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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1929)
1 Li I 1 PAGE NINE Tfce OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Wedensday Morning, Angust 28, 1929 i CXJUSTITXD ADVUBTMHO teadiag notice, per line $5e (2 tin nainimnw ckarge) Classified Aevertislsf. per Use- 10 Caastitted Advertising, per liM (ISM ., v Olattified Advertising, p r line titan to Asa mi.ih dailv and Band, in i ! Copy for thts page accepted un til ;39 the evening before publl iation for classification. Copy r setved after this time will be run. ander the beading Too I-ato to classify. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR SALE REAL ESTATE AMBASSADOR APARTMENTS UNDER NEW MANAGEBMENT CLEAN, nicely furnished 2 rtn. apart ment, one $ rra, furn. or unfurn.. ra dio, elec refrigeration. Garage or free narklne? arar. New coolfne system 1 insulted. I Preference to Permanent Phon 1JT2 1 50 North Summer St. FURNISHED 2 or menta. ize Cotrrt HOP PICKERS WANTED REGISTER now. Tor hop picking. Williams Tard. ReUn. Phone 115F12or Ray Farmers Hardware. Will start picking Monday. WANTKD Hop pickers for Mitoma hop ranch, near Independence, and Curtis ranch, near Talbot. For par ticulars, inquire Durbln Carnoyer. over J. C. Penney' store. N. Liberty at., or Lytle's Ciipvr store. IS North Commercial street. Commer H'ip now.MVl PICKERS wanted. Picking illiams hop yard. Phone 115F1-'. HOP PICKER3 wanted 4 miles out. Inquire 1299 Saginaw. Start irlda); -toe SOth. :dT ig. best HOP PICKERS WANTED RIGHT NOW F.ARLT clusters, best Dick in hops In the valley, good accommoda tions for campers. Will drive you out from employment office, mornings. Eight miles north on river roao. RUSSELL HOP YARD Phone 53FI2. WANTED Hon Pickers. Hartley and Craig yard, Minto Island. Starting Monday, September z. I'lione muv. MOP nickers wanted C. W. A Jette hOD yard. Champoeg, Ore., 23 miles due north of Salem, usual a oommodattons. HELP WANTED WANTED Blackberry pickers, be sinning Thursday the 29th. good pick ing at the Kelzer school house, 3H miles from town. H. C. SHIELDS Rt. 8, Bos 78. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Two Memorial Park. laborers, Belcrest FOUR room furnished flat, modern. close in. Phone 24 or 155. FOR $25 CASH TOTJ can move In your own home. $25 each and every month just ltk rent until paid. interest to pay. Price 12400: buys a good ft R. plas tered house and lot. Garage, paving paid. I era can c lose Ouyir.g tw Mace. To see It REE LOUIS BECHTEL 241 State Street Room 4. $ loom apart- FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Houses furnished and unfurnished. F. L. WOOD 241 State Street FURNISHED houses for rent. Mel- vln Johnson or A. L. Dark, 310 U. S. Bank Bid?. TeL 427. FOR RENT Modern's room bouse partly furnished or unfurnished. Very desirable, call 1U3JJ. LARGE steam heated house for rent. Adults preferred. C4 N. Cottage. lJXfXnUUUlCsrilI Ll s 'I" FOR RENT 1620 State St 5 rooms 940 and S50 Union, each 5 mt both for $3 snap. 324 S. Winter St.. 6 rooms 1185 Jefferson St.. 4 rooms 324 Water st. T R. house ... 1995 a Church st. ...120 - 25 !0 20 15 25 Furnished houses 515 to $80. RENT OF LOUIS BECHTEL 241 State Street Room 4 NEW 2 room furnished, gas. wood, Mights and water furnished 102&M. FOR RENT 2 room cottage, wat er and garage, $5.00. Call 56F13. FOR RENT $ room house at 1785 N. 5th St.. auite modern. t ROOM house at 990 S. 12th at all In fine condition. If taken for year, $27. e per month. DRIVE by and see- these houses. LA FLA R A- LA FLAK Ladd ft Hush Bank Bldg. Tel. 54 FOR RENT BUILDING FOR RENT Suitable automotive or other occupancy. Ave rage rent $105 month. See vacant, 245 Center. Large adjoining ground space available. BECKE ft HENDRICKS 189 N. High Street HELP WANTED FEMALE SCHOOL girl to do housework, room, board and small salary write box 55. Statesman. ATTENTION LADIES WE want three ladies to handle our puhlicitv work in Salem. MffSt have tact and Judgment. Call before 12 a. m. 715 First National Bank building. EXPERIENCED saleslady wanted for ready to wear and drygoods for Saturdays with possibilities for full time work. Only experienced help wanted others need not apply. State qualifications and references. Box 1017. care of Statesman. SALESMEN WANTED HELP WANTED Experienced salesmen with references for stock selling campaign. Apply Box 99, Salem SITUATIONS WANTED WILLAMETTE young woman stu dent wants work afternoons during school year. Good typist, neat and capable. Write 885, Statesman. FURNISH materials, experienced eanner will prepare and can fruit or vegetables In her own home. 12c per quart. Box 903. Care Statesman. WORK WANTED A bright, exper ienced young woman is to enter Wil lamette university this fall ; she would like part time work ; can do stenographic work, handle part-time bookkeeping or assist with family work. Highest references. If you have any position please address Box 905. Statesman ; more details will be fur nished upon application. YOUNG man, Willamette student. wants position in office Irotn 1 to t p. m. and on i Saturday. Good typist. Can start immediately. Phone 2974J or hnx 991, Statesman. FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALEM scavenger service call 147. WANTED TO RENT ADULTS want to rent 5 room fur nished house by Sept. 10. Tel. 2409W atter 6 p. m. WANT modern small houses for rent. