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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1933)
Pa r;- cr i TKe OHEGON STATESMAN. SalesaV Oregon, Friday Tlornlnr; A'cust IS; 1S55 r ? .4 : ( " ISO N. Commercial llt ;l ? -V? ti Tel 65S3 FHIPAY anrf GATUHD AY . .Tender V flight Bacon and - Q0 Beef Roast ! Backs; lb. j. ; JLOL lb Q(5 Sugar Cured 1PA WVy HAMS, lb. IOC Boiling Beef Weiners, Bologna, and , --g 1212C Sirloin or Rib Vegetable Shor OQ Steaks lenlng, 3 lbs. iuC II RECEIVE HI GOUT BETHEL, An. 17. Th school board Laid the' annual budget meeting this week and decided to hare too school building painted during the next few weeks. The contract tor the Job 'has not ret been placed. The district Is in sound financial condition. Frank Hallk Is haring his house remodeled and a cement basement put in. The J. T, Merer home has a new root ot tine cedar shingles and the John Sp ranger home is shlniag with new paint. . Numerous imsrorements are alarmed throughout the district to be made as soon as the rush, of harvest Is orer. ' FEUTONS IS PORTLAND WACONDA. August 17 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Felton and child ren went to Portland Thursday where their daughter, veiie, un derwent a minor operation. ISO N. Commercial St. Phone 5563 PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH MONDAY VEGETABLES AND FRUITS The Tyler Vaporisor newly installed has more than doubled our sales. Because it is the modern scientific method of cooling and keeping all fresh vegetables and fruits crisp, tender and delicious. t . U73 CANTALOUPES From Wapato, Wash. O for .. 10c "TOMATOES Fresh Ripe - An Basket ... XUL CORN Golden Bantam - Each Peanut Butter Fresh Ground rj Pound I V In your container IN TT T71 O lbs. Mortons LlDBBe(nlSatto 9& S9ts Aladdin rJayoimiaaOse'gff ftgg Quart MARSHMALLOWS lfc,Egc PopEs & Beaims llT:. 5 I. WMI " I J HI..I .1 ,1 111 Fac tory to- You Sale -Now On Over 200 Bis Bargains on Every-Day Necessities 3 w Sgfl0?7 Oil Pi Independent Druggists 115 S. Commercial St. EXCEPTIONAL opponruumr 35c NONSPI DEODORANT 25c 25c GLAZO NAIL POLISH .. 50c AMBROSIA DRY SKIN CRM 50c ZIP DEPILATORY 19c 19c 29c 75c THEATRICAL 4Q COLD CREAM .. 25c J & J BABY -I fT TALCUM lit 1 lb. DR. HALL'S - Q BABY TALCUM LVL 25c PYREX -I Qn BOTTLES JL7C 75c DEXTRI PQn MALTOSE tJOl. 25c TINY TOT -j ri TALCUM lit 61 K.WilTTnf:mW 50c APEX MOTH CRYSTALS 39c 50c PARLIN'S SHAV. CREAM.. 17c Instant Protection for WOUNDS . Ahrars ready tm use! Six strips H inch wide. Five strips 2 inches wide. Keep them oa hand always. READYMADE BANDAGE 25c thh cono;i is kept PURE Tear off as much as you need. The rest remains san itarydean and pure. FIBCTAin 4 mx. rUrbsst Cotton 25C 1 lb. CHARMONA TALCUM 19c 1.50 CHALLENGE Hfn ALARM CLOCK I SI LISTERINE n(n ANTISEPTIC ..- DC 1 pt. ANTISEPTIC -i Q SOLUTION- XVL 85c KRUSCHEN A SALTS UL 85c J AD SALTS 50c, WILLIAMS' AQUA VELVA.. 35c GEM BLADES 5s 39c 23c 35c COLGATE'S SHAV. CREAM.. 25c 35c KRANK'S - LATHERKREEM A C 25c DR.. WESTS TOOTH PASTE 19c 43c 50c PEBECO TOOTH PASTE 33c $1.50 LARGE PETROLAGAR 86c 50c PfflLLTPS' QQ Dental Magnesia OOC A 1 1 mCOOL. AW SC3TO! fj JsorotigH In a few moments Rex-SaWne pene trates deep into the skin to err yon soothinf cool relief. Take a tube wkfa yon 00 eutincs. rix-SfsUfKiE 39c 50c NATURE'S REMEDY 33c 60c FORHAN TOOTHPASTE 39c IFOR THE EARLY STAGES lOF 'STEAK FEET OR ARCHES 60c MURINE for the Eyes 39c 50c WRIGLEY'S TOOTHPASTE 10c 60c SAL HEPATICA 39c 25c COLGATE'S -j Q Dental Cream JLuC 8om of Thewe Trice for Friday and Sntwrdny'Only 60c Size Campana's Italian Balm Special 39c 50c Size . Phillips' - ' Milk of Magnesia Special . 