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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1932)
: t V -TherOItE i Local News Briefs 'iBWlsaalF ::." " .V :.-. pnoT rmnr pimp sans n - nana UUUI UtIIUL UUIIIU r:1 i -i STATESMAN, Salexn, Oregon. Saturday Morning. Aprli33TtS32' i- 'i PAGEFTYE- tin, Roberta Speaker iMrs. T. 8. Roberts-wiU speak at ;. the Junior ehureh aervicnr the First Methodist ehurcb "Sunday at" 11 o'clock, i Interpreting .moods and story patterns In the works of eev era! of the great music composers. A phonograph will be used to play the selections as they are Inter preted. (The program will be suit able to the observance of Music Week- If Us Margaret Stevenson wlU assist -v'-v.;. Many exceptional bargains in ap- Bendele Case Pant Bendeie. 1 charged with' f alitor to stop and! giro aid and .with speeding,, will appear la - justice conrt 'next I ; Thursday at It a.m. for trah The ease was originally eet 'tor yester day morning, tut was set over. Bendeie la out of Jail on $Ht bail. He tires' in southern Oregon. Billvf or ! Keller l Case Runs :i To3lS37690, ? Others; Coming up Soon Under the Dome Occurrences and. Gossip- at the center of Oregon's state government s . . Bedding plants are showing now complete. Salem's Fetlaad, ; ; E3ectri carnages Time The i afternoon Oregon Electric train, northbound, will depart at 4 ln- pllances and fixtures yet to be bad ft61 of at 5:05 o'clock, Agent E. . m m . . . I n" HAnAMfl r m s r avm nvS wAerfshtX. at ' Fleener Electric Inc- 471 -Court streets- ; . ;.;--:;e Marines Becruitlng Open A new quota .for. enlistment in ; the U. 8. Marine corps will be open hero beginning tomorrow. Ser geant Mack .Sherman, local re cruiting . officer, . announced yesterday.- - Vacancies , exist both, - In the regular serrice and in the drum and bugle corps for which 17-year old boys are eligible. The recruiting office Is located on the second floor of i the postofflce building. r :- - Mildred Cuddy, formerly of the Marinello Shop, now at Mildred's Beauty Shop, 385 N. High. Phone 5859. ;-;:;-r;-V;'-.-,i-. Fresh Paint "Fresh Paint!", the spring warning in Willson .park, now Is appearing on the park benches. Frank Kluck, city gardener. Is now haying his crew giro the benches a new coat of light creen paint in preparation for summer use. He is hoping no ! one will meet the fate of one worn-: an who last spring ruined a dress by falling to notice the "paint" sign. Full course turkey dinner Sun- 4-H Club Fair Beginning next Wednesday, the auditorium of the chamber of commerce will be glv en over for four consecutive days to the annual exhibition- of pro jects of 4-H club groups through out the county. This will mean that no group - meetings, except such as may be accommodated in the smaller rooms at the cham ber, will be scheduled during that period. Salem Symphony orchestra con cert, armory. April 80. 8:15. Earl Jennings, baritone soloist. Adults 50c, students- 25c Accept Invitation George H. Himes. curator - of the Oregon state historical society, and Edith Tosier Metherred and Albert To- 1 tier, custodians at the Champoeg Memorial park at Chemawa. hare accepted invitations to be present at the annual Founders' Day pro gram to be held Monday at the chamber of commerce as the reg ular luncheon feature. , Marlon conntrlaees a probable cost of between 110.000 and f 1S,- 000 tor court trials la Polk county with but 22,288 left in th bud get for the circuit eourt expenses. Placed In the mail yesterday by Polk county was a bill for f 2.712. 00, according to Hugh Q. Black, Polk county clerk, who visited Sa lem Friday. - - Fire trials are being heard In Polk countr on change of venue Young ducks, they eat earwigs and I from Marion county with Marlon slugs. Ready now at Salem's Pet- county footing the bill. The first FOLLOWING the state high way commission around -for this lima this is: the excnsa your correspondent is offering for faiS- ure to hare a column written tor yesterday's jpaper. We hare heard a lot about missing the issue, and wa wish to offer our apologies to the many disappointed readers at breakfast. - - - F. Roberts was informed yester day. The morning train will con tinue to leave at 0:80 o'clock and arrive in Portland at 11 o'clock. land, 278 State. Parkers Checked Up Check ing up on motorists who were summoned to appear In municipal court for parking overtime but did not do so resulted yesterday in collection of 817 in fines from eight persons. T&e amount col lected on Thursday was 812. Our regular Mon. ft chick sale. Hatchery at 2214 N. Front. 