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 North Cottage MR. RENTER LET vour rent cr for your home. Nice clean duplex, partly furnished and-close to business section for only $2900. Terms to suit. Mrs. Ellis with LEO N.-CHILD3 CO.. Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727 ONLY $850 4 ROOM house, woodshed and gar age, city water, electric; iignts, two lota on graveled street. f 100 casn. Dai ance like rent. LEO M. cttiLL5 tu, tteaitors 32$ State Street Phone 1.27. BHAUT1FUL new home of 4 large rooms on view lot. Has all the unus ual features and landscaped for $8400. Will exchange on farm. Interested in Lebanon district. 8 ROOM stucco home m one or our choicest residence districts, beautiful oak trees, too large for owner and will take smaller home as part pint. Priced right atfil.wou. WINN IK FETTIJOHN, iceaitor 175 South High Street MONEY TO LOAN WE tan brlvate wtmcar for real ssv I lata loiu ttcraignt aaa installment l loans on city property, Farm loans I at iwue eommissteet. Real tore 111 & High St BORROW MONET On automobiles. furniture, livestock, personal effects, , and ether food security. SALEM LOAN Bl;KJAb. 40 Bank of Commerce. MONnT LOANS! OS AUTO Contracts Refinaaced Arrange to reduce your payments. Tea keee the cat. P. A. IKK3CI4 COr. liberty St. and Ferry Phone 12V Salem. Ore. CITT AND TRACT LOAMS Reasonable Rate No Delay 8TAXB SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION T02-f First National Bank Bid. risen 47 SsOem. Oregea CTTr AND FARM loan at lewest rates. Best terra ebtamabU. Ovr Insurance depart ent of frs you es : pen nance nnei service in au lines. HAWKINS ft ROBERTS flnct TeL 142T 1 04 OrMon Bide. WE Ttave several ottferent loan plans. We try to arrange loans most convenient tor the borrower. Farm and city loans. Lowest Interest rates and FOR SALE USED CARS The Largest Stock of Used Cars In Salem to Choose From. The Best Prices. The Best Terms. 192T Butck Sedan, reconditioned $900.00 1927 Buick Coupe I92S Buick Coune 1925 Buick touring 1925 Buick Roadster , 1925 Chevrolet touring , 192T Dodge Coupe 1ZT Essex Coupe 192$ Ford Coupe 1925 Ford Coupe , 1925 Ford tourinjr 1927 Pontine sedan Tins HOUSE Should Be Your Home. 5 ROOM bungalow, bath, toilet elec. lights, wired for range, street paved. IJouble. srarasre. e ire. cnerry irees- sale price only $1800.00. Now don't call and vk about this but say we want to see It and then you will buy it as it is absolutely a sacrifice sale. $600.00 will handle It. Call. SEARS ft TUCKER 1S4 a Com'L St. for appointment GOOD house ol C rooms all on one floor, with garage; between State and Center streets. Plenty of fruit This property belongs to an estate and must be sold. Price $3700.00. Call 217 for location. W. G. KRUEGER Realtor 147 North Commercial HUDK1NS ft SANFORD. INC. Phoa 2219. Miller' Store Bid Salem. Oregon. $50.00 695.00 385.00 $85.00 185.00 495.00 450.0 225.00 150.00 125.00 575.00 425.00 795.00 595.00 $50.00 S95.00 225.00 85.00 275.00 C 10.00 125.00 215.00 215.00 195.00 1927 Essex Coupe 395.00 lis cnevretet touring 90.00 1925 Stude baker special coach 475.00 1924 Pontlae Coune 1937 Etude-baker Standard, se dan , 1927 Oakland Sedan ... 1924 Oakland Sedan 1927 OldsmobHe Coach 1937 Ford roadster BATTERY ELECTRICIAN R. D. Barton National Batteries Starter and generator work. Ill South High. BICYCLE REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEN Columbia WirH wn drepalriwg. s7 Court. CLEANING SERVICE Center St Valeterta. tel. 2227. SUITS cleaned and pressed $1. TAB LET CLEANERS. 193 N. Com'L over Bustcka. CHIROPRACTORS Dr.aU SCOTT. PSC, Chiropractor. 151 N. High. TeL 87. Res. 2 104 -J. 1924 Ford roadster 1927 Star 4 door sedan 192$ Dodge Banel truck 19ZZ hud touring 124 Oakland touring DRS. SCOFIELD. Palmer Chiro practors. X-ftr and N. C M. New Bank FHdg. DOCTORS 1924 Studebaker light I tour.. 1925 Ford truck 1990 Base Coach Private Mcney to Loan Consolidated Used Car Center EXCHANGE Real Estate FOR SALE RE AL ESTATE ROOM house, plastered. Bath. toilet, electric lights. Priced $150' very easy terms. 84 ACRES stocked, and equipped. 500 chickens, te trade for acreage near valley town. ltt ACRES, new 4 room house. 70 bearing fruit trees, wonderful view. For quick sale, $2000. terms. Best buy in town. NJ2W 5 room house, strictly modern. Unfinished upsUirs, $3800.00. Your own terms. 369 ACRES well-located, plenty of running water, good fences. For Quick sale, 40 per acre. LOT on Falrmount Hill, IS50. Rich L. Reimann 219 N. High St Phono 865. TO THE TOURIST Let us trade your property for Ore gon. Phone 298 or see Mr. Stewart TOURIST REALTY CO. 775 Edge water St West Salem ' 5 ROOM modern bungalow on cor ner lot in Portland will trade for Salem 5 room bungalow well located. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 North Cottage Street CALIFORNIA for Salem. Will ex change my 4 room modern bungalow near Riverside, Cal for small house or improved acreage near Salem. See owner, J. A. wnite. 2345 State. HAVE a good $20 acre farm In Sask. to trade for home In Salem or small farm. F. L. WOOD $11 State Street EXCHANGE rul-xnjVL S ACRE view tract Joining city, liv able old house, good garage and chicken- house, assortment of fruit and nut trees. Will trade for Salem home of equal value or sell on easy terms FARM LOANS Plenty of money t loan on stood fnrm security. Cltr Loans We ar loaning Prudential In sn ranee company money en oltr fei aencea ana ousmess Dronercy at per rent plus a commission. Hawkins ft Roberts. 205 Oregon Bulldl:ig PERSONAL LOANS MADE onr furniture,' cars, salaries er other good security. Repayable monthly. When in financial need see us before closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank BIdg. Phone 1200 LOANS TO men and women steadily employ ed. On your plain note, lowest rates, easiest payments, quickest service. fairest dealings and newest methods. Loans also made on Indorsed notes, furniture, pianos and other personal property. All transactions strictly con fidential. STATE LOAX CO. 212 Oregon Building SecotnWloor, corner State and High. u rr ice nonrs lv a. in. to s:sv p. m. Telephone 932. HAVE $3000 private money on good security in city. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 North Cottage Street . LOANS WANTED MwVVMAAMMeAiwVVVWMWJwVwVMl J L. G. ALTMAN, M. D., homeopathic physician. General practice. Very auc- cessEui m goiter, gallstones and arop- sicai cases. Phone 14T. U9 N. Liberty Street .ew Eir&l national 8anx Building Directory BASEMTOrf De Luxe Shining Parlr Experts for Ladies and Gentlemea FOURTH FLOOR Dra. O'Neill ft Burdette, optometrists Phon 425 40U402-403-404-40I EIGHTH FLOOR Dr. C. Ward Davis General Dentistry TeL $1$ Evening by appointment Room $01 TENTH FLOOR Or. W. A. Johnson. Dentist Telephon 1245 1001 o o REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY ANDERSON ft RUPERT. Realors 14$ & High TeL 1444 BUCKS ft 11$ N. High HENDRICKS TeL 141 ELECTRICIANS HALIK ELECTRIC CO. 441 North Front st. TeL No. 2. FLORISTS FLOWERS FOR ALL Olsen'a. Court ft High SU TeL 80L BT VALLEY MOTOR CO.. FORDS. W. L. ANDERSON INC.. DE SOTOS. OTTO J. WILSON, BUICKS. Marlon and Liberty Phone 1027 1 iriiir1 '"ersjVVVVVsVVAAAJXSiJV Valley Motor Company Reconditioned CUT Flowers, funeral wreath. Breithaup, florist 512 Tel 50 wedding bouquets decorations, c W. State Street INSURANCE WARREN F. POWERS Ufa and General Insurant TeL 407. 119 U. a Bank BIdg. Used Cars 18$ ANDERSON ft RUPERT General Insurance a High TeL 1444 FORDS Model A Tudor Sedan $55 00 Model A sport coupe 550.00 Model A Fordor 476.00 1924 Tudor Ruckstell , ,- , ,. 2$5.O0 1924 Coupe Ruckstell . 250.00 1920 COUP , 200.00 1SZT rtoadster wire wheels 225.00 1924 Roadster 160.00 1920 Touring 185.00 29 FORDS UNDER $100.00. FORD TRUCKS $100.00 to 1927 Harler Davidson, single.. 1923 Harley Davidson Twin 74 cu. inch motor (as is) . , BECKE ft HENDRICKS 18$ N. High TeL lit RICH L REIMANN General Insurance. Loans 211 N. High St TeL III WILLAMETTE INSURANCE AGENCY 215 Masonic BIdg. Phone No. 982 JOSEPH BARBER REALTY CO. S00 Grey BIdg. Phon 790 LKO N. CHILDS 820 Stat St CO. Realtors TeL 1722 F. O. DELANO 290 N. Church TL 2120 111 & M. EAR LB a Liberty St eraia sad Hy (Baying Price) Wket,wette ra red, be. l.Ot Soft white, . 1.1 Osti, gray, bo. 55 White, be- SO Barley, toa SS.00 Hay Oats sail etea 14.00 Dressed Meats (Baying Price) Veal, tap . Hogs, tep - Weol sad Mohair Pise wool . , Mediant Lamb 'a weol Old Mohair . Kid ..31 ..10 ..SO $$ ..30 .21627 40 . 50 General Markets DAISY POBTLANDJ, Ore. Aag. 9.T. (AP) Batter: Extras 47; standards 40; prist firsts 45; firsta 43. Erst: Extras $( firsts $5; Medium extras $2; steeiasi tints 80. HOMER D. FOSTER 179 BUt St W. K ORABBNHORST ft CO. 114 & Uberty St TeL 11$ MELVIN JOHNSON 120 O. & Bank BIdg, TeL 111 POBTLAVD GBAUr PORTLAND. Ore Aug. 28. ( AP) Opes Hifk Clete. Sept 12.3V 124 124 Dec. 131 1 1S 1-1 1$2 I I Mar 138H 139 139 Caah gains: Wheat Big Bead Mae stem, hard white. $1.35; (t white, weat- white $1.23; hard winter, northern fcpriag, western red. 1.82. Oats, h'e. t, 38 lb. white 34.00. Barley No. 2, 45 lb. B. W. $32.00. Cora Ne. 2. eaitera yellow. TeL 224S I ahipnieat 45.50. Milran, standaro, f'is.ow. HAY PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 87. (AP) Kay: Buying price : Eaitera Oregea timothy I21.50&22; do. valley 814014; alfalfa $18-10; clover $14 15; eat hay $14; itraw $TQ8 ten: aelling prices, $8 more. REALTY CO. TeL 142 GERTRUDB J. 492 N. Cottage PAGES TeL 1184. RICH L REIMANN. Realtor lit N. High bt TeL 848 SOCOLOFSKY ft SON 204-1 First Nat Bk. BIdg. TeL 