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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1939)
PAGE TWENTY The OREGON " STATESMAN, Salein, Oregon, Friday Morning, August 18, 193$ Evicted on Stretcher . i i ; i ,? - i ...v.;:.; j ! v " , ' , ' - '-- " A - ."hV ' ' ft i .1 . i :- : mfiMrt---nnf-itfii'minrni-ii rirriilr 'imi m- Ti Wfiii mrt'i mif'-iiiiinifiWi'it"JTi"'AV (DO ronation to Bemld Flax F eie at 8 J. CurtlM Scott, a iaralid. Is thomi here 'mm be was evftted from his borne la Uutai. NJ on a atretcber after his mother and grand ; mother had for three weeks defied an erlctJoa order. ' ;. FROM WEST FIR UNION HILL. Kenneth and Woodry (474 So. Com'L) Special A Friday & Saturday Only "1700DRY SPECIAL" Introductory Offer ' M 11 Shirley Neal of West Fir are halt ing this week at the homes of Mr. and Mrs, Georse- Scott and Mr. and Mrsv Doljh Heater. Similar to mastratkm FEATURES: Crowned Head, fall p o r eelaln tab. Sponge Bobber Wringer .Rolls. Fall Pow ered, qnlet tuning; ' Terms: 4.00 Down ' 4.00 Per Month Reg. 69.50 41 in I (Mil. - j- FUIUIITUI1EC0. me414 474 8.ComX Blocks 8oath of Ladd A Bash Pireaclieis, Lyons LYONS Robert Monlton Gatke, professor of history at Willamette oniyerslty, gave the morning ser mon at , the Lyons Methodist church Sunday morning. The La dles Aid had charge of the meet ing. Gatke was . minister of this church 22 years ago. Next Sun day morning the serrices win be In charge of the Epworth League members. Mrs. Mildred Finch, who spent the last two weeks with her sis ter, Mrs. Ed Spa, returned to her home In Seattle the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen went to Portland Monday where they are attending the national rural carriers' conrentlon. Or Till e Downing, substitute carrier, Is carrying the mail while Allen Is away. Miss Gladys TuthlU of Lyle, Wash spent serenl days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Paul Johnston. - Queen Elaine To Take Realm Salem OierTians, Queen of Roaaria, to Be Gaestt r of Flax FeatiTnl -MT ANGEL-The Salem Cher- rlans will , be, In charge ..of , the grand- coronation ' ceremonies which will open the fourth an nual Flax Festival here at a - p. m. Friday. - King Blng Harold Buslck will erown the queen as sisted "by his council of nobles. Bar 1 Garner. well known - sports announcer of Portland will act as master . of ceremonies. ; Queen Jean II of the Portland Rose FestlTal, Fra&k' MeCaslln and other representa tires of the Portland . festiTal . group will ha present. Walter Cain Is chair man in charge 'of arrangements. Royal Ball Next ? ri Immediately after the. corona tion the Queen's ball will begin in the auditorium and the old, time dance In the gymnasium across the street. Joe Dardis popular dance ' hand will furnish music tor the ball and Chuck White head from the Uptown .ballroom In 'Portland will play the old time tunes. - - - . Judges for the Kiddies parade Saturday -morning at 10:50, the opening feature of the day'a cele bration, . are -Wayne D. Harding, Marlon County 4-H club agent; B. D. Barrlck, chairman of the Salem school board, and well known In this community for his Interest In sof tball and sponsor ship of the Pade-Barrlck girls' softball team, and J. C. Hannah, district manager of the Oregon Journal and assistant' leader of the Journal Juniors. Parade Still Open. Leonard Fisher, Junior parade cnairman, announced that the registration deadline will be weired and any child may