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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1956)
8-(Sec.I) Statesman," Salem, Ore, Sun, May 27, 55 State Publications, Tourists - , . . Evidence 6 Bjr KOBERT E. CANGWAKS City EdiUr. Tke 8taiavaa -There so better evidence of the Varied vacation (art Oregon offer thaa the large number of oficlal state publication devoted to an rwerinj the queries from tourist prosptcti by the thousand. And there no better evidence Of the lucres of such readinf matter (and of the vacationland k acclaim thaa the steady ttreana of letter arriving daily at Oregon State Travel Information Division from 11 over the U. S. Alt-Time HI S f ! Mail socks delivered to ' the travel office on the street floor of the Ststc HiRhway Building here have thi year already brought an all-time high of Ul.OOe letter of travel Inquiry aorne B.ouf more thaa last year at tnis ume. These letter are mostly aiwrwer- cd by sending one or more M tne state bookleu to the prospect. To fill peclal queries, the state d tisioa also ha a large supply folders furnished by Oregon re sort and chamber of commerce. But me tate literature alone will thi year run to to one million copies, including ES.WO of the larse-slre full-color 'Oregon Vaca tionland" booklet that Is offered In Oregon' national advertising campaign. The million copies also will Include 230.000 of the brand new series of elate park folders. What are these travel promo tion folders and booklets that Ore gon use to Jur the tourist 7 Most Alhulag Most alluring of all is the hand some color booklet that splashes across Its cover "Oregon Cool Green Vacationland.' Here are found In fine color reproduction good sampling of such standout 'Letters f firo rrn n ?c ' Vnnri hnn h avp. W. Vl Vti VI. U, f VVV''I' Vl . VI VI ; I E 1 ! I fc - " II 1-;'-'l-.V-.V- 1 : ' -l Forum RelationsNeed Public ' administrators today must bo qualified both as execu tives and public relation expert to satisfactorily fulfill their lead ership - positions. Dr. John M. Swarthout, Oregon State College, declared in Salem Saturday at the opening session of the annual Pub lic Servkt Forum. "The role of public administra tor is a tough one at best," Dr. Swarthout said. They are faced not only with the problems of their work but also with an American audience that resents too much au thority in its public administrators. be said. It is public relations, not Mt. Angel Yo u t K Has Big Day at Annual Cattle Show By LnXtK LsMADSE Fan Editor, The Statetaua , Joe Kloft. 13-year-old 4- dairy man from Mt. Angel, had a big day Saturday at the annual Marion County Jersey Cattle Club show held at the Oregon Stat Fair grounds. Young Kloft not Only won the junior champion showmanship lor which he received a trophy, but Judge Les Colebrook found the youth's senior heifer calf the best of the 4-H junior animals. For the latter Kloft carried home an other trophy, which was a repeat honor for him as he won the latter last year, also, this year's win was on his senior beifer calf. crowd thinned immensely as eve ning choretime neared. Noted among the spectators were Warren Gray of Marion and Stan ley Riches, Turner, two of the three living charter members of the Oregon Jersey Cattle dub organized around the turn of the century. The third charter mem ber is Henry Zorn, also a Marion County resident, who was not present Saturday. First place winner in the show were: Junior beifer calf, 4-H. Carol Strand, Central Howell. Open class Leonard Hudson, Silverton. Senior heifer calf, 4-H, Joe Kloft, Open das Ros&mere Farm. Bulls,, all open classes: Junior bull calf, Mickey McGuire. Jeffer Mary's Golden Anioob, Senior champion showman in, . 