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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1933)
; service . Wo turutee oar carrier service. If your paper does not arrive by 6:15, call 9101 and a copy will be delivered at once. WEATHER Cloudy followed by rain today, rain and cooler Thurs day; Ujut. Temp. Tneaday 68, Min.141, river 4.2 feet, rain .42 inch. FOUNDED 1851 EIGUTY-THIRD YEAR Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, May 24, 1933 No. 50 SCHOOL BOARD AT Sll IIFTM mb . .l. u m m at i ma w- m m m - r w anas awan at . r n srtrfitRiiin nfWn ULrLIVUOHUID Warrant Debt not Equal to Taxes Levied, Stated; Deficit Explained Chamber, of Commerce to Make Irivestigatiorf of ' Entire Issue, Plan : Water Pollution at Silverton Reported; Act ion is Demanded Carcasses of Cattle on Ed Porter Property are Held Dangerous to Health; Official of State Sends Ultimatum, Word MORGAN FIRM S NO INCOME TAX BILVERTON, May 23. (Spe cial) First official statement on the present school fight at Silver ton to be made by the board was given by H. R. Irish, chairman of the board, at the chamber of com merce meeting held Tuesday night In the. Christian church social rooms. ib siaiemeui reaas; To the patrons of school district No. 4: . Because of the fact that many misleading statements concerning the financial condition of this school district are being published In the papers and spread about the community by those misinformed, the school board feels that the fol lowing statement should be made to the patrons of this district. 1. During no school year have actual school expenditures exceed ed the amounts budgeted for dur ing that period. 2. In keeping with the times the budgets for the three years Includ ing that of the present upon which the board is working, have shown progressive decreases in spite of an increase In attendance of about 100 pupils. t. The reductions in past and present budgets will represent a total decrease of over 120,000. 4. Greater reductions were made but were wiped out by add ed expenditures forced by changes in school laws, supreme court de cision, or slower tax collection due to the economic depression over none of which the board exercised eontrol. The total sums so added to the budget ara as follows i free textbooks Change in tuition law.caus lng a deficit .....'2300 Added warrant Interest due to delinquent taxes 3200 Losses of Company In Last Two Years are Given as Cause of Failure SILVERTON, May 23. (Special) It was learned here WSS WiaV NASI ftyACelA AAOAA ICaWilU OVObC OilU WUilVJ I 1111 i M CU offices to the effect that many dead cattle on the Ed Porter Zl Millions in red Snown property tributary to Silver creek and above the Silverton I When Reorganization city water works intake have not been properly buried or burned and are dangerously polluting Silver creek waters. Effected in 1931 WES J POM CUT T Ml O Accoramg to tne report tne state health officer. Dr. F. D. Strieker, notified Mr. Porter that "To allow these carcasses to re main and pollute Silver creek wa ter is in violation of state law and must be corrected at once. Tou have previously been asked a num ber of times to properly dispose of the carcasses. If you do not do mn tmiyioIH falv rnnpf antrn will Medford Youth Worried at be taken." The matter first came to the at tention qf health authorities early in April and Mr. Porter was noti fied April 3. Dr. Vernon Douglas, county health doctor, and J. E. wp?t pniMT v v a Blinkhorn, sanitary engineer, were WtoT POINT, N. Y., Way 23 -t RnT(irtft- fhA rint n. ,, wv May Dictate to U.S. Industries Exam Time; Note Left Threatens Suicide at Silverton the first of this week. and together with Elgin McCleary, det, was Intensified today when frtti- inanatnn f nno, state police announced he had and reported that several cattle ln 1930 was about HM00 an(1 (AP) The search for John S Conner, missing West Point c WASHINGTON. May 23 (AP) A senate investigating commit tee was told today that none of the 20 members of J. P. Morgan and company paid Income taxes for the years 1931 or 1932 be cause of losses reported by their firm. Senate banking - currency com mittee Is inquiring into the Mor gan company as part