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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1927)
till I The Oregon Sta tesman ". , . laeaed Dell Except Monday by. THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING COMPANY V'.1 215 goota Commercial Street, Salem, Oregoa St. J. Headrieke - Ralph O.Curtia -' Aaarea Hoar - r - .- jlaaafer Mattering Kditor City Kditor TolfTph, Kditor Society Kditor ... . : StXMBEB OP THE ASSOCIATES FBE&S TKa Aatnciated Preaa ia exrtu&Wely entitled to th use for publication of all acwa dia- eefehea credited to it or not otaerwiee credited ia thia paper and also the local newe pab liakod heroin. - y' m BUSINESS OFFICES: O.BrBett, 222-22rf Security Bid.. Portland. Ore., Telephone Broadway 9240. j . .Thomas F. Clark Co.. New York, la-136 W. 31st St.: Chicago, Marquette Bid if. i. f- ..-IWrty a- Htype. Ine., California rrpreHenUtitex, Sharon Bldg., San Francisco; Chamber .- i of Caaameree illdf I.ia Angel. TELEPHONES Bnaiaeca Office hociety Editor . .53 or 583 tOo VewPept Entered at the Post Office in Haletn. Oregon, a art-ond rlat matter May 3. For this. Thou shak not commit adultery. Thou shalt not kill. Thou ;hltjdt' steal. Thou shalt not bear witness. Thou shalt not r4t4tFSna if there fie any other commandment, it is briefly compre hVndetl Irf this Bayjog, namely. Thou nhalt love thy neighbor as thy 4$lfto$ians l:, . ,i I ii , i ,r . . : Hit . . - AGAIN, A SUPERIORITY COMPLEX t-.rAwell informed citizen of JV SffiffiTTor the third time. He fiejfinds marvelous changes '(.TChanges for the better .Ahalf hundred miles and mud holes in winter and dust buildings taking the places of " dences of thrift and progress and a fine spirit of optimism on every side- ' I Until, as he says, Salem is the most beautiful city west of the Rockies, and one of the most certain of steady growth and development. . Fine words from a -Stranger. And what we need most is a further advance of the super iority complex here, taking the place of .the former inferior ity complex, superinduced by mossbackism and general reac- i tionary tendencies on the part of a percentage of our popu ' lation. We have many opportunities for, enormous development. Look over the Slogan subjects. The, surf ace has only been : scratched. We need leaders ; organizers. Men with visions, i This is truly the land of diversityi the country of opportunity. We are only started. Salem can grow to be a city of a half . million people, with,, ten millions in the central Willamette I Valley. j WANTED, A DRUG GARDEN LEADER; MANY LEADERS FOR SALEM INDUSTRIES . Lin upon line, precept oh precept, for eight years, the annual Slogan number of The Statesman devoted to that subject has called attention to the fact that the Salem district will in time have a great drug garden industry i That it only needs a leader; a leader with a vision and outstanding organizing ability As such leaders are needed here in a number of opportuni- ties that are open and fairly crying for development. "Oregon must eventually become the drug garden of the ; world!" That is not the idle assertion of a mere tyro or an x idle dreamer. . It is the statement of one of the leading auth t' orities of Oregon, Prof. F. A. Gilfillan, assistant professor . v"Sf phkrraacy, of .the Oregon Agricultural college. ' ;T We lead in peppermint now; making menthol of the high r" est quality produced in this country, and the greatest number tfrt 9 Pounds to the acre, and on the cheapest lands; thus having the lowest overhead v'iAnd we lead in cascara bark; and we can lead in a long .;.tsLf articles. Says the same authority : " ' "In Oregon, more than anywhere else in the world, is found that happy combination of soil and climatic conditions which ia productive of best results in drug cultivation." ; Salem is now. the crude drug center of Oregon, and is ,-cbrl$t3jatly increasing its lead as such especially on account .ofngipWth of the mint industry, which is.more marked in f; 1 Jlarion coynty than elsewhere in this state. 