlin could have missioner in his report of April """ '- " acuon won more 13. 10.-.6, and has not denied the;1"' Ipf'- , J activity or cooperation of mem-! '"'"'ree "ernie weissman caiiea, bers of the athletic staff of the '1 ,or Satterfield. 9H-89, while the institution in connection with the wo JiWRM. Kd Hints and John, activities of said booster clubs-1 Bray calei " for Lhlca!!0 but has admitted that all mem-.and. respective y. The bers of the football coaching staff IT T u I have for several years known ofitcr"clcI' 95"- the furnishing of aid to student athletes in a form not sanctioned City Golfers Fall, Advance :i? .'. IMilk' l 17 Mantle Fans Get Showers Pitched Ball Hurts Minoso CHICAGO i.f - White Six out fielder Minnie Minoso. hitting .317. suffered a chip fracture of his right toe when hit by a pitched ball Tuesday night and probably will miss the important Sox-Yankee series here this weekend. The injury occurred in the seventh inning on a ball thrown by f riole pitcher Don Ferrarese. icm. S I.FVt ,S1 'ii .1 hn'd 2 4 4 I . ,n, hi,, i s 1 S .1.,1't.T I 4 Vi"im.c 2 Hr,"Tinn 3 4 llallc.r 4 riptide p W,r.d. Mil I, CITY (11 Dr. Allen, denying reports that ! football Coach llenrv ft iRedi Hnvl'f I K !,".!( 2 Rrif-,' .s :.' 2 (.aiiixin.p 4 2 I ,Mllil r 2 0 0 Mo; 8.IH 1 4 ii ,, Hc.iaies m 4 1 n Tin, mas. 1 non cirf.r in n n o o n PORTLAND i,P -I'pstate play ers dominated the annual Oregon junior golf tournament as the kids to wear when batting. It's good insurance. You'll notice in your TV d major league games e.ich week that just about every batter ii'hn cfnnc r tkn nlitn htv nni stf i ho cLriill nintAiinpa rtn 1 1 e J I ',' getting sn that maior league swingers don't mind getting hit bv i -anaeis ana ainieiic mrector wu- quarter final round was run off a n ii pilches, if they're hit in the head . . . Idaho's Vandals may not have r"r jnhns niRht be "red, said n(.r(. Wednesday. . i i ' the best football team in the I'CC next fall, but betcha they'll jTiiP.sciay: i ()f tnc 2 pavers gaining semi- " " contest any of the others in the m.itter of out of staters on the roster "... There is nn evidence of jna, jn the three divisions, only a n ii Coach Skip Stahlev lists 50 aspirants. Thirty-one are from other Ihe involvement of the l'CLA; three were Portlanders one in 3 n i than Idaho, with California the ton contributor at IS. Then comes ' coaching or athletic staff in vin-'.k' In the junior division, Joe Hall 0 1 U'achinu,nn u-ilh A Inrliunn U'ilh flrprrnn Ww .T.rCfv anrl Mm sachusetts with 2 each. Delaware with 1, North Dakota with 1 and To'jIj .11 5 Tn,Al ' ,1 fer r..-liles in lilli S.iir. 41X1 l!J 0 S Mill Citv mm OH II -- Brooklvn with the other 13; 4 S'flfri Baker Heading for Toronto i'.lnh MEADOWS RESULTS Yanks Suffer In Net Contest LONDON i Twenty-two-year old Hamilton Richardson of West field. N.J. was the only V S. play er tn win in Wednesday's third DFTROIT uf Croundskeep- ers at Detroit's Briggs Stadium had to resort to the outfield sprinkling system Wednesday tn keep enthusiastic fans from mobbing Mickey Mantle. Mantle, .New York Yankee cen terflelder. was greeted t,y a pair of hoys who jumped