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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1932)
' - ' - t - "". 5 villi . J t . . V: ; WEAT1IER : Cloudy with rain.. today sad Monday; - Max. Temp. : Saturday 67, Blin 42, river . 5.6 feet, cloudy, . southwest - wind. , We guarantee bar carrier .service. If your, paper dees not arrive by e:SO call OlOf pd copy will bje delivered promptly. I,..; i ' - ? FOUMDOP 1831 i EIGHTYFIRST YEAR Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, May 1, 1932 No. 314 , 9 riK ELEGT10NEAR Talk Scarce but Centered Chiefly in District Congress Race Steiwer '' Appears to Hold Edge for Reelection; Cfark is Active By; SHELDON T. SACKETT With election only 20 days away, Mr. Average Voter la as yet quiescent In his attltnde to wards political affairs. At least few voters are talking. The can didates, as numerous as lilac blos , soms on an old, tree, are' busy, hut the campaign if such the decidedly Individualistic affairs staged by each office aspirant may be called la yet to come. Everyone In Marion county in terested In politics inquires about the chances of Hon. W. C. Hawley for renomination and reelection. James W. Mott, state' corporation commissioner, and Charles C. Hulet, former master of the grange, i are the most active in their candidadea, against him. Mott lsworking as hard on his S campaign as he did on cleaning up financial racketeers lasJLyear J3ut he is not so sanguine ofre aults: his ODDOsltion which fce- suits; nis opposiuon. wu sides Huei ano nswiej utlu ;iTTe8ts. Emmett Howard of Eugene, stands pat and seems to divide his vote. Howard will not carry his own county of Lane, observers there say, and his supposed suppert by the "wets" faded away during the week when that aggregation as 'represented In the Hopgrowers league put Its approval on. Mott. Hawley, through Ronald G. Glov er, his long-time campaign mana ger, is cultivating the district thoroughly with letters to close friends accompanied by adequate campaign material) Steiwer Seen Hard to Unseat It Is hard to see at this date how any candidate can upset Frederick W. Steiwer, senator, in his race for the republican nom ination. Colonel A. E. Cl?"k of Portland is covering the state but persons who have attended meet ings held in his behalf report au diences small and enthusiasm slight. Clark is an excellent citi sen and an able man but his campaign, even with the-qulet en dorsemeifc of - Governor Meier, lacks flash and fire. " Robert N. Stanfield secured the endorsement of the Hopgrowers this week' and his managers say his experience in the senate; his known and avowed wetness I and th tiria i service for the state ' eight years go when he secured the federal payment of moneys to timber counties will .bring him the nomination. But the Stanfield men are Ty no means as strong In numbers as in hope. Governor j Silent On Politics - , - , Kenneth Harlan. Portland util ity fighter, is in, the ring prom ising everything in his 20-point platform j from surtaxes on the rich to plenty of federal help to every federal and free power for everyone. It is hard to see how Harlan should be taken seriously yet Portlanders predict he will run next to Steiwer in Multnomah county because public ownership has become well-nigh a mania with many citizens who look upon Harlan as an apostle, without su perior, of the rights of the com mon man. Harlan's campaign lit erature which Is plentiful apes thatr of George Joseph in makeup and! Includes praise from Joseph for Harlan as well as a picture of the "little corporal of the com mon people." Governor Julius L. Meier, like a boy tired of a new plaything, seems utterly apathetic on things ha looki on at the skirmishings with passive interest j . and perhaps has contributed j modest amount to the Clark efc- chequer. But the governor is not In'fighting trim as he was after the death of George Joseph. He spends a decreasing amount oi time in Salem, and his discussions are apparently limited to execu tive and administrative problems. Mrs. Pierce May be Replaced With all the turmoil In the highway commission a thing of history nd with a, new commis sion as peaceful as three turtle doves, the board of higher educa tion becomes the point for pos sible upheavals. Noticeably irked is Mrs. Walter M. Pierce who for the past two sessions of the board baa. evidenced her displeasure by staying entirely away from Port land. Mrs. Pierce wTote much of the curriculum committee's report which tho board adopted, albeit some of the members squirmed and protested. The very next meeting the process of chiseling the report began and Mrs. Pierce didn't like . such action. It 1 - ,.nmnrwf h is BTolng to resign and that she will carry her fight; along with the protests of Hector Macpherson. father ot the. hlgbr er education bill . to the state; Their demand will be the abolish ment ot the present board by tlw :: . KaTt Ipr1a!tnre :V... ' ... :- ?.