of an investi gation of the nation's financial structure. J. P. Morgan, senior partner of the firm, and Leonard Keyes, -office manager, testified at the op ening of the Investigation by the banking committee that the total income taxes paid by the partners r I - - ' f w Vr (Turn to Page 2, Col. 1) PACKERS PROPOSE SFVETi CEfJT PRICE left a note Indicating suicidal in- -tentions Officials at the. United States military academy, from which Conner was to have graduated with honors ln a few days, said a note was found but declined to say whether it mentioned sui cide. Conner was last seen at the academy Sunday night. His ab sence was noted yesterday morn ing ai reveiiie. wesi romi om- amk.. r j clals, directing a search of the Compromise EffOrt tO end reservation's 2500 acres, said he had no money and asserted there was no train out of West Point Sunday night. The search was expanded in scope when state police broad cast an alarm over the tri-state Fishermen's Strike is Noted at Astoria none had been paid since. They said that in reorganizing the firm January 2, 1931, a loss of 321,000,000 was established but had not been used to get out of paying income taxes because it was not needed, and now by virtue of a change in the law can't be used ln 1933. The Income tax testimony fur nished the thrills that a huge crowd had waited for through long hours of questioning the senior Morgan partner and his of fice manager, questioning that had opened to view hitherto closely guarded secrets of Mor gan operations. Total i ,39700 S. That all schools have always operated upon a warrant basis at gome time during the school year because the monies expended ac cording to the school budgets are aot paid ln as taxes until about 10 months of the school fiscal year have expired. t. The oldest outstanding war rant of the district is dated Sep tember 1, 1932. AH outstanding warrants of the district are fully covered by taxes levied. 7. That during the past five years 58,140 of the voted indebt edness, of the district has been re tired through the budget. The law prescribes that school bonds must be retired annually. 8. That at no time have the educational standards of the school been lowered. T. T. Leonard brought the school situation up at the cham ber, remarking that It was through an action of the chamber of commerce that the present school difficulties bad arisen and he was of the opinion that the chamber should in some manner , get all of the facts of the situa tion and lay these before the tax payers. A motion was made and carried that the president of the chamber, Ernest Starr, appoint a committee to investigate the sit uation and advise voters of all pertinent facts. T. Preston, T. T. Leonard and H. B. Latham were asked to serve on this committee. Dr. P. A. Loar brought up the question of a sewage . disposal plant at Silverton, saying that "according to the law we cannot dump the sewage into the creek ASTORIA, May 23. (AP) A compromise effort to end the telegraph system. After descrlb- I strike that has tied up the fishing ing the missing cadet the alarm 1 and canning industry of the Col- g42QAjsald, "He left a note that ne I umbla river since the season open-ist'-rfa'M going to commit suicide. , ted May 1, Astoria packers tonight Army Information headquar-1 offered a price of 7 cents a ters at the academy said Conner I pound for Chinook salmon until was "probably suffering from I July 31, with the guarantee that strain due to the final written I the price would not be less than reviews which have been under I 3 cents a pound from August 1 way for the last three weeks." to August 19. Although he stood high in his While the packers' offer does class Conner wrote l is parents in not meet the price of 8 cents, Medford Ore., last week he was the gillaetters have demanded, it worrying over his studies, but it Vt cent better than their high- did not lndi:ate he was despon- est previous offer, and was said dent. His parents. Mr. and Mrs. to mark the first time since the Guy Conner, said they promptly strike started that the packers despatched a cheering letter by 1 volunteered a compromise offer. WASHINGTON, May 23 (AP) In a quiet, all day recital of the two continent activities of bis bankin firm, J. P. Morgan open ed the cloistered portals of the House of Morgan for senate fact finders today and they were told (Turn to Page 2, Col. 1) fib union in SESSION AT DALLAS airmail. SURVEY OF PUPILS FDF! FALL DESIRED Last year the price was I cents until July 15. 