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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1933)
PAGE TWO The ORECON STATESMAN, Salem Oregon, Sunday Morning, May 21, 1933 BLONDES FOR DENMARK LLiiJL ( 4 -A A '4 CASH IS ISSUE ''mammmmwmmm )---' t . - - ,: Everybody , out With Tincup ;Jn View of big Public Work's Prospect ' (Continued from Px I) ot control meeting Monday and there It no likelihood - that he irill retain' In the near future. Governor, Meier Is not aver aging more than one day a week Increasing amount ot state busi ness from his Portland office In Salem and " transacting an ' which doesn't please Salem dtf tons and other Oregonlans who want Salem to he the capital in ' fact as well as In name. State Treasurer Holman Is here and yon, mostly the latter, i with 'a number of speaking en 1 gagementa taking his time. To day he speaks to a church and grange meeting In Clatsop coun ty. Jane 14, Holman Is scheduled I for a major address before a I grange convention at Pendleton, i It Is' reported that he will there come out against the sales tax . and at the same time assail the Meier administration for failing f to lire np to the Joseph program r- on which, the governor stood for office. Holman apparently . win ta grange support In- 1134: so also -does Ray Gin. grange master, who la going to be oft - to the political races in 1934. Commissioner Thomas has sa- , nouneed new and more extend ed inquiry into the Northwestern Electric company and its rates in rPortland. The oommisaloner knows that the fsent unfav orable earnings of that company make securing of a 10 per cent rate reduction- more difficult than 13 months ago bat he wants the : fires ot attack to be .kept ' burning. Public utility control or operation is certain in 1934 to b a major issue in the state as it was in 1930; Thomas is best Qualified to be tne oanner car- fContlnoed from oaa 1) Ttr Klrl L.r.!5 and -other incidental expenses. - I ' 4 t L Talk about carrying coals to Newcastle. This seem to bs a paraBsL Sirs. Ruth Bryan Owes, America's first woman Minister, is pictured en Mew xe she sailed from fork to take sp bar afidal duties to Accompanying? hex are her children sad grandchildren, the latter betas of the shade that gentlemen prefer. Left to Tight la this photo, mads aboard the liner Scanststa, are: Mrs. W. P. Heeksr.Urs. Owen's eaagV er; Minister Owen, holding little Kswin Meeker. Bryan Owen. son. In front are Helen and Ruth Meeker. . . FOREST ARMY TO CUE 500 ll of the numerous gubernatorial aspirants. Henry Hansen, budget direc tor, is in' Idaho and very still as far; as political medicine mixing This will be $3,864,000 a month or 323,184.000 for the six months to the Pacific northwest. Northwest business men and merchants, it was said, must bid goes.: The 1933-1934 budget out for their' shara of this trade in. of the way, the big concern in competltloJ1 witn tiTma througb- Hauxen'a mind is the 1934 cim- out the atry. n was pointed palgn and the man to groom to ott n(meTer( that being near the succeed Meier if the goyernor foregt camis. they will have the does not choose to run again, a I adTantage of transportation costs. eirenmstanco which seems more likely as the months go on. The first half ot 1932 taxes from the counties continue to roll in and every few days tne when a group longing to th Final preparations for sending Marion county's quota, of men to the conservation corps camps will roi m ana ever, w t nnderiray here tomorrow state is Uklng up Its when a of physicians be- warrants. While the counties are . nff,.ont J" ratiol irchae ol i Y- staiers "nnci Douglas, will begin glv- runnlng tide toyarfs the sale. I physical examinations to the -.0t- I ..