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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1933)
- . 4 PAGE. ELEVEN OREGON STATESMAN, galea, Oregon, Tuesday Morning. May 23, 1933 , I Mi : 1 ' " J .,----------. - 1 V 6 V T 1 " v i Business Directory Cord lu Uus directory ram oo monthly tis coaly. Rat : $U0 per Um pr month. -- : AUTO BRAKES Ulk FtMk, th brake and shimmy doctor. 171 rVwrth Commercial Street- CATERING Burt Oary. th caterer. Ph. 6766. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4460. R R. Nortnrieoavj CBISOPRACTORS ' V DR. (X I SCOTT. PSC. Chiropractor. 356 W. Hls-h. TeL Rea 6676. FLORISTS CUT OtfN wadding tKuquets fon ral rrths. decoration C r. Brtt baupC Corlst- Ml Court.. TeL S864. V ALL kind of Coral work. Luta JTor 1st. Utk A Market. Tel lit. GLASS Auto and window glass mirror. TaL INSURANCE BECKS A HENDRICKS III K. High TeL 6lt COFFBT-SMITH. gen, tea TeL 6638. LAUNDRIES THB NEW BALEM LAUNDRT THB VTEIDEB LAUNDRY HI High TaL ll CAPITAL CITT LAUNDRY First In Quality and Service -Telephone 3163 1364 Broadway LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired and traded. HARRY W. SCOTT, "The Cycle Man". MATTRESSES Mattresses from - Cactary to homo. Sprtas maltresa $S.0O. Renovator and fumlgator. Rurs cleaned. Capital Bed Una Co. TaL 40. Sa M. CapltoL Mew mattress made to order, old remade ; carpet cleaning, sizing ; flufi rug weaving. Salem Fluff Rag A Hat trees Factory, a Itth A Wilbur. TaL 1441. Otto 9. Zwicker. Est, ltll. MUSIC STORES GSa C wrJLLtv-PtanoB, radio, sew ing rnarhlneii sheet must and piano studies. Repairing radios. Phonographs and sewing machines. OS Stat Street. Balem. - MUSIC INSTRUCTION SteeL Bpan. Guitar, Mandolin. Be ginners. ad. classes. Harmony, notes. Icegistration ends June IS. btudlo TeL T1S or Y. W. C. A. g7t. MEDICINE Dr. Chan Lam China Medicine Co. Hoar Tuesday and Friday, 10 :S0 a.m, to 4 :J0 p. m. 14S N. CommerclaL PAINT AND ROOFING Satem Paint A Roofing. 474 Ferry. PAINTING Painting, paper-hanging, interior decorating. Kstlmatas fxe. W. H. Bheppard. TeL 48 80. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, program book or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing Department, lie . CommerclaL Tele phone HOL, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT N. D. Clement. Income TAa Report. Auditing. lltt N. Com'L Tel I0l r M7. REAL ESTATE BKCKB A HENDRICKS, TeL 447. 1U a Liberty St . TeL UA SOCOLOrsKY A SON , 16. First Nat L Bk. Bldg. TeL Wt- STOVES BTOVKS and stove repairing. Stove for sale, rebuilt and repaired. All kind of woven wire fence, fancy and . plain, bop basket, hook. Ipgan hooka Salem Fence and Stove Work. Ul Chemeketa. TeL 4774. R. R Fleming. TRANSFER CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. State 8L TeL . Distributing, for warding and storage our pecialty. Pel our rkte. FOR lical or dlstaat uansfer storage, iaU lltL7Lrm Transfer Co. Truck. to PorHand daily. . TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITERS Adding Mch. sold, rented, repaired. Underwood .Agents. "nlikT A Short, 1 Court- TeL S584. WELL DRILLING R. A Wast, 19 year experience, RFD Bo Tc- ieyt- K. C BIEET DRAWS CROWD i SUBLIMITY, May S2. A large Mtendanc m present at the regular meeting tha Krdguta oi Columbus, held at th Forester hall Tuesday night, i Following the regular business session, Leo turer Sim Ettel treated the mem bera to reireehm'ents and furnish ed a series ol amusements. Plans were completed at this meeting for a "Mother's Day" program. : 300 OUT FOR 'PROGRAM " ; DALLAS, May 22. A capacity crowd attended the musical pro gram presented -by 300 children from t the Dallas schdols at the High ! school : auditorium vThurs , day night. The program Included instrumental and Yocal numbers by