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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1939)
PAGE NINE : j Salem's Market Place for - Livestock Livestock Money to Loan Money to Loan Billed at State Today First Lady Christens Liner ATTENTION Stockmen and Farmers -PHONE 1411 1 ! PHONE 1411 We Lerid You Money WITH REPAYMENT PLAN ARRANGED TO FIT jfOUR INCOME No Endorsees No Comakers Your Signature Only REPAT ANT DAY TO REDUCE COST. BORROW FROM SALEM'S OLDEST I tjl AND LARGEST INDEPENDENT COM PANT WHERE TOUR NEEDS RE t AU stock men, farmers and dealer If you happen to have Dead or Worthless Horses, Cow Hogg or. Sheep, etc Just call COLLECT 1411 Salem and our truck will be at your placa without delay and wa win pay you accordingly. i Montgomery Rendering Works Salem CEIVE PERSONAL ATTENTION AFTER AS WELL AS BEFORE A LOAN 113 MADE , i , , '-: . . 5 General Finance Corp. 13( So. Commercial St Lie. No. 8-1 SI Phone till First Door South of Ladd Bush Bank Conrenleat Ground Floor Location. I The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, September 5, 1939 Buiying, Sellings Renting! I : . -. .:!: I it- so. : : " 4 ! h - t-i A V m V i r t HORSES FOR sale. Also 10 wka okrl weanar pig Hayes Lablsh Farm ; Brooka Orrgon ' DEAD AND worthless horses, cows picked op free. Ph. collect 4 1 1 Salem Montgomery Rend Wka FRESH COW A baled hay. Cherry. Ph. (380. 2510 Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single insertion' per Un JOc Three insertions per line .20e Six insertions per line . 30e One month per line $1 00 Minimum charge , . 25c Copy for this page accepted until :30 the evening before publics tlon for classification. Copy re ceived after this time win be ran under the beading Too Late to Classify." ' The Statesmsn assumes no finan cial responsibility Tor errors which may appear In advertisements, pub lished In Its columna and In case where this paper Is at fault will re- Srlnt that part of an advertisement i which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification. A "Blind" Ad an ad contalnlna a Statesman bos number for an ad dress la for the protection ef the advertiser and must therefore b answered by letter. The Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge Informa tion as to the Identity of an adver tiser using a "Blind" ad. Hop Pickers HOP PICKING commences on 1111- hnn ra n-h Frida . SeDtember 1, 111 n. .a m Af Calm. Rlz rroo. Roy Hardman. foreman : phone fanner's line. 10QF5. START PICKING.late bops .Sept 4 at W,"l?m: F..?rr' m"e" I of Salem. Phone 1(14, run.1 i rLnrxn.riiiriiii- -i - - - " HOP PICKERS wanted. Gilbert Farm Co, Rt 4. 4 mi. W. of Salem. Ph. S7S0. " fLarij-i.rj-i.ri r . " tjv. (Aii I er yard. $1.60 per hundred, rn. I ut tnu-k en east end ox bridge at s I 1UI1W K I'H TV llllAlUB OX A I Meet truck on east end of bridge a. m. ! Help Vanled ' $11 WEEKLY . GROW mushrooms cellar, shed. Wa buy, 15c lb. World' I largest company r nn otiwiv. roooia tOlt Second Brattle. Wash Hj-inrji.n.jii-wirrinnr rr - PRUNE PICKERS and shakera D. B. Kleihege. 1149 Center. BERRY PICKERS. 1 mile straight west from Keiser achooL F. T. Rich ards. RL 1. Box 14$. I Help Wanted Male WANTED EXPERIENCED radio service man, write Central Radio Serv ice Inc, t27 N. High St. stating ex perience, age, reierencea mna war -nected. nnrri.nrriir -,-1-1- - EXP. MAN -in men's clothing Box 10S5. SUtesman. WlTifriVm,, eeaaaaaaaaaaA DRYER MEN and prune pickers. Wu'ui?rdf'l! Vr8-'-.