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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1933)
1 1 PAGE SIX The OREGON STATESMAN," Salem. Oregon, Saturday Mornin?. Jane 3, 1933 ram tms TO 01 OPERETTA At Schoolhouse on Monday r Night; Rickreall Seniors Present Drama in the Churches - y3 RICKREALL, June 2. "A Trip Around the World" Is the titte of the operetta to be given by the pupils of the Greenwood school at the school, Monday night. June S, under direction of Mrs. Alma Dempsey. The seventh and eighth grades hare the speak ing parts, -while all other grades have singing and dancing parts. This program will be followed by the eighth grade graduation exercises : Processional march, Naida Carroll; song, William Cadle; address, Robin Maaske; class history, Frances Lants and Johnnie Brown; prophecy, June Dahl; class will, Dean Smith; pre sentation of diploms by chairman of the board to these graduates: Frances Lantz, June Dahl, John nie Brown, James Brown, Dean Smith and Marvin Jenkins. Seniors O'ire Play RICKREALL, June 2. The "Simon - Pure Simpleton," a com edy drama by Lillian Mortemer, was presented by the senior class Wednesday night in the high school auditorium. In the cast were Margaret Ed gar, Edna McCrow, Stanley Sher wood, Marvin Waring,! Joe Sim mons, Mildred Robinson, Eliza beth Rowell Chester Cunningham, Nalda Carroll Gordon Behl. The play netted $17.50. Harry Ott Honored RICKREALL, June 2. Harry Ott, eighth grade boy, was chosen as one of the most outstanding students of the county, and he re ceived the medal given by the Am erican Legion, at a banquet given in Dallas Thursday night. Son to GUllains RICKREALL. June 2. A son, Rolland Eugene, was' born May 31, to Mr. and Mrs. Chester Gilliam. Mrs. Gilliam was former ly Miss Ada Bird. U N'S FLOWER H0U3B OF PKATXR InUrdtnoaoiaaUoaal Chemeketa and 17th. A. J. Smith. minister, 1863 Skinnar, WMt Satan. iTayer unien 3:45, also avery wees: night. 7:30. except Thursday aad Sat urday. FKESBTTE&IAH Winter and Coemeketa itreeti. Grover 0. Birtchet, D. 1), pastor. 9:30 a.m. Church school with classes lor au area. directed by Mr.- Kalph Scott, Supt., 11 a.m., morn in n worship, "To Power and Promise ot ieutecost." Anthem: "Still, Still With The" (Kofers). 6:350 p.m. Meeting of the four C. . aocietiea 7:30 p.m. evening praise, "Contentment." Anthem: "Ina Path ot Fraier" (Voris). Thursday, 7:30 pan. Bibla study and prayer. R08EDALE FEIEKDS Milo Ciitton Ross, minister. Sunday tchool 10; T. D. Trick, superintendent. Morning worship, 11, "The Other Side ot the Great Commission." 6:45, Bo livian Prayer Circle. Christian Endeavor, 7, bsdie Pearson, leader. A skit: Twin Kocks Conference," will be given. Ev ening service, 8r musical numbers by Glen Lee It and James liose. Evening message, "The Books Were Opened." Prayer service and outline Bible study, Friday, 8. PIE ST METHODIST 9:45 a.m. church school, graded for all ages. 11 a.m. public worship. Ser mon: "God la And the World (joes On" Dr. B. E. Parker. 6 p.m. Young People's Forum. b:30 p.m. Toree Epworth leagues. 