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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1933)
: Where Ever You Go , Be It to SUm or Siuslaw to spend your cation, Tho Statesman will follow If you'll .notify, In advance, mm. r : M , WKATUER' Fair and mOd today and (Saturday; Max. Temp. Thursday 74, Mln. 87, rrv er Jt feet, northerly wind, fair. 1 V ; FOUNDED 1Q51 - EIGHTY-TIIIRD YEAR Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, June 2, 1933 No. 5S i V -s. V v f A nmiR min ninii uun auftn Coordinated Disposal ' '' i'j '? 'rr--? -it- .'. , -". i - v , " -- Discussed at Mating Salem Favorable but Unable to Bond ia Word of McKay EVEEUCIL MEET FOR OREGON OPENS Engineers WUl Start Survey; Immediate Action Pledged Pastor - Superintendents to Succeed Elders; Bishop Epp, Ohio, Presides The 60 th annual session of the Mayors of Willamette valley Oregon Conference of the Evan- elties conferred In Portland yes- set leal church opened Thursday terday at the call of Governor Me- morning at the First church here ler to devise a plan, to -free the with Bishop G. W. Epp of Cleve Wlllamette river of pollution land, O., In the chair. The con through a definite plan of sewage ference will continue through disposal. The recommendations Sunday. which came j from' the ' meeting Chief among the business con were: i ducted the opening day was the That committee of three "cap- to substitute four pastor- able-" engineers be named to make supennienaenis lor ine presiding . .Htiminir inn nf th nitn-1 elder basis which has been used ation and bring in a report: that heretofore. The four pastor-dls-m.i. .Hw Av tvam nroninii t trict superintendents selected offer every facility toward com- r: Re,V C-, "'J' O. pilatlon of the report; that each L. Lovell and Rev. E. C Kreit- city immliately take all possible w. all of Jortlan and Rev wsna a avuuiici ui uavu sia Independent Steps toward obtain- ing such aewage disposal plants. JJJ hh. n2etT?1 BCTTe i t in fn,tih will be determined later. Governor Meier stated on behalf of himself and the reconstruction advisory board headed by Ray mond B, Wilcox, who presided at Dr. Levi Pennington addressed the conference last night, and tonight a big youth rally will e held. Forty-six ministers and 30 (Turn to page 2, col. 1) WASHINGTON POST T UNKNOWN tTeminherV;ill Sd ISS. ,n "na"ce lay, we will have this presented r V.,.- " at Washington, D. C, at the ear liest possible moment." Salem Favorable Bat Cannot Bond - The plan is to finance the sew age disposal projects with federal funds in the event they are. maae available through the public works bill now before congress. "Salem Is In sympathy with this movement," Mayor Douglas Mc Kay said, when called on for his WASHINGTON. June 1. (AP) opinion of the proposed coordin-1 -The Washington Post, for 51 ated sewage disposal ysen'We years one of the outstanding daily know how we could handle our I new: m -ers In the capital, was problems and that we would like Isold today at public auction for to do it. Lack of money is tne isz&.vuu. " onlv bar. We are not in a posl-l The successful bidder was tton to bond." I George E. Hamilton, Jr., an attor- Wlth McKav were Chris Kow- ney representing an undisclosed its, city attorney, Hugh Rogers, I principal whose name would not city engineer, and S. A. Hughes, be disclosed. Hamilton saw, now chairman of the council's commit- ever, the new owner would eon ntmtiM I tintfe to operate the paper. Mr Hnrhu rnreaiiAil doubt on -A. crowd of some of the most his return to Salem last night If lmPrUn' P11, re8ent' the sewage plan could be made eluding Mrs..Evalyn Walsh Mc- self-llquidating. He understood l"'""""BU TT. V-. from the fact, available at the B-Mclean former Post publisher. v .v. gathered at the front entrance of ;menr;ouv;r;P. ?'lrL7l,per ccnt of More than 20 officials of cities!;"" " w 1 i,v avvy miv Vm k awa a -rm v sons. Hamilton and Geof trey Conta identified as representing the Hearst Interests. Zeppo Marx is Holdup Victim in the Willamette valley attended m. a 1 1 a WTT tne eonrerence. iney inciuaea A npTesentfitirB ot William C. Clubb, city engineer of Eu- Q Heat bld h,gh gene; w. x. urey, mayor ot juc- tSAA ftnn .vA hirirtin in th last Minnvllle; W. O. Ro&e, mayor Btagefl beIng llmited to offers by 01 newoerg, viciur viuwiu, mayor of Cottage Grove, and J. L. Fransen, city manager of Oregon City. Hagh Rogers One of Advisory Committee The conference consumed the entire morning and was followed by an advisory committee confer ence in tne auernoon. me aavia- HOLLYWOOD, Cal., June 1 ory committee wm snoruy n- (AP) Two robbers Invaded the nounce me names 01 us iur u-1 apartment of Zeppo Marx, film gineers 10 duk ibb premainai, comedian, tonicht. robbea Mrs, survey. Chairman Wilcox said. Mant ci $30,000 