5 cents until August 1, 3 cents until August 7, 2 cents until August 20 and 1 cent until the close of the season, August 25. The packers made their offer in a communication signed by K. Bendstrup. secretary of the local packers' group, representing a majority of the, canneries on the Columbia river. It was addressed DALLAS, May 23 (Special) Several hundred delegates and visitors attended the opening ses sions of the three day convention of the Farmers Union here today, The morning session at the Dallas Christian church was open to the public and included the calling of the convention to order by State President L. H. McBee, an invo cation by Rev. K. E. Burke, ad dresses of welcome by Mayor Brigidier-General Hugh S. John on, lawyer and manufacturer. who has been tendered the poet of administrator of industry an der the "recovery bill" now be fore congress. The bill givea the administrator, through the president, almost unlimited powers over American industry. STORMS (MINI IN MIDDLE WEST Damaging High Winds Come As Aftermath to Death Dealing Tornadoes SPARTA. Tis., May 23 (AP) Reports reaching here tonight said five persons were killed at Norwaik and two at Kendall when a severe wind storm swept parts of Monroe county late today. 10-JM1ESE CLASH GOES OH DESPITETROCE Official Confirmation of Agreement is Made at Tokyo war Office New York Sixth State To Support Repeal of U. S. Prohibition Lav Japanese Will not Occupy Peiping but Chinese Troops Must go PEIPING, May 34. (AP) Despite reports of a truce between Chinese and Japanese ln north China, reports from missionaries at Tungchow, 13 miles east of here, said today there was renew ed fighting last night on the out skirts of the town, with 10 Chin ese easaultles. TOKYO, May 24. (Wednes Ja) (AP) The foreign of fice confirmed today reports that an agreement for a Chinese-Japanese truce in the north China war tone had been reached, at Peiping. The agreement provides, the announcement said, that Chinese troops will remain southwest of a line running from Yenkins to Changping, Shunyl, Paoti and Lu tal. Formal signature was sched uled to be affixed at Mihun Thursday. Coos Bay Lumber Firm Will Raise Worker Wages Only 25,000 in Great City dry, Million Take wet Side MARSHF1ELD. Ore. Mar 23. (ap) The coos Bay Lum- Farley Askt Bourbon Workers all Uver today that an increase in the wages of its employes would go immediate ly Into effect. Notices were posted ln the plant yards that eommon labor would bo given a 20 per cent Increase, from $2.50 a day to S3. The mill has been closed for a few days because of snow ln its Eden Ridge camp and a shortage of logs. The company has orders to keep the mill running steadily for several months, it was said, and new business is being offered. Nation to aid PER N MS TRIAL IS CLAIMED ALBANY, X. Y May 24 (AP) Returns from S.831 of the state's 8,837 election dis tricts, compiled early today by the Associated Presa, gave -the repeal slate of delegates to the Afw York convention a total of 1,450,677 vote. Tbo slate of ISO delegates against repeal re ceived 119.284 votes. In New York city the vote was: For re peal 1,047,068; against repeal, 25,506. TOKYO, May 23. (AP) An agreement for a Slno-Japan ese truce which leaves Peiping free from Japanese occupation. was signed at Peiping today, ac cording to news dispatches to the capital Before receipt of these reports official Japanese quarters fore cast the early conclusion of a north China armistice. This truce, whose conclusion was reported by the Rengo (Jap anese) news agency, provides that Chinese troops shall evacuate Peiping and remain behind a line running from the Great wall to the north of the ancient capital in a southeasterly direction to the sea. Meanwhile, the news report said, negotiations for terms of a ALBANY, N. Y.. May 24 (Wednesday) (AP) On a tidal wave of wet votes from populous centers. New York yesterday be