8tore 273 State. Some Buff Orpington too. Phone 6767. One Accident Occurs One au tomobile accident was reported to police yesterday: L. A. Berrman, 1440 Nebraska street, and T. J. Lllburn. 346 North 13th street, at Ferry and Liberty streets. No one was Injured. of these was the Frank J. Keller trial which closed Tuesday. , Witness fees claim the major portion of the bill, accounting tor 82,884.90 while jurors took $628, court reporters 3130, bailiffs 8104, extra Janitor service for sev en days 821 and meals at hotel $7. Polk county pays ten cents per mile for witnesses while Marion Tues. baby county pays out live cenis; ins, If them is asiyoaM wha Juevee the present hi wavy sssstosi ocaai the Jes It meets J Portland. Jwst let; him sea lea -aehedala - for n meetiag date, this one set for. Thursday Portland. Wa tried to keep vp with thesn hot had t drop' out of sonae of . th meetings It wan i UttU (' mach, and a writer must take Ume out to write once tan while, eve If his -stafT doesn't look Ilka i. Salem symphony orchestra .con cert. Armory. Apr. 20, 8:15. Earl Jennings, 'baritone soloist. ' " Bar' Men to Meet The Marion county Bar association will meet this noon at the Rose Cafe, with Judge Howard Zimmerman of Clatsop county the main speaker. All members of the state supreme court have been invited to be spe cial guests on this occasion. Choice - bedding and vegetable plants. Plant early May for sat isfying results. Jay Morris Green - house. Liberty road ft Ewald ave. Phone 8637. .... Many exceptional bargains in ap pliances and fixtures yet to be had at Fleener Electric, Inc., 471 Court street . Langhlia Speaker "What we can do to help eliminate poverty" is the subject which Prof. 8. B. Laughlln will -use in his address before the Young People's Forum of the First Methodist church at 6:30 Sunday night. Walt for Director's big tire sale in Giese-Powers store. Johnson Files W. A. Johnson, 1825 Fairmont avenue, made his first solo flight in an airplane Thursday night. He remained up alone for 15 minutes. For lumber, shingles and building material, see Pedee Lumber Co., 1231 Edgewater street, W. Salem. Phone 8811. W. T. Grier. Mgr. Ambrose Appointed Keith Ambrose," ex-chief of police at Klamath Falls, has been appoint ed a patrolman by the state police department at Gold Beach, Curry county. . Many exceptional bargains in ap pliances and fixtures yet to be had at Fleener Electric, Inc., 471 Court street Pays $10 Fine Richard Purs ley yesterday paid a 310 tine in justice court here after pleading guilty to charge of-switching. li cense plates. - Complete line or thnrty. hardy, bedding plants. Salem's Petland. Bottlers to Meet L. M. Ram age of Salem, president of the state Bottlers association, re ports that a state meeting will be held hero Saturday night May 14. A dinner will be servea at the Gray Belle. Spa chocolates tor Mother's Day. bill must be paid at Polk county rates. The five trials are those of Frank J. Keller, Jr., convicted Tuesday. O. P. Coshow. which opens next Monday, Dr. W. R. Adams, I. H. Fetty and Jay Stock man, all in connection with the Empire Holding corporation acti vities. Marion county has budgeted 39,550 for circuit court expenses, of which 36,184 has already been expended. It may be necessary to transfer money from the emergen cy fund to pay the first bill. The commission started off with a dinner conference at the Imperial hotel Wednesday night at o'clock. This meeting contin ues aiterwarda until 11:30 that night Breakfast conference at t o'clock at the hotel, which lasted until 10 o'clock, when the publie meeting started at the court house. Service Groups Planning Music The pubUo aessioa adjourned at 12:30 for lunch. The com mission scheduled a luncheon coni&renco at the Portland ho tel for noon. Meeting again took up at o'clock and lasted nnta . Then a short breathing pell and the commission took np at 7:10 for another hotel eeesioa which lasted far into the night Friday morning an other hotel session was called to hear delegations, and finally after 20 hoars of meeting the one-day meeting ended. And all this time there was Week Programs tStSJSJLt Service clubs are each featur ing Music