-- tl0i REMARKABLE NEW TAILORING LINE OP1Sj8 orniMiuniii - IVAI.I.T MOST BEAUTIFUL Una of fine fab rics for fall and winter ever presented by The A. Nash company, famous makers of Golden Rule Custom Tai lored Clothes, will be available to the public within tha . next few days through local salesmen. Over 100 fab rics In our low-priced range alone. Wonderful sales opportunity for right man. Franchise to sell this territory open. Excellent commission and bonus arrangement upon wmcn iuj om wui nattlnn. Write todav. The A. Nash com r"wri..7M.T Th. A. Nash com- pany. 214 Stevens Building, Portland. Oregon. Help Wanted Female GIRL FOR ren. housework. Ph. 12(1. or Mra Kills J4 tstata st. . - n nni-iri.ri.i-Ln.riririi-,-.-ii-M-i i - -- -- --.. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED by el derly man for light hsewrs, no cnua ren, apply , 123 1 Broadway. Ph. 8314. - - IT I.AKT mn. CSo relic Xmas card assortment Many other bargains. Up to lAp profit Per. cards, stationery. ExpTunnec;. Samples free. W. Brown. 225 Fifth Ave.. Dept 5813s. New York. GIRL FOR gen. housework. Family Of two. 1545 -B" Bt i , Sitnations Wanted DRESSMAK. MRS Adsltt Ph (($ RAMSEYER TRUCK service. Gen eral hauling, reasonable ratea P. t354 DRESSMAKING. 784. 2011 & Conv WOMAN PAST middle age would like light housework for business wom an or eideny laay. tsox jjzj, statesman. - - v-t. EXP. HSEKPR hour work. P. $90L For Sale Miscellaneous PERFECTION PEA CHES," ready at , Fetters orchard, Wallace Rd. . 0 Ortflou0tatesiaatt ADVERTISING . ""Western" Adertlsing r Representatives George D. Closa. Ina Saa Francisco. Los Aagelea, Seattle Eastern Adrertislns i Representatlvet Bryant Griffith A Branson. Ine . Chicago. New York. Detroit . ? Boeton, Atlanta . m-t Ortoo. as fisooad Ctass If d tier. fas. .Z'zL-ZZT-Z1.jZ mmrmm mtm v mmm riHinfra mm MMjmmm wtumwm v wr w w, Buaintta ev4os ti Mouth Coasrw Ctrsat, r. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Within Oregon : - Daily and Sunday miu .J.v-vj, .r.. - imm iiaavTm m ijsii't ana Bunumv ha. SS cents: S Ma Sti: au. - 1 year ((.Oa. Elsewhere 6 ( canU pa Ma, or $(.( for 1 year ta advance. Per copy centa Newsstands I cents By City Carrier: (( canta a month S7.2S a year In advance tn Marlon I For Sale Miscellaneous SAVE 120.00 ON new 1931 Duo-1 Therm oil burning circulator. S to 1 SWWISM at...!. I-. r A C A P. OH AMMS 1 193S Duo room caDacitr. only 159.50. Earv terms. Good Housekeeping Inc.. 453 Court Si ARMY WALL tent. 235 S. 14th. ANTIQUE CHAIRS. tble. spool bed. coo-coo a weight clocks, oak 01- flce, desk A chair, '2S Chevrolet Sedan, in good condition. 21 Court Street Salem. Oregon GOOD GRAVEN STEIN aonles. reaa Leland Wendt. 1 14 mU on Wallace rd. REBUILT AND guaranteed Jrash- era All makes from tit np Spea May tag SIS Hogg Bros CASH rOR uaed turn. Ph illt NEW 4 EI.EMKNT UAH. electric -ange only lf.S.50. easy terma Good Housekeeping. Inc. 45 Cpnrt St GL. PFLS.. S2.R0. win. 110 Chenwketa. Hlkt Itff Kamsrien 141 Ub SWEET CORN. Order your canning corn now. M. B. Finder, one mile east of RickrealU phone 5424. WRECKING BIG building next Cherry City garage. 