7:30 p.m. service in charge of the Dra ma Guild. Presentation of one-act play. .' The lord a Prayer. This is the prise- winning play of the Chicaeo Kehgious Drama festival last winter. SHOW AGAIN SLATED SILVERTON. June 2. Par ents with children la the Eugene Field grade school at Silver-ton, are receiving the notice: "To stimulate a greater inter est among children in gardening, the Silverton Parent-Teachers' as sociation will again foster next fall a children's flower and gar den show for all children In the first eight grades and pre-school children. The show will be in Sep tember and will call for all vege tables and flowers raised in this community as well as a display of baked goods and canned vege tables. In order to get their gar dens started children may need some help, but as long as this Is a children's exhibit, the children should do as much work as poss ible themselves." The. committee In charge of ar rangements Includes, Miss Han nah Olsen, principal of the Eu gene Field school; Mrs. William MacNeill, past president of the P. T. A.; Mrs. E. R. Adams,-Mrs. Carl Stamey; Mrs. Lester Whit lock and Clarence Reed JASON LEE HEMOBIAI, METHODIST Corner Jefferson and North Winter Streets. II. U. Humphrey, pastor. Sun day school :45 a.m. Morning worship 11 o'clock; subject: "The Meaning and Message of Pentecost." Chorus choir music led by Prof. Herman Clark. Ev ening worship 7:30 o'clock; subject: "Christian Courage." Young People's meeting 6:30 o'clock. SOUTH SALEM FRIENDS South Commercial at Washington. Charles C. Haworth, pastor. Sunday ser vices: 10 a.m. Sunday school. Bertha M. Haworth, Supt. 11:00 uorning worship. Sermon: "The Fonr Pillars of Christian ity; 4th Pentecost." 7 p.m., C. E. meet ing. Topic: "God Working Through Us in Everyday Life. 8:00 evening worship. Thursday, 8 p.m., prayer meeting; and Bible study. ITEST GERMAN BAPTIST North Cottage and D streeU. G. W. Rutsch, minister; Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Sam Schirman, Supt. Service 11 a.m. Topic: "The Importance of- Bap tism." After the service the ordinance of Baptism will be administered. Choir anthem. Evening service at 8 o'clock, Rt. O. Eymann of Portland, preaching. Mid-week prayer service 8. p.m. Wednesday. ans will preach at 11 a.m. The Epwerth league meets at 7 p.m. Mrs. Necia Back, a national worker for the W. C. T. U. will be the speaker at p.m. The Boa.' stay school meets at Summit and at Oak Grove at 10. The subject of the pas tor's sermon at Oak Grove at 11 a.m. wUl be "Man, Self Betrayer." TOST CHURCH OT CHRIST, SCIENTIST ChemekeU and Liberty. Sunday ser vices 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Subject of lesson sermon, "God the Only Cause and Creator." Sunday school 9:45 and 11 a.m. Testimony meeting Wednesday evening at 8. Reading room in Masonic Temple open 11 to 5:30 except Sundays and holidays. . ' TREB METHODIST Market and Winter. J. R. Stewart, pastor, 1230 North Winter, phone 8972. Sunday school, 9:45, Emory (?oode. su perintendent. Morning worship, 11, "The Destroyer." Evening worship, 8, evangel istic service. Young people's meeting, 7. Fleeda Setter, leader. Prayer meeting Thursday, 8. O. ft M. A. GOSPEL TABERNACLS 55 Ferry. , W. H. Caldwell, pastor, phone 8693. Snuday school, 9:45, Gran vel Sheets, superintendent; Mrs. A. J. Harrison will give a talk to the Sunday school.. Morning worship, 11, Evangelist Harrison will speak. Young: people's meeting, 