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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1956)
Eisenhower Spends Approval Granted WASHINGTON ( - President By EO CREAGH WASHINGTON UB - President Eisenhower, reported a little thin ner but "quite chipper,' worked for while on official papers Wed nesday. Hi doctor uid his progress to ward recovery was "satisfactory" and gave their approval for West German Chancellor Konrad Ade nauer to drop in on the President Thursday morning. To the President's outspoken re lief, doctors, however, removed for several periods the uncomfortable drainage tube which has been In sorted through his nostrils to his stomach ever since his operation. Eisenhower spent a half hour conferring with Chief Aide Sher man Adams and other staff mem bers and giving a little dictation to his personal secretary. In the course of these talks he signed 27 bills and other official papers including the nomination of Los Angeles Judge Victor R. Hansen to head the Justice Department's anti trust division. Politics Not Discussed One subject of conversation re mained t a bo o: politics. White House Press Secretary James C. Hagerty, asked if a n yo n e has talked with Eisenhower about his second term plans in the light of thin second illness in nine months, replied; "There has been no talk at all." A 115 p.m., EDT. medical bul letin at Walter Reed Army Hospi tal, where the President underwent intestinal surgery early last Satur day, said: 'The President's progress con tinues to be satisfactory. "His temperature, blood pres sure, pulse and respiration are es sentially normal. Total of 30 Minutes "The President has been out of bed twice this morning for an ag gregate of 30 minutes. ' "He indulged in his usual walk ing exercises at that time, sup ported slightly by an attendant (hospital aide J. W. Teaney.i "The decompression tube is now being periodically removed. He is still on intravenous feeding. "Permission was given by the physicians for the President to meet this morning with members o( his staff on White House busi ness for about one half hour." Almost I pright HiiRerty said the President, In Chicago Butlrr-Eyijg Chicago lAPi-Buiier tadv: W holesale aallin . pncea unctianied; AA 91 S0-S925 A M7S-57 25: C P9 55 00-, Vi 00 .ggi ateady: wholesale selllnl pnifs unrhaneed to 'i hisher, extra laiee .IS SO-38 00; extra medium 3100; a'undarda SI M-37 80, checka SUS 3.1 T5 I'ortland Produce PORTLAND - Butterfat -Tentative, subject t o immediate change Premiurn quality, deliv ered in Portland, 60-63 lb; first quality 57-fiO: second quality 52-55. Butter-Wholesale, f o b. bulk cuhes to wholesalers Grade AA, 92 score. 59'i; A grade. 92 score. Sa'2: B grade 90 score 57; C grade 89 score. '55. Cheese Tn wholesalers Oregon singles, 41-46 lb; Oregon 5-lb loaf, Kggs To wholesalers Candled fob Portland, A large, 42-44'j: A medium, S9-40'a : A small, 27- 29' !. Kggs To retailers Grade AA, large. 49: A large. 46: AA medium 4!: A medium. 42; A small, 31. Cartons, 2-3 cents additional. K;gs--To consumers AA large, 5t-.")9: A l;irge. 51-56: AA medium. 4'-.v: A medium. 46-51; A small, j,; ,i , ,. .. . ... l.ive poultry No. 1 quality, fob. Portland F'rvers. 2'i-5 lb.s, "1 al farm oo o-i , li,rht hens ..i. at larm, 22-22'2. ugni nens, lti-17 at farm; heavy hens, 17-18 t fjrm- n H roncterc 11.1? Turkeys To producers L i v c weight frvers 27-28' breeder turkev hens, eviscerated. 30-31: bn-eder toms, 3A-40. Rahhits Averncp In urnw ers itanniis Average to Krners white. 3'4-4'a lbs. 20-23; 5-6 lliv. 15-18: old colored pelts 4 cents ' less; old does, 10-12, few hichrr. Fresh killed fryers to retailers, 56 51: cut up. 60-ftl. Wholesale Dressed Meats j Reef carcasses Steers, choice. 1 all wights, 34 00-.t6.00: good. 33.00-1 35.50; standard, 31.00-33.00: utility ' 27 00 - 30 00: commrclal cows, 25 00 - 29.00: utility, 23.00 - 27.00: j canners and cutters, 21.00-25.00. Beef cuts 'choice steers 1 Hind , quarters, 42 00-46.00: rounds 40.00-4.1 00: full loins, trimmed, 61 00 - 67.00: forequarters, 26 00 2 00: chucks, 30.00-32 00; ribs, 42 00-44.0. Pork cuts Loins, choice. 8-10 llu 53 00-55 00' shoulders 16 Ihs down, 29.00-33.00: spareribs. 42.00- commercial cows 12.50-14.00; util 44 00; fresh hams, 10-14 lbs. 51 00- ity cows 1000-12.50; canners and, 53 on. I cutters 7.50-9 50, mostly 8 00 up; . Veal and calves Good-choice, j few commercial-utility bulls 15 50-1 all weights. 22 00-39 00; commer-1 16.50: cutter bulls 12 00-15.50. j rial, 28 00-35.00. j Calves salable 100: market i Spring lamb Choice-prime, 40- active, about steady: choice veal-1 50 lbs. 47 00-50 00; good, 45.00 47 no I.amhs Ooorl, 37 00-39 00 WoolNominal. clean hasia. ' hlnorl. I 00-05: . hlood. 