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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1933)
'Saleiu, Oregon,' Friday Morals?, April 21, I9S3 Ml IB SAVIN s Uniform 10 per Cent Salary 'Cut Considered 1933-34 i I By School Board ' uniform ten per ceDt reduc tion tn salaries of all principals, saprrior and - teachers in the Salem school system for 193J 114 will ering a Baring of ?22, 41 1 according to figures Just pre pared by the .office of George Hag, school superintendent. This reduction would bring the budget outlay for Instruction and super Vision next year to 1205,312, in comparison to 4227,758 set aside for this item In the year 112 1933. . ' Prior to this year, teachers, principals and superrlsors salar ies In the city aggregated $148, 182, the reduction projected for the coming year thus amounting to 17 per cent from the 1331 1932 level. The salary lists prepared by the superintendent's office are entire ly tentative, the school board not yet having determined upon Its policy regarding teachers' salaries in 1933-1934. The Salem school system has consistently paid low salaries compared to those given teachers In other schools in the state. If salaries are reduced ten per cent In 1933-1934, some elemen tary teachers will be receiving f 94 a month for a ninth-months' term while high school instructors will receive as low as flit a month based on a sine-months serrioe. : Interesting Pacts Ami, aJ IS Y X A Ladies Attention-' Don't fail to attend the ironer demonstration at 2 p.m. SATURDAY, 1 Also demonstration at your home it desired . Hogg Bros. Appliance Store . Tel. 6023 : " 450 State St. M. AA. AA. Afc, MJJMAMJAJ FWPWWrVFVrWrWWF ' '' ''' ' "'r i IT t 4 DAYS STARTING SUNDAY A DEVOLUTION III TAUIPQ PICTURES A o 'i i lmjne a 50 foot ape atop tne Emptrt Stttt Building . . . crushing a pant n ont paw... carcfifna a oeautiruf frf In tht othtr.JI ,ii:5' MIDNIGHT a riTv Anv I' SAT. NIGHT 11:30 A C er.$hJedi PtWi3 FAY WHAT - BRUCE CABOT ROB'T ARMSTRONG REGULAR PRICES Farmers' Public Market Phone 945 356 N. Liberty YOUR COMMUNITY OWNED STORE Farm ' Produce, Groceries, Crown Feeds, Feed Potatoes and Delicatessen Counter Grocery Dept. Crown peed Dept. More? people are buying Feed prices as yon know their eggs at the Farmers' U advancing; we can Market every day; they not guarantee these prices know that every egg is can- later than May 1st. It will died & guaranteed. Why P7 you to put in your sum pay for eggs you have to Bier's needs. throw away ? ; : . f . , Crown Chick Starter Fresh extras at only AIash 0 OQ 9- OO 100s QL.LiJ L dozen. .LOZ peIIete . 100s $L.OU Sunny Monday Soap, the old reliable Crown Grow & Developing lObars . wC Feeds h" ' ' Mash ji rn Small White Q9n 100s Ql. J J Navy Beans, 10 lbs. OOC PelleU or ' : 100s 3leDi Jn's Table Salt in B0 feed- jjwcl 79c I!? ehlek feed thmh I Rolled Table Oats. Regular Wheat ioos ... . . wL----29c ... $ Thia is the last week that oats o ... 85 C fkwr;will be sold at this ' , - very low price. : , : , ... 80c "Swbird". 49s 79C S?Mh $1.59 The distribution of today's Statesman Including the extra green copies is 13,446 Thrifty housewives should read this paper carefully and use the advertisements as their buying guide. O Wilson dam at Muscle Shoals cost $47,000,000. 110,000 sleep ing horses. O Dr. Will Mayo Is 71 years old. Dr. Charlie Mayo 68. The brothers have been practicing since 18S0. O Jelson Setters, tidier of Lost Hope Hollow, Kentucky, who has been blind since birth saw his wife and 10 children for the first time a short time ago after his 70th birthday. O May 10th Hitler is going to burn all books not in accord with his theories. - O Sunday Is to be Blossom dav in Salem. O Chamber Giving Program Friday, Mission Bottom The Salem chamber of com merce nrocram to ha nreaented At the Mission Bottom schoolhouse Friday night of this week has been arranged by Dr. Klnley K. Adams, as follows: Trombone solo, W. A. Rauhut; reading. Miss Beulah Graham: solo, Miss Eleanor Moore accom panied by Virginia Thompson; vi olin solo, Mr. Rauhut; talk, "His tory of Mission Bottom", by R. J. i Hendricks. SUES PRIMO ST Bert Is Emilia Teninl, 20-year-old London waitress, who was recently awarded damages approximating 14,280 in her Breach of promise nit against Primo Camera, slant Italian boxer, at the English, capi tal During the trial it waa revealed that the heart of a poet beats in the mighty breast of the Ambling Alp. Some of the love letters read a court would have done credit to a poet laureate. Teachers Applying In Vain ior Jobs Teachers seeking Jobs In 19 Il ls 3 4 continue to apply at the county superintendent's office at the courthouse. Thus far few new teachers have been placed, most teachers keeping their present Jobs. Salary reductions are quite prevalent in the county. Some boards are following the t to 80 per cent reduction scale adopted by the state. WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY repaired in first class running order L. G. PRESCOTT JEWELER New location 423 Co art St. A MIKE A Originators Of Low Prices 351 State St. SOME MARKETS ADVERTISE Much lower prices. There Is a difference between low prices and real values, only it takes a little time for some of us to discover it. Particular People Patronize the Midget REGULAR PRICES, NOT 'SPECIALS' Sugar Cured Sugar Cured Picnics ' Loin Backs 8c lb 9c lb FRESH MARGARINE, per lb 5c 8 lb. limit with 25c meat purchase Young Pig Young Pig Pork Roast Pork Steak 7c lb 18c lb PORK TENDERLOINS, per lb 20c Frenched if desired Fresh Ground Beef ICcll) Selected cuts USELESS TO PAY MORE Country Style Sausage m it All Pork RISKY TO PAY LESS "FLAVORIZED" SLICED BACON 2 full pounds 25c Home Rendered Pure Lard C lbs 25c ' Vegetabla Shortening Hbs25c MEATY SPARE RIBS, 4 lbs. .....25c Out of consideration to our employes we close at 6 pjn. On Saturdays at 7 p. m. ' , HARRY M. LEVY, Prop. ill ASSUMES JOB HOT BOARD T. Morris Dunn of Portland who recently was appointed a member of the state industrial ao eldent commission to succeed the late Charles T. Early, arrived In Salem, on Thursday to assume bis official duties. Dunn's appoint ment was announced by Governor Meier in Portland Tuesday. A meeting of the commission probably will be held tomorrow when k chairman will be elected. Early served in this capacity for several years. Dunn served as president of the Oregon Manufacturers association and has held other Important of fices. He wlU represent the em ployers. Other members of the commis sion are Otto Rartwlg of Port land and Albert Hunter of La-Grande. An old. stockade once need as a blockhouse from which Confed erate prisoners were guarded on Johnson's bland In Lake Erie has been converted isto a pig pen by its owner. ON OLD JOB 'J Sumner Welles, of Maryland, who baa been nominated by President Roosevelt as Assistant Secretary of State to succeed Harvey Bandy, re signed. Welles is no stranger to the State Department, having held the same position during the adminis tration of President Wilson. from the "vitalized" planting stock of HiUcrest Gardens Hillcrest vitalized plants mean greater yield Complete line of Lilly, Portland Seed, Sanderville & King and Northup-King Garden and Flower Seeds Salem Seed and Implement Co. GRAIX FEED FARM MACHINERY SEEDS DAIRY SUITUES 210 STATE ST. Corvallis Group To Offer Easter Cantata Sunday Onr Victorious Lord." an Eas ter cantata by Harry Rowe Shel ley, will be presented by the Cor vallis Methodist choir at the ves per service of the Evangelical church, Marlon and 8ummer streets, Sunday afternoon at s:if. v- This cantata portrays the entire Easter story beginning with the scene on the cross and contlnaing through the resurrection, closing with the chorus finale, Jeans Reigns, Onr Lord Victorious.- The choir of 11 voices la prom inently displayed la a large vari ety of descriptive interpretations. Mrs. Harry Holroyd la accompan ist. Short piano solos are Inter spersed throughout. -All music lovers are invited. . Standard Feed Co. 228. Lofs of Parking Space Ferry SL S58 A turkey poult requires more protein Albers Turkey Starter is guaranteed to contain 21 protein .yt ioo o CA nairc 10Q t9 7A iliriJIl lbs. urn. y w Chick Starter Mash lOO Ibe, $2.60 Chick Starter Paks 100 Dm. $2.70 Chick Scratch iooiim. $1.75 Screenings and Molasses it. 70c Carnation Dairy, 18 ioo n. $uo Molas-o-meal ioo n. $120 Flour, hardwheat 40 n. 89c Rabbit Paks 100 n-. $1.80 Ground Wheat 100 toe. $1.25 Kwnota Seed Oats 100 n. $1.60 SEED POTATOES Netted Oeen A Bvrbanks. , .100 It. $1.45 To) IB) T7 r? v IMMoHOKf SITISEE'S' R3JESJS1F NOT A CHAIN STORE Owing to market conditions we are, to protect our customers (our selves too of course), compelled to limit the quantities on certain items sold to any one buyer and in no event do we guarantee prices further than upon goods now in stock. MARGARINE 4 M . J.B. Aladin Coffee 2 lbs. 39c Soda Wafers ORANGES Slightly Salted Fancy Wrapped, 200 Size 2 19c 89c Albers Supreme, FLOUR 49 93c FLOUR Kb 49 lb. sk. 97c Old ill Wa don't know, of course, what your guess is about Flour prices but we're guessing flour bought at the price II TmufnJu lW BraDds Hf,ted i this ad will show you a hansome proffit Ld to protert our customers wt are limiting sales to a reasonable quantity to any one buyer. Feed Department TRIANGLE EGG PRODUCER $1.59 with Milk and Greens, 100 lb. sks. BU-MAR EGG MAKER with Milk and Greens, (fi in 100 lb. ska. tPle4U ROLLED BARLEY . 79c 75 Lb. Sacks 100 Lbs. Ground Barley S1.05 BU-MAR SCRATCH FEED, lOO-lb tack $i15 . E PINEAPPI Sliced, No. iy2 size cans cans 2 Broken Sliced, No. 2 size cans cans 1 9 c O mm 100 Pound Sack "Honey Dew . We arent adviseinsr any one to buy sugar, but heres whats giving us the jitters, the price has allready advanced 30c per sack and we're advised the price will be boosted again right away.