974 SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. O. a Nat'L Bank BIdg. Tel 4T0 129 N. j. F. ULRICH Commercial TeL 1254 TRIANGLE REALTY CO. 421 Court St TeL 451 441 Stat St, r. u wood TeL 794 Open Evenings $250. T5.00 fl.O KODAK FINISHING EXPERT KODAK FINISHING. Camera Film Shop, 180 8. Liberty. LAUNDRIES WANTED Private money to loan VflllfiV Motor CnrntrtfltlV on real estate. I L W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WKIDKR LAIIVnUT TelepkOM II 212 a High 134 South Liberty Street WANTED Private moMT tor farm an. We have several application n nana. Hawkins ft Roberta, Inc. see nremn liing UVE STOCK and POULTRY Phone 1991 Center at Liberty CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "The LMnder of Pure Materials" Telenbnno 1C it 44 Brand wv WITT. nn C An Km, , ... ... I MW T Vy V,1 WW .11-11. I'StJ w " w?. 3V nrsl mo"KaRe- and 100 cases eggs. Hollywood Pro. TERMS LIKE RENT 2 ROOM house and garage. t4 block of bus and paved street Price $425. cash $25, bal. $10 per mo. ft c Interest. 4 ROOM house In E. Salem, street paved, walks in and paid. Price $1,- 400, cash $25. bal. JIj per mo. ft 67 tattereet. LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Kealtors 320 State Street Phone 1727 GREATEST Trading organisation on the Pacific Coast We have over $000 properties listed for exchange. Every kind of property, every price, every lo cation. W can match your exchange exactly. II you would like to traie Sour property uraay. com in xoaay. E3 B M. ELARLK. Realtor 14C a Liberty TeL 2242 SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727 BERTHA-BEAVERTON hl-war. 1 acre on pavement, adj. Mult golf course S room house, hen house, gar age, fruit trees, berries, elec.. water. gas, Dargain at szaoe.OO. Equity of $1.- i lu i or Kaiera lots or lot. uood loca tion. Legionnaire, Box 114-R t. ueaverton. Oregon - -- - - -i-i-i-E , -i-.-M-M-wirm fij-u- WANTED To srade dear lot In Sa lem for practically new closed car. Phone- 2516-J In evenings. ASTORIA FOR SALE. ROOM modern, home In Actor!.. Good location. Will exchange for Sa lem or suburban borne or nearby farm to uuv ana assume. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street . Ground Floor. FOR SALE Te settle an estate, a I room home, furnished, good location, priced to sell quick. See L E. Stlff- ler, at Statesman office or 1710 N. 17th St FOR SALE Small steam boiler with lectrlo heater; suitable for dry clean. Ing work, inquire statesman. MELDORF PLAYER A snecial value at $195. Plain wal nut case, tone and action in perfect .lltion and is fully guaranteed by as to give satisfactory service. Terms arranged to suit you. SHERMAN CLAY ft CO. 130 South High Street RARGAINS Burroughs Adder $50, Amprican $10, Mimeograph 525. Un derwood No. 5 $12. Thos. Roen. 42 1 Court GRAVENSTEINS Rulifson's. R. 8, Box 59. Phone 4F4 a r rfsj"arfnaSrf,arsBf GOOD Used Radio electric equipped r can be used with battery. See this and hear It. Priced to go quick, inquire at Western Auto Supply Co. 201 N. Commercial. inn.nnnnru.L1 n rr BAUSS PIANO A real bargain $135. Plain case, full swot tone, action In perfect condition, terms to suit. SI I HUMAN "CLAY ft CO. 130 South High Street PEACHES tor canning. Crawfords, Carmels and Champions." Elbertas tome later. L Townsend. 10 mt. north of river road. Mission Bottom. Early Craw fords ripening fast Won't last long Call at once. . nn n nn . n USED furnace. 5!6 N, . CRAWFORD peaches for canning. Bring boxes. Puritan Cider Works, 7S1 Edgewater street West Salem WHITE distilled vinegar for pick ling. Furltan Cider Works. West Sa lem. Phone 2874-J. TWO teams weighing 8000 and 2500. All good workers. On Dallas highway. Route 2. Box 169A. - ' NEW HOME IN SOUTH SALEM 8 NICE rooms, interior beautifully decorated, nice lawn and flowers, cor ner lot. Price $36o0. cash $a00. bal ance easy. LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727 FOR SALE FARMS CLOSE-IN sheen ranch, rood build. tngs, good soil, well fenced, includes liv good ewes, half cash, balance 6 no commission a real bargain $40.00 per acre. Box lis, Salem. 294 ACRE farm can be bought at greatly reduced price. UEKTKUDK J. M. PAGE 493 North Cottaga Iduce. 1915 Fairground Rd. TeL 715J. WANTED Two fresh Jersey eowa. not over b years Ola. Must De 1. ti. and blood tested. Lock Box 455, Sa lem, Oregon. ONE work horse, 1 large sorrel farm horse 7 years old. one gray Jer sey cow 5 yrs. old. T. B. and blood tested. Good producer and high tester. One registered Jersey bull 2ft years eld. All cheap, for quick sale. Route 7, Box ik, uaraen road. FOR SALE .WOOPT 4 LOADS of 14 in. mill wood. rt zna nr. s.oo per cord c ered from car. AT TRACT'S FUEL YARD Phone 2985 FOR SALE Wood all M. D. Mayfleld. ohon T.3F2. GOOD COAL DRY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES HILLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE1866 McKays for Used Cars With an O. K. That Counts OUR used car stock Is comnletelr chanred every 30 davs. Cars ranrinz In price from $25 to $800 are always ner ior your selection. LOW O. M. A. C. KATES POSI TIVE GUARANTEES. TOURINGS 28 Ford, has original finish $ 65 '23 Dodge. Runs fine 90 z tiev. Tnorougniy recondi tioned 195 MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED br the Capital City Beddine Co.. 8080 North Capitol Called for and delivered. Ail work guaranteed Tel 19 MUSIC STORES FOB RENT New piano. Stiff Furniture Company. H. L GEO. C. WILL Pianos. Phono graph, sewing machines, sheet musfe and piano studies. Repairing; phono graph and sewing machines. 