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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1939)
PAGE ELEVEN O .Reetel and for Sale' Sigos on This" Page-Seem by The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, August 9, 1939 Tooesaeds Daily Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 . " - Clastdflcd AdvertUIng Single Insertion per line ltc Three Insertions per line 2de Six .Insertions per line . . 30e One month per line $1 00 Minlmnm charge 2S Copy tar Uiv put acres t:3 the evening before public tlon for classification. 'Copy re ceive after this, time will be run under- the beading "Too I .at to Classify." - The Statesman assumes no flnan .lal responsibility for errore whle nay appear In advertisements pib lixherl In Ha column nnrl In case where thle paper la ai fault will re print that part of an advertisement In which the typographical mistake occurs. "The' Sta teaman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising (t further reaervee the right to place all advertising under the wmper classification. A -Blind"" Ad an ad contalnlna a Statesman bo number for an ad dress Is for the protection of th advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman la not at liberty to divulge Informs Hon aa to the Identity of aa adver tlaer uatna a "Wind- ad. Livestock tlOKXKS FOR sale. Also 10 wka. old wettnar pigs Hayes lahlsb rarm Brooks. Orncon DEAD AND worthless horara. rows picked up free. Ph. collect ftU-Saiem Montgomery Rend. Wka. WANTED. WILL pay premium on 2 -lb. alive colored frys. Phone 1MF2. Lee' a Hatchery. XTjijTjxjxrtnj'iHjnjnrtrutjxn.ixruxrL FOR SALE, bow and pigs. $5. Wai ter Trost, RL 8, Box 4 8 A, Salem, S mi. N on river road. Auctions August Special Sale TODAY ONLY 2.000 MENS AND ladies' 'suit hang ers, all styles, your choice 6 for 5c. 1 only SO lb. ice box chest ; solid oak, special. $1.S. 1 only. Walnut Splnett desk, fine condition coat 135 today. $8.75. Sewing machine Just like new. whit Rotary electric in beautiful cabinet. Overhauled, with extras. Cost 1150; today 128.75. Red Hot Special 1 only. Eureka Vac. cleaner in good working order; cost 837.6S today $2.45. 6 only, brand new Electric Fana reg. 37.75 today 33.78; guaranteed no radio Interference. " SALEM AUCTION HOUSE 260 N. High Opposite City Hall Help Wanted $30 WEEKLY. GROW mushroom cellar, shed. We buy. 30e lb. World'i largest company. FREE BOOK. Mnsh rooms. 201 Second. Seattle. Wash. ATTENTION HOP PICKERS REGISTRATION BOOKS are. now open for our several vards. For furth i Information call st the office of DURB1N A-CORNOYEB ever 3. C Penaey store' N Liberty street HpId Wanted Female HOUSEKEEPER FOR modern farm home. Phone between 8 and 5. Ph. s.r3 unruiri'u".jir.r.iiriiiiii."iiMii i i - GIRL; ASSIST brdg. house. Ph. 6317. Situation Wanted . ItttKSSMAK.. MKS- - Adstlt Ptt !& SHIRTS FINISH RD, 2e: iron 25 fer. 7313. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER filing clerk, reception tat. deslrea posi tion. S yrs. college. Excel. refer. R78 WOMAN WANTS light work even Ings in exeh. for rm. and hd. while tak ing beauty course. Call 325 Oregon aid For Sale MiwellaneonP Hikes Rep. Knmsrien. 148 Lib RKBUILT AND guaranteed ash era All makes from Sit up. Epee. May tag $35. Hogg Bros. A DDI NO MACHINES, typewriter cash registera. scales, sales, rentals, re ps Irs. Roen Typewriter Ex. 456 Court CASH FOR uaed furn. Ph. 6110. DAT OLD and atarted chicks, fryers Also peat mnsa fertiliser. Ph. IXIF2 Lee's' Hatchery. WATKINS PROD. 1725 Mad. 7801 ARMT WALL tent 235 S. 14th USED KELVIN ATOR refrigerator 825 Good Housekeeping Inc. 45 Court St Distilled White vinegar for all pick ling purposes. "Keeps your pickle krisp." Alan pure apple elder vinegar Puritan Cider Wka. west saiec DIAMOND RING, worth $100. -will sell for; SO- See H. T. Love, 141 & Liberty. . - PEACHES READT thle week. Ton pick, bring boxes. Early Crawford at Kroppa, -1 mile north Keuter comer RAWLETGH GOOD health products E. W. Miller. Stayton. Ore. Tel. 1X8 GRAVENSTEIN APPLES. 