-ti ! Whether this Incipient fight will b checked by the governor bv renlaclnar Mrs. Pearce with less bellserent or wheth er the "governor win Join with ' her in protesting the board's va cilatlon Is a matter of specula- tion. If the governor Interferes with higher education now ha takes upon his shoulders respon " i (Turn to page i, eol. 1) i Boiirb on Nom inatioh Fi g tit G rows; Watch California Primary Smith's New-Gained Votes put "CKoci Under : Old Band Wagon" and Halt Roosevelt . 4 Dash Toward Demo Selection v TT7ASHINGTQN, April 30-1 (AP) Trouble cloudalare VY. massing over the democratic "presidential nomination contest and the republican platform makers with the ap proach of May primaries and conventions. The strange quirks of political events of the past week, witk.the national conventions less than two months away, not only halted for the first timeO- the rush of Franklin D. Roosevelt toward the democratic nomina tion, with Alfred E. Smith fur nishing the 'impediment, but also added Michigan to the states ad vocating a moist plank In tho re publican platform. Smith left no doubt In the minds of politicians that he was out to stop his successor at Al bany when, In commenting on his capture of the Massachusetts del egation of 36. he said, "I guess that puts a chock under the old band-wagon." The supporters of both are still making varying- claims as to the division of Pennsylvania's 76 del egates. The Roosevelt claims run as high as 66 and those for Smith 44. The preference vote there is virtually assured the present New York governor, but this Is not binding on the delegates. Coming so soon after the Mas- ,arhusetts and Pennsylvania con California's primary Tues day will be watched with unusual Interest It will bra three-way contest for 44 delegates, bringing together for the first time, Roose velt, Smith and Speaker Garner. Unlike Pennsylvania and most other primary states, the prefer ence decision there is binding on the delegates. There will be no doubt as to the victor when the votes are counted. April Total is $43,734; Repair and new Jobs Are Numerous Building permits taken, out here list month were the highest since .last July and almost equal to those of April 1931 and 1930, according to Inspector E. C. Bushnell's report made yesterday. The month's total was 530.709.50 in new construction and $13,025 in repairs and alterations, $4X- 734.50 in all. The July, 1931, permits were but $1105.45 over those of the past month. For April, 1931. they were $45,838.95; for April, 1930, $58,707.75, and for April, 1929, $150,532. ,Up to last month, February was the heaviest building period of 1932,- when permits totalled $14,274.25. January was $8360 and March, $10,848.05. Fire is Cause Of Large Jobs Over half of the month's per mit value resulted from the fire which in March gutted the Brey man and White business blocks and burned out Directors', Mac Marr's and Byrnes', Inc. Recon struction "of the two buildings was begun last week with the to tal cost estimated at $20,000. Byrnes', under the new name of Fred Meyer, moved into the old telephone building, requiring al terations amounting to $2000, according to the building permit. Two other large projects were begun during the month. Con struction of a $12,000 store building on South Commercial street for D. B. Jarman and of a $2000 warehouse for the Western (Turn to page 2, cot. "7) BUIK IS BEST . SINCE LAST JULY Worthy Progress Shown By Symphony Orchestra By OLIVE M. DOAK Pride In possession must- have swelled the heart of every music lover in tbe ' large crowd which gave appreciative audience to the third and final concert ot- the Sa lem Civic Symphony orchestra sea son Saturday night in the armory. " Looking back over the first con cert presented bravely last fall. bravely but not a little haltingly, and comparing It with the splen did manner. In which the same group presented . Us program of difficult numbers Saturday nlgnt, there is a real surprise in the realization of the vast Improve ment. Had all the women in tbe or chestra worn dark dresses, there would have been only slight dif ference between the appearance of this civic group and that of a metropolitan orchestra. Poise, save for a bit of mirth-now and then which. had perhaps better not been provoked,, a professional, serious attitude of personnel and a quick sympathy between dlrec tor and orchestra that was ad mirable were shown. 