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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1956)
12 STAR GAZEK? 23 . 10 47-51-571 AM Jl MAY 21 i- i-mi MAT )3 JUNt B ):i-36-37-4l '7 71 J fed iiriw tmS 2Hs"-v AUS 13 vmo Aue, : SffT K ?S J ll 7J-M ?75g 61 75 -By OAT 1 POLLAN- M Tor JU Cwd. M AA tk Stan. ' ' To develop mtssoge for Sunday, ftod words cornsspondinQ to number) 0 your Zodioc birth stgrv ' 3ITlw, tic I rVorwt,, 32 An 02 CmM J MWW 33 Your A3 ur 34 Subnanhol 44 Sonw serr a OCT1 II B3 70-80-881 4 Yau S Do-. 4 I I No, A 10 For 12 U Quo 14 l It To 17 II It Sut 0 In 21 Suctm 22 23 24 You'i 23 tncaurap 2t In 27 WiH 21 fct 7 Fount 30 Moy Good 3S re,ocl 36 ton 37 In 31 Aw 3 You 40 Not 41 TnmI 42 Oiuj 43 Eftom , U Avon 4 laeloi 4t Your 47 rmpulwra 4 Tokon 4 SKor 50 Or 51 Judgmo 52 Poo 53 Knni 54 Will 55 Ovturk St urauma 3? And M 59 Nn 0 CurvM 5 fk tt You 67 Tojkt 64 AHoctwr. 69 Hwtt 70 AmruJ 71 And 72 In 7 Todoy 74 Dongor 75 AhMHj 76 On 77 Todov 71 Spoor 7 Full M To II No4 (7 Uwlooi 13 It (4 Now IS Con It Vtnrurot 17 Vonturo M 0uT' 14 Sroom 00 Aggrouivo ) Neutral OCT UL2. NOV &76-7vg lAtrntaM NOV OtC ifHttjri 6664J IAN M V"k 4 IH 34C- 'AN II ft CJ 41 8115 men MAUI t-.r t 15-28 Funnyman Faces Fa m i ly Pro bie m By EDWARD 8. KtTCH CHICAGO, m Comedian Danny Thomas ii television'! mtrf with 1 serioui family problem: Should Danny Williams be a widower whemhe "Mike Room for Diddy" TV iihow on ABC btiint its fourth season next fall, or ihould he be married? Hii departing; TV wife,. Jean Hafen, leivea a gap in the script as well at In the hearts of many small fry who view the Tuesday evening show on 143 stations. l U Faas "Whether I'm a man with a new wife or a widower, I'm leav ing it up to the fans," said Thomas during a Chicago appear ance. "Some 17,000 fans have writ ten to suggest a solution. I "Three to one are in favor of a widower." The others have suggested more than 40 actresses to replace Miss Ha gen, who seeki a new theatrical career. "One laid: 'Oh, what does it matter! Bring in a new actress. So she looks different? Maybe she was in an accident or some thing and her features were changed by plastic surgery. H Femialae Viewers Many feminine viewers have nominated themselves for the role. One in Houston said: "I'll cook, take dictation, sew and do any odd jobs you mav desire in addition to acting In the show!" "Brooklyn housewife with five children nominated herself but added this note of caution in her letter Famed Mural Total Loss MEXICO CITY I - The Nation al Restoration Institute Chief. Manual Gaytan, has decided an undcr-water mural by Diego Riv era is lost beyond repair. - "Water, Origin of Life" is the mural inaugurated in September, 1991. under a shallow running stream at a water supply station. Using special pigments, Rivera al the time said it would be good for 40 years. Gaytan's crew worked at restoration six months before giving up. "Pleas don't tell my husband I'm trying for the part I want him to see me first on your TV show and surprise him." Many letters are written by the junior set. The Williams' children repre sented by movie moppets Sherry Jackson and Rusty Hamer play Terr;', the 11-year-old daughter and Rusty, the fl-year-old son. Aaother Tracey . r- "Rusty is another Spencer Tracey," said Thomas. "AU he needs to do ii be himself. He'll be a star for a long time." Among the many children who have auggeited a new wife for Danny is a sixth grade school boy in suburban Glenview, IIL Playing Dan Cupid, he shot a letter to Danny and 'nominated his teacher for the Tarty. Hi wrote: .' "Dear Danny: "Mrs. Rieck would make a good wife for you. She is nice, to. food she adition. Love. Dick." "P S. She has a girl, 18. Cood she come" He included a newspaper pic ture of Mrs. Sigrid Rieck which appeared in a Glenview paper, April S. Danny called in Mrs. Rieck for an interview. "So you want to be a television actress?" he asked. Net Slighest Idea "I haven't the slightest idea what this is about," Mrs. Rieck replied. "I'm usually correcting papers, preparing dinner or wash ing dishes and don't have time to watch your program." "I can see you'll have to get an automatic dishwasher," Danny said. Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun, May 27, "53 (Secl9 Good Tan May Mean Possible Maladjustment VANCOUVER, B C iff - Get ting a nice tan? Then you must be maladjusted, say Vancouver psychologists Dr. Edro Signori and Joseph A. Boucher. "The man or woman who spends hours acquiring a tan is probably looking for some kind of distinction from other people," Boucher said In an interview. "If he cannot find it in more ordinary ways, he compensates by acquiring a spectacular tan that will make people look at him. At last he is different. "A fully adjusted person does not need to seek attention this way. I believe the sun-worshiper who makes tanning into serious business is suffering from a cer tain amount of lack of security." Dr. Signori said the "ardent sun-bather pays overdue atten tion to the body. Probably this is some form of compensation." What does your next vacation have to do with "Bank Plan auto financing? fj "Bank Plan" i It aould havo t lot to da with tt ... for raporU show nuy car buyara hive aavad much at 160 with Slat Finn's "Btnk PUn". . . aav ini nouh for family vacation. So, bofort you buy oar, call mo about flUU Fans 'a "Bank PUn" t ton coat Anancinf and inturanoa. k srri k Ism rw STATE Hill "it HIM 'Si' VW5 Olson m N. High SI. PhoM 4 2215 Own a Mew Portable Typewriter fyK Grin Stamps Famous Makes Rent a New Portable (or as Little as $a00 Per '' $H fllSO For 3 Month Uiyj Months If you chooie, us up to 6 months rental as a down payment on this special offer. LOWEST TERMS ON THE IALANCE KAY TYPEWRITER CO. (Across from the Senator Hotel) W Give jj.if Green Stamps 223 N. High ' Phono J4095 OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY J 2:1 5 TO 9 P.M. OTHER DAYS 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS si V - . - ij. oar gift I fathers . . . FREE CIGARS Meier & Frank's takes pleasure in helping you celebrate "Father's Day"! We will give, with our compliments, 25 Aurelia Biltmore cigars to new fathers celebrating the blessed event between May 28 and Father's Day, June 17th. Just present hos pital or doctor's certificate showing date of birth. Your friends will enjoy these extra mild Aurelia Biltmores. Reusable plastic boxes. SMOKE SHOP-STREET FLOOR tailored to a man's taste CLAYBROOKE SPORT COATS AND SLACKS For smart appearance, thrifty value and easy wearing comfort, you can't beat our famous Clay brooke summer fashions. Choose a two or three button, patch pocket sport coat . . . team it up with a pair of these well tailored slacks. Many new blends of gray, brown, blue, charcoal in tweeds, shetlands, flannels and cheviots. Sizes for men of all builds. Give Father a Claybrooke gift . . . he'll appreciate the style and quality. Exclusive at Meier & Frank's. Sport Coots Slocks $34.95 $1495 Mail and phnne orders' MEN'S CLOTHING-STREET FLOOR Meier k Frink-Salem, Saelm, Oregon Please send me the following: Quantity Item Color Site 1 Totsl I I I I I I A I Name Street City .. .Zone .State i Charge COD. Remit. Enc ! 'Plui ihiepina toil to rot ouitidt our roUr truck dolivory routoi St .......... .....l.....................01...l............M.M..M....H.M....M ! : t r i l be enenmber-eool this gammer la . VAN HEUSEN SHEER DRESS SHIRTS 3.95 Hot and muggy-that's summer. Color and more comfortable thats vou in anileuserrs famous Century shirt In white air-light pique. Trim and neat one-piece Century collar that that can't crumple or say no matter how torrid the temperature. Happier in the laundry that's your wife. Just iron it flat flip and it folds perfectly. That's because the fold line it woven right into the fabric. Two collar styles: Century lift-Regular, shaped collar Century 130-Short point collar Both in sizes ll'i-17; sleeves 32-33; button cuffs only. Mail and phone orders . MEN'S FURNISHINGS-STREET FLOOR WW I T II I I m . A,y V"" 1 f ' - I 7 ' 1 ..tL ' . j&yS 'Kk X k'Wy WAXW$V' v- vi'' V.v popular gifts for father . . . Mm 1 : SPORT SHIRTS " L - mi Our Men's Sportswear Shop is the place to find that perfect sport shirt for Dad. We show two from our large assortments. 1. White Stag Wash and Wear Shirt Nfat paisley pattern on grounds of brown, wine, charcoal gra, Just wash, drip dry, it's ready to wear with little or no ironing. Small, medium, large, extra large. $4.95 2. McGregor Verithin Gala Check Checked cotton, completely washable, shrink and fade resist ant. Comes with its own brief cravat of contrasting fabric se cured by a link flattering when wearing the collar closed. Green, maize, brown, red grounds. Small, medium, medium large, large. $ 5.95 L Mail and phon$ order MEN'S FURNISHINGS-STREET FLOOR Mil! m HMiiltfiai :i;HlMi?i J