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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1933)
' Th OREGON STATESMAN, Salens Oregon, Friday Morning, April 21, 1933 " ' v PAGE THIRTEEN ' 1 . - 1 - ...... i i ' i i , " . i t If - J- .. ' i iii, - Business Directory Carta In this directory run on monthly bails only. Rat i 11.00 par lino pr month. AUTO BRAKES MIko Panak. tho brake and shimmy doctor. 378 Sooth Comm-!-! Street. BEAUTY PARLORS Miller Beauty Shop, dial T988. CATERING Burt Crary. tho caterer. Ph. 67B1. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4480. R B. Northnesa. CHIROPRACTORS DR. a I SCOTT. PSC, Chiropractor. 25 N Hlrtv Tot Rea 1871. DRESSMAKING MRS. 8NELORO V E. 4 IS N. Cottage. TeL 741s. Hemstitching, So yard. Dressmaking In your homo. Exp. 12.80 day. Copy pictures. Tel. T4. FLORISTS CUT flowers, weddtwc bouquets fun eral wreaths, decorations. C b Brelt haupt. florist. 677. Court. TeL 6904. ALL. kinds of floral work. Lutx Flor ist. 18th A Market Tel 959. GLASS Auto and window glass mirrors. TeL SI OS. Walter J. Downs. sgtf preya. INSURANCE BECKS IS 9 N. High HENDRICKS TeL 4947 COFFKY-SMITH. gen, ina Tel. 8632. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE W EIDER LAUNDRY 168 a High TeL 9126 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY First in Quality and Service Telephone 3185 1264 Broadway LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired and traded. HARRY W. SCOTT. "The Cycle Man". MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory to home Spring mattress 88.00. Renovators and rum !- fora Rnndea ned. CaDital Bed ding Co. TeL 4069. 3030 N. Capitol. Mow mattreaa made to order, old remade ; carpet cleaning, sizing ; fluff reswearing. Salem nun wag nai treaa Faetorr. a 13th A Wilbur. TeL 8441. Otto F. Zwlcker. Est. 1911. MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Pianos, radios, sew- i-r mafhinea. sheet music and plane studies. Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines. 432 State Street. Salem. MUSIC INSTRUCTION Win trade cultar and lessons for anything I can use Storhow, 460 Court. MEDICINE rtr rhan Lam Chinese Medicine Co. Hours Tuesday and Friday, 10 :30 a-m. to 4:SO P. m. I4 IS. SJOmmerciai PRINTING enrr STATIONERY, cards. ' pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing Ueoartment 216 S. Commercial. Tele- phonc 9101. ' PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 3 n n-r,nt inMimi Tax ReDorts, Aiifi'itin'c. 1104 N. Com'L Tel 8030 1 or R26T. REAL ESTATE BECKB A HENDRICKS. TeL 4947. ta rT nnr?HORSPr CO. 1 1. S.' Liberty St - TeL 6468. A SON 104-5 First Nat'L Bit Bldg. TeL T607. - STOVES . STOVES and stove repairing. Stores for sale, rebuilt and repaired. All kinds eC woven wire fence, fancy and plain, bop baskets, hooka, iogan hooka Satem Fence and Stove Works, 362 K5U.t. TeL 4774. R. R Fleming. 1 TRANSFER niprril. CITY Transfer Co. 216 State St TeL 7778. Distributing, for warding aaa norage our Get our ratee. . FOR local or distant transfer storage, call 8131. Larmet Transfer C Trucks to Portland cany. WELL DRILLING R. a. West. 80 years experience, RFD 8, Box 108 E. TeL 110F6. KOTICE OF APPOINTMiaiT OF EXECUTRIX Notice iB hereby given that the unflersigned has been ttuiy ap pointed by the County Court ot the State of Oregon for tne tjoun . tti --XT mWk .t.T last will and testament and estate Ot Susan McMunn, deceased, and that she has duly qualified as such executrix; all persons having Claims agaiast tne estate oi saia ucccucm - - preneut the same, amy -veniiea, to me, Salem, R. F. D. 8, Marlon bounty- Oregon; within six months -from the date of this notice, "Dated At Salem, Oregon, this litt. rfw f Artl 13S ELLA McMtJNN, : Executrix ot the last will and te - lament and estate of Susan Me j Munn, deceased. ; It. J. HENDRICKS, Attorney for Executrix. ; " .teui, uicsuu. A-ii-ai-it-iu-a-ij : i t Statesman v.a Classificd Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising 8Ingle Insertion por