1 0.1-0 : 'i hlood. 1.12-18: fine, 1 17-23. Country -dressed Meats, f.o.b. Portland: Beef Cows, utility, 22-24 lb; cutters, 19-21. Veal Top quality, lightweight, 28-30; rough heavies, 20-30. Hogs Best light blockers, 24-26; lean light sows, 18-22. Lambs Tod grade springers. SB-42: eood vearlines. 30-32. Mutton Lightweight ewes and wethers, s-12. i Fresh Produce Onions Calif. Yellows, men, 50 Ih .k 4.75-5 00: white, 5.00-25. Potatoes Calif. Lone Whites, No 1A. 10 oi min. 100 lbs. mostly .vi-7 23. some down to 6 25: No, 2. 4 50-5 00. . Ilav New rrnp No, 2 green allalfa. baled, fob. Portland, nominally 35 00-3600 ton. New crop prices not established. light tan pajamas, was sitting al most completely upright In bed when he met Adams and the other staff members special counsel Gerald D. Morgan and Staff Secre tary Andrew J. Goodpaster. Across the President's lap was a hospital table and it was on this that he signed the legislation and . f e ".-ih jJ-. .4,1 .. L- , v .1. t i- , - .--'J y WASHINGTON Part of the roup at doctor aUeadlag President Elsea-1 hewer Jala la a mutual handshake at Walter Reed Hospital Wedner : day as they congratulate Lt. Col. Arthur Cohea, ward officer on the j Presidential floor, who had Juat brea promoted from a major. Left . ta right are MaJ. Oea. Leonard D. Heatea, hospital cammandaat; LI. I Grain Market Ends Higher CHICAGO Grains ended higher on the Board of Trade , , , , . ... Wednesday even though profit! taking in the last hour cut back extreme gains rather sharply i Wheat closed l'j-l-1 hiiiher. corn V4 higher, oats VP higher and lard 3 cents lower to 7 cents a hundred pounds higher. ! Wn , t j Q , Dromjnenilv the advance, a contrast with the two previous sessions. At one time wheat's gains ranged to around 3 cents. More than half the upturn was lost before ..the finish. Chicago Grain CHICAGO (AP) Wheal Open 2m-OTs 2 10 2 14 2 13 1 53-33 'a 1 1 42'. 1 4SV, SO', S9-W'l 71',-72', 75 Close July ins',-'. ' s,D 2 2 2 iS: ! Dec , MJ.rnrn .tuiv xiar Sj'p' brc ig,; 1 IR1..1. 1 48 7 72', -72 74 R r .lulv Sep Dec Mur Snyhefl'iB July' Sep Nov Jan .Mir 1 25', 1 2A-2S', 1 2'i 1 33 17', -IS 2 77-277'; ?S1',-2S2 2 M 2 SS', 1 -', 1 27', 1 r,o-M', 1 .12", 3 IS',-1, 2 74',-', J Si'-?0 2M',-2 ; Chicago Livestock ; CHICAGO (APi-iUSDAl Hngs ,8.500: steady to 23 lower than Tues- day's average: top 40 loer than Tuesday; Bulk mixed grade No 2 ,nd 3 b"'chers 190-200 lb. 16 75- . n 15. 32 nMd 20J lbi lt 17w. , hmlf. 1 ed number 270-3O0 lb. butchers 1S 25-' ' la 19'. sos steadv to 50 lower: heifer,' 25 low- i mostly about steady: cos steadv: ! i,"dl' "I"5.. J.'T,.10..1 S -...! trie. - b ; low rr: prtrre 138(1 lb steers 22 75- 23 7 ' bulk hi,h choice and frn n ,SK M. choicf j(Mr 20.50. 22 25 r.od to low choke heifers IS Ofl-l'noo utility and commercial TK.,1 If XI nf 1 C rtl i,nf4 mwA nknlea veilers Hi 0O-2.I 00 medium end good 4;S-S5fl 1h steer calve end yearllnes "snoop Tool !Tio.d7 to so ,owe, food to prime native spring Iamb, !.1 00-27 SO cull to low good lamhs IS 00-22 00; f horn owes 3 00-5 00. Portland Livestock PORTLAND (if-'USDAi-Cattle : salable 400; market moderately active' fed steers 50-75 higher Jnr two days; cows, bulls about ... steady; couple short loads and truck lots average-high choice 1,000-1,147 lb fed steers 22 25: few good steers 19.00-70 00: utilitv- ers scarce: few utility 11 50-15 00: i ers 1H.00-Z2.00: good otlenngs 16.0o-l9.00: commercial 13.00-17.00: heavy caltes scarce Hogs salable 300; market nnw mnderatelv active, fullv steadv; sorted lots No. 1-2 180-235 lb butch ers 19 00-50; two small lots No t butchers 19.75: mixed No 1-3 butchers 18.75; mostly No 3 offer ings 18.25; few 300-445 lb sows 12 00-16 00. Sheep salable 800: spring slaugh ter lambs weak-50 lower but (airly active at decline; few lots old crop lambs, ewes about steady; small lot choice-prime 98 lb springers , 24 00; one lot around 90 lbs 23.75; other choice 80-95 lb slaughter I spring lambs 23.50; few lots good - mostly choice Iambs 22.00-23 00 ; lot. good down to 1 00: few lots ' mostly good old crop lambs 15 50: : few cull-chice ewes 2.00-4.50: 1 small lot mostly good - choice spring feeder lambs 16 00. Wisconsin produces about 20 per cent of U.S. evaporated milk com pared with 40 per cent in 1933 . Time Working on Papers; i for Visit by Adenauer Today other paper work, which ranged put hi signature to a flock of nom from a $424,664,100 appropriation (nation and signed letters giving for the Interior Department to a 'two diplomats the rank of minis deeding of a land tract to the city ter. of Grand Junction. Colo. , Dictate Letters In all. Elsenhower signed eight bills, sent a ninth to Capitol Hill at the House's request, completed three agreements with other coun tries on civil use of atomic energy, 4 I Salem Quotations (Ai of lata yesterday) RITTMKAT Premium .1 No. 1 - I Bl'TTSR Retail ': - :B7,B I Wholesale prlrea ranee from S to l centa over buv'm nrirei Lree a Mrdium A 5mah POCLTRY Cnlnred Hena Lejhnr" Hen Colored fFver Colorrd Roasters Old Roonters Chicago Onions CHICAGO (API- - Open High Low Close Nov. (old 1.