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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1933)
. PAGE SK The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Wednesday Mornlnjr, Ansrnst 23, 1933 Society I Miss Muessig Wed "To Otto Gronke Sunday . The marriage of Miss Elizabeth Marie Muessig. niece of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kesch of Aurora, to Otto W. Gronke, son of Mrs. Lena Gronke of Salem, was celebrated Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Meridian Reformed church of WilsonTllle. ReT. A. P. Licn kaemper of Portland performed the ceremony. - Miss Louise Muessig. sister of the bride, was maid of honor, and there were two bridesmaids. Miss Emma Muessig and Miss Evelyn Ellers, all of Aurora. Erwin Lange of . Oregon City was best man. The bride was given In marriage hy, her uncle, Mr. Joe Reach. The bridal gown was of white organdie and crepe, and the bride carried a bouquet of Cecile Brun ner roses and white pompom as ters. Her attendants wore dress es of yellow and orchid organdie and carried orchid pompom as ters. A reception for 125 guests followed at the parish hall. Both the church and the hall were decorated with fir and cedar branches and gladioli. After a week at the Oregon beaches Mr. and Mrs. Gronke will be at home at 1055 Hunt street, Salem. Gilliam Clan Gathers In Annual Reunion Nearly 150 members of the Gil liam clan gathered at Dallas Sun day for their tenth annual reun ion. Those attending from Salem included Dr. and Mrs, H. C. Epley, Mrs. S. C. Stone, Mrs. E. E. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Hull, Harold Hull, Miss Josephine Hull, Hugh WardVMrs. Quay M. Wassam, Ho mer Gilliam, Mrs. E. E. Gilliam, Denzall Gilliam, and Miss Grace Gilliam. The group has representations from all over the state and neigh boring states. They assembled in the morning for a business meet ing and election of officers, at which time Dr. Epley was elected president of the clan for the third time. The call to dinner at noon was blown on an ancient sea shell more than 200 years old. In the early afternoon the clan once more assembled around the stand to enjoy a varied program. The numbers were as follows: Memorial service read by Miss Grace Gilliam; crowning of Mrs. Lizzie Crow of Riddle as queen of the clan, she being the oldest member present; young people's bait hour; Mrs. Etta Ware and family Skit; old time program; historic readings clipped from old copies of The Oregon Statesman and the- Morning Oregonlan; I reading of the history of the clan by Merlle Gilliam, historian; . closing Oregon Pioneer song writ ten by members of the clan and sung every year. Seattle Visitor Honored at Bridge Tea Honoring Mrs. Francis A. Bur- gy - Gwendolyn Jar man) of Seat tle, Miss Yvonne Smith entertain ed a group of the younger set at a bridge tea Tuesday afternoon, In the home, of Captain and Mrs Robert Mills. Orchid and yellow gladioli pro vided the floral decorations. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. Mills and Mrs. Charles Claggett. Those present were Miss Jose phine McGilchrist. Miss Kay , Laughrige, Miss Myra Belt. Miss . Cynthia. Delano,- Miss Rovena -Eyre. Miss Iris Jorgensen, Miss Kreta Janz, Miss Isobel George, Miss Marmlon Connor, Miss Fran ces Martin, Mrs. Charles Clagett. Mrs. Deryl Myers, Mrs. Carl Ram- seyer, Mrs. D, B. Jarman, Mrs Robert Mills, Mrs. John Kitimll- ler of Dallas and the hostess, Miss Smith. Destined for Aquatic Honors 1 y :SS)V ' t4-' ft ','' i :''' 'v & 'It j V rt-ys W - " ft--'? i ' ' V I f ' f- " Once among the foremost of the world's mermaids, Mrs. Joseph Wris-hi. 