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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1939)
PAGE NINETEEN Rental and for Sale Signs on This Page Seen by Thonsands Daily Tlie OREGON STATESMAN; Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, Angut 18, 1939 Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 r Classified Advertising Single Insertion per tin 10c Three Insertions per line 20c Six Insertions per line , 30c One'inontb per line .... 11 09 Minim am charge 25c r Copr for thta pnge accepted until :S0 the evening before publica tion for classification. ' Copr re ceived after this time win be run under the beading "Too .Late to Classlfy.- - The Statesman aasomea tie finan cial responsibility for error which may appear la advertisement pub lished In Ita columns, and In caeee where this paper to at fault wtll re print that part of an advertisement la which the typographical mistake occurs. - . .- ,- - The Statesman reserves the right te reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the light ts place aU " advertising under the proper classification. A "Blind Ad an ad containing a Statesman boa number for an ad draas Is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge Informa tloa as to the Identity of an adver tiser using a "Blind" ad. For Sale Miscellaneous SLAPPT AND Crawford peaches for canning. Elbertaa, Males, Muira and Clings later. Ph. 6F23. Britt Aspla- wall. Waeonda. NEW 4-ELEMENT UAH. electric range only 343.50, easy terms. Oootl Housekeeping. Inc.. 433 Court Bt OWNER HAS sold farm, wishes to sell 8 shares in Producers Can. Frank W. Wilson rt. 4. box tit. Ph. S8VS CHIMNEY CLEANED.- pipes, fur naces, stoves, gutters. Get ready for winter, avoid chimney fires, better draft. All work guaranteed. No soot or dirt. Ray L. Farmer Hardware O Ph. 6065. ' PEACHiCS CRAWFORDS ready, Hales. Kibertas 10 days. Chaffee. Wal lace Rd. Rt. 1 Boa -in-. - Ph. 62F21. N.H. FRYERS, dressed or alive. Ph tOSFll. 1 to S NEARLY NEW Westinrhouse Auto. Range, only 335. 17C5 S. Winter St. FACTORY BUILT turn, trailer house. Like new. Price right. 10(0 Howard. BARGAINS IN used electric sewing machines. - Seats Roebuck at Co. IR1UO. CANNING Corn at River Bend Garden. 4 ml out. or del. Few oays only. p. iz 3 livestock . HORSES FOR sale. Also It wka, eld wesner plga Hayes Ubisn ran Brooks. Oregon. STOP. LOOK and Listen. If you want to buy a Car see that 1035 Graham Sedan. Now only $375. Will take In wood or furniture In part trade. Owner Glenn Woodry, at the F. N. Woodry Auction Mart. Ph. 5110. You'll like this car. 8ee ft today. MUST MUST SELL mr new '39 Rearlna Vacuum Cleaner, dost tax toots. DEAD AND worthless? horses, cows I and floor polisher. Cost 370.00. Will picked op free. Ph. collect 8411 saiem take call 87 7. 05 N. liberty. Montgomery Rend Was. f- YranrZrlTC2Z. fords are ready at Petteys orchard. cellar, shed. We buy 35e lb. World s Later varieties follow. Wallace Rd. largtst company, fkeis ihki i . nnnnnnnnrir," .ir,r r PEACHES. YOU Dick. Townsend's orchard. Mission Bottom. GLASS DOORS 31.58. 110 Chem'kta. Cberaeketa. BARTLETT PEARS. 