(10 Nov. (new) 1 S3 1 01 1 91 1 93 Jan. S25 S3 125 2 28 res. 1.248 2.83 2 45 2 48 Stock Market Recovery Tempo Slows ' NEW YORK - The strong stock market rally from Friday's break continued Wednesday, but the tempo of recovery slowed. News of the President's illness Friday brought on the sharpest decline in eight months, but the market now has recovered all of the lost ground and 50 per cent more As measured by the Associated Press average of 60 stocks, here is what haopened in the past four days On Friday the average was off $.100, Monday up $2.20. Tues - nay up, ana neanesaay up 60 cents at $181 (W. i The industrial component of the ! average was up 90 cents Wednes day, rails up 60 cents, and utilities . . : p cents, There were 1,143 individual issues traded of which 584 were higher and 292 lower with 14 new highs and 22 new lows for the year touched. Volume came to only l,7o.ono shares, one of the lower totals for the year. That compares with 1 !. hm traded Tuesday. Dow Jones Averages NEW YORK i API Dow-Jonoi rlosing averoges: Stocks: High Txiw 484 4.1 18.181 8.1 88 17.1 29 Close 1 487 08 1 60 22 6.2.1 174 15 1 20 Rails '.. .''' Z is7os ' 18 "til 88 47 a, en..u. 88 Stork 17.101 Storks and Bonds (Compiled bv The A,iorlated Pres,l June L'O Rrfils Net Chge L'ncli Wed. 951 Prev. Dav 9S 1 Week Ago H4 Month Ago 98 8 1.1 10 Ind IJncli 980 no 98 0 98 2 98 3 97 7 9.18 998 on 4 10 Util A-l 10 For. Uncrt 8.1.8 838 8.1 7 84 1 (W0 8.12 8:1.7 88 .1 840 94 9 948 947 94 9 97 S 98 0 94 7 100 I 980 1.1 Utll A I 73 I ;.io 72 8 72 8 73 2 75 2 71 S 78 7 87 2 Yenr Ago SS 7 IMS High 19.18 Low IS AS Hieh IMS Low 98 3 94 8 908 94 8 30 Ind A H 15 Ralls A l 141 .1 149 9 119 8 K8 9 137 S 15.1 1 129 0 143 4 114 S 80 Sick AS 191 8 181 0 178 7 184 4 170 8 191 5 171 8 191 S 148 8 Net Chg Wed Prev Da ?SS 7 Week Aso W 2 Mo. Aso 258 8 Year Aco 3.12 8 19.18 High 27S5 19M Low 244 8 19SS High 287 g IMS Low 203 1 Portland Grain PORTLAND i Coarse grains, 15-day shipment, bulk, coast deliv ery: Oats No. 2. 38 lb white 5 XV ; 50 Barley No. 2, 45 lb B. W 4 50- : 50.00. Corn No 2, E. Y. shipment 7075. Wheat 'bid' to arrive market basis No 1 bulk, delivered coast: , Soft White 2.14: Soft White i eluding Rex 2 14; White Club 2.14 Hard red winter: Ordinary 2 14; 10 per cent 2 15; 11 per cent 2 21; 12 per cent 2.24. 42; flour I; corn 5; mill feed 4. ssim nuaiOman iimiiia waiwi mm " ,u., . , l AjaWbA In addition he approved the send ing of six telegrams and dictated some personal correspondence in cluding a thank you note to Presi dent Bull Cortines of Mexico, who f r CL Cthca et Kew Gardra, L.I.: Brig. Oea. Jack W. SckwarU. deputy commander at the hospital; Cel. Robert T. Cants, chief, Water Reed department of surgery; Ma J. Gen. Howard McSnyder, Elseahewer's perianal physician, and Dr. Isldor S. Ravdla, professor af surgery, University of Pennsylvania School af Medicine. (AP Wlrephete) New York Closing Stocks Reported by Merrill Lynca. Pierce, Fenner and Beano Admiral Corp Al Cham Dye , Allied Strs Allis Cham Alcoa Aluminum Ltd ... Am Airlines Am Can Am Cyan Am Mot' IS . Am -tl fdi . Am T Si T Am Tobacco Am Anac Copper Arinco . Armour Atcheson Top Aveo Bendlx Avia Beat Foods Beth Stl Boeing Air Borden Blrg Warn - Bucyrus Burro Adding c Call Pack Camp Soup . Can Pc Ry . Case J I Caterp Trae . r-lanese telotrx Crtalnteed Chea & O R' Chi M A St P . Chi NW Rv . la 1U . so, .. SS'a Palrchild rtlnUtote Tord Motor G 110 Gen Dynamics 126'. I (,en Elec .24', Gen Foods 434 . 72', S". Gen Motors Tire Cifn Pac Ply ISO', Gtldden 7S', .16', Grace W R Grt No Rv Crt West iiug .. 73, 57 2t'j I urevnouna ISO I Gulf Oil H Homestake M .... I lrtt Harvest Int Nickel Int Paper I Johns-Mans Jones Si M Stl K Kaiser Alum .. Kennecott Kern Land L Lihhy McN Mvcrs I.OF Gls t.nckhee-l Air , T.oew Inc Int Pell A LonJlard SI Vagnavox Marsh Firld M A M Weod Merck Co Mont Chem Mont Ward Motorola N Natl BlscJlt Natl Cash Reg Natl Dairy .. Natl Distill Nail Gyosum . Natl Lead Natl Supnlv NY Central No Am Avia . N" ',r Rv NW Airlmen ... O Olln Math Otis Ilev . .. ... 