'inr hull r.lf MikkrlHw pushing, that will get an admin- the 4-H division went to taroi fc son: senior yearling bull. Ross- Interment will be at istrator's ideas accepted by the Strand of Central Howei.. yirguua junior yearling bull, Ros- cemetery. people ana ni workers, swarinoui . smun oi monitor, m nrr nimu , mere Death Gaims E. G. Rodgers Edwin Giles Rodger. 1211 Min ium, Dr., died Saturday at a sa lem hospital He was 77. Rodger had been a resident of Salem for the past 11 years. He was employed by Salem feed mills until his retirement about eight year ago. He was born August 10, 1(7, in West Liberty. W.Va. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church of West Liberty. Survivor include hi widow, Bessie. Salem: two daughters, Mrs. Mary Robbins, Salem; and Mrs. Jane Elzner, Pacific Grove, Calif.: and four grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. at the CTough-Barrick chapel, the Rev. Paul Newton Poling officiating. Belcrest TRUCK TAXES TO DITCH , . . . . aiaw police reponeo: Saturdiy that a truck and trailer driven by Vinton Bernard. 1031 NJ. 78tk St, Portland, was forced into the ditch on ME south of Woodbura about 9:30 a.m. while attempting to avoid a stalled ear. No in juries were reported. There were 13.000 buttons on one costume made for Frances I of France in the 16th century. O7lf 7C? (HIMOUMOIDII , M1 tasMst omiour mosmtm okutk M STOMACH N (OLOM uP , owvinmi o T" 1 MSI SOOOJT 3fV HO I. Tk XZTNOLBS CUNIO a CKiritic PWy,;ei '" untm mt ami trm0 said. Joint Saws The forum at which Swarthout spoke was sponsored jointly by u.:li ... ti: 1 ....... PubUc Affairs and the Oregon champion. Chapter. American Society for'Weodbnrn Wianer . PubUc Administration. H. Mikkelson Son of Wood- Mnr. than tno .itrulMl ! burn, showed Rossmere Lonely tendance at- a Jersey snow, won Agfd wwi. a.H Verna Hiskey; the senior 4-H cow purpe on Uo- clasl Rogsroere. Four-year- year-old Rossmere Golden Design Dixie. Vernon Vogt. Salem, was Future Farmer showmanship State Travel Director Carl Jordan displays lb wide variety of state and local publication designed to tare learists to Oregon In large namkers and to verve as official laformaUon for answering Uieasaads of matt reqnest dally. Stale-pobUsbed folder alone will ran to n mllllen eepies this year. (Statesmaa Pkoto) ;. . the forum with Sam R. Haley, leg islative counsel, serving as chair man. . Another speaker. State Sen, ;iKiotr! tilt? iwniua wnivu trv described as numerous and time consuming. He mentioned particu larly the tax problems and the continued demand for state serv ices by the public. Tremendous progress had been made in im proving the state budget for the Legislative in recent years, he said. James B. Daniels, executive sec retary of the Oregon State Em' olds, Rossmere; three-year-olds, Rossmere. Twrf-year-old cows: 4-H Virginia Smith, Monitor; Open class, Rossmere. Sealer YearUag Senior yearling heifers: 4-H, Joe Kloft; open class, Leonard Hud- Dsien to both junior and grand .kamniiMtllin In th Kllll f-lnCGM : SOH The animal, a senior bull calf, was y"rin: j" bought by Mikkelsons recently j newsmere. -n, joe ivwn, from Rex Ross, Jersey breeder of : class, Rossmere Farms, owned by Rex Ross, was winner of the 'other purples, garnering the senior champion bull purple on Glendo wan Aime Intensifer which he bought from W. Savage at Lad ner. B. C. Junior champion female was Keeper' Rossmere Ruby, a jun ior yearling. In competition for the senior championship cow, were ployes Association, represented 'our Rossmere cows wit Broos- ! state workers at the forum. hire Galinthias Twinkle, the win- scenic attraction as the breath- dramatic Pacific coastline. And championship Timber Carnival at For salmon fishing. Oregon this One of the most serious prob- Later sne went on to grana tnkinff roadside view of deeo blue 31 such narks are to be found alone Albanv. July J-4: Portland