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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1933)
4 - f PACE TWO Jhe OREGON STATESMAN. Salecw Oregon Tuesday Morning. May 23; 1933 - in n; nnmrrnnn in n BEEttlUieD uwrunu a itiu I OPPOSE PRISON FOR BOY SLAYER I "FIRST LADY" J1N BONUS CAI.IP Cr - : ; ' " ' i , ' , , ; , , ... 4 MISS ENGLAND raa FATAL CR?.Sil 1--- K." OF P. TO OBSEBVE ;iiiiy Salem Lodge and Friends to Hold Picnic at Hagers Grove Next Sunday : ml in Manslaughter Charge; Filed After, Death of Gilbert I Early Sunday Morn Aubrey (1-Crawford. 2S. 1870 Norta .winter street, will face a chars of lavolnntary manslaagb- ter ia JastIce eotirt at 2 p. m. to day when ho eaten a plea or guil ty or aot guilty after being glTen 24 hoars In which to plead Mob , day and being held In Jail when he failed to lumlan ball ot $3000. Crawf.ord.wss "the driver of an ill-fated car '.wblcH crashed Into ! the auto oecnpled by Mr. and Mrs. Roy B. Gilbert early Sunday morning at ; the Intersection ot Marlon and North High streets. Beth; Gilbert- and his wife were throws v from their car. Gilbert sustaining, injuries - which result ed in bis Instant death. The skull of Mrs.- Gilbert was fractured but last night at the hospital where she is confined she was reported resting comfortably with good likelihood that she will recover; -. Gilbert, BO, night watchman at the Valley Motor - company here, - rras starting "home, going east .on Marlon Itreet, He Is reported, to haro nearly crossed the intersec tion when Crawford, driving rap - idly, collided with him as he went. north os High, street. - Police who arrested Crawford after the acci dent, assert he was under the in fluence, of intoxicating liquor. He was examined by Dr. Vernon Doagla. city physician, and the latter! testimony will be used at : the- preliminary bearing today. Crawford,, employed as a radio service man by a local firm, had been In the country near Salem playing: in an -orchestra at a dance. When his ear struck the on driven by Gilbert the latter's car was hurled . across the street. Because of a broken wheel and a , running motor. It. again crossed the street audits occupants were ; thrown out. f Neither auto over turned and Crawford himself-was uninjured.; .-, . Gilbert's body was badly mangled.- - - iT UST CONCERT (Continued from pas D ed "Father Abraham' by Tre harne and "Plantation" by Stei ner. Then la concert with or ac companied by the orchestra the choir gave "Let Their Celestial Concerts Unite," a Handel clas sic, and Beethoven's arrangement of the "Hallelujah Chorus from the "MUef Olives." The latter is less familiar but tally as me lodious as the chorus from the "Messiah" and both numbers were received with acclaim by the listeners. The choir's work was especially effective with the orchestral accompaniment, 'the direction of Mr. Oershkovitch giving the background of har mony and volume to the clear notes t the -Willamette young men and women. Growing interest ot the com munity as evidenced last night, assures continued support for the orchestra, whose patrons gather May SI for the annual meeting, for the report of the year, the election of officers, and the out line of plans for the forthcoming third season. ; FOB VJftTER PUMT (Continue from ease D before the application is finally determined upon at Washington. Oral arguments on the $2,580, 000 bond authority voted here will he beard next Monday in state su preme court, th dty having eom-J pieiea ne nunar w ' . . The water project, while only on for which the city hopes to receive federal aid. Is the major In point of expenditure. Other projects upon, which the aldermen m nrenarrnr temoorary