groupa trom the Tgriou rr f Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 , ... CUasifled Adfertlstag Single insertloa per Uce.lOe Three luertioaa per ! Un toe 8tx Insertions per Un..S0e One month per line.. f 1.0 1 "Minimum charge ......2ft Copy for thu ;.. page'-.: ae eepted until t:2Q the even ing before) publication tor classification. ; Copy re ceired after this Ume will be ran under the heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assume ao ' financial responsibility tor errors i which may ap pear la advertisements pub lished la it columns, and ta caaea where this paper la st fault will reprint that part ot an advertisement to: which v the typographical mistake oeevra. r"- Tho Statesman reserve the Hght to reject objee tlooal advertising. It ta ther reserves the right to classify all advertising un der tho proper elassitlca tloau' SITUATIONS WANTED Exp. dressmaking in your home. ay. wwyy pictures, xeu 7Se. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Freeh crabs now at Fldler stand. Intersection SUverton-Portland road. i - - - - - lj.WMWWWA)WW ' Cor Sale Tl, wind! jmi t-T writer. trrtMrritur Apalr nA .h,l. Chaa Wiper. First National Bank Building. (Tow t the ttme to Install a Gas water Heater. See onr di .lav. Port land Gas A Coke Co- 1J 8. High fit- aaiem. ure. tm mm ------ - -, ,- ICE BOX. 8 Dound size for malm r Will trade for chickens, pigs, pony, rug or what have you. See It at Jim A Bob's Cafe, 117 8. CommerclaL South of Perry's Drag store. For- Sal. SltS Xltmntvt Inuu, lmtn-t model, double roll. $85.60. Also used Voa washer, good condition, $35.00. Mr. Ellis, Hallk Eiectrlo Co, McCaSkflT credit ffl ffran-nnf Ta- gain. tl Court St. TeL 6584. For sale, good milk goat, fresh. Wm. 8jtwert Rr.f'.Pox B Salem. Electrical contractlns-.. Renairine'. Prices that satisfy. D. C Wahlberg. i. asst. luncn nour. ... rst oaiem. upen evenings mi p. iiu ..... rn q.ruxru One part enamel ranae S17.S0. nne Cascade range $15.00, bed, springs and mattress $6.U and up. J095 N. Com'L St. TRADE Miscellaneons ,-., -i,!, Vinn IXHIXJ F7r MIA At tm1a gffncwiA -ran-ne . - -e riofeuu Ml good condition. For car. Must be In good condition. Will pay boot. Rudolf Haman. Mill City, Ore Box 4. MISCELLANEOUS Best hair cut Adults (0c, child, 15a Two blocks -B. of library. 8. Winter. FOR RENT ROOMS Modern room, garage, alp. porch, 1577 Court St. TeL 4577 ROOM AND BOARD jsSsseasaeees Board, room, $20.00. near P. a 6482. m swessawsjesw s si mlmmmmmmvuyjmtnrt Comfy rms. Board optnL TeL 7. Board and room for IsAIml Close In. Tel. 678. 595 Court St. Cheerful room, twin beds, board or lumps; opu leL &a4. 54 s. 17th. Neat. comfortable room In modern home, near state house. Home privil eges. Attractive,- wholesome meala. Box lg, care Statesman. FOR RENT APARTMENTS rin n.rinrin--u-Lr Pattoa apartmentsdowntown. Call Patton' book store. - - - - " i-y -ig-ii-y-.-.-ir-rM-i tm Fur. $ R. apt. 2261 HaxeL TeL TM. '" - -- - -" - -i' i' i . -I'tvivififn. Lovely fur. S-r. apt. 1580 Center. Apt. $12-00. $97 N. Com'L !'' -i- r vnrni-KWvn n iwui Duplex apt, unfurn. 951 N. Winter. Prescott Apartments. 3 rooms fur nished, private bath, fine kitchen, newly decorated, attractive place, adults, reduced rates. S. P. bus line. 10 44- Oak St -----" -- -- -i i-,-i-,-nn.i-inri-iTrLnjji Desirable 6 room fur. apt, ground uoor, garage. bi aiui St. - - -- -- --- 0 -ivinnrAAjiAn NIC turn, apt Overstuffed. 590 Un ion. : ----- -- -i -.-.--ii-irin.rn-ijLru-Lnjti well furnished 3 room apartment Garage. Aduita 475 N. CapltoL Nice front apt S3 8 Center. , FOR RENT HOUSES --"-" TTr -i-i-i-iiK-ii-iniiririnnnfiimimjuiji Furn. and unfurn. housea R. A. Forkner. Ill N. Cottage. TeL 303L Finest modern 3-room x Court and Apt garages, gardens, $20-$25. Phone 5164. Sr. home $10 per mo. TeL 6716. AA--A-JWWWWW , S r. house and 1 acre. West Salem. Inquire Station. 