1 j The inanner in which the tbree movements 6f Beethoven's "Sym nhonv In CTdalor" were presented was an Inspirational view Into the future of this clvle group. SUMMER 101 F f I R (V. 0. SHBS PLAN Philharmonic Choir to go On Extensive Jaunt; Approval Given A rather extensive tour this summer by the Willamette univer sity Philharmonic choir, com bined men's and women's glee clubs, was given official sanction by the executive committee of the board of trustees at Its meeting Saturday. Professor Cameron Marshall, head of the university music de partment, has been figuring and planning on the tour for some time and his proposal-met with the unanimous approval of the committee, however with the de tails to be arranged later. The tour will be through the western states and particularly In the northwest. Prof. Marshall be lieves that this will be excellent advertising for Oregon. Salem and Willamette university. It is also planned to take the stringed quartet along with the choir. The traveling group would consist of 28 students, a chaperon and Professor Marshall, being the largest undertaking of its kind ever launched here. The choir and the stringed quar tet returned recently from a brief tour of a number of Oregon and Washington towns along the Co lumbia river and Portland. The group was well met In all of Its appearances and the broadcast in Portland brought many com pliments. .Talent for the choir was plenti ful this year and the competition 'rV-.J'lll : r . .,r! ZZ; iT , numbers have been learned. The stringed quartet, composed of Chris Seeley. Al King. Verne Wilson and Chester McKay, has made numerous appearances in ana about Salem. GREATLY BY BLAZE Flames of unknown origin HOUSE IS DAMAGED broke out in the front attic of only five cents a mile for traveling E. E. Forgaard's house at 565 expense. Other items of cost in North 18th street about midnight duded $649 for Jurors, $104 for last night and caused consider- two bailiffs, $7 for meals for the able damage to all but the back Jury and $130 for the court re part of the dwelling. porter. This Is the second fire within The case of Oliver P. Coshow, the last two years at that place, ex-chlef Justice of the state su- Much of the furniture was tak- preme court and ex-president of en from the house and protected the Empire Holding corporation, from the rain in the streets by goes to trial Monday morning at canvas. The fire gutted the en- Dallas before Judge Arlie P. tire roof on the front gable and Walker. Coshow is Jointly Indicted ran along the rest ot the roof In with the four other Empire offl- front. The plaster walls were cers with devising a scheme to de- damaged by lire ana water, ana much of the upstairs was burned The call was answered by the east station and a squad from the central station assisted. 0 There has been gained in these months ot practice a flexibility, a harmonious interlocking ot indi vidual work, and a professional security which makes "a strong foundation upon which to start building next fall. , Prof. Seitz, bis orchestra mem bers and the officers and commit tees, that have worked to-make this civic group possible should be happy concerning the result of this year's work. . C. Earle Jennings, baritone, and assisting artist on the program Saturday night apparently won a place tor himself on the merit of his numbers. Ringing .applause which demanded an encore after his second group brought him, back to say a few words of enthu siastic praise, for the symphony group. This would not satisfy his audience and he was forced to re peat "On the Road to Mandalay" to the apparent satisfaction of his ur. Jennings is new m saiem. He has a voice that is warm. He sang in English in such 'manner that he could be understood, and he made a friendly contact with his listeners, all of . which