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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1933)
41 PAGE SIX The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, : Oregon, Tuesday Morning, July 18. 1933 ociety ': Camp Santab v.Well Organised . Camp . Santaly, summer camp for girls under the direction of the ! T. W. C. A. has opened with aus- . vicious' success. Organization was -completed; Sunday with the camp christened 'House 'with four rooms of Happiness" or groups of girls, "gay." "Joy.' "cheer" and rpep". , ? .-Esther -Lisle Is leader of the s gay group, and her assistants are ." Jeaa Boyce, Virginia Steed, Ger trude Brooks. June Llnd, Barbara Miller, and Doris Gpitekunst. Flof enee Nombalais heads the Joy : group and her assistants include, Betty Amundson, Betty Lee Mer . . cer, Sybil Spears, Leone Spauld "j lng, Patty Jean Manning and Vir glnla Brown. p . The cheer group! Includes Ruth Versteeg, leader and Marjory ; ' Smith,, Bernice Boyce, Carol Cooki ; Dorothy Welsh, Beulah Pederson ' and SylTia, ClaggeL , Those who male up the pep ' group Include Eileen Moore, lead er, and Margaret Sorahan, Fran ces Dickson, Harriot Crawford, Frances Alice Kells, Nuncy Price , and Norma Jean Gilbertson. 1 , . The camp includes 24 girls this week and that makes a full quota. and there is also a full quota for this coming week according to Mrs. Elizabeth Gallaher, executive secretary, who is In charge of the , : camp, miss uiaays layior ana Miss Frances Welsh are her as , tlstants. ! Aa addition to the camp since : last summer's camp and one re- , eeiring much praise is the well which was dug last fall. Groups of visitors are finding much pleasure In calling at the ! camp. Among tho$e to motor up Sunday was Mrs- Claude JGlenn, W. C. A. camp Frank Spears chairman of the Y, committee. Mrs. .will motor up to the camp today. r . - ' f , Keizer A family reunion hon , orlng the birthday of George N. .Thompson was held Sunday, the group going to Hazel Green park for the dinner. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Phipps, Porter and Donald Phipps, Mr. and Mrs. - Floyd K. Kester, pene Kester all "of Portland; Dorothy and George Bair of Bay City; Mr. and Mrs. Earl TJnnruh, Robert and Donna Unruh, Evelyn Welch, Mrs- Stan ley Ostrander and son Leland, and Mr. and Mrs. Thompson. . .T. ; Mrs. Cornele Stuttaford, Miss Charlotte Stuttaford, Mrs. Jessie Armold,- and E. M. Leigh ton of Portland motored to Albany Sun day for the wedding of Miss Velma Stone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Stone, and Walter Morris. The wedding was a lovely church cere mony in the FIrpt Presbyterian church with a reception following at the home. Mr. And Mrs. Morris will make their home In Albany. - , By ANNE MADAMS ; S I C If yf ur c figure is. heavier: than ' - average; --choose' --your lines with an ; eye for; slimness .as' well as chic! ;This . frock will-solve your ' problem ideally. Note ; its many good, points .'.".'the flattering bib . with soft cowl to hide a full bust. - 'the waistline belted or moulded hy tucks as ; you wish, pointed ' skirt seaming for slendernes, and lovely new sleeves Lace is dainty for the vestee. v ; '..1 ' Pattern 1511 may be ordered ' only In sizes 38, 38, 40,' 42, 44 " . and 4 8180; 36 -requires;. 3 yards -3 -inch ; fabric "and ; yard i face..: Illustrated step-by-step sew ing Instructions -. Included 4 with IV J Pattern .'.: ' teyv? 1511 .