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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1933)
The OREGON STATESMAN, SaltSL Oregon, Sunday Morning, ilay 21, 1933 PAG 12 nvz I ' it-- t 1 I i . i - ' . - i ; ' - v ' 1 L oea IN ews Briefs Many Bujr Licenses The de mand : for renewal ot f motor -vehicle operator's license hits " in creased; materially daring ' . the . paat few days, William Hammond, In charge of the examination bu reau, declared Saturday. Ham mond . said that " approximately 2000 license were being. Issued dally. Under the present law the cost of the examination and lic ense renewal is . 60 cents. The price ot the renewal will be in creased to tlnnder a new law which becomes effective Jane 9. Offices are now being maintained in both Portland and Salem, while examiners are being sent to other parts of the state. Mum plants 69 rarleties to choose from. Olsons greenhouse. Pacific Insurance Asents Meet A reg lonal conference of Provident Mu tual insurance agents was held at the Gray Belle here Friday night with Joseph, Broleen of Portland, - state manager, and Lewi Lund ford of Salem, district agent. In charge. The program ; consisted of 'sales d?jnstrations and talks on lasurs-ttce topics. Fifteen agents, nine ot them from Port land, were present. j Douglas Winder - Vernon Douglas ot Klamath Falls, and president of the student body at Albany college, won the Albert prise there this weekend, as the student making the greatest pro gress during the year in scholas tic and extracurricular activities. The prize is siren annually at the college as well as at . Willam ette university here, by Joseph H. Albert ot this city. Balm ConfersVerne D. Bain, superintendent of schools at Woodbura, was here yesterday for a conference with Charles Howard, state superintendent of education. Bain and bis family plan to live next year in Seattle, : Wash., where he will take ad vanced work for bis doctor's de- gree at the University of Wash ington. ' CongeR. the P.rinter still open for business at 370ft State. Allowance Granted Ten dol- lars monthly for support money was allowed Minnie Hampton in an order lssned in probate court Saturday. She is the principal heir to the estate of the late J H. Hampton, bow being admin istered by the Ladd and Bash Trust company. The estimated value of the estate Is 18172. Anditor Called -ConnoU Ward, auditor of Marlon county's books, has been subpoenaed for the trial of Hugh Black, former Polk coun ty elerk, which starts Monday In tW1l Wf A. J Club Elect Offioera-The Com- niST;. merclal club of Salem high school j Black, by Marion county for the elected officers for the next school I Joint operation ot the ferry at In year at a meeting Friday, Those Uependence.'l31ack is tinder indict- I WARNED FAST MAY KILL HIM Program Planned Young people from Salem took part in the musical program put on Tuesday Bight at the commence ment exercises for the Sidney school, held in the grange hall at Ankeny. Dr. Emery Petticord delivered the address. Jessie Ru- din has been reemployed as the teacher for the next year. Free: -Will give tree with every purchase of 21.5S or. more, Wil lamette or high school Co-ed bag Hartman Bros. Jewelers. " Gideons at Argo Fifty Oide ons. who 'are appearing in Salem churches today, will bo at the Ar go hotel dining room at 1 o'clock this afternoon and sing several elections. The group, which works toward placement of bibles in hotel rooms, is making its an nual visit here. Ranch Incorporated The- Mi toma Hop Ranch, one of the well known hop acreages in this sec tion, has filed articles of incor poration with the county clerk. Capital stock is placed at $22, 000; Incorporators are Frank W. Durbin. St., H. A. Cornoyer, H. 11, blinger and Sam Adolph. To Name Officers The ' Young People's forum of the lirst Methodist church is to elect 'Officers at 6 o'clock tonight. The meetinx: will be in charge of Hazel Shutt and Barbara Arnes; ne of the features win be the BTesentation of a