170 S. 12th. Lum ber for sale or trade for good 2-wheel trailer. Otto Tlmm. 893 S. Liberty. LAWN MOSS. $1.50 yd. 1295 N. Lib. LAWN MOSS. 11.50 per yd. Tel. 1779. 691 Knapp St. rMMWWwVwMwVwVWWVwVM HUNTING RIFLES, reasonabh Tel. 4897. 354 N. Winter. , BARTLETT PEARS. 25c bx., bring bx. E. Anderson. Orch. Hts. rd.. 1 ml. off Wal. rd.. 2 ml. NW Mar. Polk brdg. PEARS. 25c BU.. 20c smaller ones. nice pickling. Small deL charge. Tel. 43F3. CEMENT BLOCKS for step, stones. Also lumDer. Tlmm. 893 S. Liberty. PLY. ROCK, frva Dressed. 28c lb. Phone 5294. LAST CALL for Imp. Elbertas A J. H. Hale peaches. Puritan Cider Work, W. Salem. VACUUM CLEANERS. Bargains In rtore demonstrato. this week. Sears REDUCE HIGH CAR PAYMENTS, m m . -i-.-w-Q(--ij-uvruu-Lr.riyi j GOLDEN CROSS can. corn. 4JF14. Wan led Miscellaneous IB 1 UWUH . .n . M . . K imr.ii mm in ill. I .... WANTED TO buy for cash. 1st A 2nd mortgaeea real estate contracts I a ,!..... v.. 8TATE FINANCE CO . s ' 144 State tret Salem Oregon - SECOND-HAND gas floor furnace. Ph. Stt2. WANTED. GRAVENSTEIN aonlea n nimntlrv PiiHt.n CAr TCV. TZT I Salem. Wan td Furni tn re wanted, furn. Forgey, p. 744$, Miscellaneous DENTAL PLATES REPAIRED TWO HOUR SERVICE ! DR. HAKKI SEMItEK. UBWTIST 1 Corner State A Commercial Ph till CHIMNEY CLEANED PIPES. FURNACES, stores, guttera Get ready for winter, avoid chimney fires. No soot or dirt. Ray L. Farmer Hardware Co. Ph, BOOS. For Rent Rooms SLEEPING RMS, near schools and capital. 42 N. Summer. Ph. 4411. ROOMS FOR girls. t9 N. Cottage. CLOSE-IN sleeping. C5t Center. ROOMS. 459 OAK. Ph. 3531. capitoL ; - SL. RMS 8(1 N. 13th. Gar. 47. RM, WAT.. prL ent. close. P. 5t25. PLEAS. RM., outside ent Ph. $229, Room and Board 1 EX. RM and bd 1(1 N 12th. - R A B. lOtO N. Summer. Ph. (! j . Fredrkkaona rm. 215 . S. Winter K(H1M St oUAKU, IZV. Jfn. 43JJ. K 'SaSasSasasjsSiasjjjjaajjeajjwarfsaSasiSaSyM TBI BOARD, exc. food. (50 Marion. RM., 2 EMP. persona, $10. Ph. 7313. For Rent Apartments 1 TO 4-RM. apts, cheap. l ! sn up Children welcoma lilt istn. NICELY FURNISHED, close In. 837 N Commercial St I S-RM. FURN.. bath, 1441 Waller. ! FURN. APT and onsekeeprng rooms reasonable 2054 i N. Capitol, apt ft. COOI 1ST floor 2-rm. t5 Ferry PATTON APTS.. 833 State. Fur nlahed. AduIU only. Ph. (344. ! FURN. APT. prL bath. 545 Coot? St a)jjjjllaisatsjsa,)sw FINE MODERN 8-room well-fur-nlsbed apt vU. W. heat laundry, ga rage, $30. Phone (413. - I rxri.rijnri riiinrrri -i- 1 RM. FURN. apt. dree, rm, pull maa kitchen, lady. ((( S. Summer, i ixtli'i nnnnnrrnrf ri-i . .. MOD. 2 R.. close In. $22.50. P. 7113. 4 R. UNFURN. PHONE 624$. I ss)sai(j1ssssassjisl;sijJs FURN. HEATED apt. 440 w. ntn. r-T it a ii frokt furn. bsknc room. Evervthinc , furn. . includ. gas. alee. washer A gar rtaa T0 N. Commar. ciaL -u-Lrm.nj- -uu-rr i.-u.rrArrn-' - .t RM. NEWLT turn. Heat water, refrbc bath, adulta ttl N. Cottage I nsntr ... .1.-1 , . w. miijH. m.i iti. , i ONE ROOM, 4 JJ Marlon. i wwmwmwmmiw.mMm' I ania Am hath, eduits. ESS Union, FEN. APT, bath, adulta, ( Union. fYllTRnR-r ATIT.1C- HOME- LIKE. reasonable, Hawthorne Court, 1009 N. I Capitol St ; - n s V . . . .nn.. . r c. . c T, f ,9 I washer. gar iiz. ss Lee, rn. ts. l . . . 