25c and up. Stoddard, 1 ml. on Wallace road. Money to Loan v 1 1 Money to Loan We Lend You Money WITH REPAYMENT PLAN ARRANGED TO FIT YOUR IN CO 1TB No Endorsees No Comakers Your Signature Only REPAY ANY DAY TO REDUCE COST.! BORROW FROM SALEM'S OLDEST AND LARGEST INDEPENDENT COMPANY WHERE YOUR NEEDS RE CEIVE PERSONAL ATTENTION AFTER AS WELL AS BEFORE A LOAN IS MADE. General Finance Corp. ISO So. Commercial St. ' Lie. Ne. S-138 Phone 9111 First Door South of Ladd Bush Bank Convenient Ground Floor Location For Sale Used Can For Sale Used Car SPECIAL OBTAIN YOUR CASH LOAN the first day you call at PEOPLE'S FINANCE CO. FOR BUSY people who cant afford time off from their Jobs, da this: Write for application blank. Or, phone 4443. and give Just enough Information to establish your credit. Well have the cash ready, waiting, when you come In. L Reasonable credit ' requirement a. t People with modest salaries are es pecially Invtted to apply. It'a the accepted and approved way to borrow. PEOPLE'S FINANCE CO. Rm. 201. First Nat'L Bank BMg. Salem, Oregon - Phone 4440 S-213 State License M-220 MODERN 4 RM. house, close In. In quire 095 N. Liberty. 6-R HSE reined- NE. 322.(0. T-r, $22.50. Mod. 7-r, dbL plunk, 3L 7113. OFFICE ROOMS. SSI StaU Street Inquire room 300, Tel 3713. ELDERLY LADY desires downstair room A board. Box 10S4 co Statesman. WANTED TO Bent S or '10 room house that can be ured for apartments, not too far out. Rent must be reason able. Phone 7339. WANT MOD. Sub. home, fruit A garden. Rt 3 Bx 140. rooms. 3019 Second. Seattle, Wash. Auctions COMMUNITY AUCTION at Fow eTTa Furniture Market mile north r tinAi-naa mi Portland highway. Sat urday. 1 :30. Party leaving stste. Will . sell aras wash, tnacmne. i -iuuw u AUTO LOANS REFINANCING BORROW MONEY ON YOUR CAR OR REFINANCE YOUR PRESENT BALANCE EASY TERMS NO DEI-AY TRI-STATE ACCEPTANCE CORP. M-225 MERRILL D. OHLING INSURANCE Phone 9494 375 SUte Street Salem, Oegoa "STUDIO COUCH, radio chair, oooa : model radio, bedroom set, furniture and I slonal chair. S-pc. bedroom set. Ches- othw articles too numerous to men tion. Bring or list anything you have to sell. Including stock and poultry. Wm. Powell, clerk. Bert Alpnin. auc tioneer. .Phone 33 no. terfield chair. Call Frlday-or Saturday a. m., 925 Leslie. CURTIS AIR compressor. 150 lbs.. automatic. 1440 Fairgrounds road. - - - i n. ii i fi ru- n.nji.nj" Hop Pickers ' START PICKING early hops at WI1- llama and Thacker Aug. 13. 4 mile west of Salem. TeL 9114. i Help Wanted us nrEKLT. CI ROW mushrooma .. . . rrr . iv , QT largest company. FREE BOOK. Mush rooms, 2019 Second. Seattle. wash. -sjxrxixAJTJxnj'VxrijnjnjT -i.r "i ATTENTION I HOP PICKERS REGISTRATION BOOKS are now COLORED FRYERS, 19c lb. 6317. PURE BRED rocker soanlel huim. Black and red. J. Versteeg, 1901 N. 5th. Wanted Misrellanfoiif, WANTED UXKI furn Ph. 1110 mS0mjmtJmmjmm OLD WOOL mattress. TeL SI 10 WANTED TO buv for cash. 1st a Snd mortgages real estate contract I A merchandise discount proper. STATF FINANCE CO 344 State Street. Salem Oregon Miftcpl'mieonft DENTAL FI-ATKS REPAIRED TWO HOUR SKRVICE DR. HARRT SRMf.ER. DENTIST Corner Stat A Commercial Ph. 331 1 For Rent Rooms FURN. RMS., good ideation. V. 65St CASH FOR 8 mm Mnrl. rimm V. open for our several varda. For furtn- 1 1.9 lens. Eastman or Bell Howell. Box r information can ai in. ouicv w atatesman. DIIRRIN A CORNOTER over 4. C Penney store N Liberty street wanted T? KAN Dickers Friday. 31.25 per cwt Chemawa Indian School. Help Wanted-Female GIRL GEN. housework. Ph. 7585. ftjifinnnnrrmi'n i-i-i- - WOMAN FOR housework, nreferablv middle aged. Apply 515 N. Summer St ,j-ijnjnjTj"ij'triJsi''p LADY FOR housework. Call 8320 Fairgrounds Road. a NEAT APPEARING salesladies tar lnrai firm, n 2r 21-40. Salary. Com mission If qualify. See Mrs. Pheppard Apt Z. 39 Center SL Hours tin . HOUSEKEEPER FOR care of 2 children. Good home and some wages. Noah s Ark Auto Camp, cabin s. Salesmen Wanted TWO T.TVK wire men to sell roof ing and siding. Hard worker can make 140 per wk. with good chance ior pro motion. Apply 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Mathle. 