dramatised 'hymn. Mod. danee Mon., U Park, 10, c Air Show Postponed Because of the softness ot the rain-soaked field, the stunt airplane ascent ' from an automobile top, scheduled lor Salem airport this afternoon has been postponed. It is expect ed Dick Rankin. Portland aviator, - instead will perform nts feat aere ; a later date. Accident Reported One minor aitomobile accident was reported to city police yesterday. Burley Lavett, Brooks route ne, report- ed his ear strVk at Commercial ' and State by a machine driven by ' an unidentified motorist, fto one was injured. Borer at Home V. G, Boy er. county clerk, has been con fined to his home the last few davs with a slight cold which gave him somewhat of a setback from an , attack of influenza from which he has been conval esclng in recent weeks. Frultland Gives Program Members of the eighth grade class of Frultland school, in charge of Ef. B. Kletcher, will ' give a program, assisted by local and outside talent, at 8 p. m. ' Thursday, at i the school house. " - Friends and patrons are Invited. elected, were: Florence Eshleman, president; Ralph Wagers, ? vice- president;. Erma Cole, secretary; Ruth PendererafL treasurer: Richard Blair, advertising mana ger and Leander Erpelding, ser-geant-at-arms.U The new officers will , be installed at the annual picnic to bo held at Hazel Green, Thursday, May 15.. Miss Muriel Wilson is advisor for the club. Stamp Meeting Monday A spe cial meeting ef the Salem Stamp society Is set for 7:30 p. m. Mon day at the Y. M. C. A. Everyone who is over 16 years -of age and Interested in stamp collecting is invited to attend and bring friends. Joseph Weber will rive a talk -on some phase of stamp collecting and collectors are ask ed to bring albums. The Junior division will, meet Friday night. May 26, at 7: 30 o'clock. Special prices on watches and all Jewelry for the boy and girl grad uate at Hartman Bros. Jewelers. Conntiea Pay Taxes Multno mah county yesterday remitted to the state treasurer her 2124, 486.68, representing its final pay ment of first halt state taxes for tho year 1933. The first half taxes for Multnomah county aggregated S53MSM8. Columbia county Saturday remitted an additional SIM 90 of first half taxes, while Lane county sent in $10,009. 15 Radio Sets Bought The state police department has pur chased 15 automobile radios through the state board of con trol, which will be installed as soon as they arrive. The order was placed following installation ot a short wave transmitter by the Sa lem police department, Tho auto mobile radios will pick up police reports both from Salem and Portland. Woodmen Hold Meaaorial Woodmen of the World will hold their annual memorial exercises at 3:30 o'clock Friday night at Fraternal temple. Speakers will be Rev W. C. Kantner and W. C. Hawley. Community singing, rit ual and numbers by a male Quar tet will complete the program. All Woodmen and their friends are invited to attend. Motts Go East Mrs. James W. Mott and two children have left here for Washington where they will Join their husband and father, who la serving as repre sentative in congress from the first Oregon district. Mrs. Mott indicated that the family would return to Oregon late in June to remain during the summer. having allegedly taken $1200 of county money from a bank ac count kept in his. own name. Program Tweeday A recep tion will be given Monday night at the -Salem; chamber of com merce for all persons who have cooperated In tho last few months in presenting community - pro grams throughout the county. A program will bo given with each organisation presenting one num ber, followed by the new-noted "Haywire Quartet." The program will be interesting and lively ac cording to assurances of B. X. Slsson, chamber president. Knraler Nominated J. S. Kum ler of North Howell has been nominated by petitions as candi date for director on the board of education of the non-high school districts In the county. Kumler will stand for election in zone two. He