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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1933)
The OREGON STATES3IAN. Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning, April 13, 1933 PAGE THREE IT r l i i Local News Briefs mmmm ' fa Thrill Device Designed Lee TJ. Eyerly, president ot the Eyerly Aircraft corporation nere, has de signed a new thri.ll device which he has named the "loop-o-plane". It Is a four-passenger car sus ' pended from a horizontal axis on a 16-foot arm. Operated hy an electric motor, the car is whirled In circular fashion, passengers be ing held in hy safety belts such as employed In airplanes. Eyerly says the 'loop-o-plane" is a better amusement device than the aero plane, which he has produced In large quantities during the past year and a half. ' Wanted, need furniture, tel.' 5110 Woolrn Mill Builds An addi tion to two warehouses at the Thomas B. Kay Woolen mill on South 12th street is to be erected between those structures at cost of $750, according to a permit taken out at the building inspect or'e office yesterday. Two other nermita were issued: to LaviDa Perry to erect a dwelling at 220 Rural avenue at cost of $1000; Cornelia ThomaB, alter dwelling at 2080 North Church. $400, and Dave Drazer. alter dwelling at 1710 State, $40. Used clothing, etc.. would be ap preciated by Salvation Army. Phone 9437. . Observe Manndy Thursday The annual Maundy Thursday service of the First Congregation al ehnrch will be held at 7:30 Thursday evening. It will be a candlelight communion and will follow in simple but beautiful symbolism the story of the mas ter's last supper with his disci pies and the subsequent events of that fateful night. All followers of the Christian way of life, whether members of the local ehnrch or not, will be welcome at this, service. Lightweight Schoble hats $3.50. A. A. Clothing Co. Inc., 335 8tate. Secure license Marvin X. Preparing New Blanks The state tax commission is preparing suggested blanks for connty sher iffs to use in permitting the In payment plan of realty taxes to be used by property owners. Under the law passed In the 1933 ses sion, taxes delinquent for 1930 and theretofore may be funded, into 10 equal payments over a five-year period, penalty and in terest being waived on the delin quency. The law will not be ef fective until June 9. A consider able amount of bookkeeping will be required to put the new pro visions into effect and the tax commission seeks to aid county sheriffs in drawing up the forms for this new work. Shepherd collie pups from trained stock dogs. Females, $1.95, Males, $2.95. Salem's Pet land. Brooks P.T.A. Meets The Parent - Teacher association at Brooks will meet at the school house there tonight, with O. O. Epley, president, in charge. Frank Snyder has arranged the following program: Minstrel show by tic Chap in, James Riggl, Robert Fos berg, Mike White, Frank Riggl, Luther Chapln and Frank Snyder; orchestra music by Salem group piano solo. Junior Ritchey; piano duet, Genivere Snyder and Kreta Fae Ashbangh; reading, Robert Bailey. The program la free, with luncheon to be sold afterwards for benefit of the P. T. A. Fine rummage sale, 211 North Com'l. Sat., April 15th. Revivals Close Sunday- The re vival ' services at the Highland Friends church will close Sunday night. The Friday evening service will be "Young People's Night" and the music will be arranged by the Christian Endeavorers. Sunday will be "parents' night," when the music will be arranged by the Sunday school and all par ents are urged to be present. Evangelist W. E. Cox will preach each remaining night this week and at the Sunday services. Eve- Crowe, 24. Salem, and Ruth Gor- I ning services 7:30, Sunday serv- don, 24. Silverton, obtained a mar-1 icea n a. m riage license yesterday here and were to be married by Judge John Blegmund. Crowe gave his occupa tion as unemployed laborer. S and 7:30 p. m. Fresh made Easter Candies. Spa. Easter Lilies. Choice selection at Olson, Florist, 499 Court Hawleys Expected Soon Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hawley are ex- School Bays Typewriters The bid of the Atlas Book store has been accepted by Salem school board In the matter of replacing five typewriters In the commer cial department at the senior high school. The cost per typewriter, Obituary eected home In Salem shortly from less discounts and allowances for the east. The exact date or tneir i 0ld machines, will be $25. The old return here has not been learned I machines have been in use for by local friends. I four years. Health Board Meets The exec utive board of the Marion county health department will hold its April meeting at the health office at 5 o'clock this aiternoon. it is ! Tntuf hA Tinarrf will consider woouwaru tha nronosed IlzSO Cnt la its Harry L. Woodward, 41, of from aalem school district. 