-"I :C recruits. The men listed for the L -VotC. in tii nwi utM tax huildinp for this examination the " alD.; Ba. " I That the county'a quota camp IS dissolved nuu .m irnri, popular ease made for the pro posed tax than has thus far been outlined, the referended meas ure from the last session is cer tain of defeat. No minded public leader in the state. with the exception of tne legis That the county'a quota has been Increased by 92 men became known' yesterday with the an nouncement at the Red Cross of fice that the county is to supply iin,iw I 91 men experienced in forestry men in the camps. In addition. Utoralwho"forghT the 'sales t "T Toung men will he sent out . v - t . i irom ibis cuunu. uiutmia lous to be found carrying the sales tax banner. inn the Red Cross office expect to ; receive specific orders for mob ilization ot the county's quota as soon as all have passed the physical examinations, which should be by the end ot this week. MEMO I) T HI HI era IT CT , D. C. no;i EFFECT o:i stiidie Generally Speaking; "the mora education, the less crime." is the conclusion of Matthew R. Thomp son, Willamette . university '38, made this week after the comple tion of a stady of the education ot the men la the Orego n peniten tiary. Thompson, who is principal elect of, the Sweet Horns anion hlgn school, studied SOO committ ments mads between January 1, 1938 and March. 1988. 81xty-eight per cant of the men committed, had not to exceed a grade school education, aa found. ' Other- conclusions mads by Thompson, were: . ,"No particular age or educa tional groups seam to ' lead la homicides.. Tha prspondsraaes of erims was committed against property. "Adolescents excepted, young men committed more violent crimes, proportionately and la ac tual numbers, than older man. There seems to ba a "danger ons ago of men over 40 for sex erimes 88 per cent at sex crimes were la this group. "Many over 40 were convicted ot liquor crimes, some being Quito old and evidently foreigners. "Tha higher thea ducatlonal status tha less violent tha erims. "Similar figures' from Sing 81ng prison fa New Tork paralleled Oregon's axeept la higher holdup rata at Blhg Sing and absence of llqulr lav convictions there. Ore gon's holdup rate was half that ot Stag king, but Its murder rata double. "Only twoper eeat et the 108 claimed college graduation aad three par cent mora claimed some college attendance. Tha college men seemed to prefer "higher class erimes, such as forgery and embezslement. were tatooed. A psychiatrist might tell why." MFJIP1H il IS STILL BELOW 1832 A total ot 253 down aad oper ating mills whleh reported to the West Coast Lumbermen's associa tion for the week ending May 18 produced 74.S29.512 board feet of lumber. This was an increase of 4,831.570 feet or f.I pe rcent over their cut In the preceding vxme av, mm FeafcLiloed' ;ffafjs uiesMcii He mm Masquerades as fisherman. Saves Rival's Family,. In Elsinore Play , It is a new and somewhat dis heveled George Arllss. usoally so immaculate, who appears la the Warner Bros, picture, "Tha Work ing Man." which - eomea to tha serosa sf the Elsinore theatre to day. . for George Arliss let bis hair grow for six weeks before begin ning work, on tha production. la tha story, a long fishing trip Is interrupted y a ahaaea ta de an old friend a good turn tn disguise and tha seedy appearance ot the character Mr. Arliss portrays, is th disguise. Ordinarily. Mr. Arliss. while in Hollywood, has his hair trimmed every two weeks by the studio barber. With four weeks ot extra growth and a careless combing, the usually sleek Arliss head was changed ts a rough grey thatch. No wig or hair piece was neces sary to complete the makeup. At home. Mr. Arliss combs tha same hair tightly to his head and ap pears fairly normal. The Working Man" Is a de lightful and highly entertaining comedy drama la which Mr. Ar liss. a wealthy manufacturer, mas querades as a small towa fish erman In order to. save from ruin ths children ot the man who had been his bitterest rival in both business and love. A notable supporting east in cludes Betts Davis as his leading lady. Hardia Albright In ths ju venile lead. Gordon Westeott. Theodore Newton and J. Parrell MaeDonald. The screen play by Charles Kenyon and Maude T. Howell Is based on a story by Ed gar Franklin and directed by John AdoIfL A large delegatl.n from the Salem Rotary club has gone to Victoria to attend the annual district convention which starts in that city tonight, William Mc- Gilchrlst, Jr., district goyernor. will preside over the convention. Beside an Interesting program of addresses and conferences which has been arranged by Gov ernor Bill, many delightful soc ial affairs are planned with the Victoria Rotary club as hosts. 