worth of dla The three will work with H. S. monds. bound and bagged a guest Rogers and J. P. Newell, engineer Allan Miller of New York, and a members of the advisory commit- neero maid and escaped after lm- tee, and Charles J. Stricklin, state prisoning the actor and Mrs. Marx engineer. I In a clothes closet It was estimated after the meet ing that at least $10,000,000 could be invested now in sewage disposal plants on the Willamette river. The governor opened the meet inr with the warning that "the practice of discharging raw sew age Into the Willamette river and its tributaries has reached a point where it Is dangerous to public health, and presents a condition 1 which must be corrected." DIKES BUT FINANCES OKEH Most Extensive Audit Made In Several Years Shows Accounts Weil Kept Fiscal Agency Role Deemed Unwise; Reduced tax Receipts Noted Warrants drawn by Marion county for all purposes In 1932 exceeded by $209,121 cash re ceipts of the county, total out lay of the county being $1,120,- 489.91 and total Income $917, 368.20. These sums, according to the annual audit of county funds released yesterday, Include moneys collected for the school districts and transmitted to them. The audit, an 20-page docu ment, was completed by Arthur O. Davison, Salem public ac countant, and Alfred E. Vlck. assistant, and represents the most extensive check of county funds made In many years. County account are found In general to be in good condition. Tho audit recommends that the county "discontinue acting as a fiscal agency," alluding in this recommendation to existing prac tices of paying school district bond and interest maturities whether or not the districts have moneys available and thereby advancing county- funds to the districts. A nioriuhly statement of cash on hand as well as re ceipts and disbursements is also asked of the treasurer's office. Tax Collections Off, Reason for Deficit Public Work Tax Plan to See Changes WASHINGTON, Jun 1. (AP) With some changes likely In the house income tax Increases, the senate finance committee will undertake tomorrow A rewriting of the administration's Industrial recovery public works-tax bill. After final public arguments to day brought a sharp clash in the views of steel and labor Interests, Chairman Harrison said the com mittee would get down to the Job ot revising quickly and that the house tax program to finance the $3,200,000,000 bond issue for public works probably would be among the sections modified. Harrison did not indicate, how ever, the specific changes the com mittee had in mind. Robert P. Lamont. president of the American Iron and Steel in stitute and former secretary of commerce, told the committee to day the section permitting work ers to Join any labor anion they choose and barring employers from requiring employes to Join company unions was too Indefin ite and open to misinterpretation. GLWIRGi DICTATOR OVER BANK POLICIES May Compel any Partner to Withdraw; Agreements Finally Disclosed Harvey. Couch Goes on List Of Select Customers; Pecora hit Again FOREST WORKERS TO MUSTEK ON MO DAY 127 Marion County Youths Leaving for Camp by Way of Portland The long-awaited muster of Marion county's 127 recruits to the forest conservation corps will occur Monday morning, when the 127 plus a few extras will be sent to Portland to undergo final physical examinations and contin ue on to the forest camps, It was announced at the Red Cross office here yesterday afternoon. Trans- The audit recommends that the portation to Portland will be pro- county clerk enter fees for court Tided by the county court, either cases on the docket and suggests I Dy 1)113 or DT train. that school clerks' accounts be au- Keceiving orders yesteraay ior dlted so there will be no discrep- the impending mobilization. Red ancy between their records and Cro8s officials immediately pre- those of the districts kept in the Pared to notify all of the youths treasurer's offices. between 18 and 25 years of age The deficit of 191 in in. wno nave passed tne local pnysi- como compared to expenditures cal intlons, and Issued a call was occasioned by the unusual ft a ; falling off In tax collections. Topts to report: today for exam Ina- ttlta anm nf Attn lug reciuiis wjn mosviuuie sum expenses and income could be added $170,000 paid by the coun- (Turn to page 2, col. 2) SKRT0N H'S liRSNHD 8ILVERTON, June 1. Special) Helen E. Davis and Eugene Ho bart were announced tonight as the winners of the T. N. T. honors and their names will be placed on the T. N. T. plaque. Each year one boy and one girl are chosen, The candidates are selected by the faculty and the student body elects the final winners from the select ed candidates. The announcement is always one of the big features of commencement night. Versa Beugli was awarded