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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1933)
1 . " ........... mt. nnrnnv CTlTTJKJMiW fltlmi ArMm'n fimtifir. Mnnilnv lf 7 . - - . . .. ." PAGESEVE2 I - - - - - --; N a: w m -i a 1 - I Business Directory Cards IB till Ulrecuwy ruo oo monthly basis wily. Rate: II. I per Una per month. AUTO BRAKES Mike Panes, the brake and shimmy octo. 275 Booth Commxrrrfa! Street. CATERING Burt Crarr. the caterer. Ph. 4753. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4450. R- K- Northnesa CHIROPRACTORS PR. a L SCOTT. PSC, Chiropractor, S64 N High. Tet Rea $572. DRESSMAKING iwumikinf in vour home. Exp. 13.60 day. Copy picture Tel. 7884. FLORISTS CUT flowers, wedding bouquets fun erml wreathe, decorationn C. P. Brelf baupt. florist. Ml Court. TeL $904. i ALA. kinds 61 floral work. Luts Flor ist. 14th St Market, Te- eeas. Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single insertion per Ilce.lQe Three Insertions per tin . ..19o Six Insertions per llne..3tc One month per line.. 11.09 Minimum charge ...... f Be Copy tor thla pace ae eepted until C:30 the even las before publication tor classification. Copy re calved after thla time will be run under the heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assumes bo financial responsibility for errors which may ap pear In advertisements puo Uabed In Its columns, and In cases wbere this paper is at fault will reprint that part ot an adTertiaemen: in which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject objec tions! advertising. It fur ther reserves the right to classify all advertising un der the proper classification. FOR RENT HOUSES 114$ Rood Bt, $15.00; 1210 N. Slat, $28.00; 18S0 N. 17th. $11.00; lilt a Cottage.$ 16.00; 128$ McCoy. $10.00. P. H. BKT.T 22$ Oregon Bids, Phone si. , .-..,. -.-, . Desirable 4 room boose. Partly funL. garage. $10 per mo. TeL 6977. room modern beautifully furnished home In country. UHAS. UUUKINS, Phone 9183 Room 8. MUler'a Store Bids. 8ix $12.80. rm. partly furnished 1394 N. Fourth. house. Interesting Pacts' FOR RENT To desirable party, part office,- desk; chairs, tel. 110 New Bligh Bldg. FOR SALE Real Estate SITUATIONS WANTED GLASS Auto and window glaaa mirrors. Tel. i o. WwUer J. Downa 680 Breya. INSURANCE BECKS 18$ N. High HENDRICKS TeL 4947 COFFET-SUITH. gen, lna. TeL 8432. LAUNDRIES TUB NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE W EIDER UlUNDRI t4S & High J TeL tlS - CAPITAL CITT LATJNDBT klrat In Quality and Service Telephone 814$ 4 Broadway LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired and traded. HARRY W. SCOTT. The Cycle atan- MATTRESSES . k.tnaaB from factory to home. Spring mattreaa $8.00. BenoTatora and Run cleaned. Caoltat Bed- amT Ca TeL 404a. 8030 N. CapltoL New ma'ttreas made to order, old remade; carpet cleaning. Uing;flu rug wearing. Salem Fluff Rag Met tr.. porr. 8. 12th WUbur. TeL g44L Otto P. Zwicker. Eat. 11L Exo. dressmaking- In your home. $2.50 day. Copy pictures. TeL 7984. "Wanted by capable woman, house- cleaning. Best references. Telephone 3766. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Fresh crabs now at Fidler'a stand. intersection Sllrerton-Portland road. Seed Potatoea Netted Gems. Bur- bank. H. A. Hyde Co, 2498 Portland Road. TeL 9596. 50 to 75 well bred Angora goats. 81.00 rer head. At my farm miles east of Hubbard. M. O. Smith, RL S, Canby. Oregon. Open for Inspection Today 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 184S North 19th Street 2 BEDROOMS Modern Home Owned by Eastern Mfg. Co. For sale on very easy terms. Large living room, fireplace, hwd. floors, dinins; room. Dutch kitchen and nook. Wired for electric ranae. 