1U ia llcuBtZL"u """ over their cut In the preceding Members of the conntv eon SfvJ?. t! xY- " vrtT I week- Tn average week's pro- State Highway Engineer Baldock uuvunaw "" auction of this group of sawmills and Federal Engineer Buck telan in 1938 has been 59.858,593 feet; an inspection trip over the North during the same period of 1932, Santiam highway as far ss It is their weekly average was 66,637,- constructed within the next few i feet. The new business reported last Court; Engineers To View Santiam Change in Grade Ham McGllchrist, Sr.. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Phillips, Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Epley, Mr. and Mrs. V. P. McNamara, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Smith, Sr., Mrs. Margaret Le- rurgy, Mr and Mrs. W. H. Dan- ,k v, -iq0 mnj wi. iis7. cy, Mrs. Frank Snedecor, George 158 board feet afalnst a produc- ArDUCKie, waiter jenas, waiter tion of C8.547.35j feet and shlp- jumier, isnc uuiier. The party made the boat trip weeks. Baldock promised to make the trip at the highway com mission meeting held in Port land on Friday. One of the objectives of the - - f u 1'. , k 4 ?J - : a :: fllZOiiS'KI AT PICTURE I! "Ths Warrior's Husband' comes to ths Grand today. Ad vance reports establish this film as one ef. the most novel snd most hilarious comedies at the screen season. Ths story otths pietars is set I in that mythical period ef world history wheay eountrlss were rul- ed by Amasons, when womeo did tha providing snd ths flrhtlnr snd the men devoted themselves ' to ths less Strenuous elements nf life. Reversing tha accepted or- aer or things, "The Warrior's Husband"" takes fall advantan of. ths comic character of tha situ stion. Women are seen as politi- Hera ia m rlhnnse of Georra Arliss and Betta Davis in K, ""'" ".5. luu" I heir latest picture, ' me worauny nun ' bow anowm principal place Is in ths horns and the Elsinore. i. ' V ' (' y i : - rz . 4 v - i J.--., ' Z -x jt a 1 jk r -A, -t. m v i t- " L . .- - I 7 fr,, IMMMTTI rwTT I I ' ' " ' t IMETEiMHEn E III HMD FILM Hailed as the rreatest romantic team in motion picture history. Janet Gaynor and Charles Farreli are said to bs winning new lau rels with their latest Fox Films vehicle. Tees ot the Storm Conn- try," opening today at the Hollywood. Miss Gaynor enacts the part of an elderly sea-captain's fiery-tem pered daughter and Farreli that of a millionaire's son who first meets her when she saves him from drowning oft the Maine coast. With Its picturesque New England backgrounds and Teas of the Storm Country" from which this scene was table supporting0 cast, the fnnu - v whose chief duty it Is to keep the traditional horns fires burning. Ths fact that romance between men and women must suffer some sort of Jolt under such sn arrangement is said to be only ons of the many humorous situa tions. Elissa Land! has the leadlnsr role and Marjoris Rambeea is seen in aa Important role. - - taken is the feature at the Hollywood theatre today. from Seattle. - and will the middle of the week. return F WE EXPECTED TO DEFAULTS ments of 73,963,668 feet. Their Junket will be to look at a pro shipments were over their pro- posed new grade from Mill City uucuuo uy t.9 v per cent ana xneir towards Dayton, the new route current sales were over produc- to extend seven miles on the tion 1 by 70.7 per cent The orders opposite side of the Santiam booked last week by this group of trom tne preaent road- X , . .v T ty court thinks a new location of their orders of the preceding week thA r t k. 