1T1 S. CommerciaL -; Situations Wanted BLEEPING RMS., near schools and capital. 492 N. Summer. Ph. 4493. DESIR. FURN. hsk. rm. 790 N. CmL Room and Board TBU BOARD, exc food. OS Marlon TBU BOARD, exc food. (50 Marlon EX. RM. and bd.. 1CI N 12th. PRL HOME. exceL food. Ph. 0791. LIGHT AIRY rooms with or without board. 149C Court. Phone 8030. NICE SLEEPING room, closeln, ln eluding board. 509 N. Liberty. DR ESSM A K. MRS AdsttL Ph 2l ROOM A Board 920. Ph. 4333. MAN OF mld-aare with 25 rears exp. In handling furniture, antiques and electric appuancea Small salary and com mission. Box .10(7 co. Statesman. i SEW 20c. IRON 23c Ph. T213. HOME-LIKE close la. 431 N. Winter For Rent Apartments 2-R. FURN. APT- near statehouse MAN AND wife want steady work suitable for women. 471 N. caiptoi. en ranch or farm. Experienced. A-l local inferences. Ernest Craft, care Chas. Meier, rt. 1, Jefferson, Ore. t RM. NEWLY furn. Heat, water refrig. bath, adults. 991 N. Cottage. PLASTERING A patching. Ph. (107. WILL CARE for children Taome. lit N. 12th. Ph. S425. In- my 1 TO 4-RM ants., cheap, tl SO ani up Children welcome. isi tsxn. - For SaJe-Miscellaneons Bikes A Rep. Ramsden. 143 R Ue. REBUILT AND guaranteed ash era. All makes from 310 up. Spec. Mar tag 335. Hogg Bros. ; ARMY WALL tent 235 S. 14th. Distilled White vinegar for all pick- ting purposes. "Keeps your pickles krisp. Also pure apple cider vinegar Puritan Cider was., west saier- - RAWLEtGrl GOOD health products E. W. Miller. Stay ton. Ore. TeL 1X1 GOLDEN CROSS sweet corn. L. H Zieike, Robert Rta. Ph. 77F3. NICELY FURNISHED, close to. 137 N Commercial St. FURNISHED APTS.. t4(a State. NEW 1 R.:fURN. apt. Dress, nsu I pnlL UU prL bath. CIS Sa BEAUTIFULLY FURN1SHET 8-rra corner apt., Leslie Manor, lie 'esne l-RM. FURN., bath, 1440 Waller. FURN. APT and ou8ekeep!ng roomi reasonable?. 20S4 N. CaDltoi. apt ft. 3-RM. FURN. apt. IMS & 12th. OS FAIRMOUNT HJU to responsible party. Modem apt. m private home Heat rum t shed. 1(73 sagtnaw. 2 A 2 R. APTS Furn. A unfura. 131 to 140. Royal Court Ph S95A SEE FISHER ants. Modernised BUR. BOOKKPO. gsNtM 17 col- Wl2ff. trail, motor A stand. $59. 4-drawer e- gnl steel file, roller suspension, auto matic lock. IIS. West made desk like new. durnlenm - too. 1 Dodestala rea. 1 71. value, 3S. Triner postal scale. 17. Llne-a-tkxM copy bolder II. Electric check writer perfect cond.. 123. Dick duplicate. 1S. Nat cash register wl'n 3100 csnacltr. 315. Ts turn posting tray $7. Bur. 7 coL -adder. -133. Roen. I 450 Ccurt. . : ' ' CANNING SWEET corn. Ph. 5883. . ADVERTISING . Western Adf ertlsbif '- Bepreaeatatlvee ' -. V ' Geerae D. Close, lae. rranciaco, Los Angeles, Seattle Eastern Adverusins; " ReoresenutlTes Bryant Grlffltii A Brunson. lae. ; Chicago. New York. Detroit. 1 Boston. Atlanta delighted. Oak and 8. CommerciaL COOL 1ST floor 3-nn. (43 Ferry VAC HAW. Ct. 1000 No. Capitol PATTON APTS 322 8tate. Fur nlshed. Adults only. Ph. 4344.- sssasvsBasissaresaaseASes 3 R. FURN $1S. 84S Marlon. J.R. APT., prL bath.. 1188 N. Fourth. flXij-truVVVsiiiiri" "1 - si si sk isj I RM. FURN. Apt 325 South 14th. suxrMJ.ruTjn njrunjrusi i -"i"" - -r - - -" FURNISHED t ROOM Apt, water. beat, garage. 