4 ; Salem will have a peppermint oil refinery in time; likely before long; with the present m"Sahm has long been;tbe center of the cascara sagrada trade for Oregon, largely through the operation of Dan'l J. Fry the Salem druggist, who is also a large buyer of balsam fir and Oregon grape and other crude drugs. There should be a crude drug garden on every one of our farmsv""Prbft A.Zrefle, dean of the school of pharmacy of the Oregd4 Agricultural College, has asserted repeatedly that this district can produce crude drugs at one-tenth the expense and with; twice, the yield of .Michigan and Minnesota growers, where the great crude drug gardens of this country are located. That is a" broad and encouraging statement ; . And the wonder is that this promising field has not al ready attracted more attention. The ' industry might ; be organized cooperatively, taking in many growers, inducing "different growers to produce the drug crops best adapted to their soils and conditions. ; . ! V :& -With suctf district must become a great crude drug center in time. It will be follow ing the lines of least resistance ; getting above the dead level xf were fcdmpctition ; doing the things we can do better than otheSrsections-all leading toTgreat and permanent prosperity. t c Prof. R. H. Lewton, assistant professor of pharmacy of the Oregon Agricultural college, adds his testimony, in the tsresent issue, to the possibility line in this field, with the creation among our people of the right kind, of :an; att1tuder or1 complex towards the practica bility of it. ft Professor Charles Cv Clark, before the United States senate l am not a prohibitionist; arid never have been, but I will admit that the effect of prohibition at;Yale has been good.: I hive been a member otthe committee on discipline for many i -vearir and Uhe 'change has been simply , revolationary. We " have practically no business from intoxication, whereas m Circulation Manager Advcrtihiag Hrtr - Manager Job Dept. ' l.iveaiock Kditor . - - Poultry Editor Job Department ... CircuTalipn Office ...583 ...sua - 23 or 10 1927 Denver is paying a visit to was here in 1902 and 1908, and more of paved streets instead of storms in summer; many fine shacks or vacant lots, and evf- boom in mint growing. of great development in this i 4 of .Yale University, speaking investigating committee said: to transact with cases arising the old days we were constantly W. II. Henderson Ralph II. (viewing Prank Jkoki -' V.. A. Hhoten - -W. t!. Conorr - busy." (The fregoing has been sent to the editor by a valued friend. That is a different story from some, stories ii a i i . t 1 iiutt nave ueeii going tie rounus It may be a little premature, but1 the Kimball- feollege fif Theology is preparing for its annual drive for funds. This should be welcomed here. This institution has a new lease of life, under splendid leadership. It deserves the support of every one, and it is good business to lend this support, even far beyond the asking. The American War Mothers are to have their annual carnation sale on Saturday. Every one should buy a carna tion. Every cent goes to the aid of disabled World war veter ans. Not-a cent L spent for salaries or overhead. - Welcome the hundred or are in Salem, delegates, to the gelical, churches of Oregon and o- 1 -O i Bits For Breakfast Proved again m We should have drug gardens m And more drug gardens, till Sa lem is the drug urden center of the world, which R will finally be. Some day, vwhy not-boqp.? ' ... ,; S S The American War Mothers need a publicity agent S S To,, tell the people that they, are to have their annual carnation sale on Saturday. They are to sell carnations on the streets at 10c each. .The carnations- are made by disabled World War vet erans. They. get 5c each. The other 5c goes half to the local chapter and a fourth path to the state and national organizations S S And every cent goes to the re lief of disabled World war veter ans. Not a cent for salaries. No one in the whole great organiza tion ever gets a cent for salary. Not one cent. In Kansas City last year, the carnation sale amounted to $11, 000. jetted $11,000, after the carnations were paid ' for. Salem ought to do proportionately as well on Saturday. Will, if everyone can be gotten to understand, and if all will buy who ought to buy." S On Wednesday evening next, there is to be a meeting at the Richmond school to organize a Richmond improvement club. Men only for the first meeting.- Every man in that part of the city must be presen at 8 o'clock. Put it over big, and make -that part of the city what it ought to be the most populous and prosperous in all Salem. rwOftENC SMITH JfTMCfiT. CUPID, CRIPPI.E! . "Truly, I have fallen upon evil days" sadly sighs the marriage license bureau clerk'as in looking over his ledger he marks the total on the credit side constantly de creasing. "If business doesn't pick up pretty soon I am liable to find myself out of a Job." "That so? Too bad!" The di vorce court recorder makes an ef fort to be sympathetic, bul the satisfaction underlying his. words Is. quite evident. "On the con trary. things with me. are not go iag badly at all. In fact, only the other day V remarked how business was booming. As near asI can.' figure it trt, this year's divorce statistics prove about a 6 per cent increase." TheVe, readers, are the facts. They could be Touched for By no better, authority. Fewer brides and bridegrooms. More "separ ated qpnples" , .v . v - One young girl .writes us: "There is a young man who i3 fond of me and to whom ; I. am devoted. , But I do not want to marry him because I want'to 'be Now Playing at, BlUY DOVfi-VyGa- MAQPIA6E; m m rmm 41 4 '.. fS . 