enter me parade proriding he reports at the school grounds by 10 a. m. Saturday. Prizes for the winners In the parade are on display at the W. D. Harris office. vie Kelly and Arnold Zollner hare been chosen as captains for the polo game at the Ebner ball park at 2 p. m. Saturday.' Flax Leader ' "J i Paul Schwab, president of the Mt. Angel Business Men's crab, co- sponsor with the Flaxarlans of the Flax Festtral, scheduled for Mt.' Angel Friday, Saturday and Sunday. ( Jesten-MIuer photo, courtesy The Oregonlan). Amity Property Changes Hands AMITY Carl Loop of Amity nas bought the B. C. Clark place just north of town, better known as the George Massey, sr., prop erty. The Clark family has mored to east Portland where Mr. Clark haa bought a grocery store. Starting Sunday, August 20, there will be no church serrices at the Baptist e h n r c h of Amity until Sunday, September 17. Sun day school will meet at 10 a. m as usuaL -t .-i ; -v - tMrs." George Massey, sr., re turned Sunday from a rlslt of ser era! days In-Albany at the home of her sister. Mrs. Amanda Balti more. Mr. and Mrs. WUllam Rlchter and family returned Monday from a trip to the Golden Gate exposi tion at San Francisco and other parts of California. Rlchter Is proprietor of the Amity meat mtx-ket. Mott, Shepard . Visit at Zena ZEN A Congressman James W. Mott, who has a summer home at Zena, brought Ray Shepard, who spent his boyhood at Zena, back with him from Washington, DC, August 10. Both men hare been recent Zena rlsitors. Shepard, engineer In the war department. Is nere to study locations of Willam ette valley dam projects. He has Invented an instrument to deter mine foundation material for dams and plans to use It In his work here. He made a short vi sit to the home of his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Raloh Shepard, Monday when on his way to Eugene where he plans to re main three weeks. Recent guests at the Ralph She pard home were Mrs. Eugene Gin der of Camas, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. w. T. Young and Pearl of Missoula, Mont Mrs. Shepard Is sister of Mrs. Ginder and Mrs. Toung. Mr. and Mrs. Tounr and daughter were en route to the fair and planned to so on to Mex ico. s&n Green ' ': Stamps Cottage at Ferry - Dial 7707 Free DeUvery; ... t (THE BIGGEST LITTLE STORE TO TOWN) Fri Sat, Sim. & Mon : FRESH MEATS, GROCERIES, VEGETABLES mis Tall Cans ' Armour's CREAMED ; COTTAGE CDEESE 2 ru Ks Carve Cot lb. 0 Vw SUGAR, 10 lbs. 50c; 100 lbs?.t).70 j COFFEE bulk, fresli ground, ftESC h ansnui SusBHBBnuuusuauussuuuuuauuuuauasBUB TOILET TISSUE, M J)J$ roUs25c ; : Soft, Absorbent ! - r ' -S " IUNSO, large size, pk'g. EC3 ; CHEESE, foil lb.: IlSc ' ; VEGETAELES " OIIANGES, sweet, juicy doz. 2;C Local Tomatoes, ripe,' Crm..J lbs. 1 THUS DELTVTRT . PHONE 7737 , f OPHI CUNDAYS Rickreall Host to Out-of-Staters . RICKREALL. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hill and family of Berk eley. CaL, left Tuesday forUheir nome after visiting with his In valid father, Almon Hill and his brother, W. C. HUL Mrs. Luther Valentine, of Leas- ton. Neb., visited several days with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Sanders, form er neighbors in Nebraska. - Census Taker Grenz Meeting Is Reunion in Park i Ur. Eva Grenz I Honor Guest on Occasion of 83rd Anniversary TALBOT Elghty-flre descend ants of Mrs. Sva Grens held their annual reunion S Sunday In Bry ant's park in Albany. -This was also In