Rose vear has a new visitors' one-day lems. so far as state departments i championship. Ross bought this Crater Lake la national park) high the 485-mile length of U. S. High- Festival, June 4-10. and such nov- license for only one dollar. The 'are concerned, is the large turn in the mountains of South Central way 30 from the Snake River park elties as an international sour- three pamphlets are an official : over in state employes, JJaniels Oregon. ' - ; near Oregon s east border all the dough reunion at Portland Aug. synopsis of the state angling reg For the traveler who sees vac-; way to Bradley State pari with a 18-19; elk meat baroecue and ulations and a general f lifting in tioa as primarily a great outdoor ; Pacific Ocean beach at the west- experience perhaps the trailer traveler or the camping family the state travel agency offers new this year a printed Oregon Out door Guide. It lists 189 principal era end of famed Highway 39. For the tourist who wants to time bis travel as well as spot his route, there is the officially-pub lished Oregon Schedule of Events. Oregon" guide, published by the Oregon Game Commission, and a folder, Salmon Waters of Oregon, put out by the travel division. The said. The situation is improving however, from recent salary and wage adjustments and better working conditions, be added. Praise Given Daniels praised the state Civil Game Commission also publishes service Commission for what he archery shoot at Sherwood' Robin hood Festival July K-2S, or the Huckleberry. Feast at Warm Spring, Aug. 19. Then there's the National Educational Association convention juiy roniana, i Hunting in uregon. i..:h . ,w,r t k. .h state parks, U. S. forest camps This is useful for the visitor who national Church of the Brethren Available on request also is a ,;, Mp .-j ' i .11 k:. r .... , ., c.... . : : L...I I ..l "juitamr. no rtwusiuc rcn inn, wuu wm un uiryua wj hi iikiihic cwiicrence 4une eugene list ui priniipai nuiri anu muui J0nald K Campbell Port' night campsite, trailer sites, pic- pageant, or fishing derby, golf Post Office . Clerks meeting at eluded ii tahlM witpr ninnlv. toilets, tnurner. Drrhons t in 'mi. Cnnrhart Jniu tiulnlv t. , l!nn fl 1- . ...... Md M u u u . ...... r .(.:. t , '""" "'ti siuup ... .. . i . aunrcs, lucinam. ,; .-i pwcnm mis m PaeeiH Interest in uregnn ui:s yvm ior kmiiii.v v- -.,,;.,.. -i,,:. , ,u. sonville was judge Ol tllC some lamer ana uvn tauaian, nswuH' ' -: ....... . ,! i i si uaiuvuiui iiiauuii w uic ssaic: " . tven me state mgnway torn- eovernment One of which Is toi'5 animals which walked me saw- cow from Floyd Bates, Salem, widely known Jersey breeder, who in recent years ha been devoting most of his time to other inter ests. Eugene Stndeat Verna Hiskey, attending school in Eugene, was winner of the Young Breeders' herd trophy. Miss .Hiskey, a member of Powers Creek 4-H Club, still maintains her Produce of Dam, Get of Sire, Rossmere. Clerking the show were Ted Hobart of the U. S. National Bank, and Anthol Riney. 4-H Club agent for Marion County. . W. Williams, Silverton, head of the 4-H leaders thi past year and frequent assistant wtih 4-H Jersey work. wa presented a pic ture from the Jersey Cattle Club during the afternoon break. Lions Name Earl Smith Newly-elected president of West Salem Lions Club is Earl Smith who will take office after installa tion rites June 27 Chosen to serve with Smith are Seward Kellicut, first vice presi dent, E. H. Leach, second vice president, Ronald Dolan, third vice New Hearing Aid Miracle by... f I I fram' I Jersey herd at the Silverton home president, Dale Esch. secretary- noda'Jons, with prices. In- ant ' presirlont of the Oregon of ner Pents, the Verne Hiskeys. treasurer, Robert Chown, tail are the AAA recommends- Uaue o(' Women Voters, told of Les Colebrook. herd manager ol twister. Carl Smith, assistant tail Pncrs are about he same lhe Activities of her group with Rivercrest Jersey Farm at W.I wister. Dr. A. F Goffner. lion Outdoor Guide (ion. A glance at the convenient Out- Famed Roondup 'mission' official Oregon highway luxury-type resorts now. now uuim nuw wen i no owe are iisieg, lor example, me man IoWaf of tnrcM ntprpst nth.r PuklU-itlA.. les than It public parks along famed Pendleton Roundup. Sept, V. I. Highway .101 that follows -. 