Testimony About Weapon in cam tn th tat to approve PreSCOU S HandS Said Returns from more than ore third of the state indicated New York has elected 150 delegates to a repeal convention pledged to re peal of the prohibition amend ment. New York city took tho lead in demanding the elimina- False; Plan Probe MEDFORD, Ore., May 23 (AP) George Codding, district attorney of Jackson county, an nounced here today that the "on or me ary law. wun an eni Lane countv crand iurv and dis- 222 of the city's 3.794 district trict attorney, the state of Ore- reported, the vote in the metropo- gon and Jackson county will in- siooa: ror repeal. 54,S53; wMtlffata allerorilv nr1nrn1 ten- "RJiinsi repeal, timony presented by defense wit- ia Aioany. uunaio. nocnesier, i flMt Hr mnHr Syracuse and virtually every city trt! f M.wllvn A. Ranks, and of the state, the repealists scored his wife. Edith R. Banks. The trial held at Eugene, end ed Sunday when Banks was con victed of second degree murder for the fatal shooting March 16 of George Prescott. Medford con stable. Mrs. Banks was acquitted. The officer was shot when he at tempted to serve a warrant on Banks, former editor and or- KANSAS CITY. May 23 (AP) Tornadoes which killed 19 per sons la the midwest were followed today by damaging high winds in Iowa and Wisconsin. Falling tree branches injured two Des Moines school girls. Four barns were'demolished by permanent peace settlement will J eDardist, at his Medford reel a smau iwisier wmcn iruc. ucur De opened soon in reipmg. i ,jeiiCe. Marsnaiitown, ia., ana property Japanese army leaders were re- Four witnesses testified for damage of $10,000 was done at ported to have given the assur- tn aefBM that they saw a re- Sloux City. Dust tinea tne air. ance that their troops would not T0iTer drop from Prescott's hand Tnree cnuaren sunerea cum enter the old imperial city of the M he slumped mortally wounded WOVD W1UU BUlH!i fiuuwma vl I MiaCOttl, Bill CO U Islljaese ill the Sparta, Wis., high school. peacefully retired therefrom Sparta's World war memorial Tokyo officials who forecast arch was felled. The Jefferson the signing of a Sino - Japanese Leake Tobacco company building armistice said that certain high in which 200 persons were at Chinese authorities had offered work, was unroofed. A hotel and terms of peace which the Japan a hide company's property were ese were willing to meet halfway, damaged. to the porch. The state Introduc ed rebuttal witnesses who said that at least two of the "eye wit nesses" were not near the Banks home when the tragedy occurred. The state brought out that each of the four defense witnesses who said they saw the officer's decisive victories. All of the 11 counties heard from early this morning were in the wet column. Yates, in central New York, was the exception. The vote there from IS of the 29 districts vtl for repeal 1346; against 1732. As his home state was elect Irs. repeal delegates to the state con vention. Postmaster General Far ley in Washington announced hi would send a letter to all cim prign workers urging them (4 work for the removal of the lltl amendment. Mr. Farley also II national chairman of the dense cratic party and New York stats chairman. President Roosevelt's home dis trlct in Hyde Park returned substantial wet vote with 271 votes for repeal and 47 against. New York in taking its stan as the sixth state to demand r A preliminary survey Of the Columbia River Fishermen's Pro number of country girls and boys tectlTft nnion. to Arvid Mattson, secretary of the I Lelf S. Flnseth and R. W. Hogg. a response by G. W. Potts, and OUTLINE DISTRICTS !EI ST MPS who think they will attend Sa lem schools next year is case no school busses are operated was presented to the school board last night by Supt. George Hug, and shows that 184 students ont of 292 who responded, indicated In the affirmative. The segregation follows Leslie Junior high. Yes, 25 or 67 per cent; No, 12 or 33 per cent, El wood L. Clark, 54. former state department commander of Parrish junior high, Yes. 54 or the United Spanish War veterans. died In his store at LaPine today. 