1Z99 soutn Hign street, aiea at wll thm nanal monthly sta- Tueson. Am.. APrn s. Burvivea oy itiB widow. Bertha: son. Donald; brother, W. H. Clendening of Sa- Easter Lilies. Choice selection at lem; sisters, Martha E. Randies I Olson, Florist, 499 court. a CalAm Dti K rttAtnrif As " PAfta I Vl DMVUif MUtu vwvatuH vn s. wa i -! --. TT f m .1 Twr. !., Ay--4s- Catn.1sV I IttO AWiUOUW JHCIVlvu w W suuu r uuci a. a y uawut ev I ... . - .. April 15, at 3 p. m. from Rigdon'a utomoblle ccilents were report- mortuary under the auspices or - ,,,, the American Legion and Masonic " . ' V,--i. ZZ cemetery. a motorist namea Pierce, on State street; Bernard Coon, 1970 North Church street, and a motorist named Parker, 655 Center street, at Church and Bel mont streets. Feeaenden At a local hospital April 12. Charlea A. Fessenden, aged 59 years. Survived by widow, Mag- gchool Week Set Observance gie; sister, Mrs. C. K. Spurr of 0f Oregon products week from XMympia, Wash.; two brothers, April 21 to May 1 was urged upon fwlll H. of Aberdeen, S. D., Del- schools of the state in a letter re- Bert of Chetek. Wise. Remains in leased yesterday by C A. Howard1 care of the Terwilliger Funeral I state sunerintendent of schools home, 770 Chemexeta street. I Howard suggested that essays ds Funeral announcements later, written dealing with Oregon prod- Phone 6928. acts and the benefits derived from their sale. ',' Driving to .- AstoriaMr. - and Mrs. Hal D. Patton and Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Jones will motor to Astoria on Saturday , to spend the weekend with, Mr. and Mrs A. w. Norblad with whom they havs been friends for years. Mr. Nor blad's son who was admitted i to the state bar association last year is now studying at Harvard law school and expects to travel i in Europe this summer with a party of students. Miss Norblad. who made numerous friends while her family lived here. Is a student at the University of Oregon. Harry Compton's College Shop fails! Stock on sale this week at Emmons, Inc., 42 1 State. : Tells of Holy Land Dr. Emory W. Pettlcord, pastor of the First Evangelical church, is conducting a series of meetings at the church this week. The messages deal with the last eight days of the life of Jesus. Dr. Pettlcord is describing the country through which Jesus and his disciples journeyed and the experiences of those last days. The large chorus choir furnishes special Easter music each evening. Services will be held each evening inis week except Saturday. Will Visit Fair Miss Edna Lucker of the Salem Laundry bus iness office will leave Sunday for wasnington, D. C, where she will spend a month or so visiting with ner brother, John T. Lucker, who Is In government service. From Washington she will go to other eastern points, and before return ing here July 1, she will view the world's fair at Chicago. Lonir to be Delegate -Paul M. Long of Multnomah county added ois name yesterday to those of other delegate candidates who seek to attend the constitutional amendment convention to be held in Salem this summer. Lone fa vors repeal of the 18th amend ment. .aucy oozes zuisa with oar finest Easter candy. 10c to 11 The Spa. Boyee Better U. O. Borer. county cierk. Is rtcoverins- ranld ly from his illness, accordinr to courtnouso reports yesterday. He is able to sit ud but as yet has not been back at his office. The clerk has been sick more than three weeks. Authorizes Extradition Gover nor Julius L. Meier yesterday au- tnorixea the extradition of L T. Campbell, wanted at Prosser. Wash., for alleged desertion of his family. Long Is nnder arrest at Toledo, Ore. Suits $9 to $19 at Emmons. Inc., sale of Harry Compton's Portland clothier, stock. Open evenings, 426 State. Attend Early Funeral A num ber of state officials and employes of state departments went to Port land Tuesday to attend the funeral of the late Charles Early, former chairman of the state industrial accident commission. At 84. John's Maundy Thurs day services will be observed at St. John's Lutheran church to night at 7:30 o'clock, and Friday morning at 10 o'clock German services will be held in keeping with Good Friday. Reports on Estate-- Balance