4 ROOM FURN. apt A bath, (45 Marion." -. - -a. 4 ROOM UNFURNISHED Oat close : I in. Tel. 437. STR1CTLZ MOD. The DSTaraaua. . GET SPOT CASH . unrncnV A T TfT. I . TlllS PERSONAL WaV I WHEN AT HOME: A "Personal" Loan $25 to $300. Easy Terms WHEN AWAY: USE A "PERSONAL" CREDIT CARD Good at 371 offices. Coast to Ceast SIMPLE TO QUALIFY j Come In. GUARANTEED BY GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MAGAZINE 4 As advertised therein.) PERSONAL Finance Co. Second Floor, Pew Bllgh Bldg. Bit State .Street. Salem. Oregon State License Numbers S-122 M-1SR LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY TO buy new or used cars. Private money at new low rates. Immediate action. No red taps. 1 TO 20 MONTHS TO PAY Roy H. Simmons 121 South Commercall Street Phone 9161 Lie No. M-182 TTHA T.nANS 4Vt. also private loans Abrams A Ellis, Inc. Masonic Bldg. AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. 5th FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE NO. M-161 $300 .00 FOR FALL AND WINTER NEEDS v REDUCE BURDENSOME Et- RTil.T.MENTS. RID YOURSELF OF OLD DEBTS. CONSOLIDATE ALL HILLS INTO ONt srwooi. Nms. Our liberal, flexible credit require- menU make it aisy to borrow. Our convenient payment plans make it easy to repay. A modest salary is our main requirement) You are under no obligation when you call at the offices oi the People's Finance Co. nt rinn, VfM iVof'l Rank TMd? Salem. Oregon Phone 4446 1 IS - Z11 State IJmdm M-ZZO I Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED cm farm and dty C?W- Bf or borTOW,n lBqnlr MaWSinS at ItOOeiTS, MWWWMWWWWrMArWWMr WANTED PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN on good Salem real ae tata. Win pay interest. W. H. GRA BBNHOR5T XX REALTORS 114 S. Liberty Street Pbona $4$ For fient Apartment S ROOMS NICELY furn. Bath. gar. Close in. Adults, si 5 N. winter. skSjjjSjrfaasiaamaaSjasbjsSsiajssw 2 ROOM FURNISHED apartments reasonable. $41 N. Liberty St Lilt RM. APTS. 250 S Cottage, S RM. FURN.. garsge. bath, near Leslie high. lis. 179 H. uottaga. V R. Vtj-RN " nL Vfwlr decorated. 1 Heat ghtaWater" 85 Saginaw? 5 SZJSSSL J . : Z... fTfiy. . . 4wVWWWWWMMMWMMMMMM(VWMs,ss S RM. HTD.. $13. 1580 Center St LGE. 1 R-. htd.. dose in. 311 Water. 3 RM. FURN (45 & 12th. SEB THE Fisher Apts. before you I nscida Large St airy, hocxwooi in dh-jV..i,,. a (vi a rwk Eta. - For Rent Houses ( ROOM HOUSE. Ina, 131 & 31st B mTht Mil H. P. GRANT. B2 Court. Ph. (744 FURNISHED and unfam. houi S-RM MOD. home. 4 block. Stats and High St. $35. Ph. soil. C TtonM MOD. home, full basement hnnlwfMwi flonra. firenlace. Venetian blinds, corner lot and garage, 9 blocks north, rnone nzi or cau at Church. MCDERN FURNISHED t-room cot- tage. Edgewater Court garage, $25. Phone 8413. 5 RM. MOD. hse. Inquire 1598 Court FURN. BUNGALOW in Oakruia I Court adults apply 99$ MHL NICE 7 R-. close in. $45. Ph. 5223. FR. S ROOM hse phona 7445. 4 A 5 RMS $1(. $20. $22.50. 7113. 4 R. COTTAGE, gar., at 1085 S. 13th. Ph. 6708. 3 R. COTTAGE. NEWLY decorated. gar.. $20. At 945 Market Ph. 7018. 4 R. FURN.. $20. 1170 N. ltth. Ina 1S40 Madison, fh. S47Z. (-R. HSE nr. school. $25. Ph. 4443. MODERN 3 BEDROOMS, full bass- I ment n. Baiem. rn. 6Jt. J PARTLY FURN. bungalow, Oak- Villa Court adults spply 9S Mia THREE ROOM house nnfurniahed. 