scholarship to attend Albany col lege. Eighty seniors received their di plomas from the senior nign school at Silverton tonight. The commencement address was deliv ered by Burt BAvn Barker, vice president of the Univertfty of Ore eon, who spoke on "Ideals." Rob ert Goetz. superintendent of Sil verton schools, presented the di plomas. Honor pupils were pre sented by Herman J. Kramer, principal of the senior high school, at the Red Cross headquarters here at 8 a. m. Monday, ready to go direct to the camps, according to Miss Erma Wiggins, assistant sec retary. They are to carry a lunch for the day in Portland and a suit case containing the small personal belongings they wish to take to camp. No extra clothing will be needed since that will be provided by the government. The youths who pass the exam ination at Portland will be taken to the camps, probably to the two above Mehama and Detroit. Those who fail will not be provided with transportation back to Marion county. Further physical examinations are being given here this week to Marion county men coming under the experienced forester classifi cation. H. G. White, assistant su pervisor ot the Willamette forest. will return to Salem tomorrow to arrange for sending the remaining 50 woodsmen ot the county s quo tas to the camps. Miss Wiggins said CHS LISTED LI DION IP He Went Along With Fugitives 1 WASHINGTON. June 1 (AP) In the midst of their soundings of the extent of the Morgan en terprises, senate investigators dis closed today that J. P. Morgan Is the dictator who has final deci sion ia any dispute among the partners of his banking house over policies of the firm. The financier, who has sat si lently during the last several days of the banking committee's inves tigation of his business transac tions was also empowered by the partnership agreement drawn on March 31, 1916. after his father's death to compel any of his part ners to withdraw at any time and fix the amount of funds due him. Partners also were allowed to withdraw voluntarily. The long-guarded partnership papers were placed into the record by Ferdinand Pecora, committee Investigator, over the protest of John W. Davis, Morgan counsel, after the committee members so determined in closed session. Ooold- Have Sold For 122 Millions Just before the partnership ar ticles were made public, one of the partners George Whitney had agreed that on 1929 prices the banking house could have sold Its united corporation holdings at a profit of $122,508,000. These disclosures were brought out by Pecora during a day which added Harvey C. Couch, now a Re construction corporation director, to the growing line of Morgan se lected customers. The day's testimony also brought out that the total Income taxes , Jar. tho Morgan partners from 1919 to 1929 Inclusive was $41,538,000. During the hearing, a pamphlet criticizing Pecora'a handling of (Turn to page 2, col. I) 1 ". OH! PAIR X fw - y v y V 1 " Three Kansas Fugitives who3att!ed Police Chief at Siloam Springs Reported Seen Late Thursday Night; Posse Reorganizes and Takes up Search; Robbery of - Chelsea Bank Charged to Hunted men Kirk Prather, warden of the Kansas state penitentiary at leasing, who was kidnaped by the eight eoavicta who made a snceeesfol break from the prima Tuesday. He was later released, bat has now turned over his office to his recently appointed successor. Six Bandits, one Identified as Underbill, Leader in Lansing Break, Take $2500; Many Shots Tired but None Apparently hit; Search Centers in Ozark Hill Country Where Four States Converge TRUCK ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP SOARS ROSEDURC 111 IS AIR CRASH VICTIM mi Snalr Mnfflps An to Horn QQOH Rattler, Water Dog Eaten .e V - Benton Has Forest Camp I16IS Pine Mill Code Drafted i NEEDS OR R.F.C. FUNDS LESS VARIETY UNASCERTAINED REDMOND, Ore., June 1 (AP) When A. E. Wells tried to toot the horn on his automo bile Sunday he received nothing but silence for his efforts. Press ing a couple of times extra tor good measure and still getting no noise, he lifted the hood and In vestigated. A slender, four-foot long snake was curled contented ly about the horn. Wells hasn't found out yet what kind of a snake it was. . FISH YARN IS QUEER BEND, Ore., Juhe 1 (AP) WASHINGTON, June 1 (AP) A sizeable April drop in the de mands by banks upon the federal reported to congress today by the One of httr.Si JnS n.....Mtitn Mirnnntinn I to come out of this region in tne Tha bulky report for that "33 season vas related here to tb showed, tool a decrease in day by Harry Keller and J. Par- tatal loaaa. In March, the month ker. of the bank holiday, loans author- j A nine-pound Dolly Varden. ' UoA it tha tnrnoratlon for bus- thev said, captured and devoured inesa and ' relief amounted to I a rattlesnake and then topped oft $233,195;000. But the April re-(the meal with a 10-lneh water nort submitted todar added up to dog. The rattler, and water dog onlr $195,582,000. were found in the trout' inter- One Of the biggest decreases J lor when It was dressed by Warm . in loans to banks. In March I Snrlnrs Indiana, Keller and Par- there were 37$ bank applications ker declared. The snake bore two fnr loans and $131,045,000 was 1 rattles and a Button authorised; in April the requests nnmhered 420 and the total amount allowed was $97,680,000. There was, however, an April Increase In relief loans to the states. In March these totalled $32,20,000; In April. . $49,423.