1 bedroom and bath downstairs, 2 bedrooms upstairs, full cement basement, pipe furnace, laun dry trays and fruit room, garage on alley. Level lot, new lawn. Iron cloth ports in cement. This home la just like new. Vacant and- ready to move right Into. Our representative, Mr. Dillon will be on the .property from 11 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. or call 4123, Marlon hotel. witn c J. Ryan. Good cow. fresh soon. TeL 4000. For sale, fertilizer. Ph. 8335. Will consider a "SLOW" FIRST MORTGAGE of approximately $1000. for equity hi 8 room home well rented. Box 1)2, care Statesman. Feed wheat for sale, sack or ton lots. D. C Brock, one mile S. of air port on old Tomer road. TRADE Miscellaneous Will trade nearly new L. 4c H. elec tric range for good wood range. Phone Independence 145-M. Don't build until you see the two fine lots all in cherries, : pies, full bearing, one block south of Leslie junior high school, nice view, level lots, 40x130 each. Sell one or both cheap, easy payments. Owner, 70S Rural Avenue, phone 8554. If you want to buy, sell or exchange anything aee General Exchange, 328 N. Commercial St Twenty years ago farm taxes were $J7 $.000,000. Last year they were 1429,000,000. O The cost ot state and local gov ernment was 138. per person 19 years ago. Last year they were $80 per person. o Post Toastles, another national advertised product will be adver tised in The Statesman starting next Tuesday. - o In the advertisement ot John son's Ladles Ready-to-Wear store last Thursday white shirts were advertised tor S1.9S when the item should have been skirts. In a correction Friday morning the operator still had shirts on his mind tor the corrected ad still came out reading shirts. Anyway O. F. Johnson, owner of the store is thinking of putting in a line of men's shirts as a received a large number ot calls from the ad. - O The steamship Lnsitania was sunk 18 years ago today. O A year ago today TJ. S. agents raided a whiskey still near Bellot, Wis., In the barn of the home of the late Francis Willard, founder of the Women's Christian Tem perance Union. O A year ago today the navy dlr i;ible Akron, left Lakehurst, N. J. for the Pacific coast. It returned June 15th. ACREAGE LAND BARGAIN ISO acres, with 100 acres farm land. estimated at $000 cord of standing timber, no buildings, price $20 per acre, located about 18 mile out m Folic county. Timber should pay tor property, some term a Hee, Chas. Vlck With W. U. GRABEN HORST CO, REALTORS m & Liberty St. Phone 44(8. This la the time to get that farm. Remember J have some of the very beat buys and a complete list of ex changes. Places) stocked and equipped on reasonable terms, see me regard less ot what you want. H. C SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. TeL 8902. Business Opportunities Cafe for rent. 891 N. Com! -ir r i iiiiiniirnrrnJsrsrsri rfwfffm RESPONSIBLE party with organ or ation will represent manufacturer. New York territory. J. a Smith. 22$ Fifth Ave.. Mew i or. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY SURPLUS BABY CHICKS at sac rifice prices Tuesday and Friday only. Bee our bargains, Custom hatctv- Ing. Hatching eggs, rnone lun. Lee's Hatchery. Salem. Oregon. Custom hatching. 800 eggs at 1H every Saturday and Tuesday. TeL 131F2. Lee's Hatchery. S. a White Leghorn dependable May chlcka at 8c each prepaid. Hollywood strain, hatched from large white eggs produced on our own rarm, oacaeu oy 38 years experience. Weekly hatches. Send for circular. Crystal White Poul- trr Farm. M-MlnnvHl. Oregon. ftlONEY TO LOAN Borrow on personal property: repay In monthlv Installments. WILLAM ETTE LOAN CO, State lie. S-149. $$ Guardian Bldg. TeL IITT. PERSONAL INSTALLMENT 11ANS STATE LOAN COMPANY 212 Oregon Building. 2nd Floor . Office hra, 10.-00 A. M. to 4:20 P. M. Telephone "78. State license No. S-16S. FOR SALEUSED CARS SEE Exchasge Bill and Bob Used Car tor your used car. 41 cnemeKetn - Terms Trad Open Xvaaings and Sundays ' USED CARS Bought for Cash Always Sell for Less Bee BORREQO M N. Liberty Phone $488 Used Cars at Bargain Prices See these before you buy. i ie uncoin Touring 1930 Ford Model A Coupe 1931 Ford Model A Coupe 192t Ford Delexe 8edaa 1930 Model A Ford Roadster 1919 Whippet Coach 1931 Model A Track .$280. . 22 a. . 87$ . 87$. . 200. . 175. 