21st and Market t house I mod. I' not TeL 6010. Furnished S room bouse for rent In quire ISO Center St Modern 7 Room N. Capitol St Call 3 . Klec. runge. FOR SALE-gfReal Estate PRICED TO SELL Good modern five room horn with leeplng porch, located at 2096 8. Church St. 'Price $3250. $950 down baL bonus loan or will rent for $22.60 per mo. - f - - See It today. . : tit-,. ... - W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. . 6 rm. and sleeping. rorch, strictly modern and very close hi, to trade on larger home aouth. Modern 6 rm. house for $2000, with $25 down and $15 a mo. . Tool choice of three modern home, two morttt and on east for $50 down and $20 a mo. Tour chance te get a Item and get away from rent Se us at once before these are gone, i , , . - WINNIE PETTYJOHNS "'v.. 619 Court Street MMJWIiljWWi'i'eM Dot build unto you e the two tin et all in oherrtes. pears and ap ples, full bearing, one block south of Leslie Junior high school, nice -view, level lets, tiUt aach. Sen ont v both cheap, easy paymenta Owner, Tie Rural Avanu- sks SaU. FOR SALE- Real Estate ' Good semi-modern ' T-room plastered rcsiuwic, Hsnneni, nrepiace, plumb- ins. on two nig ioi ceverea wit nut, eherry and ornamental trees and rose, grape arbor, near schools, nice view, going .-at .depression price. Also two beautiful building lot SOxlIS eacb wira isrge i run trees, diock south Iee lie brick school, at bargain, easy term. ' ' nurai Ave. non SSS4. "WORKING MAN'S CHANCE , REASONABLY PRICED- HOMR3 WITH SMALL. PAYMENT DOWN AND BAULNCB EASY - . X room, house, corner lot. paved ous una. f rice saev. casa 13. h&L SI TMir mimlli C of a-, . S room bouse -on paved street and bus line. Price $800, cash $100, baL uwniniy, r .- --, S lots on voad pnrnr mmfnrt.M. room residence with plumbing, eiectrlo uanie. . xtiw sor soon um 8UU. iit eral term.. . -? .room cottage like new. good plumbing, built-in, eiectrlo lights, lot BOx Its. , Price only $1500 with liberal terms. ... . SEE our Urge list of repossessed autoes iaa can do oia wiu reasonable prices ana easy terma CHILDS dt MILLER. Realtore 344 State Street Phono 7M ISA. HHh hMn R A mmr llu- S A. with bldgs. All cultivated. Close in. All black soIL Owner, 7S High land. At a bargain. Terma. --.-..... ... -r.n , ri,. ri ii.n.ii Good TmMhW n ill Vln room house, 11 good cow,- om uui bluvk, nurses, maenmary. a complete going ranch. Timber for own use. Splendid bargain at $7500.00. . 5 A. near Salem with good Improve! $2800.00. Terma . . . Strictly modern I room bona, all nil-lahMl . . IS.. .4ru.. . -. ' . I Good home In Dallas to trad for t room hmifl. In E.I.- TXril. 7 " - .K... i. . - UWW WU B - J. w. TTTJtJPW rv. Phone 8672 825 State. Stvmt aaakMJ-ai-t-w A- HI MtHfvflAM Aeau M Kirs u a. a ir-tra .ein- trrv"? t"" nous. Bath and eiectrlo Bghu and city hen house. Brooder house, bam. -"" w eixev sown, uai- o, J ixrar-i z mne east ... .....,. mm A iiiv-fi -. . . 4 ,... ---ww -rww ewio ajlATOJ Wi Ulgt. JAS. D. SEARS, Realtor 122 a High FOR SALE FARMS JTa,Tn bariTJn 6 acres close, mod. ioi Prtc $3750? WD' 35 acre enlmilli v faJr barn, stocked and equipped, and ; crop, i or only $4800. , - .... w wu.uj, jinpi uvea. '"SnSr.m Ltteber, 8$; acre. 1 lana. t-rice 13000 with frr-inr crop. T wl" y.-- o iiiucB caiem, ft room ?frJ,!!!,flIn' -1,1 ber. good ayaavw f lOVV, room house, barn, some fruit good ,. Improved valley farm, 14 z 7 nil rtit ie t-e eaA O V l MelYln Johnson or W. M. PennInrton - i o mate ot. ACREAGE - U(MJ ACRE TRACT $800 w.-h i i estate we can you if ,1noAce i acr tract close to the laalts, best of location, barn. 344 Realtors i".81 st- Phone 670$ "'J - FyevsiasaMMM a a . T- ' Jawa 320 A tsflTAf eav. M..t . "h.