4B', .... 52', 14S, 84, .... SO' , ', .45 ...40 4S', ......W'a 3I 12'. 76", '5, '. Chi R Is Ry 3S', S5', 7 chrvsier Serv C'lmax Moly CUiett Pea Coca Cola Colgate Com C-edlt Com Filon . Con Fdieon . its 5S 47'. lis, 401, so, 1" "S, Ml, 32', rt r" Cont O'l , L" curti wr n Deere s Co . 2'1 ,M;!fn 27', 40 ... 78', I I 207'., ! Dow chem Du P de Ne Pabco Par C. i El Par T & T Pan Am Air Penney J C Penn Ry Pepsi Cola . T. East Air I.i F.ast Kodak . El Pasn Gas Emer Radio Ex Cello 4A', m 5' ' . S'i 89', Investment Trusts I Zilka Smither A Co. Inc I Affiliated (und Bid 8 II 19 40 2;i 28 17 20 11 08 H .17 2 8.1 22 18 . 14 24 4 2.1 9 88 19 11 10 III 9 55 12 33 . 10.31 8 08 r.4 74 8 17 8 .17 8 78 4 77 I. 18 . 1.1 59 11 as 800 1.181 Aked ti 83 211 (.9 25 17 18.59 12 18 10 27 3.10 21 89 15 M 4 67 10 48 Canadian Fund Century Shares Trust Chemical Fund Delaware Fjnd Diver. Invent. Fund Dividend Shares Eaton .s. H Bal Fund Gas. Ind Group Tobacco Incorp. Investors Krv Cust. Funds: B-3, B-4 K-l S-2 S-4 Man Bond Fund Mats. Inveit Trust Natl. Sec. Series: Income Series Stock Series Pref Stock S Natl Dlv Series Natl Growth Pioneer Fund Tel -Elec. Fund Value Line Inc. Fund Wellington Fund 20 87 11 91 JJJjj' 1 1 2 ' 37 38 i ! A 74 9 t' i 8 7.1 14 77 12 71 fi 82 14 81 Markets at Glance NEW YORK (API Stocks Higher; lally in third dav Ponds Hloher; changes nrrnw Cotton -- Lower; commission house selling CHICAGO Wheat firm: more wheat goinc Into stor,iff 1 Corn Finn- hot. drv. weather. Oate Firm: hot. drv ueatner Soyheana Old cmp (Inn. new steady Hogs Steady to 2.1 centa lower, ton 117 90 Cattle Steers steady to 50 cents down: top 822.75 PHILOSOPHER HONORED HAIFA. Israel 1 A tomb stone made of black basalt from Galilee Is being sent to Holland for the grave of the philosopher SDi.noza at The Hague. It hears tht Hebrew word "Amcha" 'your peonle and Is a gift of the Is- communication from community. the Jewish a billion volumes of scripture. telephoned good wishes soon after the Chief Executive's illness de veloped. ' Hagerty said this was "a fairly routine" day of paper work for the President who, of course, also would spend considerable time re ceiving visitors and conferring at greater length with staff members if he were In the White House. - "T'4tt". " ' i m I v! i f I Phelps-Dodge Phllco Corp .... Phil Morrli ... M's .. 124, 481, . 12 ...S1, ..S4, W. . 58", ...45',, .. 4j', 52-. ?; 4 . 3S .',11 1, . 41', 21 15 121', . 34'. IM, 80 . 4S Phil Petiot . 9 ... 4r .. SS'4 . 271, 45', . 42 Plllnbury Proc At Gam Pug So P t, L Pure Oil . R Radio Corp ... Rayoniei ,nc Rrpub Ml Reynold Met . Reynolds Ton . Richfield O . Royal Dutch S Safeway fltrs .. St. Joe Lead .. St 1. & sr Ry . Sr Regis Paper Schenlt'V Ind . Scott Paper Sears Roe Shell Oil Sou Cal Edl Rkelly Oil 8oconv-Mob . lncl"ir fit . . .. ... 4 70, T7"4 10s . M, ... 484, ...28S .. Sl, .... 1S, 8', .... .11 ... S0, SI', ....82', .... 744, f ... 81', .... 49-t . . . 4S', Sou Pac Ry Sou Ry Soorry Rand Std Brands . Std Oil Cal Std Oil Ind Ptrt Oil NJ Stude-Park . Sunrey Oil Sunshine M . .. Swift A Co ... Sylvanio El T Texas Co Texas Gulf . Textron Tlde-Awo Trjiuam r. Trans Wo Air Twen Cen Fox U Union Carb Union Oil t'nlon Par Ry 1'nl Aircraft Itnl Air Linea TTnl Corp l!n! Fruit "S Plvwood I'S Rubber US Steel W Warner Pic Wa'h Water P West Air Br . Western Air Western Elec ... Western Eler Weatern Union Woolworth Z Zenith S4'. 40', ...104', 80 ...5S, 8 .. 28 .... 8' .. 45', .. S0, . 15', 88'. 45 22 7?', 16, IS S4', .11''. 411 . 42', 32", . ... 24', 4.1', .... 40', '1'. ... ' '.e list, on 170'i M, 28 8's 404, 4.1', 88', 23", 11 15, s.i'S SSI, 18', ,45', 113 .18 4f, .18 28", 5.1' , Slis, M', 18', 8" .1-', 16 55', 43 30'. 4't ..nw, IS", S2', .. 24', 24'. . U.S. Rejects Chinese Bid WASHINGTON - The United States Tuesday rejected a Red Chinese proposal for a prompt meeting ot foreign ministers of the two countries. It accused the Reds of refusing to make a "meaningful renunciation of force" in the long dispute over Formosa. A State Department statement declared that the 1'nited States will "continue to seek'' such a renunciation and also will go on pressing for release nf 13 Amer- ",icahs still held in Red Chinese .prisons aespne an agreement last ! Sent 10 tn release all American. 