Ucf.lOe Three lsertloa por lino Me Six Insertions pay lint., tic' One month per line.. $1.09 Minimum chugs ...... Sis Copy-tor thU page ac cepted until :S0 ths even ing before publication for classification. Copy re ceived attar- tils time wUl Jbs ran under the heading Too Late to Classify. Tho Statesman assumes no financial responsibility tor errors which may ap pear la advertisements pvb Itahed tn lti coin ran, and la cases wbero this paper la at Unit will reprint that part ot aa advertisement la which tho typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman rMenrea the right to reject objee tloaal advertising, ft fur ther resenres the-right to classify all advertising un der the proper classifies tton. SALESMEN WANTED WANTED. 3 lhre salesmen. Call Jel- derks, 404 Masonic Birtg.. Tel. 9494. SITUATIONS WANTED Em dressmaktnz In your home. 2.50 day. Copy pictures. Tel. 7384. Reliable vounir man wants work store or office. Box 181. Statesman, FOR SALE Miscellaneous Exclusive product. Nationally adver tised. Crazy crystals, lis a. Mtgn. Seed potatoes. Netted Gem, Bur- bank. H. A. Hyde Co- 2698 Portland Road, TeL 9596. Fresh crabs now at Filler's stand. Intersection Silverton-Portland road. Piano bargain, late model piano lo cated here in the vicinity of Salem. Will sell for balance due on contract. with terms like rent If interested, write at once to D. C Durham, 401 East Main St.. Mdford. Ore. WANTED Miscellaneous Whr throw away xood money? The ! hosiery mending dept. at Grand Silver store repairs nose iiko new, do to zac. We clck ud free of charge dead and worthless horses, cows and sheep. TeL 4K6. - MISCELLANEOUS Best hair cut Adults 20c child- 16a Two blocks & of library. & Winter. Permanent wave, 60c, Beauty Maid Shop. Over Steusloff Mkt Tel. 4480. ROOM AND BOARD Board and room for ladles. Close in. Tel. 6678. 695 Court St. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Pattoa apartments down town. Can Pat ton" s cook store. Fur. 8 R. apt. 2261 HaxeL TeL 7664. Mod at heated apts. TeL 8490. Ante 810. 818. 891 N. Com'L Fnnv apartment. 1040 Leslie. 1st floor furn. TeL 4269. -- --innnnfin n n n rVV 2-R. Apt Business district 265 Center. Nice furn. apt.. 590 Union. FOR RENT HOUSES Furn. and unfurn. housea R. A Forkner 1610 N. Cottaga TeL zqsi. Houso close In. 255 Division. 1 nnn fiin-n-rLTLfi ri.i - Furn. 8 room house. TeL 6010. jULlATir rrr 'I"-- ' " ee'"www Small house, partly furn. 2430 Leo. wuxnnnri-i- , . . , ps S rooms 810.00. TeL 7204. 7 R. house, oak firs, rei. oa. FOR KENT -... .tintn tinmML 2 to i rooms. rent from 88 to 10, some have large garden plots. St. hi U ai once. CFULDS A MILLER, Realtors 844 State 8t. mono ss For -rent 4 room neatly iurcusnea duplex. Electrio wasiier. garaae, i& jS.SB WK. 11S jerieraon. FOR RENT tries Off 470 ACRE FARM. otiv'V awn RomPMENT. SHAR fcRB raka err T.ARKIN RE1ALTY CO.. 482 State street AT ONCE OR PHONE 8470. UJ,ir,rlria0rU1"FOR RlSNTanJ its ,ir.i with modern T room home. TWrlr vallit-r nlL 110 JL. Dlow land. bal. Butun. a nL from Albany on good gravel roeo. uasa ram. ";" Sloe at narrest. see unu. nre wi Vr. EL ORABENHORsf 4k 184 9. Liberty St Fhone 8488. FOR SALE Real Estatt VyWiiMVVifirift-i i-i i-'ir f-r-r---- ta .n tnu anftrm tram room mw -modern boese barn, chick en house ; 8 acres strawberries, aot injured tT Xreose, 1 aore togaoa ana filberts S SO large cherry treea, 84800. Soldiers loaa foo, casa xor equiiy wul telle winrib riffriiJUH 618 Court Street Good semi-modern T-roea home, two fine lots with -cherries, pears, apples. nut and shade trees, garage, poultry I hotise, fine view. One Mock south Les- lie Junior high. Cheap and easy terma Mtaht accent tanoroved suburban acre- as ta traoea. lt Kurai jave., pnona 8884.-. Don t build until you sea the two lota mU - cherries, pears and ap- pies, full bearing, one block south of mhaeJilff ?r1'sJi,C0-I,e; SSJ2 JJSSWSUK 7 t Rural Avenue, pttone . I .HOMB PRICED TO 8EL- $.r. ,tricUy modern.' larxp -livhut room, dininc -room, "bulit-ia fcltcbeo. TJnLZ X,war 7&tV tJ886oT8Boe down. This is a baraain. See myjagent. 