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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1942)
Financial Markets Comics PAGE EIGHT The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem Oregon. Sunday Morning, August 30, 1942 Farm -Weekend Stock View Poor Scattered Favorites ' 1 'Cling to Advances, Average is Static NEW YORK, Aug. tock market - stepped out of a generally mwatisfactory week with 'scattered favorites cl inline to modest advances and many lead ers failing to get anywhere. The war news and tax relief prospects was in evidence from the start and, at .the close of the V'alow short aesslon, prices were moderately mixed. ' . - - ' ' The Associated Press average of 60 issues was unchanged at 36.8 and on the week showed a decline of A of a point Transfers of 137, 490 shares compared with 180,410 week ago. . New tons for the year and as far back as 1937 were posted ofr senior stocks of American & For eign Power, Amerada, Standard Oil of Cal., Indian Refining, Post al Telegraph Preferred and Con tinental Motors. In. the 'advancing section were Union Pacific, Electric Power & light 6 per cent preferred, Chrys ler, Bethlehem; Texas Company, Standard Oil. (N J),- Douglas Air craft, United "Aircraft, Boeing, U. - S. Gypsum, Sears Roebuck, and , American Smelting. , Losers included U. S. Steel, San- . ta Fe, N. Y. Central, Southern Railway, Great Northern, Chesa . Peake St Ohio, American Can, U. S. Rubber, Kennecot, American ' Telephone, , Western Union and , Caterpillar Tractor. Hop Prices up 2 to 3 Cents PORTLAND, Aug. 29-P)-Hop ' prices jumped two and three cents a pound to 62 cents to growers for regular 1942 seeded species during the week, the 4epaxtrnent of agriculture estimated Saturday. Some buyers reportedly offered f 5 cents a pound for options on seedless, but most of the 1942 crop had been contracted, so the bids largely were nominal. Although some downy mildew appeared, causing some grower apprehension, picking progressed '". during the week. Irregular yields, ranging light in the Grants Pass area ' to fairly heavy in Willam ette valley were reported. The la bor supply has been fair,- but a larger supply will be required for the late variety harvest. Calpac Employe Hurt; Ann Badly Fractured .Ralph Steele, 321 Kingwood drive, and an employe of the Cal ifornia Packing company, - is in the Deaconess hospital suffering compound fractures of the right arm. He was injured while work ing Thursday. Cross Word II 4 5 '7 Id 'A 20 21 72 28 2.9 i 1 m 32 33 36 37 3 41 42. 47 SO - HORIZONTAL ' 1 atrikea " gently & 100.000 rupeet 8 unrefined ' metal. 11 means of . tgress 12 eggs ' 13 cry of an ' as II recall to mind -.18 hoar-frost 17 lnect 18 musical show i 20 escaped . . 22 reached 23 household " trod . 2S hort for t sister , 27 bury - 28 printer' , measure 29 long-Jawed fish .' 