over the ccn terficld fence to congratulate him after he hit his second home run in the eighth inning of the Yankee-Tiger contest. Mantle was returning to his po sition when the kids leaped oijt of the stands to shake his hand. When he took the lield in the mm h inning, at least 20 fans, inc-t of them youngsters, shot out f i on) all parts of Ihe hig stadium and clustered about Ihe 24-year j Richardson Defending champion old slugger. I'mpires and park at- Ken Rosewall defeated (iardnar tendants hustled them off the Mulloy of Denver. Colo, after ev Tra. k: Fast. First race. 230 yards, quarlfr horses, purse $400 Mrriwond I'arM .Ine K'imvleM 7 fio. 4 1(1, ami. Sn.nm .-n iK.irli R''0. 4 111. Onrar Flu l iHoam .T I'll QiiKliela J27. Tlire I'M Snond rac-, .'l."'ll un! (cmlrr In, r. pi. nurse $4(,(- Hchoh i FS'inR i l.",ll. 4 ri0, L' HU; Ni.tal i.n iM, Dfwrlli Mil. 2,10. Hihv S'(,m Horn k il'lnl 1 2 So Quit.,, la 111. True la R 'II ird rare. 1 Mule :i ii,. ur-e Vlomorid I Hrei lioli', 8 2". 4 :l 5 .'III Are.nal ,jim.,h 4 'm. :i o 1I"V,,I I'laier illeosliaul 21 5U. yinnii'lj $4? 711, Time 1 :i4 2 Foiirt'i rare. V2 f'irlnnpf op purse JlliKl; I'asiade Moon iHidiilgni I4l. 6 111. 3 70; Wee Mean '(.ifforili i 4 41, .1 Ml Faster Reail i Proul I 5 40 round of the Ixndon Grass Courts, gui'mni 2220 Time 1 on. i Tennis Championships as four! fifih race. 6 furinnm. 3 up. purse. 4 10, p'I ela t". IN Sam Raker, the former ( orvallis High and Oregon State fullback whiz isn't returning to the Washington Redskins after all. as it was figured he would when railed into Ihe Service a fpw seasons ago. Raker was discharged last autumn and spent the past semester working towards his degree at the College of Puget Sound in Taeoma, where his folks now live. He'll be reporting to the Toronto club in the Canadian League's eastern division later this month, giving the Canucks another snatch from the National Football l eague . . . And speaking of Oregon State grads, those who predicted that Tonv Ylastelico would never be eligible to plav, and would never graduate because (f ont, nn page It. rol. 1) latinn of the athletic code Schmidt did not say that his re lease was prompted by Dr. Al len's statement. Grand-Slam Homer Ends Beaver Losses - other Americans bowed out of the last pro-Wimbledon tournament. ! Richardson, seventh ranking I' S placer, displayed a powerful gain" in easily eliminating Spam's A (iiiiieiin fi-l. fit) Four Australians advanced with ,1 no .1 20 !' Vino- t'.rt field and play was resumed Immediately following the game and before many of the 47,"."6 fans had left their seats, the sprinkling system was turned on and the playing field cleared quickly. 1NWL Lino Scores F. I g "i e '7 liuiing V. n e :m iwrfl 0 12 2 F. 101 1112 X SSO Humphnen and l.undhtrg; Patula. finlfin B and Gauthler. periencing some rt 1 1 1 17-1111 y in the second set, 6-3. 8-6 Senator Swat PORTLAND 1 - Fu st baseman San Roh Borkowski cracked out a grand-.slam home run as Port land defeated Sacramento. B 5. Wednesday mailt lo snap an 11 game I'ncifie ('oust League losmg slieak Bin k(i -.k i's blow i .line in the tilth inning, anil it cue tin I'mi land starter. Roll Alevandi r, a ", ? lead Alexander gave up only live li.ts. but wildnrss bothered bun sporad ically, and Hay Shore had to come ; in and save the game for him in bisnih ; the ninth inning Francisco shutout Los An- lclrs. 