bids fair to make him a popular soloist on Salem programs. ; BONUS BACKERS TALK PLAN FOR DRASTIC STEPS nr. Claim Signatures Enough to .Force Vote I arid: Carry : Measure in House , I Ways ;and Means Commit tee Will act Adversely, General Belief WASHINGTON, April JO.. -(AP) Sponsors of a cash bonus payment today planned resort to their last and most powerful weapon for forcing a house vote on the 92,000,000,000 new-mon ey outlay .the drastic committee discharge petition. Almost certain their plan, bit terly denounced by administra tion spokesmen, will be rejected by the ways and means commit tee, advocates confidently claimed half a hundred more than the 145 signatures necessary to force a ballot. "We could get 218 signatures, or a clear majority of the house. If we had to," Representative Patman (D., Texas) said. "The bill Is certain to pass the house." Hearings Will be Ended This Week Representative Ralney, demo cratic leader, said the powerful revenue committee expects to close hearings next Wednesday. "We may have a committee vote before the end of the week,.' he said. Bonus sponsors expect this vote to be adverse. They believe the 10 republican members of the committee will vote solidly against the currency expansion bill, while Ralney and Repre sentative Crisp (D.. Ga.) lead ers on the democratic side, are strongly opposed to it. Patman will file a petition" at ter the committee vote. When signed by the required number of members, the house vote becomes mandatory, without any oppor tunity to amend the legislation. The opposition Is expected to close its testimony before the ways and means committee Mon daV. leaving" two days for a re ittal. IPIRE CASE BILL IS A $3788 bill for Polk county's eipensa In the conduct of the trial of Frank Keller, Jr., ex-Em- pIr6 Holding corporation officer. J . " fnrtTt,ht waa receIved Saturday by the Marion cour Under tne Qr Uw thIa must Btand the n,r,v ,antra nt venue removed the trial to Polk county. , , The principal Item was $2888 for witnesses' fees and traveling expenses. The majority of the wit nesses were held in Dallas from three to six days and according to the statutory fee, expenses at the rate of 10 cents a mile to and from their homes were allowed them. Marlon county, being larger than 50,000 In population, allows fraud. Xftrennnian Wanac? JIt2gUllld.Tl P 3CGS Libel Suit Filed By Grand Juror u PORTLAND, Ore., April $0 (AP) A $100,000 damage ac tion for alleged libel against the Oregonian Publishing company was filed here yesterday by Vic tor Amend, Bridal Veil, Ore., $ member of the Multnomah coun ty grand Jury which returned some 30 indictments naming 15 defendants April 4 in an Inquiry into the location of the Portland municipal market. ' The complaint took exception I to an editorial in the Oregonian I April 10 in which the grand Jury I was termed a "freak grand Jury, Merchants Pay Baker's -Salary ' Refund to City PORTLAND. April SO. (AP) Jack Lulhn, - chairman of the retail merchants commute . of the. Portland chamber of com merce, - presented, a - check for $868.80 to City Auditor Funk to pay back part of the salary Mayor Baker ..received while he was in France last summer. ; The money was given by Port land business men to refund to the city the- salary which the state - supreme court : ruled the mayor could not be paid during his absence. ,- RECEIVED HERE One of Queens V Elected May Queen by The co-ede of Ohio Wesleyaa university, Miss Eleanor Smith, danghter of Cleveland, Om attorney, wlu reign dorina the Monnett Day program at the school on May 0. Miss Smith la in her Junior year at the University. ; rU r- Highway Department Staff Attends; Tribute Paid iTo Former Chief . One hundred and fifty mem hers of the highway department personnel came here from all parts of the state Saturday night to honor Roy A. Klein who April 1 completed nine years of service as chief engineer of the depart ment and 19 years of service with the organization. Klein was the guest of honor at a banquet in the Masonic temple, at, the con clusion of which he was presented with a gold watch as a token of the men's appreciation. Tributes to Klein's ability, his absolute Integrity, his hard work, his 'unswerving devotion to his state and -to the men In his- de partment ?were contained in each of the numerous addresses which followed the dinner. C. B. McCullough, bridge engi neer was