4 f ui me wei press. j ; jri more fine men and women wh6 annual conference of the Evan western Washington. : ' - happy. Judging from the mar ried copples I know I do not be lieve it is possible to be married and happy. How can I expect to find in one man's character and personality all the qualities that are needed to round out my own? Life is hum-drum at its best. Why settle down with a husband and a goldfish bowl and make it nore so? I have decided to make no alliance that will limit my lib erty." . . ' Here is flaming youth off on a wrong trail, .. spurred on by false ideals! It defies love as an emo tion which demands variety for spice. Thrills it conceives vital to one's emotional existence and solemnly .believes theseji are lost to the sanely monogamous. They are pitifully mistaken. JL Says Dana- Burnet, author and playwright: . J "One marriage that fasts fifty years produces more happiness than thre that last five. One complete experience is worth any number of emotional experiences that are incomplete." If by keeping its freedom and indulging its emotions youth thinks to avert ennui, it is doomed tt be COoled. Nothing so thor oughly defeats its own purposes i s promiscuity. BEND BANK REORGANIZED Lumberman's National Will Take Place of Former Firm BEND, Or., May 4. (AP.) The reorganization of the Lumber men's National bank of Bend, suc ceeding the First National bank which recently closed its doors, was announced here today. The Shevlin-Hixon company subscribed 51 per cent of the $100,000 capi tal stock now fully in, it was said. Liquidation of the old bank .will get under way at once. SHEEP WERE GREEN I i v NEWARK. r. Passersby saw green sheep on a farm, near here recently and thought they were a new breed. It was learned, however, ' that the sheep had sought shelter un der a haystack during a week of rain and that timothy seed lodged in their warm wet wool, 'had sprouted. I , O : -O Too Late To Classify I o : 6 WANTED HOUR FOR STRAY BLACK and while collie. Tel.- Dr." W. O. Moorehouse, 1510. .may 5 FOTNI POCK ETBOOK CONTAIX1XO inmpy ami other articles. Inquire I V. Smith-Corona Typewriter Exchange, - 421 Court, - . u5 All Sizes Films, Kodaks, Derek oping Onr Specialty , , Prompt Berrlee JT. F. TYLER'S .DRUG STORK 157 South Commercial -"The" Home of Drur "stori 8ervlce"' A NEW FULLY MODERN 4 ROOM BUNGALOW AND t -GARAGE on Fairmont Hill at s2oo ;;. SSOO down, balance S2S.OO per f. . . . month : ; f CHLRtcn A ROBERTS, Realtors ISO North Commercial . Bligh's Capitol h - t eiAJ9E' f OAHCiS-X. BU?HMA s' 7.. . MI KNOWLEDGE OF HI WHY Man indicted in California for Bank Robbery Heard Pair Plotting SAN FRANCISCO, May 4. t AP) With the indictment in Def Norte county, California, to day of Alex Harold, apd Lawrence Hlosley on charges-of complicity in the robbery; of the Crescent City bank last Junet( new light was believed thrown on the dyna miting of the Southern Pacific train at the Siskiyou tunnel in 1923. . According to District Attorney Ceorge Howe of Del Norte coun ty. Alex Mosley admitted that the robbery of the train which re sulted in the murder of four train men and the subsequent capture of Hugh DeAutremont, as one who participated -in the attempted holdup, was plotted in his camp near Crescent City. Mosley was quoted as saying that the man who resembled Hugh DeAutremont and an older man talked over plans for. robbing the train for days and that two days before the holdup they departed, traveling toward the ultimate' scene of the crime. Coincident With this announce ment came the admission that a man answering to the description of Roy DeAutremont, another of the three brothers hunted for the train blasting, was captured in Crescent City in 192 5. admitted his identity, but was release when officers- refused to believe him. Later, samples of his hand writing were compared with writ ing of Roy DeAutremont and were said to tally. , Dressmaking, Kat Making Remodeling Shop Opens Miss Mildred