--Cash and some trade. W?,?ttawhopJ.,M-A taproved. bCr and pa,ture- Well e- w -,XAN GREER 214 Ore. Bldg. Te. 7lJ, Hop Land ft a" on Pudding river. 60 acre fv 8U3. ,Snly -o"- Water Xt'lg,.,n- R. modern house, ectric lights. Easy terms to good SEE HAWKINS A ROBERTS or Farm Bargains Business Opportanitiea Mijy"!i"' " ''."wwwi Cafe for sale. 9T m rv-, .i inrir . . Fish -flta-daas: -rrrn " V" UICUUItL COia S,0- T' -VlPP- ..for t w n,; J:. "" write owner, J. V. WlnsMp. Martmfleld. Oregon. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY xm.umm ,. , , gjmmmm mn M, ww Custom hatching, 500 egs at IKo very Saturday and Tuesday. TeL IS3F2 Lee's Hatchery. " MONEY TO LOAN ' nr.' um uaju-1- -1 1 n 1,-nT.r 'Bells of Harmony Heard over KOIN , deny ring out a loan service that to really really different . . TOTJ GET THE FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH ONLT LAWFUL INTEREST SmT8fwp TTt rwy a QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE lIV T a A Vk.T Ct a , ak a. aa. Beneficial Loan Society ' OP SALEM m I,1!New Bllgh Bldg. 2nd Floor r,. W. "CENSED B STATE 51$ SUt Street . TeL 3-7-4-0. PERSONAL .INSTALLMENT LOANS STATE LOAN COMPANY 1 Oresoo Building, 2nd Floor Office bra. 10:00 A. MT to 30 P M. TelanhAn. V o .TT- . r" .f- S-165. """" wo W1""' )w, wonr'i "iri ii- rn ii a. -i tj-u-ul Borrow on personal property repay Jlmonthly Installment. WlLljS. ETTE LOAN CO, State lie, 8-169, 6i Guardla Bldg. TeL 38IT. . POLLY AND HER . - ... . a .-. 9 W Ii ( you surnhfl-y iil r ajl thb cxd car needs ) I icfiL I Wtt, I eSfc : ai? $fp f-l VV2 -Il-u-"" -c s. SfF&kft $2 CA WSW CARy V GOT ARMS f7-J!iX . -cV iQ .. .1 , i : I I i Interesting Pacts '5-: :,Met a 'lad out near taa state hospital Bunday wno Stopped and asked if Z bad Been any drunken drivers. 814 that he heard there was a saloon out that "ray and he did not want to cet run lato hi anyone. , -O South Carolina, became a state 14S year ago today. , - o ; The. last Civil war skirmish was IS years ago yesterday. o ; - Tomorrow. Wedaeaday, la dol lar day la Salem. Moat all the merchaata of the city Are oooper aunt; to make this a hit day. v f ',;--'- " -: ' O " i ,i r.:y;. ; j , Th dty basses are eooperatlntT with the ttercaaats for Dollar day and PTlngrnr everyone dewa tew tra Wedaesday . between . t and 11:10. Hide down town Iree dur inf these hours and Jola the crowds. O W are aura to hara good weather for Wedaesday Dollar day. MONEY TO LOAN ) - - ii-ii-. rni-""m ii Xii . atADB fura Uur. cars. aalaMes or other rood security. Repayable monthly. Wnew In tlnaodaj need e u before etasirtg loan. UKMiSKAl. V KHT-liqirr First National Bank Bldg. Pba S8S. alswliBe7ia2 MONET LOANED ON AUTOS) ienrracrs K-rmancsxi Arraags to redue vout Too keep the re v a wf u rrtt cor. Uherty st end Fvcry 4733 Or. FOR SALEWOOD Old fir rii-v mnA aiaau SAS and fam. Timui - - - 'iVi'ifii'MWyirvwwfiwvuvw An ana nr. avaa. mono sunt. ntTARAMTIRTjm rtwv il TaL SOO Salam IPtial ra Tra A Couaga Ash. ftr and aak. TeL 6646. Dry oak. 4 ft $4.0 A TeL 879A Tin r wnM t Mml Tl S1KS Old fir 12-, 14-. TeL 9769. Dry wood, an kinds, TeL 441$. LOST AND FOUND Zat. Brla.aaea. Retnn. tit Stata. llav- jrsajnrt 4faelea4aia ZatOflL shell rlxiimAd aTl&sM. Raawmrd. ("-.! a t A Ada eTtaiJlB FOR SALE USED CARS State Motors, Inc. Offer Han! Varnaa It. TVanimAt-4aMh A 0K-vi1 TPwreal ai-ks tit v -vi4i7 eivt iMitu ----t .hi 11 . "t '3 Bulck Business 'Coupe- 676 "33 Plymouth Business Coupe 465 Rtnda Pm a TW floan AKS 29 Hudson Greater 8pflan 396 zt Chrysler Finer TS Sedan . 896 4v rora maor m" . ; ) 'JS nidam nhlla 4 TVvn- fbUa-. tVK 29 Essex Super Six .Sedan 235 rora e uoor aan zzs Karl Keea Trunk. . . AH are overhauled and guaranteed 625 Chemeketa at HlgTt Open evening. AMAMNiMWW-aMMAW. 