-. f:- this pattern." Bn4 " (UUa cnU (19e) la cetni r atampi '(eolna prtferred ), for tus Ann Adama- vatura, Wrtta plainly Tot aaata, addrm and tfb naa Wt S tr to atata sls wanted. Taa" are saauiar adltoa f t Anna Adama Fattaxa book la raady. AIUt noon, aporta, goU. tannla draaaaa, jMvora, koasai froeka, apaeiat baxto ntra' paturna, atylaa for Jnniars, aa cool ciotati for yonngatara, and ia tmctlaB f ar auuanf a chi atraaUr ara anosf tna f aacinattac luiia. Scad for'.yanr eopr. Pile of catalog, flf-. soon .casta. Catalog aiid..pttr te- ; getatr, tvaatyjflve ..V.VVV' Addra'w aU awll ardari to Taa Or. foa Ittataaian Pattam dariartaiant, its Waat 17U stratt, Haw Tark city. News and Club Olive M. Doak, SOCIAL CALENDAR Tuesday July i 18 , . Salem W. C. T. U. regular meeting In hall on Com 'mwrclal and Ferry streets, 2 p. m., special program. Ladies of the South circle of the First Christian church, picnic In Englewood park. Bring own table service. . ' ' Writers' section Salem Arts Lcajue picnic supper at home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Nelson, 104 E. Wilson, Mrs; Jessie Singleton, leader. P. L. E. and F. club with Mrs. Mabel Erickson. 1393 Franklin avenue, West Salem; one o'clock lunch eon., . - Friday, July 21 ; ; Mrs- W. A. Barkus, hostess to Calvary-Baptist mis sionary society, 1115 North Winter street; 2:30 o'clock. Saturday, July 22 Past Matrons association meet for one o'clock lawn, picnic at Judge Percy Kelley home. t Flower Mission Day Observed by W.C.T.U. Gathering at Woodburn Shower Honors Miss Wava Wilson, Bride Elect of Maurice A. Cothren Mehama A- surprise miscel-, laneous shower was given on the w" bride-elect of Maurice A. Cothren. T.nnM, HM-rf to: Mesdames rrrr ' a jueagerwooa, cojiukiuu, tsruireu, Ed r. Kopkle. Wagner. L, A.' Dick- eker son, I. A. Dixon, Richards, Bur dick. Lvons. Trask, Huber, Hoi ford, Alex Bodeker. Bouchi, Clin- DHiim. h PMiim, wifn.i r.oii r,,.ff Phillips, and the Misses Jessie Moe, Alice Boyington, Maxine Hu- ber, Cornelia Cardwell, Maxine sioui, Aieen iioyingion, cma irom Laurel Sunday with a din Montgomery, Theresa Lyons, Mar- ner. Covers were-placed for Mr Jorie Tratk. Nyla Phillips, Lois mum, Ava rurser, ueriruae won- kiel, Betty Yvonne Taylor, Dona- leen Phillips, Beverly Ann Phil- lips, Diane Wagner, Ercill Wilson, Mrs. Rime Wilson ana aaurster, A surprise birthdav Dartv was gien Saturday night at the Car ter home in honor of Mrs. Car ter's birthday. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Taylor, Mr. Ed Taylor, Mrs. Patton, Mr. and'Mrs. Boyington. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Dickson, Arthur Olson, Mr. and Mrs. I- A. Dixon, Mrs. Monroe, Mrs. Wilson. Grandma Taylor. Dorothy Johnson, Arleen Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Carter and family. Stayton Mrs. Glen E. Fox, f"d fl"""' HT?,3?" S!U lll Friday for their home In San Mateo, Calif., after three weeks visit here. During their visit sev eral parties were held in their honor and prior to their leaving, Mrs. O. E. Gardner entertained with an elaborate bridge luncheon Thursday. There were 16 present and Mrs. Willis Brown and Mrs. W. D. Roberts had . high scores. while Mrs. Fox was presented with a dainty gift. On Thursday night, Mr. and Mrs. Sim - Etel entertained for Mrs. Fox with bridge and Mrs. George R. Duncan and Joe Pounds had high scores while Mrs. Fox was again presented with a me mento of the occasion. Thursday night also at the O. E. Gardner home a party was given for Dixon Parry. Bethamy Relatives and friends are receiving announce- ments of the marriage of Miss t Eunice Watts, daughter of Mrs. L. R. Linn to . Clarence Campbell, son of Hal Campbell, well known musician at Silverton. Y o u n g Campbell is with the C. C. C. Camp Maury, near Prineville. Dr. and Mrs. Charles G. Robert son entertained. with a family din ner Monday night complimenting the birthday of Dr. Robertson's mother, - Mrs. Charles H.VRobert- i son. Miss "Laura Elisabeth Curtia. of Eoslyn. L. I- whose enffaireinent ta I TO WED "7 O o & x-:'Xv;'.-:v:T".--;-:-:v.-:-' . j.- f ' '' v- v. . r. Y:x:i"... .