33S South 15th Street SrssrajjsjjlsSjMMaMaMM'' SMALL I RM. cottage; 1221 N. 13th. $2( mo. Write B. B. Stewart Wood- I Durn. FURN. 4 RMS bath, $20. Ph. 7113. " For RenH-Farms 23 A. MX. N. W. Salem: mt S. I Spring Valley school; 7 rm. modern I i nousa. iu Din. garagsi otner mam. i . - -. - I. . PH3" ,Qr V1 I fsnns. B. A. Klika, MeMinnvIUa For Rent B feV TTCTT a S a -rm nwwt I . -maa . tu. r . . I inoulra room 200. TeL 1711. - " . For Sale Real Estate 2-5-ROOM HOUSES on N. Fifth St. rents for S1S.0O. 3iuo fizev aown. Frank Stoddard at Bialte, For SaleReal Estate wa he - r 5r;.J 5 down, $15 mo. 31(0 N. Fifth. 00mVt S ROOM COTTAGE A garage. $1350. s BEAUTIFUL 2 BEDRM. home, flre- Flace, electric range, water heater A re ripe rat or, tl760, itlOO down, $20 mo, 31S0 N. mth. priced FOR ouick sale. 20 acre farm. Fruit A nuts within i miles of I Salem with mod. house, elec. water system. (20 a month Including Interest. payments. Rents for $25. Will take I good car. lot or cash for $700 equity. Ph, 7814. t FIVE ROOM homes just finished. corner or 18th A Madison streets. Terms very reasonable. Builder A owner, W. A. Cladek. Ph. 4277. CREEK LOT. ti. Church, $1108. 6221 ROOM HOUSE, nice var. axe. cond. Anto. heat. etc.. or will trade for close- in sub. prop. Sea owner, 1180 So. Com'L Ur call 7145. FINE ENGLISH style home. 7 rma 5 blks. rapitol. 15000, TeL Z2l. TRADE CITi : property for farm bomea Opportunities in eschangea HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC BEAUTIFUL MONTEREY Colonial fully carpeted air-conditioned, auto matic heat Sea owner at 9(5 N. Cap itol. t300 DOWN. ISO MONTH buys S rooms in North Salem priced at $2350. O. K. RAE. 1655 N. Cottage, TO. VERY COMFORTABLE t bedroom I Win tHODTDIT TITC TT I home, on terms at $3900 or win dis-1 count for cash, O. E. RAE. 1655 N. Cottage St P. 71 i R. MOD. HOUSE, basement, gar. I blk. from Safeway St S47 Saginaw WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF YOU want to sell exchange lease, rent see Mr, Larsen or Mr. Col lins with Hawkins A Roberts, NEW HOME 1995 N. 18th Street OPEN 6 ROOMS, and large attic. I workmanship; extra large bedrooms I and closeta Easy terms Phone 550C. I NEAT 4 ROOM cottasre well loca- ted in N. Salem-Price $2000 with I $200 down, balance $20 per month. call Mrs. Elils with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 244 State Street j Phone 12(1 WrWrWwrWrVwVwWWMMwWMMwVM MR. INVESTOR 10 ON YOUR investment If you buy this room house Nice lot with rrult. nut A shade trees. House has basement A furnace only 5 blocks from state bldga. Price $2000. $500. will handle. See It today. Call Mra. UJiis witn CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 344 State Street i Phone $2(1. $100 DOWN. BALANCE Ilka rent on a rm. house witn modern conven ience including city water, one-1 nan acre rrouna. izsu. $150 DOWN and easy terms" on I rm. new house south, double plumb ing. TWO IOt& S3UOO. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. REALTOR 477 court Street -- -i-i-rrwrrtfvwnvi ru riii $100 TO $200 DN., 4 rma, bath, $L- iuv. us st. iiDerty. rnone 711s NEW HOME 1300 DOWN BRAND NEW modern 5 room home north, just off highway. Hardwood floors, fireplace, etc., with acre of ground uu. Furnished modern Ave room horn fireplace, furnace, etc well fur- NISHED Including electric mangle. new piano, $3500. North Fifth St Also many other good home buva fHONE ART MADSKN at 5580 1903 N. Fifth Street NOTICE WHEAT HAS advanced 10c 25 rears ago we red Europe. Be smart Buy land at will produce. 