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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1933)
-The OREGON STATESMAN, Sifca, Orron. Friday UorninS.-Ammst 18.-1933 PAC3 FIVC I t. II. r Local News Brief i Outside Pastor Speaker Sun day t both the morning and evening services at the Pirst Evangelical church, Rev. William . F, Rademacher of the First Evan s gelical church . at Albany, will ' bring the messages. Rev. Rade macher is well known to local folk, having been an outstanding ' pastor in the Oregon conference of the Evangelical church-for a number or years. He secured his training for the ministry - at Northwestern .college . and. .. the Evangelical Theological seminary, both at Naperville, 111. A. compar atively young man, .his work thus '. far has been characterized by an unusual degree of success. Met Graber with " Lane it Ben nettsensatlonal skating trio, Tew Park tonight; 7 Enjoys Air at 73 Mrs. Mary ' F Brunk of Eola took her first ? air ride Wednesday evening, "With ,Lee Eyerly of the local airport at ithe- controls. H iceforth Mrs. Brunk will be an enthusiastic air fan, for she was extremely pleased with ber jaunt over the city of Salem. In earlier days she came into this country from Sacramen to via the slow ox 'cart mode of , travel. Leaves For Home Mrs. A. C Nagel, nee Ruth Mae Lawrence, left for her home at Cascade Sum mit . yesterday . morning alter spending a week here with her mother, . Mrs.. N. A. .Lawrence 1578 Ferry. Mrs. Nagel says sum mer visitors at the Summit are more numerous than in years this summer, and that virtually every cabin in the resort is filled. Bailey . Returns Here After three steady months In Salinas, Calif., E. K. Bailey has again pitched bis teat on the same-lot at South Commercial and Oak streets, and will begin a special evangelistic campaign starting Sunday at 7:45 p." m., and con tinuing nightly at the same hour. His. Sunday subject is VThe Val ley of Dry Bones." Scout Window Liked B o y scouts . of troop 15, West Salem, yesterday decided to hold over their window exhibit at the I. W. Lewis drugstore w'ten it contin ued to draw many spectators. The exhibit, arranged under, di rection of Harrv v Wiedmaier, scoutmaster, - consists ' of scout equipment and products of scout crafts. Electrical ?Ien Meet A group of Salem electrical dealers, meet ing at the chamber of commerce last night to discuss N. R. A., de cided not to establish any compe tition, hour and wage code here until the national code for their business is drawn up and ap proved. A local association may be iformed at that time to put the code into effect. Sprinkler System Started Ex plosion of a feed line at one of the big digester tanks in the pa per mill Thursday released so much heat the automatic sprink ler system was set going and the . building given a thorough wet ting before the system could be shut off. The damage was Blight and no one was injured. Obituary ! McRae In this city August 15, Norman Kenneth McRae, 1790 South Cap- uot ex reel, jttusoana 01 Myruc; ia tber of Darline; son of Mrs. Olive McRae; brother of Ernest and Hammond of Salem, Mrs. Bernice Matbes of Klamath Falls and Mrs. Olive Estes. Redwood, Cal Funeral , services Friday, August 18. 10 a. m. at Terwllliger Fun eral . home. Interment at Jeffer eon. . Lynch At a local hospital Aug. 16 Mary Ann Lynch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lynch. 190 South 25th St., aged 1 year, 21 days. Granddaughter of Mrs. Mary M Lynch of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. William Parks of Elk City, Ore Also survived by several uncles and aunts. Funeral services from TerwilliRer Funeral home, 770 Chemeketa street. 10:30 a. m. Saturday. August 19. Interment I. O. O. F. cemetery. Fleming At the residence, .767 North Liberty street. Tuesday, August 15, Murray M. Fleming, at the age of 64 years. Husband of Belle Fleming, brother, ot David of Eu gene, Frank ot Glendale, Cal., Ar thur,' William and J. O., all of Salem. Funeral services Friday August 18. 1:30 p. m. from the chapel of W. T. Rigdon and Son," Rev. W. C. Kantner officiating. Interment I. O: O. F. cemetery. O , O I,! 1 ' Airmail Connections Better- Changes efefcted yesterday in the Pacific coast airmail service make it possible for matter .leaving Salem at 6 : 3 0 p.m. to connect with the night plane in Portland flying south Instead ot being held over for the morning southbound mall: plane ail formerly was the case. Morning mail coming to Portland hy air from San Fran cisco arrives at Salem at It a. m. intsead of noon under the , new schedule. f Will Appear Here A trio ot speakers interested In the Ala bama murder cases of recent months, will ) appear Tuesday night, August 22, at the M. E. church basement here, under , the auspices ot the International La bor Defense. The local committee arranging tor the appearance in cludes H. D. - Roblnette, E.'