'Jr., bl Toronto, better known as Martha Norelius, is planning fox her 2-year-old daughter to follow in her footsteps. She is shown with the - caaapion in embryo at White Sulphur Springs, W, Va, where they are News and Club Jessie Steele, SOCIAL CALENDAR .. . Wednesday, August 23 Degree of Honor picnic for members and friends; basket dinner at 6 o'clock at G. E. Zell residence, 1195 Xorth 14th street. North Salem W. C T. TJ. meets at home of Mrs. Ed Olson for all day. Potluck dinner. Cars at Jason Lee church at 10-a. m. : ; Women's Union of Temple Baptist church meets at Mary's Square at 2 p. m. Those on losing side in contest bring potluck lunch for women. Ladies of Willamette Auxiliary 2081 will meet at the home of Mrs. F. C. Lutz, 1625 Market street, in the afternoon. Thursday, August 2h U. S. Grant circle of Ladles of G. A. R short bus-' iness session, armory, 2 o'clock; special program, fol lowed by tea. : , . Artisans pot luck dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dencer. 6:30 p. m.' Sedgwick Women's Relief Corps tea meeting at home of Mrs. Laura McAdams. 2 to 5 p. m. AH friends invited. Loyal Women's Bible class of the First Christian church will meet in the church parlors at 2 p. m.; social and business meeting. All members requested to be present. Friday, August 25 South Salem W. C. T. U. 2 o'clock; Rev. S. Darlow Johnson, speaker. Daughters of Union Veterans regular meeting in basement of Women's club house, 7 o'clock. Reception at 8 o'clock for national and department officers in club room. Members of all patriotic orders invited. Women's council of First Christian church meet in church parlors, 2 o'clock. Women's Home Missionary society of Salem district annual rally at First M. E. church. 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Speakers: Mrs. E. J. Maple of Forest Grove; Mrs. Ruth L. Reed of Portland, and Mrs. J. J. Oeder of Portland. Ice cream social in the grove opposite Webb's gar age in Turner for benefit of school soup kitchen. Every one invited. Berean Chapter W. W. G. at home of Gail McClean, 2720 Cherry avenue, 8 p. m. Hubert Holder Home Near Liberty Is Scene of Happy Family Affair Freda Nelson of Woodburn Becomes Bride of Donovan Grady at Albany Rites Liberty The Hubert Holder home was the scene of a family gathering Sunday. The occasion also celebrated the August birth days of four members of the fam ily, H. B. Seagrove, C. L. Sea grove of Tacoma, Wash., and sons Ray and Leo. Present were Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Seagrove of Salem Heights, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Seagrove, Carol, Raymond, and Leo Sea grove, who are spending some time here from Tacoma, and Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Holder and chil dren Frank, Alvin and . Catherine. Mrs. Frank Devlin entertained for her son Bobby on Monday afternoon complimenting his 10th birthday anniversary. Present were Ilia Krauger, Cecil Sargent, Ruth Davis, Woodiord Carson and Bobby Devlin. Chemawa Felicitating Mrs. D. B. Kleihege and Harry Olden burg on the occasion of their joint birthday anniversaries, Mrs. Harry Oldenburg as hostess Sat urday night at her home. The honor guests received gifts and flowers. Those honoring Mrs. Kleihege and Mr. Oldenburg included Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oldenburg, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Savage, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Evans, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Francisco, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. Albert M In turn, Mr., and Mrs. Guy Smith, Mr, and Mrs. H. W. Bow den, Mrs. Minnie Woods, Mrs. Dora Dewey. Mrs. Glen Brandon. Misses Loig, Irma and Mary Keefer, D. S. Keefer, C. B. Ti tus, D. B. Kleihege, Louis Olden burg, Hal and Royal Keefer. Mrs.. Evelyn Stelvinger of Til lamook, and formerly of Salem, has returned to her home after a three-day visit here.- Society' Editor Woodburn The marriage of Miss Freda Nelson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Soren Nelson of Woodburn,. and Donovan Grady of Albany, was performed Sun day, at the Methodist parsonage in Albany. Mrs. Grady was a popular member of the younger set of Woodburn and graduated with the 1931 high school class. Mr. Grady formerly resided here but has made his home in Al bany the past few years. They will live in Marshfield. West Salem The 20th wed ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Wallace was fittingly cele brated Sunday when a group of relatives came to extend felici tations. In the company were Mrs. E. Mayhew of Portland, mother cf Mrs. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gilbert and children Alice and Dick, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Cboake, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hamilton and daughter Caral Jean, Miss Violet, Larry and Robert Wallace and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Wal lace. Mr. and Mrs. Max O. Buren have announced the date of the wedding of their daughte-. Miss Rosalie. Buren. to Mirlon B. Lamb. The ceremony will be per formed Thursday afternoon, Aug ust 24, at the home of the bride's parents. Only relatives and a few cjose friends will be present. The TJ. S. Grant circle of La dies of the G. A. R. will hold a short business meeting at the ar mory Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, to be followed by an In formal program and tea; Mrs. Maude Leeter and Mrs. Lena Taylor will be Joint host esses. The Women's Council of the First Christian church met in the church parlors Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Rich Reimann and Mrs. Ber tha Ray were the speakers of the afternoon. - Mrs.' Mary Dunn gave the devo tional -reading and Mrs. George Cherrington sang two solos. Mrs. E. W. Cooley pronounced he benediction. ' ' .'.' ... Miss Roberta Smith, recently re cently returned frpm a year's stay in the east, was complimented by a charming dinner and evening of dancing at the Gray Belle last evening. ..Members of the young set were hostesses and guests numbered 42. , . . . Don Poulln, Everett .May. and Gene Foulin were weekend guests of Miss Clra Dell and Mrs.- Don Poulln at Fernell cottage, New port. - . Mrs. J. M. Clifford, who Is spending the summer ! with . Mr, Clifford at Corvallls, was a Sa lem visitor Tuesday. , - . -Ringlet End Push Wave (United I la.JHl Perman 1 rcscn- Bdadte GEaon ' 426-7-8 Orezon Bid, r J I E.'s.mam Affairs Home Missionary Society Opens 7 Rally Friday The Women's Home Mission ary society of Salem district be gins its annual rally Friday at 9 a. m. at the First Methodist church. An all. day program has been arranged, with a luncheon interlude from 12 to 1 at which time a 25 cent meal win- be served at the church. The program is as follows: 9:00 Song Service. Mrs. Ma son Bishop. . 9:10 Road to Service. Mrs. George Israelson. - 9:25 Road Construction Ma terial, Mrs. P. J. Voth. 9:30 Road Survey. Mrs. E. J. Maple. - 10:00-Music. - - ' 10:05 Meeting of Highway Commission Chairmen and High way Engineer, Mrs. Ruth L. Reed, Mrs. E. J. Maple. 10:35 Highway Signs Along the T7ay, Mrs. Mason Bishop, 11:00 Buz-s-z-s-s-z. Mrs. E. C. Miller. 11:30 Widening Trails. Mrs. C. C. Bray. 11:45 Rocky Trails. Mrs. J. L. ' Bray. 12:00 Lunelle 1:00 Song Service, Mrs. A. B. Evans. 1:10 Road to Service, Mrs. Law. 1:25 Bridging Difficulties, Mrs. i:. M7 Durkheimer. 1:35 Information Please, Mrs. P. J. Voth. 1:45 First Service Station, Mrs. M. Schreioer. 2:00 Surfacing the Roads. Mrs. J. J. Oeder. 2:15 Marimba Solo. Miss Edith Findley. 2:15- Main Traveled Roads. Mrs. Ruth L. Reed. 2:45 End of the Trail. Mrs. B. E. Parker. Adjourned. The Writers' Section of the Sa lem Arts league met for a picnic supper last night at the home of Mrs. Blanche Jones. About 25 at tended and Mrs. Elsa Ebsen was a special guest. Pattern By ANNE ADAMS For that pin-neat look during every hour of the busy day, here's a darling little frock! Picture it of a pretty gingham, lawn or dim ity .. . so cool and crisp and with such lovable details! A catlvating flounce perks out over the shoul ders, sleeves puff "just so" and buttons fasten the smart bodice closing. ' Send for your pattern now. , '. make it yourself and wear-It in a few days! Pattern 1531 Is available In sizes 14, 16, 18. 20, 32. 34, 36, 38, 40 and 42. Size 16 takes 3 yards 3 6-inch fabric . Illustrated step-by-step sewing - instructions Included with this' pattern. Send riTTEEK CENTS (15e) in 'coin or stamps (coins preferred), for this Ann Adams . pattern.