--. America's , ace i gentleman' jockey 1 V- -and" tKkloist, Pete" Bostwick ' (in 5 . ' r , aeii was reeenuy announcea. Mass euros ts daughter of James Free man Curtis, a former Assistant Society Editor Woodburn Flower mission div wag observed at the meeting of the Woodburn W. C. T. U. held at S;"2?,.You and Mi8s Ina BT Friday aft- ernoon. A m f WX"? charge of devotions- Flowers were distributed to the sick and w,,0!6 the members who all brought flowers 10 iu meeting. Hubbard Mrs. WlnnU Miir. entertained for a group of friends and Mrs. John Malloy, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Whittle Doris Whit tie, Mrs. Campbell, Leland and Vera Kocker and Mrs. Mallov. Vera Kocker returned to Laurel with Mr. and Mrs- John Malloy MAKE THESE DOLLS DOLLS PATTERN NCH76 The Katzenjammer Kids are ap pearing here in a new role as dolls. And what little friend of theirs will not be delighted to own them? In this pattern their clothes are faithfully reproduced i to the last detail. Since the faces are given in a "Just Press-'em-On' I pattern (the transfer that needs no embroidery just a hot iron). the expression of the Kids can be ilPOClLlE) "1 :Vl:, 'vVj:''Lu'ii. '" i:i':"nif'i"i IV A. I LAl "It's i piece of rcil Precision Engineering , . . says this Watchmaker PEOPLI like Mr. Stevens under, stand why Plymouth carries "details' so. far. Four rings per . pistoa instead of three. Four crank- -shaft bearings. Full pressure lubri-'; - cation not hit-or-misa splash, ' Those things are good entm" fg. Of roarrxr they're details. wha . .you compare them in importance with Floating Power engin mountings hydraulic' brakes safety-steel bodies - . '.4 ;;". But details cooot and we'd --. you to see how much.Took atU ' . threeM;:an4 see for yourself why Plymouth is growing so fast.- .. - Standard 4-door aedaa sllftt 2oa aeIa bla seat cop 4H baiioasi Coat 3-door aedaa 952); 4-doer acdaa t)75t coawanibla Sf,'?: mMaaeatiewM)a5dj; buiacsacoapa S49). Pnoaa aabiact 10 chaos wtthoat aic. Sa nnsn at ts Onate Kta Mfi Ckasi Affairs Prominent Guests To be Entertained Mrs. W. A. Barkus will be host ess at her home Friday afternoon for the regular . meeting of the Calvary Baptist missionary, meet ing. The meeting hour has- been set for 2:30 o'clock. . ., , Mrs. W. C. Hawley, and Mrs. Mabel Burton of McMinnvllle, will both be special guests for the aft ernoon and will take an active part In the program which Is In charge of . Mrs. Elma McAllister. Mrs. Barton Is dean of women of Linfield college, McMinnvllle. Mrs. Standlfer will have charge of the devotional hour. A social hour will follow the business and program meeting. Mrs. Mabel Erickson Will Entertain Mrs. Mabel Erickson will en tertain members of the P. L. E. and F. club at her home, 1393 Franklin avenue In West Salem, Tuesday afternoon. A 1 o'clock luncheon will be served and this will be followed by the regular business meeting and an Informal social afternoon. Silverton Mrs. Edson Corn stock was honored at a picnic birthday surprise party given by the Methodist choir at the Cool idge and McClaine park at Sil verton Friday night. Thirty-nine choir members, members of fam ily and friends were present. Fred Baker acted as master of ceremonies and presented Mrs. Comstock with a large birthday cake, baked by Mrs. Baker. A business meeting occupied a short period of the evening at which time A. H. Smith was made president of the organiza tion; Bert Day, secretary; Mrs. Fern Davenport and Mrs. Edson Comstock, pianists; Mrs. F. Rou bal, director, and Fred Baker, violinist. Mrs. Robert Shinn and two children returned Monday from a five weeks stay at Brightwood on the Mt. Hood Loop. She had as her guests there her mother, Mrs. W. J. Kerr from Eugene, and her sister, Mrs. Ralph Reynolds, of Portland. accurately transferred on the dolls. No. 476 Includes a pattern for making two dolls, the heads In a "Just Pressem-On pattern, a pat tern for both costumes, together with detailed directions for mak ing the dolls and the clothes. Price of pattern complete, 20c , . Send your order to the Oregon Statesman Needlecratt Dept., 32 Eighth Avenue, New York City. A CERTIFIED INTERVIEW WITH JC, tiAn, S441. DsLhm . "Mra, Scaraaab as proaj ta si and as foe aaa, rat aero ooa H''a'aMMBBMMBrBBBVBWSft. . - aJSBSSBBJpjSBJBSSJBaalSasSSBBBBBM - " ' w.