elans so federal help may be sought Include th municipal dock project, im nravement and extension of the city's sewer system, and construc- tlon ot a sewage aisposai pianu Trout That Got . Away is Caught - By Bend Angler BEND. Ore May it (AP)-r Th fiii that rot away was canrht bv W. A. Lackatf, Bend angler, when he tried the waters ot South Twin lake Sunday. And Lackaff recoveredthe complete tackle the catch had gotten away with. As Lacks ft rowed :' toward . pot where ke had seen a trout leap, be saw a line tangled In the weeds. He grabbed the line and hauled away. A atrugKling trout was at the end of it. Then he begaa to pull in the line ia - the ' opposite direction. Finally ip came a- casting rod, equipped nth a tine reel. . It bore the tame et J. L. Edmunds ot Klam- sin rails. i .. . IN UPTldARTOrS COMBDT R O At A A V K IN THE LAKli j Uai-,UK AiUMKN ' WOO ' AM i 1 'fa1 Ah Viii Czvv Sins Sing Del E. SI r v. .s v NO Altaeegk tke eeM-eleeded seaaaer la which l-yrW Herry Mark f Qeeeea. H. Y., planned u4 executed tk aUyiag el 12-yeaTId Bende. skecked all wk fisteaed to the erideaee. twe aoted New York a.wliUtrUt tmkm thm tand that ke sbeald not be isaoiisnaed tee the crinM. Te uid March te Sin Sins to t Htm that tkm vwrdict ef aeeoad k mmw . t imH KU JkueM ttf mnntnl twkahilitatiesw Tke tw pncUliiu, Dr. LnU Berg, atteadiag pbysiciaaet Mew York Ctmmtj PaeiteatUry, aad Dr. Edward S. Cewlce, bead ef the PayckUlri Feaav-' datioa, place ike entire klaaae for Merck's doliaeaeacy aoearoly vpoa the akoalders el society, aad tt U op te sedery, tkey believe, te try te vad what it kaa deae. Or. Berg everts that outside ef prkea walls there would always be a chase for tk yeatk to aaead. but if ke Is locked t for tk kett years ef kis Ufa with kardoaed criaaiaak, ke will come eet of Jail tkoreagkfy werpod. Dr. Cewlas k of Jke opiaioa that iaataaJ ef boiag seat to Si a Siag, yoaaf Merck should ke placed vador- sopor vision, education, diocipiiae aad coatroL where ke might ke stadied ead treated like other deficient children. Apparently both doctors kofiore la the statement made at Merck's trial te the effect diet the boy killer had the mentality ef only a six-year-old child. The Gall Board By OLIVE &L OOAfi ELSIN0RB Today Ramon Norarro In "The Barbarian." Friday Double bill: Clyde Beatty in "The Big Cage"; and, Nancy Carroll and Paul Lukas In "The Kiss Before the Mirror." HOLLYWOOD Today - Janet Gaynor ia Tess of the Storm Coun try." Wednesday Ann Harding and Leslie Howard in "An imal Kingdom." Friday Wallace Beery in "Flesh." THE GRAND Today Elissa Land! in "Warrior Husband." Thursday Elissa Landl in "State Fair." Bids for Camp Supplies Show Reduced Prices Bids for foodstuffs for the an nual national guard encampment, to be held In June, Indicated a lowered price level than In 1912, Major-General White announced Monday. The federal apportionment per man tor th 3071 enlisted men and officers this year Is 41 cents per day as against 45 cents & year ago. The cost ot the food will ex ceed f 2S,0. nd all contracts will be awarded to Oregon deal ers. The bid showed lower prices for beef, cabbage, carrots, coffee, ham, hamburger, jam, lemons. lettuce, onions, oranges, potatoes, pork, tomatoes, lard, turnips, veal and strawberries. Prices for let tuce and oranges were 60 per cent less than in 193. Slight increases- were noted in the bids tor bacon, army beans, butter, eggs, milk, prunes, poul try and sugar. Other commodities whose prices were not changed. Included bread and flour. - . BfcClay At the residence on route 8, box 140. May 22, Mrs. Mary Mc Clay, aged SO years. Survived by sons. Robert and Joe; six grand children. Remains in care of the Terwilllger " Funeral home, 770 ChemekeU street.