toastmaster and intro duced a dozen speakers who in cluded Sam Murray,, chief engi neer of tbe O. W. R. N. road in this state, R. B. Baldock, newly named highway engineer, Ray Conway, secretary of the state motor association, and a number of other men who have served with Klein. Appreciation to the men for their cooperation, for the oppor tunity of working with them and (Turn to page-2r-col. 6) CHANCELLOR WILL BE SELECTED SHI Selection of a chancellor for the higher educational Institu 1' KLEI-J FETED AT BANQUET HERE tions of Oregon may be madeliece8 of TCry task 1 Treasuring within the next three weeks, 'it was learned this weekend at Port land from Albert Burch, one ot tbe members of the unification committee charged with selecting the new head for the Institutions. The field has been narrowed down. It was stated, and several men have already been Interview ed regarding the Job. Meanwhile residents of the in stitutions are being used as con sultants by the board on the re organisation program. Friends ot Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall have an nounced that he would not termi nate his services July 1, 1932, but would remain on until -his successor was named. Dr. W. J. Kerr at Oregon State college has previously, stated that his work is done when the fiscal year is end ed and that he has other plans for next year. The board Saturday agreed j inai jc. u. sammons ana u. Starr should go east shortly to confer with candidates for the hffice. Stores Lure Many Buyers Heavy trade in retail estab lishments downtown was reported Saturday by .Salem merchants. Residents of the rural area and townspeople from nearby com munities were noticeable, espe cially during tho afternoon, on the downtown streets. A Ught rain in the afternoon did not re tard tho trading, ; i Forced Landing Made in Street :. : BEND, . Ore.," April SO (AP) A forced landing was made in a city street here today by Ted Barber, Bend aviator when his motor died While he" was flying "over the city. The plane' crashed Into a telephone pole, breaking the tips ot the wings.'; Neither Barber nor Joe Laute,Bend, a passenger, was Injured." ; 41 overhdIolulu fOLLDWS TRIAL No Outward Sigh of Storm Over Massie Verdict; Police on Watch - " Darrow's Insanity Plea not ; Effective; -Jurors say " Wrong Tone Taken HQNOLXJtU. Xprtlio (AP) An outwardly quiet but tense city; looked on today while, oppos ing aide girded for! further battle over tbe Joseph Kananawai lyncn lng case. The manslaughter con viction of the four accused per sons failed to settle its far-flung ramifications, H:-f !J ;:' - Radio.? patrol cara equipped with machine guns and manned by police polled through the city as the apparent tranquility .was interpreted as ominous. . , Both police and national, guard authorities were on the alert for any sign or an .outbreak of feeling over, the conviction of Lieutenant Thomas H. Massie, Mrs. Granville Fortescue and the two navy en listed men, Albert O. Jones and B. J. Lord. : Motorcycle officers patrolled the downtown section and extra patrolmen were stationed in that area. Plans for Appeal ' Beaten In one of the greatest court battles of his long career. Clarence Darrow, aged defender and his associates sot wearily about fighting the conviction through the higher courts. Darrow learned today how his double plea of insanity and the unwritten law in behalf or Massie had soon been cast aside as the racially mixed Jurors went o with ballotlne?. The Jurors said Darrow's speech failed to Impress them. Asserting all but two ot the IS men were fairly well educated, one of them said? "He talked to us like a lot of farmers. That stuff may go over big In the middle west but not here." The Jury said the fiery ' closing (Turn to page 2., col. i) NTSSA, Ore., Aprj30 (AP) Further proof that Jungle animals and huffe mastodons lived in the Snake river valley near here thou sands of years ago when great lakes and tropical vegetation characterized the country, was ob tained this week when the skele ton of an elephant was unearthed at Dunaway near here by Facn ham Sills, dragline operator for the builders of.Oweyhee dam. ; Harold Tucker, biology profes sor at College of Idaho, was Call ed from Caldwell, and with three students removed the remains Two teeth, each about 10 Inches lsng and 4 inches through, three five feet: ft part ot the tall and skull and foot and his