10 elevated railroads $1 Egyptian ; god J2 kind Cf . hemp 84 the cow 5 purpce 3ft first U S. secretary of the treasury 38 blood-suck ing insect 39 passive 40 evil "41 manly 43 celestial 47 affirm 48 Moham medan name 49 Algonquian Indian . . Answei to yesterday" puzzle. ' rr ' - RARE, V I A j i. I I 7 R 9 6 A 0 I. I A sTj r t u jm16ctJ Z. - - T Z. x tIqIa $. X Z . r tIan n naJT t N "f O rs! 6 I--.., ?, IZ JL L I-ZI O R 1 Ta QUA It OUT mf j feA)i js.t.E. Avrraf time af solntiea: SS'i aiiamtet. Cist bj King Features Syndicate, Xac "Strictly Private95 r-Jr : CANT etT out? W 7 7tfH 1 OUT lUW TYC J DeAR MOU:- OUR SARSE DOMT UKE CCEAN.ESPECWaY A v rrtkJ uivirrn runi m W M an ---v HWWll rr ON A SOLDIER, JU LC1TW HIS FEET.. HA' Quotations at Produce Exchange PORTLAND, "Ore.. Aug. 29 (AP) Butter: Extras 45; standards 43 prime -firsts 42i; firsts 39',.. Butterfat 47-48. . : Eggs: Large extras 41: standards 39: medium extras 39; standards 36. - Cheese: Triplets 22; loaf 23. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ore.. Aug. 29 (AP) These are the prices retailers pay wholesalers, except where otherwise noted. Butter Prints: A grade. 48 'fee In parchment wrappers, 49 '2c in cartons; B grade, 47VaC in parchment wrappers. 48',-iC in cartons. Butterfat First quality, maximum of .6 of 1 per cent acidity delivered in Portland, 47Vi-4ac lb.; premium qual ity (maximum of .35 of 1 per cent acidity), 4fl-0c lb.; valley routes and country points, 2c less than first, or 46 VjC lb.; second quality at Portland, 2c under first, or 46-46,'2c lb. Cheese Selling prices to Portland retailers: Tillamook triplets 28'ic lb.; loaf 29Vic lk.; triplets to wholesalers 264c lb.; loaf 27'ic lb. fob Tillamook. Eggs Price to producers: A large 39c; B large 37c; A medium 37c; B medium 34c do. Resale to retailers 4c higher for cases; cartons 5c higher. Live poultry Buying prices: No. 1 grade Leghorn broilers V to l'i lbs. 262; over Its lbs. 26c; colored fryers under 2,i lbs. 36c; 2Vs to 4 lbs. 30c; colored hens 23c; colored roasters over 4 lbs. 20c; Leghorn hens under 2Vz lbs. 19c; over 3a lbs. 21c: No. 2 grade hens 5c less; No. 3 grade 10c less; roosters 10-12C lb. Dressed turkeys 'Selling price: New crop 33-35c lb. Hay Selling price on trucks: Al falfa No 1 $24 ton; oats-vetch $18 ton valley points, valley timothy $15 ton; clover $13 ton. Onions Green, S3 60c dOz. bunches; Oregon dry l.Mf Walla Walla-Yakima, 1.23 50-lb. bag. Potatoes: New Yakima No. 1 3.75 3.90 cental; local $3 cental. Country meats Selling price to retailer: Country-killed hogs, best butchers, 129 to 149 lbs. 20-21C. nomi nal: vealers. fancy 23c lb.: good heavy 16-19C lb.; rough heavy 18c lb.; canner cows 12'2-13c lb.; cutters 13-14c lb.; bulls 16-17c lb.; spring lambs 22c; yearling lambs, good 18c lb.; do heavy 12-15c To.: ewes 8-9c. Wool 1942 contracts. Oregon ranch, nominal 34-37c lb.; crossbreds 40-42 c Mohair 1942, 12-months. 43c lb, Puzzle 8 'A 24 'A 31 35 40 145 46 37 52 Jt0 foot-like " part 51 golf mound 52 being VERTICAL 1 by means of 2 hewing , implement 3 lumber ' 41 spirited ' horse . 5 tennis term 6 turns asidi 7 mark of omiasidn . " 8 the East 9 male sheep 10--orgaa of ? sight 13 bears 15 pronoun . 19 gratuities " . to servants 20 meat 21 vampire 22 atmosphere 23 weird 24 a play 26 room (Fr.) 29 one who ;' profits , ' -30 eternity expressloni 34 glass container -35 birch trees 87 negotiate .38 exaggerated " comedy ; 40 exist "41 geograph 1 ical chart 42-hail! 44 -go in haste 45 ancient '.' y - ' bronze 46 sheltered aide F. , DeAR MOU:- :'. . J Msl, OUR SARSE DOMT UKE MOTHINS ABOUT A . j, jV , OCEAN.ESPEOAaY A NAM- BUT HE IS m By Quimi Hall CQSCWESe AT CCA MCfTHlNS ABOUT A . NAM- BUT HE IS Arinr a cjih ? luc rw - "Uk-wTS I--- SOME W4S. YOUP- SOW &-T29 Portland ' Hops Seed stock, 1942 crop, 60c lb.; seedless, 70c lb .