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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1933)
JL ,iTkV:OH!!GON STATESMAN, Saleru Orcoa, .Wednesday MornisrMnscst 23, 1933 -1! -PAGE Eirnsr British Challenger for Harinsworih Trophy B CEIEBHS K MM FIT PISE Ex-Fugitive in Family Reunion -, f i - I Special tax Approved is $355; Woman Gets 7 Bee Stings on Trip LABISH CENTER,- Aug. 22 School bos transportation for thia district was assured Monday night when tb special tax lerjt $355 for - transportation was unani mously aproved at a special elec tion held at the schoolhouae. The budget, totaling 11904, was also adopted without a dissenting rote. Only 23 rates were cast, in con trast to the 71 In the June meet ing. Inasmuch as this district went about nine to one for trans portation at that time, the rote Is not surprising. Clean Church Ground At the call of W. A. Starker, su perlntendent of the local Sunday schoL a school grounds clean-up was held Monday afternoon. Af ter a few hours work the looks of the ground was greatly im proved. A large, interested audience beard Miss Louise Miller, a re turned missionary from India, Sunday morning at the school bouse. She displayed a number of curios and numerous photographs of her work: at Rapelle. Sunday . night the Endeavor ers held an . outdoor bon-fire service by a small stream in the Earl Harman . Woods. Mrs. Young Very 111 The condition of Mrs. John Toung, mother of Mrs. H. E. Boehm. Is reported as unchanged. Mrs. Young has been unconscious since Sunday morning when she suffered' a brain hemorrhage. Kamlla Klecker of Klamath - Falls, and Fred Scnoll of Port land were guests at the E. G. HornBchuch borne early this week. Miss Klecker and Naoui Tiorn achuch are sorority, sisters at the University of Oregon. The Horn sen uchs and their guests spent Monday afternoon at Silver Falls park. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hinds and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Greig spent Sunday at Silver Falls. Mrs. Hinds received seven bee stings there when she stepped on a nest. v 1 A'V-:r U k.,'r-t V V -,.-.-.v.v. . .y. v.. J. 5 , i i 1 'fr-T- Nt longer in fear of the shadow of the law, Paul Maxim, recently eap tured in Chicago as a fugitive from Ohio reformatory, poses with, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bea Maxim, at their Youngstown, Ohio, home. Paul was pardoned by Governor White, who was impressed by the yotmf nan's achievements in establishing himself in the world since his escape. DALLAS FOLKS SEE ANCESTORS DALLAS. Aug. 22. Eighty members of the Bainbridge clan attended a picnic in Portland Sunday and visited Old Ironsides during the afternoon at me in vitation of the government. The day opened with a picnic dinner at Laurelhurst park, fol lowed by the visit to the ship. The group were the hosts to Chief Petty Officer Dufore of the Constitution and he served as guide for the group when they visited the ship. While on board, the clsn visited the officers' Quarters where they saw the table cn which the treaty of Tripoli was signea, ana me ongini Wendell Holems, which is in his own handwriting. This visit was made In honor of Commodore Bainbridge who commanded the Constitution at one time. It was held on the 100th anniversary of Bainbridge's death and was one of the meet ings held by the clan during the past 10 years. Regular annual June meetings are held at the Dallas city park. None of those who gathered at the park Sunday bore the name of Bainbridge. The family, which came west in 1843, had six chil dren but all were daughters, so the Bainbridge name was not car ried on. From Dallas were the Ed C. Dunn and Taylor Dunn families. New Church Fund Swelled $100 by Sunday Gathering WOODBURN. Aug. 22. Over 300 people attended -the annual picnic of the St. Luke's parish at the city park Sunday. A fea ture of the day was a double header bail game which ended in the - St. Paul Midgets winning over the Gervalg Shamrocks with a score of 9 to 6, and in the afternoon the Donnelly Colts de feated the St. Paul team 9 to 1. Knight, Whitman and Higgin botbem were the battery fof Woodburn and Fallin and Har rold for St. Paul. About $100 was realized from the picnic and will go into the new church fund for St. Luke's poem "Old Ironsides" by Oliver i parish. Cross -Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER : 22 m 1!L m 1111 UlIIIIIlIIII IllII"llII --- --if-1 y I HORIZONTAL 1 pertinent 4-4ike : ' flew aloft 12 earcity . which ren ders dear 14 chair of state 15 narcotic 1$ period of : time IS be con "! , cerned 19 Hebrew letter 20 splashes : untidily 22 Egyptian sun god 25 Hebrew name for God . 