4 0; Seattle nipped Dit-Ko. 71, and Vancouver rallied to down llolluiiod, ,i 3 NORTIIWIST IF4l,lt W I. I'. i Yakm.i .12 17 Salem l-lin-nr J. I 2H Wentchf I.ewMnn 25 in 51 Spokane I I :( ;t It 1 1 y. VV.rin.Mt;,-. lesolls At Salem Sln,;..l,'e I .,1 F. igt lit 5. Wri,.it( hee I se, nd Ran.e Mi,rr n pfe one,; al I I,, -cm 2 ACIIIC I II VST I Vl.l E W 1,1'.' Ij,s An 4fi 27 01 m mark of Itosehurg will play Jerry Cundan of Portland and Ron Weber of Prineville will meet Dick Smith of Milwaukie Thursday. In the girls' division. F.laine j Porritt will play Shirley Siegmund i in an all-Kugene duel and June Robinson of Tillamook will oppose Molly Murphy of Portland. In the boys' division it will be Steve Wright of Albany vs. Ralph Helton of Itosehurg and Jerry Forrester of Portland vs. Doug Ragen of Oswego. The defending champion in the buys division. Dave Monro of Portland, fell from Ihe running Wright, the division medalist, ousted him, 1 up. Results included Boys' first flight Ron Perrault, ilonl. on page 14, rsl. Si vv i p, t l 2 :i'H i H 2U ;ui:i 15.14 .ion Wednesday ll'p to da'e AR :trbik . ris limn H4 KsS'TTljUl 77 ici"inifi . an IB JB HR rtii pr, i: I II 45 HI 5 2n a :iri 2 n 2 i .' ;" ' I eKeanior i l'n,nl , 5 Wl ('nil i Hensh.iu i 3 80 go I one 1114 SiM., i ii-e 5' . ( ' jfiiill. U,,p I'l ; Kin '!;' ,, : II': kr. 1 He I Km.v 0 K.o' Hmlev i.:i,i:i1i ii ila St.' 4H '1 ore 1 li, 'I Sewn;;, , .l( , 701). Hed (,.een iSiinuinsI J4li. l.;H(l, 7 fill, I.e. I lot second plan-, I'eac elul l'ast I, I)os ll 4 .Ml. 5 20. S ,, role Case, S5.1 !1 lin e I 47 3. F.iKiil laie six fiirlonss, t -iee up S7IK1, T is tan iKnoulem 4 '10 3 70, j ?H0; F.iilv Choice illensbawl 9 m,; , ' Alexander could get onlv one gninieW.1 1 16 n lime I 12 i , ,. , , Nn to ra, e. one mile, three up. iftoo; ' man out then, and he put two on Preitv choice i Roasi 5 so n wi .1 sn; j with walks Al Heist proniptlv V"' ' Vr" 'M'!,al'"" , 10 ": 1 greeted Shore with a single -that lella $4', tune I 41 .1 Sacramento (5) A'l h.indle in 176. Tii-Clty Yakima Kaiak ni Meal. . 000 001 0101 ( 0 . r20 001 mix J 7 1 Martin; Downs and VV ! i-eku I'llc nine W'al'h ..eoije Alderman fade ..... Jatalieh ln iCraua 15R . 11 .. . - 15 12 t 1 IP 29 S 34 SOJ, l)5, 31 "i li VV I. i o 5 2 .3 3 4 S 4 7 I t 0 1 loaded the -bases, and (ieun'e Kisloy followed with an outlicld lly that scored Jerrv I'rutilv to cut the margin to ti-.v Put Shore induced II:i:-y llui'ht to !n" n lr; h f 1 v to right In lil to ei'tt the game :t J" .lociMim in tin- maior leagues this After Rurkowski put Portland in 14 33 30 spring. The others are Don Fer-, front. Nippy Jones hit a bases 4 48 4iearrse and Fred Bcsana of Ball i- empty homer for Sacramento in IIVK ROOK IKS TKII MIMI !' ' HOS'KiN D.i'e Sisler. nwkie iiilclici with the II 'ston Pod Su. sn l.n ITr is one ol live loi.kics v ho mm thc;r more. Cohrtie Grob of Washington the sixth. i 1 and- Don Drysdale of Brooklyn, In other PCL action 'Vednenday, a .w 34 'i Sn F' n 3 .'' 