80S Lot for Sale Slate Department officials said isio Terms for Sale I that there is not the slightest &Troper.yUU' I chance of changing V. S,-Red Chi- jJ w,;jTJJe,n,M b,,t (na negotiations to a higher level aso automotive 1 . , .1181 Used Cars lor Sale o long as the Communists persist s Auto Parts nri Repair i .r...;. ( iil 1154 Trucks. Trailfoa for Sal III IIIU.1IM Iff M 111,1(11,' Willi respect to Formosa and in hold ing Americans prisoners. Weslcrn Securities i ilka Smither 8r Co Inc ( ThekO bid and ask Quotations roo- resent prices at which one or more aeaiers, inemners oi tne national as- aociation of Security Dealers Inc would trsde with the general public at the time the quotatlnna were ga thered it I pm. yesterdsy: Rid Asked I Cllf. -Oregon Power .11 'i :', I Cascade Hit wood ,'i4 J8' Coneol Freight 15' 17', ' Iron Fireman l.)Jo 14 I Jantron Inc Com .. 21' 24' ' Meier Si Funk 15 4 18' Morrlson-Knud-en .. 41 4$ 1 Ore -Port. Cement 84 fift Pic P t I. Com. .11'. Pope A Talbot 2', 12', Portland A- C'nke .V", S.V, Port Oen Elc 2S1, 2S1, RANKS Bank ot America KT 41', , Bnk of California 74', 78', Chas Manhattan 43 St I First National 81', 88' , I First Nat City NY 84', 88', t S. Nation! . 72', 77 Salem Obituaries Jumi Madboa Olaae At the residence. SI Menbrin Dr., lun llth. Survived by wi(. Anna Bestey Glaaa of Salem: daughter, Mia Brnd Goodwill Clin ot Sa. lorn! mm. Robert H. Clan at Seattle, Washington. Nelson 8. Glaes. Winter Park. Florida. Jama M. Glau Jr. at Chattanaofa. Tnn. Five grandrhild ran also aurvlva. Announcement of aarvlcai will ba mada Jatar by tha Vlrfll T. Golden Ca. Advertising Statesman-Journal Newspapers 211 N. Church St PHONE 4-6811 LOCAL RATES (Mia, t Unas) Weekdoro tv. per lino 1 time ... 35 28 per lino S times M SO per Hno times r.-ll W pei lino 1 mo ...15 00 Unci Sunt Claealflea ads will 00 run in both papers to five advertisers the ad vantages of the tremendous pulling power of 37.074 combined circula tions. When on ad to, otdered Uireo or sis times and 0 Sunday taauo Is in cluded (for example tntty. Satur day, Sunday 1 the lower Sundoy rates apply becauie only The Statesman SUDUsheo Sundays Classified ads wtll start in ine morning Oregon Statesman, conclude la the ovonlng Capital Journal but ads will tie accented for Sunday Statesman only. The deadline for destined oda at 1O0 pm the day before publication except tor Sunday when deadline la 1:20 am Friday Emergency ads and email line ads received after 108 Sm weekdays and until II noon turday for Sunday may be placed In the ' Too Late to Clasisly" column. Ado for Monday papers must bo in by I p m Saturday. The Statesman Journal Newspa pers reserve the rlgnt to re.'ocl oues flonable advertising". It further re serves the right to place nil adver tising under the proper classifica tion. The Statesman Journal Newspa pers assume no llnanclal -esponsl-pility for errors which may appear In- adevrtleemenu publishi-d in to columns and in caaes where this pa per Is at fault will reprint taaet eart of an advertisement In which the typographical mistake occurs A "Blind" AO-an ad containing a Statesman-Journal hiwspapero oo number for an address 11 for the protection of the advertisers and must therefore bo answered oy leu ter. The Statesman-Journal Newspa pers are not at liberty to divulge In formation as to the Identity of aa advertiser using a "Blind'' ad. Ads la ether columns which require Investment In stocks, samples, equipment or cash band should bo thoroughly Investigated b 0 1 . 0 paying out any money Advertiser! requiring a cash Investment for samples or merchandire 'ales aids, etc. must so specily in Iheir ads. THIS NEWSPAPER STRIVIS to ere. tret Ita readers aeunat fraud 1e eeption or Inlurles Renders are rut,nned to make No PAYMENTS to get a position advertised in the help wanted columns All nelp wanted ads MUST SPKCtrV THE NATURE or THE WORK. Sales help wanted ads must state it 'he pay is In the form ol eaWiry. com missions, guarantee, or Include firm name Bono fide offers of employment with pay belong to the 'Help Wanted" columns. Kindly report any exception to this rule to the classified advertising manager. Gassified Index "For Your Convenience" 9111 Meeting Notices 312 Lost and Found 314 Transportation 318 Personal 311 Stamps and Coins 4W AGBlCULTURfc 482 Livestock (or Sale 403 Livestock Wanted KI4 Poultry and Rabbits 401 Fur Bearing Animals 401 Pete 409 Sea roods 410 Seeds and Plants , 412 Fruit and Farm Produce 413 Fertilizer 414 Farm Equipment 421 Auction Sales 490 MERCHANDISE, 481 Machinery end Tools 491 Wanted Machinery. 