3Sc bu Bring boxes. Dougherty, 2 mi. N. Pae - Irwv, U ml.- W. Claxter rd. Ph. 1882 SALE BEDROOM . suites 822.50, op New shipment lust arrived. See our stock get our prices. 3-Floore-t. Cash terms trade. NASH FURNITURE CO, The Store of Friendly Service and Low Prices Be Convinced. -Est t23wShop Around. , It Pays v WE ARE now recording mders fo' our famous highland tree ripened non Irrigated Slappy canning- peache - to be ready for delivery about- urust is Improved Elbertas and J. fl., Hal la ter. Puritan Cider Works, West Salem. ADYKRT1SINQ . Westerz AdrerUtlns v ReprosentstiTe George D. dose. lac Saa Francisco. Lew Angeles, Ssattk : Eastern Advertislog r RepresentAtlves 1 Bryant Griffith ft Branson. I so, Cbkago, New York, Detroit. Boston. Atlanta i , Awtered at tae Poeteyiee at Saleat Or r pan. a gteond Class Jfafler. Pse- iuaed every mrnming except newdav Buafntm ml I to tm Bout Cam Mtreet. - . r ""SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mail Subacrlptkm Rates la Advance. Within Oregon : usuy sua euuaay Mo. SO cents: S MO. 11 ASS S MO. J e 1 vear 15.00. Elsewhere 50 cents pet Me. or fit for 1 year ta advance. Per copy I cents. Newsstanas cents r nt f-rt s cents a month' 17.20 a year In advance In Marion For Sale Miscellaneous "SENSATIONAL. PRICE; SALE" OUR ENTIRE high-grade stock, na tionally advertised, ianer-sprlng mat tresses. price to make room for larae factory purchase tnat will soon be com ins in. (Contract, lines except ed). Buy now and save. NASH FURNITURE CO. The Store of Friendly Service Low Prices CRAWFORD AND Sis DDT peac' es I Phone SFZ3. Brttt Aeplnwall, Wacondx GRAVEN. APPLES. Bartlett pears Ifra. Wright. 414 mi. out Wallace -oad. PERSIAN KITTENS. 4 Ft. FOR SALE One Scotch marine boiler 1S3 H.P. 150 lb. working ores-1 sure. Has extra heavy bronze atop I valves, oil burning gear partially com pute. Can be used with dutch oven for hog fuel. Meets all specification of new state law. Will furnish marine and tat of Oregon certificates. A Ibfna Engine A Machine Works, Inc. Z03S No. Alblna Ave, Portland. Or FOR SALE Refrigerator 7 cu. ft, General Electric, flat top: stndlc couch; twin beds. Phone. 6894. CARMEL A Crawford peaches. 10th Others in season. Townsend't orchard Mission Bottom. SALE, TRAILER, Lange cottage ranae. small heater. 12x14 tent or trade for girl's bicrcle. rabbits, chick ens or wood. 995 Highland. GET THE best canning peaches from Rehfuss, Rt. 2, Box 4 88, phone 94F2. CAR. A CRAW, peaches. 10th. Oth ers in seas. Townsend's Orch., Mia BoL 3-PIECE DAVENPORT set, wash ing machine, dining set. Bedroom suite bed A springs. 332 Water. SIX MATURE ducks. Six young White Pekins. Hugh Harris. Rt 4. Bos 281. GOLDEN CROSS sweet corn. L. H Ziclke. Robert Sta, Ph. 77F3. OXE LARGE Montae wood circula tor, excellent condition, $18. Tel. 7943. Wanted Misrellaneuus - ft'ANI'KIl IISKI furn I'h (110 OLD WOOI matt rem. Tel SI IS WANTED TO buy for cash. 1st A 2nd mortgages real estate contracts ft merchandise discount proper. STATE FINANCE CO 314 State Street Salem Oregon 0000000000000000000000000 PRE-SCHOOL children to care for lit day nursery. 