Oathes and Mrs. C. S. Iseley have opened a shop at 180 South Liberty street.' They will do all kinds of dressmaking, hat making and remodelling gar ments for children. Complete equipment has been installed for the work and fine assortment of supplies have been seenred. The two ladies came from Port land to open this shop in Salem. TRAIN ROBBERY STORY RETOLD AS FOUNDATION (Con tinned from Page 1.) he said, wore overalls and a jump er and looked like a laborer. Revolver Identified He also told of finding an auto matic revolver near the .track, about 300 feet back from the tun nel. This he picked up. When the state introduced a revolver in evidence he said it looked like the one in question 'but he had made no identification marks. S. L. Clayton, conductor, corrob orated Benjamin's story in several details, and identified the revol ver found by Benjamin and enter ed by the state as exhibit No. 3. The identification was made, he said, by marks on the sido of the weapon. Over objections by the defense, Conductor Clayton testified -he saw Charles O. Johnson, one of the four men killed, just before he started to investigate - the trouble. . Johnson said: "Well, Sam, 111 go to the other side and see what I can do." That's the lasC I saw of him alive," concluded the witness. ' Physician Called Dr.'tSeorge of Tacoma whowas traveling In the last coach describ ed the slowing down 'of Che train, the subsequent explosion, the ex tinguishing' of . all lights and the near panic among the passengers. events, covered by all the wit nesses. .... , He went .forward with Conduct or Marrett, where he found John son lying near th track, fataUy wounded. .He raised the stricken man in his arms and said Johnson tried t'o -speak, but before .he could say anything fell back, dead.; -,. All the witnesses gave veldence which generally supported . .the opening statements of G. M, Rob erts, special prosecutor, giving the details of the tragedy, and .most of them were passed without cross examination by the defense. TPDCkHi Tfcoussnis ttf fztlzXs Ccms TO the offices of the Chas. J: Dean organization of Rectal Specialists, Portland, Seattle, and San Francltco, come patients of every walk in life. This great practice is the result of aaaay yura awxcaanl experience fat testing pncticalhr afl (prasof Rectal and Colon aMnenta. Ovrcefebrated ASSURANCE OF PILES Sl'C- l.TTf?S3''iKifrs fee au- wiiLbts aEBvea aw mtmm mm latM CTectiwe. oi qua aoennoc pqo urgicM Baethod over aoapita! opera uona and aajack feaaediea. The acveraat, aaaat chronic cases anfe-piy ri leons' Scad today for fkJS Ifh? piaa I 'lustra ted Hook ml Facts Kectii and Colon ailments. - DU.alV DiiAli M! JLf O o a. o at. o a wihi Krr fOKTlANO CF CCK TTATTie GTTKTSZ AtAW Pr Dkan INi )ln f - J: S a. . t ' . r V- f A - .' ' . WE WILL HAVE TO SRdW CASCARA TREES i. OREGON. IF WE COMPETE 5 -',. the British Are Growing Them Now, and Probably Improv ing the Quality of the OutputOur People Must Get "Away From the Negative or Do-Nothing Attitude in t Regard to the Production of Drug Plant This From Oregon Agricultural College Authority Editor Statesman: AH of us are more or less in terested in -the -economic well be ing of our state. .'We are con stantly on the search for new ways to improve it. For some years men who. have studied the situation have felt It was: desir able for us to cuHirate many if not all of the really important medicinal plantst This principle is really sound and tenable; " In' the interest of uniformity of drugs and progress in the actions of medicines. Our supplies are becoming depleted and Jn ome cases exterminated. .The reason that we have not made greater progress is due to our lack of per spective. What may be undertaken can be determined oiily by experiment. Too often are we inclined to think of certain plant products being confined to definite geographic centers, as the growing of chin chona, rubber, spices and coffee. If we stoo to consider these prod ucts we will find that it is rather difficult to tell just what coun tries are producing our commer cial supplies. The original home of cinchona is in South America and- it is only recently that an at- temot- has been made to restore this Industry to this part of the world. Were we to depend on tne native cinchona " tree of boutn America for our quinine, this al kaloid would be at a prohibitive price'and so rare as to make of it a museum specimen. At present commercial , chincona is obtained from trees cultivated in the East Indies, British Indies, Mexico and Northwest Africa and there is a possibility