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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1931)
Yfeo. OREGON STATESMAN. Sakm, Oregon. Sunday Morning, November 15, 1931 PACE TWO !C. TIMES SILVER MEDALS Fernal Gilstaap, Katherine Sparks win Temperance Contest Awards Silverton Paper Carries Account of Choi's Visit To Silverton S-H'Group TURNER. Not. 14 The Tur ner W. C. T. XT. sponsored 'a sil ver medal contest with two c lass os competing for separate awards. Friday eveala. Mrs. F. C Uanning and Mrs. E. 1 J. JOttatrap had arranged for the contest which -was held in the high, school aadltoriam before a representative audience. Mrs. Gunning presided and first asked all . to sing America, after which the invocation was Toiced by E. J. Gilstrap. The first gromp reclt .Ing were -from the ttoird, fourth and fifth school grades. Evelyn Jensen took fotv her subject, "Merit;" Eleanor Parks, "A Case for Charity;' LoraLae Barnett. "Old Father Hubbard Wanted His Drink;" Ruth Burgoyne, "A Temperance Cow;" Fiorina Wat kins. "A Little Gray Mouse;" El aiae Morris. "Things That Haven't B?a Done Before;" Zen ii Goodwin. "Her Mother's Face;" Fernal Gilstrap. "A Tem perance Doll;" duet. "Carry On", by Misses Helen and Helena Wit ael accompanied by Miss Ruth Gil strap. The second group who were members of the sixth, seventh and . eighth grades was onirwd of Alice Fooler who gave "The White Rose;" Florence Garner. "A Mathematical Cigarette;" Clar issa Clark; 'The Man Behind the Plow;" Kathleen Sparks. "The Cat's Lesson;" Stella Barnett. Two Roosters;" Alice Luke. ' So Woquy." Mrs. Y. S. Burgoyne gave as a tlo "The Nation's Slogan." A playlet "You Win," was given by A croup with Louis Peffly and Jasper Cleared, giving the con versation. "John Bariycorn Wants t Come Back." was cleverly put e-a by a yonnj lad, Lester Bones wo represented John Bariycorn. r song, and was answered by a group of girls in song who drove him frum the stage. While wait teg for the Judges' decision th chairman gave a short review of "The Patriotic Weddiag". a play as put on by the state organiza tion. Mrs. H. F. Shanks presented the medals to Fernal Gilstrap of the yonnger group and to Kather- iu-Sarkt of the older class. Comaty president, Mrs. Helen Prescott, Mrs. Neeia Buck and Mrs. H. F. Shanks of Salem were the judges. After the silver of fering, the program closed with "America the Beautiful. SILVERTON, Nov. 13 The Honolulu Star Bulletin Is running a series of articles written by Wfl bert Choi, the Hawaiian Future Farmer who recently -visited here in Oregon. One of these articles. Article No. VI of the series, tells of his trip to -Sllverton and Sil verton Future Farmers have been very interested in reading how their work looks to a stranger. The article reads: Warren Crabtree of Silverton. Oregon, came to Portland to got me Thursday. October 29. The day was snnny for the first time and the drive to SUverton was most pleasant. The atmosphere was very clear and I could see the snow capped peaks of ML Hood, St. Helena and aft. Adams stand ing majestically in the distance. We arrived at BUverton at noon and there I was Introduced to the student body of the high school to whom I peke abont the Islands. 1 later had a meeting with the Future Farmers and enjoyed ap ple eider and pumpkin pie. Mr. Crabtree then showed us a reel of motion pictures of his boys work ing on their projects. It was very interesting and educational as well. I "believe -that all vocational agricultural teachers shoald have a movie camera for It, simplifies the work of keeping an accurate and complete record on the work of his students in the years gone by. "I later visited projects of the future Farmers. The project of James JJeei, the only boy with the American Farmer degree in Oregon, vu very good. He is a very hard working fellow. He built four large poultry houses in which he raises a flock of Han son's strain chickens. He is mak ing a lot of money by running a hatchery and is becoming a real farmer. He also has several cows and runs a milk route in his district. "The shop of the Silverton high school is not very large but it is an ideal one in every respect. The shop was nothing but an old wood shed which the beys transform ed into their present shop and a shop that ranks about the best la Oregon. -Tat shop work done was very good. They bnilt automobile trailers, repaired farm imple ments, bsvt poultry houses, etc. "In the evening I attended the banquet ot the Silverton champers of commerce. The dinner was very good ant