24 acres Howell Prairie. $2(00. 10 acrea Newberg. silt . mL from city. $1500. 70 acrea Gervala. excellent buildings. $4200.00. Terms 10 down or will accept trade. i -MOSES-MOORE, 331ft State Street- Exchange Real Estate , I ihkw" tiuasa. very uoee in m 1 exchange for Lebanon home. Ol E. rae. 1(55 N. Cottaaa. Ph. (7(1 For Sale Farms (7 ACRE FARM with stock and All under cultivation. On hhwl. i milM south of Salem. H btateaman. Acreage FOR SALE 5 acres with i room I Plastered house. electricity, 3 miles R. W. of Libert V store, will sacrifice I for anlck sale. Phone 9541 or call at 1 1710 N. 17th St 99E HIGHWAY SPECIAL $43 ft frontage, 4 acres, with large trees, near city llmltaspectat price 40u. WINNIE PETTTJOHN. RKALTUtt 477 Court Street Business Opportunities FOR SALE or trade Fully eaulpped restaurant and confectionery located down town, may assume some. Seel Larsen with i HAWKINS A i ROBERTS, INC FOR LEASE New auto camp. II 2 and 4 room modern cabins furnished. Store; 4 room a living quarters. Junc tion Auto Camp, isseo bo. com i. COM. SERV. station A grocery store. 1 9225?" SE?Ipk $ ,l2!S2tS5- For Sale Wood SUMMER PRICES, old fir 1C at only $4. IS per cord. Order for now or later deL Pbone nils. Oregon m co. INVEST1UAT1S BUDGET Plan oa wood. Ph. 1370. W. L. Graen. 413 N- 31 14-IN. OLD fir. 35:. knota $4.10: 4-rt 2nd. J.7S. j Pbona S4SS. "good DRTOoi Phrd WOOD HAULERS. Dry 1C old fir i at w . rtexsns. ocio. , . For Sale Used Cars 37 FORD (9 3-DR, take older car In trade. 13SS N. lth. 1(31 FORD NEW: motor, hydraulic bclst 1718 waller, witn or without oea, 193S BUICK 8 4-DR. Sedan, trunk. radio, beater, current selling price in i i" "ae w v - s, Schools COMPLETE TOUR high school at noma. Diploma. Texts Turn, writs ter cataiogua. am. actwww, tr. vn. w . Portland, . ' x '- Romance, laughs and excitement, ters," Prise ilia Lane and Jeffrey Lynn, star In the Broadway nit, j Yes My Darling Daughter." to-starred with Miss. Lane and Lynn are Roland "ToDner" Youne. Fav Bainter. and the screen's "Lady for a Day" May Rohson. Double-hilled' with "Yes My Darling Daughter" today through Thursday at the State theatre Are James Cagney and Rosemary Lane in LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR IN THE COUNTY COURT OP THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION. No. 10182. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF ERNEST F. OSTRIN, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, by an Order of the VW1J wu w v -" w wvvw v Son for County of Marion, duly made and entered on the 3rd day of Aagust, 1939, was appointed executor' of the Estate of Ernest F. Ostrin, deceased, and has duly qualified as such All persons haying claims against said Estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified as required by law, .and with the proper Touchers, to the nnArclnail th.AfflM ui uonicuw uiwnu, u ney, at 308 Masonic Building, Sa Within Six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated and first published this 8th day of August, 1939. GUSTAVE A. OSTRIN, Executor of the Estate of Ernest F. Ostrin, Deceased. Lawrence N. Brown, Attorney for Executor, 30& Masonic Building, Salem, Oregon. Date of first publication: Au gust 8. 