985 Saginaw t RM. APT. private bath. 1188 & (to. aw. FURN. int. washer, adults, ga rage. 19.70 per mo. (24 N. Capitol St. Baa OLYMPIC APTS. S room furnished. twin beds. Ph. 7748. rJJ-uxfVVsJSJnlrsfy1 """"'- FIRST FLOOR Apt 13SS State. MSjsaaaekshsaekSBBasAs L t I I RM. APTS.; 5i & CotUgS. T watered ct tAe rpefeftce ei Salem Orgo, es Ceooad Class -Jatlr Pet. timkA jmh asanHNA eseest af swaa Bsataeae eee MM Mot Cemmereiw VERY LOVELY f uraiahed modem 3 rm. apL. h.w. beat, laundry, garage, $32.50. Phone I41S. v 9 ssi' r. ant tcta water, m. neor. Ui week 1290 Oak. nw axis. RM. APT. 444 a High. , , 4vTf t R. FURN. Hot W. Gar. Elec. sr. Six. 3SS0 Le. : - . ' 1B, Furn., lights, water, $7.00. 1396 N.-4tn.-."-, ; . - saeaSksMMSaasjsssajeasaasj . i SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall Subscription Rates la Advance, miiui. nn and Sunday MoT(0 cents: 8 Mo. $1S0; Mo. $2.50 j y BM..APT. In Attr. botne.-SL porch 1 rear SS.04U Elsewhere cents pet 1 prlr. sua woman, isi un et Per cVpy 3 cent Newsstands S cents FURN. APT, pri. bath.-$4S Court St. rvr TLr ..1 . . - ei . araa a Marion 1 HAZELDORF furnished apt., $30 and adjacent eouBtlea, . aad 835. 178 & wtage GET SPOT CASH This "PERSONAL" Way WHEN AT HOMES 8 A "Personal" Loan $2S to $300. Easy Terms WHEN AWAY: USE A "PERSONAL" CREDIT CARD Good at 370 offices. Coast te Coast SIMPLE TO QUAI.Ir T t come m. GUARANTEED BY GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MAGAZINE As advertised therein.) . PERSONAL Finance Co. Second Floor, New Bllgh Bldg. ki 1 Rials street. Salem. Oregon State License Numbers S 133 M-ISs LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY TO buy new or used care. Private money at new low rates. Immediate action. No red tape. 1 TO 20 MONTHS TO PAT Roy H. Simmons ' is Smith Commercall Street Phone l(8 Lie No. bi-jbj put ttiv s. also nrlvate loans Abrams A Ellis Inc. Masonic Biag AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. 5th FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE NO. M-I6 yfkfjruTKnjf'ririi'i'm'r'aiii ''' MONEY TO LOAN AT 4 PER CENT to REFINANCE vour present ban or for new construction. This applies to homes In Salem only. P. H. BELL 429 Oregon Building Salem. Oregon Phone 8121 or 3302 BUILD REMODEL REFINANCE REMODELING? Secure full Infor mation covering our remodeling plan. MORTGAGE LOANS t Monthly 'par ment, semi-annual or straight loans. LOW INTEREST RATES. QUICK SERVICE. REX SAN FORD Ladd A Bush Bank Bldg. Financial 4 WE HAVE never paid lee than this rate oa saving and InvestMent. Insured ta 33000. Mutual Federal Savings A Loan Asse Phone 4944 143 8. Liberty hc Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing Inquire et Hawkins Roberta, faeMats's WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real es 4ate. Will psv ( Interest. , W. H. GRA RENHORST V-UL RITA I. TORS ' 134 S. Ubertv Street Phone S4f For Rent -Honscs a RM MODERN house .825. 1730 8. Liberty. Inquire 1520 N. capttoi. PRL HOME. Mod S rm. well furn. Close. Hea raraae. phone, water. Reasonable to riant party, r. &sz. 4 RMSJ $1S. 224$ Broadway. 7S4I 4-RM. HOUSE, top, 400 N. Cottage. S-ROOM HOUSE. sulUble for couple 275 Madrona Ave Salem Heignts. 4 RM. FURN. "Inq. 9IS N. 20th. 4 RM. HOUSE $12. 945 S. 22nd. Cafl between and p.m. FURN. MODERN country home. Liberty -Diet, garage, barm, chickee iinnu swtrte water sTstem. garden tract $20 mo. Mrs. E. Dougherty, RL 1 Box SL Ph. Sill. R. JNQ. (IS. S. 32nd. NICE ROOM house reasonable. rinsa to State Inst. Redecorating now, 170 N. 24th St. After Thursday call-at 49S S. 21st. a.m. only. easaMasaBlssreaas REAL HOME values oa easy terns. $2150. Good S-rm. plastered home lo cated at 1498 Ferry SL Cor. lot. bath ate. paved. Basement. In excellent con MiHnn On ! tsss down. baL 335 per mo. - $250. Good 7-rm. plastered home with rot 75x1(0 feet, uouoie garage. Located at 1259 & Liberty SL Only CA k ttK AA,. 