Joints were found. Tucker said the bones were well preserved. He estimated the mammal was SO to 15 feet in length with a spread of four feet between its tusks. Tucker said the elephant was undoubtedly ot the eocenenare. Deposits have yielded a consider able number of bones of mam mals of the so-called "dawn age1 but this is the first time a com plete skeleton has been found SERIES EVENED VP PULLMAN, Wash., "Apr. SO (AP) Unloosing its big guns, Washington State, college defeat ed the University of Washington baseball team 17 to 11,' to split the two game conference series here today. ELEPHANT IT! F 1 Paper Company Will Pay $90,000 on Payment of 180,000 priscipalj on 0 per cent bonds of the Ore gon Palp V Paper company is scheduled for slay 1, thus reduc ing the outstanding bonded debt to $980,000. Money tor paying the bonds was on hand Saturday with. tho trustee. Interest on the issus for a half rear was also available In the sum of $32,100. Prompt payment of the interest and principal due on the bonds ot tho local mm was facilitated through tho company's omission ot the last quarter's dividend on its prof erred stock, which was passed for tho first time in eight years to give the company ample cash : to meet Its fixed charges. The preferred dividend was amply earned In 1981, according to fig ures released during the week by Frederick W. Leadbetter, presi dent of the mill here as well as Its affiliate, tho Columbia - River Paper Mills at Vancouver, Wash. - Net income ot ' the local mill for 1931 was $380,843 before In terest.', depreciation and federal tax. Earnings in 1930 were $490,- Climax in Lindbergh Case: Believed Wear; : Barker Speaks At Chamber on Pioneer Day s" "Pioneer Days" will be the sub- ect of an address to be given Monday before the chamber of commerce by Dr. Burt Brown Barker, vice-president of the uni versity of Oregon. As a climax to the speech. Dr. Barker, one-ume Salem resident, will present-to the chamber an enlarged picture of Thomas Cox, Salem's first merchants - i ".-";Vt Jndsre P. ' H. D'Arcy will pre-1 side, the affair being the annual I pioneers . luncneon wmen pre - cedes the Champoeg meeting. ' ' Marie Patton ; Takes First I Event; Earle "Potter Earns Second FOREST GROVE. Ore., April SO (AP) The grand sweep stakes cup of the - ninth annual high school music tournament at Pacific university was awarded tonight to Jefferson high school of Portland. , Oregon City, high w. l.v r.C, .V." r VfcVI. lis high school third. The three won respectively 1181 , 1048.17 1046 points.. More than 850 high school stu dents ,from all parts of Oregon . - .V n.aliliirtnn I competed. v . Jefferson also won the silver loving cup for class A ensemble work, Franklin high school, Port land, placing secondhand Lincoln high school, Portland ."third, 1 In class B Oregon City received the cup with Forest Grove second and West Linn third. Oregon City also won the class 1) sweepstakes. The class C ensemble cup was won by Bandon. In the individual events Friday, Salem entrants won one first and one second place. A boys' quartet, girls' quartet, mixed chorus and girls' glee club were entered in yesterday's competition. First honors for girls medium voice were taken by; Marie Pat- ton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hal D. Patton and pupil of Dr. R. W. Hans Seits. She competed with 1? other girls from over the state. Earle V. Potter, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Potter and pupil of Jdlss Lena Belle Tartar, direct or, of music at Salem high school. took second place in the boys' high voice event. TO BE ADVERTISED Bids on, 1? road projects ttf volvlng expenditures of at least 11,000,000 are scheduled tor let ting May 18 when the state high way commission meets again In Portland. LJr-. i. . The largest Job Is the grading and graveling et nine miles of the Wallula cutoff section ot tho Co lumbia river highway- between Sand Station and the Washington seond largest Job is the V kirk.. ZZT" i . V t, " r. VvT. Contract will corer a distance ot nlaeimiles. and call, for a 20-foof ' Construction ot .the Santiam bridge at Jefferson 'also will be advertised at the May meeting of thet commission. JEFFERSON CU wins in cu HIGHWAY JOBS Bonded DebtlE 38. 1 The net Income of the local mill for 1931 after all charges save.1 dividends was $85,733 com- pared to $197,031 In 1930. The last year marked tho heaviest do- ellnt In paper prices in a decade. Bond Interest was earned S.48 times in comparison to f.97 times in . 