1745 S. Liberty. l1iir'''-'iipfin DENTAL PLATKSi ' REPAIRED TWO HOUR SERVICE DR. HARRY SEMI.ER DENTIST Corner State ft Com me rets I Ph flit For Rent Rooms HOTEL 8AI.EM ENJOY HOTEL service ft conven ience. Attractive weekly or mo. rates COOL RMS., good bed. 168 N. 12th LIGHT HSKPG. rm, 4S5 N. Winter 0000ll0000000000000 FURN. RMS., good location. P. 55 3 J. Room an'ff . Board APPRECIATE UOOD meatsT Nice home? See Ma Bo wen. SOS N. Liberty RM.. 32 50. BD.. 34.76. lady 7313 TBL. BOARD, exc. food. (50 Marion TBL. BOARD, exc. food, 650 Marlon. EX. RM. and bd.. 168 N. 12th. PRL HOME, excel, food. Ph. 6791. BRD. AND rm, $25. 430 N. Liberty ROOM AND board, large airy rooms Downstairs room suitable for conval escents, 110 a Liberty. Ph-562. Wanted Fu rn it ure HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Phone 7445. For Rent -Anartment llllt APTS Furn ft onfurn S to 340 Royal Court Ph 2953 000000000' SEE FISHER anta. Modernised newly decorated and room? YouHl be delighted. Oak and S- Commercial COOL 1ST floor 1 rm StS Ferry 2 R. 112 It IR, IIS SO I93S Centei 00000000000000000000000' 3 R. FURN.. prt bath; 843 Court St 0000000000S000' VAC, HAW. Ct. 100 No. Capitol 0000000000000000 PATTON APTS.. 822 State. Fur nlahed. Adults only. Ph. C244. CLEAN 2 RM, furn. court apt. pri vate bath, laundry A garage. Bus aerv.- tce. 1107 Lee St. 00000000000000t00000-00000 8-R. FURN. APT. near statehouse suitable for women. . 475. N. Calp'oU S ROOM FURNISHED apt. Private entrance; 818.50. 3 N. Liberty. 3 RM. NEWLT furn. Heat, water re frig, bath, adults. 991 N. Cottage. 0000000000000000m000000 80S N. CAPITOL. Phone 4781. COTTAGES. 32 wk. and up. Ehoen's cottages. 12th and Pacific hgy. south. I TO 4-RM. apts.. cheap. 31.50 anr1 up Children welcome. 1310 S. 13th. 2-RM. FURN.. " hatlvj ranige. 300SI7018, N. Capitol street 00l&0000000l000000000 2-R. FURN. apt. for man. 255 Cent. I FURN. 8 RM. apt.. 444 S. High. FURN. APT, 86. 333 Water. 1 RM. unfurn.. Its., water and May fair IS isjfl Ferrv. w.mWmmv . LARGE 4-RM. apt., furn, very close In. Inquire 694 No. High street. 1-RM FtTRN. ant. 1st floor. Lts. hot water and washer. 853 Leslie St t.m ' uvraurn a tvra - tiiu fiatk 00i0t0&00&f00m0i0m e 3 R. LOWER FLR, prt bath, raj, 1. Adults. 1368 N. Coral. Ph. 43S4. rinrxnj-irii-inrirMirinnr,-!' - FURN. 2 R. APT. Lights, heat, wa ter included. Good location. S6 N Cottage. Ph. S77S. 8 RM. FURN. sot, 1st floor. Lts, hot water and washer. Ss3 Leslie fcu NEW 1 R. FURN. apt Dress, rm, f.i, .4 w.i ess On fiiiHiiiuM. t i- RKAL-TTFIILLT FURNISHED 8-rm. x-.rne an . Leslie Manor. SIS Ieslie. : . tsltSSSssawtaiivnaSSiiSiaSksfe HALTK-S mod. furn. apts. Ph. 1201 8 RM. FURN. apt, 88 85 week. 1298 Oak (next to express office). Ph. 5276. MMSWWSSMWWWSS large 4 RM. furn. Frig., gar, prt v..v . ....I.. 1T7S 1 Crtttm w inm oil ,lhMH MeK. Unice1r JutnWoSnrgirl. W 1118 On St. 0000000&0000000000000000m,0 . t R, FURX. ADULTS. $15. 845 Mar. "i; " For Rent Houses 6-RM. HSEU close In. Ph. 888. JSJajinj1jxnj''irV"t m I t RM. MOD, $25. 173 81 Liberty Inouire IUI N. capitoL Money to Loan We Lend You Money WITH REPAYMENT, PLAN ARRANGED TO ITT TOUR TNCOMB No Endorsees No Comakers Yonr Signature Only RKPAY ANT DAT TO RK1HJC15 COST. AND LARUCST INDEPENDENT COMPANY WHERE YOUR NEEDS RtS- jCKIVE PERSONAL ATTENTION AFTER AS WELL AS BEFORE A LOAN IS MADE. General Finance Corp. Ill So Commercial SL Lie. No. 8-138 Phone 8188 First Door-South of Ladd At Bush Ban It Convenient Ground Floor Location OBTAIN TOUR CASH LOAN the first day you call at - PEOPLE'S FINANCE CO. FOR BUST people who can't afford time off from their Jobs, do this: Write for application blank. Or, phone 4446. and give just enough Information to establish your credit We'll have the cash ready, waiting, when you come la l. Reasonable credit requirements. 