'VfflUder K.'ff . ' Present bridg mi7li .tJ S SIS ?sse XSt at MIT1 CltT eould T0e1 milU stood at 319,564,539 board v.n, .1.1,. feet, an increase or 39,908,163 feet from the week before. The aggregate 1 nventories of 130 mills are 18.8 per tent less than at this time last year. in Marion eounty. -Mai i.iiimniiT In the Investi gation Of the rates, charges and servteea of the Northwestern Electric company will be taken at a hearing to be held In Port , land June 19, C. M. Thomas, stale utility commissioner, sn- TO PLAY AT HOME SAN FRANCISCO. ! May 20. f API Seattle will continue ss nounced Saturday. Two tempor- a honj0 club of thft pacific coast ary orders, based on partial tea- iine and will play games for tlmony, were issued . previously, tne next two weeks In the but these were attacked In the Seattle elvlc stadium, directors of courts. the league announced -today. j Thomas said the effect of the The announcement "was made current economic conditions and afteT William Klepper, president pries levels upon the operating Cf the Seattle club, Informed the expenses, revenues and general directors that twilight games will financial conditions, would enter Da started on the civic stadium prominently into this hearing. He field Tuesday. All games, except declared that this Information those on Sundays, will bs at Would be used in determining night, Klepper said. le amount of salaries that The Seattle club returns horns should be paid to officials, and I Sunday snd will meet ths San the;: reasonable costs for execn-1 Francisco Seals snd Los Angeles ttve,and administrative overhead. Business Women t$Ieet at Coast; : : Picnic Enjoyed i--. ' . COQUILLE, Ore, May 20 (AP) Ths annual state conven tion of ths Business aad Profes sional Wome not Oregon was held hers today with more than 100 delegates in attendance. Busi ness sessions closed this after noon and the delegates and guests Went to Bandon tonight for a plc ntQ at the beach. The social part of; ths convention will close to morrow with a breakfast at Sun set beaeh. when the Coos Bay club ot Marshtield will be hostess : '.An emblem of appreciation from , the , executive council - was presented to ths state president. Mrs. Edith Falbe, with Dr. Helen Louise Crosby ot Salem deliver ing the presentation speech. Mrs. Emma Tearian of Lemhi, Idaho, national representative, delivered the main address tonight, Building Picks Up During Past Week Y Building activities speeded up last week sufficiently to double the value of permits over those of ths previous week. Altogether 12 permits wars Issued last week for. jobs to cost a total ot $1477. bf this . sum $1192 was for re pairs and alterations and $285 Jor construction Of three private yious week's permits was $867.80. Angels -In regularly scheduled series during the next two weeks. Hyland Baggerly, president ot tha league, said assurances hsd been received from stockholders of ths Seattle club that financial arrangements were being consid ered for reconstruction of the Indians' park, which was destroy ed by fire last yesr. PARIS, Msy 20 (AP) Be lief that France will default on her debt payment due to the United States Juns 18 approach ed certainty tonight in quarters T"l.; TUI.AlK- close to the government. i-'Wlld iMbUJJdlCl In the same quarters it was O; im Af expected that Great Britain and UJJJga VS VCI aulU other debtor nations would also T..- fall to make their debt payments KJll A UC&UdV IVIit to the united states June is. Premier Edouard JJaladier OREGON STATE COLLEGE. was described as being convinced I CORvALLIS. May 20 Miss President Roosevelt will not I Doris McAllister, freshman tn modify his demand that Francs! home economics, and Miss Mar- must pay the interest installment I garet Turner, junior in corn- defaulted last December before merce, at Oregon State college, the American government will will sing with ths Madrigal club make any move for a new set- under ths direction of Professor tlement Paul Petri, over station KOAC The head of the French gov-1 Tuesday, May 23, trom 8 to 8:30 ernment is likewise convinced I o clock. It Is understood, his parliament I The muslcale win include many will decline to pay either the I numbers. Carl Lalne, a music interest or ths principal, since student at Oregon stats and a it no lonzer ha anr honea for i Finn from Astoria, will sing sev- the declaration of a moratorium. 