6:30, "Outlets of Power." Eve ning service, 7:30, Mr. and Mrs. Harri son will conduct the service, which will probably close the series of meetings tbst have continued every night for four weeks. It is expected thst a daily vaca tion bible achool will be held at the tabernacle for all children between the age of S and 15 every school dsy next week, to 11:45 a. m. Prayer service Tuesday night. Y.P. cottage prayer meet ing Thursday night. EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE Ferry and 13th. C. G. Weston, pastor. Closing services ot evangelistic csmpalgn Sunday afternoon at and night at 7:45. Evangelist R. D. E. Smith speaka on ' The Kew .Name at afternoon service. Xveninr subiect. "The Unpardonable Sin What is It. and Who Have Commit ted It?" There will be special musle st each service. Sunday school, 1:45. This Saturday at 7 :45 the evangelist will speak on "Christ Our Passover. GRACE GOSPEL HALL Sunday school meets st 10 a.m. Bible elass Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Gospel service on Friday night at 7:30 p.m. Special Bible service at 3 p.m. on Sunday. Gos pel Service at 7:30 p.m. IMMAMNUEL BAPTIST Corner of Hazel and Academy streets. Bible school at 10 o'clock. Lesson II Samuel 18. Bring your Bibles. Marc Saucy, Sunday achool Supt. Preaching at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Mid-week2 praise and prayer service Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. FIRST CHRISTIAN High and Center streets. Guy L. Drill, pastor. f60 N. Cottage atreet. Church achool, 9:30 a.m. E. W. Cooley, Snpi. Morning Worship, 10:45. Pentecostal communion. service. Sermon, "The Church the Apostles Knew." Four groups of young people meet at 7 p.m. Evangelistic service, 8 p.m. Large chorus choir fur nilhing special , features. Sermon is third in aeries "And Christi Also Said, 'My Church'." Church night, Wednes day evening, 7:30. ST. JOHN'S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN Missouri Synod. Corner 16th and A streets. Rev. H. W. Gross, pastor. Eng. lish services at 0:45 a.m. German with celebration of Holy communion at 11 o'clock. Preparatory services at 10:45 a.m. Sunday achool at 9 o clock. Sun day school Picnic immediately after aer vicea at Wendland's Grove. WEST SALEM C. L. Dark, minister: The 6unday school meets at the Ford Memorial ehurch at 9:45 a.m. The Rev. John Ev- Cross -Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER WM W i71" i - - 2- . 2222 30 yyy 32 33 34 5 17 ?HOm "H- 7I3 lIIIIlIIIlIII H 1 Wr mr 1 1 1 4 LESLIE MEMORIAL Commercial at Myers. 8. Darlow John son, pastor. 843 East Myers, phone VS87 Church school, 9:45, departments and classes for all the family. Special old folks' services, 11, hymn sections from title requested by older members; ser mon by Rev. Robert Smylie; anthem, "One Sweetly Solemn Thought" (Am brose). Men ef the Brotherhood will pro vide transportation for any older persons of the congregation or community who will call E. A. Rhoten, 3353, or the pas tor. League meetings, 0:45. Happy eve nine hour. 8. sons- service led by C. S. Orwig; anthem. "I Will Love Thee O Lord" (Wooler). Fourth quarterly con ference Wednesday. 