8 People with modest salaries are es pecially Invited to apply. It's the accepted and approved way to borrow. PEOPLE'S FINANCE CO. Rm. 201, First NatX Bank BWg. Salem. Oregon Phone 4446 S-213 State License M-220 AUTO LOANS REFINANCING BORROW MONET OS TOOK CAR OK KKr inA.xtei uiun incac. BALANCE EASY TERMS - NO DELAT TRI-STATE ACCEPTANCE CORP. M-225 MERRILL D. OHLING INSURANCE Phone S494 275 State Street Salem, Oregon Get SPOT CASH This "PERSONAL"' Way WHEN AT HOME: A "Personal" Loan 328 to $300. Easy Terms WHEN A WAT: USE A "PERSONAL" CREDIT CARD Good at 378 offices. Coast to Coast SIMPLE TO QUALIFY: Come IB. GUARANTEED BY GtKJIJ HOUSEKEEPING MAGAZINE (As advertised therein 1 PERSONAL Finance Co. Second Floor. New Rllgh Bldg. Sit State Street Salem. Oregon I State License Numbers 8-122 M-U LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED UAurv Tr hw maw Mr naA ears. mD.imii. mmmaw t Law rates. Immediate action. No red tape. 1 TO 20 MONTHS TO PAY Roy H. Simmons 1SS South Commercali Street Phone Slit Lie. No. M-152 00000PP00PP0000P1 FHA LOANS 5, also private loans Abrams ft Ellis Inc. Masonic Bldg 000000000h000000f AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. 5th FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE NO. M-15? MONET TO LOAN AT 4 PER CENT TO REFINANCE vour present loan or for new construction. This applies to homes. In Salem only. P. H. BELL 429 Oregon Building Salem, Oregon Phone SI 21 or 3302 MONET TO loan at on good city property. C. H. SANDERS 1 1 8 S. High 5131 Financial 4 WE HAVE never paid leas than this rate on savings and Investment. Insured ta tsoos. Mutual Federal Savings ft Loan Assn Phone 4344 142 S. Liberty St. Loans Wanted IRAN'S WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing Inquire at Hawkins ft itntierts. RiNTKD PKIVATE MONEY TO WAN on good Salem real -e Ute, Will pay interest. - W. H. OR A RENHOKST -WU REALTORS - 134 S Llhertv Street Phone S4s 0000000000000P wanted PRIVATE money on real estate. Good security. Ph. 415S. For RentHouses RENT, HOUSE. 1258 a Liberty. 000000000000000000000 UN FURN. S RM. home. 1165 N. 11th 00000000000000' 4 R. HOUSE. UN FURN. Good con- d t on. 822.50 mo. 1097 & ixtn. rn 0000000000000 STRICTLT MODERN S room par tially furnished home, close in. for lease by owner. Call Sill or siiZ. 4 RM. USE. Inq. 406 N. Cottage. DESIR. MOD. rms. So. Ph. J1F1 I 8-RM. HOUSE and garage suitable I for couple. 375 Madrona Ave., Salem I weigma I 5-RM. HOUSE partly turn. 36D-SSS I Madron Ave, Salem Heights. I ess s. lstn. s rooms 4c zurnaca J"S Saginaw, furnished - 83S.SS 1 1438 Fir. toe. gas rang ft htr $25.00 I SOS AcadeSay. S raoms P. H. BELL Phone SI 21 43S Oregon Bldg. 4 RM, 181S WALLER. 120. Ph. 5222 8 RJC. TURN. Sttt4 lrl anr.wer I groona ijoot. nawiia. tm. asei. , I WVn PfWT S twin t1IEV. I ry St. Nice location ; reasonable rent ns. a at r I rnww a HI RMS. MOD, S. High -880 -825 ..$35 9 rUIIeS SUMhf S9.- A I LA I f Rms. mod, NV Cot. E. H, STAMBAUOH ' I Phont 1411 218 Oregon Bldg. I oeiwax -I NEW MOD. 4 rooms, 1 & R. Oss I fUT elect mngC. S37.SS. C. H. SANDERS S 1 8 S. Hlgh-18L For Rent Farms ' J! Ay, MOD. FURN. house, 1JF2. r1 For Rent nrrir?R rooms, ssi state street: Inouire room 800. Tel. 1118, Money to Loan BORROW FROM SALEM'S OLDEST Wanted to Rent MOD. HOUSE, cement basement, garage, 2 or I bedrooms, for J adults, south of D St State price location write Box 1046, Statesman. For Sale Real Estate 6 R. MOD. HOUSE, basement gar. blk. from Safeway St 847 Saginaw WB HAVE TUB PROSPECT IK YOU wnnt tm sell exchange lease, rent see Mr. Larsen or Mr. Col lins with Hawkins ft Roberts. 00000000000000000000000f' TRADE CIT property for farm homes. Opportunities In exchanges. HAWKINS A ROBERTS. IMi WHAT A BUT! 3 new 5-rm, mod. homes in a restricted district N. 18th St Small down payment will buy them. Reasonably priced, terms as low as $27 per month. See them at once. Own er ft builder. W. A. Cladek. 