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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1933)
The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Orezon. Tuesday ilorninsr, July 18. 1933 PACC FIVE - V 'k x -4 4 a 7 V i 1 ire -e n ' I Local News Briefs Beggar Get Abusive City po lice were called to the First Bap tut church Sunday night -U Uka Into custody a beggar who. It was charged., was becoming abusive la Library Board Meets Ron- - Bank to b Liquidated . The I hia remarks to members of the Tnaltarna wr rnnalderiul at I 11ni1a eiifai K.V ft I Congregation entering and loav- ...Ij . ...... . v. I .... ... .... , a 1 mar. law . man. .teua i oau anuiii v u. Cw i iuia( i unresineiea ueposu Portland, Monday waa sentenced library board created by an act of I tha Grants Pas and Josephine ta S6rve fire nays ta , city jail oo the 19JS legislature. The meet-J County abnk, Monday plaeed Its charge of. Yagrancy. , "v- arraira: In tha hanas or A. A. 1 w...t - v.... a t- Schramm, state uuperlntendent of I completed high school. Miller iu to be uquieawa aggregate an- fiBi-d-c- Maed Two motorists proximately 10,00 . The bank I -.Trma with needla aver tha waa organised In 1905 and had weekend pleaded guilty la muni capital stock of 115,000 and sur-1 ,11 M1irt TBtrdav Stanlev Wll- fjj 5i7 w T rot four, paid 11.5J t AJ.' l5,Z'JitV? I Roebt. president ot tha in- j nn and John A. Bogging, Med tlohal system. Mr. Bronaugh was Vote 10 OX (yea) on city ballot Does not legalise saloons nor tha sale of bard liquor. It doea per mit the sale Of beer as a non- Harriet Long, 1 atata librarian. The new board is composed of i tha gorarnor. Charles A. Howard, atata superintendent of public In struction; Miss Long. Miss Ann Mulhuron. Portland; Frank Jen- kins, Eugene; Earl C Bronough, Sri Portland. Mrs. Meredith Bal- elected chairman of tha board and Mrs. Bailey, ylce-cbairman. ' ford, gained bis release on bis promise to pay fl July 11 with ! Captain Lee Bown, Medford state police officer, vouching for Mm. Madame Aaata WoM Dahr, "Thai Lady With tha perfect Skin, will make facial analyses at Miller's Beauty Shop all this week begin ning today. PoaitlTely no charge! Telephone -Mrs. ; Haley, 7911, for an; appointment, , . . Beer Truck Blamed- River Bank Horn Site On bank Willamette river Just b e 7 e a d West Salem. Over 400 feet RIt- joeorge yyonUga. Excellent Orchard . Hay Abandon line ,Thb in terstate commerce commission nns requested C. M. .Thomas, state ntilitiea commissioner, to conduct : a hearing involTing , protesta against the application ot :, the Southern Pacific company tor per mission to abandon Its lino -between Monmouth and Dallas. The bearing will be held at Dallas on Tuesday, August 22. I Complete (car wash Body and chassis, (Sc. Doollttle's Serr. Sta. MeeUag PostponedThe meet ing of the state board of control scheduled here Monday was post poned because of the absence of Governor Meier and Hal. E. Hoss, secretary of state. Governor Meier telephoned that be bad an Impor tant official engagement In Port ' land. . Vote 100X (yes) on city ballot- Does not legalize saloons nor the sale of hard liquor. It does per mit the sale ot beer as a non- tntn-rlrnHnar toevr' Ordered Home Bey. W. Earl Cochran of the" Calvary Baptist church, who with bis family left Salem late last ' month to spend a month in California, has been ill i since he armed In Fresno, and late last week n doctor or dered bim to return to bis home ! here. They left for Salem Satur day. Clark, route nine, reported to city Snftahl R&tblnr Roach Cms police Monday that while bis ear I r.An.j n-- et.tin vtnmm rw was parxea in an a, ey - oeiween ,d onetMrd lioo waifflBrsa mau Becke 4 Hendricks. State street, a truck from which I . Its ; driver, a Mr. Wnliams, had Ttrtraditiom Anorovrd The ex been unloading beer pulled out, I Arntlvn denartment Mondav in. scraping tbe entire side of Clark's I proved an application of the gov-. auto. Tommy .cooper, nine, iz ernor of- Illinois for' the extra Leo sweet, suirerea a minor neaa tAman of Theadore Serr. alias cut when he was struck by a car p wt Rnnr.r hA i driven by Otto Zwlcker. 