47$. Valley Motor Co. Terms Trades Used Car Lot, Marion and Liberty WANTED USED CARS Wanted used car in good condition. Write Box 193, Statesman. PROFIT TAK G SB III Oil Will SHEET NEW YORK. May I (AP) The stock market retreated to day under a barrage ot profit taking that bronght the first Im portant setback In the buoyant upward trend since April 21. The Associated Press-Standard Statistics average tor 10 repre sentative shares lost about 2 points compared with the April 21 recession of 2. Transfers ag gregated 2.0J4.030 shares. Brokers generally were Inclin ed to characterise the market s reversal as a "healthy reaction" which was technically overdue. The New York stock exchange re ported the short position, as of May 1, was 1.4 15.330 shares, a of 49,544 snares irom decrease AprU t. Shares that Buffered losses of 1 to around t points Included those of Allied Chemical. Am erican . Can. American Tobacco, American Telephone. Santa Fe, Auburn. Consolidated Gas, Com Products, Delaware Hudson, Dn Pont, General Electric, Good year. Liggett Myers. North, ern Pacific. Pennsylvania, pablle service of New Jersey. Southern Pacific, Union Pacific. United Aircraft, U. S. Steel. Westing house and Western Union. The oils and metals were only off fractionally. SERVICES ANNOUNCED MILL CITT. Msy C An evangelistic rally will be held at the church here at 2:20 p.m. Sunday. The 'Van Cleave sisters will sing and speak. Next week's services will be In charge of Rev. W. Duff. The United Krangel Istics meetings during the last week hsre been well attended. They are being held In the Pres byterian church. CORN, 0AT RYE SET RECORDS STANDARD CUBES DROP HALF CENT FOR SALE Real Estate MUSIC STORES WANTED Miscellaneous Wanted, garage or small house that can be moved. Must be cheap. Write Box 57. Yamhill. Oresrom GEO. CL WILL Pianos, radios, sew ing machines, sheet musto and plane Mudlea. Repairing radios, phonographs nod sewing machines. 432 State btreet. etem. ' MUSIC INSTRUCTION Will trade guitar and lessons for anything 1 can use. Storhow, 450 Court. MISCELLANEOUS sVwiVrVVeMWMMAAAMrVkAArAAM Beat hair-cut. Adults 20a, child., 18c. Two blocks a of library. B. Winter. REAL BARGAINS Take advice. Buy now. Only have a rew aay a lert at tnis price. 4 -acres. Fine sandy loam. AH set in fruit, berries, and nuts. Good In come. Nice new 4-R. house. Electric lights, and water system. Dandy barn. Poultry house (close In). Price $4840. If sold In next few ravi will a-1mt frni. 2 tor and all tools. Can't beat It. 32-A-UBDIVISION . At just Mi what was offered a few years ago. Modern Improvements. Family orchard and nuts. Garden. Bal ance in crop. Trade for good house la taiem. JAS. T. SEARS, REALTOR 132 South High HOP LAND 820-acre. Most all river bottom land. Hon fields all around it. ltO-A. cultivation. Fair buildings. Good loca- non. uravei roaa. uive away price at $4$ per acre. Set this out to hops and ue xnapp"naeni. see my agent. JAS. 1. SEARS, REALTOR 132 Soath High - -i-i- n "ii"i.y.vA. We hare a large list of good buys la repossessed eVMem homes that can be sold reasonable with liberal terms. SEE US for good buys. CHXLIJS MILLER. Realtors 244 State Street Phone 470$ Permanent wave, 80c Beauty Maid Shop. Over Steualoff Mkt. TeL 4484. I ryJ'UJruTJJWVSfVff-,''ii" a sfc W nick no. free of charge dead and worthless horses, cows and sheep. TeL 4869. MEDICINE . Dr. Chan Lam Chinese Medicine Co. Hours Tuesday and Friday, 10:30 a-m. te 4:20 p. m. 148 N. CommerclaL PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Paint A Roofing. 474 Ferry. WANTED: Names men women, 18 50. wishing post-depression govern ment jobs. Steady. Start 8105.00-3175 month. Sample coaching and partic ulars FREE. Box 1274P, care States man. FOR RENT ROOMS Modern room, garage, 1577 Court St. TeL 4857. sip. porch, PAINTING ; i. intinr naner-hanglng. Interior ErttmaUa free, W. H. Stieppard. Tel. 4280. For rent clean sleeping room, dose in. TeL 8724. . ROOM AND BOARD PRINTING Beautiful new five-room, strictly modern nouse. in good district. $3,150. xerms. Several new modern houses north that have been reclaimed and can be sold for the mortgage on easy term WINNIE PETTYJOHN 519 Court Street Prac. new 4 R. house, very neat,! ciear, want ugnt car. term a 5 R. house, fine location, paving paid, sz&ue. iit.