1939. Pate of last publication: sep- tember 5, 1939. NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 10198 IN l THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON for Marion County. In the Matter of the Estate of EMMA R. VIBBERT. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Clare A. Vibbert has been appointee) Administrator of the I Estate of Emma R. Vibbert, de- Personal LONELY? "WORTHWHILE" sweet heart husband, wife for you. Bog 71, Loa Angeles. I ueshus TO get in touch witn some ber the tony of one Wm. who lived in or near Salem to 1 1J7L Please write W.JC .Wilson, aupt of schools, Jackson. Calif. JOIN THE lonesome correspondence ciun. nj dox sz7. fort l a no. Why Be Sick? CHIROPRACTIC DIFFERS from 1 other healing systems in that it con nucrw inc cause, raxner man.tne symp- tomi of disease. Its aim Is o remove the cause, then the symptoms vanish. My recent course at tna rauner School of Chiropractic has given me tne jatesc developments in cniroprac tic. I , Can (047 for Tour smtolntment for a free spinal X-ray and neurocolometer examination on or before Sept 9, 1939, UK. KUI SWKIEUJ ,40(-U. 8. NafL Bank Bldg. Palmer Chiropractor Transportation PASSENGERS TO Boise. Share ax. Smse. Phone 124F18 or C U Leedy, rooks, Route L Leave Tuea, or Wed. Business Claras la this directory on a monthly basis only. Rates 91 pet line per month. Auctioneers RAY HIS EL, 1239 Sixth St Ph. 72(3. Auto Brakes Mika Pa nek. 17$ South Commercial Bicycles I BICT NEW and reconditioned I Harry W. t 141 a Corat P. 4I1( 1 Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 44SS. R. E. Northnoam Chiropractors DR. a L, SCOTT. P8C Chiropractor. 214 R High. TeL Baa. ($73. . ExcaTating J excAT ATI WJ OF all ktada. Pass. menta 'due Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for . sala. Salsa Sand and Gravel co Pboaw $4(3. -x -J v W: .. Florists Braithanpfa, 44T Court Phsns lU Laundries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THB) WEUxa LAUNDRT 2(3 S. Ulgk . Tel. I12( the sweethearts of "Four Daugh "The Oklahoma Kid." Ex-Slave Is 112 Henry Walker Ex-slave Henry Walker, now 112, still leads an active life at his Greenwich, Conn., home. Walker, born in Virginia in 1827. during- the presidency of John Quincy Adams, works in bis garden and likes to tell stories to his young friends. Walker says he expects to live a good many more years. LEGAL NOTICE ceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, and has Qualified as such. AU persons who have claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, as required by law, to the undersigned at the office of Page and Page, Attorneys, Ladd Sc. Bush Bank Building, Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, which is the 29th day of August, 1139, and the last is the 26 th day of September, 193. CLARE A. VIBBERT. Administrator of the Estate of Emma R. Vibbert, De ceased. Page And Page, Attorneys, Salem, Oregon. A 29 S 6-12-19-J I. KfbTICE OP APPOIXTMEXT OF ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE IE HEREBY GIVEN. That by order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marlon, Lettie L. Loose has been appointed as and for administratrix of the Estate of Frank E. Loose, Deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby no- uned to present the same to said administratrix at 22C State Street. Salem, Oregon, within six months after the date of this notice. Dated this September 5, 1939. LETTIE L. LOOSE Administratrix of the Estate of Frank E. Loose, Deceased. RHOTEN ft RHOTEN Sll U.S. NafL Bank Bldg. Salem, Oregon ' ' Attorneys for Estate. . S 5-12-19-26-0 t. Directory Mattresses SALEM FLUFF RUG and Mattraaa factory. NEW MATTRESS, made to order, old remade : carpet cleaning, sizing: fluff rug weaving. 