1 J. D. BKAKM, 1H S. Mn I xam1JWlSwT TtJxtHOMB l AttraeUva bd. room; bunsalow. - 1 !f2 'J XJJ', built tn kitchen, terraced lawn with shrubbery. A real home for much leas VnV. 1 ore. BIOM. JtTJL 7 All. FOR SALE Real Estatt "Beautiful - Kmrwood t view tracts. city Improvements, anions' actlva home buUdln-; unusual terms. C. A. Robert son. TeL 6164. -..---------- ruutrinji 8 room modern bom with l land, nice Ylew, lota of fruit aad ber ries, garage and chicken bouse. 1 mile from Salem. 8X400. - IS A. fine timber, estimated 8600 em-da of wood, SCO per acre. , MeiTm jonason w. it. Pennlnttoa 278 State Street Phone 7 86. If yon want to buy. sell or exchanm anything see General Exchange. 828 N. Commercial St. 1 1, i i ,r 'irt.we I room modern house. 1896 N. 18th priced very reasonable. TeL 42T7. See mo atrait that hnw 1 tow. T hare eome real good places with plen ty of fruit and good houses, up to 8 acres. This U first class stuff. Xssy terms; trade considered. B. a SHIELDS Oregon Bids. TeL 8908. 9 FOR 8AX.B Well paying trading business, priced right. . Must sell good house, wen located ior jess I nan insurance. Frtee, insured at 81500.00; a sacrifice; 20 cash down Mmnt For saleone of the beet ante camp grounds, for good cash payment. Gen- i-rai r.TrnRtiw. us m. commerctsl St. EXCHANr.RJ?P-iT Pct.t- IT . " V . Tirf1 A1-n flAtTIJk sit HVA lences. lUy pond en lot. ta small town, 11500, or will trade as first payment on farm of 20 or 40 acres with creek on place. Must be good land, location not important. General Exchange, 228 um-nerciai o tree I. POR lOTPHiVfl-! Several city homes for Improved or uaunproTea acreage not lar out. CHOICE r-nnwia With 2 store fronts and living quar ter All rented. Value $8000. Will take modern Salem home or 8 rooms - iarjre lot as part. CHILDS & MILLER, Realtors 3 4 Mat St. Phone 8708 FOR SALE FARMS ea A. w. sf Amity, river bottom. 6 room house, good, electricity, water pressure, t hen houses, other out build ings, silo, good hop hind, 85250. 81000 down, federal loan or will trade equity Including bouse in Salem for smaller place, clear. General Exchange, 828 N. Commercial St RANCH BARGAINS r l'-.11 new -an-' about 1-A. timber, r. hua- barn, garage and good welL Three miles from Salem 81850: give terms. 45 acres, all cult T? V, 40x50. Ij-g. poultry house, brooder house, etc. Price 33500.00. JAS D. SEARS. REALTOR 132 South High Street LIVESTOCK and POULTRY ..... . - t-n-ii-OTrxri.ium-ui every Saturday and Tuesday; TeL Lei naicnery. SURPLTIS? RA RV Cf-rTrva . rifles prices Tuesday and Friday Only. Sea our bimlni Cuctnm h,ti.h. ing. Hatching eggs. Phone 133F2. Leo's Hatchery, Salem, Oregon. Poultry wanted. Salem Poultry com pany, 15 5 E. Miller. Pry oak, 4 ft 34.00. TeL 8708. MONEY TO LOAN PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS STATE LOAN COMPANY 812 Oregon Building, 2nd Floor Office hra 10:00 A. M. to 8:20 P. M. Telephone 77 S3. Sute license No. S-165. Borrow on personal property ; repay In monthly installments. WILLAM ETTE LOAN CO.. State lie. S-169. 605 Guardian Bldg. TeL 8877. 'Bslls of Harmony Heard over KOIN dally ring out a loan service that is really really different. YOU GET THE FtJIX A MOUNT OF tO AN IN CASH ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICES ON LOANS 810 to 8800 Beneficial Loan Society OF SALEM Room 118 New BHirh Bldg. 2nd Floor LICENSED BY STATE 518 State Street TeL 8-7-4-0. PERSONAL LOANS MADE on furniture, cars, salaries or other (rood security. Repayable monthly. When tn financial need see us before closing a loan. GENERAL. INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bls- Phone SSS8. MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce yeut payments Yon keep the car P. A. EIKER Cor. LI be rtr 8t and Fsrrr Ptinne 4TX8 Sahmi. Or FOR SALE WOOD Green 2nd exowtb fir IB tn. 88.71. Qeorga Meltsler, Marlon, Ore. Wood, $3.5 cord. TeL 041L