- GRASS) VALLEY SITE ' CORVALLIS. Ore.. June 1 (AP) The first civilian conser vation corps camp in Benton county has been established un der the direction of Major Homer of Chicago, who said here today Twenty - five Cherrlans last night were tentatively listed to go to Lebanon today where the local organization will crown the queen of the strawberry festival, taking official charge of tha coronation ceremonies. Col. Carle Abrams ill deliver Salem's greeting to Lebanon King Bing Frank Deckebach. Jr., announced the following list of members expected to attend the festival, in uniform Col. Abrams. Leif Bergsvik. Elmer Daue, H- E. Eakln. Asel Eoff. Grover Hillman, Howard Hulsey, V. P. McNamara. Frank Minto, Frank Myers, C. E. Wilson, R. G. Brady. Jack caiianan, ur L. B. Schoel, Donald Deckebach, Clayton Foreman. T. A. Wind! shar. William Schlitt, Charles Me- Elbaney. George I Arbnckle. James Clark, Dr. O. A. Olson, P D. Quisenberry and Gus Hlxson Drys Committee Will Announce 7 Candidates Soon The Marion County Dry commit tee, representing the temperance organizations of the county, soon will announce a full ticket of sev en candidates for election July 21 as delegates to the state conven er lumber groups will attempt to tion on repeal or retention of the coordinate their respective codes 18th amendment. It was announc- lnte one applying to the entire lumber Industry that will fit Into the government's trade recovery program. - . v David T. Mason ef Portland, manager of the Western Pine as sociation, said the code Includes provisions for maximum hours per week, of labor and minimum wages to be paid employes, but the definite figures will be deter mined by the loyal legion of log gers and lumbermen.' SAN BERNARDINO, Cal., June 1. (AP) The treachery of fog and a desperate effort to escape which failed by a slim margin caused a crash of a transport plane of the U. S. army air corps against a mountainside in the Cajon pass today, killing three en listed men. Two commissioned oiilcers were Injured, one seriously and anoth er, the pilot, slightly, and two other enlisted men were hurt cri tlcally. The Injured, removed to a hos pital here, apparently have a good chance for recovery, surgeons said The dead: Private Addison C. Spencer, Riverside, Cal. Private Charles M. Leadbetter. Roseburg, Ore. Private L. D. Reomana, Syra cuse, N. Y. The tragedy occurred as Lieut. Charles M. McHenry slipped the big transport through the heavy fog overlying the San Bernardino mountains, en route from the home base at March field, near here, to Crissy field, San Fran Cisco. that the first work will be the construction of .a road north to ward Grass mountain. The camp, housing 180 men, is located at present on the Corval- lis-Waldport highway at Fall- creed, 36 miles west of here, and is known as the Grass Valley camp. Later, Major Homer said, permanent quarters will be built nearer the mountain. WAGE rXDETERMLXED PORTLAND, Ore., June 1 (AP) A code of fair trade prae tice designed to fit into the na tional trade recovery bill now be fore congress was adopted today by the Western Pine association at the concluding session of its four-day special meeting here. The code will be taken to Chi cago about June 20 when repre sentatives from the Douglas fir, western pine. Redwood, southern pine, hardwood, cypress and oth SILOAM SPRINGS. Ark- June 1 fAPl Tlim m uriJUB i cscapea jkansas Conner who engaged la a battle hero last midnight with Police Chief Bob II-11-l reported seen by fishermen at 11 p. m. tonight on Flint creek, few avnuwrn VI nm) in UM Oil IS. City and count r officers who had hea iMn-hi. r throughout the day Immediately re-formed a posae aad art oat far CH-LbtA, Okla., June 1. (AP) Oklahoma's two prison breakers were cantured tonio-rit tha monVf I -1 1 tr . ... . Mass Meetina Called Here penuentiary iusnuves centered about Che Mass Meeting uaiiea nere where 6lx of their number were bm for the Saturday to horwara Truck tax Fight Growth of 200 members in 24 hours was reported at an execu tlve committee meeting of the Truck Owners and Farmers Pro tective association held at the chamber of commerce here last