500 ni ver Weilne Sa, , am ' li ,il l.o Porilanil () ,i v-n. el' 1; ;il, ', i, a M f I I 2 21, 5 I R ; It ' I' I II " ? st:. V ;' 5 n I' i- ! i : s,.t,,l o 4 i V ' h I 'II I M' 1 " 4 I I II vv ; 'in: ii ii, ifc, iii i i ;i o r!l ,,,, i ; .' i : ; ,1 i I ii ii , ; ii .i : I'.i.'tv -sill ', Have 'Ii :i I 1 1 I! i , ; - 2 ii 4 II I i" :i n 4 12 2 V. IK. II. n I o II a.mki. o i ii ii H Jo- Ii I Ii II 2 S;.,.- , II 0 0 (I allow t II II II II II II II II Totals 'M .l 17 7"' il .12 27 7 nVV ilKeil ,i r 14 Junes ,n !"h. bll.ii. 'mi l.oiiM in H'n S.ii , , i.e'!l,i l)'l IHfl 001 - ", ',,, ' i lloo 1 411 ll' t, F I '....! t ,ri- .- i'.,, ki, vskl III'! I. n ' ;' I .' i 'lull 2 I l;. 1 II 'i - I'll Yuunv I l. ! : ; - ... I II I'., M - UK . S vv.,'kin mmmmmmmmm wmmmmmmmmmmm I orrer. Smith and' Steins' '72 IT A-1.7M. mmmmmm f W' T I'd .1111 .14 .'IS in'. Seattle 41 211 fi2, ll Dlfo .'i.'l ;i4 i-iu 12 .HI 57 23 511 .115 ,dji s 1. .ull Al P01 ll.inrl !' nln 5 al SealMe 7 Sao Do r , 1 Anreles 11 San Ffanclco 4 mvei S. HollmoiKl 5 MII!I V IF V ' ! ' W I I' 1 Sn V. i'i I" I'll M7 llu'l n 1 I'll IS". I I . hi, 11 I'l' . ' etr.! -7 III 4l I'll land III 27 5 ' Wa-lll-- JW 3 41 Uo ton '-"'28 "ll'i Kan I 1 2.1 lid ll'HI Wednesday irsulls Al Cliiraio 12. Hallnnore R al K,ina f ' 1 1 4 Wash union 5; at Helroil I. Ne York 4. al I ii eland 5, Boston 4. NATIONAL 11141,11 W I.P.I W IP. , iMilwauk 2'i 22 ,5lW I'll,hur 30 25 .545 llmklin 31124 55 Nw Vrk 23 12 4IS 'Cinemal 11125 ,.Y54 Chicago 22 III .415 SI I ou 112 2(! 552 I'liiladel 22 34 ll'ill VVnliii-d.iv result" At F...n,k,vu 4 si l uu.. 2 al Nn 11,1k 4 I inuir.i I'l i!,-olel,hia 3 Cir.i innali 2 a' l.ilt.f'l H Viiu anke, '. Bradley's Bicycle and Sport Shop Home of Quolity Products REASONABLY PRICED Sleeping Bags And Tents SCHWINN Bicycles Bike Repairs (in today finished tomorrow or sooner) Nothing down on approved credit Phone 3-3844 237 North High Street mm AT G.I. SURPLUS IOOKI WHAT YOU GET FOR A "IUCKI" CLOTHING BUCKET COTTON WORK SOX Nylei RelafereeJ Hee! and Tm Reg. 4 pr. 4J1" ARGYLI DRESS SOX Nylei Reinfereed Heel and Tm Reg. $1.00 pr. HATS Some Water Repelleit Rtg. HC3 I I FISHING TACKLE I locally Tied-Good Ntcktl or ftrtit ..... GeMlM FUES FLASH BAITS All Typet (Itartfevllf) ! f $100 Ik. $00 JSt 0 I S5t 0 I DOUBLI BLADI TROUT SPINNERS Init Nickel F tdfSfX Nicktl andlrfulH- fUU Coppor JSc f, I JI Snellod Giant OH Pack H00X5 FISH EGGS Siiei 4-14 In Pk. Z eunce Jar JP $00 lt. t $00 JScm. J pkgt I 49c g far I Houiehold Plaitic Surface SPONGES PAPER PLATES 4 in Package Ten I" Is Package (. a $00 Rig. m $00 4Jt 0 akgi. I 29c pkgi. Hot Drink 10-Inch PAPER CUPS PAPER PLATES Sit 01. In Packaxe II in Package 11. $00 lag. $00 17c 0 Pkgt I He 0p.l I it SURPLUS I FOOT POWDER ""V!" 4 oonce Can TABlUj lig Q $00 leg Q $Q0 ISc 0 I ISc 0 kat. I NEW G. I. TYPE 01 (ANIEENS SOAP With ( over Reg. 10c Bar Reg. $00 11 $00 I j 14 1 G. I. Folding PROTECTIVE FOX HOLE . (OVERS SHOVELS Rtg. A 00 R9' $00 OPEN SUNDAY 9 TO 6 - DAILY 9 TO 9 COME IN AND BROWSE AROUND IN OREGON'S FANCIEST SURPLUS JOINT 1983 N. ( apilol Slrrrt Phone 4 5007