OUARANTEED DRY woodooal TeL 8000 Salem Fuel Co. Trade A COtUgSL OUt fir. 2nd growth. TeL 8788. DRY FIR AND OAK WOOD. oaJ and fuel eO. Call tw as for price We give room measar goeo quality ana sood sorvte. ' I-ARUER TRANSFER A STORAGE Teieonene 8181 Ash. fir and oak. TeL 8841 Na. 1 18 in. old fir. 84.00. TeL 4451. Old fir 14.80. TeL 8982. Old fir 84.00. Pry 84.80. Tot 8178. LOST AND FOUND FOUND On "VT 8L baby's shoe and boss supporter. Inquire Statesman. POLLY AND HER LOST AND FOUND LOST -At the T. K. a J able Underwood typewriter, number 4T7S8B. Reward. FOR SALE USED CARS McKATa USED CARS WITH AN Ol K. THAT COUNTS 2T Hudson Sedan 6 95.00 "27 Chrysler Sedan '28 Ford Roadster 126.00 145.00 846.00 250.00 26.00 886.00 496.00 '29 Oakland Coupe rtti coupe 81 Cher. Coach 29 Buick Sedan J Cher. Do Luxe Coach 81 Cbev. long wbool base. truck dual wheeL comi late ly rebuilt -- 491.01 TERMS TRADES Open Evenings and Sundays. McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 228 Center Phone 8180 480 N. CoqI SEE BUI and Bob Used Car Exchange for your used car. 642 Chemeketa Terms Trade Open Evenings and Sundays Used Cars 1981 Chev. Tudor 1821 Ford Tudor ., , 1910 Ford Pick-up 1929 Dodge Sedan 1929 Ford Roadster 1929 Chevrolet Man .1845.00 . 878.00 . 260.00 - 826.00 . 140.00 . TRUCKS 1920 Ford Dump Truck 400.00 20 other Cars to Pick Frem. Sea X-ARRT 225 8- Com! Across Marlon Hotel a M. GARAGE Quality Used Cars 31 STUDS DICTATOR 8 2676 4 -door sedan 6 wire wheels, trunk rack wind wings, free wheeling. new six ply tires This car sold last rear for 81860.00. New car service. 32 HUPMOBILE CENTURY 6 ..$595 First series. Brand new 6 ply Good year tires free wheeling, many ex tras new car service. CHRYSLER 77 ROYAL CPE. 8(25 This is one of the best used cars ever offered for sale In Salem. New car service. 80 BUICK SIX COUPE $575 Overhauled and reflnlshed. A good one for half price. 39 HUDSON STD. SEDAN $395 One of the best 0 cyL cars ever built look her over. 30 FORD SPORT ROADSTER ....$!65 Rumble seat and other extras. 28 FORD BUSINESS COUPE .$146 xsew paint ana overhauled. State Motors, Inc. Chrysler A Plymouth Distributors For Marlon County High at Chemekwta. Oon Evenings. WANTED USED CARS Wanted, Used Trucks Have sale for a number of rood nsed trucks. We will buy your truck for cash or trade in on better truck or car, or sell for you on commission. - See Tom Wood for any truck needs Wood-Wheaton Motor Co., Inc. 640 Chemeketa Salem Phone 9588 Oregon GMC trucks, sales and service. m i J-jtiuLT JXfX-T r nnnj-u-i ryi njj-uUU Will pay cash for 1930 Ford or Chevrolet sport roadster. Call 6154 after-A p. tn. Wanted, Used Cars , If you have a car to sen, se us at once. We have customers waiting. BORREGO'S CAR MARKET SIP No. Liberty Phone 26R8. Thirteen states and one Canadi an province are cooperating with tha 17. S. department of agricul ture In an effort to develop wheat strains for the soft winter wheat belt which will withstand winters better than present varieties. An oyster exchange for further development of this Louisiana in dustry has been formed at New Orleans. x SHERIFF'S NOTICE OP SALE On Saturday tha 8th day of May. 1932. at ten o'clock A. M. at the West door of the Court House, in Salem, I will sell at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash, all the right, title and interest of the within named de fendants in and to the following described real property situated in Marion County, Oregon, to-wit: Beginning at a point 290 feet Easterly from the point of In tersection ot the South line of Hood Street with the West line of McCoy Avenue in the City ot Salem, Marion Coun ty, Oregon, on an Easterly ex tention ot said South line of Hood Street from said begin ning point, and extending thence Easterly on the same line to the Westerly line ot the property of the S. P. Rail road Company; thence South erly along tha Westerly Una ot the Railroad property to a line 87 feet Southerly from and parallel with tha North