1911 Ford Tudor Sedan... 1930 Cher. 4 door Sedan. .$266.09 lis se 1929 Cher. 4 door sedan 111S TtvV. Attltr OmAm, 336.00 166.00 1926 Packard Rdster. nimhl. seat 400.00 1930 Bulck Coupe 485.00 1919 TVwlm nalifva Ronn 1(( ta 1928 Ford Rdster 95.00 1938 Ford Rdster 125.00 10 Other to Pick from. Gaa T . - . l 3mi j ivi umwM . iwrm. SAM Garage, Opposite Marioa Hotel McKay's uset cars with AN O TT THAT rTlTTVTa '26 Essex Coach , f 36 '14 Ovarl-jid f?nni-h .S 3T Star Sedan 116 3T Chrysler Sedan 135 1T tThav. Tnmlr Trall IAS SO Ford Coupe , 245 '31 Ford Pickup , 395 3l Plymouth Sedan 646 '88 Chev. DeLuxe Coupe. 9000 mL 676 29 Chev. Short W. B. Truck 165 2 Chev. Panel Truck, recondi tioned . 835 We trade and give terma Open Evenings and 8undaya McKAT rHF!VPni.l?T nrf 388 Center 430 N. Com'L Phone 3189 - T r R,l. a- 1 aia t.. tm.W light sedan. Route 7, Box 208A, Gar- Aa Ttnail Tl aail 1 MMWWIMWIWWWII I '17 anil 'S r-hav niiV. 4 k transmission, dump hodiea Aom An te A Truck Wreckers. 420 8. Commer cial. blk. south of Daner mill. Headauaxtera for na-d par mil mnk parta kvavtaBaJa-a-ka.Vl Bought for Cash iway Hen for l See BORREOO 240 N. Liberty Phone St 88 WANTED USED CARS ------ r.- -n - Will nav fmm tIS acs .v used car. 1640 N. CaslboL TeL T58I. PALS .. BUTTER SITUflTIDfJ . Ill OREGOfl y PORlXAlW.Blay I AP) . Aihaoaga receipts of cheesa were hearier last week than the week before and also heavinv thaw . aame week of last year, the mar- -w nor remained in a firm po sition at unehanted ; There was no risible change iu ui locai outter situation. The market was steadr. in mnA ml tton, and no nricw ehanea t sight for the day. Receipts were moueraie ana tne Into-storage movement continnad !- ftt ample adppliea of top grades on nana, jrantg were quoted st X cents. Kecenc advances la eggs ap WA . m pear so naTj had ao ennwi,.u effect OB th retail rtajnaiu amil the. market here was fully steady on an ginas, cold storage movs neas nag increased aomewhat hat was Still 10.00a aaM s the total of aDDro-dmaieiv sa en , . . ----- Vs i fc mil am last yeay. kx. traa rule II u 1 eats. Country Teal market was stea- n 4 to a eentr att t nei. ity. ' StrawberriM tnnw a ma-Trai drop in the wholesale market. Best Sacraments anff seiifna- a around $2 Saturday wa oft to coaay. Dayton Plant Dries Potatoes For Use In Alaskan Market a DAYTON. Mav SI Th, n.w-m Evaporating and Packing Plant with a crew f IX. dried ani alated SI sacks f poUtoea Wed- nesday. Each sackfull welched 100 pounds. The potatoes are for Alaskan trade. - BACK WOODBURX BANK WOODBURN. Mar 2 J At tl.. recent commercial club meeting held at the Hotel Woadhni- w-w nesday night, an unanimous rote of confidence and appreciation in the Bank of Woodburn was sir en, and a committee consisting of TTT WW w-, a v. a. uroyies, K. U. Gnljs aad John 8 haw wer annnlntaut . n- ther better understanding ot the banking situation here and to as sist the bankers in any way possl- UIO. yOTTCE OP FIXAt, 8KTTX3CEIfT Notice is herokv the undersigned has filed in the County Court of th Stat if n- gon, for the County of Marion, their dulr Verified Final Aemnat as executors of the estate ot Eli sabeth G. Loughridga, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 6th day of June, It 33. at the hour of ten o'clock A. Ttf. of aat, Amw o K. . ( m and the County Court Room inf tne county Court House at Sa lem, in Marion County, Oregon, as the place for hearing said final aCCOnnt and all nhlwtlnna thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 28th day ot April. 1133. E. A. MILLER, D. D. SO COLOFSKY, Executors of the Es tate Ot Elizabeth O. Lmirhrlrira. Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER. Attor ney for Executors, Salem, Ore gon M.2-1-1 1-23-30. Radio Program TTSSDAT, MAT 1 SOW rertland -so 2Ce. 7:00 Orgsa concert, NBO. 7 : 1 5 Americas Produce Co., market re- T:20--i5rga eeaeert, VBC roe ReUad Baek, pisalst, :16 Cookiag eeaeeL 9:0 Marti Meade soeUty. TSZO. i;l Ka-taa, mn 11:45 Meredith Willson. NBC. weitern Farm end Home sear. 1:00 Melodic thonskta NBO. 1:45 Joea and Ked, KBa 8:30 IMeadly east. 4:Se Uttle Orphan Aaaie, KBO. 5 BaUadettes, KBO. 6:16 Reaad Ike War 14 emb, KBO. 0:00 Utb st itake, TTBO. 7:00 Amos 'a Andy, NBO. 7:15 Memory Lane, NBC. 0:00 Maaieal-UaaaaaniB, fTDVYt 10:15 Aaoa Weeks' eveaeetre. V'BC 11:00 Phil Harris' orchestra. NBO. 11:10 One Araaeim's NBO. EODI Tortlsnd 9 to Ks. 6:80 KOIN Xlock. 9:00 Marie, Little Freaek Prince n, CBS. 10:15 Hoateis of the air. 18:00 Porter Energy trio. 19:15 Boa City trie. : Seek ef Life. 1:45 -Belle Martha, DLB9. 8 :00 feminise Pnaclei. DLBS. S:80 Xdwia O. BIB, OSS. f:49 Tarsaa ef the spec. mm finia situ ic f :0O Moraing mMltationt, led by Dr. James B. Mmiraa. Rattletrap WHEAT 8 CENTS TJNDEI Small Spetnilators -in Hurry, to j. Unload ; Corn Steady CinCAOO,, May z-(AP) Stop loss selling tumbled wheat uown tooay to a maximum of t cents a bushel. below recent top flgurea.'; . - Many small . speculators who had , made lventh-ut nnr. chases . when the wheat market was going uncrad wr nre-ndn- to unload today, and found that too aggressive paying which was so much la evidence a short Whil ago had dlsaoneraA Fa. rorable crop reports from do- mesae spring . wheat - territory had a bearish. effect, and there wag aerrona- as mistiT a . cerUintiea about admlhistratlre procedure under th new.. farm emergency act. wheat closed unstable, IV 2 under Salardava ffnWTi com unchanged to J-S higher. oats to down. Today's closing notations: Wheat: May jnlv 6tf4-U: 8enL liK-K: Dm. 71H-I4. Corn: May 41; July 44 ; Sept Dec 47-. Oats: May 23: Jnlr 2ST6: Sept. 24; Dec 28-. General filarkets FAODTOI aOCORAiraS POSTLAirrj rw. w.. i .t Predse eaesaaav, set prices: Better Extras lie, taadard 22 He. privse firtts 82 e. flrvts Sle. Zgr Freh extras 16e, fresk sedlva ITe. Portland Grain PORTi.Axn Or. v. 99iav Whe Ope Higk Lew a see Msy SS SS 84 66 fly 67 87 66 H 56 September 58 66 66 6444 Cstk wheat No 1 Bi Bead Bhma- etem See, dark ksrd vrlater 18 per eeal SSHe. 11 per eest Sl. eeft white 5SH. west a white 54c, hard winter SS , Bortaeni cprlsg 64e. weetera red See. uwki. waits Oera 5e. 3E yellew 821.90. Hillra 6tadrd $20. Portland Produce PORTLAJCD Or, V., 97 1T Better Prist, extras 25; tUadsrds 24He peaad. Batter tat Portland deli, A m 4. 33-23e Dan ad: faraura' 4a li-. 31-22e; sweet exeats Se aiaher. t-Kt taeifie poultry prodncar telliaf prices: Jambos, 19e, extrae 18a, mixed colors 1 7r. madinaia ITa m.u. Tt.. i . price of wholesalers: Fresh earreat re ceipts 00 ids. ana sp it He dosea. useeie wi score Oregoa triplets 13c, leaf He pound. Broker will pay ae helew onotatiaa, wi -. 1 . . higher than e.atsttoaa. Milk Coatrset price A per cast da liverv 61.70 rwt: B rrada craaa, ITU. ponnd. Coaatry meat Selling price to ra ta Here: Country killed hogs, beet hatch ers, seder 150 pound, 6H-7e; veelers SO ta 100 snaaAa 7 li. .a. -- l. i 13c; yesriiag 3-4e; heavy ewe 3H-8e; eanaer rows S-Oe; balls SH-Se poaaA Mohair Nom iaal baying price; 1933 clip lOe posad. Csscsra berk Bayisg priee: 1938 peel Ac poead. Hops KemiaaL 1938, 70-75e poaa. Lire poultry Portlsad delirary, bay ing price: Heevy heat, colored peaad 14c; ds mealams 12c; light 13e, tpriacs light 1 pounds p lie; color ed, suriag ISc; reocters 6e peas. Dock. Pekias, broilers 1819c peaad; old decks. Pakia, lie; roWed 10e. Oaioas SelUag priee to retailers: Ore rea 0e 61.10 cental; Tskisas, Spsalak 75-85o crate. New eaieaa Csliforaia Bermodas 81.75 per 60 peaad crate, Celiforais 61 1.10 per htg. PoUtoea Local 65-75e eraage box; Deeckete gems 8L35-1.40, de Baker. 