13-13; the Ashland Shakespearian the 400-mile length ol Oregon' Festival Aug. 1 to Sept. 1; world J DIPIfJD CM YOU - for Profti lional Htalth 1, , Urve$i t- Teamed for your better health art your doctor, modern med- icint and our drug store. for all your ' health, end , toiletry needs, always shop here, firstl . as it show several new-graded section of main mountain high way, the new Portland-Salem Ex pressway and other Improvement not yet found on most commercial road maps. Sportsmen and traveler assooj late Oregon with fithing ocean, coastal, stream and laka fish inf. with trout and salmon the big at- Other publications: Oregon State Parks and Waysides," list with de scriptions and locations;. "Oregon Point of Interest," historical and geographic notes, county by coun ty; ."Oregon's -Climates," giving average temperatures, rain, etc. for each county seat in each sea son; "Wlldflowers of Oregon," a flower travelogue with seasons and traction. Three of the state pub- place for various interesting wHd lications answer the fishermen's flower: "Beaver State," official question, as they summarize the information on Oregon, designed type of fishing found in the various i mainly for school children and vis state waters and the regulations in-! itor at Oregon' imposing modern volved. . i Capitol at Salem. make the public better informed with government and with candi dates for public office. Journalism Dean Dean Charles T. Duncan, school of journalism, University of Ore gon, was principal speaker at the forum luncheon, where he di cussed public relations. He was in troduced by H. C. Saalfeld, Direc tor of the State Veterans Affairs Department. Robert Johnson, director of the State Finance Department, also spoke. The afternoon session was de moted to a panel discussion on dust path through the day-long judging. More than 100 ringsiders drifted in during the day, but the ant. Outgoing president is Chester A. McCain. "strategy and tactics", with A. Freeman Holmer, professor of po litical science nt Willamette Uni versity, chairman. Other panel members were Fred M. Shideler, executive assistant to Governor Elmo Smith; Don C. Foster, area director of the Federal Bureau of Indian Affairs, and George A. Shipman, department of political science, University of Washington. Overall discussions had to do largely with administration. OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 P. M. - OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. lllMli mm 9. J58 I MUUI 01 U , . M-STOCK MEOiCINI CABINITS Mill : "C ll v r "I T 7 fflw flffl fl J&Fj i rWcAPITAl DRUG STORE UI B ' dj 4 M I Location ie Better Serve Ysn V 4 7 U I fiT 1 1 Uf' M 'rtijf Main Store: 49S State, Comer of Liberty ff j Tj & , gl WCjf jjj fwiQ 17 CbeiMketol0Grif! fln Bldt t ' 's JL i RW wKv WiJ WE GIVE &C GREEN STAMPS . v f; XJJ Xir S$p X$r . OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 1215 TO 9 P.M. I V , i U ! Choice of 13 aaeleSS Zwtz "J- Ji INTERNATIONAL WHITE lffi STERLING rotary automatic sewing machine - ' X ;Mlili:ii:fI ite' . , : : : .., . j 1 -: , -1 iH I !' Silver Melody , $31.82 ' I fS'2C J V 1 Silver Rhythm h V ; ftr)!2J - Ji V. I $239.55 iff: fdjj J. Prelude' 4pc pUc M,,in9$J9 $J X A$l JhX A" NS ' "'4. Vyild Rose , "VtTX " ll 4 42-fX. urvitt for 1 with -Vrf V 5.' Joan