&e per ma pays loan and interest, what have you for $1079 equity r C. J. JACKSON. $41 State St 5 room modern house, 1595 N. l$tb priced very reasonable. Tel 4277. CHOICE VIEW PROPERTY In one of Salem's select residence 1 districts, strictly modern 0 room home I like new. hardwood floors throughout, fireolace. double set of plumbing, plen ty of bum ins. lull Basement, iauaory traya. rood beating niant. douDie age. nice lawn, snruDs ana iiowera. GOOD BUT for $5900. CHILDS A- MILLER. Realtors 344 Stats Street Phone 470$ Income TroDerty. good condition and location. Will pay for Itself and fur nish nice home. Pries $5,500.00. Terms aiven. &0 acres nop land located nortn ec Salem. All fenced and cultivated. real bargain at $2,500.00 terms given. room strlctlv modem bunaalow. Close In. Very choice home at II.- 800.00. Tou must see this home to ap- nrecinte it. Good terms. REMEMBER OUR TRADING STA TION IS LOCATED AT $26 STATE STREET. PHONB 847$. J. F. ULMCH CO. Beautiful country home close to Sa lem for sale. Lots of flowers and shrubs In yard, few fruit and nut trees. paved road. This ts one sf the nicest homes 'Bells of Harmony Heard ever KOIN dally ring out a loan service that ts really really different TOU OCT THE FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH ONLT LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ON UIAIS $10 to f Je Beneficial Loan Society OP SALEM Ssoat 119 New Bltgh Bldg. 2nd Floor LICENSED BT STATE 511 Stats Street TeL t-T-4-e. PERSONAL LOANS MADB on furniture, cars, salaries er other good security. Repayable , monthly. Wnen In financial neea s na before elostng n loan. GENERAL INVKHTMSMT CORPORATION First National Bank B!g. Passe $553 Wheat in Jitters Over False Rumor France Going off Gold CHICAGO, Vlay -r(AP) Sur prise selling on a large scale, as sociated with rumors that France would abandon the gold standard, made wheat prices lurch down ward today. Official denials came later from Paris, but not until aft er wheat trading had ended. All deliveries ot corn, oats and rye rose to record new high prices for the season, largely as a re sult ot prolonged adverse weather Indicative of corn crop dangers later on. Tor a moment at the start. May wheat contracts outdid by V cent the season's previous top. but fell later with the wheat market as a whole. Wheat closed unstable. under yesterday's finish, corn at advance, oats off to up. Today's closing quotations: Wheat May. 73: July. 74-74- H; Sept.. 74-; Dec, 7. Corn May. 42: July, 44 45; Sept., 45-: Dec, 47-4S. oats May. 25-: July. 25- -2B; Sept, 2S-2C: Dec, 27. Salem Markets Colored and Larger Sprinp . Chickens Still Scarce Grade B raw 4 milk, co-op pool price, f 1.22 per hundred. 8urplus 05c. (Milk baaed ea totUrfat st trace.) 1-aoetklr Batterfat Top 22 c, prints 24e, cnbes 22 He Prices said te gruerrs Of Salea bayere My s (Tse sriees eelew. vises ey a greoer. ere Issiesuve t tee setiy SMrtet est are gnarsate ey Tk Stea(a) raoiT ajn vaonTAxxxs String bees, lb., vs. Jl Artichokes, iox, , .90 Reditket, loesL soa. .10 Arc irni leemL aea. Cabbage, lb. 03 Oreea peppers. Usui. la. .is Peea Calif- lb. 04 Csbbsce. lb. .0H Oaieas. aes. baaekee .20 Petatoes. Taaisaa Se. 2 Local rioriaa. aew Sweat patateae. (rata Leltoee. Calif. 1.25 .1.00 to 1.29 .4.75 .1.50 mrt stationery, cards. Damnh- leta, programs, books or any kind of Xr in ting, call The Statesman Printing epartment, $15 & Commercial. Tele- shono S10L Board and room for ladles. Close In. TeL 647$. S95 Court St Board, room. $20.00. near P. O. 54 $2. Comfy rms. Board optnL TeL 4749. Large, well furnished room, board. TeL 4375. SUBURBAN HOMES Five acres with small house, chicken house, garage, all plow land. Dart in crop, price $1450. $50 down. baL $1$ per mo. immediate possession. PACIFIC IHQHWAT Five acres, all In bearing orchard, small house, drilled well, only $H miles out Price $2000. $106 down, baX azw per mo. ONH A TRifl TTOMB Close In on good gravel street elec tricity, good three room