432 State ROADSTERS 'II Ford. A bargain PAPER HANGING 135 FOR SALB Attractive Falrmount HH1 Built by owner ARTHUR RAHN Phone 1927 or 432 Home ELECTRIC washing machine. shape. 1220 IS. lein. Fine MMrArAAM ALDRICH PIANO THIS piano cannot be told from new sold for $425 and can be bought for 'balance on repossessed account Rnwlal 8215. Terms like rent. Spe SHERMAN CLAY & CO. 120 South High Street Tr 1PHF.S Crawford s and Char- .." r.nH v nt Pettey's orchard on Wallace road. Bring boxes. Phone 54F14 bile-He&trola type circula tor heater slightly f? teT tank heater stove. Call 1229W. ACREAGE EXCHANGE YOUR FARM FOR IN COME PROPERTY TWO storr bldg. on Kood comer lot 524x100 ft. 2 store fronU with liv ing rooms in rear, $ separate apart ments upstairs, 2 garages. Stock and fixtures in one store. Price $10,000 with terms, or will take acreage with or without bldgs. near Salem up to $8,000. LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727 iirmvyuijkl FORCED TO SELL FINE 30 A. FARM OWNED by a widow who Is unable to take care of it on account of health. Located on paved highway, near school and onlr 8 miles from Sa lem. Price $4000. W'ill take a home in Salem up to $2500. Long time on bal ance. This is a wonderful buy. If in terested SEE LOUIS BECHTEL MRS. CLARKE or MR. KOEHLER 341 State Street Room 4. Phone 756 for an appointment. TWO FARM BARGAINS. 137 acres on highway. 75 clear, fair buildings, rnnnlng water, $6a00. and one of 147 acres river bottom land, gord barn," small house, runninar water, $6500. and we will take a house on either one. F. L. WOOD 341 State Street - 1 -.- njjxjnjjLv 3-ACRE BARGAIN 1H MILE OK SALEM 4 -ROOM house, good repairs, all In cultivation, mostly set to cwerrles. Price only $3150.00 will give terms. NOW THIS 7-A prunes, good crop, 1 A. filberts, 2 A. logan berries, small house, good barn, garage and poultry houses. 10 acres in place. Quick sale price, $$. 150.00. 10 ACRES $6000.00 CHERRIES, filberts logans and strawberries. 3 room house, electric I lights, tarn, garag, 2 good poultry nouses and brooder house. You will have to see this place to appreciate it. BJUU SEARS ft TUCKER 184 South Commercial Btreet SUBURBAN HOME 4K ACRES on paved road hut 10 minute drive. Mostly in fruit and INVESTMENT PROPERTY Good I nu- ' room piasterea nome witn seven room house, fireplace, bath, base ment. 3 nice lots covered with large PRICED TO SELL $3500. GOOD modern four room home, corner lot paved St.. gnrage, east front fireplace. FURNISHED only $200. down: balance $35 per month. Located at 1325 N. 15th street. NEW 4 ROOM HOME $2900. ATTRACTIVE new modern 4 room home with oak floors, fireplace, basement furnace. laundry trays. shades and linoleum now placed, gar age, cement drive and walks, paved street, $150. down: balance $3a per mo. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. NEW FIVE ROOM HOME $3600. MODERN in every way. tile drain board, electric water heater, full cement basement furnace. firepLice, garage, paved street, east front, lot 50x137, $250. down, balance $35 per month. REMEMBER WE WILL BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU THROUGH THESE HOME3. SEE US AT ONCE. W. II. GRABENHOR3T ft CO. REALTORS 134 South Liberty Street A GOOD HOUSE BUY NEW 6 room house, good construc tion, strictly modern, garage, lot ssx- 100. paved street, close to schooL rrice S32-00 with $300 down payment. STRICTLY modern furnished house to rent SOCOLOFSKY ft SON First National Bank Building DRY fir and oak wood, coal and fuel otL Can on us for price, we give good measure, good Quality and good service. LARMER TRANSFER ft STORAGE Telephone 930. GOOD WOOD at a reasonable price. wen seasoned secona grewtn xir and old fir slab and Inside wood. Prompt delivery. Fred K. Weils, phon 1642, 280 South Church street GUARANTEED DRY Wood coaL TeL 13. Salem Fuel C. 752 Trad. DRY 18 In. old fir. 4 ft fir grub oak. ash and maple, cord measure. Reduc tions on large orders. C U. HAKBAUUH $38 Highland Phone 1990. 1st and 2nd growth fir also first j grade ash ready for delivery. Salem Golf club. Tel. 125F2. FOR SALE Fifty cord dry oak wood and three hundred oak posts. George W. Lemery, Brooks. R. 1, Ore- gon. COACHES '24 Ford. Trade your touring on tnis zsa 1924 Pontlae, reconditioned, re painted , 89$ 1928 Chev. 2 of them. Both dan dles 523 COUPES '24 Chev. t of these the best you mv ever seen bz& 1928 Chev. Run only 1500 miles.... 