14S N. 18th. Phone 4277 0l0tt0S00000004 NEW HOUSE, J25.00 per month. suburban. Modern brick house, close In, 335.00 per month. Ref In shed house, izo.oo per montn. Beautiful suburban home, might trade for small Salem house. Have several good buys for rignt party. Easy terms and down payments. 411 Masonic Bidg. Phone S155, Insurance Money To Loan FOR LEASE or sale, exceptionally well located modern home. 5 bedrooms. double plumbing, fruit and nut trees. rapes, berries. Lase to aesiraoie jparty or will sell. Owner box 1044 Statesman. FOR SALE. 6 -room mod. home. bdrms, fruit, double gar. 450 N. 19th. 6-RM. RICHMOND addition, furnace. newly renovated, $200. Will take good lot Dart Davment. 5 rms.. automatic neat, large lot. Englewood. 32500. 6-rm. modern home, furnace, fire place, north, 33800. winnie wrriJUHN, Keaitor 477 Court Street LOT 50x160 on Market SL near 17th SL Owner 715 N. Cottage. Ph. 4647 12 ACRES. LAYS good. Good road: price 3300, your own terms in reason. Box 34, Scotts Mills. 7 ROOM MODERN house, new barn. full of hay. Chicken house, 75. chickens, cow, one acre. $3500. 10 Madrona Ave. Ph. 7398. 00000000000000 FOR RENT or sale & room modern house, water system, one Sere. $2000, easy payments. Rent $20. .10 Madrona AVCUrn. 7195. . - 000000000000000001100000000 WILL ACCEPT home to 82500 on 7 room close in, home built 2 years. O. E. Kae, 1655 N. Cottage, Ph. 6761. "sakeatnAAenkA'atemaAvBtAaW"MMavMa FOR SALE Lots owned by City $125. to $800. See any real estate man or call 8632 167 S. High St. 0000000000000000000000000 FOR SALE or trade reconditioned 7 house, excellent location. Price 82800. Will take small house In need oi repair for equity. William Noyes, 10 Norway. Ph. 8364. 00000m00f00J0 SPECIAL THIS PLACE must A will be sold n the next few days 1 acre with new modernistic house with play room & fireplace In basement place well worth 85500. Will accept $4500 with $1400 down, balance $30 per mo. see Mrs. kiits with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS J44 State Street Phone 9281. SNAP HOUSE ft LOT $1250 IN DOWN TOWN DIST. S ROOMS, GARAGE, street ft alley pared, terms, good investment. Will rent for $16 month. Don't phone. See LOUIS BECHTEL, 341 State, Room 4 $3600 $500 DOWN. New. mod. 5 room suburban, north. $1750. 3 bedrooms. plasL. one floor. sell mlshtv easy terms C. H. SANDERS 118 S. High 5181. NEW 5-RM. houses with unfinished upstairs, strictly modern, good location. to SJ750. Good terms. Chicken ranch. 17 A., electric water system. 6 A. fruit, big house. 9 ml from Salem. $3500. Easy terms. Win taxe in liouse and lot. RICH L. REIMANN 167 S. High Street Phone 8632. ExchangeReal Estate WILL TRADE $125 emjity tn small place for light car. BaL payable $10 per month. 276 Claude street TRADE FOR SALEM ROOM HOME In Sllverton. $2000 $1400 mortg. Will Uke clear lots -B Salem for equity or what hare you? FHONE 6580 NEW MD. 8-room house, Uke lot as nrst payment Dandy little ' home, trade for larger p'ace around f.1650. C H.. SANDERS 118 S. High 5131. 00000000000000000000000 EXCHANGE ATTRACTIVE COUNTRT home--. with j 3 to 12 acres, 3 springs, beautiful trees ft shrubs, sprinkling system for lawn. Price for all 86000. Will take good Salem home in exchange. See Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS ft MILLER, REALTORS 344 State St . Phone 9261. For. Sale Farms 14 A. FARM, Lacomb, -Ore. 45 . A. cultivation, berries, orchard, farm bldga. 