is understood to be in faror of the. continuance of high school transportation. Hatching Monday morning. White Leghorns. Red, Rocks. Salem's Petland. Speeders Fined Two motorists were arrested by city police yes terday and fined when they ap peared in municipal court. J. A. Dollar ot Lebanon paid a $7.50 fine and H. E. Tueten ot Taeoma a $5 penalty. Grand Jury Called A new grand Jury has been called for next month by Judge L. H. Me Mahan and the first meeting is booked for Tuesday at the court house. Aloll Xeber of ML Angel la to bo foreman. Other members named are Albert F. Walker, Ed ith R. Philllppl, Mariette R. Da vis, Edna M. McKay, H. F. Butter- field, May P. Meyers. The last grand Jury served only one month; the one preceding It had is months straight service. Receive licenses Two mar riage licenses were issued Satur day at Reno to couples who gave addresses here: Allen M. King, 23, and Berniee Irene Overholtser, 19, both gave Salem, Ore., addresses but are from California. Ernest G. Aschmann, 33, and Retta Hanks, 24, both from California, but gave Salem, Ore., addresses. Tho Salvation Army would ap preciate clothing, furniture. Jars, canned fruit. Tel. 9437. Candidate Files N. F. Reed of Burns. Harney county, yester day tiled with the secretary of state as a delegate to the proposed constitutional convention to vote on repeal ot the eighteenth amendment .to the federal con stitution. Reed favors repeal of the amendment. Visit "Bremerton Mrs. H. L. Martin of S92 North Front street with her sister, Mrs. P. W. Rey elts, recently enjoyed a week's sojourn In Bremerton, Wash visiting her son P. L. Doddridge, who Is a eadet on the U. S. 8 Tennessee. Cox to Speak Frank Cox of Salem will speak at the Open For um tonight at 8 p. m. at the Vet erans' hall, 433 Ferry street. on tho topic, "Political and Eco nomic Situation." Everyone is invited to attend. $4253 in Estate The estate of the late Ida B. Peterson has assets valued at $4253 according to an appraisal filed in probate court Saturday. Mae McElhaney is executrix of the property, $3400 of which is cash in bank hero. mm ' ' . ' - r : ..' ' ' ' ' :!'.: :.!,::'y..?-i.,;.,.,!.;:x,JM - ' 1 ' ,x .-:,... - . . - " v.. - .. : . . . . " ? - . ' ' . ' . , , ' ' " . ' " ' .. ' 'T-?- ... r r; ftrv . : - ..." i- - , e x-1-:-. moW :- -'-v - x ' .4 - DEVUS EW (E it fere la one of the most recent pictures ef Mahatma Gandhi, India's olitkal leader, aa be appeaned at prayer during his taearcarattoo In feroda JaiL Desnita hia relaaM hr British authorities. Gandhi eontlmwd his self-imposed fast as a protest against the treatment of the "Unteoeh- 11 is doctors tear for his life, bat uanant ruceratea ms aeiernu nation to starva for three waeka. OrganlUtlon of the Devil-DT- ils,- an. organisation which aspires to rival Oregon Cave Men for boosting their especial section, is under way at Delake. accord ing to E. L. Menitt of Ocean Lake who was in Salem yester day arranging for a visit of the new group hero at an early data. . The new organization is to be I garbed in red . suits and each man will carry a three-pointed spear. Recently a visit was made to tho Lions' club at Newport and an early excursion to Portland is contemplated. Representative John Cooter ot Lincoln eountyl Is scheduled for Initiation into tho order. The Devil-Devils will give pub-1 lieity to the first annual regatta to be held on Devil's lake Lin- coin county. Dates selected are July 28, 29 and 39. The cham ber ot commerce at Delake is already planning for the regatta ana aas named Mr. MerrtU as chairman. - Conunz Eventi - . v v ' . - Hay SO Final concert of aeaaon of Symphony ercbea- - cm hers; WiUametU rhlU harmonic choir assisting; armory. May 0-27 Oregon State Association of Master pi ambers, annaal meeting. Sum 1-4 Evangelical .conference. First Erangeli cal chnrcfaw Jwm S-4 Fomrth Aaamal "Willaatetto Valley Flower Show. ; Jnn 7 Marion coaaty Jersey Cattle dab, Xair groonds. Jaao It Wfllamette aai versity eonasaencement. Jim