- . Writ plainly name, address and style num ber. BE 8UHB TO STATE SIZE. THE ANNE ADAM 3 " PATTERS BOOK feature m euarminr collection' of afternoon, ' sports, toff, ; tennis dresses, jompers, kens f rocksv special beginners'.-patterns, styles, for Jnn iors. and loTely clothe . for young sters, and instructions for 'skinf chio sweater. 'BEND FOR YOuB COPT. PRICE or CATALOO FIF TEEN CENTS. CATAIXXJ AND PATTERN - TOGETHER ' TWENTY FIVE CENTS. Address order . to Th Oregon Statesman Pattern Department, SaS West 17th St, New York City. ent Waves and TJd " - Tine Only) . Phen E754 B Reception - Planned by Patriotic Order v Daughters of Union Veterans will give a reception honoring na tional and department officers following ; their regular meeting. Friday evening, August 25. . It will begin at 8 o'clock and will be held In the club room. . : Department heads of all patri otic orders affiliated with the G. A. R. are being Invited together with all members f patriotic or ders in the city. Honor guests Include Mrs. An nie S. Warren, national chaplain. of Portland; Mrs. Ethel Andrews, department president, of Astoria; Mrs. Angle Dayton, " department secretary, of Astoria; Mrs. Rath Wicks, department guide, of Al bany; Mrs. Grace Wendt, depart ment patriotic Instructor, of New- berg; and Mrs. "talena Bales, president of the Salem chapter and department junior vice-president. . Mrs. Elva Mortimer is In charge of arrangements. NRA Team Captains Named by Leader Mrs. Harry J. Weidmer, one of the three "majors" from the fem inine ranks of the local NRA, has j announced the following women as team captains: Mrs. E. H. Kennedy, Mrs. Le- Roy Gard, Mrs. Russell Bone steele, Mrs. V. E. Kuhn, Mrs. Ho mer Smith Jr., and Mrs. S. W. Starr. Mrs. David Wright and Mrs. Chester Cox, the other two "ma jors" appointed by Mrs. Hannah Martin, who is in charge of the local NRA office, will announce their captains in the near future. Activities of the three groups will also be explained at that time. Miss Ohmart Hostess To Alpha Phi Alpha Salem members of Alpha Phi Alpha sorority met Monday even ing at the home of Miss Velleda Ohmart. Miss Mildred Drager as sisted the hostess in serving. Those present were: Mrs. Leon ard Heisler, Mrs. Wilmer Wells, and Misses Torothy Eastrldge, Helen Breithaupt. Muriel White, Eleanor Tames, Elva Sehon, Mary White, Mildred Drager, Rosetta Smith, Edythe Glalsyer, Roberta Varley, Lulu Allen.' Loretta Var ley, and the hostess. Women's Press Club Luncheon Guests The Women's Press club was entertained at the home of Mrs. W. C. Conner Tuesday afternoon with a dessert luncheon and cards. Bridge honors were won by Mrs. Martha Schmuckr and Mrs. Fred Zimmerman. Special guests for the afternoon were Mrs. Schmuck, Mrs. Stephen Mergler and Mrs. C. N. Needham. Members in attendance were Mrs. Dennis Landry, Mrs. Murray Wade, Mrs. A. W. Lane, Mrs. E. A. Brown, Mrs. R. J. Hendricks. Mrs. Don Upjohn. Mrs. Zimmer man, Mrs. Ralph H. Kletzing and hostess, Mrs. Conner. Eugene Eckerlen, Sr., Feted on Birthday Complimenting Eugene Ecker len Sr. on the occasion of his 76th birthday, Mrs. 'Eckerlen entertain ed a group of 13 at dinner Sun day. Guests were Mrs. Fred Cornell and Miss Bertha Eckerlen, both of Los Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. August Huckestein, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Welch of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Nadon and Eugeno Nadon of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mil ler of Stayton. and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Eckerlen Jr. Five members of - the Daugh ters of Union Veterans from As toria will be In Salem this week end for the reception honoring national and department officers. They are Mrs. Ethel Andrews, Mrs. Angle Dayton, Mrs. Mabel Chrlstofferson, Mrs. Clara Boy ington and Mrs. Addaline Fitz gerald. ! . Eight members of the U. G. club of Neighbors of Woodcraft were entertained Monday evening at the country home