week, which opens May 1 and continues to May 7. Mon day the chamber of commerce has planned melaphona numbers by Miss Evelyn Hebel, accompanied by Lena May Dotson; Tuesday the Klwanls will hear Hume Downs, violinist, accompanied by his father, Dr. C. A. Downs, and C. Earle Jennings, baritone solo ist. Wednesday a trio of Miss Tina Emmett Coffel, violin. Miss He bel, melaphone, and Lena May Dotson, piano, will be tne pro gram tor the Rotarians and the Lions have asked for tne same program for their Thursday noon luncheon. would bo hard to find one. Leslie Scott Is showing those who at first had some misgivings as to tne stamina of the new rroun that the commission means bus iness and Is doing things 9IEG POIOTS 0;i ME TOPICS invited anyone to talk that had anything to present. And these speeches take- time. ' - .t " i v ' r- - - :.: I:;?1-,; i. . T""" i i s '-- - tonigai ie the data for tha big dinner the highway department It giving Boy Klein, --'former state highway engineer. . It looks though it was going to be a great affair, and. Quite a -number of newspapermen, highway men and others yrul attend from Portland, hanks, gang, for the invitation. we'll sure be therev,.. , Perhapa it Is the irony ef fate, sooner doee, the grand jury give high praise to the administration of the Ore gon State hospital . and that' wards were fortunate in being held there, one of the hunatee sn and ends his life. But that Is ene ef those events than can not be controlled, and the grand jory report still stands. But it Is fine to learn that tha efforts .of Dr. R. B. Lee Stelner and his staff including his right hand man. Dr. John Evans, are appreciated and acknowledged by an official body -such as a grand Jury,The state hospital is known nationally tor its acnievements. Friday was "visitors day? at the Salem Ad club when a group representing tha Salem chamber of commerce presented the day's program. The delegations was headed by Douglas McKay, prasl- dent. and O. B. Wilson, secretary. Wilson acted as announced, and introduced McKay. Ted Endlcott one of the trustees of tha cham ber, nd Fred J. GUbralth, man ager of . the linen nulls. Each talked briefly with reference to Salem industry nnd opportunity. U : The advantages which Salem offers In tourist trips ware out lined by Endlcott: He referred to the many eceale ' spots . and, the various places ot historical in terest GUbralth discussed the linen industry in particular aad noted whea the Salem baseball team administered the worst de feat to the Eugene high school that team has experienced in years. A school can do wonders if students work together instead of for' a small group who only raise "-- Salem manufacturing ia general. Lately the Salem linen mills has received an order for three tons of hair-dressing twine, which in dicates the expansion, of demand for local nroduets. v - ' McKay related interesting bis- torical tacts about Salem which make It an Important ceater - in the stata.i-.J i v.i it-iiAzv'-.i Insurance Sale n Without Permit Is Charge Filed Eugene Coffy of Portland Fri day was arrested at the request ot A. H. Arerllt state insurance commissioner, on a charge ot so liciting and writing insurance, in the state without authority. Coffy,-who gars hs address as Rochester; Minn., was operating under tha name ot J.. Do Witt Of ficials said he falsely represented that the insurance company for which ha was working wan af filiated with the Metropolitan ilia Insurance company. . i Dr Chan Laos Chinese Medicine 148. N. Commercial Kansas 1 and 9 Salem Office hears Tuesday and Satur day 8- to 5 p. m. First Church of Christ, Scientist; ; . r v' ;f Salem ; - . Announces A "t Freo LccturaV ' . :. on Chrutian Science "WhatltisandHow It Works" , Peter V. Ross, C S. B.. of Saa Francisco . - Member of the Board of Les tureshlp of the Mother-church. The First Church ot Christ Scientist In Boston, Mass. . in the Church Edifice, corner Liberty and Chemeketa Streets Men day Evening, May 3 at t o'clock. The Public Is cordially . invited to attend And for some briefs: Ben Wing has the gout and he says it is bad enough just to have the gout without accompanying publicity, ae don't mention it to him ... Theatre advertising teUa -us there Is a fine news paper picture at the Capitol theatre ... It was hard to work yesterday with all that fine swnahlao ... Mr. Randall's new counter la expected