that it might be culti vated in certain parts of Califor nia. The coffee tree which orig inated 'in Abyssinia and at one time was solely cultivated In the East Indies is-now an important article of export from South America. Until the last twenty years, Indian" Hemp (Cannabis In dica) was derived solely from plants cultivated in India. Now we find that we can grow an ex ceptionally fine drug in the United States. These few examples illus trate the fact that there are very few plants that will grow solely in their . native home and nowhere else. Oregon perhaps may have this brought to her attention rath er forcefully in few years. British' Grow Cascara. Trees , .The British are growing cas cara trees rather successfully in Kenya colony at the present time. Therapeutic trials carried out at the St. Thomas hospital in Lon don with liquid extracjt prepared from the bark,shows it to be equal in medicinal activity with that obtained from Oregon. There, is the very likely possibility that the British will so improve the quality of -the bark taken from trees which the" have cultivated that-the bark from the uncultivat ed trees in Oregon cannot com pete with it. The remedy to this situation is to start the 'cultiva tion' of cascara here in Oregon and improve in this, way so that we may meet the ' competition from outside in future years. Should Experiment More Conditions in Oregon seem to show that we enjoy a very proda tlve climatev and this taken In conjunction- with what has been done in the cultivation of pepper mint and hops. Indicates that we enjoy certain natural advantages which justifies more experimenta tion, and operation on ven a greater scale. . ' ; r j 4s not always easyjto -determine what plants can be .success fully grown in any given -locality.. Only1 actual field" tests can give the correct data. Failure, while It has a practical significance, acts only as a stimulus to the pioneer. Very few plants' exist that have not be Stop That Leftover "Flu" Cough Take Ti. ' Schaeffer's Hertal Cough Syrup , " - old Only At. SCHAEEER'Q ; v DRUG BtOIUS IS-J Tho Orisioal Yellow Trout . Phone 197 JN. ISS.CcziraercIzJ St. come established In someTocality other than the One to which they were native. ' ' ' Except for sqme of the impor tant farm products there have been few plants cultivated for medicinal and industrial use. Throughout the -world nearly all of our crude drugs and commer cial supplies of many products are still, obtained from wild plants. From the fields and forests of the United States enormous quantities Of useful products are obtained. ' Many - Importations It Is.-very difficult to give, an exact; computation, but I. should judge, that from 25 to 50 per cent of the. raw material used in arts hand medicine' are derived from plants growing in the United States. The remaining supplies are imported from every part ot the world. The greatest obstacle that the farmers of Oregon will have in de veloping drug farms will be the high price paid for labor In this country. To, overcome this we must know how to grow medicinal plants and harvest them so as to meet foreign competition where low -prices prevail. Cooperation, is part of our answer. Sufficiently large- farms must be developed to make it profitable for the farmer. Encourage1, Not Discourage . "-: Upon the subject of the culti vation of medicinal plants in this country almost no one. has had the vision to see the possibilities of this new industryl For the most part all efforts have been di rected toward discouraging rather than encouraging this enterprise. On of the chief objections used is that the amount of drugs used is so small as compared with the amount of foodstuffs. It is said that the amount of belladonna which is used yearly in the United States could be grown upon three hundred acres. This limitation may be true of quite a number of our medicinal plants, yet it must also be borne In mind that some of these drug yielding plants have very great use outside the field of medicine. The castor oil plant is a very excellent illustration of this. The seeds of this plant yield a .fixed oil which is known as cas tor) oil. It would seem reasonable that the output from 500 acres would yield all the. oil' needed in medicine for one yea tin the Unit ed 1 States: Bat its uses in ' this manner is infinitesimal compared to its "use as a lubricant for fine machinery. The problem of this industry is not-one of small acre age but of placing it upon "a basis to compete with the lower cost of labor in India. - With the advent of every