- - i Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore.. Aug. 29 (AP) Wheat : Open High Low Close Sept. 96 97 M 97 Dec. 99 i 1.01 994 1.01 , 4 Cash grain: Oats No. 2-38 lb. white za.oo; barley No. 2-45 lb. B.W. 23.50; No. I flax 2.40", 4. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 1.10: soft white excluding Rex 1.124; white club 1.12'b; western red 1.12Vi: Hard red winter: Ordinary 1.0014: 10 per cent 1.06; 11 per cent 1.09; 12 per cent 1.12,4; Hard white baart: 10 per cent 1.13; 11 per cent 147; 12 per cent 1.Z1. Today's car receipts: Wheat 23. bar ley 5. flour 9, corn 8, oats 3, hay B. mllileea 5. Portland Livestock PORT! AND. Ore Aug. 29 (AP) Cattle for week, salable 3700; hogs for week, salable 2785; sheep for week, saiaoie zeoo. Barrows and gilts: gd-ch. 140-160 lbs. $14.23 14.75 do gd-ch. 160-180 lbs. 14304; 15.00 do gd-ch, 180-200 lbs 15.00(15.25 do gd-ch. 200-220 lbs. 14.75 to 15.00 do gd-ch, 220-240 lbs. 14.50014.85 do gd-ch. 240-270 lbs. 14.35 W 14.60 do gd-ch, 270-300 'bs. 14.25 al 14.50 f eeder pigs: gd-cn, 7U-120 IDS. . 14.50 15.50 ..$13.50(814.35 Steers, gd. 900-1100 lbs. do med. 700 1100 lbs. 11.00013.50 do com. 700-1100 lbs. 8.00 11.00 Heifers.' med.. 500-900 lbs. lO.OOllJO do com, S0O-9O0 ids. a.ooirtis oo Cows. gd. all wts 9.00 010.00 do med, all wts. 8.00(1 9.00 do cut -com. all wts 6.25 ft 8.00 do can all wts 9.25 () 6.25 ouiia (yearitngs excluded J beef. gd. ail wts - 10.25 11.00 do sausage, gd, all wts 10.00010.75 do med. all wts .00 10.00 do cut com. all wts 7.2569 9.00 Vealers. gd-ch, all wts 14XM) 915.50 do com -med, all wts 9.00 014.00 do cull, all wts 6.50O 9.00 Spring lambs, gd-ch do med. and good 11.75 12.00 10.25611.50 . 8.75 0 10.00 yearling iambs, com. Yearling wethers, med.. sd. S.000 9.00 Ewes, shorn, gd-ch. 2.75 ro 4.50 do com-med ; 1.50 3.50 Stocks and Bonds August 29 (Compiled by the Associated Press) BOND AVERAGES 20 10 10 10 Kails Indus Util Fgn Net change - Saturda.-.y Previous day Month ago Year ago 1942 high 1942 low ... D.l A.l Unch Unch ..63.2 103.6 96.3 49.6 ..63.2 103.5 96.3 49.6 -61 9 103.5 96.0 48.9 . 63 4 104.5 102.1 46.1 ..65.6 103.7 100.6 49.9 .59 4 102.6 93.6 41.5 STOCK AVERAGES 30 15 18 60 Indus Rails Util Stks Net change Saturday ..... ..A.l Unch Unch Unch 53.1 17.2 23.7 36.8 Previous day ....53.0 17.2 23.7 Month ago 52.9 16.4 23.4 Year ago 62 2 18.3 32.6 1942 high ...560 17.7 27.3 1942 low 46.0 14.4 21.1 36.8 36.5 43.7 38.7 32.0 Extra Bus Stop For Salem Heights SALEM HEIGHTS For those who want to pick hops and have no means of transportation, start ing Monday there will be a school bus stop at the school house at 5:20 -su m. and, a truck at 6:10 a. m. Both will go to the Roberts yards. On Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. A, W. Gorton had a familv birthday dinner for their daugh ter, Jean, on her eighteenth birth day. Mrs. Gorton's sister and fam ily of Mill City were out of town guests. . . - Bobby Bruce ; Has Bean Record For Jefferson ! JEFFERSON jAs far as we have been able to leam," Bobby Bruce, 15 -year -old son of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Bruce is the record breaking bean picker in this dis trict, having picked $10.20 worth of beans in eight .hours, at the Chambers bean field, two miles south of here. DRS, CHAN -LAM CHINESE HerballsU . 