night. Membership was reported as standing at approximately 50 The association was organized to fight the new truck and bus tax act. Tne meeting developed into a conference with representatives from Sheridan, Sclo, Mill City and Corvallis who contemplate organ ixlng units ot the association in those municipalities. Truck own ers in 20 cities throughout the state now are considering joining the movement, William Carver, secretary, announced. Hearing that an unexpectedly large crowd would attend SCR L "FACTS" TO BE TOLD TOMS Silverton men, Women Form Organization to Spread School Propaganda mass meeting called by the asso ciation for 2 p. m. tomorrow at I the chamber of commerce, the ex ecutive committee declared provi sion would be made to accommo date all comers. Fearful that the new law will increase the price of fuel wood. many citizens not directly inter- SILVERTON. June 1. Two groups were formed at Silverton Thursday for the purpose of spreading educational propaganda to the voters of the Silverton the school district prior to the June ested In trucking are joining the Thursday night. association. Carver reported. ed last night.; A balanced ticket was promised, with representation for the various districts In the county. The dry committee, campaign organisation for the temperance groups, will Initiate active promo tion of the candidacies In their list. Representative citizens from Salem and elsewhere in the coun ty are cooperating with the com mittee In selecting and filing the names of candidate. MILLION 10 HALF BARRELS 3.2 SOLD NEW YORK, June 1. (AP) Americans drank a million and a half barrels of legal beer In April. C. B. Williams, secretary of the United States Brewers' association said today. They would have drunk more If the brewers had been able to make it fast enough, he asserted in mak ing public the first official figures en beer production and sales. Williams said the supply still was running far behind the de mand and estimated the entire first year production of the beer industry will fall short of the country's needs by 40,000.000 bar rels. He said that beer was now legal In 23 states, having a com bined population of 100,000,000 persons. Total production In April was 2.200,400 barrels, sales totaled 1,600,000. Much. of the new beer was not properly aged and there fore could not be put on the market After numerous delays, argu ment of the case of the city of Salem against the Oregon-Washington Water Service company is scheduled to be heard, beginning at 10 a. m. this morning in su preme court here. The suit in volves the legality of a $2,500,000 bond Issue authorized by Salem voters December 16, 1931, for the purchase and construction of a municipal water plant. The case is on appeal from decision by Judge L. G. Lewelling who sustained a demurrer .made by the defendant. If the higher court should approve the validity ot the bonds, the way would be cleared for the city to apply to the R. F. C. for moneys with which to purchase and add to the existing water plant. robbery of a bank. Less than 30 hours after their escaix from att'. prison at McAlester, Jim Stribling and H. D. Bradoury. con- viciea Kiiiers, were apprenenaea Dy omcers at Staurt, where Oiney were reported trying to board a irain. Tne town Is in the hilly country 20 miles west ot McAles ter. Exchanging shots with police, the six bank robbers, one of whom was identified from pictures as Wilbur Underhlll, "Tri-State Ter ror" who led Tuesday's Kansas prison break, fled from the Bank of Chelsea this afternoon. Despite the f usllade of shots, no one seem ingly was wounded. Search for the convicts centered in the rugged Ozark hill courtry of four states. Eleven convicts who kidi Warden Kirk Prather of tha sas prison, later releasing hint at weicn, uxia., apparently had aytlt into several groups In the arn where Missouri. Kansas. Okla homa and Arkansas converge) Three men who last nlatrr gaged Police Chief Bob LaFollette of Siloam Springs In a ransdax gun fight after stealing a ear at Siloam Springs, Ark., were traced irom near Maysville. Ark.. vhn the trail was lost early today, te a point across the Oklahoma line about six miles northwest of the city. The car stolen in Siloam Springs when they abandoned one with a Kansas license tar, was found at ' the end of a country road north of the city. As there are no roada In the hills the men apparently were forced to continue on foot. The ear bore several bullet marks. Belief was expressed by officers that the entire group had beaded for the Cookson hills In northeast Oklahoma a refuge for outlaws since before statehood. 