of Mrs. Flor ence Bressler. They are Mrs. Jen nie Shelton, Mrs. Dorothy Walker, Miss Mary Maley, Miss Lillian Kayser, Mrs. Nora Busey, Mrs. Nellie Lynch, Mrs. Bertha Ray and guest of honor, Mrs. J. Albert Barry. Mr. and Mrs. Van Seller Wleder and daughter are leaving for Chi cago this week. They will be join ed at Baker by Mr. Wieder's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Adler. The party will drive and, plan to re gone tnree or iour weeas. .... ; - The Prorressiva Health club has discontinued Its meetings for the remainder of the summer out plans to resume them in the fall, probably the first of October. . - : . . . 23c . Package WHITE KING I ni ATVTTTT ATT?tV CAAD A Mill -. . - . II' tfaL. .. M' - y -:. 'Jrrlir r;-:, ..I'-':' X- ' ' l Mir.' aas- - . .. , . . . . ki i Leads Revival Frederick B. Baker ,of Portland, who la leading a gospel cam paign at the South Salem Friends church." F T The gospel campaign at the South Salem Friends' church is making an excellent start, under leadership of Evangelist Freder ick Baker. A daily vacation Bible school, held in conjunction with the revivals, started Monday morning with a good attendance. In charge of the school are Phyl lis Macy and Josephine Fich. Special feature of the Baker meetings, each afternoon at 3 o'clock and ' night at 8 o'clock, is the singing led by Allen Had ley and Eugene Coffin. Charles C. Haworth is pastor of the church. IE6UUID GETS FOUR SILVERTON. Aug. 22. Har old Tegland, arrested Saturday night for riotous and disorderly conduct, was found guilty at trial in justice court here today, and was sentenced to four months in the county jail. He has been be fore the officials several times before on liquor charges. Saturday night he cursed offi cers who approached him as he was leaving a downtown establish ment. Martin Ferrey of Salem ap peared for Tegland and made a strong plea for parole, but Dep uty District Attorney Lyle Page did not concur. This is the first case of any great interest to come before Jus tice of the Peace Frank Alfred, who took office last January. State Warrants Between July 5 And 15 Called Call for the payment of all gen eral fund warrants indorsed "not paid for want of funds" between July 5 and 15, inclusive, was is sued Tuesday by Rufus C. Hol man, state treasurer. Approxi mately 1201,851.03 is involved in the call. Warrants have been indorsed by the state treasurer in the amount of 83.S63.909. 50, of which $850,396.33 will be outstanding after deducting those called for payment on August 23. Mary J. Reusfs : Estate is Filed The 13500 estate of Mary J. Reust was admitted to probate yesterday, with Ronald Glover as executor. Two heirs are Edward Booth of Salem, a brother, and Delia Hilton of Alberta, Canada, a niece. . Mrs. Ida B. Godfrey and Miss Emma Godfrey left Monday morn ing for a two weeks' vacation trip into California. -Miss Elva Sehon has returned from a Jour weeks' stay in San Francisco. ' ..., - . Rickreall Miss Virginia Ad ams and Robert Kelso were mar ried Saturday, August 19. at Van couver, Wash. . . MENDS Ml SI MOMS III T " JL 111 11 11 U If "Jim, . ;cc5- Plaintiffs Will Appeal on Ground Bill Signed not : One Soions Enacted Four members of the state su preme court Tuesday refused to issue an order restraining en forcement of the produce deal ers' and peddlers' law enacted by the 1933 legislature pending dis position of the appeal. The suit was filed under the title Can cllla and others against the state agricultural department, and at tacked the constitutionality of the act. Judge Crawford of the Mult nomah county .circuit court held the law constitutional, from which ruling the plaintiffs will appeaL The motion argued today was for an. order to prevent ar rests under the law pending such time as the appeal is . heard by the supreme court next month. - Attorneys for the plaintiff . ar gued that the act, known as House Bill No 221. was uncon stitutionally enacted by the. legis lature and that the measure sign ed by Governor Meier was not the one passed by the senate and house. It further was alleged that the bill was recalled from the governor and the amendment affecting foreign peddlers stricken out. The legislative journal, plain tiff averred, did not show what happened to the bill after it was recalled from the governor al though testlmon) in the lower court Indicated that it was cor rected and returned for signa ture without action by the legis lature. Plaintiff also charged that the won. '. . l:i v. .