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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1956)
6-(Sec.I) Statesman, Salem, OriC Sun, May 27, '56 H-BoinI) Use Forecast For Strafing Jobs : .-.fVaws'tm.!.';' ' OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 P. M. - OTHER DAYS :30 A.M.TO 5:30 1. M. , FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING ' .FOR OYER f,000 CARS WASHINGTON W-H bombs may be used ta strafe airdromes if war comes. They would . te dropped freni iwtft Jet bombers screaming loo at low kves to avoid detec- itum ' """ x " . - 5 : : : r' ...,.t J, - ,rr ' ... . . , UauiUt" ..." ' ; . if " .This lew and startling lactic should be entirely different from tb popularly understood method of dropping the mass destruction weapon from a plane flying at , . 000 or 50,000 feet, with the detona tion occurring at a height 'of two miles. That was the technique wed In the recent first drop by an ' American plane la a test at Bikini atoll. . :, .' - The hint of the ground stiaflng application of thermonuclear weap on eomes from one of me nest authorities-we Strategic Air Com mand. A Senate subcommittee is sued today a censored tr-nsc-4 of testimony by Gen. Curtis E. Le may. chief of SAC, and ether d ficers of hit command, testifying in the inquiry on air power. Keds MlfM Use As is often the way of air, of. ficials discussing tactics and stra tegy, the method was -presnd as one which might be used by the Soviet Air rorce. Col fcawa.j M. Nichols, of SACl operations directorate, Included among the tactics to be used for destroying Urge number of" strategic air craft on the ground the following: A "10 megaton bomb," with the bombins done at l.oos feet.. (Ten megatons Is the equivalent of 10 million tons of TNT.' Two bombs would be dropped (apparently ta provide .complete coverage for a large airdrome or complex of installations. 1. ' At Lew level t-'P"! Elsewhere, Nichols had explained that "we caa come la at few level today with our Jet aircraft, ome in fast enough and low enough that the aircraft will survive." Low altitude at a thousand feet ar less means that a plana often caa fly under the searching fingers of a radar aarning system. It also multiplies the difficulty of either anti-aircraft or fighter plane Inter ceotion.' i - -t ' Until today, there had bcea do hint the experts were thinking of low level H-bomb attack. At Bi kini, the B-5J bomber's problem was to let away from the area before the detonation occurred. The high altitude at which the bomb wu released permitted the B-SI to streak away at least U miles from the point of burst. ',, - ' : ' Mo DeUlla -; V '"?. v2 W ;f ' Nichols gav no details at bow the low level aar. would be ex ecuted (ofh"bedl it ws one of the many portioiil deleted from the transcript before publication.) However, K wu obvious some method for allowing the drop plane to escape would be needed. This could Include vsing a chute to slow the fall of the bomb or a delayed ' action fuse to detonate the weapon after K reached the ground, or a combination of the two.a - ? : The destructive effect' of a 10 megaton bomb exploding at (be surface is enormous. The fireball alone expands to a diameter trf three miles. Heat, mr're'l In tens of thousands of degrees. In stantly vaporizes any material it touches. Al Weald Veal ' Aircraft caught in the fireball would vanish in a fraction of a second. Even planes in stout hang ars two miles from one of the twin H-bomb blasts would be destroyed, along with the hangars. Stoutly " built headquarters buildingi, with concrete-steel walls almost a foot thick would vanish. Residual radio activity, aggravated by the pres- ence of dust from the ground burst, would make the area untenable for days. . , ' I i HI III 1 mh --t v 4 Ww W: f 1 ' I '-j , -... . A : '-c PP- r ' ACTOR, WIFE EXPECTING Hollywood w - itosemarie Bow disclosed Saturday that she and her husband actor Robert Stack are expecting a baby. The couple were wed last Jan. 23. 1 OfIN MONDAY AND FtlDAT . . ' Mill TO P.M.' -OTMtt DAYS I iSO A M. TO S-M M. A FATHER'S DAY IS JUNE 17 : if..:! . Have your ; portrait taken for Dad , 'SIZE 3x7 iV" s 11 ;;Wj I' M f . t.' : - - ( - ' . -i : I .,: ,'fci ? or j, ,a I x li . - V- i'i I L a Meier & Frank First! save you sll to s26 famous wardrober, sport coat plus 2 PAIRS of slacks Now, in time for the Memorial Day holiday and vacation time, we bring you a sports wardrobe that ofers more savings and more quality than ever before. Both slacks and sport coats are 100 wool and tailored to exacting specifications. Once again Meier & Frank Co.'s leadership makes this offer possible. All Wool Slacks Solid colors and checks Smart weaves All-wool flannel ' Charcoal, light and medium tones All Wool Sport Coats Fancy tweeds, miniature herringbones Neat checks end stripes a, Light shades, medium and char tones Trim 2 and 3-button models "414.: MEN'S CLOTHING - STREET FLOOR lnelude$ coat and 2 pairs of slacks Reg 55 to $70 Y " . If., f t- SPECIAL only Not wastry tt buy morttba ; PHOTO KMX STUDIO sicono noo C P :lp?i Sole 3M to CUFF LINK & TIE BAR , .ai - 1 P. V.I !l -' 1 . .-liCI .IX VVOX V- -.11 1.13 I .-..4-4- Truly..lbMla.ainfl..9tilusl9Q0,of these. fine, three-., . ..ysCr! . ' ' iJ ' ' ' '"r ' '' ""' ' " ' . - - ' ' -"'T -"" ' ' -!Nf,''Ht,' piece sets. Gold or silver plated cuff links and matching V.- j tie bar. Interesting raised designs and jeweled trims. i T? i, w ..Si ' t f if ll ' " . . II I Jj' Buy now for Father', Day and graduation. $1 :4:: ', JEWELRY r STREET FLOOR . 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