to be start ed in the capitol buUdang lobby aeon . . . Gordon Taylor, legis lator from Washington county, is getting Chin. A former chief of police of Klamath Falls has been added to the state police force. He will be sent to Curry county, tha wild est county in the state and a good man is needed Pray says Keith Ambrose, the party in question. Is Just the right man. HEWS OF HEALTH SELECTED Buttons for observance of health rules will be awarded to 1003 Salem grade school children during National Child Health week, - which begins tomorrow, Mlas Carlotta Crowley, supervisor of elementary schools;' announced yesterday. - Br schools, the "heralds ot health" number as follows: En glewood 112, Garfield 100 Grant 109. Highland 112. Lincoln 186, McKinley 131, , Richmond 81, Park 84, Washington 08. The ' rules which these "her alds" hare observed are: 1, satis factory practice of health habits; 2. satisfactory behavior ana am- - tuda in school: 3, satisfactory nu trition or gala in welghtr 4f Free dom from remedial physical "de fects; 1 6. evidences it Immunity to aiphtherla and smallpox. - Obituary Hchirman In this city. April 27. Katie Schirman, aged 34 years. Sur vived by father, Fred Schirman of siirerton, sister, Mrs. Freida Leh man of Jefferson, and six broth ers, Walter of Monmouth. Daa and Alvln of Salem. Sam and George ot Silverton, John of Port land. ; Funeral services will be! held Saturday. April 20. at 3 p. m. at the German Baptist church- with Rev. Q. W. Rntsch officiatiag. Interment Belcrest Memorial park under the direc tion of the Clough-Barrick com-! pany. First Cinders Drop on Track Theblg' fire Wednesday night did its bit to help Willamette university athletes get theixUong desired cinder track. The shower of cinders thrown eastward from the river front fire dropped the first cinders to go on the newly graded track. Barrick company Thursday. Fu neral services will be held Satur day, April 30, at 3:30 p. m. from the ehapel of the Clough-Barrick company, with Rev. Kantner of ficiating. Music will be furnished by the Clough-Barrick male quar tet Graveside services will be held by Chemeketa lodge No. 1. L O. O. F., at Lee Mission cemetery. A few of the things done dur ing these SO hours will show that Scott shoves thlnga through with a determination to complete a big job at one session. For instance the com mission heard numerous dele gations, reiterated its policy against emergency relief and outlined new projects for the next session May 18. The commission awarded 14 jobs at a cost ot about 1450.000, rejected one' Job, launched an aer ial surrey program, settled hun dreds of minor questions aad matters, sold bonds at a premi um, ordered a seven-hour day for spme crews, eliminated three pa trol crews, consistently said "No" te a lot of requests, outlined pol icies against footpaths, special privileges for highway use, op posed beaches as landing fields, and hundreds of other matters. The state board of higher ed ucation was meeting in Port land yesterday and it was re ported the chancellor for the institutions of learning in Ore gon had been selected. The name has not yet leaked out un less the commission decided to announee it last night The first results of ousting the hlrh school secret societies was LADIES' COAT and DRESS SPECIAL Entire stock of Silk Dresses and Spring Coats go on Special Sale at one half price ' 0112.50 9990 DRESSES DRESSES $495 rn v c 1 IPIM3ES 014.75 ; COATS 09.90 COATS 07.95 COATS $495 141 Com' No Stock Held in Reserve Every Garment on Sale in. fl TT TTbTTliir?lTU?irD n Salem, .LStUJ.MU Ore. Oh, yes, and there were some politicians at the nteeting whe only wished to be introduced, Including candidates for V. S. senator, a judge, several legis lators. The road officials alee Bailer Three miles north on Portland road. Thursday, April 18, Em ery Mercer Bailey, aged SS years, S days. Beloved husband of Mrs. Sarah Bailey; father of Marguer ite Bailey ot Salem; brother ot L. O. Bailey ot Oregon City. Mrs. D. J. Fury of Clarksburg. W. Va.. J. IB. RiIIav of rort Pierce . Fla.. I and Mrs. Bessie Llnstrom of Youhgstown. O. Funeral services will be held Saturday, April 30, at 2: SO p. m. from the chapel of the Salem Mortuary. S4K North Capitol street. Friends Invited. In terment Belcrest Memorial park. Downing In this city, April 20. Charles C. Downing, aged IT years. Sen