go S3 -G. A. R. and affUlatins; bodies annual en caiapment. Jane 23 MlMoari An nal picnic. Municipal aato park. July 24-20 Annaal tin eampmeat, Spanish War Veterans. ' Sept. 4- Oregon state fair. Gideons Appear In Churches of Mil MOBILIZES; ' elks club mo:;day : ' ' Capital post, American legion, will mobilize at the Elks tempi Monday night to undertake an in tensive membership drive la an effort to bring the paid up mem bership ot tho post to as present able a position as possible by Jane when Louis A. Johnson, national commander, will make bis offi cial Oregon visit here. Finan cial conditions this year have held up payment of dues to such an ex tent i that over 909 . members are la arrears. Pal dup membership at present totals around 290. Giving legionnairiee chance to earn their dues, Carl Gabriel son and R. H. Basse tt. directors of the campaign, bave worked out a plan whereby members mar obtain their 1933 cards by aiding in tho collection ot dues from others. At one time Capital post had the 14th largest membership In tho world and tho largest for a house-warming. They will do eity tho slso ot Salem. When some repair work and put the en National commander SpaRord bin la order to serve as a Cheme-I visited Salem la 1922. 2500 le- ketan lodge. 1 gionnalres greeted him. W. M. Hamilton will act as boss ot the works. Tho party will start from the Jenny Llnd next Saturday at 1:30 p. m. Y.W.C.A.Needs$1800to Continue Program; Drive To be Started on Tuesday This City Today Annua Meeting OtRHA.Willbe Held, Chemawa A concerted effort to continue the Quiet finance drive whieh a number of friends of the Y. W. C. A. have conducted Intermit- To Marry A marriage license was issued at Portland yesterday to George C. Belleu, legal, ot Lafayette, Ore., and Goldie Weather, legal, of Salem, accord ing to an Associated Press dls patch. Sues to Qaiet Title Suit to quiet title was filed Saturday in circuit court in the case of Pe ter Feller against Caroline El- len Fachler and a number of other defendants. CROWLEY FIML TO BE Oil WM Funeral services for Thomas Crowley, 87, who died at the Dea coness hospital here Friday, will be held from tho chapel of W. T. Rlgdoa A Son Monday at 1:30 p. m. Interment will follow in the City View cemetery. He is survived by two daugh ters, Martha Bevens of Medford, and Matilda Boyer of Turner; eight grandchildren, IS great -grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren. He was born In Polk county, Missouri, In 1845, coming west by ox team with his parents one year later. His mother settled at Crow ley station on her donation claim which still bears that name. His father died shortly after reaching Oregon. Crowley was a civil war veter an and served as a private in the Oregon infantry. Ho was a mem ber of the Baptist church. Members ot the Gideon orran izauon in roruana, Z0 In num ber, will be in Salem today to pan ai morning ana even ing services in a number of chur ches. Contrary to first announce ments, the Gideons will divide their party so many church con gregations may be addressed. A rally ot the group will not be held in on church tonight. The Gideon organisation is now International. Its outstanding ob jective Is to place a copy of the bible la each hotel room in this country. tently since April, will 'get under way Tuesday of next week, start ing with a luncheon rally at the Y. W. C. A. at 12 o'clock that noon, it was announced yesterdsy. The workers going out Tuesday will attempt to raise tho $1800 yet needed to complete the year's v .a v . .1 . . tor the enure amonnt in a short. netlieKetanS ZO Tho y. w. c. a. has eat its Ktnair ilahm budret varr aererAlv hnt at ua i ---r"" sacrifice to the work doae. In fact, tho program has been in creased. "Our women have met every emergency that they possibly eould, both In employment, hous ing and in cooperation with relief agencies of the city," Mrs. Elisa beth Gallaber, secretary, stated yesterday. The original budget at which the woman aimed when