7:30, M. A. Marcy. district superintendent, presiding. Choir rehearsal Thursday, 7:45. Ladies Aid so ciety postponed to June 14 when there will be a Joint meeting of womens' or ganisation of the rtiurcn at tne uem country home. SALVATION ARMY 41 State. Brigadier and Mrs. J. W. Andrews ef Portland will conduct special eetings Saturday, B. Sunday, 11. "J: 30. 0:80 and 8. Adjt. E. Parsons. CALVARY BAPTIST Church school, 9:40, classes for all ages; Mrs, W. A. Earkua, Superintend ent. Preaching services at 10:50 a. as. and 8 p. m. Morning anthem: "Rejoice, O Ye Righteous" by Wooler. Sermon by psstot. Two B.Y.F.U.a at 7. Special young people's service at 8. Miss Helen Purvine will give a violin solo and tho chorus choir will sing "Lead On O King" by Hey ser. This week, prayer service at 7:45 Wednesday, choir rehearse Tburs- dsy, 7:30. W. Earl Cotsb, pastor. AMERICAN LUTHERAN Church street between Chemeketa and Center. P. W. Eriksen, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45. A. A. Kruieer, superintend ent. Men's conference conducted by Dr. A. S. Jensen Pentecost Sunday with con firmation services, 10:30, special music by choir, "My God Accept My Heart This Day," Mincken. and "Make a Joy fnl Noise Unto the Lord," Ashford. Con firmation ceremony. Remember change of time. Young people's league. 8:30. Xo evening service. ST. PAUL'S Beginning Sunday, June 4, the summer schedule of Sunday services at St. Paul's church will be one hour earlier. The reg ular 11 o'clock morning service will bo at 10. This schedule will be in effect for June, July and August. Rev. H. D. Cham bers of Portland, former rector of the local church, will have charge of the services June 4. Holy communion at both eery and 10 o'clock services. Choir will render eneheristie service at later service. BROOKS COMMUNITY G. H. Quigley, minister. Sundsy school, 10, Leo Reed, superintendent; Charles Wade, teacher of adult bible class. Morn ing sermon. "The Necessity of Pscience" Dr. M. A. Marcy, district superintendent, will presch at 7:30 p. m. and hold the quarterly conference. Special music. COURT STREET CHURCH OF CHRIST 17th and Court. Hugh N. McCallum pastor, 1744 Chefeketa. Bible school, 9:45, Mrs. Irene Weller, superintendent. Moraine? worship end Lord's Sooner 11. Miss Velma Armstrong sings "Come Un to Him" by Handel, sermon theme by the pastor. "What is Christ to Me!" Christian Endeavor. 8:15. three societies. Evening evangelistic service. 7:30, "In wnat hball 1 Boast!" Bright conereea tional singing. Misa Muriel Brown will read a Paper at the midweek service on Wednesday, "Beginning and Growth of the Church of Christ." TURNER M. E. N. Sherman Hawk, pastor. Sunday school, 10, Ivsn Hadley. superintendent. Worship. 11, "The Birtnaay ot tne Church": special music. Epworth league, 7, John Hawk, leader. Worship, 8, "Par lor or Living Koora. FIRST BAPTIST Marion and Liberty. Britton Ross, min ister. Bible school. 9:45. Fred Broer superintendent. Morning worship, 11, T. Mingsporn. speaker: special music. Jun ior, intermediate and senior B.V.P.U.. 7. Prayer meeting, 7:lg. Organ prelude, 7:40. Evening service. 8, special music; speaker. Jack Mitchell, teacher of the Portland Union Bible elass. KNIGHT MEMORIAL 19th and rerrv. II. V. Stover, minis ter. Church school. 10. C. C. Harris, su perintendent. Children' day program, 11 Evening service, 8. "Children of the Fu ture" ; anthem by chorua choir. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL Center and Liberty. J. R. Simonds pastor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning worship. 11, Bridging the Gap. BNGXBWOOO UNITED BRETHREN -' 17tk aad Nebraska. B, V. Wilson. Me son Sunday school. 9:43. Morning wor ship, 11. "Religion Growing Up." Eve ning worship, 7:30, 'Jesusr Example of Unselfish Sacrifice." Youag people' meeting, 8:80, -"How Should We Reed the Biblel Mrs. Fish and Msxine HilL leaders. FIRST CMTJRCH OF GOD Hood and North Cottage. O. T. Neal. pastor. 8undsy school, 10. Morning wor ship, ll, -Jesus Wept"- (Jno. 11:35). Eveninr worship. 7:30. "Spiritual Dis eases, Cause and Cure." Young people's meeting. 0:30, Mrs. Edna Elliott, presi dent. Prayer aad testimony meeting Wednesday, 7:80. REFORMED Capitol and Marion. W. O. Lienkaem- per, pastor. Sunday school, 10, John Den ny, superintendent. German services, 10. feter s 1'enternstsl Sermon. ' Enrlish service, 11, catechism and confi-mstinn; specisl music by male quartet; Lord's Hopper administered at both services. All church day for June. EVANGELICAL Summer at Marion. Emory W. Petti- cord, D.D.. minister. Sunday school. 0:45, L. L. Thornton, superintendent. Moniing worship, 10:30, Bishop Georre F. Kpp, speaker. Band concert. 2. Ordination serv ice, 3:30. Evangelistic service, 7:30. TURNER CHURCH OF CHRIST R. L. Putnam, pastor. Snndav school. 10. Morning worship, 11, "Crusading for SouH" ; duet by Lenore Putnsm and R. T.. Putnam. Evening Worship. 7:45. "Marred and Remade." illustrated by pantomime. "Hove Thine Own Way," di rected by Lenore Pntnatn. Young people's meeting. 8:45. Prx-isl evangelistic serv ices each night except Saturday. HIGHLAND FRIENDS Highland and Church. Glen Rinard. pastor, 2345 Maple. Bible school. 10. E. M. Beckett, superintendent. Morning wor- ahip. 11. "He Will." Junior C. T... 6: senior and Intermediate. 7. Evening serv ice. 8. "The Jew In Prophecy." Men's prsyer meeting Monday, 9. Midweek prsyer meeting Thursday, n. Women s prsyer band Frldsy. 9 a. m. FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZA BENTS 13th and Center. Fletcher Galloway, pastor. 852 Nprth 14th. phone 930. Pun day school, 9:45, F. M. I.itwiller, super intendent. Morning worship. 11. "Won derful Comnan'on." N.Y.P.S. and jvnior society, 8:30, Mr. Lonella Hardy, presf- eent. Evening worship, 7:30, Trans forming the Desert." 31 Grade Students Make Attendance Honors Past Year SILVERTON. June 2 Thirty one pupils of the primary school at Sllverton have neither been ab sent nor tardy during the school year which closed this week. The group includes: Muriel Stamey, Ida Scymanski, Anita Cluff, Maurice Stamey. Arthur Daugherty, Marc lei Kaufman, Ronald Matheny, ETelyn Green, Mary Seeley, Varverly Caza. Mar vin Haugen, Dean Stamey. George Irish, Lester Hemmingsen, Bern- ice Gay. Mildred Lewis, Pauline Lightfoot, Vernon Daugherty, Kenneth Bachlor, Goldie Stump, Lillian Noren. Mary Symanski, Marjorie Weatherill Vayne Rose, Evelyn Hemmingsen, Betty Higg inbotham, Donald Mcintosh. Thel ma Lightfoot, Irene Moseng, Keith Berg and Doris Matheny. 