line above described; thenca Westerly along said last de scribed line to a line 290 feet Easterly from and parallel with the Westerly line ot Mo Coy Avenue; thence North erly parallel with McCoy Ar ' nna 87 feat to tha place ot beginning. Thla sale ia made by rirtue ot an execution foreclosure and order et aala Issued oat ot the Circuit Court ot tha Stat et Oregon for Marion County, to ma directed in th casa ot Mutual Savings and Loan 'Association, a corporation, Plata tiff a- Klli B. WnAlarv. Karl C. Becke, and Helen Lovall Beeke, his wife. Defendants. A- C. BURK. Sheriff ot Marion County, Oregon. By W. RICHARDSON. Deputy. 7-14-21-28 M PALS BUTTED, EGGS O BUTTEBFIT STEM Hide Prices Advance Half a Cent; Beans Higher; Calves Lower PORTLAND, April 10 (AP) Strearta cf the butter market centlnaed tier and alone tha Pa cific slope. Maka was ahovinx llt tl efcaax Hera and there a frac tional lneraasa was reported bat centrally gpeaklng churning oper ations were merely holding their own. Tha ahortaca ot pasture con tinued and tha flow of milk was net keeping pace wltk tha demand for dairy prod acta. Tha adranea In tha milk prlca announce"! yee tarday indicated thla. . There was no chance in tha prlca on cube butter dnrlnr tha lata tesalon of tha produce ex change while on tha open market the aala remained generally at un changed rallies. Butterfat prices were firmly held either at the list generally quoted or a fraction higher In spots where competition was un usually keen. With the exception of small broilers which continued In sup ply and were quoted merely ateady, market for lira chickens waa Yery strong and especially the heaTy weight hen sorts. Hide prices were at last begin ning to show some signs of re turning life with an advance of at least Vic lb. being quoted for calves. Other hide prices bare re cently changed. Higher prices were being named for beans. Thla applied to practic ally all coast offerings, both Ida bo and Oregon and Califomlan were affected. Further advances were forecast at the source. Note3.of wholesale trading: Old Oregon onions were weak both here and at the source with practically no buying at the source. Green onions and spinach were a trifle scarce and firmly priced. Radishes were holding rather firm with a good demand. Local asparagus was cheaper with a glut and low-priced Cali fornia Country killed calves were a trifle lower. Dressed hogs and spring lambs were steady. Mills Show More Wool Interest as Price Rise Seen BOSTON, April 20 (AP) Sentiment In the wool market is very strong with mills showing considerably more Interest and wool men are talking definitely higher prices. Quotations on many offerings of domestie wools hare been withdrawn, and are either being withheld from the market or offered at materially higher prices. Some "sales have been closed at prices showing an ad vance of 1 to 2 cents, scoured basis. Radio Program FRIDAY, APRIL 21 KOAC CorraUls 550 Ke. 7:00 Morning Meditation, led by Rev. Fred &. Morrow. 8:00 Morning concert. 0:15 Moaie Appreciation, an illustrated lector eourae by Byron Arnold. 18:00 Farm hoar. 13:45 Fa tare Farmers of Aaserica ysV li speaalag coateat. 8:00 As To Like It Aathoay lower. :80 Mra. Lora Hant en "Doric for Developing a Child's Deiir to Read." 7:00 Dr. W. P. Darsi "Bprsylag Ma terials sad Spraying OaUit?' T:40 Business Iaititnt of the Air addreas by Prof. H. T. Vane "What lies Behlad Retailing!" 8:13 Interesting Obieets la the Sky Dr. W. B. Aaderse. KODT Portland 040 K. 8:80 KOIN Xloek. S:80 Etty Crocker. 19:00 Maria. Little Preach Prinoee. 11 :eO Asericaa Softool of the Air. 8:00 Feminiae Faneie. DLBS. : 0:80 Sdwis C. Hill. CBS. 8 rOO Redding White, teaer. 0:00 Band Box Bern a. E.T. 10:05 riorito's orehestra, DLBS. KOW PertHal 820 BX 7:00 Orgaa muemri, VBC 7:80 Orgaa eeaserl, WO. 7 1 45 Pair of Planes. WBO. :80 Croaseats rroa the Log of th Day. NBO. 8:15 Cooking acteoL 0:45 Ariea Tria. HBO. 10:80 Whbii'i Manatee et th Air. NEC 11:45 Orgaa concert MO. IS iia Wtera Fesei aa4 Heme kes NBC i :45 O. M. Plaaace. 