on hand with the estate of the late John Jacob Mickey is $1750, ac cording to a report filed in pro bate court yesterday by K. E. MJckey, executor. I Visits Salem "Chet" Lindley, formerly in business In Salem, but how of Chehalis, Wash., was a vis itor In Salem Wednesday. C. M. Lee Mores C M. Lee, employed in' the grocery business hero the last four years, has been appointed Portland branch man ager for McCormlck ft Co- Inc., and plans to make his home- In that city. While in 6alem, Mr. Lee served as manager for United Purity stores and advertising manager for Willamette Grocery eompany. With Mrs. Leo ho has ust returned from Los Angeles where they spent the winter. Sale Confirmed Sale of real property on South Commercial street in behalf of the Mutual Sav ings and Loan association has been confirmed by an order in I circuit court here. Defendant in I the case was Margaret Montgom ery Shafer and others. The pur chase price at the sale was $8013, covering the full elalnt of the plaintiff. Lane Paroled Elmer Lane. hailed before Judge L. H. McMa-l han yesterday on a charge of theft of a car, admitted the charge. He was sentenced to one year in the state penitentiary and immediate ly was paroled by the judge to his father, L. H. Lane. The car was taken from Fannie Rogers here February 4. Easter grades. candy of The Spa. the better Seeks Freedom Mary H. Bol ton who married A. F. Bolton in 1912, now wishes her freedox she asserts in a divorce complaint filed here Wednesday. She alleges that her husband has an ungov ernable and bad temper and has mistreated ner. sue seeks cus tody of their two children and $50 I a month support money for one son until he becomes of age. Coming Evads - v April 14 Beethoven dab of Wiliaaaette university, program. April MB Local xansle pupils contest piano, voice and violin, sponsored - by snaste teachers of Salem, to be held at chamber of commerce. ' April Id Union Easter sunrise service at Belcrest Memorial park, 0:80 a. m. Easter seriices in ail local churches. April 17-18 Capt. E. A. Salisbury speaks. April 18 Zone Bally of Naxarene yonth. April 18-20 QuOt exhi bit. Knight Memorial ehnrch, April 21 Lena Belle Tar tar to present musical pro gram. May 5-6 Annual May festivities, Willamette uni versity campus. May 7 Music week opens in Salem. Final Philharmon ic concert today. May 12-18 Oregon State Association of Master Plumbers, annual meeting. Jane 1-4 Evangelical conference. First Evangeli cal church. June S-4 Fourth Annual Willamette Valley Flower Show. June 19 Willamette uni versity commencement. June 21-23 G. A. R. and affiliating bodies annnal en campment. July T mi En campment, Spanish War Veterans. Sept. -9 Oregon state fair. To Sell Property Personal property and home furnishings of the late Cornelia A. Davis of Tur ner are to be sold at a public auc-l $1 073 1 1 C A A A A tion to be held this month under V jfi" uutu court order Issued Wednesday to 8. M. Endleott, executor of Mrs. Davis' will. Blossom day. sponsored annu ally by the Salem Cherrians, has been tentatively set for April 23. The original date of April If is udged at least a week early, and it may be if continued cold pre vails the event will come nearer the end of the month than the 23d. Any Idea that the date now pro posed is the latest tor trees in this section to blossom is npset when dates on which the observ ances have been held-since 1914 show three times in May and twice at a later period in April. Since 1914. the Blossom day caravans have made thslr Jaunts on: March 29. 1914; March. 24, 1916; April 4, 1914; May 1, 1917; April 10. 1918; April 19. 1919; April 23. 1920; April 4. 1921; May 7. 1922; May 4. 1923; April 13. 1924; April 12. 1925; March 23, 1924; April 24, 1927; April 15, 1928; April 28. 1929; April 13 1930; April 12, 1931; April 17. 1932. The Cherrians will meet Fri day night, when a good-will trip to Silverton April 19. Rose Festi val plans and linen suits will all come np for discussion. Audit Going On Annual audit of the books of all county officials is now In progress at the court house, Auditor Davidson handling to State Relief is Asked of RF.C. Governor Meier yesterday sent the Reconstruction Finance tne worx. He maae the audit last ,t iw year for the City of Salem. corporation at Washington two vyuouuui ir rtmei tunas in Day-Richter Settle The case of the amounts of 114 75 &nd il . nomum v. iay against ttuny tticn- 11K Tnrtt-rT tar has htVti.,i nut At "" respectively. by stipulation, according to a smouni or repre- statement