9tA - .- 4- :- 13000. -erm.Rme with oaaement aad furnace, double, garage, cor. lot. On bus line. $100 down, pal $10 pet mo. Located 1009 & 12th St -. tinea aani 7-rm. home with base- meat. : furnace, earage. cor. lot. Lo cated at 1S08 Court SL $500 down. baL 330 ner month. ' - - $2500. 4-rsa modern home with oak floors, cement-basement, furnace," ga rage. Located near Grant school. sjv down, baL $25 per mo. ' " ' REAL ESTATE A FIRE INSURANCE W. H. GRABENHOBST 4c CO. Keaitora For RentHouses 1937 Chevrolet DeLtixe Sport' Sedan :...$495 , Radio, DeLuxe Equipment. 1934 Chevrolet Dual Long Truck..! $295 Practically new tires. You Toad better hurry because these won't be here long. AND MANY MORE McKAY CHEVROLET CO. WALT HOLMAN . JIMM1E DAVIS - LAWRENCE FLA TITERS 338 Center Street - Open Evenings " For Rent Am0i0w - - -iiriiysJy-knrL Wanted to Rent For Sale Real Estate l R. MOD. HOUStt. basement. gar 1 blk. from Safeway St. 847 Saginaw WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF YOU want te sell exchange lease, rent, see Mr. Larsem or Mr. Col lins with Hawkins A Roberts. TRADE C3T property for faros homes. Opportunities la exchangee HAWKINS ROBERTS. INC WHAT A BUY ! 3 new 6-rm. mod- homes In a restricted district N. 18th St Small down payment wilt my them Reasonably priced, terms as tow as S7 per month. See them at once. Own er A builder. W. A. Cladek. '435 N 18th. Phone 4277. LOT EOzltt on Market St. near 17th St. Owner 715 N. Cottage. Ph. 4647 0 RM. HOUSB. near Sr. high. Easy terms. Ph. 8893 after (. Ph. 3409. HOUSES FOR sale. rent, and trade, also acres ae. and lots close in. See E. M. Larsen Real Estate, U. 8. Na- Uonal Bank Bldg. Ph. 3781, eve. 6769 HOUSES FOR sale. rent, and trade, also acreage and lots close In. See E. M. LARSEN REAL, ESTA11S U. a National Bank Building Ph. 3781, evenings 5769. SACRIFtCEJ GOOD house. 3 lota cor paved streets, plenty shade, close In. $200 down, $25 mo. Includes taxes. Int. 219 Court Phone 5218. SPECIAL Price reduced from $2100 to $1759. room plastered house, full cement basement, house needs some work. I-ot 60xlP0 near Richmond school. Call to see It. CHILDS ft MILLER. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 92(1 DON'T OVERLOOK this snap Owner leaving must sell House ha rooms backed by shrubs and trees. only 32100.09. New house, suburban Ideal location sy down easy terms. Reflnlshed house only $20.00 per month. New brick house close In like rent. ABRAMS A ELLIS. Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg. Phone (155 Insurance Money to Loan. MR. RENTER Your rent receipts will nay for this neat 4 room House tor you large liv ing room with lire place.. Z rxl rooms. built-in kitchen, nook A utility room. St paved and paid. Price $2050 with izoo clown bai. 320 per mo. See Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 344 State St Phone 2(1 FOR SALE Suburban Store A Station Price $1750. See Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS ft MILLER. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 9211 FOR SALE by owner at big sacrt flee. New, 4 bedrooms, double plumb ing, fine fruit One of Salem's finest suburban homes in every respect 2500 will handle. Shown by appointment or.iy. raone nni. (-RM. HOME near state bldaa. Larea tot atractive shade. Priced 33000 U. E. Rae, 1(55 N. Cottage. Ph. 1761 BUILDING SITES, lots 2 blks. from Richmond school. (0x155. - rood soil. paving paid. (50 down, fit per mo, Acre tracts on Lansing lane. io 10 A. close In on Silverton road. Will subdivide. 