- Announce ments later. inn Alteon Tte2tr r ilKIOEiLYVVOOU Last Time Today leoe - Cmm CAYKtn fAQRGtl 7D tTOSM COUNTZT moiitMmtH sea rictes art Dime Nites "" '-N i i 11 S -IB KtTRCM serve eat a tana el 20 dear sawder saaks BALLOT ei W CASE TO BE TRIED MEDFORD, Ore., Hay II. (APj The burglary cases growing oat ot th theft of sev eral thousand ballots from th Jackson county courthouse win be brought to early trial. It was announced here today following completion ot the trial ot Llewel lyn A. Banks la Eugene. Ralph Moody, chief prosecut or la the Banks case will also prosecute the ballot theft cases. and Cirenit Judge George F. Skip- worth ot Lane county, who pre sided at th Banks trial, will again be on the bench. Twenty-two men were indicted In connection with the theft. They include County Judge Earl H. Fehl, Sheriff Gordon L. Scher merhorn and Mayor Walter Jones ot Rogue River. Moody was la Salem today te confer with Governor Julius L. Meier and Attorney General Van Winkle. Summer Fallow Loans Available P. H. Bell, in charge of fed eral crop loans here, announced Monday that he had received ap plication blanks for loans oa summer fallowing and winter wheat, and that applications must be In the mails, or tiled at his office, 225 Oregon building. not later than May 21. Mr. Bell will assist those who call at his office in making oat the appli cations. Dream is Blamed For Man's Death MARTINEZ, Calif., May 22 (AP) Charles H. Turner, 52, of El Cerrlto, died at the county hospital here today and his death was attributed te a dream he had Thursday night- Turner, asleep at bem. dreamed he was being held up, he said. He jumped through a window, ran a block, and was struck by a street car. He died of a fractured skuIL fjpalcc it at Middle Asc "I ftMB: the TosetnMe ChaBte. 1 frit better after tike fleet bottle. I etUl take H wkeaomc 1 doo't feal qoitn so per. SOtS. B. W. WHXIaMJ l7l8Mrveiea AvelrrleatoawK.! Toe eee eepeaa enoa a merficte Which bee the enittea eadoreemonS f more than bail n mffllw wommw bold at ail ereg atom. Sunday, " May 28, at " IIagers Grove. . Central ledge No. 18, Knights of Pythias, will celebrate 59 years of service to the 8alem community. This lodge recently quipped new Quarters upstairs at 248 , North Commercial street wher, the members hare a -comfortable ball and are quit active. Tn local organisation has suf fered many aps and downs in Its 8ft years of exiattence, Including being burned out ef Its- Quarters four times. '.Many citlsens ot Sa lem la all walks of life axe or have been - members of Ceatral ledge and are invited to attend th picnic. '- . ' Th arrangements are ia charge) ef Leonard Hlzsoa, Joha Darts aad Leonard Jadson. Beside read ings and musical numbers. Grand Chancellor Warren 8. Barnes aad past Supreme Chancellor Leslie B. Crouch will be present and deliver tuterestlag talks. Past 8uprem Chancellor Crouch is tk only man from the west te have attained this high koaor. -" v All Pythlam members aad ter mer members . and their friends are Invited to attend. . Those at tending will bring their lunch.: hog coffee will be served by the committee In charge. I'M Oil 1.1 AT WASHINGTON, Hay 22 AP) Bp order et th Wait Hons work has been baited on construc tion et a dam at th governmesrt Masei Shoals property for which the Hoover adminutrauoa con tracted la Its closing days. Action was taken on the basis of reports received from Louis Glavis, chief ot th Interior de partment's Investigation bureaa, who made a personal survey of the Alabama project tor tk ad mi titration. Th dam Involved was intended to supplement the power