filed here Wednesday, sents the original request for nn- ma. a. a . I i ae sun invoivea auorney-a zees, employment relief funds for Matthewa to SneVk Prafuur Curry, Malheur, Washington and - . - r I W .f. James T. Matthews of Willamette! xemnm counues. university has been selected as I The amount of $1,271,115 re commencement speaker for Forest I presents a request for supple- bo held May 24. I mul1 ' ur i uenion, jiacaamas, uisisop. co Larceny Hearing Preliminary lumbla. Coos. Cnrr. . Deschutes. neanng for Frank Cain, accused Douglas, Harney. Jackson, Jo- of larceny of a range belonging to sephine, Klamath, Lane, Linn, ine Piasn r-urniture company, will Lincoln, Malheur, Marion, Mult do neio in justice court this after- nomah. Polk, Tillamook. Uma tilla, Union, Wasco, Wallowa, i Washington and xamhlll coun ties. noon, beginning at t o'clock. Meet Thursday A fellowship meeting with special communion will be held at the Ford Memor ial church in West Salem In con nection with the regular prayer meeting Thursday evening. Reiser Club Meets The reg ular meeting of the community I munity club falling on Good Fri- ciub win bo held at the Kelzer day, there will be no program at schoolhouse Friday night. A pro- the hall that night. The regular gram and refreshments will be business session will be held and MEETING, NO PROGRAM SALEM HEIGHTS, April 12. Due to the regular monthly meet ing of the Balem Heights com CM API S3 TICKETS SELL FAST FOB POLICE DICE Csnvsssing the business district yesterday, all city policemen com bined forces in selling tickets to the second radio benefit dance, to bo given at Crystal Gardens Mon day night. Inspector Orrey Cotley, In charge of dance plans, an nounced that over 500 tickets had been sold. Further tickets at 25 cents each may be obtained from any city officer. Both modern and old-time mu sic will be offered again at this dance, provided by the Salem Mu sieians' union. Old-time music will be played by George Wesley's Country Boys and modern rhy thms by the Bohemian orchestra, Otto Klett will donate use of the dance hall. Delay In receipt of equipment has held ap installation of the short wave transmitter at police headquarters, but the antenna system has been set up, between city hall and the old opera house building. It is now expected the transmitter will be put In opera tion late this week or early next. SALEM GIRL TO WED TACOMA. Wash., April 12 (AP) A marriage license was is sued hero today to Frank L. Silk worth of Boise, Idaho, and Ruth Root of Salem, Ore. Ill SCHOOL BATJD IN STATE COHTEST The Salem high' school band. some 50 strong, with its direc tor, Wesley Roeder. will go to Eugene Saturday to participate in the annual state band contest to bo held in that city. The yosng musiclana and their director have been working hard all year, in preparation for the big contest, having played at numerous athletic events and given one large public concert. and should stand a good chance of placing high in the contest. Bands from high schools all over the state will be in the compe tition. This is Roeder's first year as leader of the local group and he has done remarkably well la the short time he has been at its head. He graduated from Wil lamette university where he was a ranking tennis player and mu slcian. here tn ltll. Of the county's 1932 V allotment of $72,121 the balance of 117414 wiU bo used for con struction of the Silver Falls sec ondary highway, the only major road project to bo built in the county this season. Hereafter all secondary road work will be handled directly by the state, $450,004 having been set aside annually this blennlum for such work. WOODBURN vs. CHEMAWA WOODBURN. April 12 The Wood burn high school baseball team has been working hard this week, preparing to meet the Che mawa team at Chemawa Friday. The Woodburn Bulldogs have lost both games plsyed so far. but by close scores. Not Just Another PillToDaadenPa $55,045 is Paid County in 1932, On Highway Work Receipt this week of $11,427 from the state highway depart ment makes a total of $55,045 paid Marion county by the stale for secondary highway work done Bat a wooderial modern medi etas which acts upoo the coodkioes which CAUSE the pais. Take them regularly and you should sndcf less aad leu each moot. PERSISTENT USE BEINGS PERMANENT U UEF. Sold at all good dreg scores Small sae50 LYD1A L PIIIKHAIVS TABLETS fOX. RELIEF AND PREVENTION OF PERIODIC PAINS LJ featured. Matthews Chosen Seniors of a nominating committee appoint ed to make