- it Owner must sell this modern 6-room home for $3400. S300 down and monthly payments of only $20, plus Interest on 91500 mortgage semi-annually. Has fenced-in back lawn with apple, pruuepear, peach and cherry trees,' H years old. Lovely shrubbery, willow and birch trees front and rear. Call at 1630 North 19th between 6 and 8 p. in. 11 X. TV W sm W M IRI MARTON LABORATORIES 904 First National Bank Bldg. Salem Phono 4427 Write for Literature Evenings by Appointment mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmim i mum .i.i n. i . win ii. CD1W, DAINTY FEET SHAPELY ANKLES GRACE-f OISE Oft (jcwi rJtetI Foot trouble is a serious thing. Those aches and pains alovrly but surely put lines in the face. Wearing shoes that are not prop erly fitted distorts the feet swells the ankles; ruins the shape liness of the limbs and robs one of grace and poise. H you suffer from your feet, by all means attend this special Dr. SchoU's FOOT COMFORT Demonstration FRIDAY, AUGUST 25TH What you will learn about your feet at this Demonstration will be of life-time benefit to you. By special arrangement, we have secured the exclusive services of an Expert from the Chicago Staff of Dr. Wo. M. Seboll, world noted Foot Authority, for this important . Yon wO see aD the newest of Dr. -. i ..ivi'.' bin was , favor of the ttoTW. distributor. . Th bookkeeping system provided ir the act was declared a hardshij. upon peddler. . ; The arguments were heard by Chief Justice Rand and Justices Campbell, Belt and Kelly. Attorneys Gus Moser and Rich ard Slater represented the plain tiff while Attorney General Van Winkle appeared for the state. i T M E f J T pnoflMjiw CORVALLIS, Ore.. Aug. 22. (AP) The Oreeon Sta extension service was advised to day that the cmerrenr hn nrn. ductiou adjustment program will appiy in the Pacific northwest with the nrice schednl tartin at 83.90 for .25 'toO pound pigs uo ioiqitmiiob was received from tho agricultural adjust ment administration In wvin. ton, D. C. The Pacific north" went t 1 schedule will be 60 cents under the base price which in the mid west was established at 39.50 for Pigs weighing from 25 to 30 pounds, with 2S cent off fnr each 5 pounds additional weight. ine price discount does not ap ply to sows, for which the mar. ket price plus 84 will be paid. The messace to the collete said the western processing points will be announced later. The govern ment plans under the emergency nog program to purchase up to 4,000,000 DiKa from 25 to 100 pounds weight, and up to 1.000. 000 bred sows welt hint 27S founds and over. SALE r ir . sa asjasnasa BMOT fx w Hill I I 111 . ."Vt '."''hTr .. .1 Vl -"- FOR PARTICULAR WOMEN We Wifl Remove Unwanted Hair From both underarms during August, together with regulation Marton treatment Cf for only DUC Also Without pain or inconvenience we will remove hair from both legs, to the knee, leaving the skin smooth, white and charming. fo njf For this month : ? 0 ARMS TO ELBOW . . . $2.25 Marton treatments devitalize hair cells without the use of chemicals or needles Scientifically Permanently Safely. Consultation Free and Confidential I --..' is -, jjrk-f ..r..:..-.!--as- -4' i - - ,r ' v" S.-1 I &. ,' .: v . 1 --.yVX l'- It r "t Vs? - l ; i - -f ScboIT Appliaaces and Remedie for relieving foot trouble of every kind and degree. Yoa will learn the exact .condition of your feet; what cause them to hurt and how you can esrjoy fsunediate aad lst tag relief.' '-- v Yoa wSQ also be given advice a to the sire, width' and. Type of shoe yoa should weir Bemember the date' and be cure' to he here. Sg. j '4 "I a ... . . j .