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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1929)
The OREGON STATESMAN, Sakm. Oregon, Thursday Morning, August 29, 1929 .1 pGE TFN "i 1 1 ; f i if I 1 i I If II i HI f j i i i :V' i n -H ILL MARKET i 1 RE! IKON Industries Show Extraordin ary Vitality as Ral lies Staged NEW YORK. Aug. 28. (AP) Renewed evidence of the extra ordinary vitality o f industry prompted a resumption of bullish activity in today's stock market, and at Impressive group of rails and specialties were bid op rapid ly, until the last hour of trading, when wave of profit taking wept through the market, and much of the day's advance was lost. Such leading carrier stocks as Pennsylvania. New York Central, Norfolk k. Western and Union Pa cific mounted L around S points each to record levels, and Atchi son sold up more than 8 points to a record price above 292. but closed at 289. Lackawanna moved up about S points to a new peak on rumors that important bank ing interests may seek to acquire control in the open market. It later lost most of Its gain In real izing. Erie, St. Paul, Baltimore & Ohio, Nickel Plate and Chicago and Northwestern were among others reaching new peaks. Pere Marquette was a higher flier, soaring 17 points to a new top at 230. Continental insurance, said to be a large holder of rail stocks, was also carried to new high ground. U. 8. freight, U. S. Industrial alcohol. Air Reduction, American tobacco, American water works, Eatman Kodak, Coca Cola. Gener al American Tank car, R. H. Mier. Ineersoll Rand and Otis iteel were among other issues reaching unprecendented levels with substantial gains, Goodyear was bid up 6 points on the strength of the zeppelin flight U. S. steel sold up a few points. then reacted and closed 'Steady. Some profit taking appeared in the oils but Pan America reached still a higher peak, and Trans continental was sent to a new high at 15 1-4 in a huge turn over. Motors were fairly firm, but the coppers were Inclined to sag. Stocks swept down for net loss es of about 2 to 5 points in the late selling included such prom inent issues as American Tele phone, Allis Chalmers, Allied Chemical, Consolidated gas. Gen eral Electric. General Railway Signal, Gillette, International Telephone, Montgomery Ward, Sears Roebuck. Radio, F. G. Shat tuck, and United Aircraft FRESHMUI WEEK TO IT HERE S SI 1 The fall and winter semester of Willamette university will begin activities with Freshman week, starting September 12. This week ,1s to accustom the Freshman and adjust them to the methods of procedure in the University. Reg ular registration for the Fresh . man will be September 16; for the npperclassmen registration will take place September 17. Teachers on the university staff who have been out of Salem dur ing the summer are already be ginning to arrive on the campus. Among recent arrivals are Prof. Forrest W. Gaw, director of the school of music, and Prof. M. E. Peck. Several other Instructors are expected in the near future. 30 Pay Fines Wednesday for Faulty Parking More than 30 persons paid fines Wednesday for faulty parking of automobiles In the business dis trict. One was brought in on a warrant in the campaign to get an those disregarding tags. Three were tagged for double parking. . B. 8. Drake parted with $15 When he appeared after the serv !c of a warrant. Fifteen to 20 warrants a day will be Issued by Ppjice Judge Mark Poulsen nn- f all tagged have appeared. A 'mum fine of $5 Is. being as- when It is necessary to get warrant. " Others appearing volantarily and paying more than for one vi olation and the fines Imposed on them were Don A. Young, S5; F. H. Spear, $8; and R. D. Bright. $ J; Clayton C. Maise, $3; and G. II. Reynolds $3. For sale signs, for rent signs, legal blanks, etc., for sale at the Statesman. to Loo Angeles These extremely low fares tie avail able every day on four daily train. By train you enjoy greater comfort and speed. Tickets are good is coaches and in Tourist Sleepers oa "West Coast", "Klamath-. "Oregonian" and "Shasta" (n tourist sleeper on "Shasta"). The coach fare and tourist ticket save .