1 5 FOLK SCHISM El OF 1933 TERM Smith, Pearl 8mith, Raymond Smith and Raymond Rodgeway; Ballston Marlon Thomas, ' Vera Hamilton, James Jones and Ger aldlna Holcomb. DALLAS, Jane 2. Thirteen Polk county grade schools closed their doors for summer vacation Friday. Graduates from the eighth grade In these school were: Eola: Lela Hnddleston, Mildred Den ham and Ruth Sexton. Ballston: Mary Dauenhauser, Vera Hamilton, Florence Lux, Al- da Miller. Helen Sechrist, Kay Shields, Marion Thomas, Blanche Wolfer and Helen Wolfer. Farker: Inabell Cox, Joel Cox, Paul Cox and Jakie Krause. - Airlie: Harry Bos. Jacob Ploub, Orval Whltaker and John C. WIenert. Bethel: Lorraine Rhode. Wil liam Rhode and Marvin Cook. rerry dale: Gladys Magel, Tom my Mailer and Arnold Wildt. Fairrlew: Geneva Green, Rob ert Lehman and Russell Linegar. Brush College: Antonia Krall, Erving Joeckel and Vernon Rock. west Salem: Robert Newgent, Earle Maynard Dean Lacey, Lor ene Smith, Estalyne Rierson, Har old Hobble, Wilson Phillips, Ed gar Rogers, LeRoy Gray, George Cooper, Donald Arthur Clifford Hill, Opal Brown, Carol Snider, Bertha Stevens, Aleen Douglas. Daisy Arthur,. Leona LaBIue and Leo Gookin. Oakdale: Leona Harrick and John Wienz. Falls City: Roscoe Hatch, Law rence Goode, Dorothy Marshall, Ellis Bowman, Leta Baker. Billy Letterman,- Jimmy Russell, Louise Murphy and Alice Bostwick. - Hopville: Albert Berry and Harry Edge. Grand Ronde: Margaret Mc Donald, Wanda Bishop, Ruth Lee Beach, Ardale Vinine. Glissie Cas ey and Wayne Curl. Perfect attendance certificates were issued to the following pu pils: Fairvlew: Barbara Scraf ford and Elaine Lehman; Buena Vista, Dorothy Locke, Ernest Raf fety. Junior Cobins, James Cob Ins, Shirley Mode and Vivian Col Ine; Eola Loris Jean DeLapp. Glen DeLapp, Perry DeLapp and Ralph Denham; Fir Grove, Mar lon Jahn and Shirley Jahn; Grand Ronde, Dorothy Billson, Elmer Lierman and Allen Bostwick; Pe dee, Buddy Edwards, Marjorie Campbell, Milton Kearns, Vivian Burbank, Donald Williams Paul ine Campbell Nettie Edwards, Glen Edwards, Betty Rae Kearns, Viola Williams, Irene Williams and Cleo Kearns; Bethel Eleanor Kahle; Oakdale, Elden Seastone, Merrlen Seastone and Violet II- lingworth; Buell. Mary Stewart. Dorothy Eisele, Irene Kilmer, Joe Pet Invasion On Silverton Slated Today SILVERTON, Jun 2. Prep arations for the pet parade to be held here Saturday are completed and announcements of prizes have been made. The children are to gather at the school grounds at o'clock and the judging will be done before the parade starts. Each child entering the parade will be admitted free to the Pal ace theatre June 8. The commit tee In charge is Dr. A. J. McCan nel, Kenneth Hanson, Mrs. C. J. Towe, Mrs. Archie Campbell, Dr. WHliam McNeill and Harry Wil son Prizes will be given for the best three in each ot these divisions: Dogs, cats, rabbits, goats, chick ens, birds fish other pets small est pet largest pet, most comical, best trained, best dolled-up, moat children from one family with pets largest variety of pets from one family, pet from longest dis tance, original costume, youngest girl with pet, youngest boy with pet, best decorated doll buggy or carriage with pet. PUSEIf OF WOODBURrJ YEAR WOODBTTRN.June 2 The eighth grade students of the Wood burn public school held picnic a tlie .Lglon park. Wed nesday