29c The new ARCH ADJUSTER supports and adjusts weak or fallen arches. Restores tired feet and less from strain. Made of Usther; can be adjusted gradually by addin&pad by pad. up to normal elevation. Sclenti neatly shaped and Cfs consmKted. . Vw Pet oair SFE&AL.... J-i 1 1 t ii, t t i 1 , .arly Scio School Days Recalled as Notation is Found During Renovation SCIO, Anfc. 17. Pages of Sck history were turned back nearly halt .a centary In the dlscorery ot a lead pencil notation on the interior of the Odd Fellows hall In this city- when the building was being repaired and ren orated' a few months ago. v "Geo. Xj. 8ntherland taoght school In this building In 18S4 85. This Inscription, almost SO years old, was as legible as when first placed there by the reteraa of many years of school room dis cipline and' work In. training the young, by Oeorgo L. Sutherland. Mr. Sutherland was born and reared. In the Sclo region, and at the age of 25 years he was teach ing school in this community. The present Odd Fellows hall here then stood on a site near the pre sent residence of George Partney. The building was used for many public purposes school, church dancing, political meetings, con ventions, etc. Ages Range to 25 Tears "The winter I taught In that building the attendance grew to about CO, ranging in ages from S to 25 years." Mr. Sutherland CK TO DEVOTE TIME TO HISTORY Dr. John M. Canse, former president of Kimball School of Theology, and well known to Sal em people, has resigned the pas torate of the Methodist Episcopal church at Monteeano where he has been stationed since the clos ing of Kimball, and will reside in Portland. Dr. Canse has long been a student of pioneer history author pf a book dealing with Jason Lee and the Oregon Mis sion, and is president of the his torical society of -the Pacific northwest Methodist conference. He will now devote himself to his torical research and writing. He will be active during the coming winter preparing material f ot the celebration ot the Jason Lee centennial of 1934. The Pa get Sound conference ot the church will be held In Vancouver. where Lee preached his first ser mon west ot the Rockies, a cen tury earlier; and ot-the Oregon conference the same week in June in Salem where Lee's mis sion work centered. On Friday of the conference-week a Joint ses sion will take place in the Port land auditorium. Dr. Canse will be succeeded at Montesano by Dr. W. E. Stanton, now of Tacoma. ? remarked in recalling the educa tional conditions obtaining here years ago. "A young man by the name of Richardson had Just com pleted the course at ths state col lege at Corvallls, and was employ ed to help out in the growing school at Sclo." Daring v the proverbial down nour weather of -tha wintar montfca the school building was con- gesiea, as young peopio nad noth tnr else to do but to -co to arhonl. "It kept us both busy most of the time until spring broke. Atten dance began to tall off, and L sug gested to the school board that one teacher could handl the sit uation and save somo tax money. So Sutherland continued alone. Ambition UnMallaid A lot ot interesting history clusters arouna the old building in Sclo. Many of the pioneers ot the region attended school there, and to this dar thev recall with pleasant memories the days of tne early eighties In a eoantry hamlet that aspired to become a future county seat an ambition that has never, been gratified. nrviELos so BUSHELS TO ACRE RICKREALL, Aug. 17 Harv est of oats has . begun in this vi cinity with an exceptionally good yield per acre. Some- ot the wheat went 50 hushels to the acre. There are very . few old time threshers with the traction engines. but the combine with either a tractor or horses Is used. The local grange voted at their last meeting to take- a vacation during the busy harvest season. Mrs. Blaine Soutawtck. ot Klamath Falls, is here for a ten day visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Nesmlth. Mrs. Harry