plastered house, garage, good land, part In strawberries. Price $1250. MOO down, bal. easy trms. SEB W. H. GRABENHORST A CO- REALTORS 134 & Liberty St Phons 444$. " " f i -i-nrnn nn n.n. ved road. This ts one around Salem, and Is priced right 6 room modern houee and unfinish ed attic for $2000.00. Just newly aecerated and painted. nave client who wants four room modern house In north Salem. Must be priced right Houses for rent CHAS. HUD KINS, Phone 91$$ Room 3, Miller's Store Bldg. MONET LOAJCKD ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce) youi payments Ton keen the car P. A. EIKER Oar. Liberty St and Ferry se.,- all! Salawn- Or FOR SALE WOOD Old fir dry and green $4.00 and vp. Phons SITS. Ash and fir. J odd. Phons 21F14. General Markets rmoDTci KZOHAvoa POBTLAKU. Ore.. Hit S (API Prodaee ezeaaage, aat price: Batter Eitrae He. staaderas 22c, prime tints 22e. flrsu 21. Egsn Freeh extras 18a. Bediasas 15e. Oaioas. Labiak, ewt. Bkabarb, local Celery. CeliL. crate attzicaa Toastoei . .. . Apples Winasaps, faaej utre faaer .2.00 te 2.75 .Si .01 l.SS I 00 Vawtewaa, faacy Extra taacy Ceeiiflawar. Celit, crate . Oranges, p.p. lanev ... Becta, Calif, doe. ., Tripa. local, doa. . .00 .1.40 . .00 J.4S .1.25 1.0 te 1.8S . l.OS te .o .70 PORTLAND. Msy (AP) (AP) While unable to bulge top and bottom prices on cube butter during the weekend session of the Portland produce exchsnge. the price on standard and prime first grades was reduced halt cent. Portland extras rule at 2Se lb. at the weekend and were steady to firm. Butterfat was generally lc above Seattle. Market for esrs continued to show a much mixed tone even though top prices were un changed. Undergrsdes continued to take the bulk of the local trade. These were called from extras down. There remained generally un satisfied demand for colored or large spring chickens In the local trade with active bidding. Other chickens were unchanged In price. Poor quality was shown among late arrivals of torn turkeys. The stock was so flabby as to be al most worthless. Hens, were gen erally of fair quality and In keen er demand. Prices were firm. Market for country killed calves continued very weak In the final trade with some carryover Into the coming week suggested. Hogs. lambs and beef were unchanged generally. (3 II A RANTEKD DRY T.L 4000 Salem Fuel On. Trade Cottage. Ash, fir end sea. TeL $44$. Dry oak. 4 ft $4.00. TeL $70$. No. 1 dry eld fir. $5.00. TeL $175. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT F0R RENT APARTMENTS N. D. Clement. Income Tax Reporta, Auditing. llO-i K. CoraX Tel $034 e 5147. REAL ESTATE Patton apartments downtown. Can Patton's book stare. Fur. $ B. apt, 2241 HaaeL TeL 7664. BECKH 4V HENDRICKS, TeL 4947. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. For rent furnished 2 room bunga low, 121$ Chemeketa St 124 & Liberty St TeL 444$. Lovely fur. 3-r. apt 1580 Center. SOCOLOFSKT SON 944-5 First NafL Bk. Bldg. TeL T$07. Nice turn, apt 558 Center. Furn. duplex apt 440 Union. Duplex apt, 951 N. Winter. STOVES Nicely furn. 1-room apt. heat and garage. 1932 Chemeketa. rnone 883. mvro mn atun mulrlna StOVSS Si ISI TabuUt and repaired. All I Newly furn. apta. 457 a Com'L kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, bop baskets, books, togan books. Salens Fence and Steve Works, 242 ftwwnaketa. TeL 4774. EL a Fleming. Apt $12.00, $97 N. Com"L Stratton aots nicely furn. 2 rm. apt, slett. range and refrig. by week or montn, ys is. wmter. TRANSFER c a pitaL CITT- Transfer Co. 224 Stats St TeL 177$. Distributing, for warding and storage eur specialty. Oat eur rates. FOB local er distant transfer storage, call $121, Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portiaod aauy. WELL DRILLING FOR RENT HOUSES fuirn-ii-inn-tf---i--i- - -i- rurn. and unfurn. houses. R. Forkner. ,1410 N. Cottage. TeL 203L t rooms $8.00. TeL 7204. House, close, tn, 255 Division. For rent T room house, near stats house; Phone S70Z. R. A RFD 0. West. $0 years sxpsrlsaee. Box 10$ EL TeL 110F5. rooms Hollywood dist TeL 4744 XJXJuruxrruiuJruiii) i i " CROWD AT