honor of Mrs. Grens's SSrd hlrthdav. Aucnst 11. Mrs. Grens has been a resident of this community for 52 years She was horn In Russia. " "After the dinner hour officers were elected for the eomlng year: President, Lee Grens; vice-president, John Grenz; secretary Mrs. Violet Smith. It was decided to make Bryant park the permanent meeting place on the second Sunday In August. program . during the after noon was as follows: Eong by Vi ola, Harry, Gertrude and Elber Schneider of Monmouth; reading by Richard Klzer; song by Rich ard and Helen Grenz; recitation by Roberta McGuire; songs by Carolyn Grens and Jack and Mar jorle Grens; group singing, led by Carolyn Grens; German song by Mr. and Mrs. Goetllb Grenz; Ger man duet by Mrs. Eva Grenz and Mrs. Goetllb Grenz. Teachers Engaged For Albany High ALBANY John H. Welbes, Dayton, has been appointed to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of George Gentemann Smith-Hughes Instructor In the Albany high school. At the same time superinten dent R. E. McCormack announc ed contract with Mrs. Irene San ders to take the place of Mrs. Juanlta Johnston during her year's leave of absence. Mrs. Sanders has been associat ed with the public health de partment In Portland for several years and has taken a course at the University of Oregon Medi cal school, Portland, In order to be better able to handle this line of work. Hubbard's School Opening Sept. 11 HUBBARD. Rooms of the public school building are being repaired and desks sanded and oiled for the opening of school, Monday, September 11. Dr. and Mrs. Edward Schoor, daughter, Mildred and son, Ed ward, returned Monday from a 1 fl ay tour through British Columbia. A special baptismal service was held at the Congregational church Mondav when John and Mary Pauline Van Winkle received the rite of baptism. Anmsville Youth Recovers Bicycle AUMSVILLE George Steiner exhibited presence of mind and strategy: when his bicycle was stolen this week while he was at work In a bean field. He orertook the two youths at a service station and talked to them while Salem police were beinar called. It was discovered that the boys had escaped from the state training school and had another solen bicycle with them. Wright Families In Yearly Picnic JEFFERSON The Wright families held their annual plcnte at Rlverdale park near Salem. Dinner was served at a long table, after which swimming and visit ing were features. : Present were Mr. and Mrs. John Wright and son Lee Wright, Miss Marie Gleason, Mr. and Mrs. Ir vine Wright and children Donald, Lois and John of Jefferson, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wright and chil dren Donna May, Clara and Kath ryn, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nygren and Charlotte' and Eugene of Al bany, Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Hul shoff, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cater of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wright and daughter JoAnn of Albany and Mrs. Wright's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nell Jungwaard and chil dren Frances, Joan and Larry of Parker, South Dakota. Spencer Ward, who has been visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. McClaln since July S, left for his home In Redding, Calif., Tuesday. Mrs. McClaln en tertained for him with a picnic. W. S. McClaln and Otto Nelson will build a five-room house for Mrs. Auderway near Crabtree. Her home was recently destroyed