1351 Wil- at Springfield. III., In connection our, bi uu iseo oirecu, ti, nncratkan nt m. rnnftd Draft, bottled beer and lunches. Marion Hotel's "Hofbrau." Ooart Hears Arguments Argu ment of attorneys were beard by the state supreme court, Monday in mandamus proceedings filed by Jack Barde to direct Portland of ficials to use 1150,000 of its 21, 000,000 relief bond issue as se curity of the redemption of scrip, Attorneys said the sole question involved in the case was whether municipalities . have authority to use money derived from bonds for purposes other than that for. which they were voted. lence game. Serr waa alleged to I have obtained several hundred dollars. Get a 25 hat free with a $15 suit at G. W. Johnson ft Co Drunks ; Pay PenaltiesJohn Wilcox and Andy Cave, both of Salem, and E. Griffith all pleaded guilty in municipal court to charge of being drunk. Wilcox and Cave were sentenced to serve five days each In jail and Griffith was fined $5- City police reported the arrest of Austin Carter on a like charge. Wanted Lambert cherries for i Coming Evtkt$ ' July 21 Special state wide and city of Salem elec tion V . . V i- '" ' Jaly 23 Illinois society picsie, at ' Fla jrnore park Hubbard. Jnly 23; . Plcnlo tot tesaier teachers and pnplla et Evergreen aehool. Sliver, torn park. ., 5 .' Inly SSPiosie and dedl. wktloa SUrer FaXU Stat park. --r - Wf 2t ge .Annaal Ea campmeat, Spaniah : - Way Vetemna. vv, - y Jaly SiMIkhigan atato pionia at Paradiso park ea Garden road. : Angaat Annoal picnie sponsored by the Orchard Heights conam unity. Lather Stoat farm. . -; Anguat - 0 Ohio- stata annual picaic. 8alem Mnai dpal ant park. Sept, 4- Oregoa state fair; - - - f 912,304 - fat Xte-j-tba" aetata "of tha lata-W c; Dunn. bat ia sets totalling 1 12,20 4 according to : an appraisal, filed in probata court yesterday. Tb principal properties, are two pieces of land valued at. 111,300. Martin, F, Dunn is administrator of tho ea tate. Save money at Miller's Mid-year clearance. Heasley Arrested Alf E. Heasley, arrested tor using void foreign license plates, pleaded guilty in justice court yesterday and was fined 55 and costs'. He was unable to pay the fine, and commitment was issued. Hig car bore Washington plates. - Big auction tomorrow, 1:30 p. m at F. N. Wood ry's Auction Mar ket, 11510 North Summer Fails to- Stop E. B. Hague- wood was fined 25 and costs In Wanted, used furniture. TeL 5110 1 ney. cash. Phone 5000. Claude McKen- justice court yesterday following Sign Not Seen E. , Hanke, As toria, says he failed to see a stop sign at 12th and Center, didn't Wants Divorce Willis S. Full mer filed suit for divorce Mon day in circuit court, asking his .arrest for failing to stop at an intersection. The -fine was re mitted and he is on probation for six months. stop and thereby resulted the col-1 freedom from Ina M. Fullmer to listen between bis car and one op- ( whom he was married In October, SALES ffl WOULD ;Hlii!EiSE s Statement Msda Monday By; Galioway; Property . - : f Taxes Delinquent - ; I s s v m, Adoption ot T sales tax it tie special election next Friday does not mean thai the state win fcave more money, to spend. The stata will bare the same -number ot dolt lars without the sties tar as with If, provided' the state shall receive Its property taxes in full from the eonntles. The issue, therefore, is not tho property tax and the sales tar but tho property tax or the sales tar. ;- This statement waa Issued Mon day by Char las V. Galloway, state tax commissioner. In safut&Uon of claims made by opponents of the salea tax that tho proposed new levy wonld a-fld materlany totha burdens of the -property pwner and increase' 'the e$t -of iovem- "Delinquent woporty: taxes in Oregon now. reach a groes total of approximately 140,000,000. which la within $2,000,000 of the total of all taxes charged - en all tho county rolls of tho year -1932," Galloway said. 'A graphic pictnro of tha devastating march of prop erty tax delinquency across - tha state ot Oregon is presented in recent study of a department of tho United States forest service.' "This study, made' only in Ben ton, Clatsop, Columbia, Douglas, Lincoln and Tillamook counties. shows that out ot some 2,741,000 acres of privately and county own ed agricultural, timber and grat ing lands therein, 1,642,000 acres, representing 44 per cent - of that vast area, are plastered with de linquent taxes which are no more recent' than those -of r th- year 1130. Of these 1,41,00 acres. l". 