24 took great L delight in 28 depart 25 threaten SO runs off with a lover 82 aingla spot in cards S3 Australian bird ' 84 hinder S7 smells 49 note of the - scale ' . 41 braided - cords of plaited rope yarns 43 call 44 behold! 45 low neigh-herhood 47 Italian river - 43 estuary in ' Brazil BO Japanese statesman El island ef the Dutch East Indies 53 public storehouses 55 eggs beaten up with milk ; 57 become more mild through' compassion 58 Greek letter 59 worm VERTICAL 1 find the total 2 race or nation 3 narrow woven fillet or band 4 by 5 put aside for later discussion 4 chief product T exclama . tion 8 part of a curved line 9 prolonged, resounding noise 10 infuriate 11 river in - England 13 note of the scale 17 fish eggs 20 withdraws from a political body 21 chooses 23 printer's measure 24 speed contests . 25 cupolas 27 bone 29 short sleep 31 play on words 34 provided that 35 salt of malic acid 86 enrage for m ii. .I. ,, military Herewith, !s the solution to yes- 87 hotTdust-terday-aPuzale. ladVrind ' - 38 wooden pins in the runwale of iHteio QRfcrtP Am i oh - - : I! S9 therefore 42 hard . shelle4 ' frait -.45 verbal 47 wan 48-thrtmgh -. O imitate : 51 have existence .52 possessive pro nee. n 54 printer's . measur 59 Greek - letter emtim. int. nag rwti Ml EAST TO SEE GAME HUBBARD. Aug. 22. Mayor Garfield Voget, George Grimps, J. J. HentLberger and William Barrett are planting to go by airplane to see the baseball tour nament at Topeka, Kan., and to see the Woodburn Junior legion team play. Gub "oget. the catcher, is the son of Mr. Voget. Five Hubbard boys are on the team. . Cbnrch Board Meets The executive board of the Federated churches met Monday night with T-ev. Orr in the chair. Renorts were read by various committee men. Plans were maae for having a Sunday evening WOODBURN, Aug. 22 Wood- burn went wild Saturday night when the news arrived over the wires that the Woodburn Junior Legion team had won the region al title at PocateUo. , Baseball fans lined the streets and stayed close to the depot and paper office where the game was reported at the end of each in ning. When the final score came In 4-2 in favor of the home team there was no holding the crowd; they yelled, cheered, blew horns and celebrated until late In the night. The fire bell and siren came in with the rest of the din and the truck loaded with a group of Le gionnaires sped to Hubbard to help with the celebration there. Sam Toder, commander of the Woodburn post and Jake Hersh berger produced a glass Jar Into which contributions were placed until over 150 was collected tor the team. This was telegraphed to the boys. meetinr to beeln the third Sun day In September. Tentatireion me propeny owned Dy liana were made for a choir. McCallaster. PEJIR PICKING WILL GET STARTED 501 HAYES VTLLE, Aug. 22 -The blackberry and onion seed harvest will both begin about the middle of the week. The red spider has cot appeared on the blackberries The bushes are well loaded and the berries in good condition. Pear picking will also begin this week. The trees are well loaded and at 818.50 a ton. the farmers will not fare so badly. Mr. and Mrs. D. Greig accom panied by their children Joy and Vernon, and Mr. and Mrs. L. Greig, returned Sunday from a few days visit with -Mr. areig's brother Malcolm, and sisters Mrs, Dunn end Mrs. Morten, who live near B lodge tt. Mr. and Mrs. A. Stettler and children Jean, Jlmmie and Elsie, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Rovilla McAfee, returned Friday night from a trip along the coast as far south as Reedsport Mr. and Mrs. W. Powers have the basement dng for their new home. The new bouse, which will be a story and a half