by fire. ; - lQLDXin XBATON Uncle Sam's tourbest " fa (he laborious task of taking ' " his : sixteenth decennial census wCl go to Miss Mildred Keatoa, - dark-eyed government sti : from SaehmUsb,.Wasb, It ' " annennced recently. She wCl cover the Arctic coast 'Point Barrow east to Demarca tion Point where Canada meets Alaska, the same ragged route she snakes to treat alUng na - uvea as a Held nurse for the Offlce of Indian jLffalrtv fih Is (5um?tt SttoGGtt rJactam Sttoeett EIcagw(3 Phone 9176 9177 Phone 7962 Phone 5166 Dial Either of These Numbers - Free Delivery - Four Trips Daily CORN FLAKES ' Kcllcgg's Com Flakes 2pkgs.Ic Re?. Size 4 for 25c SPRY J-lb. can g(5 I Lux Soap Flnlies Reg. 2U(g a 17c S for 25c Heinz Catsup, large Standard Catsup, 14-oz. Tasty Pack Spaghetti Ready to serve. f 9 Co Reg. 10c size cans.. 3 cans ojw SUNKIST TUNA, size .... 10c SUNKIST TUNA, size .... 15c Compart Snnkist with any brand yon like, youTl find Sonkist not only whiter but more solid pack. SODA CRACKERS ito- .lflCor2for27C Fresh, crisp GRA- 0 lb. g HAM CRACKERS U pkg. flflV -1 mm CT 'i A fr mm THIS WEEK TvMSei E35H: 6a!ces Chocolate Flavor Malted Milk Fudge Dressing Two Sizes ' and o 25c&49c 25c&49c DANNISH PINEAPPLE SNAILS 20c 15c 8C or 2 for 15C PAN ROLLS ... 2 r 15c Sandwich Large Sliced, J dark of white Kt lit IOC -7c Lady Baltimore Layer Cakes, delicious boiled frosting.... Also Devils Food Layer Cakes with fudge frosting DANISH BUTTER HORNS ones 3 for 10c Dozen Donuts, Maple Bars, Batter Rolls, Long and Round Buns, doz-. Golden Crust Bread French Loaf Reg. Big Loaf Sliced .... Golden Crust Bread, unsliced, wheat or white. Small Loaf "Wheat or White. T I I Sclad Dressing, qts. . .15c Scr.ivich Spread, qt .. 15c SUNKIST FANCY RED ALASKA SALMON, 91Iit pound ' 1LV COLUMBIA RIVER Tg 99n SHAD, rxund cans-1-5 for & SUNKIST PINEAPPLE, .) ffl. SUNKIST KNE- " ;ajr -:'tefan APPLE TTDBITS J f or 11 SUMMER ISLE -: l V PINEAPPLE m No; size cans J cans SUMMER ISLE PINEAPPLE,' a O&m No. 2 & for 27c ARMOUR'S PORK & BEANS, Wg.aiia ; r ACs I Golden West . I women iiea grtftW COFFEE n 5f r- 1 lb. iW 3 as- 72c mm mm Giant Size HQs Leg of Mutton yMattonChop8- 13c Mutton Stew Lb. 5c Boiling Beef Lb 10C Fancy Breakfast Bacon Lb 19c Prime Steer Roast Beef Lb Itlc Dry Salt Pork Lb. ICC 3 ii 25c Pore lard, Armour's 32c Branded Tillamook Cheese Lb 2CC Unbranded Tillamook Cheese ncKSc I I Sunset Tender, Sweet Peas, size 303 can 9 cans Golden Bantam Corn, 303 size cans 9 cans 23C 23c Sunkist Early Garden Peas, picnic tins , cans Sunkist Early Garden Peas, 303 size . Sunkist Tiny Sugar Peas, No. 2 cans.... Sunshine Krispie Crackers, 2-pound pkg. Nucoa Margarine. Gem Nut Margarine Sunbrite Cleanser, can cans cans 25c 25c 27c 26c 2 a 37c 2ib3.22c 5c 28C Fresh Creamery Butter, Grade 'A' " Kellogg's Shredded ti l) ft Wheat Biscuits, pkg. AUL Heinz Cider Vinegar, Heinz White Vinegar, 15c 15c i efab Fancr Bine Lake Green Beans Ki"! LEMONS 25c 2 &. l9s Danish Squash n ' ' j) nice ones : Kz U. S. NO. 1 LABLSH CELERY This is the celery that has made Oregon celery famous throughout the U. S. Big, fat, crisp stalks, tjn I Miracle Whip, quart " Brookficld Sharp Spread Cheese, 2-Ib. loaf ,.. . ... . 29c lJ5c V Best Foods Mayonnaise, JJ JeU WelL Sklppy Peanut Butter Crush. Zee Tissue Kitchen Towels, 3 f m t Zee Tissue Paper, white or tinted Texas Quality Shrimp, glass. Tins, . two ,, , 6,kt25c 25c 2CC 4ns&UC .2f.r2PC 25s I traveling; elotheav-IXX) - ll