they started the quiet solicitation in April was $4500, but several hundreds have been sliced from that since that time. The Y. W. has filled a needed work in giving beds free or at ex tremely nominal cost to scores of transient and needy women who have been brought to the institu tion by the police matron or re lief agencies in Salem. QUINABY. May 20. The an nual R. N. A. district convention will be held at the Modern Wood men hall at Chemawa Wednesday, May 24. A school of instruction will be held throughout the day. A banquet will be served at 8:30 p. m. by the Home Economics club of Chemawa grange, the social evening to begin at 8 p. m. Offi cers ot the convention are: Presi dent, Alice Zlelinskl; vice-presi dent, Helen Persons; secretary treasurer. Myrtle Beckner. At Breitenbush Chemeketans are planning to put in a working session next week end at Breitenbush. Dr. La- ban 8teeves has tendered the or ganisation the use ot his cottage there for a long term, and the members are going up to have a n. DONT THROW YOUR WATCH AWAY We repair them when others can't. Guaranteed Watch Repairing or money back 'Graduation Special' CKOQC1NOLB rusa wavk ftfagHt EaSa Coatrtete S1.00 Open Frl Bvenlnts CASTLE PERMANENT WAVERS CO. M7 1st Katl Bank Bldf. SSS3 Bimaeh f Cutlc rtooeer Wavem, rertteae Do You Know . . That a New York bank saves all waste paper for a year to prevent the loss of valuable papers? Do You Know ... That in Schaef era pre scription department there are over 1100 po tent, basic drugs and chemicals with which we fill your prescrip tions? That means ac curate, thorough serv ice. Schaefer's Drug Store Prescriptions 1S5 X. Commercial - Dial 5107 Tho Original Yellow Front Candy Special Store of Salens Obit uary Mitchell In this city May 20, Mary a Mitchell at the age of 60 years. Leaves widower, Roscoe Mitchell of Hubbard and two sons'; Mil ton and Ira, both of Hubbard. Funeral services at 2 p.m. today at the Christian church at Wood- burn with interment in the Belle Pass! cemetery. Judge Bagley Opens Black Case Monday Meyers Eraeat H. Meyers of Rock Springs, Wyo., passed away at Denver, Colo., aged 49 years. Survived by widow, Gerda Mario Meyers; son Burdette; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Meyers ot Salem; two brothers, Paul ot Valley City, N. D.. Henry of Rochester, Minn.; three sisters. Mi's. Wm. Kraushaar of San An toaio, Texas, Miss Mae Meyers, and Mrs. V. Margaret Huth of Salem; two nephews, Phil M. Huth ot Salem and Slegmund H. Huth of Aberdeen, S. D.; three nieces, Ruth, Dorothea and Gret chen Kraushaar of San Antonio, Texas. Funeral services will be held Monday, May 22, at 2:30 p.m. from the Clough-Barrlek chapel with Rev. Erlksen and Rev. Hinneman officiating. Inter ment at Belcrest Memorial park. 14 PUPILS FIN HT SACRED HEART Fourteen pupils will complete their work at Sacred Heart acad emy this spring, this number com paring well with previous graau ating classes and the largest since 1931 when 15 students finished their academy courses. Commence ment exercises will be held Fri day. June 2. at 8 . m. at St. Jo seph's hall, Winter and Chemek- eta streets. Graduates this year are Lor raine Bouffleur, Alena Xlmena Bremmer, Ruth Leah Dickey, Ber niee Frances Doerfler, Bernard Harold Gentzkow, Mary Elizabeth Gearin, Mary Ellen Hammond, Helen Marie Hickman, Ray Char les Panger, Pauline Margrath Primus, Charles Aathony Saalfeld, Barbara Maria Schottoefer, Marie Magdelene Weniel and Beatrice Lauretta Welsner. Tire Prices GOING UP NOW is the TIImetoBIJY Pre-mfiation DALLAS, May 20. Selection ot a jury to try Hugh G. Black, former county clerk, on a charge of larceny of public money, in volving a sum of $2211, will be gin Monday morning. The case is scheduled to begin at 9:30 a. m.. and before Judge George R. Bag- ley of HUlsboro. roe inaicimeni buck ii m d i 0 j- yy tried on is one of tour returned do JD31CS Ot HODS Polk county grand jury. Tho charges were made following an audit of a special account