colonial style, is "being erected just west of the old house, and will be mo dern in every respect. The old house will be moved farther north Mrs Here Is the mystery boat, "Miss Britain HI," recently plans to bring-the boat to the United States to chal completed at Hythe, England, shown during trial run lenge for the Harmsworth Trophy, held by Gar Wood, . near London. Inset is the owner, H. Seott-Paine, U. S. racer, who, hut year, defeated attempt of Kaye British aoortsman. in the cockpit of the craft. He Don to take the prize to Britain. West Salem News WEST SALEM, Aug. 22. Wil liam Braieau arranged for a group of his musicians to go out to the Tuberculosis hospital Friday , night and entertain the inmates with a delightful musi cal evening. Among those assist ing were Jack Lewis, Albert H. Kurth, Leonard McCloud, Mr. Bradley, William J. Brazeau and the Buck Jones Ranger band. The Cherry City Bakery radio car was operated by Art Gardner and Gardner Knapp, so that all could bear. Besides Instrumental numbers Jack Lewis and Bobby Braieau sang vocal selections. These are busy days at the apiary of Mr. and Mrs. Jed L. Austin, who have Just harvested almost a ton of fine honey from their bees. Not so very many years ago J. E. Hughey, a neigh bor left a stand of bees on the Austin place when be moved away and from this humble be ginning, and with a veritable Jungle of woods on a very steep hillside, they have converted the place into a busy and profitable honey factory. From the single stand of bees they now have gained a group of 30 stands, about a dozen of them on their acre and a half and the others on a farm a few all his life with the exception miles away. Last winter Mr. Aus tin cared for the insects, by blanketing their hives to help them withstand the severity of the winter and In the spring he fed . some of the swarms that had no food left. To one swarm, a large stand of them, he gave a five-pound pail of home made syrup, that required three cups of common sugar to make, and some time ago he took from them 15S pounds of excellent honey and left them their hire full containing probably 35 or 40 pounds, undisturbed. A wedding of particular in terest to West Salemites was solemnized at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the parsonage of the Leslie M. E. church when Miss S y 1 t a Park became the bride of Jimmy Jacobs of West Salem. The simple Impressive ceremony took place in the pres ence of only the immediate rela tives of the young people, who were attended by the mothers of each, Mrs. Minnie Park of- Salem and Mrs. Josephine Jacobs of West Salem. The bride was love ly in a graceful gown pf brown and gold cellanese voile and car ried flowers In corresponding shades. They will lire here. wm MOLALLA, Aug 22, Willis Dun ton, rural mall carrier, spending bis ' vacation in nthe Middle West this year, 'attending the mail carriers' convention at Des Moines.1 Iowa. - Dnnton left Wednesday, by train. He will go to Chicago before returning home. He plans to drive borne in a car bought In the east. '? , Other vacationers from Molalla are Mr and Mrs. Frank Dickens, and children Ronald and Betty, who left' Monday morning for Breitenbush; Dr. and Mrs. E. R. Todd and Bobby, who are spend ing several days at their beach home at Nelscott; and Mr, and Mrs. Willard Toll and children, who are visiting friends in Idaho. DIES: BITES TODAY MOLALLA, Aug. 22. Nelson Joshua Willard, 69, died at his home in Molalla Monday, August 21, after a lingering illness. For the past three years, Mr. Willard had been a member of the city conneil, the street and health de partments being the principal ones to come, under his, jurisdic tion. He had lived in Molalla since 1921 and was a prominent civic worker. He was born in St. Lawrence county. New York, in 1864, mov ing to Wisconsin in 1868. In 1889 he came to Salem, Oregon, where he lived till 1911, when he moved to Biggs, Oregon. He join ed the Masonic lodge 30 years ago in Salem, but 10 years later he transferred to the Wesco lodge, of which he is still a member. Funeral services will be held Wednesday, August 23, at 2 p. m. at the Everhart Funeral home, the Rev. U. S. Crowder, Salem, an old-time friend and lodge brother, officiating. Interment will be in the family plot of the City View cemetery in Salem. MOLALLA. Aug. 22.