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Board 705 Apartment for Rent 708 Duplexes 107 Hruae for Rent 707-A Furnished 70S Farms for Rent 70S Wonted to Rent 710 Wanted to Rent Hotiaea 712 Wanted to Rem Apta. 714 Ruslnet Rentals 718 Report Rental 711 Convalescent Homes ISO Moving snrt Storage IU REAL ESTATE 801 Business Onporliinitloa j JuuJunr'b;n Pn,pm" isos Houses far Sue " Apts. Coufs for Sal 838 Molorcvrles 880 Auto MlM'OllMneous 882 Hnuio Trailer 851 New Csr IJ Wanted Cars Truca 844 Heavv Fauloment ;ssn Aircraft NO. ISUt FINAL NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that the I final account of L. P Morgan, as ad mlntstretnr of the Estate .of Elm Flak Sherma.i, also known as Mrs G A. Sherman, deceased has been filed In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, and that Monday, July 2, 1054. at the hour of 9 15 o clock a m. In the Court Room of this Court In Ihe County Court House at Salem, Oregon he been dulv appointed hv such Court as the time and place fnr the hearlrg ol objection to suvh final account and the aettleinent thereof, at whhh time nr person interetVd ir such estate mev appear tnd fit ohiertlons thereto In wnt Ine and ri!et the same Dated this 11 dav "f Mav l!)f.8 I. P MORGAN. Administrator of tht F.-tate of r.lma Fik Sherman De.'oaaed. T. I. CRAWFORD Attornev for Estate m Liver lev Rldg Salem. Oregon May 21, June 7, 14. 21. 28 . Over ' ' 115,000 Readers See Stated!)-iniirnal AOS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED . . . Too Late to Classify 1948 MFJRCURY Cpe. for sale. 100 mi Wallace Rd. Ph. 2-S2S1. 11 FORD Deluxe, clean aa new car. SSMS. 1722 Center days. BY OWN E R " 4 - roo m h on ie I n alde utility, large corner lot, restricted neighborhood. South, bua at the door. IS. 70, S2S0 Down-W32 TOR SALE In Aumsvllle: 1 bdrm. home. 7 yrs. old. fully carpeted, nice vd. & flowers. Ph. MS Aumsvllle. 1 BDRM71i6userattrgar71kutir. rm. Completely furn. Good cond. 833 Tryon Ave. t BDRM juhiirhan. northeaiC near grade school, will go G I. Owner will sacrifice far cash. Ph. 1-1484. rORRENT Vhdrm. house 3." stove turn. 228.1 Mission. Call Sat. or Sun vVOMEN W ANTF.r57orsTei work as dept. heads for pet dent & plant dept. Must have prior selling experience in either dept Apply J J. New horrv Co.. 211 N. Liberty. Mr. Patina BABYSITTER In "vicinity of iiith & Cuemenet Sta. Day. Ph. 4-6718 aftei 8 p.m. WANTED: Used !70 G M C. on gine. Ph. 3-5833 Si CALIBRE police service re volvor. Cheap Ph. 4-843 eves. I ONLY: Simmon 44 coil springs. New. SO 90 each. Brad leyFurn;J978 N. Capitol. LATE Mdl. Frigidaire. like' new, S1I9. Mont. Ward Oil Heater wfan. S25. Wood cook atove, fid. Dble. laundry tray, SS. Kitchen cabinet, SI. Ph. 4-9081 after I p.m. COUNTRY FRESH IGGSDot. or rase lots. Dresed fryers. King. 870 Union St. OPAL KING Psychic Reader, B70 Union St. 8 IV) Down. S40 a Month, 2-room home, just South of Salem, i 150 E. A. McGlauriin. Rltr. SSS NHIh. 2-8811 Sun 3-0811 S "C Daveno groiin: Daveno, Rocker. I Coffre table, 1 Step tables. 1139 50 Bradley Furn. 197l N. Capitol 1 BDRM Fl'RN. COURT 1782 Evergreen Ph. i-5089 1943 CHEV-Convert, for sale, good cond. Ph. 1-3400. '41 CHEV. Clb. Coup, food rub ber. '48 motor, radio A heater, 1100. May be teen at 755 Nor way after 8 pm FOR SAl.Eby-owneyiM7KaT. aer. 4 dr. adn., tiso. May be seen at 4-Corners. 4188 Hudson i Ave. BY OWNER: 4 A.. iV.'Santiom, free water, good summer or retirement home. Ph. 1-1858. FUR N 1 "bdrWrhsefulT"bin'C 4 ml, So. Ph. 1-1148. SMALL turn, guest cottage, fnr reliable couple. Utilities furn. Low rent tn exchange of baby sitting. References required. 1815 Wllc Rd. SPECIAL summer course. Band Instruments A piano. Vaca tion rate. Jesaop Studio, 848 "E" St., Ti. i-san. ADULT pickers-for Itor pick ing. SOc crrlr. Out North River Rd. to Sunset Ave. John Hancock. Picking ( a.m. to ' noon Monday thru Saturday. SERVlCEreplr man. Major ap pliances, part time work In shop. Apply Hoeg Bros., M0 SUte Rt. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. Ak for WooO MFTAirkitchencobint it mni, 130. Ph 4-58SO MAN'S top coit, ladies black wool coat, both ladles Sr men' suits, housecoat, mens shirts, dresses, also coffee table, floor lamp, 1 table lamps, small table radio. Inquir at 141 Park Ave. EIGHTgxSx"lltTm"bfsr&"M aa. Ph. 4-58S8. RANSOM da Range; whit enamel. 4 burner wlnclnra tnr. Ige. oven, broiler. S4S. Mattresses IS 8S' rug IS. Ph. 2-8:i82 alter 7J.m , "annual sale Lge. blmlng Fushias. 1 Ger aniums, Fushlan, Tub. Begon ias, I for 11. Fushl baskets, 12 80 Merrill's Greenhouse, Brooks. 