eso 1 eajeyed the com pany of the members of the cham ber and their guests. "The following day I visited the Silver Creek falls. There were about 11 falls In all but I visited only two because I didn't have time. They wero very pretty and I enjoyed them rery much espe cially the novelty of being able to go under the falls. -In the afternoon f saw the Silverton high school play the Chemawn Indian school. This was the first time I ever saw an In dian and it was Quite surprising to mo to see so many Indian boys and girls. Very much to my sur prise also I noticed how beaatlfal some of the girls were. Can yon Imagine a blond Indian girl with a fair complexion? Well, It's a fact. "After the game Mr. Davis, principal of the Silverton high school took nt over to Woodburn where I met Mr. Ronald Bnraett, adviser of the Woodburn Future Farmers. I enjoyed my stay la Sil verton rery much through the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Crab tree at whose home I spent the night. "I am sending a picture of a typical Future Farmer's project marker that is seen along the highways of Oregon." OF DIB IS UP Number of Events Planned For Silverton Schools During This Winter West Salem News j I DEBilBS III GREAT DEWD MONMOUTH. Nor. 14 Oreron Normal school debaters, coached bv Georre Berreman. faave re ceived letters from the University of Pittsburgh; LaVerae cortege. California; Oregon State college and Washington State college re questing debates for this season. Debato questions have not been declared as yet. but "capitalism" will be one of them, and some phase of the divorce question will be among the women's sruestlons. Coach Berreman state that him debate sound this rear la th largest he has had hero, furnish ing first class debating material, and he anticipates keen competl- nou. MRS. MANLOVE TO PORTLAND B1L.VEKTON. Nov. 11 Mrs. Lucille Lukens Manlove, who has been the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Lukens hero for sometime, has returned to her homo at Portland. Mrs. Manlove, who is a graduate nurse, is taking a course in X-ray and laboratory work at Emmanuel hospital. SILVERTON. Nor. 14 Dra matics is oeeapytng the spare time of both senior and Janler.atgh school students at this time. The senior arose, known as tho Play a nnmbor of now members Into their association. These are Gle Scott. Harold Irish, Diana Moore, George Reed, Helen Davis, Frank' Pettyjohn. Margaret Xeeae. Ar thnia Cox. Hasel George, Versa BuegU, Margaret Larson. Cather ine Tomison, Shirley Evensen, Elolse Schwab, Bill- Kleeb, Bob Tweed, Merle Davenport. At a recent business meeting of the club 8hlrley Evenson, Clifford Ekluad and Margaret Larson wore made a committee) to Investigate a i pin for the clnb and Eloise Schwab, Helen Davis, and Diana Moore were made a social committee. Tho PLaymakers have selected "The Unseen Way1, a mystery play, for their first play. The tentative presentation date Is January . IS. The casting commit tee arranging tryouts Is Alice Barkhurst, Catherine Tomison, Wayne Satehwell and Merl Dav enport. Two plays are under way in tho janlor high school. Tho one to bo given first Is "Tho 8eartet Slip-' perr. a one-act play which win bo presented at the mother daughter program November 24. Tho cast Includes Gleans Elliot, Dorothy Hnddleston. Janet Bal- lentyno and Ana Larson. Tho regular Junior high school annual play will be given De cember 11 and "Apple Blossom Time" is tho one selected. Miss Elala Clower and Miss Ruth Law rence are directing the play. The east contains tho follow ing: Anna Larson, Roecoe Kings ford, Lynn Johnson. Evelyn Stew art, Lucy Downing. Lewis Paul son, Oscar Bpocht, Monnlo Kirk, Bessie Meteaif. BUllo Johnson, Cora Schneider, with UlUan Got ten berg. Harold Malkey and Bey er ly Beatsoa as tfnderstadles. Tho Wost" Salem community, dab will hold lta Norember 'moot ing, Monday might la tho commun ity halL Ray Ferguson, president announces that a good program is being prepared by tho committee, Mrs. J. A. dosser. Mrs. L. M. HU1, and Miss Lanra AtohL and that re freshments will bo served by Mrs. B. L. Miller, Mrs, Eagano Krsbs and Charles Ferguson. A new MeCormick-Deerlng road grader has been purchased by tho city tor ftwt.vO and has been a-radlaa the West Salem streets several darn this week. Mr. aad Mrs. X. T. Miller and family, wero visitors at tho home of Mr. Miller's parents la Portland Wednesday aad Thursday. Bin MeAdams accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Fay Collins and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wright