-r-Ton Ka Wa Camp Fire girls entertained members of the Molalla grange with a demonstration of Camp Fire work at a program proceed ing the regular meeting Monday night at the Grange hall. Camp Fire songs, a talk on camp life at Onalee by Virginia Shaver, the Credo by Marie O'Connor, talk on earning honors in the different crafts by Ruth Cordell, a demon stration of beading by Gartha Ficken. and talks on ceremonial gowns, iiremaker s cunners ana three ranks by Rnba Fogleeong, Julia Foglesong and Macy EHclns comprised the program. Small Lot Hops is Sold for 40 Cents; Harvesting Started SILVERTON. Aug. 22. The first hop sale here for several days was that of Keyes and Page, who sold five bales of 1932 bops to T. A. Livesley and company Tues day at 40 cents. Hop picking In the smeller yards around Silverton began Tuesday with others falling in line Wednesday. Three hundred pickers plan to start in the large John Morley yards Thursday morning. Kuenzi Hop Yards is Scene Great Activity WALDO HILLS. Aug. 22. Monday morning found this a busy community. The-Haberly thresh ing machine began work on the W. J. Haberly farm. Last year this crew began work August 8. Hop picking began in the Her man Kuenzi yard where a bumper crop is assured. MICKEY MOUSE A Secret of Success! By WALT DISNEY 1CKEV HAS FOUND HE CAN GET AN AMAZING BURST DP SPEED PQOM TANGLEFOOT BY MAKING A SOUND UIKE A HORNET.. HB hasn't TOLD ANYONE VET- f I'VB BEEN FIGURING A 4ZI OW 1 HEL? 1 STkM fGKXOU$X WAItT ( UP HOW MUCH TANGLEFOOT ) f ..X, ( i .ISLfcS (Jtt JUY 1 J A ) VVEAINVV 1-- V HAS COST US' J 1 KNOVf V. JHE l.AJK?5 W IUU WE V THAT LL, MAKE TH' I 7 WORRIED, I 1j j AT . j C THIMBLE THEATRE-Starring Popeye TH) The Idol of His Dreams" By SEGAR Yf WEPJftS TN.KS0 TO MOTHER OF ML LITTLE SU)EEPE?J YE, OVER THE. -THONE-SW CAVE ME SOME INFORMATION. TOO IM WFRWO VOOIL LOSE THE BOY i w s MISTER VOORX6, THEY NHTT) 1 lYOVTlL PR06ft6LYj HE UA NO rSOOMPn LWlrV UKH f CHHGt VOOR BORH irA COULO TWKS TWS WD f MIKO VJWEN J ( DeiOrAX. o,f from ryrJ M tell vou . should ME ECEPVi4 WHERE THEf-O KNOU OVER MV PyaO m IHFfW CAq 4VS0MtmH6 VWYjttsAfs .BORtA J y THAT , THE (OST fSRFUL C0ONTRV ON EARTL. SM. I oUS COME BACK. FROM THAT PART OF THE UJORLO- T AMON& THE ADOYNOtO KAXlLlfN! STfrl THEN I SUPPOSE YOO KNOW THAT THE OEMOHlAr GOVERNMENT DOES NOT AU.OU) A NATIVE SOC4 JO LEAVE THE COONTRV BUT THEY UUOOLOKT COME WAY OP HERE , JOS TO GET OHEBARVklD j2l Cam Inaa ncta MntiK 'Vit. Kmg hwi Swtt. lot OROlNARa-V "THE' UKJULONTB BOTHER TO 00 SO- BOT THIS KID MEAHS A LOT TO THEM . DO YOU KNOVU THAT THEV ARE. THE MOST SUPERSTITIOUS PEOPLE OH EARTH? 1 iMA&tlE THEY lOANT TO UJORSHIP MUR YOONCiSTEK LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY It's a Good Old World After All By DARREL McCLURE Wf GLOKMDSVC VUC X 60TGOOO UEWS!.'.'- 1 X DOKfT rttlT7 Y CM. AflMC, 5 60 IZiB&f FCGtT tTU. TT3 f5T; QEJWE COUtfTC J SADE'5 GOWA GET WELL5f4?5OWA SO OH, AM VT UMDDZSOD J n HAPPyLFETJL T HOW CtWLr&A LKE TD TALK, f .Xltt GKfi-JJi fig 1- ' TOTVCCOUWTRV-VJWEEE TWEXEBlIZDSAVr VCU AWT 1 , Vl ITfl ALL) LOTS BCTTEE. A- ENETi. T V TO V0U LATEJf CHOCEM6 AW BIROS rtOWEUS AW9JELL A AMf IM COMMA I iJUSTRXXBT I JL TFOCEBMJ L ALTtEAOY rReWVOU----- jv GowrrHKSsizr J) meaee JJCrt'tL ysauoi is sending - rZ3- JtrJl .SrSF5 TOOTS AND CASPER Secrets and Surprises By JIMMY MURPHY ift WELL TOOTS HERE. WE ARE W ENROUTE. TO OCEAN PARADISE I & AND WE &OT AWAY WITHOUT j 4COLOf4EU HOOFER KMOWlt4 IT 7 1 COLONEL HOOFER CERTAINLY WILL BE SURPRISED WHEN HE DROPS E5Y THE HOUSE ANOFKS3 US 6CI rr'sA 6000 joke ON HIM BECAUSE HE'S TERRIBLY INQUISTTTVE AND HE THINKS HE KNOWS EVERYTHtNCx THAT'S ; GOtN4 ON HA-HA! & IV u ' HA-HA! J WS SURE 6AVE CASPER TK SU?, DIDN'T WE SOPHIE f I WAS AFRAID HETD DROP IN AND CATCH US PACKlNCr OUR , RlPSuBUT LUCK WAS WrTHUS- 5 Z WELL . ANYWAY .THIS IS ONE TIME WE'RE ETTIN AVJAY ON A TRIP WITHOUT- THAT SHRWP KNOWING ITS HEU. THROW AFTT WHEN HE DROPS OVER TO OUR HOUSE AND FINDS l3C3YK2! -4 if know THAT.. T03T5 ARS ENROUTE TO OCEAN CUT vnzz r?cmfi? f