625 SEDANS 1928 Chev. This one Is perfect 57$ 192$ Essex. The new is still on this one 625 1927 Buick. New tires. Original finish good 625 Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. LODER BROS. SOLD NINE NEW G R A H A M I PAIGE CARS THIS LAST WEEK. THIS leaves us with some very fine used cars which we are thoroughly re conditioning and will guarantee for $0 days. COME to our used car lot directly across the street from our store and see these cars. Oldamobile Sedan 8595. PHONE GLENN Adam for house decorating, paperlutnclng. tinting, ete. PLUMBING PLUMB INTO and general repair work, uraner pros it so. uoerty. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, card, pam phlets, programs, book or any band of printing, call at th Statesman Printing Department 21 S. Commer cial Tel fioo RADIO FOR every purpose, for every our AU standard sizes of Radio Tube. EOFP ELECTRICAL SHOP. 235 Court St.. Tel. 48 ROOFING SOLVB your roofing difficulties with Pioneer losemite rock surfaced shingles. Carlton Pioneer Roofing Co. 170 N. Front. Tel. 4 87. STOVES Ford 4 door Sedan Ford Coupe Hudson Coach Dodge Touring 295 175. 245. 395. 296. 295. 175. 395. X)DAT3 BEST BARGAIN SUMMER treet corner, good 7 room home. Priced away below value for a few days only. Call 1727 for appoint Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street Own this attractive home, garage, half acre good land, exceptional price, payments like rent. Carle Abrams, own er, 1547 Chemeketa, TeL 1894J. FOR SALEUSED CARS Reconditioned Reliable Used Cars 1928 Buick 4-door Standard se dan, original finish inside and out like new. New tires $1025 27 Oakland 2-door sedan, origin al finish, A-l mechanically '25 Buick 4-door sedan, new tires and iaint, thoroughly over hauled . '28 Essex Coach, overhauled, new paint and tires '26 Dodge Sedan, new Duco paint and tires '27 Essex Coupe, original finish, extra good. New tires '25 Dodge type. A 4-door sedan, A-l in every respect '24 Hudson seven-passenger se dan, only run 24,000 miles. New Duco paint lob and A-l me chanically . '24 Moon Touring with glass en closure, A-l mechanically, fin ish Inside and out extra good. only run a few thousand miles '26 Overland Six 2-door sedan, A-l condition '24 Hudson Coach, overhauled. new paint and Urea 25 675 25 49S 476 891 ... 885 871 $78 191 State Motors. Inc. HUDSON-ESSEX High ft Chemeketa DISTRIBUTORS 'Phone 1000. Pettyjohn's W ANTED Miscellaneous rherrr. walnut and ornamental trees. $3,800; with six big lots all covered with fruit and berries. 2 lots face Les lie school stadium, $5300. Full block of lots adjoining Leslie school grounds, $2,200. increasing in value rapidly. Will sell all or oart. Terms. 745 Rural ave nue. W. C. Conner, Statesman office. owner. Phone zzgsw. basement furnace, bath, electricity ana pressure water system. A dandy 1 r 1 T jt - r 1 . home fine location and the best of DC91 UdCU Vttl taiUC son. rriCT svv. lerms. WANTJJ ymA ex- nlnnos. In change on Radio phorKpr or fur Vt L Stiff Furniture Comwtir "MISCELLANEOUS C A. WlTCTtAFTwel! drtliei Dal buT'Oregon. 1118 Birch st. Phone 979 TORRENT ROOMS .JkJXfW&rVf " a-aieanienienieTnitsn hp.ATKT) room. $8.00. Phone 1242M. "ROOM a" BOAjP... FOK RENT APAKTAUSNTS mm nr'-iMnU'uiirii- - - " - 1TTTRNISHEO first floor X and 8 hath. 190 Union. STEAM heated apartments. Private home. 494 n. WWWWW WWW, ' - ' - -- -- ONE or two room furnished apt. $241 Haset. -none nram-nnnM ant Light water. twig. One bedroom. 1421 N. Church creeu . . BOOM furnished apartment prl vat bain. 646 Court. Phono 1057. 11550. 4 ROOM bungalow with toilet natn. fireplace, garage, buojecx 10 tav-ement. $50. down. $1200. 3 ROOM bungalow, toilet, bath. some iron trees, some lennn. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 431 Court Street Ground Floor. Business Opportunities SECURE CAPITAL FOR YOUR BUSINESS. Incorporate a company and sell the stock. Corporations form ed in any state. Harder, 295 First Na tional Bank BUJg., Sulem. Oregon. 1929 Essex Coup :ow 192$ Buick Sedan Nc 192$ Harmon Roadster Now $ 125 1075 $76 1927 Olds 2 -Door Sedan Now FOR SALE Groeery stock, land $900. 4 ROOM bungalow, toilet bath, and building. P. O. Box 11$, Salem. A good ouv. Terms. 192T Ford 2-Door Sedan Now 1927 Chrysler 70 Roadster Now 1926 Buick 2-Door Sedan Now $1800. 4 ROOM bungalow, toilet, bath. lirepiace. garage, eiuv uuwii. $2S0. 4 ROOM bungalow, basement furnace, garage, saving paid. Terms. 1375$. 6 ROOM bungalow on Mill stream, basement, rurnace, garage. OtmmI tmne 14300. x 7 ROOM bungalow, good lo cation, modern in every way, except fireplace, $30. a own. 15500. A T room new bungalow on N. 14th at Modern hi every way. Will truh for farm ud to 100 acres. 