1:45 The Aresdlaas. BX S.-eo Talk a Heatal Hygieae. Sits Malady Mi XltC 8:48 FTiaadlr CWL d.-A5 Midi Beast. HBO. Th. Terutn Sex" GRAINS RISE WILDLY, EGGS ADVANCE CENT A DOZEN HERE Wheat Soars 1 OJc, Up 5c; Varying in Prices Foreseen CHICAGO. April 20.- (AP) Excited by reported broadening ot Inflation plana and by United States abandonment of tha gold, standard, all grains rose wildly today, and then fell back. Wheat soared to 10 eenta a bushel higher than Tuesday, np S4 from yesterday's finish, but loat more than halt the new gain, largely as a result of belief that existing conditions were unprece dented, and that rapid fluctuations were likely to bo the rule here after rather than tha exception. On tha crest of today's huge hay ing, before selling assumed eren greater proportions, all grains surpassed any prices heretofore reached this season, and in soma cases outdid records since 1021. Wheat closed nervous, 1-Xi cents abore yesterday's finish, with corn 1-1 up, oats advanced. Today's closing quotations: Wheat May, 67-67 VI ; July, September. 69-. Corn May, J5-Vi: July, aTVi-; September. 39-. Oats May. 23; July, 23; September, 24-. General Markets PRODUCE XXCHAirai PORTLAND. Ore., April SO. -(AP) frames exchange, net pneet: Batter, ti tr 21; tUndardl 20; prim firsts 20 H: tints 19; tff, freak extras 18; freih medinma 14. Portland Grain rOBTLAND. Ore.. April 20. (AP) Wheat Open High Low Close May, new . . .554 Mar. old 65 56 5TH 68 60 57 60 56 58 July 58 September 53 60 Va 58H Cask wheat No. 1: Big Bead slaestea 84; dark hard wiater, 12 per cant 08. 11 per cant 69; soft white 57; waiters white, northern ipriag 55; hard winter 56; westers red 54. OaU No. 2 yellow 822. Corn No. 2K yellow S'JO.25. Millroa ataotfard 815.50. Portland Livestock POB7TLAKD. Or., April 20. (AP) Cattle Kecelpta 80. aWes 10; ateady. Steers 550-UOO Ibs good 85-85.50. mo di as 84 85.00. common $3 84 00 ; 900 1100 Ibs Cd 85-85.50. medium 84 80.00, eowmoa 83.-8 A00: 1100-1300 tbs good 84.'iS $5, medium 83-84.85; ketlers 550-750 lba- good 84.50-85.00. (oaaoa mediam 82.60-14.50; 750-900 lba good cheiee 84-8A75, eemaaon-medinm 82.5W 88.50, low eatter and cotter. 81-83.80. Balls, year lis (a axe haded. good beat 82.80-88. catter-mediam 81-50 - 3A0. Veelers, good-ckoiee 85-80.00, medlam 84V8S, cnll-eommoa 83.50 84.35. Calve 850-900 lb., geod-eheiee 4 $5.00, com-mon-medlom $2-84, Hog Beeetpta 450; ateady te firm. 140-160 Ibs good-ehoiee $2.6-$4.8S; 160-180 lb, $4.25-84.35; 180 JOO Ib $4.35-84.35; 100 220 Iba.. 83.75-84.85; S2O-350 IbS $.50 $4.35; 350-300 lba $3.85-84.15; 390-850 lba., $3.15 $4.00; packing aowa 375-350 lba.. rood $8.35 $3.85; $50-4.38 lbs. $3.25 $3.78; 485 550 lba., 83.35-83.75; 275-550 lba, med lam 83-8350. Feedor and etoeker figs 70-130 lbs, good-choice $2.7 $3.7$. Sheep and Iamb Receipt 555; steady. 8 wring lambs, choice $8.50, good 88-30-50. mediom 84-80; Umh 90 lb, down, goed-ckoiee $4 $4.50. eemmoa-madimm $ $4.00; 9008 lbs., good-ckoiee $4.4.35; yoarliag wathera 90-110 lba., good-ehoieo IS $3.50. medium $3.-$3: ewe 90-120 lbs., gned-obote $3.35-83.50; 130-150 lbs, $3 15.50; all weights commea-me-dium $1 $2. Portland Produce 1 PORTLAND. Or.. April 20. (AP) Butter Prints, 92 teyr or better 23 pound, standards 22 He. Batterfat Portland delirery, "A" grd 21c pound. Kgjir Paeili Pool try Producer' sell ing price: Orerais 16e, extras 15e. mix ed colors 14c, mediums 14e. Baying price of wholesalers: Fresh current receipts. 56 povnda and up 13-12 Vfce doaaa. Country meats Selling price te retail ors: Country killed hog, beat butebera. under 150 poonds 5-6e: vealers 80 to 100 pound 7 -Be; lambs 10-10 Ue, tpriag 14e. yearlings 5c, heavy ewee 4-5, eanner ewa 21-Ha. bolls 4-4s. Wots Oregoa walnut 13-18 pooaA peanuts 10c, Brasfla 13-14. almonds 18- lSe, filberts 20 22a. paeans soe. Case are bark Baying price. 1983 eeel. 3 8 He poaad. ilopa aomiaal. 1SSZ. 37 SSa. Live poultry Baring pries: Heavy heaa, colored. 