of Salem to Eu- ne Saturday to witness tho foot 11 game. Recent guests at tho MeAdams homo wero Mr. and Mrs, IL 3. Foley of Corrallis, Mr. aad Mrs. L. IX. Hill aad tour sons are visiting relatives In Aberdeen, Wash., (his week. There will be a potluck dinner Tuesday evening by members of the Ford Memorial church in the church basement. Everyone is cor dially Invited to come and bring n covered dish. Wednesday the La dies Aid will hold a silver tea at the homo of Mrs. Robert A. Pattl son on Klngwood arenno and Third street. Mrs. Guy Newgent, Mrs. Mario Burgoyne and Mrs. J. A. Gosser are the committee In charge of the entertainment. Mrs. J. B. Smith who has been confined to her homo oa Glen Creek road for several weeks on account of illness, is able to bo out again. Recent guests at the Ray J. 8tumho homo on Rosemont ave nue were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Don aldson of Scio. EDW1DSIHS Unf SYSTEM County Grange Committees Will Meet Wednesday MACLXAT. Not. 14. What promises to bo one of tho most interesting meetings of tho agri cultural and home economies committee ot all subordinate granges ot the county ts scheduled to be held at tho gran go hall at Stayton Wednesday, November II. W..BL Steven will preside at tho agricultural meeting, and El len Lambert, a member of the state homo economics committee, at tho meeting of tho economics committee. The meeting will open at 10 o'clock whoa reports will bo heard aad routine business attended to. Mrs. Lambert is in charge ot the afternoon program and has been fortunate In securing unusual tal ent. Among those who will appear on the prgoram are Hon. A. G. Clark of Portland, representative; Ray GUI. a member of the state rranra fueentlra enmmltlM- Ran. ator C. K. Spauldlag of tho state highway commission; Mrs. Frank B. Harlow, state chairman of the I H. E. E.: Miss Thelma Gaylord. home demonstration agent; Mrs. Edith Toiler Weatherby. Mrs. Bo na Tate. Miss Ella Williams. J. F. Richards, master of Stayton grange, and J. O. Darby, master of Union Hill grange. Musical art ists who will appear are Mrs. W. Kreat, Mrs. Mary B. MeKlnney and Professor R. J. Wright. Tho meeting is open to all grange members. There will bo a pot-lack dinner served at noon. LINCOLN, Nor. 14 An acety lene lighting system ts being in stalled in tho home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R- Edwards of Lincoln. Louis Ertelborge is assisting Mr. Edwards. Genevieve Walling. Marlon Walling and EdrudeU Boyd all of Lincoln went on a hiking trip to the Zena hills Wednesday. Mrs. Celia Walling of Lincoln and Miss Alice Crawford ot ena wero Thursday visitors at the home ot Mrs. Alice Simpson of Lincoln. Miss Alice is a grand daughter of Mrs. Simpson. Mrs. Alvin Welling ot Lincoln went to Woodburn Thursday where she plans to remain two weeks to care for her first grand child. Lester Wayne. Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester W. Walling. Those from Lincoln and Zena who attended open house at Sa lem high school Thursday evening were Mrs. T. J. Merrick and son Vernon, Mrs. W. R. Edwards sad daughter Elnora. Mr. and Mrs. W. Frank Crawford and children Hil da and Frank, Mrs. R. C. Shepard and daughters Julia and Ruth. Harold French,. Ellis aad Jesse Walling. Jr. Charles Cranglo of Lincoln is build inr a brick' chimney In the new four room cottage which J. R. Sturgeon Is completing oa his property, at Lincoln. - NIGHT CLASS TO START SILVERTON. Nor. 14 A night class In shop work and dairying for older boys may be clren un der the direction of tho local department If there Is sufficient demand for It, war ren E. Crabtree, instructor, has announced. Mr. Crabtree says that he may also hold a class la dairying tor adults beginning af ter tho holidays. Ho has secured much Interesting new material on dairying. Finds a Way to Step Attachscf fits Report are received ef an aataxinr tfeabseat that epileptics state baa proved aceeasfal in topp&r their attacks. K. Upa Apt. 3, 12 iTWneh JsjIwmA wTka ommi iiylfS't wuMmrnu with this treatment. He new wishes to react ad those wbe have set been batpea aad lta a so is makiag me atartlieg affcr of a ranerooa trufiit free to all awftarera. Anyoaa afflicted shoal write far Oua free treatment at ooee, giviag eg. Ada. OW.... PEf- is the time to select your gjrX' ynf Christmas cards. (fa VT-" AAj Oar selection is complete. A$ NEEDHAMU 3 II V ATLAS BOOK - m STORE 463 State tlTa H , t fCL, When yen think ef LIFE INSURANCE Think ef Charlie McElhlnnj WIDOWS