5000. PRIVATE money to loan at MELVTN JOHNSON or A. I DARK 220 V. a Bank Bldg. Phone 137. eeeeeneeieen.ea.j.ees'' GROCERY and fountain, excellent location. E-.tra. nice living rooms. Own er must sell or might trade for close in acreage or small house. Box 7, Statesman. FOR SALE AT SACRIFICES PRICE STRICTLY modern ft re proof garage. building In preferred location at in tersection of Capitol and Fairgrounds road will consider part cash, with good security covering balance. Answer P. O. Box Z93. Saitii. Oregon. MONEY TO LOAN FEDERAL FARM LOAN f4. F- La, wooo, I4i stat mreeu 192$ Star Touring Now 1925 Nash Adv. 2-Door Now 1926 Nash Adv. Touring Now 1924 Chevrolet Sedan Now fadUlac 61 Touring NOW 125 295 00 475 ISO 50 410 150 450 li Dandy Chevrolet Roadster F. W. Pettyjohn Co i III North ComT. 8t TL 1211, After W Sell we serve. I ROOM Salem home, barn, fruit. 2 fin Wita. 8420 for acreage. NICE 6 room bongalow and two I ON FARMS ANT CITT REAL ES- fine lots clear; $1500 ; wlU assume I TATR. LOWEST INTEREST RATES. on small equipped farm. i BtKi' t. rjtju s a i,h hbM In walnuts and fruit 1 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG vuj inAnnu fall bldarn 84&o&. Take 1 )oywwwwww good residence or small farm, I RZST5ENT Trr5 jsef ACRE tract 7 room &oa tarn, I month retire ft loan of $1,004 In 120 j fmits. $2500. Take email resldencev trcoB-rh. Fary tsarer W JT wlso. rte PERRINK ft MARSTER3 I membership fee. See Delano, 299 rt SIX Gray Building - I Church, Phon 2888. Studebaker Touring Jewett Touring Overland Bluebird Willvs Knleht Touring . SEVERAL Ford pick ups and Ford Tourings at $50 to $75. Very easy terms may De arranged some cars will be sold for as little as $25 down and $15 per month. See these cars today. ' Open Evenings ana bunaay. LODER BROS. 446 Center St Salem Phone 450. Graham-Paige Sale ft Service for Marion and 1'oiK counties. STOVES and stove repairing. Stoves tor sale, rebui.t and repaired, au kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, nop Daskets ana nooxs, logan hooka Balera Fence and Stove Works. 250 Court Sr. Bark of Buslclt'a Salem Markets rresa Trniti (Wholesale Quotation.) Applei, local 1.50 reaches, Calif, erate 1.25 Flam., local. lb 03 Bananas, lb. 07 Limes, carton 6 dot. , , 2.50 late lrome4ary. 86, 10-ea. pkrx. .6.50 Cone's Pitted, case 3.TS Grapefruit, Calif., cat. Comb honey, new crop Lemons, Calif. Cantaloupes lakimas Honerdewi lb.. Ice Cream Melons Casabai Oranges, Valenci ltt I 7 25 .4 i 004.50 11.50 -1.502.00 04 02 4 04 7.25 !ZZ"125 7.75 lxS'a ISO's . 176's 200's : 8.75 216'a 5.75 252's 4.75 288' 4.25 344's 4.00 Watermelons, lb. 02 Grapes, white Malagas 1.75 Bed Malagas 2.50 Seedless Grapes 1.25 Bos of Pern grapes 1.90 Vegetables (Wholesale Uuotationa) Canlifiewer, local 1.75 Peaa, local, lb . 00 Green beans, local 05 Celery. Labuh, doi. ...60 1.00 Celery Hearts 90 Spinach, local, orange box .... 1.50 Blocked vegetables, per doa. bunches Carrots 40 Tsrnip 40 Radishes 40 Parsley 60 Onions 40 Oarlic. lb 20 Tomatoes, RoteVarc, lag 65 The Dalles, crate .65 Onions Walla Wall Globe 2.50 Pickling oniona, lb. 09 Lettuce, local 2.10(2.7I Seattle iced lettuce 4.50 Cnrumbera, hetheuse 75 1.25 Pickling Cucumbers lb 04 Cabbage OS Green Peppers, The Dalles, box ...75 Calavos. ease 5.50 Egg plant, crate 1.75 Summer Senash. bos SO LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Ore.. Aug. S7. (AP) . Cat tie and ealves : Fully SO ceata lower (or high median to good steers sad th stock. Receipts: Oattle 85; ealves 10. Steer 1100-1300 Iba., good $11011.50; do. good, $lifcMl.C0; do. medium $9.50 Qll; do. common $7 4y.60. Heifer, good $9.7S; common te medium $6.7 0. Cows, good $6 8.75; do. common to medium $6 8; do. low cutter $3gA. Good beef, $12507.50; do. cutter t medium $5.507.25. Calves, medium to choice $10 12.50; do. cull to choice $7.50 10. V enters, milk ted, good M choice $1814.50; do. medium $Utol3; coll te common $8(3 11. Hogs: Quotably steadv: receipts 800. Heavy weight $10(g 12.50; medium weight $1112.65: tight weight $13.5 (it 12.75; light hghls an.oii.o. Packing towa, rough and. etnoeth $8.7$ 9.75. Slaughter pig $11&12. Feeder and stocker pig. medium to ehoice $11 -& 12.75. (Soft or oily hogs and roasting pigs excluded in ebore quotations.) Sheep and lambt, qnotably ateadjr; re ceipts 250. ... Lamb (84 lb. dorn good to choiee $1112; do. medium $9.506M1; do. all weights, cull to common $7 9.50. Ycar liar wethers, $.509. Ewe $45.25; do. medium te choice $3.50(2 5; do. cosa mon $1.003.50. PRODVOB PORTLAND, Ore.. Aug. 27. (AP) Milk: Raw milk (4 per cent) $2.85 ewt, deliered Portland, less 1 per cent. Bnttsr- fat. etation, 46c; trtTJe 47c; aelivere at Portland 50c. Poultry: (Buying prices) Alive, neavy hens, ever AM lbs.. 26e: medium heaa. 34H lbs, 2223c; light, nnoer n lb. 2021e; broiler, 1 Ibs 23a2e colored broilers, 9 to S lb.. 37e80l spring Pekin dueks. 4 lbs., end over 201 old Pekia dueka, lcaasc; cmorea aucaj. 1518c. . Potatee Per ewt.. Gems No. 1 grade, $3.50(2 3.83: Uncy Gem. $2.50(3 2. 