Dempsey. Virginia. Adams. Arthur Dempsey, Leo Blhl and BUI RowelL mad a trip to Portland Wednesday to see "Ironsides, KNIGHT SELLS TRACT AURORA, Aug. 1T Property is showing some movement around Aurora. A tract of eight acres, owned by Adam Knight, ot Canby, recently changed hands. The new owner, Lane Grlbble, will build later on the property, which is sit uated on the Pacific Highway south of town. ffl IBSEN A marriage license was issued in Vancouver, Wash, yesterday to Arthur H. Madsen, Salem real i estate dealer, and Mrs. Madalene L. Callin, recently of Dallas. Friends indicate that they will be domiciled In the State apartments here next week after a trip to the Oregon beaches. Mrs. Madsen was valley editor of The Statesman two years ago, coming here about five years ago from McMincville where her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Lo gan, reside. She was principal of the Keizer school near here two years ago and last year taught near McMlnnville. This summer she has been managing a hotel at Dallas. While here she was active In the Business and Professional Women's club, in which she has' held state offices for several years. Mr. Madsen reentered the real estate field here about 15 months ago after spending some time in California. Sebo Winner in Apartment Case On Foreclosure Decision for the plaintiff was handed down yesterday by Judge Lewelllng, following hearing in the suit broight by O, K. Sebo against Clyde Hill over the State street apartments. ? The suit was started to fore close on contract of sale. Defen dants sued to have their payments returned, less reasonable' rent. The contract was for $35,000. with iz,50 paid down, a re ceiver is to take charge for a 90- day period, during which the Hills are to remain4n possession, wai ter Fuhrer was named receiver. C. C. C. Boys Aid In Fire Fighting In Gates Section GATES, Aug. 17. A small fire which started Tuesday afternoon on the F. Klutke. property, a half mne northeast of town, caused some excitement as ' It grew to I alarming, proportions- tor a. short time. The fire warden from Mill City was notified and soon had C ! C. C. boys from Detroit guarding the tire. Origin is unknown. VERA HASSLEB INJURED SUBLIMITY. Aug. 17. Little Vera Hassler feU and injured her knee Quite seriously and was giv en, medical attention. Mat Gersp- . hacker, of Montana, who has been ! visiting at the home ot his brother. Joe Gersphacker and family re turned to his. home Thursday. VISIT ZENA HOMES ZENA. Aug. 17. Tommy Lew- Is Burbee, son of Mr. and. Mrs. P. L. Burbee, ot Portland, and Robert Smith, son ox Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith. of , Portland. house guests at the C. F. Marrlck NOTE Many Items fa new furniture are now selling at less than pres- n t wholesale cost. 02 REPOSSESSED You maj choose from our large stock of repossessed furniture many pieces at a fraction of their original cost. Used Wood Ranges $18.50 to .$30.00 Used Circulator Heaters .......117.50 to 122.50 1 Washlngtop Circulator, all cast iron, 26" firebox $43 1 Atwater Kent Radio, all electric cabinet model $15 1 used 4-Pe. Enamel Bed room Suite 4 $20 1 used Tapestry Davenport $20 1 used Velour Bed Daven port $23 Chair and Rocker to Match $7.50 ea. Used Walnut Dining Set, ta ble and leather' seat chairs $20 1 used 48" Cedar Chest $10 1 used Day Bed ...'.. .$12 1 used Gateleg Table In Ma hogany, 4 chairs to match, suitable for a dinette $18 Used Beds $1 and ap Used Springs . . . .$1 and ap Used Mattresses .$1 and np 1 Sxlt Seamless Axminster Rug, good shape .