00 . have already been taken by tha counties on tax. foreeloe- r eras nns 371,00 more would be subject to foreclosure in 1932, but tor the new law .extending the breathing s p a 1 1 for delinquent property owners. v '" May to Address Iff Kiwanis Meeting Walter May, manager of the Portland chamber of commerce. Is to speak this noon to the Salem Kiwanis dab here. May will ts euss business developments la the light ot recant federal legislation. May is tha-nawly elected president of the Pacific Coast Advertising clubs and recently was an esse elate editor of Tho Oregonlan. Tho public aa well aa Kiwanians are in vited to tho meeting. Hi mm totals mm Circulation of petitions and other activities of tho Oregon Hop Growers association in connection with initiative measures tor the repeal ot the two dry sections of the Oregon constitution, and the eighteenth amendment to the fed eral constitution, , were estimated to cost 32065.75, according to an expanse -statement tiled in ' tho state department Monday. . : Of this amount 1,1 3 0.14 al ready has been expended. Tho ex panse fund included 1711.91 car ried over by tho association from tho November campaign, 1019.47 contributed by individual nop growers, 342.10 donated by the Blitt-Weinhard company, and oth er smaller amounts.,,; '- -. . lowans Invited To Albany Picnic . Former lowans living hero have been invited by : Linn county's Iowa society to join them in the annual Iowa club picnie at Bry ant's park as Albany Wednesday. July 16. The group WHl meet about noon,' and the . hosts will furnish coffee, cream and ice cream. F. B. Schoel la president: v ; COMB HEAR J ; 1 Interesting Lectures . - by . BBO. OCTAV VOGET: -: of Los Angeles, Cal. " - . .' at Pentocoatal Asaembly ; , .420 State St.. , Message Tuesday, the 12 th at 1 p.m, on Second Coming of Christ, . :u Complete ear wash iBody and chassis, 190. Doolittle's Serr. Sta. List Newcomers The .chamber of commerce is preparing a list of newcomers to Salem each month and distributing the list . to "its members, j Special Auction TOMORROW JULY 19 1:30 P.M. AT -. t - F.N.Yoodry's Auction Market 1610 N. Summer St Electric washer.; gas and el ectric laundry mangle; Stein way square grand piano; 9x12 kxmlnsier nig:" several Ax mlnstcr scatter -rugs; gas ge with aide oven; large top- oak desk; lawn mow- ; oak china cabinet or book screen cupnoara; oaa xtension table and six oak ; tapestry lounge; velour orris chair; four rockers; tc writing desk com amaS oak writing lesk; 4-foot step-ladder; told- lng Ironing board; 2 steel beds, coil springs; eotton, and silk (loss mattress;: oak dresser; Dak library table; electric racuum cleaner; breakfast' table and four chairs; camp and mattress; on camp electric coffee percola- a-day mantle clock; 62- set Bavarian china disb- ; stands, end table, tilt top table, foot stool, mantle air. ror, round bird eage, electric ; esk lamp, electric toaster. blankets, linoleum rugs. 2 M 6x9; linoleum rem- gardea tools, miscel- laaeoue other articles. - ,. Cnapman, Sheppaxd : and other Owners Hot: Bale will be held under -the lag tent : in .." the - shade , where if a cool and comlort- erated by Mrs. Clara Sumner, 1668 Center, at 12th and Center streets Monday. Damages were slight. Another mishap Involved cars driven by Frank Palm, 431 Perry, and Joe Roeque, 241 Cen ter, at Liberty and Ferry. ; National sale ot Holeproof. Hos iery beginlng today and lasting aU week. Prices are 64c, lie fl pair. Millar's main floor Highway Jobs Sought Over ISO men applied at the TJ. S.- T. M. C. A. Employment bureau yesterday for jobs on the state highway widening project be tween Brooks and Aurora. Em ployment officials said they had not been informed how many jobs would be available but that all common labor was supposed to be hired from this county. Other lines of employment were dull. Electric fans, H price. Eoff Elec- tri. Im.. liT Cnart. x Award Granted G. HColgan and Jennett A. Colgan, defendants along with Lester Colgan In a suit recently brought by Sherm Swank for specific performance, were given until October 15, 1933, to pay Swank 32501, in a decree is sued Monday by Judge L G. Lew elling here. The case was argued In court last week. Holeproof first quality silk hos iery on sale this week. Plus a free box of Lux soap flakes. Miller's Church Group lo MeetMem bers of the Spiritual church of Divine Truth will hold a message meeting at 201 25th street Wed- All wool suits 215, and a 25 bat nesday evening at 8 e'elock. Gor- 1929, at Lakevlew. He alleges that bis wife deserted bim In June, 1932. He asks the court to allow her to resume the use of her maiden name of Ina M. Owen. free. G. W, Johnson A Co. don Fleming will be in charge. Wm 1 Escapee bet Returned An drew Anderson, an inmate of the state hospital, escaped Monday af ternoon from a working crew at the colony farm. He was picked up a short time later in West Salem and returned to the institution. For Rent Close Statehouse 1 room house, 216. Vacant. See No. 1120" Chemeketa. Becke A Hendricks. 