4H pouad 18s; do madl oas 11a; lights lis; springs light 14. haavy 14e; old rooatera 5a. docks. Pe king broilers 16-17; eM 12a, eolered 10c. Onion Selling price te retailer: Or goa $1.15-1.25 cental. Yakis-a Fpaaiah 75-$l crate. Kcw eaioas, TiihyBam das $3Je 80 pewad erate. X Petaloes Local. 6ft-l5e eraag baa; Desehotea Cams $1.50-1.60; de Baksre ll.0e-l.3S. Yakima Gem $1.35-1.48. Now potato Texas 6c. Uaabetilse-Oaltferwta. 61.86 pee S boa crate; Leaislaaa, IS 34-bes crate. Weel 1988 alt amlali Wlllaaaette valley 13-15 poaad. aster Orsgoa 10-13a. Mahal i-Xomta! baytag pHee. 1688 Hp, Se. Hay Boylag prlca from producer Alfalfa 814-16, elever $11. eastern Ore na timothy $ldIO-lS. eats sad rstek 81A 4:55 Lambert Pharma cal Compaay. 8:18 CoUiaa Erwia Piaae Barprlsca. eroo First airnter, ibtj. 6:80 Armeor hoer. HBC, " T:48 Bits of Motedy. VBC. 8:00 Aau Aadr. KBC 10:15 Hstot Mark Hepklas orchestra. VBOL ll.-eo bases dor katel erebealsa, VBO II :se Orgaa sea art. Mitu. Salem Markets Grade B raw 4 milk, co-op pool price, f 1-20 per hundred. Surplus 95c (Milk baaed ea seari-aoefMy kattartat svsrsga.) Batt erf atTop 20c. Prints 21 He, cube 19c Prises paid to greeers fey lalm bsyers April 20 (Tka prices bt. smspbed ey a Waal gis ess, are latftcstite of the daily saarfcvt festers im gvsraateeS by T gtateasiia) rtuiT an tsoxtaala Striag bee as. lb., vk. .11 Artichokes, dot. -SO Batiahea. local, doa. . JM Amnni X4 te JOl Local, doa. 1.8 S Carrots. Califs crate .1.T5 to 8.00 48 , , , -07 08 .86 arses Psss. peppers. OauL. Is. CahL lb. Csbbogt. lb. Osls. dos. kaaekaa- Petateas, Tskima Ke. 8 .1.00 Lecal .T5 to 1.0O Jlerida. aew lk. Sveet petateea. era la Lttace. C'siil. J .00 ta 4.00 .15 AS .08 05 8.15 - .07 te .08 Osioaa. Walla Walla -bilk. ewt. Paraaipa. hsadrrd ahaberb. leeal CaHf, lb Calerr. Califs H crate Ifasieaa Toaats luliaa Broccoli, lb. Apples Wineiapa, taacy . . .00 .1.40 . JO . 90 .1.45 extra fancy Kewtovca. 0 cra4e rascy Extra fancy Cialiflower. Califs erata Rstabaraa. hnadrcd Oranges, p.p. , -1.0S 1.00 to 1.28 1.50 te 1.78 8.00 te 4.00 .70 3.50 1.85 .05 .05 ianey Beeta. Califs doa. Turnipi, Calif., crate Spinach. Calif cn to Bananas, lb. oa atock Haadt Strawberries. I box crate, wh, . 1.50 Celery hearts, doa. 90 Moitard greens Cucumber .60 J00 to 1.40 HOFS Top. 1933. lb. .2$ .23 Top, 1931. lb. EOGS Buying Prices Eitrat Standards Mediums .. .11 .10 .09 POX71.TBT Old roosters - .04 .11 .09 .08 .09 Colored ben Mediums heas Light heal, Bakers 1CEAT 1933 spring lambs . Liambs. toe Hon, top Firat este Steers Cow , . ,. Heifers 8.00 B.OO 4.10 $.85 .04 to .04 .01 ta .03 H .03 K te .08 H .03 te .0214 .07 Balls Dressed veal, top Draased bog . . XS O-AXX AKTt BAY Wheat, western red - White. Xa. 1 .65 65 Barley, top, to a 16.00 te 30.00 Oota. toa 20.00 ta 35.00 Hey. fee rina arte Oata and vateh, tea 15.00 Alfalfa, valley. 1st eat. 1S.0O Eaatara Ore Con 10.50 Clover kay 13.00 te 14.00 WOOl. Vedinm Coarse .13 .10 .08 Mohair CASCASA BABJC Oreea. lb. Dry. lb. . .01 V .04 Stocks and Bonds (CopTigkt, 193S. Standard Sutistlcs Co.) APE II. SO STOCK AVXEAOBS :o 20 20 90 lad ls KA'a Ufa Tout Today - 6.".0 29 $ 79.8 62.1 Prwrioosday 60.3 37.9 63.7 56.7 Week are 64.8 36.4 69.4 62.9 Year age 43.9 23.0 77.1 47.9 8 year age 201.8 136.3 279.1 304.6 Higk 19P8 65.0 30.0 9 5 $ 62.1 Low 1933 42.3 33.5 61.6 43.9 Hiak 1933 72.$ 39.6 111.0 73.9 Low 1933 83 1 13 3 51 8 $3.6 New 1033 hiih. BOH"AVEaAOE3 20 20 20 66 IndMs RK's Lfi Tota Today 61.7 57.5 74.4 64.5 Previous day 61.2 57.3 74.4 64.8 Week age 60.0 58.S 74.S 64.5 Year age 60.6 64.4 78.T . 67.9 S rears aro P4.0 103.9 HS.B . H,rk 1038 66.1 65.T 8S.1 T.0 U IHI a.3 D1.B J. oa.o High 1928 71.8 78.0 89.3 78.1 Lew 191? 53.3 7. lO.s si.s NOTICE OP EXECCTOB'S SALE OP PERSONAL PROrERTT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that S. M. Zadlcott. as executor ot tha last will and testament of Cornelia A. Davis, deceased, will sell at public auction for cash in hand oa Saturday tha 2 2nd day of Aprfl. 