63 per cent; No, 32 or 37 per cent, an address by Max Gehlhar of the state department of agriculture. At the afternoon session Presi dent McBee made his annual re port. He endorsed the state fair and urged the members to back Gehlhar to the limit. He stated that four new locals had been started and that membership had been maintained despite condi- BEND. Ore May 23 (AP) federal faJm marketlng act and stated that he believed this had great possibilities. McBee com mended the board on the manner in which It had proceeded and ex- Former Leader Of Spanish War Vets is Called Senior high school, Yes, 105 or attack. He enlisted In the 2nd .62 per cent; No, 64 or 38 per Oregon infantry and served In ent. the Philippine Islands during the Total Yes, 184 or 63 per war with Spain, cent; No, 108 or 37 per cent. He Is survived by his widow. Many of the bis pupils at- two daughters and three broth- Death was attributed to a heart preB86d nimgeif as being in favor of a graduated Income tax and but as everyone has been doing it tending failed to give an indl- ers, including Ed M. Clark pre- Pott8. against the sales tax. Suggestions as to candidates for the office of president for the fol lowing year disclosed two possi bilities: J. J. Sechrist. G. W. no action has been taken so tar, Dr. Loan Indicated that within the next few years this law would be enforced and that the plant could be built at less expense now than It will be likely in a few years. Ho estimated that such a plant could be built at Silverton for ap proximately $60,000 and that $30,000 of this could be borrow ed at i per cent with from 20 to 30 years to liquidate and that the other $30,000 could likely bo se cured for relief work. However, the matter; Dr. Loar : explained, must come to a rot before the people. "-, Council members expressed themselves much interested In the matter and a vote was carried that the chamber ask the city council to secure an engineer to estimate cost and operating ex- . pens of such a plant. , Norrla Ames, reporting on the . industrial .committee, spoko of the proposed starch ' plant ' company -which was considering the Silver ton, Food-Products cannery- it . 'here.-'-' cation, as they wished to talk sldent of the Glens Ferry. Idaho. other talks made during the luo mr ""a ineir par-1 nana ana w. . uiarx. president afternoon were by Senator Peter ents further, of a Los Angeles bank. School Grounds Benefit Zimmerman of Yamhill county and Representative Dean Walker of Polk county. Near Hoxle. Kas., eitisens searched on foot and by airplane for Verlln Timmons, 22-year-old farm band last seen near the path of a tornado which demolished buildings on nine farms. Damage estimated at several million dollars was done crops and buildings in widely scattered localities ln Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado. Montana, Minnesota PORTLAND, May 23 (AP) and the Dakotas by the storms I Division of Oregon into four dis- resterdar. tricts for the enrollment of the Scores of others were seriously I remainder or the state s quota in injured and many were homeless, the civilian conservation corps The Red Cross dispatched work- was announced here today. Ray- ers from St. Louis today to Lib- mond B. Wilcox, chairman of the eral, Kans.. where four persons state relief committee, said be were killed, 40 others were in I had received the information from hospitals seriouslr injured and San Francisco headquarters of numerous residences and business I the ninth corps area. n1 tnlniul vlth ttialilM. V' revolver drop suted under cross JergeTt Rhodft w,s'conMl and Wyoming, ln favoring ellmin- examlnatlon that he did not see anyone else near the scene. Codding said the investigation would come before the Lane countr rrand jury within 10 days. atlon of the 18th amendment. The repeal convention will M held in Albany on June 27. Gov ernor Lehman will open the con vention and former Governor Al- "7?i1t-?ln?t!iA.! fred E- SmI wlU-b. Permanent hospital at Eugene to regain his strenrth taxed by the three- weeks' trial. Sentence has been deferred to allow his attorneys time In which to file a motion for a new trial, an action they have declared they will take Mrs. Banks frequently visits her husband buildings rased. Chemawa to Close Down McNary Told H Skirt Ttnlini