SUPPER, CLEAR LAKE, May A large crowd attended the sapper given at the Evangelism caurcn wea neadav nizht. Plates were served lo about 125 people. After sniper a short program was given to large crowd. Mrs. Chapin gave a reading and Mrs. Wilmont and Goldle Davie sang and played on the guitar. Dr. David B, Hill ' showed fine pictures of Oregon, VISITORS ; AT TALBOT '. TALBOT. May C Mrs. Min nie Baldwin of Clackamas," who has been visiting her brother, Al bert Davidson and family, re tamed to her home yesterday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ray Nixon and family. ot-Portland : spent the weekend with Mr. and, Mrs, Al bert DaridBoa. Vnr rent tn resnonslbls Party, a fine home, well located, well furnished. In cluding electrto range and electric re frigerator. Telephone lor appointment, 7772. REAL HOME BARGAINS $3500. WiU buy a good modern six room home with hot water heat, located at 985 N. Summer St Must be CASH. $1200. Will buy a good five room horns witn ruu cement basement garage. pavea sc. szt down, baL $11 per mo., located at 170 N. 2Sd St $2100. Good seven room bungalow home, located at 140 E. Mrera St WORTH MORE MONET. Must be cash. i3vvu. modern late mint seven room Home at 456 Jefferson St $200. down, $30 per mo. IT'S A BUY. 8KB US FOR BARGAINS. W. IL GRABENHORST A CO-REALTORS 124 8. Liberty St Phons 414$ EXCHANGE Real Estate Ts trads for Willamette Valley age or farm property, a chicken ranch or 4 a. 1 aors lemons. 1200 hena. All equipment Good buildings. Free water. Located In Ventura county, Cal. Clear for clear. General Exchange. 31S N. jommereUU nt To trade for clear bouse or small tract near Salem. CO A. S mL 8. sf Sa lem. 15 A. prunes. 35 A. grain. aaL timber and pasture, 4 R. house, barn and outMdgs. tsl 472a ----------- - -i-irip -i rwiu-i i-ltx 10 A. at Dallaa. for trade for larger place. Will assume a small mortgage. .fci WEHUGH, Kt I, DUUa, UTS. FOR SALE FARMS IDEAL DAIRY AND HOP RANCH 220 A. 175 tn alfalfa. 100 A. fins hop land, bat pasture and timber, s rm. mod. house, dairy barn. $0x100. 50x75 hog bam. Cash and term. For fur ther details and other good buys, SEB VAN At UREBvH 214 Ore. Bldg. TeL 753$. Sixteen Inch second fir $2.50 i load at Tracy" a Phone 3954. Dry wood $4 cord. TeL 0459. Old fir 12". Tel. 9T09. LOST AND FOUND ll)Tf Mlrker Mack Persian eat with unusually large yellow ward. Phons 4 IT?. T.OST Mark suit case near Com mercial and Division St TeL $11$. Re ward. Now is the time own a home 20 beautiful acres with usable improve ments, one acre of timber.- balanos good tillable land, good road, price $1500. 40 acres 4 miles Salem, large house nd barn. 20 acres tillable. - balenea timber and pasture. Price only $1300, terms. 10 close-in acres, dark son, east, fine location, only $1500 with $100 down and small monthly payments - Includ ing interest. Melvln Johnson W. ML Pennington z( otate Btreet 40 acres Seal Rock. 1-1 mL to fal se vera! springs, $400. $50 down. mo. uwner, uooonoe, rraan. ACREAGE 40 acres mostly la prunes with dry er. Will sell on terms for $2500.00 or take $2200.00. half cash. S large lota with railroad siding and 7 room modern house to exchange for moarro nouse Close in. 6 fins acres. $ acres tn filberts. 4 room plastered bouse and large new clUcken house, elec lights and pressure water system. A bargain at $2950.00 ; wv aown. nai. mortgage. S. M. EARLE BL E. ROBERTS 20$ No. High Phons 947$. PRICED TO SELL. 334K acres. 170 acres clear, bal ancs pasture and timber, estimated 6000 cords wood. 0 R. house, electrte lights, gravity water systeca, year round creek. acre bearing orchard. fair earn ana poultry non sea race $34.00 per sere. $5.00 per acre down rayment balance easy terms at 4. SEE HAWKINS ROBERTS For Farm Bargains FOR SALE USED CARS HUDSON AND 9 T HRRAPLAN B I CHAMPIONS Offer:- '33 Plymouth Sedan Discount JS Flymoutb K. 8. coupe uiscount 30 Chrysler 77 R. S. Couos $425 '30 Bulck Business Conns 676 '22 Plvmoutk Business Couos 445 '29 Hudson Btd. Sedan '27 Chrysler Fine 70 Sedan 296 '31 tor A s-door sedan it '19 Essex 4 -door Sedan 335 '24 