19 school election. Mrs. J. Ballan tyne, Thursday afternoon called together a group of women rep resenting the various ehurches, the American Legion auxiliary, the Parent - Teachers association, other civic organizations and non affiliated persons. Oscar Lee call ed a similar meeting of men Water Case to Come Up Today, .MmrPmn tf1ir groups to find out the actual facts UUllClUC VsUUi I of the 8ltnaUon and to get these Both Mrs. Ballantyne and Mr. Lee explained that so many ru mors had been spread concerning local school conditions that the average voter was now at a loss to know Just where he stood. It was the purpose of these two before as many voters ss possible. There were to no "sides" taken and no antagonism aroused, it was stated. Among the facts given out were: Forty per cent of all property taxes within the city limits and 60 per cent of the property tax in the school districts outside of the Silverton city flmts go to schools. It was explained that this Is according to law. Someone brought up that the rumor had become current that the average school teacher's salary at Silver ton was $136. The actual salaries received by the local school teach ers were shown to average $101.78. It was pointed out that among those who approved of this year's (Turn to page 2. col. 1) FARM PRICE E HURTS TAX BASIS Valley Flower Show to Open; Exhibits Numeious STRIKE IS SETTLED BISMARCK, N. D June 1. (AP) Representatives ef strlk tng common laborers and of the Lundoff - BIckrell company, Chl cago, tonight .signed an agree ment ending the strike which halted construction operations of the new North Dakota capttol building. May 16. Today at Marlon Square will open the rourtn annual iiower show of the Willamette Valley Flower show organization. A beautiful setting amidst the trees has been greatly enhanced by the splendid exhibits and elaborate decorations and displays which have been developed by flower growers, of the valley. Judging will take place this morning, 11:20 o'clock being the deadline for entrance ot exhibits. All growers of flowers are urged to enter blossoms, be the exhibit a brilliant one or small. The late ness ot the season has prevented such a renerous supply of flower in the gardens and because of this some may. hesitate to cut flowers. The' show : committee urge all gardeners to be generous with ex hlbits. At present there Is a large ex hibit Indicated but It Is hoped to make this show the largest which hat yet been seen in Salem. The classifications are much larger and more generous this year than ever before and therefore It Is ex pected that the show wul be greatly enlarged. band will open the show this aft ernoon at 1:30 o'clock. Following this will be addresses by Ernest Iafer, president ot the Salem Gar den club, and by Mayor Douglas McKay. This will be followed by numerous enticing features in cluding an "International street" upon which interesting exhibits have been arranged Including cob blestone walks and European touches. A varied program of mu sic and features will be heard upon this street at various times during the day. At 3:30 o'clock Miss Irene Breithaupt and Miss Helen Brelt- baupt will give a demonstration on "Care and Arrangement ef Cut Flowers A special musical program has been arranged to begin at 7:30 o'clock In the evening. This will Include ' musical a ambers under the direction of Miss Ruth Bed ford. - - - An open letter to the Willam ette Yallev Flower show will be presented as part of the program today from Father Scboemer, floral scientist, especially voted for the development which he has WASHINGTON. June 1 (AP) Secretary Wallace said today the recent upward sweep of farm prices had greatly limited the amount of money he could raise through taxation to finance acre age reduction under the farm ad justment act. , The maximum proces!a tax he is allowed to levy Is the differ ence between the current price and the average prices for the period. 1909 to 1914. "The higher the price the less there is available to rent land and the less willing producers are te rent their land' Wallace said. Attributing the rise In part to expectation ot buyers that pro duction control would be under taken, he said, "the extent' of speculation euts down the under pinning of speculation aad the thing on which speculation Is ed Is less likely to occur. The Salem high school boys1 brought about concerning roses. Renovation Starts On Brewery Plant Renovation, repair and Im provement of the old Salem brew ery plant Is under way en North Commercial street, a group ef men working steadily to place the plant here in shape for. early In stallation ot brewing machinery. Tho Salem Brewing association, articles of Incorporation tor which have' been filed, will operate te plant aad it Is understood has al ready been successful in selling a considerable part of the $12S, ot authorized stock. Machinery aa well as bottle and barrels for the outpat of the brewery are said te- . a j nave oeea urucrra. 00.