poten tialities of the huge Wilson dam. Construction ot such a dam, to be known as dam number 2, is au thorised la the new Muscle Shoals law. Lutheran Group To Open Meeting Today, Silverton SILVERTON, May 22 (Spe cial) Th Rev. M. A. Christeo sou of Astoria will deliver th first address of the annual con vention of th Oregon Circuit ot Lutheran churches which opens Tuesday morning at It o'clock. Rev. Mr. ChrLstenson will speak on "Th Christian and th Mis sions" at 11 o'clock at Trinity church. Luncheon will be served at the church at noon and the afternoon session will open at 2 o'clock with the T ev. P. J. Lnvaas introducing the afternoon theme. Prof. Mar tin Holum ef Portland will talk Tuesday night at t o'clock en "Christian Elementary Educa tion. Th meetings ar opera to the public. More Warrants Called by State The state treasurer yesterday Issued a call for an state war rants Indorsed "not paid for want ot funds" up to and including April 20. This call Involves war rants In the amount of approxi mately $500,000. Payments ot these warrants win reduce the general fund war rant obligations by S1.047.II5.4T. 1 MAIL COUPON .., bow Greyhound takes you to aad throughf avorite vacation areas ; tCAIX GREYHOUND AGENT . . register surprise . . at lower-than-evcr fares ... at Grey hound's convenient service! t. BOARD A GREYHOUND BUS ... enjoy ecenie highways from deep cmhiond seats. I? oooaaaooos Agmt, W. W. Chadwlck, - ::- Senator Hotel siiis is n S si ! If lira, Franklla D. Rooeevelt, wife ef the reaideBt; Is plctored as sk addressed membexa eLthe 1932 Bonus Army ia their big faaetorismi tent" at Fort Hunt, Va. George D. Brady, ehatrmaa of th Tntaream, is shewn beside Mrs. Reoesvelt. After aZlreBsisg tk saeivth First UdT" led them in staging' MA Leng, Leag. TraO," sbeir favortba aa ia war days. DB PiSECM IS Ralph Moody, Medford attor ney, wh was ia charge ot th presecutloa t L A. Banks, coa victed la the Lane eounty circuit court 6unday ea a charge ef seo-oad-degree murder, spent yester day ia Salem eouterrlag with Charles P. Pray, superlateadeat of state police, aad Attorney Gen eral vaa winkle. Banks was convicted ot alaylag George Preseett. coastable ot the Medford district ia Jackson coun ty. Mrs. Banks, also la dieted tor first-degree murder, was acquit ted. Moody was appointed to rep resent Attorney General van Winkle ia the case after William 8. Levens died suddenly at Ea- gene on the second day et the trial. He said he would return to Eugene at the expiration ot 20 days to axgu against a motion for a new trial. CHAMBER TO MEET SILVERTON. May 22 The Sil verton chamber ef commerce will hold its May meeting Tuesday night with a banquet at 1:20 at Price Effeetirt Tuesday and TTTTlTT TT af Th New i ii in Quick Dissolving, in; Full All HMMB Postloastiespk. PI Bin Seal, All-Pur-post Family Flour 24yrIb. bag Baiters breakfast Heinz Variety Week Lowest Prices la Tears Being Demonstrated AH Week Stock Up on These Low Prices and Sare! Opea Till 9 P.M. Daily We Resem the Right to Limit Quantities (DH1LM1 ARE HERE AGAIN! Here's another of our popular "Dollar Day" excursions over the Dccoradott Day holidays. Roundtrips to almost eTery - erbeinthe WccablainIu-o Start your trip on one of thee dates: ' ' V; . co . 27. co co . so " T Biistk bj nUmgbt, Jm 6til ' ... . ' ' - . ' i? " "T - - ROUNDTRIP EXAMP1E3 Portland r r $L15 Spokane Klamath PalCs; 7..,., ., S-15 5.C5 Medfort' f ':y GranU Pasa",',:" th Chris Uaa church. Oa ot th Important Issues which will be brought vp is th fiecuBslon of a sewage disposal plant. Norrls Ames wm report for th indus trial committee. Fatal Accident One of Several Here on Sunday Th blotter at th eity police station listed frreA motor acci dents Sunday, th first occurring at 5 a. m., between cars driven I by Aubrey Crawford, 22, and Roy Gilbert at High and Marlon la which Gilbert was killed aad his wife was seriously injured. Other accidents reported were by Carl A. Elmlund. at the 1400 block oa North 19th street, whose car struck Billy Comfort. 