Stude Big Six Sedan 105 '28 Ford Business Coupe . , 146 28 Essex 4-door Sedan 145 SEB thh new terraplane s WORUTS CHAMPION PERFORMER STATE MOTORS. INC Distributors Open Evenings and Sundays 626 ChemeketA McKay's used cars WITH ANO.K. THAT COUNTS 24 Ford Coupe $ $6.00 CITT CONVENIENCES AND COUN TRY PRIVILEGES 1 acre of good soil, close to city lim its, paved ' road, telephone, gas and electric light service) available. ' Imme diate possession ot n brand-new 4 room plastered house, built tn good plumb ing, weodshed, garage and drove welL A RWAL SNAP fori 2150 with tarma CHILDS A STILLER. Realtors $14 SUte Street Phone 470$. 27 Essex Coach , '27 Star Sedan 2$ Durant Sedan "17 Chrysler Sedan 'It Ford Roadster '2$ Naah Sedan '30 Ford Coups '$1 Ford Pickup '$ Cher. DeLuxs Sedan '23 Chev. DeLuxs Coach . 'it Plymouth Sedan '29 Ford Panel Truck '29 Chev. Panel Truck TRADES 76.00 95.00 125.00 145.00 145.00 196.00 255.00 295.00 296.00 495.00 ; tn aa I 2TS.00 , Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ora V (API . Wkeet . Opes High Lew Cleee May. aew 60 60 69 sou -ay. eld SOU MM SOU SOU Jely -SS H4 II 6S Sept 04)4 04 04 S4 Ceal l wkaet Me. 1: Big Baed bleeataea. iOH: dark hard wieter 12 net- 70H. 1 1 pet- oo ; soft waits, hard winter. 62: Bortaera sprlag. weitara white. weatera ree.69Vk. Oats: Me. t wkiu $24. Cera: Ke.SE yellav. $22.25. Killraa staadard. $20. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore Mar S (API natter rtuU. extras 23a. sUadards 24c. Batterfat Pertlaad AaUvarv. "A" grs4e 25a peaaa. -gg racifle Peal try rrodecsrs' saU lag prieee: Overaise 17a. extras lOe. siix- ed eelere lSe. -lasts 16a. Beyisg price ef waeieaelers: Iresk eerreet raceipta 60 peaaas aaa p li-ilHl Seaea. Ceaatrv Beets aeiuag erice te retell en: Cveatir-kllled kega, best batch an, uaaar loo peeaas, H-e; veelars. SO te 100 peaada. 0V4-Tai soriae laaika 14-1 Sc. yesruage 10 lie. keevy eves 8-4e, eeaai cava a-se. emus i tHt nale Oregea walaeu 15 ISe peeag. paeaeta tue, tfrasus IS-lae. elsaeade 1S- ise. Illserte SO 22a. peeaas 30e. Caacara berk Berlag eriea 1933 eeeL MHi poaad. llepe, aomtmaL 19, fi-O-Saa. Live poeltTy Birmi ertca: Raavr haaa. colored. 4 peaads 12-1 Se; 4a aw diaau lie; lights 10 -lie; sprisgs. ligfct 1H poaads ap 12-lSe; dacka. Pa kia broilers lS-lOe, eld lie. colored 10c. Oeieee Ballief snea te rctattara: Ore rea vOe-fl.10 eeataL Takiau Speaiah 76 eSt erste. Kew eaioas. Taxes BaraaAas su-peaac crate. Potato leal. 05 TS eraega hex: Desahatee Ceats $10-1.00; do Bakers S1.T5. Takbe Oeae 41.25-1.40. Kew petateee Texas 44-e, Calif ar- aia white SLS0 lag. StrawbetTies Seeraaeate 24a $LT6 UJ: Preaee tOe tlS-l.0. Woei 192$ clip, aeeiiBal; Willaaaatte valley 10-lXe peead. eaatera Or soa te lle, eoathera Idehe 10-20 We. Mohair Koalas! berlag prise, 1983 clip. sc. Hey Bar! a price frea eredeeer Alfalfa $14-16, clever $1L eaatera Ore roa timetby $140-1S. eeU sad vetch $14 Spinach, local, crate Bananaa. lb. ea atock lit aaa Strawbrrriae. Fraaee. 20s Oreron Plnma. 34-cep . Calery -carta, doa. U altar a greeas Ceeasibere 4i0 .75 te 1.00 .05 .05 V 1.65 1.75 .00 .00 Pineapple, retail uvri Top. 193t, lb. Top, 19SL, lo. Extra 8taadaHs Mediaaui - SOOS Baylag Prices .90 te 1.40 .20 te .20 .50 Old rooster . Colored fecn . Mediums taas Urnt kee. Sprisg POULTBT 1CZAT 1922 sprisg lamb lmba. top .. Hop, tap i mt cots Steer ,- Cow Heifer ., . ... Bolls Dreeaed vest top . Oraseed fcort .04 .01 .03 .03 .IS .13 .11 .04 .11 .09 OS ao 6 04 5 00 -4.2S 4.00 to .04 H te .03 te .03 w te .02 Vk .00 CO OC-LDJ AJTD HAT Wheat, writers red Whlta. Ke. 1 Barley, too. tea 10,00 te 20.00 Oata tea 20.00 le 25.00 May. kariet arte Demand lor Wool Strong; Supplies Limited, Boston BOSTON. Msy 6 (AP) A continued strong demand witb limited supplies of wool in the Boston market, today turned prices to hlgber levels than pre vailed at tbe close of last week. AH grade of terri.ory wools were sold at advanced prices, medium and low quality wools leading in tbe advance. Some lots of tbe finer territory wools were held above recent prices. Offerings of fleeces were restricted and a few lots of medium realized advances of 1 to 3 cents in tbe grease over prices accepted esrly last week. .67 .67 Oats ead vetch, tea . , Alfalfa, valley, lit set Eaatera Oregea , . Clever hay 1$ 00 Uadloa Coarse . Mohair WOOl, .15.00 .15.00 .10.60 14.00 Orree. Ts. Dry. lb. - CABCABA BABX .12 .10 .00 .01 w .08 .. 