with Mrs. Myrtle Clark as chaperone and Mrs. Jack Ken nedy as guest, A baseball game and 1 picnic lunch were the main features of the day. There are 29 studenta who will receive di ploms this year. Today, June 2 was tne last daT of school, 'but no special exercises were held. Those graduating are Mary belle Adams, Glenn Aln worth, Ray Tresidder. Howard Van Hou ten. Elizabeth Pollard, Edna Mattison, Charley Kaufman, Irene Jones, Mildred Howe, Fred Holcomb Jr., Oneta Harr, Calvin Christie, Evelyn Block, Jean L. Beers, Muriel Beckman, Rogner Anonby, Lois Volker, Sylvia Tehle, Margaret Tangen, Bert Snowly, Ralph Sebern Jr.. Charles Roberts, Donald Rerrick, Keith Powell, Kenneth Pomeroy. Fred Hall Jr., Kenneth White, Leo Miller and David Paul. Kenneth White, one of the graduates received a prize from the scholastic magazine for the highest score in news writing in current events. This waa the only individual prize given in Oregon. Temperance Rally is Slated at Silverton Macleay Grange Will ffoa Maasef . - - . . SILVERTON, June 2. Mrs At Hal I on WednesdaV Necia Buck of Salm. state organ- ! f m , 1. TTT WW W 1,1 ........ 1. ucr i ius vv. v. a. u m b y t-& a. at the Methodist church on the night of June 9. Mrs. Buck, who is being sponsored here by the Loyal Guards class and the Women's Home Missionary society of the Methodist church, will speak on the 18th amendment and the forth coming election which will con cern itself with the issues of the amendment. MACLEA.Y, June 2 A meet ing of t -e agricultural commit tees and home economic com mittees of all granges in Mar lon "ounty will be held at Union Hill Wednesday. June 7. Ray Glatt will -itve charge of the agrlc ltural meeting and Mrs. W. W. Humphreys of the home economics conferen;e. A feature of the afternoon program will be a demonstra tion of basket making by the women of the Silverton hills grange. CLASSES MAKE HIKE ROSEDALE, June 2 The boys Sunday school class with their teacher Paul Cammack, made a hike to the woods Wednesday night. They took blankets, supper and breakfast with them and spent the night around a bonfire, returning about seven o'clock Thursday morning. The girls' class also recently picnicked in the woods and gathered flowers to decorate the church. MINISTER TO MOVE WOODBURN. June 2. Rev. Hart Armstrong who has been pastor of the Four-Square church in Woodburn the past several months, has been assigned to the church at Hillsboro. beginning on June 11. He and Mrs. Armstrong will be greatly missed here by their congregation, both are mus ically talented as well as highly qualified for the church work. Mrs. Pult of Portland, will take Mr. Armstrong's place, holding services on Sundays and Wednes days. She will drive back and forth from Portland for the services. MICKEY MOUSE It's a Small World, After All By WALT DISNEY SgfifgT I've got alu q' dis --r- f . -. -f v 1 " "? 