241 Mrtli Uberty " Upstairs Portland Geaeral Electric Co. Office opea Tnesday and Sat urday nly 10 i pjn.; 6 to 7 bob. Consultition, Blood pres sure aDd arin tests are free of charge. Practice- Since 1917. mtmm . St. j.xi:jnm k-M-M-w-rir a WheatStirs Upward Cent a Bushel Cains Recorded as Buying By Dealers Opens CHICAGO, Aug. 29-')-The wheat market took another hitch toward recovery Friday with gains of about a cent a bushel that lift ed quotations more than 3 . cents above the week's low to the best levels in a 'month. -Renewed; buTing . attributed to commercial ..dealers, mills aad traders operating through commis sion houses accomplished the up turn in the face of only light hedg ing sales in connection with the new spring crop movement Brokers said war news and a belief that new price control mea sures will be flexible rather than rigid contributed to the market's strength. Wheat closed 5"7-7"8 higher than yesterday, September $1.19 -; ecember $1.23 -y4. HOP HARBIGAN rt WAS MIGHTTY jr rA SO PROUD A NICE Of5 YOU J OP KOU. JOINING J OR1VING AAC Vf THE AVIATION L HER.E.6ERRV.. J CADETS, HOR PEAR '.J I'LL NEVER. LOO Y " AT ANOTHER, BOY.y rVL K)Dt fcSWc .WD - HVROO BETTER - - .- a V ii ' - - - ----- Mv both t BARNEY GOOGLE MICKEY MOUSE POPEVE, WU ARE JEH? FoKcU VfE'RE ALL SET, MS. BUWP! WHADDYV) ) HAVE V EVER a E 5U)EET MUStCK rS. COMIW FROM.1 ; 11. . u7 vr rtZX A V r2 THIMBLE THEATRE- LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY THE LONE RANGER 600DA.UlLnV "A&XS3 NICE IW-BLfT I D0MT5EEM ARaEr4CE-HOM l 3fcC TO WUZ ANYtMTERE5T IN t- TH!S R5R A SWELL ?" P j j M THE WEATHER SINCE MV J ItX4yJTHtlra; SAByWENTAW-jT THE UST Cf THE WAREHOUSE -Ty . " 5. . . . j--"-i -?C It'' M-tfV Salem Market The prices below supplied by a k cal grocer ar indicative of the daily market prices paid to growers by Sa lem buyers but are not guaranteed by The Statesman: . VEGETABLES California plums, apricots, peaches 2.50 crata y -. Cabbage , 50 Carrota, dm. M Caulillower. Craje 1.65 Celery, green , , 3.75 Cucumbers, bothous . IM Garlic. a ' ' ... Onions, dry white 3.00 Onions, dry. red., yellow i . 2-30 - Onion, green 45 Peas . Potatoes, 100 lbs. No. 1 new. J.OO Potatoes new . - . . , r M - Radishes, dor. ,, . .45 Turnips, beets -, , .85 . Lettuce ,., ;, n tM GRAIN, BAY AND 4EEDS (Bnyinc Prices) Oats, No. 1 Teed . barley, ton Clover hay ton AliaUa bay. ton Dairy feed. 80-lb . Hen scratch feed Cracked corn Wheat 26 0002 00 ' 24 00 MOO- 13.08 18 00 to S0.00 - 1.75 . 35 M baa BUTTER. EGGS AND POULTRY -Aadjesea's Baytmg Price (Subject to change without notice.) BUTTERFAT Premium , , ' 30 - No. 1 .48'a No. S , 1 .45Ui BUTTER PRINTS A . B Quarters EGGS Extra large, brown Medium Standards , , Pullets , , .... .48 .47 .49 3 JM M 23 VP OVKTPl . w a la - W-- i se kc. u kwt W l- i SVWFLES5 Copr HEADING KlrJt ZE TiS U)HERE GHOULX) rO - ACE LITTLE ! .I. wji d , 1 1 cgi Quotations Cracks POULTRY - Colored frya Colored hens .-, White Leghorn frvs 3M M 21 48 White Leghorn hens Marlon Creamery's Baring Prices. (Subject to change without notice) BUTTERFAT - ' Premium . 