$124(0 1 7xt $7.50 1 10x12 velvet $3 Fidler Furniture Store NEW AND USED 255 N. Commercial TeL 8425 SAVINGS -SATISFACTION QUALITY We guarantee all three of these things. -We can do v this because we are the only 100 independent mar ket in Salem. We help Salem's own trading area grow by returning the money our satisfied customers leave with us, and quality is always assured when trading here. . ; Inexpensive Satisfying tZy C Whole or Half TT sr liiiUL) Good to the last bite f JiijM :r Our own make, sugar cured, smoked with oak wood -Bacon Backs ...L 13c Breakfast Bacon . 15c Bacon Square 8c Pure Lard, 4 lbs ......30c Our bacon is more than we say it is. Try it once and you will be a steady customer. Beef Roast . 10c Beef Boil 7c Sirloin Steak 12c Prime Rib Roll 15c All our beef is of the best of quality Pork Roast 10c Spare Ribs, 4 lbs. .... ......25c Back Bones 3c Pig Feet ;. 2c Pig .Hocks 5c The best trimmed pork sold on the Salem market ! Hamburger .....10c Sausage 10c No water no cereal no suet Veal Stew : .5c Veal Roast 10c Where a Dollar Does its Duty 173 So. Commercial Phone 8757 Close Saturday Evening at 8 o'clock METR OPOUTAN 5c-10c-25c STORE 148 North Liberty St. We Do Save You Money GOVERNMENT TAX ON ALL COTTON GOODS GOES INTO EFFECT SEPTEMBER 1 BUY NOW A NED SAVE 2 f We Do Our Part J. P. Coats Mercerized DARNING COTTON. 45 yard spools awU Chintz Covered PILLOWS, filled with 100 kapok. QQ Special OtL Ladies' Rayon Knit SWEATERS. Reg. 89c. Closeout SHOE LACES, 36-in Q black or brown O pr. SANITARY NAPKINS, 10 in box Ladies' Columbia Knit SWEAT ERS values to $3.50. Special A real buy. Kiddies SUN SUITS. Reg. 29c Special -Unbleached finished LADIES APRONS. Guaranteed fast color. Special Ladies and children's GLOVES for hop picking. 2 pairs '. Hop picking TAPE. Large H lb. roll Real leather GLOVES for hop picking, special, pair Men's work SHIRTS, good A Q quality chambray fJbC Men's bib OVERALLS, sizes 34 to 40. Special 'Men's CORDS, big, (TW qq wide bottom, gpeciaL. tDX70 BoysChambray SHmTST Sale of BHANESE1TS 69c 89c We Cannot Guarantee Quantity at These Prices Single cotton plaid blankets, 70 x80, richly plaided in tOg many colors, special DeJis White cotton sheet blankets, sizes 72x90. fine quality a blanket of many uses, special ; Grey and tan, Household double r blankets, size 70x80, good bound edge, with deep nap, (j"f QQ soft, luxurious, spec tDJLOt 70x80 double plaid blankets good looking, Qf OA a real buy at 3)Xf7 Heavy part wool blankets extra heavy quality, double sateen ' binding 66 x 80 ..I. $2.29 72 x 84 ...i-.. 2.98 We Do Our Part Men's and boys white OCT CAPS. Special close out.... ZDC A real bargain. Men's DRESS SHIRTS, broadcloth, guar. npL fast colors, sizes 14 to 17 UtC Men's fancy HOSE, Reg. OpT 19c pair. Our price, 2 pairs iOCx Ladies' rayon or cotton HOSE, sizes 8H to 10. - Special, pair A DC Ladies' rayon PANTIES and BLOOMERS, special Pepperell Stamped PIL- Tf LOW CASES, special, pair Ot7C Ladies' Rubber APRONS, special, each Boys' bib OVERALLS, sizes 4 to 8 25c 10c 59c 69c $1.59 Boys' bib OVERALLS, 9 to 16 . Boys Tweed PANTS, special A real bargain. Electric LIGHT GLOBES, frosted, 40-50-60 C watt, each . . , . OL Silver 2000 sheets Large barrel MUGS, Fancy CUP & SAUCER, special, pah . - Dawn TOILET TISSUE, 2 rolls 9C 10c 10c 29c 10c Fancy China TEAPOTS, reg. 50c special Infants' Rubber CRIB SHEET - - LUCKY PURCHASE OF HUNDREDS OF YARDS OF PRINTS CRETONNES SILKS FLANNELS MUSLINS CREPES . VOILES and other materials by the yard at depression prices. Note a few of our ralues: . Virtnrlml nrfW Pat. terms, TSlos to lOe. SO sq. Prints, Imdlaa Heads astd Bop. j dens, yard ... . , IOC Hope MasUsv limit. I yards to a ns- 4 1 tomer, yard ..flUC 81x90 Pioo BheU cvarantesd 4 QQ years, special vOC SO-tsu Cretonnes f f yard 1JC ioc These Prices Apply Only to tKe Merchandise We Now Have in Stock . BETTER HURRYL YOU'D 1 4 il i i 4 s 4 4 4 4 1 I 4 4 and" W, N." Crawford, homes, re-" UlSftmftJY., wear, ,. ., , x