81.50; Tskims gem 81.80-1.40. New potatoes California garnet 8c ponnd; white 2Ue poond. Strswberrie Sacramento 24 61.65; Premo 20s 81.26 erete. Wool 1938 ell, aamiaal, Willamette alley lS-20e peaad, eattera Orefon 17 20e seaad; eevtaer Idea lS-30c ponnd. Hsy Bvyiag priee f rest producer : Alf alfa 114-16; clover SH; eastern Oregoa timothy SIS; oat sad vetch 315. Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Ore- May 23. (AP) Cattle Kceeipt 1450, calve 60; stesdy. Steer Good 9S-7. commo aad med lam f3.75-S.60. Heifers good 65.60-6.25, eesxraoa aad raediam 83-6.50. Cow good, 84.50-5.25, common and medium 81-50-4.50. Ball roed. 83.34-8.75; setter and mediam 33.25-8.25. Velers rood. 35-6. ceramea and mediam 33.50-6. Calve rood, 34.-5, common sad mediam 62-4. Hoc weipw 3400; 60-0e bicher. Hogt Good. 140 te 200 pound S3 S.10: 10 -ta 15 lmir-da 1' tS.t ld! ever 250 peaad f4.75-5.50. Sew geed. .x5-9, mediam f4.25-4.75. Pigs good, 33.75-4.85. Sheep Receipt 800; steady to strong. LaaOs, sarlag, good sad choice 38 e.50. atediam f4-S; eld Umbs. good aad choice 64-4.75. common sad medism 33 4.96. Vethere 82-8.50. Ewe 81-2.50. 8:00 Morniag concert. :00 Heme economic obeerver. 12:20 Prof A. O. B. Boaqaet, "What te de ia lhe Garden." 3:00 British files travelogs. 2 :b Mr. Sara Watt Prentias, "Grow- Ing Pertonslity." 6:30 Ten hear. 7:15 Dr. Victor P. Morris. "The - Weeld in Beview. T:8t A school for clerks ef school beards. f:0O Oregon State eeller Madrigal slab, satiated by Cart Laisa, ua- Salem' Markets C Grad B raw 4 'enUx; ea-op moot price, -fi per Sarplua f 1.15V (Milk ttUy battactat versgJ ! V Batterfat Top 21-226, priau 3UH, cmboa saH. rrtoes paid 9 growers by Sslem kyers - -. Mav M . . , CTh Prices) below. splted ey a steal pee, are ladleaUv ef the dally markee w "- rasaa-aa ev xae tnau rauit AJr naxrAXia Strtag beaaa, lb, wh. Artlckokea. dec. Aspersgas. loeaL dot. , J3 .76 .TO A8 JS vesoage, -1. Paaa CaliJ fk anna., rw Oaioas. do, baachee PetseeewTsUma Ks. 1 . 48 1.8 S t l Plerida - ' 8hats, -white IL Swee peUtees. erau -1.40 Lietrace, vaui . Onies. Lsbiab, twt. Miotn, local Celery. OaliA. raU naaoar. local eatessi xos tees AppJee WSBosapa. faaey Kxtra faaar 3Twtowaa faacy K xtre faaey trsagea, p9, rsocy Beets. CaUf. dam Tar alna Siaa- In 1 Baasass. la, on stock case Strsvberries, Fresao. Oregea plam. 24-c-p eiery acuta, dot. asiar greeas leamoers .80 te 1.30 Pineapple, retail HOPS Tan. 115. rk .20 te .80 .76 .60 Top, 1981, lb, Kdo BaTtag Prices Extrae Staadards Medium .14 ZZ as J4 41 .09 .08 .18 to .16 5.5 5.75 rOULTBT Old rOAatara . Colored sea . Medina- boa Light beat. Broiler MEAT Lsmbc. top . Hogs, top First eats Steer , 5.60 .04 .03 .03 te te te .04 .08 Cews Hsifara . .08 .02 .07 .08 Balis Dressed , vL top vressea keg amnt ivn rat Wheat, weetera red . .SO Whit. No. 1 .eo Barter, ton. in- iiik i. Oat, toa ,. 30.00 te 85!oe He. n,ia, - - OaU aad vetch, toa 19.00 AlTaUa. rslley In cat .19.00 Eaatara Or, a tn M Clorer hay ls!oo WOOL Medium Coarse Moheir . .20 .18 .10 BTUTS Walaats, top Pllbert. top .10 t .12 .13 Stocks and Bonds Copyright. 1988. 8 taadard Statistics Co.) Msy 22 STOCK AVXSAOSS 50 20 SO SO Ind'ls kft't Ot' Total Tada r as S Ta 1 an 1 a FroTion day 69.8 70.5 Weaker S8.4 69.3 80.1 TS.4 79.S SS.4 74.1- 60.9 99.5 100.1 85.2 78.4 74.1 68.6 86.3 78.1 70.9 57.6 Vesrsgo . .. 58.1 53.0 3 year ago 93.9 10S.8 High 1933 69.8 70.5 I)wl938 58.8 57.0 High 1932 71.9 78.0 Lew 1982 58.2 47.4 BOND AVEBAQES 20 20 SO SO . Ind'la US' Ct' TeUl Today 71.S 37 J 84. 