--- Marty half die tegular travel cost. Contbcrn Pacific West Stayton People are Busy This Season WEST STAYTON. August 28 Miss Leota and Miss Vergie Brad ley called on Miss Ver gene John ston Wednesday afternoon. H. B. Condit and son Everett of Tillamook made a trip to the mountains for huckleberries the last of the week. Visitors to the capital city on Friday were Mr. Harley Johnston and chldrtn and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nipple. Paul McClellan who has had a severe attack of stomach trouble la able to be on duty at his gen eral store again. Miss Addle Condit bad the mis fortune to overturn her new car in the ditch one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bowne are enjoying a visit from the former's mother. She will remain for an indefinite time. Henry Crane has been making some needed repairs on the school house preparatory to the opening of school. Carl Gibson took a load of prunes from his orchard in the Liberty district, to Tillamook last week. Frank Bowen and Mrs. B. H. Beldon and sons Victory and Bennie were calling In the Lib erty district Sunday afternoon. Miss Opal Crane who la em ployed at the V. O. Tyler home called on her parents Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Iris Miller and family visited in tit Waldo Hills district Sunday afternoon. P. 0. Fulton, principal of the Amos M. Davis high school of AumsvQle was ealllng on pros pective pupils Monday. The bean picking has reached its height and soma very good yields have been reported. Fred Denhem, head filer at the Spanlding Logging company's mill in Salem, had the misfortune to est a piece of steel in his left eys on day last week. He Is un der the care of Dr. Gray of Salem. The Robbins baler la busy in this community baling straw. Piggly Wiggly to Enlarge Activity Opening of a second Piggly Wiggly store in Salem next Sat urday was announced this 'week by W. L. Oarey, manager of the present Piggly Wiggly store on North Commercial street. The new store will be located in the Lam port building on North High street between State and Court. Mr. Ou rey will have supervisory charge of the new store. Youths Practice Livestock Judging month and the Pacific Interna tional show In Portland In No vember. Some IT boys and three girls spent all day Tuesday under direction, of J. R. .Beck, county agent. Judging sheep and goats on the Rlddell Sons farm at Mon mouth and the R, W. Hogg A Sons farm near Eola. Mors than 100 boys and girls In Polk county sre engaged in the various phases of club work. BACK FROM BEACHES KEIZER. Aug. 28. Mrs. Ar thur Holden and daughter Eileen and Evelyn Cain motored to the beaches Tuesday for a few days outing. They went by the Dallas coast cutoff to Neskowin mak ing the loop coming back by New port and Corvallis. Recent claims totaling $1315. 70 have been paid to holders of Oregon Statesman, North Amer ican Aceident Insurance Co., policies. HI VISITORS ZEN A. August 28. (Special) Mr. and Mrs. Victor Madsen and small daughter, Helen Colleen of Silverton, Mrs. Ralph Campbell and a friend of Unlonvale, Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Neiger and daughter. Helen of Lincoln and Mrs, George Boyd and two daughters Merrilyn and Edrindell also of Lincoln were Monday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Madsen. Private Kenneth Henry and his friend, Private William Tamalla, both stationed at Vancouver Bar racks, Vancouver, Wash., were week-end guests at the home of Private Henry's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Henry of Zena. Both young men were here to attend the Crawford reunion Sunday. DALLAS, Aug. 28. Boys and girls of Polk county are doing practice work in livestock Judging in preparation for entering teams for the Oregon state fair next HUPMOBILE will Announce a New Car and a New Dealer for Salem TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 f WW v-w Y YIWAXJ Z II IIZS P and make these Low Sale Prices even lower 1 ... offers seasonable savings that are well worth while ... enabling you to economize even more than usual on fully guaranteed JVestern Giant and Wear well tires. This liberal New Customer Tire Sale occurs but twice each year each Spring and Fall as an incentive to the thou sands of newcomers in. the West to acquaint themselves with the high quality, dependability and economy of our tires ... so they may learn as hundreds of thousands of other western car owners have learned from pleasing experience that Western Giant and Wear-well Ures, plus "Western Auto" service, and backed by our all-protecting Iron-Clad Guarantee, give them greater satisfaction . . t ! REMEMBER... IN QUALITY fi . class Western Giants with nationally ado e rtised First-Line tires and Wear-wells with nation ally advertised Second ary Line Tires Inert SAVE at these Low New Customer Tire Sale rices ... TRADE-IN yOUR OLD TIRES at any "Western Auto" store SIZE Ask for SaU Prices on sizes not shows 29x4.40 (4.40-21) 30x4.50 (4.50-21) ... 