82600; $500 down. Call 160 Division street. Salem. SACRIFICE 57 A. FARM. 1 miles from town. Sightly location. Could be suMUvMed. Call at 154 It. winter. MR. FARM RENTER WHY DON'T you atop improving the other fellow's farm and improve on for yourself 7 We have set up oth ers on an Independent basis. Why not youf- The farms are at attrctlv prices, usually 10 down, balance amortised at low Interest See us about terms and fall delivery. P. H. BF.IJ j Realtor, 428 Oregon Bldg, Salem, Ore gonv OUT OF STATE OWNER MAKES substantial re duction on bis Stt .acre country home, located N? eC Salem. Ooo4 6 roo.n boose, barn, poultry house, some fruit and mraira. ask to see it Price $411? See Mr. Bartlett with '.CHILDS ft MILLER. REALTORS 341 State 8t ; . - , , Phono 8361 Acreage S A. BEARING WALNUTS, lays fine, good location, only SI 500. 20. A. All clover, unf. house, $500 win complete. Elec $2500. ; C. H. SANDERS 118 8. Hlch 618L For Sale Uaed Cart W.L.' Anderson The W. L. AndWraon'a : traTYlen.ftsUt4. u-tomefg Satisfaction,- . Anderaon's Dependable Used Cars A Few of the X338 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. TOUR. SEDAN. as new. Dow mileage. 1837 HUDSON SIX 4-DR. TOUR. SEDAN.-Kew rubber, motor reconditioned. Very clean. Inside and out. ' - 1937 DeSOTO 4-DR. TOUR. Orlg. finish, low mileage, overdrive, lots of ax. traa, a very popular model - 1938 PLT. 4-DR. TOUR. SEDAN. Motor overhauled, rubber 80 ; new paint MANT MORE TO CHOOSE FROM w. L. Anderson inc. DeSOTO DISTRIBUTOR OPEN EVENINGS '37 DeLUXE TUDOR Ford. hn! heat er, defroster, radio, fog light, seat cov era and lota of extras. Bargain if sold oy ivtn. iia rairgrounda Rd. FOR SALE or trade 1600 equity In 1939 DeLuxe Fordor Ford Sedan, ra dio, heater. Trade for best car I can get clear. Ph. 6195. '37 FORD TUDOR, very clean. Ra dio, heater. Owner needs money. 492 N. Cottage. St. Acreage 5 ACRES IMP, 1 mL of city. Bar gain if sold soon. Owner, Rt. 2, Bos 25. 10 ACRES CHOICE HOWELL PRAIRIE land with a 5 room modern house. Ideal location for store and service station. Price 85000. Will take in trade. 66 ACRES: 25 acres In cult, baL pasture and timber. Has a 6 room house, elec lights, spring water. 6 miles from Salem. Price 14500. Trade for Salem property and assume. ROSTEIN ft ADOLPH, INC. 110 H N. Commercial SL Wanted Real Estate 2 TO 5 ACRES good garden soil livable hse. 1342 N. CapltoL Ph. 6178. Resort Property WILL SELL at sacrifice, beautiful new Cutler City beach home. Valua tion $2500.00. Or will trade for Salem improved property or small improved acreage Salem vicinity. P. O. Box 666, Salem. Business Opportunities COLLECTION AGENCY In Salem. Good business for one I Paid me bettet than '$100 a mo. for 12 months. Price $550 cash, $750 terms. Write Box 1045, Statesman. ""GROCERY BUSINESS ON HIGHWAY north. $20,000 bus iness; cos" pou $1800, fixtures ft stock at Invoice about $2650. P. 5580. GROCERY GASOLINE; & package beer, highway 99W. Living quarters. Only store in the community. Doing nice business. Bldga., fixtures ft stock $1,250.00, terms. Wanted houses to rent. MOORE MOSES, 33 1H State Street 000000000000000000000 TERRITORY SALES manager, age 25 to 45 of good references, with $200 cash securities with merchandise for real money maker in neon advertising now in over 200 locations, pleasant worK. box 11.47, Statesman For Sale Wood SUMMER PRICES, old fir 16" at only $4.76 per cord. Order for now o later del. Phone 4166. Oregon Fuel Co 0000i00000000000000 1$ IN. OLD fir. $5: knots $4.50 4 ft 2nd. $3.75. Phone 9456. 9747. DRY 16-In. old fir. $4.50. SPEC OAK $5.75. ash $5.23. P. 9703 INVESTIGATE BUDGET plan on wood. Fh. 5370, W. I Graen. 412 N. 21 NO. 1 16 IN. dry O. F $4.75 cd. 24 cds. 2nd gwth., $4.15. 8 cds. Ph. 6120. 