1 I U-1 1U J-L I 1 1 I ArfTYY howdy, gj( DIRIGIBLE I WANT ! ) J J "T TZ- x VeahX tTT- l JsJ MVW FELLERS ! " I I 3 THIMBLE THEATRE Starring Popeye Now Showing "Fair and Warmer" By SEGAR AHcry.ouve. dont be so MErHTO QuHVE.6rt KIN NOT KECP FROM UMvVrAfc HER. f svj. a. t rltf is iai HORIZONTAL I white poplar ft pronoua -lofty mountain 12 fruit of trailing plant 12 small bed 14 narrow inlet 15 proficient lft warminf IS poems 20 on the ocean II exclama tion 23 edible root 24 fter part of a ship 25 places - 27 doctrine 29 disentangle - 81 force 85 discrimina tion 87 town in Nevada 88 Eucharist plate ' 41 feminine name 43 convent inhabitant 44 on the sheltered side 45 classify 47 angles 49 attacks 62 printer's measures 53 ostrich like bird 54 variety of moth 55 look 5ft grain 57 heavenly individual VERTICAL 1 ancient wine vessel couch 8 raise 4-easv gallop 6 hallway 6 plan 7 till by hand 8 Greek letter 9 originate 10 large passenger j Herewith la the solution to yes terday's Puzzle. iJiuiklirsiPiRluiwri 5 PlRMDCTiO l . ftp WmfEf M OsanttM. II!!. Ub, fsatsMi trwHeaia. laa. boat 11 non Christian 17 banging shred 19 sorfeits 21 beast of burden 22 Norse goddess of death 24 Japanese coin 26 glossy cotton fabric 28 requires 30 moving truck 82 leasing 53 South . African . antelope 34 at a distance 8ft light fabria 38 steps 39 solitary ' 40 sententious 42 largest artery 45 military ' force 4ft downpour 48 always (poetic) 60 river fat England 61 salt & tn 1 -v I f MERCN i IS SHE 1 5Q MUCH IN UQV6 V.1TH airr i n if- HAnruM 1 I l-t UISC r.JDUU7 J - BVZNVSS HER )n& "SHE. LOVE ME Hl6H-V0LTrGE POPPA! KlH I HELP IT IC 1 VAM IRRESlSWBl ? I YAM . iiLlN-r s vasi wwV r njnn i i Trvi r TrSUHwXTv t YAM PLEA6ftva UJEATHEtO l.Kk-v 1VF J I I If WOCRE HfVlr4G! rHEY,PoPE,ve, yz igzzmx ST MVWI- MM I -si -4fc X I '-we M 1 0 - 1 sTl UTTLE ANNIE ROONEY A Silenced Trumpet By DARRELL McCLURE fJ TiRAT THAT . - " " ' " I KsORgv; MRS. TgEEAL ) - "M. KiSEMRfi T?EEAb-lAA SO vOU KEEP STiU-l IP VtXJ 1 K-AN" PLEASE AAAKE. L0T3 OP I r EXPRESS MAM-HE. 1 ."'-"-s"- BUT I HAD TD J-r GLORYOSKV- 1" HAPPY I WfiJsMA BAWL- DARE TO THANK ME-lLL FOLKS HRJZ. THOR PICTURES SHOULD HAVE BE EM K- " " - WAIT FOR ONE, FY" YOU'RE GONNA X KNOW VOUU.GETMAO H BE 50 MAD-1-LLTHROW . TOOK BY MRS.REEAL-'CAUSE HERE HOURS AGO.' yf ( . . OF THE. ( HAVE SOME NEW IF X THANK VOU-BUT I M ORCSSCS INTO jr SHE'S 3JSTGRAJO-SHEV4Cff Jr - LIKE TO as rXr ' r LOOK- K DRESSES TtSd CLOTHES-ILL BETCHA CTUST GOTTA-1 THE RRE.'.' r f LET ME THANK HER FOI2 s f -" V Sl . "i "H HERE HE N YOU'LL LOOK AWFUL u-VwsV r"-M I BEIN' SO NICE.-BUT VOU J r - C j NA, TOOTS AND CASPER The Magic Word By JIMMY MURPHY THE BOYS AT THE 6O0D-FEU.OW3 CLUB WANT ME TO TAKE PART IN A LITTLE AMATEUR BOXIN6 EXHIBITION AND THEY ASKED HE IF I HAD ANY R6HTIN4 EXPERIENCE! WHAT A SXLUT QUESTICn WHEN I'VE (SEEN MARRIED TO SOPHIE FOR 23YEAn5! THE MORE I THINK OP HOW YOU LET THAT $15,000.22 A YEAR OOB SUP THROUGH 'YOUR FIN6ERS THE MADDER t 6ET! YOU STUPID SH1PTLESS VYORTKLSSS- BY THE VsAY. SOPHsE.YOUR BIRTHDAY IS NEXT WEEK AND rl 4ONNA BUY YOU A NIFTY TRINKET Kf ftmnttn Srfccv. Inc. Qca B-am wahes entmi OH, 1 FORGOT ABOUT MY BIRTHDAY; DAN 1 IN FACT, WHEN A WOMEN REACHES MY AGE SHE DOESNT EVEN WANT TO TKaSfX OF BIRTHDAYS! WHAT ARE YOU C&hU; I A1NT60NNA TELL YOU, HONEY CUZ IT'S TO BE A SUSsFIUSS! r a s DEAR?yJg AW, TELL MEDARUN! SUSPOISZ! HiMS MY ITTY BITTY AINi MIMf CALL ME n tYOOF-TTOOF LIKE YOU USED TO, SOPHIE! r TKZ BATTU. I wvaVKJ TVE KNOWN SOPHIE FOR A L0N6 TIME. BUT TM JUST BErlNNlN TO UNDERH STAND HER ITS A WASTE OF WORDS TO ARGUE WTTKHERBUT SHE CERTAINLY LISTENS WHEN 1 SAY IT WITH TRinXETS! t c r T