1175 per A. Money to loan at per cent MELVIN JOHNSON. Realtor 725Courf Street Phone 3723 Exchange Real Estate YOUR CHANCE to go to southern Cat. Have orange and avocado groves, also town property there, 5 to 15 m. What hava-vnn? Owner. Glen R. Hnax. (307 Hines. Salem, Ore. BUILDING LOTS just outside city limit trade for city property. Owner, box 10(2, care Statesman. For Sale Farms FARM SACRIFICE 120 ACRES NEAR 99 W. 0 acres cultivated, balance timber and pasture. 4 room house with spring water, elec tricity available. This farm was ap praised at 812 000.00 a few years ago and Is worth $(.000.00 now. bat mast be sold and Is off red at only 33.7& with $500.00 down. See Mr. Collins with HAWKINS A JtOBERTS, Inc. SACRIFICE. PEAR ORCHARD Nearly acres In bearing pears located about 3 miles west of Liberty. on rood kravfl road. No buildings Pries 3600 cash. Nice location to build your home. SEE THIS 'BARGAIN RIGHT NOW. ' W..H. GRABENHORST A CO. . Realtors 184 & Ubertr Street . Phone 1418 TEN ACRE VIEW TRACT ' Located about miles out all plow land, few shade trees, good highway, wonderful view of Salem and the val ley. Price $850; only 819? dowa, eex 315 per mo. Bee - - W. H- GRABENHORST A CO. . Realtors; 134 8. Liberty Street t Phone 14(9 . FARM BARGAIN. SIT acres en rood tillable land, buildings, located N. of Salem on Pa cific biahway. Price S7eper -ecre. term. YOU WILL LIKE THIS FARM. Come fa) aad let as show yon this barrain. W. H. GRABENHORST ts CO. '.'Realtors : 111 8. . Liberty street Phone 141$ 35 ACRES river bottom, all culti vated, family orchard. 6-rm. bouse. warehouse, barn. 8 wells, electricity. Close to school. Priced to sejl. Owner ftbene C81. -.. - t riiriisrsrir"iisr' nesfsrsars"Trrerir 134 a Liberty Street tt ACRES .dose to Kelser school. all In cultivation. Creek, can be Irri gated. 8-rm. house, electric water- sys tem, pato, Ugnts. ban. cucKetr aouse. 84000. - -.-. t .....-. 81 A. close to Kelser school, small bldga, light creek. Irrigation right 3toe : isus aown. - Money te loan et per cent MELVIN JUUKSUHr jteaitor Phose 14(1 728 Court Street Phone $138 "C" SHR0CK TO BUY OR SELL YOUR CAR Just a Few of Them 1931 Chevrolet DeLuxe Sedan, perfect and only. 1931 Ford Tudor Sedan, a dandy at only. 1934 Plymouth P. EL DeLuxe Sedan, the popular modeL. 933 Chevrolet Coach, a nice one and low mileage 1934 Terraplane Tudor Sedan, trunk, looks and la good. 1934 Chevrolet Coach, Salem owned, runs fine and only. 1930 Ford Sedan, wheels, etc, overhauled, goes at 1930 Ford Coach, new paint, overhauled, at 190 Ford Cabriolet Coupe, a alee one too .$486.00 .$325.09 -1325.00 .$245.00 .$215.00 .$216.00 .$175.00 .$146.00 -$145.00 ...$175.00 1930 Chrome wheel, maroon colored, special Ford Roadster Many Maay Others From $15.00' up MOTORCYCLE BARGAINS - ALL MAKES $ ave at hrock's 535 CHEMEKETA STREET PHOXE 7922 Open Evenings 1938 FORD De Lux Tr. Sedan. $(00 equity. Take older car, lot in Salem or close In acreage. Balance monthly. en jn. commercial. For Sale Wood 138 MASTER De Lux 2 door. BAR GAIN. TeL 5535. SUMMER PRICES, old fir IT at only $4.76 per cord. Order for now or later del. Phone 4158. Oregon Fuel Co. 1929 model A four-door sedan $75.00. Good rubber. 100 Iowa Ave. Ph. 55F11. 1937 DeLUXE Ford sedan. Runs and looks like new. Only 18.500 exact miles. Has original tires, bir heater. Price 3475. Dial 110 then call 94F2J or 4311 week days. 37 CHEV. master de luxe. Original owner, 24,000 miles. Looks and runs like new. 3485. 