carried by Blaek in the Dallas City bank. which revealed shortages totaling 22552. Black paid tho county treasurer the sum of 2440 shortly after the audit and since that time the surety company which carried his bond has paid the county the balance ot the short age. Black will be represented by Oscar Hayter while District At torney Elmer Barnhart is handl ing the prosecution. Forty-one Jurors have been called to report for Jury service. Tire prices have gone up. More raises can be expected. We cannot guarantee present sale prices after this week. Stock going fast . . .You must act quickly to save money on IBIL(II)W(D)TIJrirIPIED)(D)IF Sell at. 73 Cents Twenty-three bale sof bops sold here yesterday at 13 .cents pound, it was reliably reported last night. One hundred twenty- five bales also changed hands at SO cents a pound, the hops being a carryover of the 1931 erop. Both transactions were sales by speculative holders to dealers. Lewelling Hero Tomorrow I Judge L. G. LeweHing of Albany I is expected here tomorrow to conduct court in department two. ID OWE i u - Why Not? : y i . Dinner at the Spa today. 5 Oe " . and .TSe. . . - - - Tho Gray Belle, 440 State, TeL ' Sunday dinners, 50c and. 7 5c I The Araro Hotel Famous chicken dinner with fresh strawberry shortcake, 45c Ben's Cafe, 15S S. Commercial Special chicken dinner, 30c Crowley At a local hospital. May 19. Thomas Crowley at the age of 87 years. Survived by two daugh ters, Mrs. J. E. Boyer of Turner and Mrs. Martha Bevens of Med ford. Funeral services Monday. May 22 at 1:30 p.m. 4rom Rig- don's mortuary. Interment Clty- vlew cemetery. Randall . At the home. S7C North Li berty street, Friday, May It, Lial F. Randall, aged 39 years beloved husband of Daphne Randall; father of Clyde, Gordon and Horace, all ot. Salem and Phern of Fort Hancock, N.- J. Funeral : services will be held Monday, May 22, at 2 p.m. from tho chapel of the Salem mortu ary. : 545 North . Capitol street, Rev.H. N. Culeh officiating. In terment Murphy cemetery. . ': Brendon is President Of Community Group EVENS VALLEY. May 20 Arthur Brendon was elected pre sident ot tho Evens Valley com munity club at its annual election ot officers. Others chosen were Ben Funrue, vlco president; Ber niee Langs ev, secretary; Albert Funrue, treasurer; Andrew Pe derson and Oscar Loe, sergeants-at-arms; Oscar Johnson, execu tive board member. . Dr. B. H. White ' No Charge tor Consultation , -Night and Day Calls Osteopathic Physician and Sargeon Office: 255 North Capitol St Telephone 5030, Salem, Oregon TUNE IN on KGW 1:45 every after noon. A good program and important information about Ol-Odine The Natural Mineral Water LOCAL STORK 225 North High Stnvf Salem, Oregon PILES CURED . Wltkeit OpariUoa r Lots at Tin DR. MARSHALL R ? Oraron Bide Poa (SOS ' CHINESE HERBS for constipation, rheumatism; appendicitis, colitis, and blood; gland, stomach disorders. . CHARLIE CHAN . Chinese Medicine Co. - 122 N. Coml St, Hours Daily Sunday 9-12 Card Tables and CKairs to Rent . it Call OHIO, Caed Furniture Department . 151 North High While Present Stock Lasts O You can still buy Generals at low prices and big extra trade-in allowances quoted at the start of our Pre-inflation TRADE-IN SALE. O If you act now we can doubtless fit your car all around at a big saving. Don't miss this chance to buy long-lasting Blowout-Proof Generals at prices you can easily pay and -on terms to suit you if desired. SPECIAL Bargains Tires traded in during the sale. Some taken oS brand new cars we changed-over to . Generals. Others partly worn and reconditioned :;all sacrificed for j quick action. . Jl O Protect yourself, your car and your purse. Equip now with the quality "that will carry you safely through the next high price period. O Don't delay. Come in today or phohe us to hold a set of Blowout Proof Generals in your size. Small Deposits Wm Hold Tires Until Wanted ' Liberty St at Chemeketa myiTT If sr.aHffiHi Phone 3412 We Will Go a Long Way to Slake Friends i ;.