1112. at Turner. Marlon County, Oregon, at tha hoar oi 1:11 o'clock o. m. all the person al property, equipment, parapher nalia and household furnlTura lo cated fa the roeideaee of said da eedent and not otherwise disposed f hy tha last win and testament at said decedent, said property consisting at miscellaneous Items et beds, bed-c!othrng, tables, chairs, carpets, ruga, pictures, stoves, docks, mirrors, organ. brie a brae and ether hoaiehold fsraltnre and paraphernalia. S. 1C. ENDICOTT. Executor ot tha last will and tee- taaent at Cornelia A. Darts, Deceased. A-l 4-1 8-1 0-21. FALL BACK First Home Asparagus On Market at $1.25; Cabbage Scarce Egg prices advanced a cent a dozen on all grades locally yester day, to t eenta on mediums, 10 on staadarda and 11 cents on extras. Wheat afforded tha heavy sen sation ot tha day. with a three cent sport, ta 61 cent a bushel on both red and white. Batterfat continues steady, with a top of 20 cents. First home - grown asparagus appeared on tha market, carrying a 11.25 quotation per doze. Cali fornia asparagus was material tor a dealers' battle, with some sell ing yesterday as low as 4 eenta a pound, -or coat. Cabbage Is scarce, bat no price raise has developed. FLOUR . WHEAT RISE T PORTLAND, April 20 (AP) While there appeared a some what mixed tone In local eash wht today, all prices, both cash sad fntures were higher. Sales (4 93,009 bushel futures were shown during the session of the Portland exchange composed ot .'7,000 old May. 25.000 July and 31.000 September. There was a demand for considerably more for offerings were tightly held to ward the finals. Closing on new May was up lc. old May Zc. July 2Ue and September 2c bushel. On the merchants exchange lo cal cash wheat gained lc and Montana 3c bushel. It was gen erally understood that country prices will be up -c bushel. Flour adrsnced 10c again. Barley, corn and millron slo were higher. Final figures show eaW-e of but 500 tons of wheat to the Atlan tic although reports in the trade stfggested far more. There were numerous negotiations that weTe not closed. Space was scarce and bids from the Atlan tic today perhaps 4 to Sc 1low a working basis. STOCKS ME SWEPT UPWARD, SALES BIG NEW YORK. April 20. (AP) Financial markets appeared to be of one mind today in their be lief that suspension ot the gold etandard by Uaele Sam and plans for controlled Inflation meaat a cheaper dollar In other words, higher prices. Stocks swHt upward under Im petus ot the heaviest trading since May 5, 1130. while wheat and oth er grains, as well -as cotton, sil ver, rubber, sugar, copper, lead, cocoa and tine advanced actively. Not in a long time hsd Wall Street seen so frenzied an opening. Transactions involving 10.000 shares were fairly numerous, while International Nickel distin guished Itself with a 40.000 share block. Highlights of the price move ment included net galas of HVt for People's Gas, I each for Am erican Telephone and Consolidat ed Gas. 10 for National Lead. 4 to S for U. S. Steel. American Can, North America. Public Serv ice of New Jersey, Proctor St Gamble. Electric Smelting. Santa Fe, Union Pacific, Anaconda and Standard OH ot New Jersey. Sales reached the large total ot 7,18,1(4 shares. Berry Nursery is Started, Clatsop A strawberry nnfftery has been established in Clatsop county un der sponsorship ot tha Olaey grange. Berries being planted oa the test plat are the Gold Dollar. NarcUsa. Red Heart. Corvallls. Dewey and Etterberg No. 121. Grangers will be apprised et the productive possibilities et each la that county. ; An Instrument resembling a traffic signal is need te control speakers at the Maiden notary dub, ' England. The chairman works the colored lights, which are marked "Go, "Caution. ant -Stop.- - ON PORTUNO MAR Proper choice ef seed corn may is crease yields to Ifr bushels per acre, the -Agricultural . extension service of the University et Tea aessee. reports. By CLIFF STERRETT . i - W1 1