- .ia mm.' . - V - . - ':l'.,.lMamIln.nf1ilM4lTW.':,rt BOY SCOUT RALLY IS GREAT SUCCESS LIBERTY, July 17. The scout rally, brought out.a good num ber of Interested ' persons. . The Liberty troop won the hall game IS to 3 'from a sine made ap from Troop 4 of Salem ' and Troop 9 of Salem Heights. Regional Chief Hayward . of Spokane was present and - spoke to ' the gathering. Short- talks were also made by the seoit masters, Zlnser of Troop 97 Ken nedy : of ' Troop 4, and Leek of I iroop x. a carapur ua Bias ing were also popular, which In cluded a duet by Jack Dasch and Jimmy Crockett. The troops camped for the night on the school grounds and were up bright and early for "chow Credit Is due , Benson Bakery, Charles K r a u g e r and Midget Market for supplies. The Cherry City Bakery loud speaker car also cooperated. Mrs. Ad Williams, Palmer and Wayne Williams, . Howard Mus teen end Mr. and Mrs. Robert son left Sunday for a months' visit In their old. home in Arkan sas, going through California and the south. They will return by a northern route. Hunting cool places was a pop ular sport f here this weekend. and picnics and swimming en Joyed by many. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Jory motored to Grays Har bor, Wash., to visit relatives. Their son Roger who had spent the last two weeks there return ed home with them.. The E. C. Free family, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rogers, the R. Cleveland fam ily and Mrs. Myrtle Sheldon held a family picnic at Thomas Creek near Scio. Mrs. Sheldon arrived Saturday from Shasta City and will T 1 s 1 1 her daughter Mrs. Cleveland this summer. New Home Badly Damaged in Fire Saturday Morning STAYTON, July 17. The fine new home of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Brantley was badly damaged by fire early Sunday morning. Mrs. Frank Studnlck, who lives con siderable distance away in the southwest part of town happened to see the fire and called the telephone operator, Mrs. Mattie Ficklin, who sounded the alarm. The second story; of the house was almost completely destroyed, so great a start had the fire made before it was discovered. The local firemen when once upon the ground, soon had the fire under control, and their new hose cart proved a great ad vantage over the old one. The Brantley's home was de stroyed by fire about a year ago, and the new home had been built to replace it. Rev. and Mrs. tj. S. Crowder have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. MacAlpin Crowder of Washing ton, D. C. The guests motored from their home to Salem by way of the Lincoln highway through Salt Lake City, covering a dis tance of 3157 miles Rev. and Mrs. Crowder are parents of Mr. Crow der. During the visit here Rev. and Mrs. Crowder were hosts for a reunion dinner in compliment to members of the immediate faily living in Salem. Small Carol Fallin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Fallin, was complimented Saturday afternoon with a birthday party in honor of her fourth birthday. The affair was a lawn party with tea served at the conclusion of games. Mrs. Harold Zosel assisted Mrs. Fallin in. serving. Mrs. Grant Fallin and daugh ter motored to Silverton Friday to be guests for the birthday party of small Joan Renner at the home of Dr. A. L. V. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Jonea left Monday for a short vacation trip into Washington. They will motor to Olympia and later visit the par ents of Mr. Jones near Seattle. MR. GEORGE R. STEVENS, 1006 of Mjaaoih aa of ka 1 to aaaiact a ana uk af uchun' - WITH PATENTED : FLOATING POWEk. v- 4 ' . J-- - u,,c aardua aJaa." -."