30 No. 1 ,- , . .48,4 No. S ; -, , .45, EGCS t-;. : , . Large A " -'" '" 3 Medium A ' J7 targe B - J7 Medium B . , , , ,,, 33 Large ti-y- J7 Pulleta - j- M Checks. undergrades , - M POULTRY Colored hers Colored fryers. Leghorn fryers -Leghorn ; ' Old roosters No. 2 poultry 5c less. rt xx ja 08 LIVESTOCR I ' -'. . ; - - Buying prices for No.-1 stock, based on conditions and sales reported up to Spring . lambs ------. 10.50 Ewes , , ... . - 4.00 Hogs, top 1&0-225 14t5 Sows , U.00O1S.M Veal, top 14.00 Dairy type cows Beef type cows Bulls . 00 to f .50 1.00 to 8.50 8.00 to 10.90 1M to 8.00 Heifers Dressed veal HOPS Buying prices. 1942 contracts: Seeded . Seedless M JBO .48 .43 WOOL AND MOHAIR Wool Mohair V3 Vr Wfuw lMt. Ki'n ffntur-. Syiwlkaif. Inf . WortJ ngM in s 1 KJMOW, SONNV. I U )l l BUT NO TRACTOR! YOU A HOE START WEEPIN' THE WTCWEN & - (3ARPEN! I .1: -V" 1 I - Z, MOUR BE IM THE - SOU THEE BTAT THIP CUJACK- UPOM WETH THE CUOCKS U EVERY DAY tW5 COME AND GO-WHiLE I WMT FOg - THE. IWW COME BACK Rural Harvest Of Scrap Set A statewide "scrap harvest, de signed to produce Oregon's share of the scrap metals needed to keep America's war industries rolling, is scheduled to start September 7, Robert B. Taylor, chairman of the state USDA war board, announced this. week.' . . - , Although 70,000 ; tons of scrap Iron have moved from Oregon farms since Pearl " Harbor," svar board surveys show that at least that much more remains on farms, Taylor said. ' Much of the 'remain ing scrap is largely in ' remote places and will be more difficult to get : ' - Every farmer will be contacted during' the -coming drive, which will be-Jointly directed by farm implement dealers, county- USDA war boards, and county salvage committees. ' The program will be inaugurat ed in each county by the chair man of the county war board, the chairman of the salvage commit tee and the county agent A meet ing will be held in each instance to be attended by members of the war board and representatives of wacrved US'POSE J&r ARMY... V CANT AND FAH.THE MUSIC UW1 Kt-'oro I THE -5EPOK& lT 1 y ' 1 ' Cnpr & ; ( ins posE rrff uke the . V15 JtnxP army... to be any help -AX r v cant question -Jte (ORDERS! BUT, POC5SONE IT, if?v(( 5EEMS LIKE THE DAY BEFORE AH DULL, MONOTONOUS AND DOYLE5S- HER DAW WU. TO ME i rr 1AI WW sr: I l to . J THXT'5 THE END OF THE 'WAREHOUSE, 'fc the county and state salvage com- mittees, who will make final de tailed plans suited to each count situation. - ' . . " When You Need v Cash,. You DoiiV Want Red Tape!- ; Through 6 u r personal loan service, you can get : '' money when yea need . It! Prompt courteous, -. , dignified! ,. . . . . See bow easy -it is to ret a lean, how simple tm repay! For money In a hurry see Stale Finance Co. 212-222 Guardian Bldr. Corner Liberty A State Telephone 81S " lie. 8-212 M-22 IT'ff LIKE THE TO BE ANY HELP QUESTION HAS GOT HlM5AlLORJ rKt 1 l T rVH-TolC. j ( MORcT OARM PtANES AWft OOC WHAT VTHIS WAY..- xn HO-jCOMft.' ) 1 15 .&eeyj-X .vcxi-mjo U this? rPLM SUJEETER. MARV. MV DEAR. I SKIM HOU ftUVE MURDERESS, 36, ovs- r ' - fjnf FtatWw $yndct, Iol, World nU. mtr-id T -TrT7 I it lit It M MRS. RAMCE TAlk5 TOME ABOLTTJ L05TBABK 1 5TARTCRYIN' IN5IDE0FME int. LUTit PANGER, A5 WELL 1 n il ru t;ft mm