000000000000000000000001 DRY PLANER wood. Ph. 5274. Wood Sawing WOOD SAWING. Sproed. Ph. 1883 Lost and Found LOST DELTA GAMMA pin re ward leave Statesman office. Personal LONELY "WORTHWHILE" sweet heart, husband, wife for you. Box 75 Ijom Angeles.- Business tnrds In this dim-tors m on a monthly basis only. Kale i SI per line prr mnnlh. Auto Brakes Mike Pa nek 37S Booth Cummerrtai Bicycles BICYCLES, NEW and reconditioned Harry W. Sceiu 141 a t'omt P. 4SI8 Carpenters Carpenters. L. I. Mickey A Sons. IfS Cement Contractors RALPH HARLAN. SSB locust. S'SS Chimney Sweep TKlJtPHO.MK 4St. R. KV Nort knees Chiropractors DR a L SCOTT. PSC Chiropractor 1S8 N. High. Tat, Ron 8818. Excavating ICXCAVATIN'l Or all kinds. Paee mtat dun. IMrt healed or moved. Dirt for sale. Salem 8and and Gravel Co Phone S4SS Florists Rrelthapta Mt'oori 'Pnooe'' sS Laundries THB NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THB WEIDER LAUNDRY 388 8. Utah Tel. 818i For Sale Used Cars Inc., Sells Service Maajl M Ksa art a swai lea a antltw a " carry a Maximum Guarantee. . Very Best Orlg. paint. unhoL Yery clean. Tires PLYMOUTH PHONE 7708. --r--inrinnjuiAAJ 1937 Plymouth Coupe, DeLuxt 1936 Willys Sedan 1933 Terraplane Sedan 1928 Graham Sedan Special Bargain Prices This Week We Mean It ! JAMES H. MADEN CO., INC. 217 State Street, Salem. Oregon. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OP HEARING OP OB JECTIONS TO FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE HEREBY IS GI"EN that MART LACHELE. as the duly appointed, qualified and act ing; administratrix with the will annexed of the estate of CHRIS TIAN LACHELE. deceased, has duly rendered and presented for settlement and filed in the County court of the County of Marion. State of Oregon, a final account of her administration of said es tate; and that Tuesday, the twelfth day of September, 1939, at the hour of ten o'clock In the fore noon of said day, at the courtroom of said court in the Marion County courthouse In the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon, hare been duly fixed and appointed by said court as the time and place for the hearing of objections to said final account and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published the ninth day of August, 1939. MART LACHELE, as Ad ministratrix With the Will Annexed of the Estate of CHRISTIAN LACHELE, Deceased. CARSON & CARSON, Attorneys for Administratrix With the Will Annexed. A9-16-23-30-S6 NOTICE OP FINAL ACCOUNT In the Con nty Court of the State of Oregon for Marian Coun ty. In the matter of the estatu of Eugenia Gillingham, deceased. No tice is hereby given that the un dersigned executor of the estate of Eugenia Gillingham, deceased, has filed his final account in the County Court of the State of Ore gon, county of Marion, and that Thursday, the 17th day of August, 1939, at the honr of 10 a.m. of said day. at the Court House at Salem, Oregon, has been appointed as the tim and place for the tear ing of objections to said final ac count and the settlement thereof. E. N. GILLINGHAM. Executor. Date of first publication July 19. 1939. Date of last publication August 16. 1939. Jly 19-2 S A. 2-9-1 S Shilts Rites Set For Tuesday at 2 SCOTTS MILLS James Madi son Shuts, who was born Not. IS, 1857, at Elkhorn, Ind., died here Sunday. Funeral services will be held here at 2 o'clock Tuesday. He Is survived by his widow. Amanda, sons, Everett of Salem, Ralph of Mill City and Robert of Diamond Springs, and one daugh ter, Mrs. Ethel HerigStad of Sll verton. Directory Mattresses SALEM KLUKK RUU and Mattress factory. NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade: carpet cleaning. lslng: flurt m weaving, a 13th A Wllt.ur. Tel. 8441. OTTO P. ZWICK RR KL 1911 CAI'ITOI K (CODING CO phone 1089 Naturopathic Physician