Wh Mril Water Bond Case m. iumi xt,w rr viiv, XTtStvou 7P noJWd0n SUICIDE INDICATED ' Report on the work that is be ing done on Salem school grounds' by county relief workers, was made at the Tuesday night session of the school board. Di rector B. F. Pound reported that about 18 men were at work, paid through R. F. C. funds ob tained through cooperation of the city. Chairman dinger explained that the city had lent its aid because school grounds are used as municipal playgrounds in summer. . . A road and the athletic ."bqwl". at Leslie Junior high grounds are being Improved, ground at Engle wood is being graded' and -seed-' ed, and work is also being done at Grant. Principal E. A. Miller of Grant, ln this connection, re quested that paved basketball PORTLAND, Ore., May 23 I court and tennis courts be built lXP) A man who police said I there, contingent upon R. F. C. ii Lewis Graham. 36. and who I funds being available for such thev understood to ba an apart-1 work. ment house builder and owner of i Protests from several Salem Alameda, Calif., was found shot I dentists and druggists over an to death today in aa apartment advertising campaign carried on bar where "he had been living tin the schools by Dr. D. B. Hill. for two weeks. The officers said brought a motion from the ke had shot himself. I board that Dr. Hill be requested to refrain from further use of vuu or iuib purpose. c.,a ftf thA rit R.i-m Letters signed by I. W. Lewis, I o,.TtrMnt druggist, Salem Drug company, Water gerTlce company was post- j '. ocaaeier, ponea aM,n ln ,Upreme court druggist and the executive com- Testerday on motion of counsel mittee of the tri-county dental for tne defense. Walter E. Keyes. HHiutiivu, signea oy result rifnlnt nA r,nnn. Brunk. president, were presented. .itrn. t,.. . w 111 each protesting that Dr. Hill was win tin nn fn selling tootV brushes, carrying argument Monday, June 5. The uis luius, ai nominal cost lOl r Ik. Knn AAA school children. The board gave favorable ac tion, to. a resolution presented by James Preble seeking endorse ment of a move to establish a 100 watt radio station In Salem. Harry Runyan and Robert L. Bureh are backing the station. The beard also bad under ad visement a number -of routine matters: . Recommendation of Fire Chief Harry Hutton that all motors at Leslie school be placed on con crete slab and covered with sheet iron to stop flames was referred to the building and grounds com mittee to report back. Clerk W. W. Burkhardt was la-. (Turn to Pago 2, Col. ) bond issue approved ia Salem on December 15, 1931, Is at issue. He Was Glad to Let Fish Escape GOLD BEACH. Ore.. May 23 (AP) Don Cartwright of Dayton fishing from his father's boat oa - the Rogue - river reef Sunday blinked twice at his catch, then hastily surrendered it to the sea. He had hooked an octopus, variously estimated by members of the boat party as be tween 4 and 25 feet in diameter. PORTLAND, Ore.. May 23 (AP) The Chemawa Indian school will be closed and the pu pils sent back to their homes to attend the public school, the com mlssloner of Indian affairs told A ehange from the original plans will make it possible to or ganise the forest army recruits In the districts whore they live. Headquarters for the four dis tricts have been established at Medford, Eugene, Baker and Van couver, Wash., barracks. Marlon county, with a quota of 127, is included in the Van couver district. Polk county, with 35 and Linn county with 52 are Included in the Eugene district. WOOL CLIP DELAYED Here's One Case Police Get Busy Upon Right Away PORTLAND, Ore., May 23 (AP) Portland police glanced at their usually routine bulletin today, rested their attention on a brief Item, and resolved to bend every -effort to find a lost suit case. Just an ordinary suitcase, the report said, fastened with an odd. old strap, but the suitcase was lost by a Gold Star mother. The strap was fashioned from the belt her son wore before be chairman. Other outstanding. democrats elected to the delega tion Include John F. Curry, Tam many leader; John H. McCooey, the Brooklyn chief; Joseph V. McKee and Edward P. Mulrooney, chairman of the state liquor con trol board. DOCUMENTS VIEWED went "over