8. 13th A Wilbur. TeL 344L OTTO F. ZWICK ER. Est 1(11 CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Pbona 40(1 Naturopathic Physician DR. W. H. ROCKWELL, Natnropath lo Physician, 17(( Fairgrounds RA TeL 4303. Office Hours 11 a, m. to 1 :3$ p. m. FREE EXAM. A CONSULTA TION, 1 . Painting Paperhansing NEAT WORK. U Johnson. Ph. 1 SS. Prmting FOR STATION ERT pi-ograma boaks or any kind ad print ing, can The Fuusmaa fTinuBg De partment til S Commercial Tele phone (ML - Transfer FOR LOCAL or distant transfer, stor age, . burner .-oa. can S1SL Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland daily Well nrillinff R. A. WIST, rt (, bos 44$. Ph. lKFl Chastar a. Pugh. 1121 Myrtle. Ph. (33(. XSj, is, S- r?,Jv0f rz s 1 4 f - - , y S- " HI in - - - - -;g Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, America's first lady, christen the 917, 000,000 liner America as it slid down the ways at Aewport Aews, Va into the James river. Mrs. Roosevelt Is shown Just as she smashed the bottle of champagne against the prow of the 723-foot craft, largest ever built in the United States. It is expected the liner will be in Atlantic service next year, i Texas Miss Takes Tourney '"ll 4 r if ' Betty New ruler of the feminine 'golf brigade in the United States, Betty Jameson, 20, of San Antonio, Tex, Is pictured with her trophy fol lowing victory in tha tourney held at Noroton, Conn. Patty Berg, tha defending champion, did not compete because of a recent operation. Cross Word Puzzle 12 13 id IS VP, 21 22 23 2S 27 32 34 36 37 VP 'A 'A HH 55 SI 1 HORIZONTAL 42 allowances 1 1 head of . ' n weighing i Catholic ' 44 block Church 46r-anything i 5 salutations sour ; Sbagiiks part 48 scraps of 12 level - literature .L 49 veneration apertur, 16 lively Span- ff-tjTS!, 66 Mexican ish dance 17 strike laborer sharply 57 female sheep 18 narrated 19 sandpaper 21 drunkard -24 scheme 'mm S SS ASS S 33 vz 'ASS ' Herewith Is tha solution to terdaya punia. 25 Mexican tree ' 28 pilsrter 28 Chinese .weight 52-codlike fisa 84 ancient - Roman bronxe v. money . 25 took of Scandina- -- Tian . ' mytHology 28 Paradise 27 large ; . . - ruantit) . -. S3 to orgs 410 narrow band of linen EL.0APJ HT fZjP-V-'l Aewaaa Mass at sahrtfaai 13 wise si 3iaaastiiirKaisMtaiii Bi lata a -V 'it with II 17 V, 4? 20 2H 'A 2d 29 30 31 30 i 3 3? H2 H6 HI 52 &3 SS-dry 7 conclusion 8 refined iron 9 singer 10 derivative of seaweed 11 reproduce -16 violent Adriatic north Mst wind 20 a husband or wife 21 Urge California bullrush 22 fetid 28 enter 24 defile , 27 designation 28 beverage 80 border 81 loiters 83 gnati . 88 agitata 41 piles to be burnt " 43 ckillful 44 putot abook - 45 again -. .- - -:-, 46arifj . . ; 47 wax 60 night bef ort a holiday -81 bora 62 peruse . - 59 number of years in dec ade (pL) VERTICAL 1 f ootlie ' organ " 2 ggsi 3 by means of 4 growing out 6 pertaining to a grand parent 8 scli , i caresuur - ems 7 11 mm asna adjacent eouauea.