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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1956)
Ill) Statesman, Salem, Ore, Thur, Apr. 26, '56 I rooms m uernana ii 3 r i i'aiiilliOS Ui i-our Use Tvo A new bathroom topi the list of improvements in many home modernizing project. Sometimes tins merely involves bringing an antiquated bathroom up to date ftith new fixtures, colored tile walls and other bright decorations and accessories. Mora often it means an added bath for a family that bas outgrown facilities ottered by a uncle bathroom. A family of four or more really needs two bathrooms. Appraisers art rating houses as obsolete when they have three bedrooms and only ne bathroom. However, bathrooms seldom are planned intelligently for use. U you doubt that, think of the number rJ limM imhi Itflva liait In aeJk m 'i J ' .kl. " Z Z i expensive mota closeL or have wished vou that is waterproof - r i AS OLD BATHROOM afUa beads the Bit waea it remes to moderali- tag feme. Aa abtelete batbtob m legs and lavatory with exposed lambing eaa be replaced with madera fixtares and flaaaeed aa time paymeats. The pkato abave is typieal af many older names, j THE SAME BATHROOM after awderalsatiM. A sww tab at placed away from aider the wladew. Walls have bee tiled aad aa ap-to- daie vanity lavstory baa beea laslalled. Package renMfeUa, lack as this, la arranged by auay plambiag coatnictors earpeatry, tile . setting aad paiatiag. materials with short life spans are window frame is quickly damaged Investments. Material "7 -"' had more light for shaving or makeup, or have hunted through wall chest chuckful of all the medicines except the one you want Some Paiaters far Plaaaiag A good bathroorn, is a lot more thaa just space for three plumb ing fixturesand it doesn't have; to spread over acres, cither, in order-to function well. ' Here are some of the consid eritions that should enter into every bathroom plan: 1. Will it nave enough storage space? Hampers for soiled clothes can be installed even in a tiled waQ or the smallest bathroom when a house is being built or re modeled. A double medicine chest will improve storage accommoda tions tremendously. Shallow open shelves also can be recessed be tween studs in -walls. And don't overlook the possibility of a vani tory a lavatory built into a counter top with storage cabinets beneath. IWiU the room's . finishes be durable and permanent? Almost any wall or floor finish can look glamorous in a new bathroom, but how long will it last? Finishing and easy to clean and keep sanitary is manda tory for bathrooms, since ceramic tile has proved to be the favorite for so many generations, it still leads in preference. Now available in a full palette of decorator colors. tile gives a bathroom permanent decoration as well as the bard. service neeaea oy waier ana steam. CMd Lighting Needed S. Will the lighting be good? Think of moraines when a little hmore light on one side of the face would make shaving so mucn eas ier and faster. Window light, no matter bow great, coming from one side cannot equal concentrated artificial lighting where it Is need ed. Ample mirrors flanked by fluorescent lights distinguish the modern bathroom. 4. Where will the tub be? In too many cases it wirws up uooer a window. This la so serious that the FHA will not approve mort gages on homes with a bathtub under a window. Opening and clos ing of the window becomes dim cult and dangerous, bathers often are chilled by a draft, and the S. How will a tub recess be finished? It is false economy to end a tile wainscot over a com bination tub-shower at the height of the shower curtain bar. The wall space left above that point will need frequent redecorating. Tilework over a tub should be run up the full height of the wall. t. Will the color scheme be simple? Today's trend is away from the bathroom with three or four colors and away from sharp color accents in accessories, such as built-in towel bars and soap trays. A bathroom with tile wains cot and trim in one color and fixtures either matching or in plain wnite is tne easiest to decorate A mere change of shower curtain, towels and bath. mat can change the mood of the room. Carelessness Can Flush Money Away When you have to pay a plumber 1 pipes for leaks or corrosion. If r sewer cleaner- to clear clogged drains lrom your house you realize how much money you could save by reasonable precautions in what you flush down the drain. The most common troublemak ers at the trap level in lavatories and bathtubs are bobby pins, hair pms, large masses of hair ana threads. ' A major problem in most homes is a toilet stoppage. This is com monly caused by bulky material such as paper towels, women's hose, diapers, or wet string mop strands. Repair men. report, how ever, that they have found stop pages caused by oranges, apples, peaches, make-up Jars, combs, brushes, and even such unlikely objects as bathrobes, sheets, false teeth and roller skates. A family understanding of the workings of the home plumbing system can do much to keep down maintenance costs both within the house and under the lawn. The borne maker relies on a constant supply of clean water and on its automatic disposal, taking far granted the ease with which wastes leave attractive kitchen and bath room fixtures until trouble de velops. A home waste disposal system has three parts. One la known as the soil stack. This has branches from various plumbing fixtures and Joins the house drain under the basement or other space beneath the house. From that point it empties into the bouse sewer out side of the building. The vent stack and