129 N. High street. McCallam at W. C. T. V. Rev. Hugh N. McCallum, pastor of tho Court street .Christian church will have charge ot the devotion als at the W. C. T. U. meeting In the organization's ball, corner Commercial and Ferry, streets this afternoon. Save money at Miller's Mid-year Failure to Stop Frank W. Darbin. Sr., will come up in Jus tice court this morning on charge ot falling to stop at a -highway Intersection. Miss Ohmart Away Veiled a Ohmart, bookkeeper for The Statesman, is away this week on a vacation trip. She will visit friends in Seattle. Free box ot Lux soap flakes- with purchase of hosiery at Miller's amounting- to 15c or more. All this week. Conn Hearing Today Hear ing in the state's ease against Elmer R. Conn, accused of reck less driving, will be held before Judge Miller Hayden thia after noon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Brown Sees Emma Mur phy Brown filed suit yesterday asking judgment of 3206 against John U. Plank and others. She also asks for a foreclosure de cree on a mortgage she holds i against the defendants. More Claims In Supplemental claims totalling 321.92 were filed in circuit court yesterday and approved in the case of the Hub bard State bank, now in liquida tion. Save money at Miller's Mid-year clearance. Final Account In Final ac count in the estate ot the late Theresa Schlechter was tiled n probate court yesterday by Jo seph Schlechter who acted as executer of her will. Suit to Quiet Title Suit to quiet title waa tiled in circuit court Monday in the case of Samuel F. and Jessie L u e a a agajlnst Charles W. Pugh and others. I? II (( l) li L SffS 0 MM HOWL o . . . AND YOU KNOW THE EXTRA BENEFITS THIS DELICIOUS CEREAL OFFERS! QHE just thinks it's grand to wastes. It is also rich in phos- O eat! But utst mothers know moum 0 i 4: k v. -. . dasewt that Post Bran Flakes guards against constipation resulting from lack of bulk in. the diet. An often unsuspected condition, which may lead to listlessness, ill temper, poor health, before you realize the cause. For years, Post's Bran Flakes has been used as a precaution against this trouble. For it pro vides added bulk in the diet. Thus it helps to insure regular and ntmml elimination of food phorus, iron and Vitamin B a builder of appetite. So, naturally, Post's Bran Flakes belongs in this proven program: Regular exercise water to drink between meals fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet. And a generous daily help ing of Post's Bran Flakes. Why not start serving it at once? plain or with fruits or berries ; : to help you keep rtg mltr and fit! Post s Bran Flakes is a product of General Foods; mm. y ,. ,-r- - Potv B R a m WHEAT 5 5 Last Minute Flashes of sensational val ues from today's market. bed stove: piece es 4:f; 23 c Free deliverV fnxlde : 'city of any goods purchased at this , ftemeraber. the' Auctions every. Saturday afternoon. 1 :30 P. M. Everythmg sold, on eomma- sion. F.N.Vc3dry AUCTIONEER . PHONE 5-1-1-0 The pink meated ones with small cavity aad thick, sweet meat. Extra large only 38 to one of those big crates. Fancy . .... Apricots .1 59c u? Full 15-lb. net weight. Just right for eanningV'";-1 Ob taste right ituary food must he Buchanan Edwin L. Buchanan died in this city .July 17, aged 6 S years. Sur vived by son Roy, Long Beach, Calif., and a daughter In Califor nia; sister, Mrs. J. E. Ewing.t. Paul. Kas.; and a brother in Kan sas. Funeral announcements later by Clough-Barrick company. Buchanan Candace A. Buchanan died In this city July 17, aged 11 years. Survived by son Roy, Long Beach, Calif., and a daughter in Califor nia; a sister, Mrs. Jennie Robin son, Salem; and a brother, John H. Robinson, of Portland. Funer al announcements later by Clough Barrick company. . O season ..every good cook knows that Births DaMoude To Mr. and Mrs. Dan DaMoude. 1711 Fairgrounds Road, a seven pound girl born Sunday at the Bungalow Mater nity hospital. - Pineapple; , Libby' Fancy Crushed . 6-lb; can 35c For that piaeapple-aprlcot pre- serves. ILGE Wheels Repaired MICE PANOC ' S7S 8. Commercial St. PILES CURED Wltaasi Oparillea at (aa f Tlisa '. BXL tlAKSnALL -s OMfM Bute. -- ' ni tset Card Tables end Chairs to Rent Call 9I0, . Used - Farnltnre Department 151 Korth nigh' - -v v tx -S"w 1 X-1 fit U '' -1 Q mi. latm Unas Tosacco Co. - t