FRIEND Zel. First Nat. Bank Bllg. BUG SA -? SpJ POLK c m HI E DALLAS, Nov. 14 County Jndge G. L. Hawkins and Com; missions Frank Farmer -and C. C Gardner hare been In Portland tor tlo last three days of the week attending- the annual meeting ot Judges and commissioners and a joint session with the state high way commission. Polk county has had 48 miles of road designated as secondary highways by the sir a way department, "being the Dallas-Kings valley rood to the Bnton county line which Is the short cut to Newport, -the Salt Creek road to Wallace bridge to Wit Tillamook highway, from In f -"iute to Brnnk's Corner and West Salem on the Wallace road , H-dhili county line along tiw WHIanvette river. It Is expected the work on Polk county 'highways for the un employment relief will -start next week. OPEN HOUSE at the Telephone Central Office NOV. 17, 18, 19, 20 You ore cordidJiy Invited to come end see How your calls ore handled and hdvc the interesting equipment explained. tm wows m bhid SIDNEY. Nov. 14--Mrs. C. F. Johnston entertained members of the Aankeny Women's club at. nor home Thursday afternoon. During, tho business meeting an interesting report was given ot the federation meeting. Ttlembera resent were Mrs. J. O. Farr, 11 n. William Wlederkehr, Mrs Geoc -Malatt. "Mrs. Sidney How ard. Kra. Swarts. Mrs. Thomp- ooc. Mts. R. H. Farr. Mrs. Elmer Hampton, Ms. Ben Watts.' Mrs. Smith and the hostess. Mrs. Johnston. Lunch was served by the hostess at the close of the meetlne. A crew of rjen is doing repair work on the Ankeny grange nan Acew floor Is being laid in the kitchen aad dining room and .theae rooms are also being ceiled and a well Is being driven. Two Young Groups ; At Aurora Sponsor Affairs as Benefit ) t . "AURORA, Nov. 14 The Boy ; Scouts held a candy sale Friday i afternoon at the school house. Tho Ladies' Aid of the Presbyter- tan church gave tho boys quite A Quantity ot candy. They will , hold a meeting Saturday night at r tbeoehoel arm, when their, scout 5 master. Rer. H. L. G rations, will e with them. - .Rev. Orations spent Tuesday at r lAbnnea attending tho spiritual v retreat of all tho Presbyterian -ministers la tho Willamette nl ey. - ' Ths Misses Eloise aad Dorothy Hnrst aro now la Portland. - lotas Is enrolled as a student at the Northwestern Commercial school and Dorothy Is taking a coutao in beauty culture at the Parffic school A wovinr picture was shown at the school bouse Thursday . nigUt Tinder tho direction of tho student body, tho receipts colng . to tho .school athletle fna. VM telephone wherever s fixed instrument is desired ST &eslc4elen4oe the coreaeMt teewtier instrument MaO telenftoac striates taew note oibeeub Telephone growth a community asset Telephones are community builders. They make neishborliness.They save time and steps. They increase business. V Every additional home that installs a tele phone helps the grocer, the druggist, the dry goods dealer and every other business. Every additional telephone we install in creases the scope and value of your telephone to you. Every man and woman in our organization is interested in improving your service. It's good business for the community for them to sell this service. And its good for you, the subscriber with a telephone already in your borne. More telephones mean more convenience, more business and soda! activity for everybody. H. V. COLLINS, District Manager. Extension wofl sctcpfaons 1 litchcsv araee, laundry, etc a Extension desk telephone for any roots the home Extension turA telephone besido your ennchair 7 . YWwJephono -connected wCh 20 mioatnUS. w Rollins Hosiery Mills, Manufacturers of the Famous Runstop Hosiery HAVE JUST SENT US A LARGE SHIPMENT OF DISCONTINUED NUMBERS AND CLOSE OUTS. Every Pair Perfect Jo Seconds or Rejects WE ARE COMBINING THIS SHIPMENT WITH ODD LINES FRO&I OUR REGULAR STOCK. One lot will b sold at Hal Price. All gizes, most all shades. Rjrul$9 $100 values, both chiffon and service weight at $ 11 o OUB FAMOUS GRENADINES & ROLL TWIST WITH THE I2ACZ3 TOP THAT DESIGNATES THEM FROM LOWES GRADE HOSU WILL GO AT 2i Paitea Sea OJog LADIES' LEATHER HANDBAG SPECIAL ALL THIS WEEK UP 1 Q $10.00 VALUES ' " Quad $51oDg And 1:17i,l,B - tcirslisCnjsUi forUUc Telephone , Specis. onswerins "or,il6fl,s TelefWOjrectoiy sssy bo-piusged tn' Mdetaxwt lends for household , ia vsriouttocstions annfestcnts THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANV" Buslnes, Office: 740 SUta Street - Telephone SIM . ' ' ' oAny telephone employee will take your order iV il II 1