UK. W H. RtlCKWKlX. Naturopath le Physfrlan. ITSt Fatrarounda Rd Tel. 4868. Offire Honrs II a. m. to 8:88 p n. S KICK EXAM. A CONSULTA TION. Paihtins; Paper hanging PAPKRIN4L PNTtL Johnson. P. SISS Printing KOR STATIONERY rarda Mtnpblsts profframa beOka or any kind of print hm can The Ptateamaa Prtntlng De peri men t. 818 S Commercial. - Tele rhooe 8181. Transfer KOR LOCAI -nt distsnt transfer, stor aa twraer an. caB . S13L Larmet Traaafev Co. Tracks to Portland dan w CTTT TRANSFER. Ph. 8818. Reason, Vacuum Cleaner Service MR. WALL. Ph. SZFZ. Free est., tab prices. Rebuilt machines and reuUIa. Wetl PrillinK JL A. WEST, rt f, boa 448. Ph. lltFI, But not Toys P X o j v ... - Bomb exhibition a Mitchell Field, N. T. Eager youngsten among others crowd about demolition bombs ranging: from 100 pounds to 2,000 pounds on exhibition at Mitchell Field. N. Y., as part of the 30th anniversary celebration of the TJ. S. army air corps. Meanwhile, army bombers staged shows for thou sands of "visitors at air bases throughout the U. S. Where, all the CONGRESS BOOSTS jjgjiPOIDIHG QUOTAS A 158,000.0 . '".493.000.00 A f Inclu&nf MHAJONS Of OOUAA5 OEFAimXNTAL ASRICUlTUht KIJW i imai i Usv 7 trj Cbart shows record peacetime appropriations in this session of con gress, through August 1, before the last-days ecorfomy ware slashed spending proposals, as compared with appropriations for the last fiscal year, chart does not Include the final deficiency bill. About a billion of the increase for fiscal 1040 was classified as "permanent appropriations" for interest on national debt, social security re serves and other items outside relief and defense. Kansans Visit DAYTON Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Fields of McPherson, Kan., vis ited from Friday until Wednes day with Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Fel ton in the Webfoot district. Mrs. Cross Word Puzzle 5" 2 3 5 T S 22 10 " 2S 2? 30 3i 32 33 3W 35 36 37" " 33T wo m hT " 3 Ht t0 l S2 S3 SH 2 57 27 " SB &T " To- tZZTt "62 T" "11 lii 1 1 1 blH 1 HORIZONTAL 1 sweetsop 5 musical wind in strument 9 pronoun 12 discharge of electricity from cloud to cloud 14 money of account 16 works at steadily 16 feed to 42 predatory incursion 44 symbol for tantalum 45 pull along 47 time long since past 40 diminutive of Albert 51 gumbo W artless 60 careful 69 mental image 60 pronoun 61 filterers 63 before 64 piles 65 cereal 18 a chair 20 large body of water . - 21 a direction - (abbr.t 22 symbol foe , scandium Aeanl with Herewith is the solution to yetter 4tays puss!. . : . , ; ' . . three spots 2-ailYerx -' whit metal , ; 28 exclama tion 20 ooza "82 anger " SO vrepara; -: for pubU- v cation' . S7 soil fer- 7 ' t tiMser V 1 20 suprerM . Biala diria-' ' ity of tha Babylonians 40 Danrascan gold coia SCAg1- IgIeitisI of to Play With if' Money Goes Fields is a sister of -Mr. Felton. They were en route from the San Francisco fair to Lake Louise in the Canadian scenic trip. Their trip will be two months' dura tion. Tuesday they took their hosts on a picnic to Bonneville dam and to The Dalles. VERTICAL 1 high mountain 2 sesame' 5 a shield 41 large thin slice of anything 6 upon 6 twice ' T obligation 8 species of : heron 9 garden im plement 10 Greek god : dess of din- - 1 cord 11 ratio : 13 former Rus sian rulers 17 just 10 abound . 22 shelter 23 moslem fudge 25 period ef time 27 catch 29 airla' motion V. 21 supplicate 23 obtain 84 note of the Guido seals 25 card used in ; . fortune : ; - tailing 88 king of the 31AJ 41 jaunty 43 draw off . gradually 40 penned j EM T i S Jarre Cduek . 40-paia S0-den- itle 64P-extrSjely 65 lighten 67 4anloy 68 undermina 62 -exists M seestteai 88 5 and adjacent caaKtiea,