8 SS.S Prorlouaday 71.7 87.4 84.8 68.7 Week age 720 36.6 85.8 69.0 Tear age m 42.6 Its 69.9 4J.S I yean are 184.0 181.8 259.7 188. High 1938 75.2 88.7 95.S T3.0 Lew 1938 43.8 33.5 6U 48.9 High 1932 72.8 89.8 111.0 78.S Lew 1933 85.1 13.3 51.8 85.0 IS EY FINAL PABTT CENTRAL HOWELL, May 32. Tho five seventh graders and Mrs. Grace Sehon. entertained the 13 members of the eighth grade with a party Thursday night at the school houso. The evening was spent playing games after which ice cream and cake were served. EXERCISES MAY 24 HATESVILLE, ay 22 The eighth grade graduation exercises will be held in tae Hayesrille school Wedaesday night. May 24. The following day. May 25. will be the close of the school year. HOWARD TO SPA CHEMAWA. May 22. The grange here la pleased to an nounce that C. A. Howard, state superintendent of public instruc tion, will speak at the lecture hour Thursday night. May 11. AlfXTJAL PICXIO ENJOYED VALSETZ. May 22. The aa aual school picnic waa enjoyed by all th pupils. Pupils not absent or tardy were Evelyn and Ray mond Dodsoa, Douglas Donner, Louise Haxeh, Letty Babb. S.e - USO 1 ILA . ) AA .ei 3.26 e va . . . . .95 . .90 t 4C ' - ,.3.25 te 3.76 8.00 te 4.00 ". .'40 Am . .05 .- . JSm 0 1.85 3.26 - .se Eggs, Firm, Butterfat Is Slightly Weak; More Berries s II I mm - i . . Hogs strengthened oa local markets SOe per ewt. a the weekv opened. Wheat oa the other head gave way to two days'- pounding in big markeU aad la off a nickel. Hay prices keep very strong, withe -alley hay about cleaned oat and stockmen dependent on imports from eastern Oregon to eke out supplies. , Butterfat was a little weaker, bnt eggs were steady. Green reg. ' etables show the Influence of In creasing supplies.' Oregon straw herries are in better volume aad -more at lower prices. TKG IS ilET 1 OilSiEBlEI NEW YORK, May 22 (AP) Stocks Jogged along today in the quietest trading since April 21, uvost of the time the market' dl rectiri was downward, thus eon. Unnln ? reactionary tendeneie of 1st rat week, but toward closing , ti quotations firmed and final prices were narrowly irregular. American Telephone and Allied Chemical had extreme losses of around 2 points; the former more thsn recovered its dip while tele phone's net decline was a miner fraction. A higher steel operating ratio helped keep representative of that ladustry steady; U. a Steel preferred was up nearly 2 net. American Can, General Mo tors. Case Harvester, Chrysler. Westinghouse and Bethlehem .fin ished unchanged to a shade high er. Rail were dull with net changes small. Dome and Home stake, two gold mining issues, rose more thsn 2. Continental Can. Celaneee. National Distillers, Nash. Barnsdall snd National Bis cuit firmed, while Western Union, Consolidated Gas. McKeeeport, Coca Cola. Borden and National Dairy eased. Sale com to 2.227, 660 shares. Willard Bear to be Student Body Head TURNER. May 22. Walde Riche who has completed his sec ond year of teaching at North Santlam, will take a summer course at the University of Ore gon. Willard Bear was elected stu dent body president Thursday at Albany college. He will attend tho Y. M. C. A. conference at Sea beck, Wssh.. In June. Mn. Kelley Named For Queener School QUEENER. May 22. Clem Crane Is home from the Lebanon hospital. He lost a finger on his right hand while working on the South Santlam highway. Mrs. Chas. Schaefer U being treated at a Portlsnd hospital. Mrs. Margaret Kelley has been hired to teach tho Queener school next term. CUPID WINS I f .-'.V'',.. . T: ;"i-. ;. ; r . A ' - r -? Snee-mbtng at last to the wiles of Cupid, Matthew C Brush, of New York, called "Anferka 'a richest bachelor," Is pre paring to shar his millic i with a wife. II is sbortiy to marry his secretary. 21 s Elixa beth Hanger, tA. Brush, who Is ML waa. one of the "big tea" ea WaB i Street In boom days. Ha is listed en CO boards of directors. f I .," . i.. ; - -a;- r-';v v ii i By CLIFF STRRCTT -.1 . A