new problem there are fortunately a few who' are willing to venture and have faith in their experi ments, but there are also a great many well intentioned people who are unable to' see what has as yet not been demonstrated. Many of them are like the man who sees the forest at a distance; to him it looks like a well and unfortu nately he never gets close enough Lto see the path between the indi vidual trees. It is the man, that gets right - down to the problem that sees the light, .makes the clearing and does something for humanity. ' ; . Need Men of Vision ; - 3 W - There are those who - feel, that there is sure- to be an overproduc tion of some crop and that this QUCHI LUMBAGO! RUB BACKACHE AVAY TTutrma.. oanu t ria-tra-tu I - Val Your backache , is caused by lum bago, rheumatism or a strain and tne quickest relief is soothing, penetrat ing St. Jacobs Oil. Rub it right fn your painful back; and instantly the soreness, stiffness and lameness dis appears. Don't stay crippled! Get. a 35 ..' . . a a aaa . cent 1 oouie ox t - Jacobs Oil -from your druggist A moment after it is applied youll won der what became of the backache or lirmham n tn - In use for 6S years for lumbaro iMu-aauac, KWKi, neuralgia. . renu matism or sprains. Absolutely harm less. Doesn't burn the skin. TelepIioEie- For Fre? Estimate On Your ;. Plumbing Jab 'r . ; - DEBS THE PLUMBER Delbert A. Bechfel,Xontractor ; i- .Staiidard,fixtures always repair workall wort ; andiixtures guarariteed-. lag evils. The man whn i- . gent enough to farm Plants is likely to possess -.oum 111.) aTTTianf Ifk. a UU . Mirr WAG U growing a hundred acres of ,h1 ' I today is not Iik,y to p,dnt jV ' er in sweet marjoram ...... V V someother plant that is use1 LT " ' II 1 I I liaw- i . n oiner worda thea matters will right themselves anj possibly new Industrie.-in h... op as a result of oyer nrnj..:.. The fact is; ,f we can , ri Amm na aV V. - a m ' . BOU o: "PPortnnity fc. will develop it to the utmost. , ao one ought to iT . work of cultivating mNJ.. , " eruivsii4 plants without consulting thos. who ran give him some informa tion as to the probable nn.ttit.-fi.. of drugs that may be require: yuB aeaiers wui readily supply information as to market n ; tions and the probable needs at' any one time. - I The greatest danger does not 1m in. overproduction. Some miv takes will be made, but the mis takes of wrong decision will not riuai tnose of indecision. TWr assuming of a negative or "drf nothing position" on this subject means the dwarfing and killing - f hp U'hnU . .... ' . iuuuiem oi cultivating drug plants in Oregon. R. H. Lewton. v.uivuis, ure.. May 2, 1927. I (Mr. sor of pharmacy of the Oregon Agricultural college. -Ed.) " Magee of Klamath Falls Named on Pharmacy Body E. E. Magee of Klamah Falls yesterday was appointed a mem ber of the state board of pharm acy to succeed W. II. Sehullerfof Portland who has resigned. Dr. A. . E. Crosby of The Dulles wan reappoiniea a memler of the board. - Seaside Ore assaying $11 pr ton in gold reported near here. Salem MarkcU ; No. I. wheat, whit $ 1.39 Hf4, wneat, aacted ..-, eat, aacked .-; ' r bu. milliBf , .'53,. - y JITOK AND BEET T f? 4.ootvV; per bu. miiiiD .53 rUBA, MUTT 'lop noga Sowa . Toif atee - Cowa . Bulla ' .j. :. 03Q.O5 1927 Iamb, under 66 lbi 1V Top lira veal" 07. 09 Draaaea vaal .17 Iraaaa pit .1$ POUXTBT . - Light hena . Heavy bena Broilera . Booatera. ..... ..0C.08 BOOS. BTTTTES, BUTTSSTaT -SUndarda , .11 Pound ,, 1 ,3 Mutterrat .41 Cream batter ..43.41 VEOETABLEs . VeeeUblea, beett, aack4 Onioaa, dA. baaeaea New Cabbare .OS .90 .07 1.85 I SO Celery -California lettuce, crate - Local onioaa 01 " Tosr Gar 8 EIBERLINGS . America's Finest Tire ZOS EL'S ISS? tOO S. Ootmaief-Hal Tel. 471 TRY US FIRST SALEM HARDWARE CO. . " ine. . The Winchepter Store , SALEM. ORfiOOIf Phone 179 120 N. Coml IL 1 Thousands of Wert Words spalUd, pronounced, and defined in WEBSTER'S NEW IfiTERNATIOiiAL DICTIOHAJRYr The "Suprmmm Authority" Harm ma a few tamolmm t hot pursuit Red Star Air Council mod gun 8. P. boat capital ship mystery ship irredenta Estbonia rial cascade American Legion Blue Cross girl scout . airport ' cyper -- crystal detector ippio . ; superheterodyne I sboneen a this etareAeaae. mf infmrmmtio mtrmint yomr 2700Pate 6000 IDoa. tratieae 407.000 Wordaaaa CaaatewaaaBioawbaeaiDiaaaaaarr Ce thm B 'r-Write for e aaaapla pace of the A'aaf Word, epeciaAeo of Bcsular and loUU Paaera, FRSK. G.& C. MERRIAM CO. ' ' Springfield, Maaa U.S. A. T i i . i-1 .L-. y . o 'CI tv. I - t V-ii li X -f '1 - . $ . . . K