300 Pergonal 310 Mating Notlcs) BAHAI world faith Information, writ Stateiman-J'rn I, Box lit 312 Lost fJ Found LOST Lirge hrown Wlr Spaniel. Ans to nam nf "Pete" Lie. No 1878. Albert W. Bowers Ph. 4-J041. reward. FOUND Air mattress Owner may hav hv identifying tt paving for ad. CanS-8244 LOST : BUie parakeet hand No. 8AS5703-S4 Reward. Ph. I-T70S. 4040 State St. Tronsportofiow WANTFD-A ride to Texas or vicinity Ph. 2-1383. 4 100 Display Clostififfd 4,000 PRICE CUTS! In SEARS 15 MIDSLMMtH CATALOG 3-9191 p Sears Roebuck It Co. p im::im'v.'ntmmt..Ti. ( All O YourfK' 'iCATALOG, nC orders at Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thtirs., 300 Pcronl 314 fr ALCOHOLICS Anonynoua group No HkW H Cool t-OlT. TOO MANY BILLS? Don't lei your bills get gou fa trouble. If you're behind la payment, we can help vou. No aecuritv or eottgMro aed ed. On place to pay all Ik I la. Pay only what yeai can af ford I i Bended and Uoeoeed for your protection l CREDIT CONSULTANTS Salem 1-844 for Information ALCOHOLICS Aaoaymouow STS S CoariMrcSoi. ftlOt 400 Agricultnre 402 Llvastock ror Salt Reg. Jersey cow wcalf - PH0.NE M33 FOR SAU ' young Jersey, milking: atao 1 ref. Aberdeea Angus cows. Ph. 4-7771. 1 GOOD 4-yr -old jereey cowel Ph4-IIjva. FOR RENT pasture for young stock. JJJ. Hartwell. Ph. 1-7181 rd SALS or trade fau ponte for ehildren, also good odd) horeee Boh Franke. tat N Water St. Silverton Ph. 3-8134 Salem Moot Co Wkor boot Custom killing, cutting m wrap ping, trailer loaned fro PROFESSIONAL horseshoee U Hanaoo, 44iM or 44m 403 UvtHtcxk WtMaeJ CATTLt. horse, at your farm, E. C. McCandlun. Rt 1. 1-4180. CATTLE Buyer. A. F Sommer, 1260 Harmony Dr, Ph 4-9087. CATTLE nuver 4297 State I S. H. Snethen. 2-1345, 1-4380. LIVESTOCK buver Claud Ed wards. Rt J. Bog S99E. 4-11 ll 404 Poultry ,4 Hobkitt TURKEYS, oven ready, fill youe lockers nnw. 33c lb. It up. Closed Rat em. gr Sunday. Kuykendull Eggu Poult, y, .13S5LncstrDr1Ph.4-3l 11. BABY CHICKS. 18c straight run, choice of Parmenters New Hamps . White Rocks and Leg horns Special New Hamp and Whit Rock pallet. Its. pig. mentor reel rooster, , VALLEY FARM eVTORB -Ph 4-424 ' Salem FRYER FOR SALE Ph. 1 Mil CUSTOM DRESSING Of poultry. Wo buy rabbit. Wing's KISS SUt. Ph. 4-30H FOR SALE another batch ol C'oo-' ar ready, limited sup- ply.. Weigh I to I lb. Uc lb. i'. en. Svsat, 401 Pats FEMALE Cocker to give away Children pet. Ph. 1-9852. TO GIVE AWAY: ffwk. oM puppies. 3380 Liberty Rd. Ph. 4-4SSS. REG., blk. Labrador Retriever, male. 3 mo. old. Consider trade, what have you. lolO MdisonSt. Ph. 4.0700.. REG. WHITE dOLUii PH. -7b7 FOR SALE or trade: Reg Lab rador Puppies, In mo. old. Ph. 3-8241. PUREBREDBrTndle Boxer, fe msle. spayed, has all ahots, love children, II mo. old. Chaqp,34J Hickory. FREE Puppies. 1385 Wallac Rd , Ph. 1-123. SELL 1 parakeets, cage and ac cessories, 5. PH. 1-805. FREE KITTENS 4-3840, 3-SMJ or 4-llS fut BRED Springer Spaniel pup. 34M Sunnyvlew Ave. Ph. 4-2030. ' VOtlNG parakeet, cage 8ed Mirkeyr 3K25 8 Com 1-2788 FOR SALfc-Puppies, all klnda. Com see fternoons at 3351 Livingston or call 3-7888 Will buy puppies any kind. 1RD Paradise for "trd. rim supplies lias Uvingsloo 1-141 410 Seeds and Hints SPECIAL tuberous bgonlt 81 48. Gloxinias $1.8. Cash He . carry. Jary Fierun. Capitol Chop. Ctr. iE V ERA Lacee of standing gro hay. Ph. 1-1331. U-PICK Northwest strawberries. 1 p m. till I tn, clean field, nice berries I'a ml. E of Kelrer Sr tfc North. Calll Hay. hlCHIArSurMttGrdn RU 4, Box 33 Ph. 4-2451. Closed Sunday's ASPARAGUS-T0c lb. U-plck. George Aaher, Grand Island. MULCH Pest with mushroom fertiliser. Fin for mulch. Ph. 3-0331 411 Fruit 4 Frm Produce GOOD u-plck Marshall 10c. Ph, 4-2528; U-PICK 8trwhrrte 10c tb Turn left at Kolrer School, follow yellow line 1 mil. Watch for aign. UNPICK Asparigu licfi. Seala Ranch 3095 Rlverbend Rd. Ph. J-2814 U-PICK "Marshall Slrawberrl 10c lb. E. X. Zitiewiu. Rt. 2, Box 458. E of Lablsh Center Store. 2-1127. OOOSEBERRIES. you pick eve! efter 4 p m. lor lb. 373 Brook Av. STATE Inspected miik 86c Ph. 4.4.UJ. .1"., m. E. 4 Cor on tt NICE strtwberrie. 1 pick at telephone order, Ph, -IOS Fresh-Donut, 2c doi. In quantity, parties t freerer 37i2 Silverton Rd 4-4731 U-PICK Marshall strawberries. 10c Ih Bring containers. Wil bur Olson. STl Orchard Ht. Rd PhJl-B41. U-PICK strawberries. 'North wests". 450 Ridge Dr. Ph. 1-S51I. PASTEURIZED whole mills 7S fiaL Homogenised, 7c, ') gal on 400. Cleary Dairy, 3-303. 414 Ferm tquipnunt '50 MODEL "R" Allte Chalmer Trctnr, Used very little Pow er take off, hydraulic left It field cultivator tost Wheat land Jd. Ph. 1-5084 FOR SALE 15 hp. 308 gal. A mm. Jecurn 240 V. 3 phaa Ilk new 8250 Pb. 4-1441. 