1180 Smith St, near fairgrounds. Acrrsage 20 ACRES. MOST all bottom land. suitable for beans or garden, small creek and Irrigating system. Price $2500. Win trade forSaIem property and assume. 20 Acres with good I room modern bouse and double garage, 7 ml. from Salem," paved road. Will exchange for unimproved land suitable for stock. MODERN HOME In Portland to ex change for Salem home. ROSTEIN A ADOLPH, INC. llOH N. Commercial St. Wanted Real Estate BUYER WITH 3500 cash wants partly Imp. acreage within (ml. Salem. O. E. Rae. 1(55 N. Cottage. Ph. (7(L Business Opportunities FOR SALE Grocery stock and fixtures and gas and OIL Fine location and doing a good business, tour nice llvlnr rooms. 8 year lease at $50 per month. Priced at $1,750.00. See Larsen at HAWKINS A ROBERTS. Inc. FOR SALE OR TRADE Fully Eaulooed restaurant and con fectionery doing good business. See Larsen with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. Inc. OWNER RETIRING offers his fully equipped luncheon snd Confectionery at low price of $1000. A good paying business. In rest lira te. KST SALEM REAL ESTATE 959 Edgewater TeL 6122 saesssssjaaasea FOR SALE Attractive wrocerv. university district Eugene, reasonably priced cash. Address box 1058. care Statesman. INTENTION'S WANTED, natented or unpatented. J. T. Anderson, 1015 W. Morrison, Portland. m mm - - - - - - - - - -!-,-,-.-n-ru-i J-f-inrwJf STOCK AND fixtures of service at. Hon and -grocery stock for sale at In ventory. South Commercial and Liber ty Road. . 9747. DRY 16-ln. old fir. $4.60, SPEC OAK $5.76, ash $5.25 P. 9703 """"" igss eiQj'unj'xrxrunjnjnjnjtr INVESTIGATE BUDGET plan on wood. Ph. 5370, W. L. Graen. 412 N. 21 K-IN. OLD fir. (5; knots. $4.50; 4-it. I no, s.v. r-none 46. URI 16-IN. B. fir 34.75 35.25 C 2 cds. 2d gwth. 4.15. 8 cos. Ph. (120. Lost and Found FOUND DARK Jersey cow with horns. E. S. Coates, Rt 2, Turner. WILL PERSON who picked up par cel of bedding between State Hosp. and 24th and Chemeketa Sts. please re turn to 1050 Hunt St or phone 4427. Kewara. Personal fi-tMIPI V IVADf'UtVIIII I" heart, husband, wtfe for you. Box T6. LEGAL NOTICE SHERIFF'S NOTICF. OF SALE . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I will,' on Saturday, Septem ber 2, 1939, at 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, at the west door of the Marion County Court House in Salem. Oregon, sell at public auction in the man ner provided by law for the gala of real property on execution, the following described real premises, to-wit; Lot 11, Block "B." Simpson's Addition to the City of Salem, Marlon County, Oregon. Said sale will be by rirtue of an execution Issued out of the Cir cuit Court of the SUte of Oregon for Marion County. In . that auit heretofore pending there! n In which City of Salem, a municipal corporation, is plaintiff and R. O. Cummins and Jane Doe Cummins, his wife, Marlon County, a body politic, and Frieda Oehler Smith, are defendants, the same being Clerk's Register No. 28108. " Dated and first published Aug ust 4, 1939. A. C. BURK, : Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon. By Kenneth L. Randall, Deputy. A 4-1 1-1 8-2 5-S 1. . r Business Directory Cards fa this directory ' rwa oa a snout Uly basts oaly. Raiet 91 per Hne per month, Auto Brakes Kike Panes,. 17 South Commercial Bicycfes BICYCLES. NEW and reconditioned Harry W. Scott 147 8. Com!. P. 4114 Carpmters Carpenters. L. I. Mickey ft Sou. 1T Crement Contractors RALPH , BARLAIC 111 Lecmst S'SS Qiimntry Swesp TCLtCPKONIS 4410. : ft. C. Nertbaess -Chiropracrtora Dft-O.' tm MC(m. PSC Cilret)raete? 