8, bruls lag both of the lad's knees; colli sion between cars driven by J. C. McKern of Yamhill aad Henry Shavland of Portland at Marios and High streets in which none was injured; accident involving car driven by Jlmmle Hedrle ot Salem aad unidentified driver at Commercial and Center; also min or mishap reported by George Casebeer of Salem at Electric avenue and Cottage street. 1i Wednesday, May 23 and 21 Package. Furor, Furors Strawberry Variety for Canning, Potmd 21c Cocoa 1915 Dc can v)C SeatUe " , ' " 5J0 Los AgjejesT: V ;;V:. ?M BakersfleU 19.70 San Francisco "L 1S.CS Sacramento " ' ' :" XZSl Beats Norman Scott by few . .Votes; Miss Abrams to Bo Clarion Editor la a close -revote election held at the Sleca high school yester day -for student body offices not decided at the election last week. Bob Brown ell was chosen presi- flat ot th atudeat body by vir- te et receiving. 20 more votes thaa Normaa ScotL - Other names which were voted apoa Monday: sine no candidate received -r a saajorlty last week were Iris Jorgenson, secreuryj. Elisabeth Abrams, Clarion editor; Xeateth Woods. Clarion annual manager; Eugaae Tower, forensic manager; Doa Coons, athletic saaaager, (reelected); Dorotny MeLeod. song leader. ''Iastallatloa senrlees for the newly elected officers will be held at a student body assembly Thurs day... . . . " Sean Urn la th near futar aad necessarily before the close ot school June 2. high .school stu dents win b called upon to rot upon a revised coostltatlom. Bob Read. TPresldeat - of th stud ant body, stated yesterday, that mem bers otta student conseu had been working overtime tor the past two weeks revising th ld consutuuoa. L On et th .changes advocated r. Also Screen Act TraTelogue News TOMORROW AND THURSDAY AGAIN HE IS A PAGAN! SINGING SONGS OF LOVE! ROMANTIC! DARING! with MYRNA LOY REGINALD DENNY She swooned in the arms of this fiery prince of the desert, who risked death to carry her off on her bridal day! EXTRJW . Jlmmle Gleason Comedy, "Rockabye Cowboy" - Newt If .f : "W II."!. I I I..' TI - ...nir ' ' W PUT ON YOUR SHOES w El Women's Soles Men's Soles Boy's Soles Children's Soles '' ' according to size! - , '. ' .We use only the finest leathers and there ean bo no liner work produced in any shoo r. : ' ' i -1i Meet the 1933 "Miss England," ia private lit Miss Angela. Ward, of London. Miss Ward was recently hailed as th most beautiful girl ef her native land aad will repre sent it in the international beauty contest at Madrid. Spain. Should ahe emerge victorious, she wQ com pete at Los Angeles this Summer for the title of "Miss Universe." by the eoonef! la concerning the right to vote.. According to the old rule a atudeat had vet un less he held a stadeat body ticket and this wIU not b necessary ac cording to the revised laws. An other approved change would give th athletie manager a let ter. Harry, Last Day! We've always said that nethieg's too good for oar patreasl New we're) prov tag it by giving yom this great. Arlias ptctmre at popmlar price taunedmtery after release! GEORGE The WOrIING MAN with BETTE DAVIS y' j i ill . i3 A tsve. WW seats r ' a. n i - - ' . ' V a : t . i t I09t ' .1 : -Gc'iifllhoifa i?cic!uCua - . A. F. Neth, Aceat' Passenger Depot; 12th and Oak . of r! n 25 l . TaLUC3 - - v .9 1 N- iQ' to , . r v ---., . - . i - ' f :