1 lo. among which will bs a group of Finnish songs. The Call Board By OLIVE M. DOAK ELSINORE George Arliss and Bette Da- vis in "Ths Working Man." Tuesday Ramon Novarro la "Ths Barbarian.' Friday Double bill: Clyde Beatty in "The Big Cags"; and. Nancy Carroll and Paul Lukas In "The Kiss Before the Mirror." Ohling Named by PROJECTS VIEWED r s 1 ruttiuanu, ure., May as insurance KJIUUD (AP) Earl m. Drew at Eugene, HOLLYWOOD Today Janet Gaynor in "Teas ot the Storm Conn- try." Wednesday Ann Harding and Leslie Howard In "An imal Kingdom." Friday - Wallace Beery In "Flesh." THE GRAND Today Elissa Land! "Warriors Husband. Academy Students Plan Annual Party MT. ANGEL, May 20 Rev. Alculn Heibel snd Rev. Vincent Koppert wert guests ot honor at a program given for them Thurs day afternoon by the Btudents ot Mt. Angel academy. Monday evening, May 22, the undergraduates will give their annual party for ths graduates, Entertainment will take the form ot a program, lunch and dancing. On the following Thursday, a muslcale will be. given in the academy auditorium at 2 p. m. II 1 . 1 - r J ; Don't Neglect Your : Eyes To Do So May Mean Trouble We will test your eyes and fit ths "proper prescription into smart looking frames for an extremely moderate cost Con sult with us today It will pay JOB, ';;:: EUGENE. May 20. (AP) I congress, met here today with tha T V Trft w. m.1 a promotion oommuies os bis ' 0 " I nrranlntlna m. m mm ill elected national counselor of tne Tir.TTI : v.7. . V? . I Thandar Kltasa Landl in Fire Insurance aaieclations of jt,t" I "St.t. Wlr7- the state at ths annual con van-1 Julius L. Meier's rseonstrnotion ,i . . . jt 1 . .... 1 Paul O. Landry of Klamath 1 ta nwt Uw a, Fans, was elected stats presi dent and M. P. Ohling ot Sa lem, chairman of the executive! committee. A resolution was adopted op posing ths writing of insurance by banking companies outside ol local communities. e expected to prove popular with Salem audiences. Dudley Diggs and Claude Gil- ilingwater portray the two fath ers, with June Clyde, George Mee ker, Edward Pawley. Matty Kemp and DeWitt Jennings in prominent roles. Alfred Santell directed the production, which It based on Grace Miller White's novel and ths dramatization by Rupert Hughes. ELSINORE THEATRE Starts The" first sf his MEW s c r s aa rles Mar jo rie Rambean and Ernest Truex from a scene in the hilarious comedy "Warrior Husbands! now shovdns at the Grand. X Next 1- n jt my 101BY ES HOVJ TO DREAK 90' Circulation Man Given 8 Months; Fraud Admitted PORTLAND, Ors., Msy 29 (AP) Clare Williams pleaded guilty la federal court here today to a charge of conspiring to vio lets the postal laws through a subscription campaign ha. con ducted for a Bearerton. Ore., newspaper. Hs was sentenced to serve 8 months In a federal road camp. j. Lamborn Elder, owner and publisher of the paper, and Jos Marshall, who pleaded guilty to ths asms offense, were paroled for 18 months on sentences of 8 months each tn federal road camp. Edith Sexton. Jointly charged, was given probation for one year os a sentence ot two months in county Jail. AUTO liEPAHi We Do Everything Let Us Recondition Your Car for This Season I -A wtw Ovned Tfteacer a Today, Monday and Tuesday Continuous Performance Today a to ii - It is Magnificent Romance AD Work Prices Lowest .Into Painting . . Auto Top Repair . Upholstering . Glass Wash- tag . . Greasing . . Complete Mo tor Repair . Storags . -. Day and Night. TOWING G.M.C Tracks - Bales Service Ssa Tom Wood tor Tour Car or i - Track Requirements Wood-Wheaton Motor Co., Inc. - 540 Chemeketa St . Salem Phone 0588 Oregon VO ? THEN WALK! Thrill to thw lov-a that triumphed jiver tuspicios Jaaet disjriaa Yum COUI4T3T ft' UhU SaaMl ' - pox sirrvii Also Comedy; News and Radio Act ;.: -'', :r:yt SHE COULD LICK AN ARMYoKf DRINK ANY MAN DOWN "BUT ONE REAL KISS CAVE HER NEW IDEAS I niMiiDS tUIUOPJI DATiCEAu IRHISI TRUtX Also, Two Black Crows in Africa - Cartoon -News - Maglo Carpet Today I Taca. XTXm I V7 III Latest - HI Picture f :m . ill 5tiJt-" '"i'H: HI f ! Mf S1, III hi ,:t,i'' 1 liteWMI -w. . - I SB B a V I I -EXTRA sata ij'n- " ii, u i il I. TTil