330 N. Ilga. TeL Rea. 8671. ; ExcaTallnj EXCAVAT1NO OF iB ktads' Pass meats duav Dtrt hauled ee eaeeed. Dirt for sale. Salem Band and Gravel C Phone 9408w T: ) s r -;? i ,j i -Florists i Bi-fthauprV 44T, fioiirt. Poeoe 004 InndriM Phone S733 THB NEW SALK14 LAUNDRT TUB WXUDUR LAUNDRT IIS S Uat - TeL 8134 &lattre8843i SALEM FLUrr RUO and Idattrees factory. NEW MATTRESS made te order, eld remade: carpet eteantna. sistngt nun rug wearing. M. 13th ft Wilbur. TeL 14 4 L fJTTO t. XW1CK BR. Est II1L t " CAPITOL BEDDINa CO, 1008 Nattxrqpatliie Physician DR. W. H. ROCKWELU Naturopath le Physician, 17ft fairgrounds Bd TeL 4301 Office Rem II a. m. tl:30 a. sa, ran exam. consulta Prlatins rOR STATION EST card. prearama aeeke er any klaft ef sslsav lag. can The fttatesroaa Printing De partmeet 211 S, 4asaweJaL Tele- 10L - v - . : Transfer "TOR LOCAL; r distant transfer, ator oga burner eQ. can tllL Lsnner Transfer Co. Trwcks te Pbrtlaad daU CTTT'TRANSrER. Ph. 4110. Reasoe. Vacnoxa Cleaiier S4iee MR. WALt. Pb. I2P2. ' rrar eat. (aft prlcea- Rebuilt machines and reatala LiTestock Livestock ATTENTION Stockmen and Fanners PHONE C411 PHONE 8411 All stock men, farmers and dealers If you happen to bare Dead er Worthless Horses, Cows, Hogs or Sheep, etc, Just call COLLECT C411 Salem and our truck will be at your place without delay and we will pay you accordingly. t Montgomery Rendering Works Salem New Fashions Flown From Paris A- x-V-:-:--- -if : :.: V.....V .( s - ve j v - - i,; c-jS v v. . V''. '' - A V .-. VSIS.V.'.V V.-VWA'? '.'..-.W.'V.-i'.V, .' Transatlantic plane service Is an aid to the fashion Industry, too. Newest Pajisian styles can be rushed to the United States almost overnight Here is Mildred Johnson, New York stylist, with the latest in Paris hat creations, which she has opened up right at the airport. Action in US War Games r V: . Xyif . " - v"v ' 5 i-v . . . . . - - j- mrm Hi Camera catches some action ta the United States war games at Manassas, Va. The photo shows field artillerymen firing a field eua in defense practice on Signal BIO, a famous Civil war tetUegroond, i , 57elT Drillin-; M. A. WEST, nib 441. PK as Cross, Word Puzzle 12 is 22 21 32 37 H6, HI 23 3 24 31 20 33 35 16 30 i 13 2Z HI 21 5 I? HO 17 36 2 i 14 26 31 to 27 H2 II 2 i3 HORIZONTAL 44reepectfully VERTICAL 11erones 1 dyfl wron- 16 one who : 1 former Irish 16 equal value 6 small mass inspects capital 8 entangle electric v S eign 12 female - " lamps in 3 worthless attendant rocess 1 4 cogitates for children 47olf mound, ft Jwttles : (Indiai i9 6 nast 14 silrworm Jn lr-oetnc : 4-lrt - backwards Rapanes and for-: eo; . wards alter- 1 -chair tsatety ' aw J"" 1 i v- -.1 u a- - . apple K I"". " T w rcw zr ureez It forms into terdaya ptaxle.- , , . letter: line ' - 6lc - r 1 - zs uvera 17 change 21 helpers 22 distant 2J Shoshonean Indlaa 7 liquor bottle 24 dry; said of .8 one's - , --.'wines. .. ; caQinf 1 1 25 roanf -Ireland. . -hares-10 gtometric - -. 76 Srsnd?na Tian terri torial diyi- . 20 ermbolfeT - BTptoa v 21 poker stake r 22-MSJsessO - 2S tnencf ' letters , 29 consumed II Anuia v bdnf 82 recipient 84 wader insenrobis)- - 25 ISth day of. Marck-1-"' 26 near 27 eHUS? 49 sour sis . K jtriceof tnmtes 23 large aea- car oFlTe dtt)eo WE L. I iNErPlAM AJS 1 AFh tjRKTlOR t!4 Ol ... . ducks UmU tm mm ... - i iai eo ,onsnmne- - wa asm 77-epochal . as. -',- a "! ongw star . 59 sahrtstions 40 solar disk . 41 Joy ; 43 Egyptian -SP? ;: ; 43 India ' . " I v peaaan - 45 bora