1930. outstanding preferred siocx ion wmcn z per cent am-1 wihii wis anu unww - iwr-1 terly totals $800,000 making an J n n3 o 7 o I?aj7 annual dividend requirement otlPP OI XXCCfU $8 4,0 CO. The common stock, all but one share held by tho Colum bia River Paper company, a hold ing concern, has not paid divi dends Sn recent years. : i The Columbia River Paper Mills at Vancouver, as well as tho California-Oregon Paper If Ills In Los Angeles each? made a. profit In KM 31, the former showing net earnings arxer au caargea oi 134 against $130,435 In 1930: The Los Angeles mill netted $419 aft - arJ tfcirrea eomnared to a loss of '1129.178 shown In 1930. The condensed balance sheet of (Turn to page S, coL 1) Sea Thought Scene of! Negotiations but v 3 All Secret I . I SCttl morcon VlOCS on New Mission Trip, I Party Aboard NORFOLK, Va., pril SO (AP The oft-hoped-for climax screened behind a curtain ot see recy. and with the sea again serv- ing as the probable scene, was be lieved to be near tonight in the ienorts or inree xorioi men io (restore the-Lindbergh baby to its parents. The feeling of hopefulness, re peatedly recurring- with the com ing and going of1 the intermedi aries during the long weeks' 'it. their negotiations, reached an other high peak with the absence of John Hughes Curtis, presumab ly seeking another contact with suDoosed kidnapers off the Vir- v, guarded with utmost secrecy, tbe Norfolk boat builder was reported to have been engaged upon his new mission aboard the. yacht, Marcon, shortly after returning from a trip by plane. The boat, placed at the disposal of the in termediaries by Colonel Charles H. Consolvo, sailed on its third mysterious -cruise after it had been held in readiness several . . . A . tls was believed to have been ac- eompanled by Lieutenant George L. Richard, airplane pilot for the negotiators, and Edwin B. Bruce, of Elmira, N. Y a friend.' .riJT - To Make Statement Rear Admiral Guy H. Burrage, retired, who . recently conferred with Colonel Lindbergh by Ion? distance telephone, refused today, to say whether he had again talked with, the famous flier.' Both Admiral Burrage and tho very Rev. H. Dobson-Peacock, the third intermediary, continued a tight-lipped silence. ' concerning their work. The yacht Marcon became def initely identified with the move ments of the intermediaries dur ing the last -10 days. Last week end, two cruises made by Mr. Cur- tis aboard the boat through the Virginia Capes, resulted in the reported removal of "obstacles" from their work. Almost lmme- diately Mr. Curtis slipped away -from the city, probably traveling , by plane on another trip. With- i out reappearing again in Norfolk he presumably returned to the naval base to leave on still an other mission, this, time aboard the Marcon. During his absence Dean Dobson-Peacock participated In a , separata mission, traveling by au- . ' tomobile and returning in about -seven hours. He rerused to reveal the purpose of his trip or to give any detailed Information, j i D. A. R. OBSERVES TIE DEDICATIOII 4 An event of historical 'Interest as well as a compliment to Music I wav win a.n day at 4 o'clock at the west ent rance ot the state house grounds - X a ndaughterof tne of. an Oregon gTown elm tree f!loaf .?!5! nwuiusiuu U UtWacu IU taken command of tho revolution 2 "0T Hemeketa chapter,. Daughters of tho Ameri can Revolution. V 1 . Special patriotic music is being given in observance ot Music week. A chorus ot ' high school girls under' direction ot Miss Lena Belle Tartar will follow tbe bugle. call -which opens tho cere mony. I program will bo patriotic band I lections played by the Salem high I school band snder the direction of E. R. Derry. The concert3 will close with tho "American Patrol"; march. r- Mrs. William Fordyee Fargo, local regent will bo In charge ot tho ceremony. Miss C C Geer, I has arranged tho program. Case Eyed; New Trial is Denied MEDFORD, Ore, Aprik SO (AP) An appeal to tho Oregon state supremo court will bo taken -on behalf of Albert W Reed, Den-' ver, Colo serving a life sentence at tti atat nenitentiarv for the mhrder of Victor Knott Ashland, I Ore., policeman, his. attorneys t said today. USA. 1 V J f - - i Si - - - -1 Reed was today denied a new i trial by the circuit court, y 1: : A"