29x4.75 (4.75-20) 30x5.00 (5.00-20) ... 31x5.00 (5.00-21) ... 30x5.25 (5.25-20) t... 31x525 (5.25-21) ... 30x550 (fits 30x5.77) 32x6.00 (6.00-20) ... 33x6.00 (6.00-21) ... Wear-well Balloon ie.eoe-MU Ownmlm 4.87 5.59 651 7.10 725 836 850 9.93 10.80 10.95 SIZE Ask for SaU Prica oa Maes aot showa. 30x32 30x3 j30x3V 13U4 32x4 33x4 32x4 33x4V? CL Regular. . . CL Oversize . . SS Oversize. . SS Oversize. . SS Oversize. . SS Oversize. . SS Oversize. . SS Oversize. . Wear-wtH Cord $ 4.42 4.69 Mri.r 755 754 850 .... Western Giant Staadard Wb Tread) 15.604 Mli Onnitw 5.66 657 758 8.49 8.78 9.74 9.98 Western Giant PMwnnr Tar Typri 1S.O- $ 4.97 S58 6.60 8.79 956 9.93 12.97 1325 Bine Ribbon Low Sale Prices on Center Traction Tread Western Giant Balloons Extra Quality, spatially built to civ greater satisfaction qader modern high speed motoring condition. New Center Traction Tread gives better traction, more safety and longer trouble-free mileage. 31.5.23.. $11.38 ZBnSJSO... 10.6S 29x5.50. 10.78 30x8.50... 1038 32x5.77... 1345 30x8.00... I3v5 31x6.00.. 1348 32x8.00. 13.78 33x6.00... 3JS 31x8 JW... 15.45 32x6.80. .. iS.68 34x7.00... 1S-38 35x7.00... 1843 r mmmm mmrmm SUadard Tube -wHv f If -VUU 150 1.90 p!!!lH 155 i.96 ialsiiliyVffi i.78 . 2.10 liliiiliM jliiiiiiii 1.96 252 1.99 259 X Blue Ribbon Jonbo 4 NsjJ StaadaM Tabf Xxfea Heavy ''Jl 2.12 I U LNLSLS a 29x4.40...$ 6.81 29x440.. , 30x4.80. . r 23x4.75... 29x4.78... 30x4.78... 29x840... SxSXO. .. x540. .. 32x8.00... 1046 28x548... 948 50x303... 1045 1 6.95 T4S $42 $40 til 45 $40 DOUBLE DUTY Western Giant Balloons Our Super-Quality Tire CavmiM. 2Ofi00 UiU On. Sale lor the First Time . Dee&U Daty in every way . ia Eeeaoeay, Durability, Streaffta, Tractioa aad Safety t A BKxiera tire, ectea. tifically desiraed to five lenfar aarrice amoer aay ep ratiat condHioas. BaOt richt aad prevea rigkt by anoet exactfaf read Seats. Ask for Law Sale Prices oa your size. 4- -Hast Usssl ISO Stores in theV&t Qiwv1L 1Hi Salem Store 201 N. Com! G.FE 160 North Liberty Street A Million Women Choose Our Shoes Because They Know They'll Find Quality and Style at the Right Prices New Coats. In Straight Line and Flared Effects Stress Generous Trimmings of Fur Tlih is a feminine scasoa, . if atfjar fioea and luxurious fur trimming are au indica tion. The straight line continues ia kapor tance . . . but it Is smartly varfed with' flares and tunic effects that are becoming and distinctive. Particularly smart examples of fashion successes are assembled for you from $ 11 (Q).75 to HATS For Fall Have New Lines Felt Velvet Veloui Smooth-finish, supple mate rials are used to fashion the pew hats because they drape and tack in soft, becoming lines. (The hat silhouette for fall is Individualized and more elabor ate than for several seasons. See the new ones from $1-98 to $498 "Dresses t in refreshing ' Fall Modes A collection of new dresses that hint of winter . . . and you can select them right now. Charming fashions for every occasion t ; feminine styles with softly draped skirts and distinctive collar, cuff and girdle effects. Select one of them now ( i to refresh your wardrobe. For Women For Misses ForJi umors $Q),90 and Nothing Smarter Than Patent Pumps Nothing more graceful on tha feminine foot, either, than these amps which giye an air oi; Jim grace with their high Span ish heeta-and utter absence of trimming. Thriftily, too, at-- Smartness Centers on a Broad Strap For street iportsweaf, jWU find this, strap slipper mart ... and comfortable I latent leather with broad strap f fancy grain; popular military heeL And only $2.98 For Growing Girls All Patent y ai-aaaaMaaj There's an air of imartnesl about these stepnn pumps with their metal ornament that will ke them a great favorite witS fins and women like the tower heels. The price is sure to please, tool $3:98 $3.98 'Cay Tick Office: 114 X. Liberty St. x - . Telephone 798 . suuob, itk tsi oa su. 1