- J. Jackson and Frank LockharL The speakers are Mrs. Patterson, Rich ard Moore and Leslie Carder. - County Mm Pay The Marlon county court is required to pay the cost of shoe repair bills of indigent Marion county students at the state reboot for the deaf, Attorney General Van ' Winkle ruled in an opinion handed down Thursday. Tb state law provides that the cost cf all clothing neces sary for the comfort of Indigent blind and deal children shall be borne by the eounties of which they are residents. Leave for West Point Milton Taylor, son ef Mr. and Mrs. H. Clay Taylor, and Louis Farns worth, son ot Captain and Mrs. L. D. Farnswrtb, will leave Sal em early this morning and report tor duty August 28 at the U. S. Military- academy at West Point following a summer; furlough at their homes here. En route, with three other cadets from Oregon, they will stop in. Yellowstone park, Chicago and New Tork City. Hlng Case Continued Prelim inary hearing for Joe Hlng, charg ed with larceny by bailee, was postponed until sometime next week. It was originally, set for hearing before Judge Hayden yes terday. Efforts to raise bail late yesterday afternoon did not ma terialize and Hlng is still in the eounty Jail. He is accused fall ing to account for $102 worth of sodawater goods owned by Gideon Stolz company here. Divorce Action Judge Lewell- ing will hear divorce action of Snelgrove vs. Snelgrove Monday. A similar action. Kaaer vs. Kaser, had been scheduled, but will like ly be continued. cases slated in his court for next week are: Johnson vs. Johnson, a dl vorce suit. Wednesday; hearing in estate of Mary F: Gregolre- vs. Wilmet. Thursday; and DeGnire vs. DeGnire, Friday. Conduct Bible School A daily bible school for children will be conducted each morning at 9:30 o'clock at- the South Salem Friends church, starting Monday. Miss Phyllis Macy of Scotts Mills and Miss Josephine Fich ot Van couver. Wash.; will he in charge. Miss Rachel Pemberton will assist with the music. Reported Injured O. G. Smith, route five, and James William Fowler, .695 North 15 th street, yesterday reported to city police that their cars collided Wednes day at Shipping and Capitol streets, resulting in injuries to two persons. Mrs. L. M. Smith, 48 and Wallace Smith, 12, of route five, both suffered bruises. - .Pitt Jailed -When Clarence Pitt of Salem pleaded guilty in municipal court yesterday to a charge ot being intoxicated. Judge Mark Poulsen ordered him to pay a $10 fine. Pitt failed to pay however, and was then ordered to spend five days in jail. Grass Fires Occur City fire men were called out twice yester day to extinguish grass fires. At 2:40 p. ro. they put out a grass blaze at Mission and Capitol streets and at 5:05 p. m. another at" 23rd and Lee streets. Crawford Assigned J u d g e Crawford ,of the Multnomah cir cuit court, was assigned Thursday by Chief Justice Rand of the State Supreme Court to preside ove several cases in Lane County in which Judge Sklpworth is . dis qualified. Mdnkers to Meet The annual Munkers reunion will be held Sunday, August 20, at Hazel Green park. Friends are invited to attend. Green Estate f6,00O Estate o Santord Green was admitted: to probate' yesterday, with 'James Ben' Green as executor and-L. W. Howell, JC. E. Wenger and Avery Thompson as appraisers. The val uation is thought to be in neigh borhood ot $6,000 of which $2500 Is personal property. The exec utor was authorized to negotiate a $100 loan with a local bank. ... Final Hearing The probate ndge has set Tuesday, Septal 9, at 10 a. m., for final hearing In estate of Tna Edwards. The final report shows the only holding, $549.40 receivedo from estate of a relative in Tennessee, was en tirely expended in paying bills of the estate. Arthur Edwards is administrator. Sues Estate John J.. Donald son has instigated suit against Charles G. Miller administrator of the estate of. J. A. White for a total of $347.50 alleged due from the estate for services per formed in 1928 and 1929. He al so asks $170 attorney's fees. Go to Breitenbnsh The E. B. Fletcher family of North Winter street and their guests, Mrs. Ger trude. Stone and son Sherald of The Dalles, left the middle of the week for a seven-day vacation at Breitenbnsh springs. Plaintiff Gets Custody In di vorce proceedings of Clive B. De Sart vs. Rpland F. DeSart, plain tiff, has been given absolute con trol of the minor child during pendency of the suit. Defendant Is permitted to rislt the child twice a week. Ask for Hearing Marion Hook has applied to the probate court for hearing in connection with a $525 claim against the Tolbert Hook estate. Hearing will he An gust SO. rresnan EstatesAlice. B. Can non has been named, executrix ot the estate of Enos Presnall, who died early this month. The es tate Is estimated to be worth $lr 300, and will be appraised by John B. Moorman, Levi McCrack en and Wlllard P. Ringle. . Defaat Ordered Default of de fendants, -' Ben W. Olcott as" re ceiver of the Willamette Valley Mortgage. Loan Company and ot the Loan company Itself, has been, entered , in connection with salt brought by A. C. Snyder against Hanna O. Hosklns.and others. .' - Demurrer ' Overruled J ndge Lewelling "has overruled; demur er "of defendant in suit of George W. Tergen ts. Stafford Pickle company.'