825.00 TERMS 83$ Open Evenings and Sundaya MCK.AT CHEVROLET CO. Center Phone $159 430 N. Com'L Portland Livestock 1 POBTLAKD. Ore- May $ (AP) CaUle -aeeipte 35, ealvee 10; eteedy. Steers. 550 te 000 peead. good $5.26- 5.50. aediaai : POO te lioo poeecs, geed SS.2VS.60. siedlaa $4-4.25; 1100 te 1800 sonde, good $4.50 5.25. aaediam S8.50 - 4.50. Bsifars, 550 te 750 pesads, good SA26- 5. eeeia-wa-aiediaa $8.35-4.25; 750 te 900 peeada, geed-ekeiee $4.25-5. eeaaaea aediaai $3AO-4.25. Ow. geed $9.50-4, coDunoa-atadiaa 9IJO-8.50. lew setter sad eatter $1 2.50. Balls, yearlisgs ex .1 I . J J f 4 U.I ., limn . . w. cat SL5 o-S-50. vesier. geea-CBoice aa-a. raadlaai $4.35-5. eaU-eeaaaiea $2.50-4.25. Oalvea. 350 te 500 peaads, geod-choice $4-5, ceaaaes-saediew $2-4. Han KacalDte soa: eraaay. Llckl litkt 140 te 100 peeaas, raed- rkelee. $3.50-450. Llgktweigkt, 160 te ISO peseta. tse is xvu poeads. $4.85-430. Medisa weight 300 te 820 poaada. $3.85-40; 220 te 250 peaeds. $9.75-4.35. Hasv retgbt. 260 te 200 poena a sa.eo-e.aa; sv j poaada. $3-5-4. Paekiag sews. 275 te 350 peaada. geed $3.15 3.65. 360 to 426 poaad $8.25-8.75. 425 te 550 poeads 3.25-S.7: 173 te ass peases, aaeerea S3-S.50. Pseder aad stecker pigs. 10 te 130 peenda. geod-chelce $2.75-8.75, Skeep ead laabe Reeelpte 0O0; a boat 8priag leabe. ckeiee 34.50, geed $0 S.50. aaediaa S4-4L Leake. 00 peeaas do a. goed-ekoiee $4.25-4.76. eeataea aedlea $3-4.25: 90 te 08 peeada, good rkelre $4-4.50. TeerUag wetkers, PO te 110 pen da. geed-cheiee $ 1.50. aaadiaa 11 1. Evaa. 00 te 120 vends, goad ckaiee 81.25 2.50. 120 te 150 poaada $2 2.50; all welgkte. eeaaea aediaa $1-8. Next to the late Warren G. Harding, President Franklin D. Roosevelt Is the most enthusiastic baseball fan, ever to occupy the White House. MAY PETE DELATED WOODBTJRN, May The annual Msy dsy festivities which were scheduled for Fri day, May S. have been postponed until Tuesday, May 9, at 1 o'clock on the athletic field it the weather will permit. A feat ure of the day will be a baseball game between Woodbnrn and Chemawa. Gearln and Cuttfortb will probably be the battery for Woodburn. and Vlvette will pitch for Chemawa. Stocks and Bonds (Cepyrtfkt 1931. ftaa!ard SuHettcs Co.) May 0 grocK AV-Aang 50 20 .o to Ii4't KK'e trt'e Tta Today 70.S 14.8 II I S7J Prav. dar , 7t.t 9S.4 SS.t 00.4 Week ere 70.S 83.0 78.1 M S Tear ago 4J 20 5 S0.S 4S.4 S yrv, see 14 110.3 250.4 lOS.f Higk 193S T2.t 845 tiJ CS.d Low 1938 42J 22.6 U 41.0 High 1912 78 1 SO.S 1114) 7S. Lew 1932 85.1 13.3 51.8 ISO Today day . Weak age Tear see . S yra. see. High 1938 lw 1933 . High 192S Lew 1938 B02TD AVEIAOES CO 20 Ind'lt BR't 05.0 07.0 65.9 S7.S 63 1 62.8 SS.l 59.5 S3.S 104.5 00.1 67A 5S.S 6T.S T1.S 78 0 61.9 47.4 20 se t'fs Tal 78.1 70S. TT.S 70 4 TS.l S7.1 70.8 64.0 HI 99.0 SS.t 78.0 74.1 I.O 80.9 7S.1 10.9 67. POLLY AND HER PALS 'Afthur's Attempt Metis in De-feat By CLIFF STERRETT For rent 5 room house and garage, 1231 Marlon Street. TeL 4329. 1240 1745 1250 2395 185 1597 43$ 410 444 408 497 2255 1S30 111$ TeL Fair-mount, 1 rooms Kay, 6 rooms Falrmount, 4 rooms Myrtle, 6 rooms N. 24th, 6 rooms Lee. 4 rooms Jefferson, i rooms Ford. 4 rooms Market. $ rooms N. 20th. rooms N. Front, a rooms . alaple. S rooms $ 5.00 . 4.00 . 10.00 . 10.00 . $.00 . $.00 10.00 12.60 - 12.00 - 15.00 - 16.00 15.00 8. High. 4 rooms, furn. - 14.00 Market. $ rooms 22.50 W. CL KBUuER 472 . 141 N. Coml. PAR RENT Several good residencs properties with large garden spots ready for planting: $$ te $20 per month. tHU-3 as wnii.i.r.K. ecuiors ".14 SUte 8treet Phons $70$ i.i-'..' isi-Kffll RENT Modern five room home located at 15 a cnurrtt sufT. per mo. IT. Hi QBABENHORST A CO. 134 &. Liberty Street V umk into BuyiN' A AJCNH Xt 3 WVnVV3? - p Kfc 1