85 J new, $3 3.25. CHICAGO GKATJr rmfAfiO. Inc. 27. (AP) mhes4 bnjers took courage today from a revival of export business and prices swung ward after low start, an gran wni ut at the tiniab line, despite tb initial. decline ot two Cent ana more in iw wheat pit which haa aympataixea w the early dull ton at LtrerpooL Wheat gained e to 10 ior iae nay and corn He to le and oats steadied te c to He higher. Corn, yellow, 0 doi. White, 0 doi Sweet Potatoes, lb. Potatoes, local Yakima Feeds (Retail Quotations) Calf meal. 25 lbs. Scratch, ton Corn, wbole, ton TAILORS D. H. MOSHKR Tailor for men and women 474 Court Sl Cracked end ground Mill ma ton ittran, ton , . With milk" Z. TOANSFERS CiiPITAL City Transfer Co. 221 State St TeL 933. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get our rates '2$ Mod, Dodge 4 Sedan, A-l con dition r .-. - se&o '28 Mod. Dodge Light 8 Sedan, per- leci .. a. . SEE Hunt. VALLEY MOTOR Term Trade VETERINARIANS DOCTOR W. arlan. residence 1510. Office 629 8. Com'l. Phone 1198. O. Morehouse, veterln. 725 8. Com'L Phone Fine cars at any Prices Bargains at These! 192$ OldsmobHe Spt Roadster -4750 1938 Oakland 2-dr. Sedan .$725 1927 Dodge Spec. Sedan .$550 1925 Studebaker Duplex Touring $375 1926 Ricken barker 4 -dr. broug ham - $550 1925 Willys Knight Sedan .$450 THESE cars carry our regular Used car guaranteed. Reo Sales & Service Company $77 North High Street WATCH REPAIRING GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIR ING or money back. THE JEWEL BOX 173 N. Liberty Salem The thanks ot the nation have been extended by the king of Italy to Giovanni Bertaxzonl ot Gonza ga, Italy, father of 16 children, three of whom were killed in the world war. 90 90 09 2.75 .3.00 1.85 .53.00 -49.00 50.00 -34.00 .34.00 .50.00 .58.00 Standards Mediums Pullets Eggs (Buying Price) EXKCUTOH'S FINAL NOTICE Notice Is hereby glren tnat the . undersigned executor has filed his final account of the estate of Julia ' H. Tlbbita, deceased, with th$ Clerk ot the County Court ot the) . State of Oregon for the County of Marion, and an order has been made and entered by said Court"' fixing the 20th day of September, 1929, at ten o'clock In the fore- noon as the time ior hearing od Jections to said final account, it any. and the settlement thereof, and that any creditor, heir or oth er person interested in said estate may, on or before said time, show cause why said final account should not be approved and set tled as rendered. Dated this 19th day ot August. 1929. J. CLARK TIBBITS. Executor of the Last Will and Estate of Julia H. Tib bits, deceased. JOHN BAYNE, Attorney for Executor. A22-29. S5-12-19. 85 30 20 Stags Roosters, eld Heavies - , ... Medium , Light Poultry (Buying Price) Colored- broilers Leghorn broilers Vegetables and Fruit (Buying Price) Potatoes, ewt. 18 ,07.08 28 -17Q.19 18 22 .20 2.78 30.60 .03 .1.7$ .1.7$ Carrots, dos. bo. Fesi, lb. Currants I.oeana Oniona 80.60 Radishes, 80 .60 Batterfat ( Wholesale Quotations) Print 49 Cartons 50 Butterfat .49 Batter (Retail Quotation) Print 52 Cartons - -.58 Blighs see Graf Zeppelin While It Nears Frisco Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Bllgh returned Tuesday evening frost San Francisco, where Mr.. Bllglt has been on business. - " The Bligh's saw the Graf .Zep pelin pass over San Francisco, and they were located on the root i the Sir Francis Drake hotel ; they reported that the Tie one of the most wonderful s.' they had ever seen, with the pelin painted of a silver and tha back ground ot Golden Gate with a perfect sunset made it a very i marvelous sight. a i WANTED USED CARS CASH mid tnr Frir1 Klfcer Ante. MOTORCYCLES S65.00 StTYS a rood HARLEY-DAVTDSON I blar twin motorrrvcle. arood mechanical condition, gooa tires, soma term u yeu want 147 soum commercial street BUSINESS DIRECTORY AUCTIONEERS F. N.Woodry . II Tra Salem's leading Auctioneer and FnrnUur Dealer Realdenc nnd Store. 1419 N. Summer St Phon ill f 929 Whippet 4 Sedan THIS car has been need as a dem onatrator wUl sell 91:5 oft new car pries. Car Has never ben licensed with new ear suarsst. Vt Interacted la this oar see It at . OOSf Tot tT 44 argaln and! wffl be sM ' "Capital in&wti COU A, L. STEVENSON auc tioneer, 28 years" experience In the Willamette valley, for, date or ar rangement ee V. A. Doerfler, farm advisor. First National Bitnk, Salam. Phone er write. A. L SUvenawn. Cr- v sills, urecon. H. F. VVoodry and Son The AtJCTTONEKRS Who Bell " Rite-Dow n-Town Phone T$ ; St Year Kxerience- li. 9. atagedora esalpcsot s i Tsi. IJmfW, ASSUlKUBt. toue (urnHurs 4a. BLANKS THAT ARE LEGAL xr- a. aiir lis w1 Usnksi tnaltetl la most any trusactiow. may feae Just lb form you ar tookinf; for $U a bif saYiir2 s ctnipjaird to srsflt to order forms. Some of thsCstrxsts: Cmtract 4f Sale, Road Notice, Wfll Forxms, Assigti meat of Mortjaxe, Hortcar forma, Qrdt Claim Deeds, Abstract forms, Bm of Sale, BaHdhis Contract; Pprmisaory Notes, Installmerit Notes, General Lesae, Fowmr ot Attomf. PrmatsJSooka anl Pada, Scale R ceipts, etc These forms art 4au-efoIiy prepared for the coinrts and prirsteest. PTice $m ionas range ioa 4tnu to 10 eeats apiece, ana osi note books Irom ZeUMi PRINTEI) AND FOU SALE BY The Statesman Publishing Co. LEGAL TiTJtrTK lllIADQUAItTERS ' At Cseaess 0fSev CUwtmd Floor