- ' ' ' Buchanan Estate Petition in probate court asks that Roy Har lan; be appointed administrator of the.E. L. Buchanan -estate, esti mated to he worth $400. Loan Company Replies Hawk ins and Roberts. Inc., has (lied denial to allegations of answer of Mabel E. Free and others, defen dant in suit. .From Turner - Section Mrs. Regina Elser, of the Pleasant dis trict, near .Turner, was a Salem visitor yesterday. Walker ' is Visitor Leonard Walker, clerk ot the West Stay- ton school district, was a saiem business visitor yesterady. Seeks Foreclosure N. A' Ba- sey has tiled. foreclosure complaint against C D. Adams. ST. LOUIS, Aug.17 (AP). Paul Werner, St. Louis, loday was elected national commander of the army and navy union, at the concluding session ot the annual convention of the organization. Wage for Bean . Piqkers Topic, s Hearing Today . A hearing will be held In the state' labor department here to day .for the purpose ot establish ing .a xahxlmum wage for bean pickers. . ; -v.; : ; V. " ; ; -.The hearing was called by C. H. Gram, state labor commission er, after he had received com plaints .that some pickers were being paid as low as SO cents per 100 pounds.' ' Other employers were said to have pald. as;hUa-sas Cannery operators ana -other persons interested in the bean In-J dustry have been Invited to at-' tend the hearing. , 1 v 1 - t? You Ask What Certif is Lubrication? "Certified Lubrication is systematized lubri cation with all guess-work eliminated . . . ' In our lubrication department is a book containing the manufacturer'a lubrieation specif ications for . each model and make of car. In detail; this book gives every instruction necessary to the proper lu brication of every moving part. Our men follow instructions exactly, using eight different types of lubricant. SHELL "Certified" LUBRICATION Chemek eta at Liberty St. Smith Watkins .Phone ' 3412 We Go a Long Way to Make Friends 1 -Births I -0 Morrison To Mr. and Mrs. Carl Leland Morrison of Independence, girl, Beta May, born July 18 in Salem. . " Bcebe To Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Charles : Beebe, 975 Belmont street. , a boy, William Charles, horn August 15 at Salem General hospital." - Kantras T6 Mr. and Mrs. George P. Kantras. 882 Highland avenue, a girl, Coleen . Elizabeth, born August 13 at the residence. Headrick To. Mr. and- Mrs. Marvin , FTlzsell Headrick, 450 North Capitol street, a boy. Jay Marvin, born - August 10 at 4 the Jackson Maternity home. ' Balderree -To Mr. and Mrs.' Ir Ting D. Balderree of Siletz, a boy, Robert Grant, born August 6 at Salem Deaconess hospital. i 1 Charlie Chan t Chinese Medicine Co. : i 122 Commercial St.; , Over Salem Hardware .Store -S. B. Fong, Directing Herbalist;. We! hitve all kinds of herb for male.and female disorders; kidney, bladder, stomach, every" sickness. Satisfied Salem pa Uents will testify. - Consaltatlon Absolately FREE ; nowrst 9 to f SonA 9 to 12 for OUlMaars INum4A Rm4 PUte la Be u4 itaM(Ol Mitk boio. Mlnl Mh Bio V RiktMB. TiktMMtw Bay V -rfTMP Drutlat Aik lor cm.CUEa.TEJtM BIAaOXV SB4XB TU.lA,9ymnkmiw SOW ST MPGUSTS KTCaiWEUf AT If When Others Fail Nature's Herbs for every til. Consultation Free. ' i The Sing Herb Company H. S.r Low, Directing Herbalist 473 8. Com'l St., Salem, Ore. EsUbllshed in Oakland, Cal., Since 1912 Hours J to 6.. Sua. 10 - 12 M. Ph. Salem 6758 f e-a I CARD TABLES AND CHAIRS TO RENT in: CaM 0910.- Csed Forniti .Department : . 181 Worth High , U . r m g Vr When you, in your car, can notice the difference between gasolines, then that difference is worth talliing about. We urge you to try the NEW "FLYING A" because you can clearly hear and feel the difference it mattes in your car. ft is the same type of difference you get with Ethyl gasoline. To the outstanding "FLYING A" ye have added a new quality a recog nized antiknock quality never before obtainable in non-premium gasolines. That's one reason why... i m IS SRXIOQTJHIEIIS and QHJlElTlEi than any. other gasoline except Ethyl JtfQA, ASSOCIATED OIL COMPANY wt eo owa mjtv :f-:--K-j:-jx-x-:K-:-:vyi5. Vssssh;- ..'X'.;..".(V.-.-.'.-.'.-.."....-..-. . .-.- 1-dp ftin&su tlOiinmmih ana- Clear-1 ummer feesses Group 1 t L" Values to $14.95 a Another Big Group Values Silk Crepes, Printed and Plain Pastels Two Big Racks Out they gol Every dress in our stmuner stocks is doomed to the xnarkdown racks. We've slashed their prices without re gard to their original costs. You'll find dresses for every occasion of a summer's day . all col ors and sizes for every woman in town ! No mat ter what your dress need come here and buy it for only About Half Price DOORS OPEN 9 A. M. Be Here Early tSOQ S fReadf-toWeaTl 4G4-4G6 State St