its branches rises through the roof. This facili tates proper flushing and also carries off sewer fasses. . The house sewer underground connects the bouse drain to the city sewer or private septic tank er cesspool. If your home's soil and waste Does arc not cast iron, certain precautions should be taken. In doors, avoid installing heavy built-1 ins over these pipes and provide an access panel for emergency repairs. When banging a heavy picture, aim for a stud in the wall, be cause nails can puncture non-cast Iron pipes. When any remodeling requires apening the walls, check the drain bubbles form after brushing a questionable pipe with a soap solu tion, gas or air is escaping, im mediate repairs will prevent future trouble. It is prudent never to build a driveway or plant a tree over house sewers that are not cast iron. Vehicles frequently crush fra gile sewer pipes and tree roots grow into them causing a stoppage. Give Plumber Break end Save Plumbers are getting bored with the old saw about how they have to go back to the shop to get their tools. They contend that householders can save themselves money by telling the plumber what is wrong when you telephone him. This will help him to arrive with all the parts needed for the repair. If there is a leak in bathroom. kitchen or laundry, is it in the water supply line or in the drain? About bow big la the pipe, and is it copper tubing or galvanised iron? Why Bathrooms Are Expensive It takes more on-the-site labor to put together the walls and plumbing of one small bathroom than it takes to frame three- bedroom bouse. This was ex plained by builders at a panel discussion sponsored by House 4 Home, trade publication. The average bathroom, they said, costs at least five times as much per square toot as any other room except a fully equipped kitchen. I Jy 1Lt , Fcr LcYCtcriss Today's lavatories ire far too low for adults, said an architext at a recent round table discussion on standards for homes. "Oj best guess," he said, "Is that their 31-inch standard height ras borrowed from the marble-topped washstands on which wash basins and pitch ers stood in the years before running water. "If that Is so, the architects and builders among us be lieve our ancestors' were smarter than we are, because of the bottom of a basin sit ting on top of a Sl-inch table 11 more than 31 inches above the floor. The bottom of a basin set down into a 31-Inch lavatory may be as low is 23 inches above the floor. This forces most adulU td bend way over to get their bands in the water. It mikes la especially Inconvenient for women to wain their hair. Drain 'Off Rust From .eater Most water heaters should be drained monthly to remove dirt and rust which may discolor vour plumbing fixtures. , The average water neater can be cleaned aim ply by attaching your garden nose u tne drain cock and let ting the water run until it is clear. DOWNSTAIRS AT MILLER'S (o);ii) iffi q fifcfffiJU Mi ' -v Jf n liiJIiiHu: 4 pc. place. setting Cup, Saucer, 10' Plate, Bread & Butter Plate Reg. s)4 Now Zb Now for the first Hme at tveh big savings . . . famous Caler-Flyte m4 Reyale.., finest qualify Metmac dinner wares.,, guarantee far on Ml y against chipping, cricking or tweaking. Eight kwovttfwt colon to cheese from... mix thtm er match them. Mitt Orey Claw Copper I Oardenla White Flam Pink Olad Green Spray Urn I Chorceal Orey Turqvelse Biva Th Beit Place to Shop . . . After All SLIP-COVER yccr.afsll, I49 hrd-ti-urtfor FLOORS! vith eisv-to-uri-fcr 1. yd. IV 9 W ieaw . m iwirnj.- irs EASY COIMT09AY for fret information w how to baiisli rWKrabbin ' -'(ft tew ywwT Me. It 125 YE A R s ; " ;"t SAYINGS AND LOAN jJ' '"" 'iw-.w.wi .iti,:,.'fcS)jA SSOCIATIONS .',..., nlA,- We Give and Redeem Penny Saver Stcrr.pi . .Illli I i4 ifstilu ,i.Iil,-II SALEM - SILVERTON - STAYTON OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 P. M. 1 SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS . . . Serving Americans for 125 years Salem Federal Savings and Loan . . . Serving Salem Since 1934 IN 1131, the first savings and loan association granted $350 loan to help; one of Its members boy a little home In Philadelphia. Today, the Savings and Loan business safe guards $40 billion In savings for thrifty Americans end holds over one-third of all home mortgage loans made In the nation. IN 1934, Salem Federal was established In the old Guardian Building. After the fire in November 1948, the firm moved to Its present quarters at 560 State. At end of its first year, Salem Federal was carrying 65 accounts with savings totaling $41,000 and 23 loans amounting to $40,500. Compare those modest beginnings with today's 300,000 In savings, and $11,100,000 In loans ... with benefits shared bys OVER 5,000 SAVERS-OVIR 1700 BORROWERSI We encourage people to save by open Ing attractive savings accounts . . safely earning better-than-average returns. We help people own homes by granting practical monthly-repayable loans. FULFILLING YOUR NEEDS-You name it, Salern Federal Savings and Loan can help you have It ... from things materials like houses and furs to things mental like peace-of mind and security-two Important jobs we specialize In doing well. This week, why not bring your plans and problems to Salem Federal? The rich background of our business Is at your disposal-to help you live better. This Is Open House Week it Salem Fedenl .' . . yoir ire cordially invited to come in ind see the results of our recently completed expinsioh ind remodeling program. SALEM FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ' ASSOCIATION . OPPOSITE THE COURTHOUSE AT 560 STATE STREET Si xi