up the slate of offi- Forest Grove high achool have that due to tn many observances of Willamette university to de liver their commencement address May 28. of this day that the club would wait until May, the last meeting and put on a special program. Kon-Snpport Hearing Conrad I ary hearing in Justice court this Fuchs will come up for prellmln- morning on a non-support charge. For Better EYE HEALTH Too may be sure that glasses win be recommended and fit ted only when necessary. And the cost wm be small. Rofisell At the residence 1035 Granite Emmons, Inc. open evenings this street, April 12, Mrs. Emma Ros- week to dispose of Harry Comp- sen, sgea bs years, eumvea oj - children Joe Hammond. Ed- day Rites Good Fri ward Hammond and Joseph d gerTice8 M be heid at the Hammond of Salem. Frank Ham- Rfomed church Friday morning monu oi wmana, nars. urc i t 1n.sft nVlocV when the German subject will be "The Three Cross es." Services In the English lan suaee will be held that night at 8 o'clock in "The Bunai or je- ... A 1. sus. A. maie quariei wm siug. Miss Beecher Speaks Miss Lil lian Beecher. Willamette univer sity graduate, will speak at the Fraternis club meeting tonignt son of Portland. Funeral services Friday, April 14, at 10 a.m. from the Free Methodist church. Win ter at Market, under the direc tion of W. T. Rlgdon and Son, with Rev. J. R. Stewart offi ciating. Clark At the residence. 285 North 15th street. Anril 12. Newel W. concerning various types of in riart. trM a -rnara Rurrlyed hv surance. The urogram is being ar Til area Mn Mailt TTntrTilnnn fit I ran red by Reed Rowland. The Salem, Mrs. Minnie Duncan of II-1 dub meets at the Spa at 4:30 linois. Mrs. R. G. Merrill of Cal ifornia, Mrs. Cora B. Jewel of Iowa; nephew, E. A. Clark of California. A member of the Ma sonic lodge, Knight Templars and the Shrine. Funeral services Friday, April 14, at 1:30 p.m. from Rlrdon'a mortuary. ' with Dr. W. C. Kantner and the Paci fic lodge No. 50 officiating. Conger John I. Conger passed away at a local hospital Wednesday. April 12, aged 73 years. A late resident of 370 State street. Survived by widow, Mrs. Annice Conger of Multnomah; daughter. Mrs. Margaret L. Dixon of Mult nomah; three sons, Omar "C. of Kerby. Allard J. of Portland and Ray P. Conger of Multnomah; sey- en grandchildren, two great arandehlldren: one sister, Mrs. Lou Haves of Welaer. Ida, Fun eral services from the chapel of the Clough-Barrick company, Fri day. Anril 14. at 1:30. p.m. wun Rev. Lavton officiating. Inter ment Belcrest .Memorial . park p. m. Lions Induct Members Six new members will be introduced at the Lions club meeting -today noon. The luncheon today will bo heiu at the newly-opened Gray Belle res- tauranU Nelson Estate In The estate of the late Chris Nelson has been admitted to probate court here, Martin Jensen la to be executor of the will. EASTER LILIES Cut Flowers and Pot Plants - 4 Phono S637 JAYvfORRIS ! - v. , u FLORIST Liberty Road & Ewald Ave. SPECIAL" PILES-CURED Croqo I a o I o Ringlet Bad Permanent PUSH WAVE $1.00 Open . Friday Evenings by appointment CASTLE PERMANENT WAVERS CO. 307 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. ' TeL 3443 . , Branch of Castle Pioneer Permanent Wavers, Portland Vacuum Cleaners and Floor Waxers To Rent Call 0910. Csed Furniture - Department 151 North High IP-ENNE'Sr'S SEsf AnaMvei?GOi?sr Fouaimdei?G ID)ayc TL&thi H&thi USth MEN'S BOYS' EASTER SUITS SHIRTS AND Blue & brown SHORTS SETS MEN'S BojB' Fast EASTER TIES RJrP SHIRTS SlB 4J()(gea. MEN'S BOYS DRESS SHIRTS BLUE SUITS Fast color size 8 - 18 - UtLiorca. ovtbi VWiiemmem felr, ixmom Toon a aMuicicau. vtuu oaJ autkon r . i 2Dri .r- " , x I I laf--j - Ijirkirtyetthatdisrinr- I I III 0 - VF f ? TC Ol 1 tive Character. And bAi3&' liS&XX everv Luckv is deli- II f tA'AVtVt. ' I 7nJ III & A Wamii meUow-mlld f? A. V? lVs toasted- biM tt t i56 , " , ' -" i . 13 1 . I 1 'A M?d: W - Inercryconofthewodd, , - W'Q I lmtm & bothhereaodoveneu. - '(f I : I Vm $ wherever you find Joy la lift. ' v . v X k- J YOUR MATT fUH from rKo hand of Itffy Cod fiaffor Vifferoat ways wHa fresaj sprta colors, now flowerv r&boa wn!ma!osl Ssaawf saSort. wWe brims, Kjk InrUns . . . crowning glorias for your Eattor corfumel A New SLIPPER for Easter Easter DRESSES Printed or Plain Pure Silk Full Fashion HOSE SILK PANTIES Lace trim SCARFS Silk Crepes Rayon Crepes Ladies' and Misses ZIPPER PURSES DBF AQTUBItT o.OTO&B 160 N. Liberty St. Without Operatloa sr Lots of TIbm DR. MARSHALL ? Orcoe-Blds. Phoao 30fl