450 Merchandise 4S1 MecMwery 4V Tools srj.L OR TRADE: Good 1KI International ', pickups: 1140 or trade for small hut power ful tiller Ph 4-4117 180AMP Lincoln welder. AC"! Ph 2-04.7 NEW Aued "weide"r' It middle lthes. Eve . 3-68 JOHN Deece auto, wire tie hay bailer with Wieconain H D air cooled motor all in good ship Ready to go to work. 102 ElmSt, ph. 4-84 fcflNCH Craftmn wood lathe, motor A tools complete 5 fh. 3-H4T evening. June 14, "55 (Sec. II)-U 450 Blcixhaniai -4JE4 Ui Mcrilfw BRAND imw Slant neWkt aoos) ' a dewtmetnea. Ssnrg SSfjL rta 2-3311 (Dir.) ROUND bobbin cabinet loctrii t24 S0. Th. 1-3511 (Dlr SINGER PORTA BI4t onlv ljl ' Ph. J-3511 (Dlr. BUY THIS SINGER ewtng machlno, booatlftsl mahogany cabinet with match- ,.,4 Ing bench for balance duo on rnntrart Ph. S-3SI1 iDIr 1 BebulH VACUUM 5 PTF.AMF.RS t3 s -eas-e at - taiv j t19.95 Rebuilt with new parts tra "Jj Mors expert, com p. wtta . guarantee. -. $1 PER WEEK LIBERAL TRADE-INS S Fro home trial. M day exchange privilege, SALEM MORSE SEWING CENTER S 07'Firground Rd. Ph 4-TlffJ SEWING MACHINE' Repneasaasd Si ease console. BL , ' M. Take over contract for U , per wk. Ph. -7iaa (DIM. BAVB li Otngw featherweighl rwrtaba sewing machlno Ills ., new with aa Ubl. pa, . 3-JUT. '.'' :. ,v-'. 45S risMite Gmdt for Sale . BUY GOOD USED 5 FURNITURE $30 dowt 1Q buy a complete houaaeoM turnitart in- cludirut anDlLanec. -4rawt deak, walnut, looks lute new, S44.30. Consol radio-photo comblns lion, a pd changer, limed " oak cabinet tst.u , Till 'JMTwf g, J.I..K 1. -I- ul . 4d' as low as ta Z Mattresse Inner . spring .VJ cotton as low as US. - MattresaesInncT spring ft Zi coiion as low ai 13.50, 5e our largo selection of ranges and refrigerators, every onoguarasttetL frtced from $J9.M up. t 7 piecg mahogany dining set'' Duncan Phyle. Yoti ean't tatt this is itsod. f I29JO, Gossip bench with lamp at tacbed, 17.96. . . - SI 515S.COM'L -s PH. 4-3319 'r. NEW floor Ump, . way. 7 - Used Mdse. Mart 378 S. Li- - erty. No down payment (o.a c.) r ' Open Frt, sttffht UI I. FH, ' 4-371. r .- . . - ' ' ' . " ' ttm AttiiTlv3oi ruTTJr? I pod, floral fiattorn, 80r eleo. m, pawn mower. S.1S Eureka , . vcuum, IIP. 4-4W9. I'nflniibed Chests. New 1 Draworg MSS . j Drawer gtSS -No PboiM Orelor .(aeaaa , . HOGG BROS. M etata at ' ' '.'2 NEW Platform Roekere, tpoclal JM SO. Used Mdsav Marl 27 . Liberty. Na down payment (o a c.) Oeoa Frt. night 'til a. Ph. 4.021. . MONTGOMERY Ward 1 ,'. rang t 1 cu. ft, refrigerator. fond condition. Cheap Pa. MM or too at 412 Hagor. IN LAID Lino, gl per aa yC t) L llfittrejai Co. IM T Uk- orty rz HOOVER Vacuum cleaner. A-i,.- 111. Olen Woodry MO H. Summer, ' ' ' J tjiko'lronrlt. model II. Ptu. 4-5758 or see t Savetn Iron rlt Co , HJt . Coml . - j DAVENPORT ""olub ehlr, Sst.50. Glen WoeOry IMS H.. ummer . . . . " fAMESdoluxe porUble dishT washer with (taTtlls, to. 14a WoodtUW Ave. Ph. 3-128. v NEW Flreariwon. bra IIISl Glen Woodry 101 N, Summer, e UNnNliHtD fitrsutur t) L, Stlff furniture, 17 ft Hign. APT. site range S3 to 157 Glen Woodry 108 N, Himrnr. MAKE AN OFFEeS - We hav many items that must o, auch as: Sod, . Mattraassa, atovea. Refrigerators. Radio. Springe, Tables, Chair. Almoct any thing you cu think ot W will accept any offer that kg halfway reasonable. Thi la your chute to name the price. Used Mdse. Mart FN S Liberty. Open Frt. night -'til f. No down oaymanl c l Pb 4-4WI. -CHEaT-Drwr Lg. Chotew f inished and Unftruhod. Gsm Woodry tan W. Sammot. NEW whit nm toilet U- . M " Judoon . 17 N Com L NEW garbage cans, lg 4. C Glen Woodry 105 ft. Summer. TEA WAGON, Ump and tables," elec heater, rhrotne din. oet, lg. pressur cooker. Ph. t-3339. '. , REFRIGERATOR exeellont eoa? dition. Will sell' very reeaotw ." able. 3243 Mill. ' INLAl6l lno 1 M per sq yd. -It U lUatrotn Co.. Ml S Lib- " rty 1 PC. Bedroom 'Set. 12 .' CtR Woodry 10 N. Summer. KLECrRftLtTt" r Auto -cord winder, pop out ba g, 2 etc. Just 3. 1 only M aov, Commercial (Dealer.) , REPOSSESSED like new. freerers. I IT-ft chest. tri ' 3 30-ft cheats, ISiQ e. 3-103 , NEW Reclinor Chairs WfTluT;' Olen Woodry 10 N. Summer. 5 I OrfLY . 1 Freoter. reg (S3, reduced tsf ell NOW 83 85. Will aceapt terms. SAH Oreen Stamps, , Ratdort's Home It Auto. 142-, Stat St. Ph. 3-S83. - BARKERS furn. buys. aefl. " IraHos. 1794 Sll'ton Rd. 4-0444 . LOVELY new Chrome DoLuxel 7 pc. ntnett 0. Trade. ; Men Woodry 180 N. Summer. gas" rang zTw J, PH.jansa " SIMMONS daveno excellent condition. Ph. 4-104. KENMORE washer with pump It timer, 130. Ph. I-ISTT. AUfo'rrlgirlalr wshr. gooal cond 40 34 W. Chmwa Rd. r Ph. 4-46 ' NEW I pc Sectionals' l7lof. Glen Woodry 1(0 N. Sumnsor. ,4 lXUwaflTloa.i