ot Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Downing ot Portland. Notice ot funeral lat er by W. T. Rlgdon and son. Bank at Scotts Mills is Placed 4 Tn JraT Tfii Tiff Q i h. Salem, Mrs. W. R. Bishop, inJLiLe 1 dUU. & saa Francisco, and Mrs. W. L " Clongh Aldlne M. Clough, aged 21. passed away at the residence, 2Sf North- Canreb street, at 1:20 o'clock Wednesday morning. . Hs is survived by bis widow,- Adella, three daughters, Mrs.' Harley Hampton At the resideace, 594 North) Liberty street, April 29, Mary Ann Hampton, a native ot In diana, aged 9T years, 9 months and S days. Mother ot Mrs. O. V. Ellis and Mrs. Annette Smith, both ot 8alem and Nathan Hamp ton ot Lawtoa, Okla.; alse sur vived by 14 grandchildren and IT great graadennoren. Remains are la care of the Terwllliger Funeral Home, ' 770 Chemeketa - street. phone 692 8. Announcements 01 funeral later. Oregon Electric SCHEDULE CHANGES Sunday May 1st No. 12 for: Portland will leave Salem 4:00 p. m. ar riving; Portland 5:30 p. m. No other changes . affecting Salem E. P. Roberta, City Psgr. A Tkt, Agt. L. F. Knowlton, Gen. Agt. OREGON ELECTRIC RY. cf :G 1 si OH LV I . m at ywar first Tnk book conUina aiz whkh wCi earn ro actual eash. priea U tha book, 25c, syQ rato "4 - The bank of ScotU MQIs. Mar ian countr. Fridar was turned over to the state banking depart ment by iU directors. Tbe bank will be Uauidated by A. Schramm, state superintendent of banks: -.v :r.-.- t r J't Thm bank , was chartered H In. 1920 and had a capital .stock ot 215.600. Resources - aggregated $ 8 2. with S 8,090 deposits on April -1. 'r. ''-.-;v . albert Rich is resident. A. L. itrmkriter vice-nresident. , and J. O. Dixon, ;eaahierv3-y:'Cw- Bryant. Portland; two grandchil dren, Arthur Bishop, San Fran cisco,, and Howard rugo, saiem; and two brothers. winlamef Des Moines. Ia aad Fernando of Elk Pass. , Kan. The body will He in State in the parlors of the Clough-. CITY VIEW CEMETERY Cstabnahed IMS- -. Tel SSS3L Conveniently Accesslb " ' . Perpetual care provided; tor Prices Reasoaabla Coming Events llx: i April SO Salem Sym phony Orchestra concert at, armory, r ,.rf f May 1-8 slustr. week. 'May -Oregon confer- ence oh Child Health . and Protection.. v--r-i.'-A1--- i May-g-8 .Young People's and Women's 'Missionary State society, ; Free Metbe dlst church.-rfr-V'f.-i t May TrOptometrist : rantlon,vA.';-V - '".'" -f" :iV : May 6-7 1 Annual May Day festivities,- .Willamette -university. .';'.r" ' I v BI a J 23-20-27 Oregon Farmers Union convention. XOUXG CHINO -Recommended high ly tor treatment ot. chi 1 b 1 a 1 n s. sore eyes, sick hands and feet, ecsema, stom ach troubles, cancer and all kinds of dis eases. 221 tt State. PIANOS TO RENT IV- -Call OOin. tsed Faralture . . Department ' : 181 Korth High Save Money for Yourself 1 A PARK CJMhTlCRk WITH PERPKTDAL CARE ysst Tn SBastss ftsst lbs Hssri. ; St Tsws f 1 1 CMcken: Bones Our ever popular candy an joyed by all on account of its delicious xresn&ess, ap-. petizinn; crlspness and hiTii tmritr now - ottered ax m price that will compel yotr to take advantaee or mis tremendous bargain.- 19c Vz lb. 10ci 2 lbs, 37c per:lb. Drosr Store v : The erictnal rellow treat , dy special store of Salens iss X. iCosal St. Dial SltT A desiring suut tn nrtent need f employ ment wil come U yoer door tad tier yoo the HUla coupon book aaowa tbore. Tha .rice is only 25c although tha eocpong etv title yon t nrinrs of neveral times that amount. ;rs'?:' - '-' Tha 25e ,wUI ipU-ttij wh is seninir' this book.- V '': - :-. , : 1 - - '-, .- v " . - -- And when joumkk yonr ilist purchase) at ; Smith & Watklns, yon wiH recefre a 25c re-i fond. - -- . - Putting men at work selUns; these serrice coupons is Smith & Watklns contribution to) unemployment relief. T A , ;; s Hera, at esse stop, tmder oanvroot; yoa can upkeep serrieo.for ytur ear. Tha cotrpaaa ia yonr book entitle yon to sar ings frost $1 to $L50 on services yon aro tmytns; resnlarly for yonr ear; besides the refund of your 25c . " Ton can't afford W pass np an opportunity like this.7 If yoa haTo not yet bought yonr -boosvpsone us and well see that yon are' giren the opportunity. Phone today as these books axe to bo on sale only a short time. 1. j. 'II r?z I : SERVICE I' V ' - TUNE IN BA CH MONDAY.NIGHT ON "VOICE OF FtRBSTONETKG f 8:30-9 P. li, Iarits i Us to;Tm;Ntat-l3Mi Center and Iilerty Streets ; n TEL. i 9144