there." And Its con- BURNS. Ore. May 23 (AP) tents were valuable to her. A Bi- Because of extended heavy ble and an album, family heir- Senator McNary today, according ralns the 1933 wool clip has been looms. The mother, Mrs. M. A to a special dispatch to the Ore- delayed ln this district. The Har-1 Reeves, explained the suitcase goman tonight from Washington, ner branch experiment station I was lost sometime after April 12 D. C. Senator McNary, the dis- .id todav precipitation this when she wss taken to a bos- patch stated, said he would fight spring has surpassed the 19-year pltal and her effects moved tne commissioner rigm aown tnei average by 1 Inches. meanwhile to a new home line." Commissioner Collier has writ ten James T. Ryan, superintend ent of the school that because of federal ecenomy plans several non-reservation schools, Chemawa included, will bo closed. The dispatch said that the plans are to retain Ryan as superintend ent and one or two employes to take care of the plant. Dollar Day Today Real Op p oj t unity tor Saving All dollars count with Salem merchants today In a Salem- I wide community dollar day. No mlssloner Collier that ho will go whether you have gold to President Roosevelt In aa of- dollars, depressloa dollars, lafla- fort to prevent closing of the Che- ,on dollars ? mawa school, the dispatch said. stamped oa them, they re good lor mercnauaise ai rcai ucprv aloa prices la a joint month-end selling event sponsored by Salem tores. Merchants . have used lib eral space ln Tuesday's dallies to set forth their offerings. - As aa Inducement to get peo ple down-town for early shopping the Salem bus lines win haul Late Sp oris SEATTLE, May 18 (AP) Improving as bo went along. Fred Lenhart, Tacoma light-he vy weight, handed a neat lacing I people free of charge downtown to Larry Johnson, Chicago negro, I between the hours of 9 and in an eight-round boxing bout I 11:20 in the morning. The free here tonight. Lenbart weighed I faro applies only to trips down- 177 U pounds and Johnson lie. I. town and allows bo transfers. Besides the bargains that mer chants have listed ln their ad vertisements, they have hundreds of others which thrifty shoppers may take advantage of. With prices strengthening ln world markets . prevailing retail prices will not last very long. . Already Increases have been noted la some lines like cotton goods; and If inflation gets under way. pres ent prices will soon be a thing of the past. Salem stores have been zealous la building up Salem as a trad' lng center, attracting buyers here from all over the. mid-Wil lamette valley. Wednesday's dol lar day Is 'a community selling event which Is expected to meet with -Very generous response. IN TIL OF BLACK DALLAS. May 23 (Special) Examination of witnesses for the purpose of entering docu ments as evidence consumed the entire second day of the trial ef Hugh G. Black on a charge of lar ceny of public money. The court room was Jammed to capacity dur ing both the morning and after noon sessions. Ralph H. King. Portland attor ney, stated that under authority from Black he had made settle ment, on behalf of the Amster dam Casualty company, of the claim presented by Polk county lor the shortage in the clerk's ac count. William Boydston, present county treasurer, was called to Identify the treasurer's rash book which Is a record of all cash received by the treasurer. C. C Ward of Salem, deputy county clerk of Marion county. was called and identified warrants paid by Marion county to Polk covering her share of the costs of the operation of the Indepen-' denco ferry and for the costs ef the ' Empire Holding company trials. Otto Paulas, deputy state treas urer. Identified warrants Which had been Issued by the state of Oregon to Polk county for -gas funds and secondary - highways. The mala feature of his testimony was ino laeniiiying 01 me eiaie warrant for $6)4.66 which waa paid to Polk county oa September 10, 1931. as a gas refund. During the recent audit of the clerk' ac count It was disclosed that there was a deposit of this same amount in Black's special account at the Dallas Citv hint, and the Warrant the - endorsement of . Hugh O Black and the Dallas - Cftv bank.