of Arc .. lv-r "yi ' - - $222-27 I fc' -JL- ': 4-pc.' pl MMinj. . , ,4. Royal Danish $36.14 'ftney stilchiit-buttonholtt, ; J. Richelieu 4J-pe. for l. ' I all without' atlachmenfir . ' I J $273.43 - f. I portables -coniole$-desk model ' ,. , f :'NO DOWN PAYMiHT : ' '..f. ' ' TSk. ll I j WHITi SiwNO CiNTil 2ND FIOOI , iOiSP r;:A.' ' ''114 FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING pi$y ( -LxA 1 S FOR OVER 1000 CARS s We show just seven but there are six additional patterns distinctively created by International. Avail able in six-piece place settings or full 42-piece serv ices for eight persons. All prices plus tax. solid mahogany monogram drawer chest free nith each 42-piece set Mail and phonr order. Plus shipping cost to areas outside our regular truck delivery routes. SILVER-SECOND FLOOR NO DOWN PAYMiNT Py m Utth m lie rw Wnk ft Um itnin N latwMt m CtrryUif Chwf Male ill Slate St., Salem "loose send me bformetion, city : Stofe Maico Of Salem, 3 1 1 State St. Street Floor Location (Across from Ladd A Bush Bank) 0 a, (MSWlS(D)ni EVERYWHERE in 48 states, Canada, Mexico, you meet Greyhound vacationists . . . making new friends, enjoying close-up scenery and city sightseeing, having the time of their lives! Transportation, hotels, Bight seeing are all included in these vacations at amazingly low overall prices. .ESCORTED TOURS Special bus, friendly Escort to handle baggage, other details for you. CAllFOINIA-10 Uyt htm PcrtlanS Highlights: Ejra-popptnf scwiwrr route, CrtUr Lake, Rtno, Hwy. 395, CoMt-iniMiOB Trftili, lifht Ming in L. A. & S. F-, Redwood Empire, Ore. Coaet, Farewell Dinner. Leave July , S3; Au. , 20. See the Golden State thia wonderful way I MIXICO-ll ways from Phoonli Carramba' What a tour! Entry at Juarez, Might tope in romantic riliea, S dayi in Meaico City with toure. Trip to Ciernverl A Tairo (Acvpulco op tionah, retiH-n via Gtiedalaiara. Maaatlan. other Wl t'oiitt ritira. Lv. rv.ry other Mon., be. June 4. IACIII PAIK-S imyt htm Stri Through Inland Emnir. Idaho, Montana . . . re cludea S day Glacier Park Tvur (7 mealel . . . etopa at Uke MacDonald, Many Glacier A Glacier Park Hotole . ... trip on Two Medicine Lake. Departure July , Aug. IS. CANADIAN lOCKIIt-S ttayt trtm Saattt Via Spokane A Cranbrook to Ban (1 nighte). with igateeoing... through auperb codm to Lak Louiaa, Moraine Laka, Valley of Ten Peeka. Columbia lot Fielda. Horn via Snoqualmi Paw. Lmv July IS, Aug. 20. 'PRICES: California $150, Glaciar $111, Mexico $238, Can. Rockies $114 INDIVIDUAL TOURS Examples of low-cost, complete vacations. Hundreds more to choose from! HISTOIIC IAST-J1 day SAN riANCISCO-a day! Through Shaata Caacade Wonderland ... I daya, S nighte ia S. F., with toure of city and Chinatown-y-Night; choice of Muir Wood ar Univ. of Cali fornia toure. Return via Redwood Empire, Ora. Cooat. Hotel every night. YOIIMITI-7 ways You aleo Ora. Coaii, Redwood Empire, Shaita Caacadi Wonderland. Full day A night ra Yeae lit, including aneala and tour to Maripoaa Orove af Big Tree and Glacier Point. Hotel every Bight. Amaiing vacation! Hotel 30 aighta, arghtaoaaag al Salt Lake, Chicago. Niagara Fall. Boeton. New York City (4 daya), Waahingtoa. D.C.. Carlebod Caverna, L. A., 8. P. Completa, wonderful ... gat thrilling detaila, VllOllig INTISNATIONAl-S 4myt Through Evergreen Playground te Vancouver ... over biaad-atudded Sou ad to Naaalata and Victoria ; . . retura via vtaaaw to Seattla and home. Indudea i aighta ia Canada, aightaoeiag ia Vancouver S) Vktaria. 'PRICES: San Francisco $47, Yosomite $71, Hist. East $282, Ev. Inrl $38 'Approximate prices from Salem, twin bedroom rate per person, plus tax. Greyhound Bus Depot 450 N. Church Salem, Oregon Phone 2-2428 AJk or wrife Gray hound for free Trovef Fold Ol III TOUI lAVOtlTI tIAVII A O I N T