-: 1 IN FILMS: I O- ! Fresh from an exclusive finishing school in New York, pretty, 18-year-old Mary Rogers has invaded Los Angeles' film colony to follow in the footsteps of her famous dad, Will Rogers, picture star and hu morist. She secured a film role under the name of Mary Howard without revealing her true identity. IT AMITY, July 17. Clarence Carrick, 25, of this city passed away at the home of his parents Saturday night following a year's illness. Funeral services were held at the Amity Methodist church Mon day, at 2 P. M., and Interment was made In the Amity cemetery. He was born at Saskatoon, Sask., Canada, in 1908 and cams to the United States in 1921, and in 1930 moved with his parents to Amity, where his father is man ager of the Pay an' Save store. He is a graduate of Myrtle Creek high school, and a member of the Amity Methodist church. Surviving he leaves his parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Grant Carrick, one sister Roberta, two brothers. Gilbert and Albert, and grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bilow of Albany. HAZEL GREEN, July 17. Alexander Sharp, Sr., who has been sick the past week, will be confined to bed for at least two weeks more. He has a bro ken vein in his right leg below the knee. They hope to check it before it reaches the thigh and becomes more serious. The ORIGINAL Corn Flakes 'When you are offered a substitute for genuine Kellogg', remember it ia seldom in the spirit of iMUM 9W BATTLE Clltl SPRINO STREET, ElOrtlV ILL. UR KICK PISSES MOT Former Airlie Man Pays Call Enroute ' To New "Business AIRLIE. July -17. Gut Wise cup of San Franaisco visited here last week. Mr. Wlsecup, resi dent, her 'some years ago, has been manager of Safeway store la California i now . plans to go Into business for himself in Port land. ' ' ' ' - Mrs. Ross Small and two danghters Clara and Beverly are "SHORT CUT METHODS I a 1 Hour To Be Popular Modern Harmony Waterman Method "ITS EASY TO PLAY THE WATERMAtl WAY" Classes will be conducted morning; afternoon and eve ning' of every Friday and Saturday of each week, starting July 28th, in the Nelson Bldg. Auditorium. Enroll at once. Enrollments limited. Not an ear me thod. It is not necessary that you play the piano now. If you can read notes, and will practice one hour a day, that is all that is required. At the end of 10 les sons, you will be able to play any popular song with swing bass and full harmony, and supply that intan gible "Something' so often lacking in pianists, by being able to add that syncopated touch. Mail Your Check and Application at Once State Which Class Period You Prefer E Lessons Demonstration Free Wednesday, Nelson And., 2 to 6 p.m. . , ADDRESS Roy J. White N. R I have had 18 years' experience teaching the "Short Cut Method." Have given private instruction in Salem for the past 3 years and in Portland for 12 years. Can furnish you with the best of reference. ROY i. WHITE The Past intruded on her "Those European stars always have one foot in the mud," said the theatre man agcr qrnlcally. Ushers had just ejected a disreputable looking foreigner. The fel low had thrown himself at Leni Luneska as she entered the lobby.f or the premiere of her grear" picture. Why was she tutbed arthislniah's. appearance what did he know- that could iipt .t glamr orous, aloof Luneska greatest star in HoUywbod?. Be sure to read .: . . : i wmmrnim- ? ; i': ; ;-' - i .. V'-.. BEGINS rOMORROWS - " S J . t ' ... - . here from Summer Lake for a six -i week visit with her parents, Mr.?, and Mm. C E. Dodson. Mrs. ' Russet Ostrander " and daughter ' v Marjorie left for their home In f Seattle-after two weeks' visit -at the B. S. Hastings iome. , HUBBARD, July 1 7. - Elton McLaughlin. E. S. Wolfer - and Will : Barrett , were appointed : as ' members' of the budget commit tee for the Hubbard school to act ' -with the school board., which is Waldo ..Brown, chairman; George Crimps- and r Garfield ..Vogeti r 03 LESSONS O JO Play Popular Music Fox TroU Waltzes l Waterman Method Care Statesman Salem, Ore. -r'-' ---.-j-- v." .. -A .. f ' Triumph - i a t : secretary or the Treasury. : -i